FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1923 THE BREVARD NEWS. BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA WHAT EVERY BOY KNDW ! How to be interestine. How to settle any argument. , ; How to get fruit for nothing, How to dress In two minutest ' How to create a laugh in company. ; How to keep a bath tub Immaculate. ! How to improve on the dictaphone. ' How to save money on Btreet-car fares. How to dispel the tedium of a house bold. ' How to polish a banister most effi ciently. How to get full benefit out of a va cant lot. How to get along without a step ladder. How to keep pillows from getting lumpy. i How to fall asleep without fin ophite. How to beat the daylight-saving system. Row to escape boredom during a sermon. How to make a favorable impression on a tkg. How to get around the one-pleee bathing suit ordinance. How to got more than the market price for a catch of lish. Life. FARM JOURNAL SAYS TV don't rare how much a man says If he only says it in a few words. Evil cannot bo fought once and done with. It must be fin ed and conquered day by day. It costs loss to keep a coal fire over night tlian t leave it go out. Sallie Ann Ivins sajs so. Girls, mistrust a man who will not take the last lmt cuke, but prefers to wait for the next batch! At this season of the year, out of respect for their aire (if not ot all seasons, in order to do them jusiire), potatoes should be baked. Just think what would happen if. when you needed a doctor, you had to wait as long for him :is he sometimes has to wait for his' money. Peter- "You didn't have a very good time at your birthday party yester day." I'aul "I did so!" "You did? Then why ain't you sick?" One of the saddest and most vexa tious trials that come to a girl when idle marries, is that she has to discharge-her mother and depend upon a servant girl. Uncle Levi Zink says that to the American boy there is an awful, a majestic difference in weight between the butt end of a tishpule and a hoe handle. GERMS A million microhes may be found on the point of ii pin. The germ theinry d' disease holds there Is a specific ""pterin lor each defi nite disease. Micro! es are never found on gold coin: paper money is an ideal harbor ing place for them. Webst-T defines bacterium: Micro-K-opic organism of various forms and shapes; a disease germ. Bacteria are minute vegetable organ isms, many species of which are harm less; others are harmful to man. but all are of mere or less value in the economy of nature. The average number of bacteria in a teaspoonful of milk, kept under the most sanitary condition, is,UW. Some d" ihein are probably doing use ful work, but the others are decidedly pernicious. The grm theory of disease implies that these living organisms are com municated from an infected person, principally by food, drink or air, grow and multiply In the body with which Ihey have come in contact and produce the disease of which they are charac teristic. VAGARIES OF HUMAN LIFE More men than women are color blind. Four per cent of children are left handed at birth. Only one man in 200 is more than six feet in height Medical science Is unable to explain the cautje of warts. ' One side of a person's face Is better looking than the other, and experts agree there Id no exception to Xhli role. GOAL We can furnish you with GOOD COAL at the market price. When in need of fuel phorx J IS. 2) ea venSin ia rd Transfer Co. CITY PRESSING CLUB J. E. WATERS, Prop. Phone 94 1 Cleaning Pressing Dyeing All work turned out promptly Main Street Brevard. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE BRE VARD NEWS. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Brevard, X. ('., January 2h, 1023. Proposal for Reinforced Concrete Bridge. Sealed Proposals will be received -.nit! - o'clock of February 12, 1'.2:l. by the Road Commissioners of Tran sylvania county at their oliieo in Brevard, X. C. for the construction f a reinforce.! concrete bridge ovt r -.he Flench Broad River at Penrose. X. C. Plans and Speciticat ions for this bridge will be on tile in the office of the Road Commissioners at Bre vard. X. ".. after January 2d, !'.i2:l. Alternate plans, subject to approval !v the Komi Co:umi.-iont rs, may bo -ubmittod t.w days prior to date of ".pening bids. A certified check for -"(H). OH. made payable to T. II. Shipman. Chairman, mil i j-.-'comp;...;.' ach bid. The Commissioners reserv,. .he right to reiet any or all bids. CHAP. E. ORR. Kcrctary NOTK OF SALE I'iider and by virtue of the power :if sale contained in a certain Peed ;n Trust from A. II. King1 i his v..fe. Ilessie R. Kin-, and II. ('. Sims o the undersigned Trustee, said Deed :n Trust bearing date of October 21. I'.cjp,' and being executed to secure .i itain indebtedness tin rein name.!, imi default having- been made in the ayment of said indebtedness. , In rc"y the power of sale contained ei said Deed in Trust has become operative, and all notice- required under the terms of said Deed in r U .- t . effect! n g said de auii having been given, and said de fault not having boon made good, and 'he holder of the note evidencing said ;.-.!, eiedncs.5 h;vhig requested the ;t;ie :signe ! to advertise and sell the Is embraced in said Deed in Trust be applied upon said indebtedness ,f.rr paying all the costs of said sale; ow, t!.( refore. I. thy undersigned i'vusfoo, as ;. fore-aid will, on I-'ridav ''ebruary If--"., at 2 o'clock M. ;' the Court Hou-e door in the town if Brevard, Transylvania county. X. sell to the highest bidder for cash, he following described real proper ties, to wit: First Tract: Situate, lying and leing in the town of Brevard and on .Vest Main Street; beginning at a tone on Main Street, SO feet from he southwest junction of Main . and 'ahiwell Streets, and runs with the outh margin of Main Street north '4 deg. west. S., feet to a stake. Mr Minn's corner; thence at a right angle o Main Street, south 26 deg. west 132 feet to a stake; thence parallel Main Strict, south 4 deg. east feet to ii stake, Bishop's corner; hev ce north 26 deg. east l:J2 feet o the beginning, containing one "ourth of an acre, more or "less, being pari of Lot No. .").' as shown on he ieot of the town of Brevard, and eip.g- the lot on which is now located vhi- is known as King's (birage. Second Tract: Lying and being in he town of Brevard and on Caldwell h reet, and known in the nlat of said 'own as Lot Xo. 6.": beginning at a .ike the corner of 'Lots Gl ,G4 and and runs south 6'4 deg. east 1C Yet to a stake in the margin of Cald ell Street; 'hence south 26 dg. west 32 feet to a stake; thence north 64 Yg we'd. 16.") feet to a stake, corner f Lot Xo. 66 ;thonc? north 2G deg. ast 132 feet to the beginning, con ini'ig one half of an acre and being he hinds on a corner of which is lo afed what is known as the Snelson 'kicksmith Shop. Third Tract : Lying- 'n Transytv'a :a county, X. C and on the waters f Sutton's CrQek ; : Joe. e inning at" a one, George Orr'sf west eorneB, and ms west -10 poles to a stake: thence, uth 41 poles to a small hickory; Vr-nce vest -o2 poles to ft pine; thence north 33 poles to a stake; thence west 62 poles to a stake; thence north 162 poles to a pine; thence east 90 poles to a stake on Long Branch, said Orr's corner; thence down the branch about 40 poles to a maple; thence south 10 deg:. east 8 poles to a stake in the big spring; thence north 57 deg. east 4 poles to a stake; thence south 83 deg. east 10 poles to a stake; thence south 58 deg. east 18 poles to a locust; thence south 75 deg. east 10 poles to a stake; thence south 41 deg. east 29 poles to a stake in the. public road; thence with the same south 3G deg. west 20 poles; south 32 deg. west 18 poles; south 9 deg. west 37 poles; south 25 deg. west 10 poles; thence south 4 poles to the beginning, said tract of land containing 102 acres more or less, and raid boundary co vering two small tracts of ten and fourteen aeres respectively' hereto fore conveyed by G. A, Cash to F. YV. Hollingsworth, and conveyed by him to II. C. Sims and specially mentioned and intended to bt con tained in and conveyed in this boun dary, and described as follows, viz: First: Described in a deed from Geo. A. Gash and wife to William F. Hollingsworth by deed dated Sep tember 28, 1917 and registered in Deed Book Xo. 40 page 210. Begin ning on a large apple tree on the bank of the road by the garden pail ings and runs south 47 deg. east with the road 20 poles to a stone; thence south 72 cleg, east 20 poles with the road to a maple; thence south 34 deg. west 41 poles to a stone; thence north 59 deg. west 40 poles to a white oak; thence north 34 dg. east 10 poles to the beginning, containing ten acres. Second: Described in a deed from Go. A. Gash arid wife to Willie F. Hollingsworth, said deed dated June 23, 1919, and registered in Book Xo. 43 page 158, Deed Records of Tran sylvania county. Beginning on stake on the bank of the road near an apple tree, Hollingsworth's corner and runs south 34 deg. west 40 poles to a white oak; thence south 5!) deg. east 40 polos to a stake; thence s. 34 deg. west 30 poles to a stake; thence north SO deg. west 25 poles to a hickory; thence north 4 deg. east 95 poles crossing the creek to the road; thence with the road south 05 deg. east 35 poles to the begin ning, containing 14 acres, more or less. Fourth Tract: Adjoining the fore- j going tract ot land ,and beginning j at a Spanish oak and runs north 57 deg. west 253 poles to two chestnut j oa.ks on what is known as Middb Ridge; thence south 33 deg. west 127 : poles to a stake: thense south 57 dog. eat 253 poles to a stake; thence north i 33 deg. east 127 polo." to the begin ning, containing 200 acres more or ' less. j Fifth Tract: Being the same kind conveyed by P. F. Cureton and other- to iico. iian Dy deed (fated .tune 17, 1917, and described as follows, viz: Beginning at a hickory on the Fire Scald Knob, in the old J .L. G; lir.e, formerly Sumner's, now T. Fat'on el al. corner, and runs w -h t h 'he r line 14 poles to a nine, th- corner, on ton of Fire Scald Knob; thence with the top of the mountain that divides the waters of Suti..n Creek from Silver Creek to the main top of Sutton's Mountain : tlvr.ce with tiie J. W. Alexuim'-.r line a northeast course to tin- Gash lit: the tract last above described: th with that line north 57 deg. we- ot to the beg-inning, containing more or less. S;x;h Trad : Adjoinim. 30 i. uds. Beeixnin::' e;i ; ; e a t v on . : .e -ou;n siu leading up Sutton Cree line and i tins sou; It 33 poles to J . Y. A'e thoro-o wiih Alexander": o f i -u lod line: : 1 1 i i ! Ue I'til i.'i i 'nest ;i ut oak e. a I : t hence deLr. easi 70 easj 70 nob'.- i., ;: and hickorv oak nw east with the old M'.lh line ; o'os h the i : a let'e to tie- old Gash Gash line north no; 'Inn c" v nhou; nob service t, -e. (la-h'-st.ll with Gash's line to the beginning. corner: north 1 1 cotUainii acres, more or less. Seventh Tract: Referred t h Deed in Trust as eighth, tract , and being ail that tract of land. lying a. id being; in Boyd township, Tran.-Iva-nia county. X. G. Beg-inning at a. bridge on Boils; on (.'reek in the Rlantyre road and runs north a 2 lcs. west "1 poles to a stake in the I'od ston road near the yard gate of tiie old George Orr house; thence north, oeg. east with said road IU Doles ! to the corner of the garden, 1'. I'. j Orr's corner: thenc,. with his liiv l northward with dividing ridge 31S j noles to the top of Pine Mountain, i Ratton, Banks and Sumner's corner; I thence south a 8 deg. west with R;it ' ton's line 97 poles to a stake in (lash's line; thence south hi deg. I east with Gash's line 158 poles to a Spanish oak; thence north 4 deg. east 28 poles to a pine. Gash's corner; thence south 86 deg. east OS poles to the long branch; thence down and : with said branch south !3 deg. ea;t 37 polos to a stake in said branch: 'thence south 2!l deg. oast 12 poles , to the head of the spring; thence ; down and with said branch east 14 poles to the long branch; thence down j and with said branch 44 poles to a ' large beech stump on th... bank of the .branch; thence south 34 deg. east 18 i poies to the Boilston road; thenc( un ! and with road south 36 deg. j west 36 poles: thence south IS deg. west ."2 poles to the old Miller corner, ;a stone marked "DM"; thence south ee deg. east 44 poles to Boilston Creek; thence down and with said creek 06 poics to the beginning, con taining 160 acre-, more cr less, ex cept 8 feet, along the Miller lino deed ed to William Baynard for a road; this being the same tract of land deed d from T. B. Sims and wife to II. C. 1 2 S'- - -. by deed dated September 10K. and registered in Book Xo. I ':1 at page 2.V1 of the Deed Record? j "or Transylvania county. The proceeds of said sale -to an ply upon said mdebetedness, mtere-t commissions, costs of sak etc., the surplin, if any, to be pa;d to th" said Grantors named in said Deed in Trust, as their several interests may appear. This 1923. the 22nd day of January, D L L. E. ENGLISH, Trustee 4tc. D. Why You Should See The Lumber Dealer First About Owning IT is a well-established fact that many homes which arc "built to sell" are both poorly constructed and contain only the cheapest of materials. Consequently the layman who knows nothing cr very little about materials cr ccnstructicn cfp'rr.cs dees not get full value fcr his money when he buys a house which is already constructed. It is often thought that the lumber dealer is merely a merchant whose business consists wholly of selling such materials as are re quired for construction work. Instead, he is a man with a thorough knowledge of and wide experience in all matters pertaining to build ing. He is the one man who renders, and is able to render, more real service without cost to builders and prospective builders than any other party or parties connected with the buildirg industry. In the matter cf hemes small hemes especially arc his advice rrd eivice of special value to the builder. To consult a reliable lumber dealer about Owning Your Own Heme is to insure yourself cf getting the most and the best for the least money. Many people who would like to build instead cf buyirg hesitate in so doing because they believe that to build requires pay ii 'be entire cost at one time. This is r.ctsc. It is .just as rasy 'c the building of a heme as it is to buy a ready built bi use tn terms. We will gladly explain to any prospective heme cwrcr hew crii'y the financing problem can be solved. Let Us Help You "Own Your Home5' M V M ) ')) V ) ) j) ) M -i) V M "Done?" Yes we finish our day's work and spend the remaining hours at what we think is rest. But come to think, our eyes work 12 to 18 hours every dav and during that time there is never a stop or rest. A perfect pair ot eyes is rare. Nature is seldom ex act, so it is hi"h! - important, if you suspect your eyes need assistance, that a relia ble optometrist be consulted one whose knowledge, skill and experience are as surance of correctly fitted glasses. DR. S. ROBINSON Optometrist "Know Us By This Sign 7$ l'atton Ave, Asheville; N'Ttli Carolina Note Watch this space for announcement of Bre vard date. NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Justice J. Miner, de ceased, late of Transylvania county, X. C, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of the said Justice J. Miner, to exhibit them to the undersigned at the office of W. E. Breese, of Brvard, X. C, on or before the 12th day of January. 1924, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt- ed to said estate will please make ini- j mediate payment. OSIE MIXER WRIGHT, Executrix of Justice J. Miner, deceased. Let Us Print Your Sale Bills LAND DEEDS AT THE OFFICE. NEWS Your Own iller Supply Com J. A. MILLER, Manager V V M V ) V J V V S) ; v You see May mean weeping in smoke or in sadness viewing the rtiins of ycur home. But Insurance shows business ability. Mean3 sat isfaction in protection. Means Contentment of mind. Means the saving of a lifetime's earnings. Means the comfort of old age. Destruction has visited your neighbor and our neighboring town It awaits us. Insure while it waits tomorrow may be too late. Brevcrd Insurance Agency T. H. GALLO V M' nager Brevard, N. C. revarb Brevard, North Carolina I ;:iRTYiENTS College Preparatory. Normal, Music, Business, Do mestic Art. Household Economics, Agriculture. ALL L EPARTMENTS are directed by t ac'iers with special training and large experience. They know their business. INFLUENCES of the Institute are alone worth the c st of i l'ti :i. OPENS ON SEPTEMBER 7. i - -",..)'-."-' 4; J - , A I "jp-HBiCTrMaowwgT vtv.TL!LrrTnfgm'q imff--v.r- TIIg,r" '- Av..iA.awssbu rjunu . J 'ni i'ir-"r-- Viiii! nil' im iii"i ii'iri" z, Warranty Deecs and Deeds I H ome y ' V J V ) ) the results of Institute in Trust at News offiee.

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