BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. SSI TEACHER PAYS IT GLOWING TRIBUTE die KITCHEN CABINET (iC), l'J2;i. Western Newspaper Union.) It is true that often t lie tilings we hope for fail tt put in their .appear ance, hut think of the wonderful com pensation we Ket in the Rood things that appear so unexpectedly . 1 lu.U. Luscious Made With Raisins -and already baked for you SAVE the trouble and the time of baking pies at home, yet give your men folks pies that are exactly to their taste. Master bakers and neigh borhood bake shops in your city are making luscious rahin pie fresh every day. Your grocer or these bake shops can supply them. Taste them and you'll know why there's no longer need to bake at home. Crust that's light and flaky tender, thin-skinned, juicy fruit, the juice forming a delicious sauce t There's nothing left to be desired in a pie. Made with finest seeded Sun Maid Raisins. 1560 calories of energizing nu triment per pound in practically predigested form. Rich in food iron, also good food for the blood. Make cakes, puddings and other good foods with them. You may be offered other brands thnt you know less well than Sun-Maids, but the kind you want is the kind you know is good. Insist, therefore, on Sun-Maid brand. They cost no more than ordinary raisins. Mail coupon now for free book of tested Sun-Maid recipes. SUN-MAID RAISINS The Supreme Pie Raisin your retailer fhould sell you Sun-Maid Raisin for not more than the following prices i Seeded (in 15 oz. blue Tko-) 20o Seedleu (in 15 oz. red pkga.) 18c Seeded or Seedless (11 oz.) 15c Seeded, in tint (lioz.)ZOa Seeded, in tins (Soz.) 15o CUT THIS OUT AND S V. N D IT Sun-Maid Raitin Growers, Dept. N-540-1 3, Fresno, California. Please send me copy of your free book, "Recipes with Raisins." Bl Name Street.. Declares Tanlac Ended Indiges tion, Chest Pains and Palpi tationLost Strength Restored. TIMELY TIPS ill. ue Package j Cm. Statf Few Purebred Bison. Says the Pessimist. There are but '.'.''.11 pure Idoodool "Married 1 ai ne-s i- the period he- biM'ti in the world, and '.'.C f these i rt ,.,) huvipu the furniture ami sellins I. re Ml '1:- Trilled S'ates. of which if." -Krlil Sliiip. .mh one hundred are running w :!!. - " Kt man hugs the .lehi.:,,n that A hai is : - t get ; , takes soonT or later he Will invent Sotlie- wars to liiiih! a cbnrnrter. thing that will n.jiki1 liifti rich. Use glyeerin instead of oil to lubri cate the egg benter, meat cutter and such utensils, as it will not impart a taste to tfc. food. Rub the grater lightly over a burned cuke, hold ing it so that the crumbs will fall off. If carefully done all of the scorched cake will be removed. i To dry lettuce tiuickly for serving. ; wash and wrap in a large cloth, step nut on tlje porch and whirl the cloth wveral times. This will dry the let tuce. If time is not pressing, just hang ii in the cloth. A v chest of soft wood, well oiled' a year with oil of cedar is just as effective against moths as the best cedar chest. To clean a rusty knife, thrust it into an onion and leave it for a short time. When washing dainty white under garments, add a tahlespoonful ol' sugar to the rinsing water; this will stiffen and gie them the new look after iron ing. ('lean velvet with gasoline-moistened cornmal; rub well, repeat until all soil is renyived, then brush with a stiff brush. Very delicate velvet can be cleaned with flour and gasoline, making a paste, then proceed as above. White gloves may be cleaned with this same method. A few drops of kerosene on n cloth will keep the bath tub and sink clean. Save all bits of parathn left from jelly glasses. A small bit added to the hot starch will keep it from stick ing when Ironing. A piece used with the stove cloth will keep the range shiny and clean; It will aNo eep it from rusting, if the Move is not in use Into a pan which lias been soon bed. place a ten- nful of soda ami e..hl water to cover. S't on the hack part if the stove and the dish w ill bo .-a-ily cleaned after standing a.i hour or tAii. liuffah. bugs am) moths do not en joy t urpent inc. 1 'ut a small w ad of cotton hatting uioi-teno,l with terpen tine in hies or drawer- where such insect- are found. W'hr ! lea r. v . a at t no t. Ka-ial- aata.-r l-ar .'. ia' naaa a total h1 k at' , ,iu!i!:, aui it i!o. s ao-an frce.Iom 1 1 a i : i i that w !!.!. v.oul.l han.j'-r aiai wiil.hoi.i you rro!:; s.e s.s Atkinson SEASONABLE FOODS "Tanlac has improved my general condition ten times more than I antici pated," recently stated Herbert A. Gup till, a well-known school teacher of Kezar Falls, Maine. "My trouble began with a sudden loss of strength. Almost everything I ate disagreed with me and caused a sickening sensation that remained th me for hours. For months I found breathing difficult on account of in digestion, and had such chest pains and palpitation I thought my heart was affected. I also suffered greatly from headaches and nervousness, seldom slept well, and felt fired and worn out all the time. "Since taking Tanlac no kind of food hurts me and T have a wonderful ap petite. -I have gained ten pounds, breathe freely, sleep perfectly, and feel as strong and well as ever in my life. Tanlac is certainly a superior medi cine." Tanlac for sale by .all good drug gists. Over ad million bottles sold. Advert isement . Ids- In Rural Maryland. "1 low did v on know that w a trb't of Columbia automobile'.-" "I can distinguish any of "ei in the distance," rephed farmer Cornlossel, "by the rattle of their numerous tags." SHE DYED A SWEATER, SKIRT AND CHILD'S COAT WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Pach package of "Diamond Dyes" con tains directions so simple any woman can dye or tint her worn, shabby dresseg, skirts, waifts. coats, stocking, sweaters, coverinps. draperies, hangings, everything even if she has never dyed before. I'.uv "Diamcnd Dyes '- no other kind her, perfect home dyeing is sure because Ilia mond Dyes are guaranteed no; to spot fade, st real-: . or run. Tell your dnijra- whether the von wih to dve AY 9 SICK, CROSS CHILD NEEDS "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" MOTHER! Move Child's Bowels with this Harmless Laxative Children- Love Its Taste If your child is constipated, full of cold, has colic, or If the stomach is sour, breath bad. tongue coated, a tea spoonful of "California Fig Syrup" will never fad to open the bowels. Tn a Millions of mot hers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea spoonful today may save a sick child tomorrow. It never cramps or over acts. Ask your druggist for genuine wool or sib; or mixed gi r whet her it i- linen Is. -Advertisement. few hours you can see for yourself "California Fig S';. rup." which litis dl hovv thoroughly it works the eor.siipa- ; sections for babies and children of all tion poison, sour bile and waste right ; ngo printed on bottle. Mothers, yon out and you have a well, playful child 1 must say "California" r r' U may get again. ' a u i a : i " a t i on s, r . ; . . ract ;v e sauce to rv e I Hg, g-j. IQ Mining German Potash Healthy Crops The South learned years ago that Kainit and the other German Potash Salts pre vented Cotton Rust and other plant diseases, and at the same time greatly increased the yield. Scientific investigations now show that both Potash and Magnesia are helpful in combating plant diseases. All the German Potash Salts that are used in Cotton fertilizers contain soluble magnesia. If you will insist on having your fertilizer contain at least 5 per cent of Potash de rived from Genuine Gennan Potash Salts, you will secure at the same time enough magnesia to insure against plant diseases due to magnesia hunger. For Tobacco, and for those Fruits which are injured by Chlorin, the fer tilizer .should carry iO per cent of Pot- ' ash, derived from Sulfate of Potash or from Sulfate of Potash Magjiesia. Use the latter if your Tobacco leaves are not sound. SOIL & CROP SERVICE, POTASH SYNDICATE H. A. HUSTON, Manager 42 Broadway New York City POTASH PAYS to the. center this p'ace a and pour the Sprinkle with A Uio-t a with c.,M i.'inb ,s GrcenOlive, Mint Sauce. Take one-four t h of a cupful of vinegar, one-fourth of a cupfu! of eai It of orange juice and chopped olives, one ta b!e-po,uifu! of s u g a r, one-fourth of a cupful of finely minced mint leaves l'.et stand after mixiiiL' on the back of the range for an hour. Serve cold. Lamb, Oriental Style. Take otjc poutiil of the shoulder of lamb, one fourth of a cupful of chopped onion, one cupful of lamb broth, two cupfuls of canned tomato, two cupfuls of string beans, "pepper, salt and six tublespoon fuls of flour. Cut the lamb in two Inch pieces, brown in a hot, well grea sec" frying pan. then put into a cassei!e. l'ut the fresh beans, onion, toinaio. salt and broth onto the meat and cook until tender, well cov ered, ibauove the meat and vegetable.- of i he platter ; around bonier of cooked rice gravv around the lice, par.-ley and serve. Bresd, Cheese and Custard Dish. - This is a good dish for supper or luncheon: Spread slice- of bread with ;i thin coating of bailor and sprinkle generously with grated cheese. Place the broad in a v oil buttered baking dish. When bread and cheese suf ficient to serve the family is placed pour ever a custard, using a pint of milk, two eirgs and a bit of salt and paprika. Dust the top of .he dish thickly with paprika and bake in a moderate oven until the custard is set. Servo hot from the dish. Properly fiaked this dish will tie like a puffy omelet. Chopped Steak en Casserole. Put two cupfuls of finely chopped steak in a well-buttered casserole, season with celery salt, stilt, pepper, mushrooms and tomato catsup or Wot cestershire. Surround the steak with riee, pour over two cupfuls of boiling water and bake for an hour and a half in a moderate oven. Keep covered while cooking. Serve with tomato sauce or brown gravy. Chicken Terrapin. Chop one cold roast chicken and one parboiled sweetbread fine. Make a cupful of rich white sauce with cream and four tnhlespoonfuls each of lititter and flour cooked together. Add the chick en anl sweetbread, cut into pieces, season w ith stilt and pepper to taste. Let It heat over hot water for fifteen minutes and just before serving add the yolks of two eggs well beaten and one-fourth cupful of orange juice. Col lections. made in Kuropo :" "l ''a n't s;,y Shi- ea"! ." V l.ed Sel, ;i!r S"ta!,ii'n. "1'p ri. Mm- pre-. i,t moment ,, na'mn- d.-n't Seel! i to me ' " l.a , a". ' ' ' a: oven -. i far as to , ,; i . ., t '..;! thoughts " Was;!. in- i-m Star. "COLD IN THE HEAD" Is nn a-"ute attack 'f Xasn! Catarrh Those subject to frcaaerit "ids" are penerallv ia a "ran down" en: 'dd:n. T?AI,;.'S CATAURH Ml : I'd' ' i N'T-: ) a j Treatment cons'sfti k r f an ( nr.' ia-at . t.i he used hi.Mllv, ari a Tor.'r. wi.i. y. n ts Quickly throu-h U Bl J ..a r'a. M :- cmia .Surfaces. bu'.Mirt. ap th. System, and making vvi less linbh- tn "elds" ! Sold hv draf;;::-tF for f Years. F. J. Chen.-v & CV. . T.dcdn. ' a I r Chest colds -broken! Inflamed membranes, congestion, oppressive pain. Apply Sloans to chest ri and throat It scatters congestion ff&l Sloan's Liniment -kills pain! r tl&l SjH m I f I q i III H Uv-iriiir.V A Til m il I ti t i -your cold is gone! Those Wags. "The denti-t s.:id aa :a ie l-el.ljic-d." "11" sad! a m..n;l.fu'." mm f(K10LILilE(fle If Dot Oid ij yuur dru'.t. wt1L WlcterMoaltb CbeaUcai Co.. LtwziQl. Kr. rs i SOLD 50 YEARS A Lady of Distinction Is recognized by the delicate, fascinat ing inlluenct) of the perfume she uses. A bath with ('uticura Soap and hot water to thoroughly cleanse the pores followed hy ;l dusting with C'uticura Talcum powder usually means a clear, sweet, healthy skin. Advertisement. Tortoise Wins Again. Salesman for Harold's Comedo fan I celluloid': Theater Manager -I slices so. You nver can kne-- how superior to othr preparations Iar. I'eery's "I'ea4 Sli. t' is un til yuu have trh'd i: once A smK'e cleans out Werma or Tapeworm Men who pick out actor- for the j movies se a man a- others see him. They tire experts in faces. I A woman is never satisfied with herself until she has put it all over her neighbor some wnv. Check it with Dr.KING'S NEW DISCOVERY tixtjamily cough syrup J i'j wm mm vi it mm vm "Dodson's Liver Tone" Straightens You Up Better Than Salivating, Dangerous Calomel and Doesn't Upset You Don't Lose a Day's Work -Read Guarantee You're bilious ! Your liver is slug gish! You feel lazy, dizzy and all knocked out. Your head is dull, your tongue is coated; breath bad ; stomach sour and bowels constipated. But don't take salivating calomel. It makes you sick, you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes into sour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you want to enjoy the nicest, "gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone to night. Your druggist, or dealer sells you a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents under my personal money-back guarantee that each spoonful will clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty calo mel and that it won't make you sick.' Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know it next morn ing because you will wake up fee'ing fine, your liver will be working, jour headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and your bowels regular. You will feel like working; you'll be cheerful and full of vigor. Dodson's Liver Tone is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give it to your children.

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