TRANSYLVANIA "OPPORTUNITIES EMPIRE" NATURAL RESOURCES FOR LOCATING INDUSTRIES 3 r eva rd, EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVAN I A COUNTY. THE LOCAL NEWS An Idependent Weekly. VOLUME XXVIII BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1923 NUMBER 4 News OUR RALEIGH COMMUNICATION RALEIGH, N. C, Jan. 22. The General. Assembly enters upon the third week af tiie session tonight. Many members have been spending the week end with their families and Monday has, so far, been an "off day." Roth branches adjourned on Saturday until Monny night, as has been the custom since the session convened. No law of state-wide signdicanee lias been enacted, but a number of public - bills h:iv- b. en presented and referred to appropriate committees. Some of these are: To make sabbath breaking a mis demeanor, punishable by fine not ex ceeding fifty dollar, or imprison ment not exceed inp: thirty (lays. To 'place solicitors on salaries of S-4,000. instead of allowing fees. To make it a misdemeanor to fail to pay we; l.moii afte r fraducntly b- , tabling work under promise to pay. 'i o make tiie state law conform to the national law in relation to in toxicating liquors. To allow women to servt. as jurors. To suppress the Ku Klux Klan in North Carolina. To create a bureau for the deaf in the State Uopartmemi of Labor and Printing. To m.nlg. it unlawful for -female:; Uihkr sixteen ears of aire to marry. To re (pi ire motor vehicles to bo brought to a fui! stop b.( fore pass ing over or across the riphts of way of railroads. To roqaiip a.Il dogs to wear nmz rdos when 'ru. suing at largo. To require the Attorney General and his assistants to give their en tire Pmc. to their cHicial duties. To subject cemetery 'property cf a!l chases to a hen for all debt; con tret - AMERICAN LEGION PILGRIM'S PROGRESS SERIES NUMBER 2 An interesting meeting of the Pis gah Post No. 88 of thG American Le gion was held Friday night, January 19. About 30 ex-service men were present. A number of important matters were brought before the meet ing, among these was a Woman's Aux iliary and the proposed arch to be built at the entrance to the Pisgah National Forest. The regular elec tion of officers was held and the fol- he nay have clearly in mind the ha- THE PASSOVER OR REDEMPTION 13 y CTIAS. C. PMITH Let tlm reader carefully read th 'tiro !dth chanter of FiXoc'.ous that lowing were elected for 15)2.'?: i ; for tn- sermon. Verses 22 an d 2:) Dr. T. J. Summey, commander; ! ar. the central verses, or the te:.t: Ralph R. Fisher, 1st vice commander; riydt. Asliworth, 2nd vice command er; John R. Hay, Chaplain; V. P. Clement, adjutant; Alex Kh nance officer; Claude L. Iddmondson, historian; A. Y. Murray, service offi cer; 1". L. Faker, sergeant at ana-. And Audi take a bunch of hyssop and dip it in the blood that is in the bar in. and strike the lintel and the , , .-,!. u . in.... i , i, -.t a- scr. !i-i two . a." posts v. no "i' "a n,.--. in tiie b.ism; and none of you shah no out ai the door of Id - house urn:! jthc morn.n.g. Por the Lord will pa a lllGl . - AY LROGRF5SF. The foilov in a item P taken ) ro be P:ck"i:.: Sentir.-d of last weal .red :hows how v. ork on the highwa . the ,'o-th Cardim: line is progress It will be recalled that the con racier, Mr. J. F. Boss, parted work a the Pi hr-n- ",,rth Carolina High v. ay lad December -". At this- t a. 'v m.oved his sA-am shovel flora, i'iok a.s. ami ;ince it has been at wor!; lay am; night. This sluivel is only making a ;rrr!" ami wi;h;!i a short time another one t n 11 be put on tne "ui-po-c The ladies of the Presbyterian 1 though to smite the Kgypdans ; ami church exiende:! 'die members of th when lie seeth the blood on the I,!i:o: Pceioti an invitation to an oyster sup- i a.r-d .;i tiie two side posts, the Lord .., ,u:,,j NV i ! 1 !. graded to Re-dy nu.ol.-ur.g up and ton-.-iini.g. So f..r two mile of the road ;(. d has b-.-eti built. Thi-; P indeed splen did weak. It is going at an avera :'" of (,;ie nti'e a. month. By -'anuary KOTES Prof. Trow bri 'g- wa - a'va.y for a few day: la-t -, ok at a' tending the Convention to Ai 1 Law-AaAg-eeaa r;. V.-v C. P. Firknptrh k cf IPd-ory i hoi ling a si rs of ovaru.'wis.k L I-. tin-, at Pi- !aa Kirkaatriek will iiioire : per Friday night, March 2. How do ! will pa.-s over the door, and will Jan you want them, fried, stewed or both? suA'-r the destroyer to cong. ;n unto Mrs. V. K. Xorlleet of Winston- ' your h-uses to smite you.' Willi this S.-P.em. State Com-naner of the' Wo- ' take 1 Cor. " :7 : "h'ven Christ our man's Auxiliary of the Ani"riean Lc- pa.-ovcr sacrificed for us. C;on, will be in Brevard Tuesday. Thi.-. va a ;::a'it eve : far Janunrv dO from 12 o'clock until :! o'd Pgvat of many ray. -gorious vay -. The de. -:- ! v.h. -, c,.,:, .1 xvj!1 p(1 , o'clock for the pnrpo... of oi'g;n' li rytlang was astir. a Woman's Auxiliary. Ail wives, ina ; daughters, sister-; anal mothers of ex- a. a! service men are reqm -ted to meet wtih Mrs. Xorlleet at the American "'h - L gioai ciu'o room be-t ween 1 and 2 1 .: o!ocl:. Mrs. Ti.omtis Rollins. Com- busy at ho1 u with tlndr own .;.!. j r.-(.t Cove. This will leave approximately '-ia'it more ;ai!es to be bu:h . lids -ix a,i is a surprise to m:i:ax far it a.a.s expected there would be ii.uc'i hard rock in the way. but so tliis ! ;:) ; i'en much trouble. Tiie road, will be 2S feet vide, ;:e! j as having ediarg" of the Ik-x-vard Me -thoa'i-t chui'vii m vi'i;il ye ar ago. t-;'.te : n'eU.bei- of s ; uo ; , t s spent the- v. ek nd a.t their iauaes, a''-""' them bei.-a Ga.rtK ti a-td Ma, ie I. . "of idnr-i i. Lucila o' ;:o'- !':".'!', Ivy Shufofi o'' I. ae:i da r :;a :.".,.a a (." Mar.hvdie. Mis; Mi'dved Martin of W.r. Khoai: . S. C, ha ; be.-a ebla-ej : a 'urn home or. f al leai.aii We r "aYei ve-ry much to 'nave ie r : and boa,, .-ho wiil soon r upera.t--and be v. idi us ii(-xt faii. OUR FATHER Soiv- i-hv" perliap rea:' the stor tod by am- who lah, red hard arao-. the lamd'.n poor of how ho asko i . youth what lie knew of r-'i it;., an. found he had never had any ira-.r.a t:on (, oe"!i . :: ;,) a chiircii. Did h(, r ver p.ray? Yes, rdvh: ,.:, mora : e What did he say? "Our Fathei-" His f i'i' -a ,t suppo;ed tiiat ha a. j the Lor :V I rayer, hip .-hortiv u: thai h,, a'H .v bu', the two v,a, of i: . and ti!! he had m.t fail.- ; f ; , chil..!:o..d to im.-.-l by his nou; 1 side and humbly say "Our Path a" I' v.-a rd' the f ai: m h;e!. ha; '. ma ie th: f a;- h la i , vai. J' voi . I of lo'a- a v. d n, h(. was i.ot !i-appoir-t ! .f V- . ire i ' v.-as w. :.!.;.- i: - 1 ait h uii .- j hear! ' un iy. and leav nor ;, ) ; ,j I sad l i f e. ma': i :r :n a , st , . r ; T. W. -.'HiTlRi ru- , ri" n - who. havin - a'! ad hv ; passed through the land fp-st born in ad the homes of ymiam had die-! at his hand, u ;i ; a iairry c;Ji fo-- doetc."-. a . re.-i en W- I. for ih. ic.rg'fu! wa.y. an: of the Roc'. ics. Re pre s.-ntati : J. (. Widiama wh . ... .- ' laa SVimv,i-i.- i ll'iSiKcteo :a.- .ataae.. sa;d: "dids ;oad will bo one of the -X Ve ; .,, ; ., ... .... ... ,,f ... ..,.1 , !-..., ;K,. a. ct io-;. .!o sg this l oad a a- manden- of tlm AslieviHe Auxiliary. Li the land of Goshen also there wa , a;c.;. ,.;;tiri:s for -uir.p... r Ivan u-p v. ill ai. a be pre. a at. saaai act iviiy. but ,t v,;a ;:t' aci.vity , .,: ,j j;i ; sa'P." Mr. Wii- for the Israe btes wen jjana urthar stated : "I a ot rejaie!;: aettin;: r -.dy to leave tn:s :anl o( ,; with th,. v.- -rk o;i 'hi ; road. YGUR HOME TOWii FiRST Weri; for your home town. t'a'r !a ia!.:g.a P: tin-.- homes the r. '... i1;;t it is -.. o-p-y v.v'l .-n:-i;t Pe-tuitify it. Improve it. Make- it .i. i e no : ad.. v. i".e reiu-:' . nH-a;:.- t'n,. (u-ve- opne-n'. of ta.e .. . l tttraetive. for wor! material fur nished on same. To rest.. re to the rolls ef Confe derate soldiers in county home., audto rovide for eoyaal rates of in rea. : far ail elesses. To re-qu're Supe-rior ("eeart judges to devote full time to the ('c c of their official duties. Io prohibit the cutt ng of Limber j and ptar.t ih' smaller than eight inches in : a eastteiv.I ; t; r, mea-ured twelve inches above ! - abbe eaiaiaa i ii'eod had bee ". .-prinkb-i m ' he -a n;. ... (;f p;,.;. ( r,,untv. and in-'ii o World War and the Treaty or 1 and tho-a ht hit. i t'a.i ' . !v a Help leip to i!n- -our.ty a- a whole." Peace, the Prottdive Tariff and all were saved. I such things are important subjects; i was t he niair ef ih. vadcmniam ha: what's th" coed of cleaning up f L ra I from th k" bond. ,av. in;: the work! t ; 1 1 a ; oU -Veep your own dti-- dc 'ivertu'.ce -'a-- a-' on a -a:.;:it ; ioei- -tops? , ..-ha.raei r, f'-r tiieir v. as a.; b. Tit,, i.v-s : a i at ; - a men t of yt-ur bu- a-r P an thai of til Kg, ptians. Tin '. , lew::- " i i 1 . " ' ! ! ' over t'.e :' Pka And iPeSe is ais I a t . ... a yaa live in. putaiio::, as wed ; . a. town tal dl :'aa a he pi op; a ranee m u.--L i 1 ; ,, 'on from bom .pp- nr.: i ! ail , av ie- i.-o . ,;; P.-yp, rea,, :. at '- :!;.- place of bond;: a tiie ; ...- vt-r come reprtaseuit- tin liiooii a f .ie.-".- .-imp; for w: !"!,.).;'! ion. So : i. ''!: s'a."e i. after fro,. "oa aae i-.- th : -i - la . ; : ;-pg of t h.e ; t ice i , f a p: .a a . Pedempiop :; :,:a- of a'. : i. iau. i'a: i. a fv 1 ' REMEPdBER The Red Lamp -'anaai.n.. and 'on: and acti d bv h '. i n . . . t o t on i" sc in .o a ib: . Siip.i A ! ;! !a . .la-aa:i- 2'' i 'i a - - c :: an p Mr. T. W. Whitnure, p.a.tive son o Tra.nsylv.n'-ia county, may m '. '-.a t P.revar I in 1 Pa n -a ; ; a. .;;;-. in a tei view with t'.m e hp r. M . '..'I' "drc- stat- t!i:., p is id- i a:'ou ' . h.ave hi- .an a r.:y . i. aulo;ii(d.ii'- tai -. a . s in in ..'.' a- ; ... town. TV lim v. di h: :: ': .' ett" am! 'Vac cars. Mr. daa i Vdd:" V. a thousand, of dollars invca' i , ' a- J Land of Waterfaih ." IP s. ; ;: I store building oect'pi ai ,.y ta. iha.a ! Walla i F: ug;::v a..; ta- A- thelwold I i - -1 1 1 building. When asked v. i: ' '. " in s . e P come ha- !: hia:--df. M . Vi:,.p;p slated ,iap there adaip b.- -m i: a p. diekt- . iP- h-!-- a ' a a: a pride for h:- obi i.oaie ;.,. j.j,., . : ' m muni". an. I, ; . ... . : . P a era.: mi ce l n th.ap; brdiian: bu.-im s p" r. a.t s a : ' - 'd a taapv lieeP- a w and i - i a: iuc ii.e fai.h ' tie ai. ea -.; s--.-, in a eye ; car, dnodb.g their ' a if -.- ;l hoar's with light, mii-giin-j- v. jt-, e n-toiii. e v ry rr.ea!. ev. a ta-dp . inno ani pb a--ur--. as-- ('oi:a- a 11 ' ear. to work ti: fa;';i oir e: lives. How ,-h.d . :mh a :-p:: p i n the judgement a -id 1 1 - d "y a the--- throuaii wilfu' o through car ds s pp : .gag; ity, tlirougl: fi-ar of (Pia thei r f a i Pi unto a i; c da p '.' ant., d e , pi . i . ,a I How greiit are Thy i a ivp Lord, our (iod. whiek 'idaa; i... );ire l for all that put. thj,;r t Thee. Thou has' cor.. fort '..! that are in af'iiction. T!.o strength for ail tho-. v. n nre . Thou hast aii M.-atr p that a.v eai and stande. t r; any to ? ad to al! and in ail and yet with enough and to spa re . v '.; it :a aburiPaiu. and w.dr ail ;:; niat'.v are t 'a re t hat e a i.:.,.. t. P a i o i t in an. . 1 v e . id;,,- !!'- "P g : lli'i V. ft;:. li. n-eat. : .... ... aegiin.g tn I, ir.e ground. rik.i require- every applicant for marriage license- to file with the ro il: not la. a-. i - i t,, o: in t he Now I a.aat 'a Pa '; a:a :' .ns ietigl in our P. ad i, A ti: n-, are. i r : ion by oniv the one. 'I he :; p, an ne : are. ( 1 . t e i-ut adia - - in the ma rKe ". re-ai hp ar da ati m ,. l a -. ii:: I 2 ) . to -b. t a! an of." of lif marks an 1 Pe no pa t: t -P-o-f i t' .ii.-: a n, gii, k-osi ' from sin.-. . a' t'ea i'nss- - i'rii ' a - !! P- 1 a a-e , a , -lings in lie- life e Peal. d in y w.-:g. b. -U"ht faoe- t a. a,.!; t : lice of death; tiie,- .a ; Pi 1 -.'. ; lh, na rket !;t-v,-r aa-ae to be -:-po -i u, sab-: atal iatis, -n type, tm y '.el'e !o i-ed p-om tite-ir sip- pi tin:,' deliverance from la yog Wha.t a ' autif ad a.n-i p. A ct tyae '. on: re de nip ion! P i the O'd Te g .iiaeig picture of ;d;ri. t's rad- -aigion a- nrg-x-,Ai.. i for us in the New. I. ESSENTIALS Op RFPFMP TIOX. Firs', there mast be tdoo !. "The biood is tiie life " "The lif" i in ,h , blood." 'id. i : bik'nad ' - (P-csse.s of cigpractini partup : !' a. - the Stai i .-. arv r, PP, e,-..lPtP .. . pi.-ti r of deeils fifteen davs prior to d , ."' '. , .. . , aaa, - t'-r -a- etut: : - Sua nee (a ucense names an,; ad- I ,.. . ., ,. i o erec 'uuo'.ngs - ,1.1 f', . . .i,i r , . - r.ame-s ot uk ;r parent?. I , ,. . ... . , , . , , ; pa l - ;.t tne State i , .sop. P prov, -e that no jnrv tax snail ... . , . . , . , . I !o ere at a inane: ioar : top , :n be cliaraed m ( r m.ina! cases e-xceiit : .... , . . -, - I '"Aa ' 'p i-av. per.-a. jury is actually empitiipiip. ! , , ,, . . . . , , . i '.!'!" oi vdio'g nad !g- ot .t: -pp lo jirovide for tha con truat ott i ..... , . . I pi" niditica! part a . ami matitt: uaece at a sta; a svs'eri j ... . , ' , . , ef bar. Psu: -aeed and odtca dem i d- I , . 1 i Ad , . A , , , -p. . " i.i :ve :i u eai pie ;m'.i.' h;g!P..a s t a!i,e reads. 1 ms mil c iriie.- an a !- ! ,. , , . .. . , i arrv I -a p . at p; : ; . ai.iena.; a sue ot inte-en minion oo,- !ars of bonds to la; issued in t! ie maiancr ami in accoroanc" .v. 1 1 -i tiie ; provision..-; of tiie highway bill enact- ! e i ,iv tne ut-nerai Assemmv two To fu: C01 . 1 . exe -(:, aa text gr i I " yiars ego. To prevent the operation of au tomobiles by intoxicated persons, penalty proposed is heavy fine or im-pri.-emiiH nt. To furnish free text books to the public schools of the state. To create a State Came C.nvp.ttis- , ,. .na for the state and' for : tiie better protection of birds and . othe r game. j To place all confederate soldi and certain widows on th(. pension , , ap: v m" imp k ii a io esig.a-g a -at a e: .a-,; ; baraai 'iis p.i ::: a. . To pr-..'g-nt dumping or p'auing .-av. dus; on pubkc highways. io aOoh-P Pa- P ;. p ko.apta! for : . . i . a . - i a . a --1 . i a- g'age . her oa i a ,.n ! per i . a . a it i -o I ' pot keen a as a ' . ' l a t : ' i e i I ' Pair egiii i n: o i a . ' , ' - .a iu lo' i i .a ,e !.- ajdi a; to YoFR . in- . Ii. Tiiii :-P''P::iTY 0! PPAMEP. "The I.t.r-I Ana a::d wdi m-t . i .;.-.-; i come in u..t o aa '. yep " Til I ki ll dtp i; . i A'Ok i i . r.t i WlAiaia lib 'ig iver t: a- dan;', ruus ';;.::. at -I jg-ovi o- or c;. nng tor i.Meni at ot!a r rdaio e - pi t:i!s. To e-reate the State Ship and Wa rn' i ran.spoigagop Commission, and to pn.i'nH. ' H 'i b ; - a; A-., ve-y '; a: i of the ground of cur sa i. cation. "Witii ou i he sil'-d-Piv. of blooil tiler,, is n : remission .f sins." Ii'oo-j is e.-sen- g w n ti g: :a . ' a on.: d d - a. P p. an- tie- -a id : A A- ' ! v amid ia- - : 1 id l O t iie kou--e wiu-'- t a was. ang tie- Pa v,e i.d : aaaitt-t the di stroyi r. 1 beta.- ip this pgpUl'-a t 'er ;p. When ana of us k 'a i t . A v, 1 co na a, into the Hoi e . i i . 1 l , 1-, 1 , . P igi'.i a PlgPa A - .ji.-iiaa () !. :;, A; to aa i i liP as o dti !' P. a : i fai . d tisa l wo: i.s 'oy k -.-:.'.. a - with. :: : Ad d :',-, n aierial tl in-. ; an ! a i'a in th' A spiritual raeaa.g: iliume- the v.-c.r'e! 1 y t:e a!' sets. - ;al, siiia-- : the day a: ! A at . ie-. o.uite (Pit o'" ()ur ' Xpi 1'. T:: is tiie PCl-tioil ti, provided f o - Thy pee; I. eg T a- u: aa ad Ps this f '. gia- us viet.-ry evi r t a o r og ;( Ives tiei; .- ;l.d! lent in all te'ppggp.g ; oil' cenauerar.-, am! me: (pietc's tfirop.di Him P Amen. Th fa p. gi B ! SHOP-Af: M MOR E by a . ! oi 1 , . . .a ,-,.,. ' Or, .-'und; i. at c I -t.a t or rem :-.ip tfa. g d-mt: I diat r the i-suanc,. of state he Egg ivtiau - could Israel be sav.-.! onus for stini pul-pose. o:i Pair own merits; Amy were ' To prevent sew rot assaults and b. en-dyed in sin. Judgement was v' giraudiiigs another strike, at the sited on Pgvnt, and Israel mu- pei.pae ot county boards oi educa- --u Klux Klan. t on and county supi'rintendents of Locr' Flatters puma- ins, ruction. , Ranrc. e ntative Duckworth of Trail- to know thai their redemption was To Provide for the election bv the know that their demotion -was tin: chaise'd at the cost of life. They nee i ; o 1 1 s e T Mi a Pp tile a'' ' a "My s!p -. hi ar my p.. risi-.," Jik H(vw TPP KLOOD .V ALPdA T with a ignite af by pop. This was a ti--- .are a : n., -. u: i, ity have ii 'ri- i and ip: e'-;' h ai e La : tov. ad.- add i s. , w a aa-' MATH A TAS! A hi C LiP Mr:, ii;;:::- P ads ' A-lPak; ; d A. a gk -a . Thur.-dav at h a paa-- . e n p.p.! c .Miss Od. ii Pisi-op. ii.m.-diw t- and Mrs. (.; W. ikshep. en i a- r. nest Ashmore, a . !;:;:- a' bu-i man: a'" Givenville, S. C w :. u: i ; ; ::",.''a.i'. Ti o bride wore a b. autiikd tr: ing suit, of 'due. and carr.-.-d a 1. of bridi-'s rose-a ddia church was P ate f . d.: .; ated in '. rare: .;- an : ' - v , ; -. Mi s Dean Pd-P n ..:: a..- ; A--f tiie bride, was bride's ' ::'. a ' : Sir nuv l.-ci-iag ia 1 ie i a. r-1 , P.. e .. After a sbm oca- j man. sided ove r by Ii r-p C llowi'lg oreap-.. To investigate the state painting syivatiia ha-- offered a bill to place matte r of grace based on justice-, very cott-ti :: weed which was ea.-ih touching contraetiural relations and his county under the provisions of This teaches the necessitv of atone- obtained by ad. and represent-- in dp methods of placing orders. the state-wide primarv law. His bill meat for the covering of all guilt, scrg me of our redemption faith. The j To change the time for holding increasing' th0 rn mhership of the Blood is necessary for redemption. Wood is applied to our hearts by faitii j '' ,V( .'''.'.'J,!''11,-' primary elections from June to Au- ('ounty Beaar.l of Education has not, A good life is insufficient; good in- on our part. Any one may have mat. I ... ... - - eust. ; been reported out of committee, te nt.ons fa!! short : just love wilt not L does no; require great brain imwe-r. . digram. ..-um nor high standing, i nuiT-asMnv. rape: o- Quite a host cf frag- wa--. -g-p and deii .'ious r"f -a-baa --s w. serve.! at the homt. of the ia-i.b-mediately after the cevmony, af whi -it tho brida, and; greom h f; the hi- futurt, lumie iu C.reeuvi'le. S. To a'"oiish capital punishment. I Mr. Duc'twor'di saw? he will siihsti- -.-,ve. for (bxi's i-haracu-r must be ore. nor education fhr. n::m of .T-w-.nT, f V; ! 1 r.A, - v s-r:-i-.. I --,.1 .ii-P -.'-. i-t .f.v .V tinli- F."dth is that, act Ol the WlW bv whifh I -Oi' Hi . t j"'1 l" " v,-ini---f for that of T. II. Calloway, the rea- and He must always so act as to the sou! commits its eternal int erc.-ts Mrs. Denver rmmoj' v t''pC""' ; son assigned, for the change being make man believe in His holiness, into the keeping of the two cruciiie 1 j ing talk (in "Pun'ic ,-, -g ; T, rwdact hilring mm by t,H. laUcr h.... a nu,nb(,r of in. vdld'a b.lood is essential for redemp- hands of Christ. The Passover land- I Carolina." Mrs. Harris - euAing employing corporation- to surance risks on school nronertv. tion still iust blood is not enouirh. ' v as eaten by Israel with bitter herbs, i musical sedrctk, us eaiii I OFFICERS OF T. E. L. ELECT AT !, -na.vmg p-rv.c,, ot c ig- A I j i c P disqaalbk s him for service on Ih There must be shed blood. To ThA may well represent for ip lament J which were vary much et jo;. j ov utiUg- service oi sucti cor- ti,f. i-n-ra LPli-.-.-aP,,-, !,,- -tu u-p,.i ,v, n,,-i s,. i,,- -1,,. .a,,,,, ,-pirp. Thar is often a bitter thing p.- ) A num'ier of et',c-,s wor, .i. i-.v-v41.14 j i J.MIUCIUHM1, UliVit I U(t V L L1L U 111L ieillU; U LI L IC'V L-IIV UV'Ui - potation. ; law. of an PwmhteA boa-e wonk! no: ' wo do it, but it brings to us the very 'also a full attendance ev c To reduce aire of iuv. mile crinii- i Renresentative Roe-er-a TIemlerson. have been avniiini' to hnve savid i lif e of Jesus in our souls. ! hers, who enjoyed the a nals under iiiratPiai ot has introduced thro Loral bills. One !the 5:fe of the Arst-born. Tiiere Crr.nt that car'.! or.,, who rea , -. t pa i .ie n-istess sc rvea juvenile courts fpo::: :ixpg"i to fotr-- of these au'h'.ri-'.'-, the county com- v ou have been b' ' ' - 'di! : teeri vei": of sirn ' nas..:r;ii'?; to .1 '.,i-P. n ,,-fiiti'! ' 'h k'no 1 Ie ' '' I . To r-ouire auto trucks to carry outstanding indcnetodtH-ss ; another a mirror so attache-! fh-t tb(. driv-.-r j to valida4" t!a- lio-tds of the county: or or, ra'or of said true'- ran se ap.y ' sPll pnoPmr to ygfiind the t'oa'A-p" pi vehicle eoniiag un fram - r :ir p.pd ' deiadgpe p. 'ieV ill Che- ' - :w h" i'o iect s HA u-c ' - hxt. Clir-Pt "" - - f --. : :; for ay with v ppe'ptatie" toward ( ".-!!. ?Cii i. I .1, Par' al i.e." r tA'a'ien ia Ciwi - o't c t' -. p. soger -' Lamb r ai:i c" vs 1 - "do mem noon, e t.i-aig, salad course v iih tkipa A ( aa" an ' hot cofTeo during th.a s- aai ha if hoar after which the ci::'. a! i gp p...; t meet with aim. Hear" Rag a ':: .7 a imry t!". Mag P.. .ah a . a id - ' ' ; : : :: age of ; g. 'ra. pp . " ! Las: wee!: there w as a ma etiitg ' the T. E. L. Ck; : at the bona. ' Mrs. Kate DeLong and the follow A. ':: ! ofi'c-. i .- for the comiia-; vwtr w . ; elected: Id-, sidenA Mrs. C. . II. K!gppp " bur- Vice-President, Mr?. C. Pick'.-'. -imer; Secretary. Mrs. A. Haataton, Treasurer. Mrs. W. M P p-y; Teacher, Mrs. A. C. Can, Assistant Teacher, Mrs. A. X. Pe,p After the busir.or--' was bad hod .. lieieus fruit punch and cake . serve.! and a social hour cgje-wpk 1