TRANSYLVANIA "OPPORTUNITIES EMPIRE" NATURAL RESOURCES FOR LOCATING INDUSTRIES A ra EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVAN I A COUNTY. THE LOCAL NEWS An Idependent Weekly. VOLUME XXVIII BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, NUMBER 3 Breva News COS PAXTON WILL BUILD Believes Building Program Necessary If Brevard Is To Progress Like Position of "News". Mr. Cos Faxton, our progressive fellow townsman, in an interview with the Editor declared that he was going to tear down his old ramshackle box next to the post - office and build an up-to-date office and store build ing at once. "Cos" declared that the "News" was right in its position about the fire traps, etc., and wants to see the town grow and believes it is up to the people and financiers to "tear all th0 fire traps down NOW". He further stated that the town was a little dull, that mechanics, carpenters, brick masons, laborers, etc., were leaving Brevard on account of no work. And believe that a good pro gram 'would help liven things up and put prosperity in "The Land of Water falls". He is an ardent progressive booster for his community and has many thousands of dollars invested in th etown and states that, in his opin ion, the present renters of these di lapidated buildings will be satisfied to stay in them unless the citizens de mand their removal and a progress ive building program. "The Brevard News" agres with Mr. Paxton and we congratulate him upon his strong nervy and patriotic manner of expres sing his opinion. "Let's start a building procram" When will the new brick Bank be started? How about Mitchell's Cor ner, The Bakery building, and the other eye-sores. Labor was never more in need of work. Material will never be cheaper. There is crying need f more buildings. They will be a good investment. What about wiass Meeting to inaugurate a build- program ? Lfi3 BREVARD AUTO COMPANY OPENS FOR BUSINESS: The firm of Messrs. D. E. Henry and C. H. Klucppelberg or the Bre vard Auto Company, which recently suffered a disastrous fire, have moved temporarily into the building on Main Street formerly occupied by Jess Smith and next to the Glenn building. Preparation has already begun to erect a modern garage on the same lot as formerly. A solid car load of Ford Cars, trac tors an, parts ha? already arrived and more are expected every day. The Ford Agency (the above firm is in a position -already to supply 511 their customers wants and have ex pert mechanics, etc., on the job. It was pointed out, however, that there was such a demand for Fords that they must request their patrons to be patient until more arrive; but urge everyone in the market to place their order at once in order to secure an early delivery. WANTS FIRE PROTECTION: 1 Editor Brevard News: I noticed an editorial in your last weeks issue in regard t recent fire and your suggestions about fire prevention in which I want to acqui esce and add a little more. In. the lir.-t place w0 don't .- c, m to have enough watt r pressure and there is too much trash allowed to accumu late in too many places. There are too many careless smokers that do not care where they throw their cigar or cigarette stubs or where they empty their pipes. Ther(. is not a sufficient organiza tion in the fire department. When a fire break: out at night it. takes too long for the fire department to get on the scene and invc.riably the building thats afire goes up in smoke and all the owner has is a small amount of insurance and the ashes. an amount, from youngest to oldest. The town of Brevard has grown to Pay now or, if more convenient, later a position where it should shed its. ih the winter. All names will be pub swadling clothes and begin to look a- lished in the list of monument build bout for long pants. I, as a tax-pay- ers. er who is vitally interested, would be When convenient send cash, so that glad to see the town build a house for name can be entered n paid up list its limited amount of fire fighting ap- at once, which will set a good exam paratus; with rooms furnished for two pie. young men belonging to the flre de- j Tlense f'-r all of vour ivdo-hbor to partment. In. that event as soon as i donate. All amounts thankfully re- the fire alarm is sent in they would be on the job and then w ewould have better protection. Ar. it is now nearly all the firemen come from different par' of the city to the fire house an, get the- apparat us out after the fire has made such headway that there is rv f.: v ' uiidin-' V.'h: i crnrsc" to I ' , t f. -,,-,f cr ' r COTTON MILL HAS STOCK DOUBLED Now Capitalized At Two Hundred Hundred Thousand Dollars To Double Its Capacity. MR. GRAY RENTS PATTON HOME The Brevard Cotton Mills which were recently purchased by Mr. Gray who has had many years of experience and is known throughout the South as an expert cotton mill financier and director, has decided to increase its capital stock from One Hundred tTTous and dollars to Two Hundred thousand , and increase its capacity and output to at least double its present strength. A meeting held in the Brevard Club Room by the business men of j Transylvania resulted in about five j thousand dollars worth of shares be- ' ing subscribed. The object of the io- ' eai business men was to show a spirit of good will and fellowship and to let the new owner know that the citi zens of this community are going to co-opeiate in every way to make his , buisiness venture a success. With the increase in the ou-put j etc., there will be at least double the ! amount of hands employed which will mean more houses necessary, etc. ! Mr. Gray has rented the J. J. Pat ton Home near the Brevard Institute and will move in with his family at once. Mr. J. J. Fatton has moved back to Davidson's River. The citizens of "The Land of Water falls" welcome the new Citizens with open arms, and are stretching out tin glad hand to them. COMMISSIONERS KEEP THE COUNTY AND HOME AGENTS The county Commissioners decided to keep the county Farm and Home Agents for their term of office. Ac cording to the petitions, etc. There vei. nearly one thousand for and less than one hundred against keep ing these posit 'oiis. The question is ed again the next two NEAR EAST RELIEF: Owing to the Christmas activities and the "Flu" conditions, the Transjl vania County Near East Relief, cam paign has been somewhat at a stand still. But we ai. still working and wish to report the following addit ional contributions: M. E. Chinch, $4.50; High School, $2.00; Davidson River School. $k00; Little River. SG.4S; Cedar Mountain. ?.'". o0; Mrs. Juanita Norton, $.",.00; Mrs. D. R. Fetzer, 2.00; Mrs. H. B. Verner. $2..)0; Total, $34.98. Amount pre viously acknowledged. $337.30. Total amount received since November 27, $372.37. Any amount, however small, will be greatly appreciated. Brevard Wednesday Club. Miss Caroline Trowbridge, President. THE PROPOSED MEMORIAL Owing to the fact that it is con trary to all historical and military precedents to have one monument re present two wars; therefore the pro posed memorial arch to be erected at the entrance of Pisgah National For est at the interesection of the Ashe ville road at the Pink Beds, will be in memorial of the World ar and the monument, for the Confederate soldiers will be erected later. It is hoped by the committee that each member of a family subscribe something, and suggested that a pen ny be given? for each year of a child's age. Of course any amount will be accepted from a penny up. Mr. H. R. Walker is treasurer and ail dona tors are requested to hand or mail it to him. Any one can send letter i stating how much shall ' their name on the list. be put to Give name o; eh member of the familv with ceived from 1 penny to $100.00 owned a hou-.c with rooms above, it "ould be just a matter of a fe-v minute- for the firemen to be at th-. fi-'c. The whole roa't"'' as --n-vpr." ' r all of us to pull together for the n r OUR WEEKLY SERMON PILGRIM'S PROGRESS SERIES. NUMBER ONE. THE BONDAGE OF EGYPT. (By Rev. Chas. C. Smith) With this sermon I begin with you series of sermons on the various experiences of the Christian in this life, from the time that God found ; 114 'creiary 01 htate dl('d sudden him in sin to that time when he finds ly at nino 'c'1ock on last Friday night. deep soul rest in the abundant life that is in Christ Jesus. The Christ ian' life is supposed to be a progres sive life, in which the Christian con stantly passes into larger and deeper experience. One title that might be given to ;heser:e,ns a whole is "From iwho had- only a few hours previous, 7' anl mv tnu resis In ine I101 Sin to Sanctification." ! been inf(irn!(lJ that condition was Gra of lhf' Loi'(1" As the Scripture bases for the ser- j -"atifefactory, under the circumtances. A PRAYER: ies I use the journeys of the children Col. Grimes became Secretary of " Lord- mv Go(i' Pive me this as" of Israel from Egypt to Canaan. State in 1900, being the fifteenth in- prance that I have a place in Thy Egypt stands for the life of bondage- , cumbent of that important post. H0 - PurPose. Let me meet Thy will the bondage of sin, while Canaan I went into office with Governor Aycock moment by moment. Let me com stands for the victorious life in Christ. and has been the ranking officer thru plete mv journey thro' fidelity to th Canaan is usually, I believe, taken to the administrations of Governors immediate task. Let me consecrate stand for heaven, but I hardly think Glenn, Kitchin, Craig, Bickett and tlie rreent moment and so hallow that is the best interpretation. In two years of Morrison. He loved the thc entire year. For Christ's Sake. Canaan there was continuous fight- i state and served it well. Hi? office : Amen. ing, and Israel finally lost their land was a model of efficiency which ac- G0D CARES FOR EACH ONE: entirely, being driven out of it, and are out of it now. This will hardly do for heaven. It is better, I think, to let Canaan represent for the Chris tian the best spiritual experiences that God has for His children while still on earth. So in this series the Christian will be represented as travelling from sin to sanctificrrtion. or, I have named to full victory, hence I have named the series as a whole. "Pil grim's Progress." This week we start with the Egyp tian experiences of Israel, and this is a type of a person in the bondage of sin, having the shackles of sin fas tened ever tighter by humanity's hard task - master, Satan. In hu man experience Egypt stavds for three things: Bondage, hard tasks un der a taskmaster, and a life of sens ual ease. Egypt shows the power of. sin. The text for this Mormon is Exod ous 1:13 and 1 : "The Egyptians made til,, children of Israel to serve "with rigour; and they their lives bitter with hard bondage, in morter, and in brick, and in all man ner of service n the field; all their service, wherein they were made t serve, was with rigour." I. SIN IS BONDAGE. Every man's experience testifies to the truth of th,. word of Jesus: "He that committeth sin is the sin." Dr. John R. Mott wa a meeting in one of our Southern uni- ersiucs, ana a senior stuuent taiKed the eighty-fiv,. minutes required m with him privately about his life, and ; delivery. The program briefly: about the hoi, that sin had got on j Duplication of Htfl appropriation him. lie told him of a certain sin, j ,,f $d. 700. 000 for extension of stat which, he said, "committed once in ! institutions. my freshman year, twice in my next. Additional ?!.". 000. 000 bond issue year, while in my junior year, I com mitted it several times". "How many i'ime.s have- you committed it this year?" An-! the student said mov times than he had counted! Sin bound Samson to the mill of the Phil- istines. r.n;; it bin-U thoe who yield to a grind that can not be broken by a mere human nower. II. SIN IS A HARD TASKMASTER. "The way of the trangressor is hard." In Louisville, Ky., while a student there. I came across a family who were in distressing circumstan ces. Thev had moved there some ironths before from an Indiana town. The husband drank an j gambled, and the "oi'.m persuaded him to go to Louisville hoping that he would find a different jort of companions. There he got a job, and reginrly brought home his full pay on Saturdays. One Safuvdav th.- r"v y :s - cdo't ihe nevt still shorter. He had found the same kind of companions, and was drink- ing and gambling aga'n. Soon he was in ebt, and borrowed fifty dollars from a money shark v.h0 made him give a mortgage! on all of his house hold goods, and sign a note to pay $1.50 a week for fifty-two weeks! Soor the man ran away from home, leaving his wife and two children at thf mercy of the loan shark. Some of us got the money and paid the mortgage. But the home was broken up, and the last I knew of tho woman she was pasting labels on bottles in a wholesale whiskey establishment. P;n is a hard taskmatser. The mastery of sin over man is rnrvl- ail the sad der when we learn that man is made ' r, ove-eoe . for Cod ,;?'i l to Cain, "Sin Moth at the door; but do thou OV!' OUR RALEIG COMMUNICATION Death of J. Bryan Grimes, Ex- Sec. of State Duckworth On Many Committees. Politics. RALEIGH, N. C. January 15. Col. J. Bryan Grimes, North Caroli- i 111 nad Dten m with mtiuenza, lol lowed with pneumonia and other com plications. Acute Brights is said to have been the immediate cause of his death, which came as a great surprise to the public and his many friends. . . . . counts, in a large measure, for the, long tenure in the position which ' stands to his credit. When first elect- ed he was thirty-two years of age and he served twenty-two years. The re cord for the longest tenure in this position wan that of William Hill of Rockingham, who served from 1811 to 1859 forty-eight years. The capitol is draped in mourning and the state flag lowered to half mast as a mark of respect to the late head of the Department of State. The Gneral Assembly, on Friday, recess ed in respect to Colonel Grimes and adopted appropriate reolutions ex- pressing sympathy for th bereaved Saturday fa: r.K From 10 o'clock ning until the hour for the funer n the aft'-rr.oon the r.-njnir.:- rest in tile i-)tuiida of the eapjtol and drded- of admiring friends view tor til..- last time, the f.-u,, of tlv i they had known an.j respect . i ing twi nty-;vo long, eventful rs. hu ed m: du Vl The Gem-rai Assembly is "marking time.'.' Not a single measure of state wide has been enacted. Piacticallv a1' committees have 1 i arr.e ! and honest-to Jioodnes.s effort is "in the r.iak- to get so me thin inc." il One Governor Morrison appeared bo fore the Joint-Assembly at noon on i 'iuci-day and outlined his program for slave of the biennial period in a strong me--; holding j sago which evoked applause from his hearers at frequent intervals during for state highways. Constitutional limitation of state's '. power to contract debt of live per cent j of assessed value of property, and establishment of sinking fund to re- : , tire outstanding bonds, I Rehabilitation of fish and ovster industry, with annual planting of 3, 000,000 bushels of oysters, opening of inlet t0 admit salt water and es- tabiishmint of fish hatcherie land streams. on m- Establishment of Water Transpor- partment. Establishment of a State Commis sion of Commerce and Industry. Establishment of Wtaer Transpor tation Commission for the purpose of i. tablihiiig state steamship lines. Tins to carry an appropriation of $2, 000.000. Adibtional appropriation for state educational and health work. The Governor is in dead earnest about the boat line proposition and not a few of the members are, also, taking- the suggestion seriouslv The keiuiie lias uit inaiitr unuei mnaiuo- , , , . , , . ation already, but the outcome is , . . probiematical. o i .u.. .1 . .:,.... ' Not all of the House committees have been announced. To date the name of Represntative Duckworth, of Transylvania, appears on th0 follow ing: Drainage, Claims, Internal Im provements and Journal. Representative Rogers, of Hender son, holds mmbership on Immigration, Mines and Mining and Public Build ings and Grounds. Surrintrnoent A. F. Mitchell, of the Transylvania public schools, was here on Friday and Sanr-iay in con ference with the State Superintendent cY. Pub'ie T-..7!-u,tio?i reVivo to fun is C - ; : ' c " :: HE PRAYER CORNER (By Rev. C. D. Chapman) Remember! One day at a time, and then begin each day at God's feet. Let the first voice to break upon our ears at the opening of the day be the Voice of God. A THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK "I have chosen you and ordained 'you that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should re main" John 15:1(5. "It is a wonderful thought that God has thought upon me. He has a plan for my life. I am not like some drift ing boat on the high seas, without compass or chart, my way is appoint- .i -i i i. ii. tt i . ine ll(K1 oT tn """c cares Ior ln" d'viduals. He knows all the stars by "" He numbers the hairs of our head. Of all the sparrows, not one of them is forgotten in the sight of God. John is expressing his thought of God, as well a his interpretation of Christ when lie says, "He calleth His own sheep by name". God is like a shepherd who misses even one !-'. from His flock; a housewife who seeks for a single coin ; a father who grieves for one boy gone wrong. Of ail the children in the world, says Jesus, "It is r.ot the will of your Father that one of these little ones should perish". God is Father, and the essence of fatherhood i; ind'v children. For 11 that there ar man y is the derhe of us, us St. Augustine low - us ever'.' . : tin wa- hut one of s to love", message of the Book, and h th,. possibility of vital praj un- A PRAYER: () Thou goo, omnipotent, who so carest for every one of us. as if Tho caredst for him alone; and so for ali. as if all wer,. but one, blessed is th-' man or woman who loveth Thee, an i their friend in Thee and their enem-' for Thee. I behold how some thing ; pass away, that others may replace them; but Thou dost never depart. "() God, my Father, supremely good." 'Beauty of all things beautiful, to Thee will I intrust whatsoever I have re ceived from Thee, and so shall I lose nothing. Thou madest me for Thy self, and my heart is restless until it repose in Thee. Amen. HONOR ROLL FOR MONTH FOURTH 7 Grade Nancy Macfie. GA Grade McGrogan, Vernon Ful'hright. an Jenkins. Edna Mason. Alice holson. Bessie Orr. Adelaid Sib stecn, Mordeeia Salt., Beulah V Zachary. 6B Grade Bill Brinkley. Clarence Allison. 5A Grade Dek-ir- Booth. GkHv HubV- ,M 1'.. Charles Morgan, Eva Waldrop. 5B Grade Howard Sitton. 4A Grade May Jenkins, Fred Miller Hunt, Joe Tinsley. 4 Li Grade I Edith Mull. Ru-1 3 A Grade Marv Nicholson, Clarence Ashe Macfie. 1st Grade Marv Sue Jennings. Jack Dow. Aiken Rufus Orr, Ralph Morris. No honor rolls were hande,! i'1 fr , i ,-, 1 i. the second and third h Grades, be- cause of the absence of these teach- , , , . . Via, WllU alt uvia v v i : uam, v i illness. Mr. E. B. Lewis, state manager and auditor fer the W. O. W., will spend the week end in "The Land of Water falls" Mr. Lewis will attend the weekly meeting of the Woodmen on Monday night. buildings. Former State Senator Wm. E. Breese, of Brevard, reached Raleigh on Saturday and will spend several days in the interest of local legislation r.::- 1 -:q:.'v i t.'.'"c-w: :nca:ui':?s. NEAR EAST RELIEF QUOTA Transylvania Way Behind In Allot ment Suggestions and An Urgent Appeal For Aid. t Those interested in th,. Near East ern Relief Fund are earnestly hoping that the quota for this county may be completed, and SOON, while the need is so urgent. I understand we are still about $200.00 short of the a mount asked for and a plan has oc curred to me by which this sum might be raised, in a month's time without hardships, almost with no inconven ience to any one. I offer this sug- gf-' the 'ecu ially the mothers of the county, for I am sure that any woman who has pil lowed a baby's head upon her arm must feel her heart throb with horror and pity the fr.U- of these little i r- rnv in blessed, safe America, cannot cv,;i imagine. Their s-uiTeriags recall those of St. Paul: "In stripes above measure, n prisons more frequent; in deaths often in journeying? often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the . e . In weariness and painfulness, in watch ings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness." Will not the housekeepers in 100 (or more) of our comfortable Transyl vania homes, so plan their housekeep ing expenses, that they can save rv a week for four weeks, and com plete the fund? Even those who have already given, liberally, can do this in addition and scarcely feel P. It only means the price of on,, roast, or one cake, or perhaps two dessert each week, and the self denial would be so small, one could scarcely call it by that name. A wee look at our own id! . or- - and then think of the tortured bah;,--in the Near East , surely we. who be lieve in the brother-hood of nutn. wi'.! open our hearts and (,ur purs strings, and freely give th,. money winch means life and hope t the. helpless ones. "Lord, when saw we Thee an hund red or athirst. or a stranger, or nak ed, or sick or in prison, and minister into Thee? Thn : answer them saving, verilv aid no hall lb 1 sa , unto you, inasmuch as ye did i;. to one of the leastof these, ye unto me. M. C. CONTRACTS LET FOR NEW ROAD Contract will be let on 1-Ybrua; ..' First for the new road from Lak Toxaway o the Jackson County line, according to C. E. Orr. Also tlie contractor is Ju re to start ::ii' work, of hard surfacing the roa I f-oni Brevard to Rosnian. Both thes ' r,;:.ds are under State control.. The Buncombe County (oisii;iisitr c ;- hav,. adopted resolutions endur ing the Asm ville Brevard high'.va . and have appropriate i one hum're I -.housa.nd dollars for that purpose, ai: ! are now seeking federal aid and ce ' operation. This, road will mean ,i 1 great deal to all of Western North Carolina. PISGAH BANK ONE YEAR OLD: The Pisgah Bank held its first an nual stock holders meeting on he t week. Out of the fifty stock holder -about forty were present and eon id irable satisfaction was felt over tlv splendid result of th- firs,, year's h r-i-ness. The following officers ami directors wen- re-elected for ano.her year: J. H. Pickelsimer. Piv.-idont; Bill; Davis. Vice-President; C. R McNeedy. C. B. Glazener, M. W. Galloway, J. II. Pickelsimer. Billy Davis, . W. Crous home. H. A. Plummer, N. A. Miller, D. S. English. T. A. Er.gii.-h. DR. RUSSEL O. LYDAY We clip the following from Th-.1 Clinic Bulletin: Dr. Russell O. Ly day of Brevard, North Carolina, has been assigned to service in Dr. Bow ing's section. Degrees: B. S., Uni versity of North .Carolina. 1 i 1 S ; M. D. University of Pennsylvania, 1120. In tern: Philadelphia General Ho't'lal, I. 20 to 1922, eighteen r.tonth Gen eral practice, in Brevard, North Caro lina from May 1922 to ihe present. House Surgeon Shreveport Charity Hospital, Shreveport, Louisiana. . tt i . e Waterfalb"

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