4. TRANSYLVANIA "OPPORTUNITIES EMPIRE" NATURAL RESOURCES FOR LOCATING INDUSTRIES New revai EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVANIA COUNTY. THE LOCAL NEWS An Idepfendent Weekly. VOLUME XXVIII BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1923 NUMBER 5 a OUR RALEIGH COMMUNICATION RALEIGH, N. C., January 29. The bill bearing the names of Dough ton, Connor, Bowie and Moore, en titled: "An act providing for the con struction and maintenance of a state system of hard-suurf acc and other de pendable roads," has passed the House exactly as it was written. On the final roll call two republicans and five democrats voted in the negative. The bill carries an additional issue of fifteen million dollars of bonds and contains a provision advancing the tax on gasoline from one to three cents per gallon. Three amendments were offered to the bill on its final reading. Burgwyn of Northampton, who vigorously op posed the highway bill in the Senate two years ago, wanted to amend this one by giving the first district an ad ditional appropriation of $1,000,000. Quickol of Lincoln proposed to amend by providing that the entire fund be distributed by counties on the ratio of their' contribution to the income of the Highway Commission, and Coward of Jackson offered an amend ment providing that an equalization 1 town and county and the "Teat pro fund of $3,000,000 be set up to help rrisive state of North C arolina. In needy districts. These amendments tendy proud of North Carolina's mil- TO THE BUILDERS OF THE MON UMENT, NOTICE We hope that every man, woman and child in the county will subscribe toward, the building of the monu ment for the soldiers freely accord ing to their means. We want all of the people to help build this monument, as it is near to the heart of all. Let the baby in each family give 1 penny and each child a penny for each year of age, grown people as much as they can. We hope that the business men and our prosperous farmers will each give $10 or more We are expecting some of our rich citizens to give $00.00 and up. Any thing from one penny to one hundred dollars. We must raise fifteen hun dred dollars. Let each family v. rite a list giving the names of each member of the fam ily, with the amount subscribed by each. These names and amounts, wiil be published in the paper fo all to read in the honor list of the build- I ers of the monument. Give the money and the list to the one who presents you with the sub scription list, or mail the :-ame to Mr. H. R. Walker. Brevard. N. C. We all love and arc proud of our 9 n a ' ? mtm mm SCHOOL VISITED Mh ifiil School Is Placed On Accredited High Schools List of The State Shows Progress. BREVARD ROAD PROBABLY BE CHRISTSENED "GEER HIGHWAY" Local Balsam Camp 116 To Banquet Propose Min strel Show Hold Furman Board Trustees Recommend Highway Ce Named B. E. Gcer Or. Friday, January 2(1, Dr. J. H. ! At the regular meeting of the local Ilighsmith, State Lispec' Th- famous Transylvania highway, now under construction and which, when conrpietcd, will connect Green ville with EivvaH and the recr.ic bda- terlane Of 1 1 ll : amp -NO. lib, Woodmen ot the I terl.and ef North Caroiim will bo . I-.. ........ I -. . , i i.'ih i c.nti i ii r pi-i'Liu Li'e "im, urns i.i Lnuii lKui-iiuu luuiih . ua;iH';l tiecr Highway, in honor work of the Rosman High School with n Monday nighi, January 29, a com- I 0f pjen E. Geer, Weil known local a view ot placing it upon the list of ; mittoe was appointed to arrange for aetrecuieo nign cnoots ot the Mate. nanquet to oe held on Monday night (worked untiringly in behalf of uraduatfs irom such standard schools ! 1 cbruary 12, 1023, to which all are admitted to any standard college j members are invited to be present, of the State without examination, and I It was also decided to have a min furthermore upon receiving credits ' strel show in the very near future from a six weeks term of summer and plans for it will be discussed at school such graduates will be granted ! the banquet. iTERTAINMENT WAS Betterment Thanks Everyone For His Co-operatlcri Want New Members For ist to a State Elementary Certificate teach without examination. The State Inspector cxj-iressod'him- manufacturer and business man who the road, if recommendations made by the board of trustees of Furman Uni versity to tlit- Greenville county le gislative oeiecation at a meeting in , the former in Columbia, vestorda Th.-i entertainment givea h day night, by the Betterment A---a ciatii.n, was a decided success in c-vt rj way. The members of the Betterment wish to express their grateful appre ciation and hearty thanks to e erv member of the cast in the play ;o.l m the n, ;i the aecer are adopted. The rurman authori- A movement was also inaugurated to build a modern fraternal home for the local camp and much enthu- seif as being highly pleased with what ! siasm was shown by all those pre- ne loum-i in the Kosman bchoo! and ; sent. A committee was appointed to ! large amount of money to make the '";I!1H'' giant tne charter tor a ' nave plans and specifications drawn i road nossible. accordin standard nigh school this school year j up and to report at the next ties voted to recommend that the great highway be named in honor of Mr. (Jeer in view of the fact that lie spent much time and contributed a to announce- the meeting vest r I nj. ..;, iu iei,"in at xne next meet- ! ment followim as soon as two requirements are met ! ing. Among the many arguments day. ;n full as follows: First the school 'used in urging a home was the un-j Members of the county delegation. Library has already met the require- j usual large membership in the local ! in making the announcement in Co- rtc-Pe- m the numocr of volumes, but in the number of distinctively High ; School books a small deficiency was j found which will be made up at or.ee. i Secondly, the required numbe r in a- ! '.id that the rt comment provoked extended debate but the pro it; irv record. Road again the nr fi ve rage daily attendance is at present tarv re -o celled by none of the Un'on. Of ali her brav tory will tell you that "the I at os ot th soldiers, his- mouiitain ponents of the measure wi re strongly entrenched and succeeded in nutting' it through without change. The usual biennial eifort to change the method of electing members of ! men" reaped especial glory in all of county boards of education and ' our wars. Car mountain boys added county superintendents of public in- p;Per to the already great military : traction drew the fire from many record of the :tate. The great Thir members when the matter was under ! ti ;h Division was composed of two eon-'deration last week. The orposi- i UI1it.- from North Carolina, one unit tion won out by a safe majority and f10-.n South Carolina ami one unit the present system will remain iu ;aet j f-1(ini Tennessee. The latter were for another two years. i descended from North Carolina The Baggett anti-mask bill, aimed nock. York, of Tennessee, was a at the Ku Klux Klan. was given an j mountaineer. Therefore --how our rd of North Carolina, unex-la ulM f nation Mov.-. win to Fiu. camp and it srapid growth not only '' Umbi; in membership, but in the society's j of th,. Furman trustees would j.naneial assets. I veach them within a day or i . , - .... . runner details m regard to the i formal font proposed grand home vill be publisl ed from time to time. r.very member is urge 1 to be pantomime; all who sang in ' cal numbers and choi u-es panists and directors. Also to Mr. Fred Miller, who ga .e valuable help; Mr. Band; Mr. '"l -m-nt a:;d Mr. Hume Harris, for as sistance in advertising; Jerome a."-I Pushell, Patterson's Store, and Piui -mer & Cobble, for materials; all v.; lent furniture for stage settings 1 members of the committees who v. i,: k ed hard. Mrs. Silversteen, the director, v. i .- -.-es particularly to thank all the iso ¬ lation i an(' 'n's who came so faithfully n ; unfavorable report from a Senate commit tee. . but the author hsoueht it to the floor on a minority report for the purpose of debate and a ro'l call. When it came up as a special order a motion was passed creating a special committee composed of Senatois Varser, Baggett. Johnson, of Duplin, Armfield, Hicks, Harrison and Heath. This committee is charged with the duty of drafting suitable le gislation concerning the regulation cf secret societies and consider all such bills introduce; in either branch of the Assembly, it is suggested by a number of the law-maker? that there is a popular demand for such kgislation and an effort may be made to respond to the sentiment. Governor Morrison's bill to '"crea.te the State "Ship and Water Transpor tation ('(.mission, anel to previtle for the is: u.inee of State bends for said rui-poso," received the o. k. of a spe cial committee in the Senate. to, which it was referred, but when it wiiue up for second reading a mo-, tien pervailed which carried it to the commiti.ee on appropriations. The proposition carries an appropriation , cf $2,000,000 (in the event a corn- ' mission to be selected for the purpose ; f investigation, shall report the mat- j tor feasible and practicable) and a ! r.ur.tber cf the senators are a hie j skeptical on that account. Bond; i---:uc: are coming to be all too common to suit the views of the average le ts i to and ti'ilisr.Hoo price mi o.: hoys by lei : 'dines the m ; a;; - vlvan i: ".; soldie rs r mouu- "lument of the World War. tiTi'J me a, ua. ?.':.ke it the most beau Tit in the state. C. W. HUNT :. a.d otner nines-:, but as there a.re seera! new siude-m.-. prospectively, in the near future that requirement v.'ill be met hi fore the end of the year. In the fjualif'cation of teachers and the necessary equipment of iho school every condition is met. The Course of .-f.idy is approved. T'h- system of ivcords and grading in force in Ju scliool met with the highest anprov:.; of ";he inspector. The legularity of attendance and th.e absence of tardies ihis year in t!',; a'. e ; , :.! ..f ; elaa-i, ha !, -en ; i-mi'-ahiy met in the following maeao:-. ! which the nuiiiber of tardies and absences has been reduced sever: 1 hundred nor cer.t. and uuanev i -n 1 ! a - ihi,. ciiief of nolic. sent a able ti evenin Or e I-: the :e :s nredicte. 'liquet di an.ii for pec an enjey th.e v. r.oie that THE RED LAM? Jane: Fri ird ! lay l.ignt. x tterment 2'.'. A.-sociation ef tlie ve:y ful in every ' The er.tert "ia:nme it Well-. d ir.os! was i suec Mar Ran : cf rar.K l - I'in-ni c .imir.ated : TRUCK GROWERS TO MEET will in- Then tl'UCK i.SO court hull J o'c'oci;. peri ecte d he ca Cte: nici O L n.en; e roa-e list el Ever; tc m: Will to b and o ,- ma:; TL U-!i: pu;. o:ec o s of coui.-ty at Ai: Tuesdav. Fe bruarv " at orga:i::r-.t!on will b- this time, diicciars wiii and permanent ananas es maoe relative ,o m" grown, varieties x. b ..i he-- tilings of interest, j ir, the courtv v. no cor. Pg potatoes, cabbac ; or other truck crop should, make : ' spi -dal effo rt to attend this meeting i The maeia-r in which the organiza tion will be handled will be decid c iy o. ine vi;iage n .ni" to the 1'i ii morning to rece-i j-ort s of absent ; of absence is n n.aia s iiis i-eur-.i! whiai a. lawful e: .-i-e-i f.-- a; 1 V.'iii b.- a ti- : . .a i ..... .. ;n encag -,' of'ice every each. 's ea a oiiicc r "vestiga io.i. i-t eiiiu-r h tiu r Miss : t n ie.'.on ay. s Mi! a I'r.oru. ;n Si've: com -d-em Rie-lla Ke . i ike n an n. i.i . : -ic : : Inc!;Y.e; tn an Tiie c-'-crr.s with : ' ;. as received .vsiTi i on iikeb : 0 il md that notice of the request would be given early cor.: i deratio?i. Mr. (Jeer wa.s one of the eiirliest at,d most jiereistent weri'.e r. I'.i behaif cf the thoroughfare. It is vnder.- toon, of course, only that, r-.ortion of the road in Greenville county, or rus.ni the North Carolira. county line b,,. named. "Gear Highway." road as recently authorized h State Hig'hway Con. mission sin. I ty authoi ities wiil conned Giver.vi'b via Cle'eland with Brevard. tin Nh.rtli Carolina c.Unty already hav- ing constructed a good road from j Brevard to the Greenville count;, lir.i ! Mi-mbc it- of th-e county delega.tiiai ' o a ; The after night to practice. Tito public may be assured that ti proceeds will be used for the go .1 the school and town. The Betterment takes this oa-ae, tunity to express its appreciation -all who hav helped in the years, p: ami to cordially write any intere.-t- , j woman to r.tcend its meetings, on ti , i last Monday in each month, and -i , become active members. Wli Nidi".' YOU. .oup- DEATH OF REV. E. ALLISv FUNERAL SERVICES LAST SUNDAY '.N Fnr.3ral Preached in Brovaid B.-.p-tUt Church. Buria! r.t Oak Grove a Pen e-l. the -t . i.e .1,1 It , I 1 : U e " h ahsenca v.dit to -.-1-ooi i ha-- work. ! U- is-, ta-- ii- a, : d : - LJ . Moer-:aiod and Mr.- c-.aeo.-ed I ill: red ; wa.- .1 ; -O t l.aai iVOntd oe da- ! dv.e of e-a spring f 1 'J2-! , when i seises would !:!: ly ! 'i iie t:c v ro;id veil ir. o- t in.postan; and U'lnev Sont 'i Car. lin a . o fo: po-un- a-no tint or virgin in ! n G am; afki pea da i. .o 1, ATI ENDING COUT IN BREVARD iPld Je! evc;r.-?l Citi: Prominer.; ens CaMcrJ Pickcr.s Coun! a-. Witnesses at tlii:- meeting, every one1 who joins will have a voict. in it-- management, c it is important ihat all who ex pect to join the association be here and erpi'e-s his Peer-ires. All who are willing to tr.ko an ac tive part in making this proposition a success are wanted ar.d urged to join at lite sart. fo-- r.on-members will not r'(-!'ivt. the ran tion as merreers. Pro- that t or-con- Supevv;sor McKinney tells, ti a special term of court has he d( sad at Brevard, X. C, and "raved Motiday for the punm ;e of hearing the case of Pickens and Oco--ee counties vs. E. 11. Jennings. Many x uncos eou-uy ciil.el"is will go a una'e-r Pit Bi-evard to 1 hear thd s cf lowing; citizens ha tve -res : Sh eri.r been R. R. to Tin- -rol-ummo ned Roark. E. R i pe i ;-.rr a- ! '. :-. is we : i rev Macde, r, - rt' a ..r. i with M. n'e Adce-n. The h ip ry humorous and cp it iiy the audiepce. a IP id" was ihe was rendered by tiie Tha-y sang the Shied: can.'.des and were en- h.arudy. The pa jama dissos Katherine l.von. Eiiaabetli Shin man, hired lavton, Annie arge llOe mal-c ti adjacc at .el aa; e-. ville coniLiercia.ily Vi ork on t hi- road i en t he top on e h : v. U 'i e-n ville with Br. COUP. var-i On la ; Undav a; M., Rev. Elijtih dvllison passeci pr at his home in the country about . miles out from Brevard. - ?Jr. Alii.-, was one .f the oldest men in ' h section, being S.' years old on Ja 2, which was the day of his but i. He was one of the few remaining ; Baptist preachers who had a w- that was state wide, ar.d w! j known by reputation from it Pis tO 1 Mr. Ad time road soil TiartiiPi o i t i pear the i a ot 1 oe ( 1 1 v.a o . , 1 rro t it to Pie , Pa" moiitlis. : been un; it i ss. to i were 'p' son. Mi o: coa.-t. m 1 to been -t'oe some tin a on accoutr tit.' ii-Puse. ht in to the . Id Aid. on l. hi ick for .-. :. e b. fore :.. . of fe, b: His ren ad ii,.:...- o i a f.-w h..'.; v.efe !P JOHN GLENN J oit: siED THURSDAY it. did s ; as v. i tiie considera- - Fooper, Supervisor J. T. "d.-Kin tcts of the i "OP Wade H. Chastain. W. J. Mo- i OLgPe i ile ,..ay e ntitit-a litPPtrd Boot: attraction am aide t.iivers.een. The Real Bant;)," ta last plcmiid. Th? 'nirliir v t t :e.ve fir. teas lnera- islator and the ship line bill may ave rough sledding ahead of it. has by no He wdll not be convinced that the suggestion is impractical. But it is the Appropria tion Committee's next move. I members w ; tion ahvay: non-members can be handled to ad Torn Cantrell. Bill C Lredl. Then if products e f ; Robt. Moselev two-act i won However, His Excellency means given up the fight. nd Ti. E. Bruce. Pickens and Oconee counties are ! care of. ! suing E. II. Jennings as owner of 1 Attend the Toxaway property, for damee-es ' dr n vantage they will be taken but at a larger commission. this meeting, then join the or;: :r :i - a. rvi'n en -,, i . r . i i zaiion it it suits you. 1 ,ew .i-..a'. away tne i harr, We want all who havc the will and , bridge and did other damage along "stickabiiity" to help us make truck- ! Vhitewater and Keowee river. This ingffte biggest agricultural asset the j voridct was returned fcr the Toxa- Ini-' sustained when the broke and washed Toxaway - p.- ; nttracicrs e-f Mis es (Jenrudo Falls, Miriam Silver steen. Gladys Kiipatriek; Messrs. B-e.nton Mitchell Aleck Riser, Ralph Duckworth. Those who were in at tendant- tc-l IPl ilt p.p. other entertainment. latter low; or.: :i,t e- Thursda ha.d b, en ir. ill h laaths. but it the eie.l was of it is death was a gt s many trie pis here. ; ;..ptppithy is expressed lor reaved family. e;ed at ir.g. H save r;d to until the. hour for the funeral vice, 2:d0 o'clock Sunday afterno: At tliat Itotir tne 1 1 c-ondatctca! in tire church. Rev. Citas. general direction o lie macie a short ta Vi. Led 1 .-r ., pasee- church., of which - nerai service w. Ida card Bapri '. Smith had ti the scrviee. a- lie. as did R ' . . of Little Hi-.. tot ' me he: ugb ht taken charge of -.la i id- . . , --v ; : s lattil'cil. Pi v. recea i a 1 tin ALVIN MOORE TALENTED: (f"E. i'ui-H, wtio, ouriag his pa. a.e in Br-.-vard, wa.s a tiH'cad fr c,f Mr. AHisott's. and it had bee--request that Mr. Puett preach i P. n era ( bimnlvil - u On several occa-i our pleasure to be e.s n nas Pe- a entertained by are in hopes that ihe Bet- . Master Alvin Moore and although vt vssoeia.iicn will soon ut on 1? A..c-in o t i it Tln t Vi nf Trnn. , , r f,T u ;,in, ' county has, and, with a determined ef- w.v owners. However, the case wps lvama does not tancy the idea ot ' . , J . , iort on tne part oi inirty or iorty -.i.i: iu me -orin e arohra bu sy- hanging around the capitol unneces sarily and betook himself to "the land of opportunity" a few days ago to spend thed week end. But he was back in his scat on' Tuesday and is Jeilvl .111 lllCIU , Hill lilt iu u veil ed. His bill increasing the member f.hip cf the county board of educa- I farmers as a starter, trucking will ' 'r,rn InA'nVn lntn fl?e Vu 'rrrfi ii,Plnc: try the county has. preme Court and a new trial was granted. Pickens and Oconee counties are of both Let's get together Tuesday after- represented by Jas. P. Carey, Jr., and Sam B. Craig of Pickens and Hern don & James of Walhalla. Easley Progress noon at 1 o'clock and lay the foun dation for what promises to mean money to the individual and we.; to the county. Yours for success FARM AGENT R. W C, and P. J. : O.. brought in ; f grouper and A GOOD CATCH Evtre't, ticn has run the gauntlet houses and is how a law. Senator Zachary is back greatly improved in health and feels that he -will be ablp to remain until the con- ! fails of passage it v;ill not be his elusion of the session. He has been fault. When a bill from home reach- ; in an Asheville hospital most of the os his desk it remains there only a time since he left here three weeks I very short time before it finds its j way into the legislative hopper. The road bill is practically- the only j j ji i i measure ot importance tnat nas a T-ood start through ''the mill." But the next few days is likely to witness greater activity in legislative circles -nd the February Tind will show re- MISS MARGARET E. HOLDERBY ago. Former Senator Wm. E. Breese of Erevard left for home Friday after spending some 'days looking after le gislative matters. Representative Rogers of Hender fen keens closely behind local matters and if anything needed for his county uHs of a more 'ac.cr. M'"?s Margaret E. Holderby, daugh ter of Rev. and Mrs. G. AB. Holder by of Rosman, leaves Tuesday fo an extended visit with relatives and friends. Miss Holderby- is widely and favor ably known throughout eastern and western North Carolina, having taught successfully in both sections, having also held a responsible pos:" tion with the Southern Raihvay for a number of year.'.. M Ca Sh est er. onctav atter Pisgah Forest, N. orrisy of Cleveland, catch of ",00 pounds :thcr varities of fish ending the day with i vcn were always unu.-ually deli-rhP ed r I can truthfully say that we were 1(,rn,-lp(! .'na! a-v- ,e! le- b-a WO"1 !'.-- I : ful manner, mastery of voice, tope ! and denths s'nown in the solo rendered j ; by this fifteen year old youth. Alv'r j is undoubtedly a future master and ! those who heard htm predict that. te proper opportunity, tra.t t- O. sen pi. J. Sullivan aboard the launch Everett landed the htr.p- a 2S-nound grotPt- iner, etc.. h" will be one of Antei :c: DEATH OF MAMIE ROBERTS ZACHARY: He is u ' d e i The little three year old daughter of Mr. r.nd Mrs. F. P. Zachary of the Dunns Rock section died on Friday, January 12. 1023, at the home of her parents. The little body- was laid to rest in the Cathev's Creek burving ground arid: pp. on , i ot lower; AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH Sunda-- School each Sunday morn ing pi- o Tit 'In the lane cf Waterfalls' in ten dent want ber there ;;e:-:t ? : 13. e pastor and super o meet every mem Sunday morn in a aJ greatest musical stars. doubtediv a genius. The iteo this community are proud of this ; ive youth and there are many whr clare they have never heard ?uc wronder or been so thrilled by both voice and piano as when rere.lere '. Alvin ?loore. LLOYD-GALLOWAY as reqt Mr. Puett made the t'ip Sunday i: his home in 1 igeipviihn S. C. A la crowd, which overran the church, tended the funeral. The burial, which was at Grove, was in charge of the Mat of which fraternity Mr. Alp-ct for many years a faithful and et thusiastic member. Mr. Allison leaves a wife, a t.i Mr. S. F. Allison of Brevard, - v. daughters, Mrs. Paul Powen, of Pr vard, and Mrs. John Bird, of Rosiru. and a twin brother, whose home i Columbia. S. C. Besides the- i . are a tives. large number of other WEDNESDAY CLUB MEETING here A marriage of much inter. the many frienrs cf th.e groom took place in Durham. M. C, Wt day of last week, when Fulton E. Galloway and Miss, Ruth RoselaPe1 Lloyd were married at the residence of the bride's parents. They arrived ir Brevard Thtt-.-.tlr . ,ftei"-,eon and are maitirav th tt- fe-s- pi tern con and ience at Mr. a Mrs. Pert te vo'tp. t : Gallc The Brevard. Wednesday Club tret January 24 with Mrs. WaTus. A number of guests was present. Mi Pettigreen was an out of town gue. t. Program on "The Parent American Novel" was in charge of Mrs. Hay. She read a most interesting artie'e on the subject, followed by extract from "The Glimpses of the Mcr-nd' p ad "by Mrs. White. Mrs. Brec-e gave us a very clever satire in rh--ppo on the book '"Cytherea." This an original paper, written by : s. Jack Hine. After delicious refreshments -d.t? club adiourned to meet with Mr.,. T. M. Allison. Y

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