/ 7^: THE BREVARD NEWS. BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA Fr.:-AY. OCTOEER 27, 1C22T -^4^ER5U5- REPUBUC ANISIU i GOOD TIMES ver^s HARD TIMES $11.00 per cord acid woo' 78. $5.00 per cor4 acid wood. $1*85 bu. corn vs. 85c bu. corn. $3.50 per day wages vs. $.1.50 per day wages. Low taxes vs. High taxes. The Democratic Party doesn’t have to advance any other argument, than the above to convince reasonable, sensible, honest and industrious people that Democratic policies are better for the working man than Republican policies. If you are a manufacturer and make woolen goods, cotton goods, furniture, leather, lumber or other manu factured products, then the Republican principles of government are what you want, but if you are a laborer, farmer, teamster, a cattle raiser, a lawyer or a doctor, then if you will use your good judgment and your good sense, you will see that Democratic principles of govern ment are the ons3 > \. ..nt to live under. Under the Republican rule in this Country, wheat has gone down to 85c and flour has gone up 80c on the barrel, a- suit has been that these .other counties have grown and their citiren>w prospered, while Transylvania has had to struggle ak>ng through thcr mud, and the man with the money, who would have come here arad bought our lands, and spent money in improvements, have been kept away because we had bad roads. We have no unkind word to say of the Republicans, but all we aak is that the people of Transylvania, both men and women, look well iut to the record of the Democratic Party and compai^e it with the record the Republican Party in thb County, and if the voters are left alone we feel sure that the intelligent citizenship of the Coiinty will rally to tibm Democratic Party which stands, and has always s^ood, for Peace aiidl Plenty, Progress and Prosperity. ^ Headquarters DEMOCRATIC WOMfiN Transylvania County Rooms I and 2, up stairs, Auditoritim Building Houfs:^ 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Make these rooms your mcetiDg p'aoe»