THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVAR D, NORTH CAROLINA. PERSONALS F. P. Sledge has taken charge of the new filling station on West Main THE FLITTING TO AND FRO OF street which was completed last fall. The soldiers monument will be "a thnig ofbeauty and a joy forever." THE TRAVELING PUBLIC MISS NELLIE L. MILLER, EDITOR The monument will show the tour isty .he way. Mr. Jos. S. Silversteen left this week for a northern business trip, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pushell are visiting in Hendersonville this week. Mrs. Edwards of Lake Toxaway was a visitor in Brevard Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Morris spent Sun day in Hendersonville. Mr. Paul T. Summers of Johnson City, Tenn., was a visitor in Brevard this week. Mrs. ,H. E. Showers received a telegram yeeterday announcing the death of Mr. Stowers' mother, who has been ill for some time at her home in Washington. She died at seven - thirty Wednesday. While today Mrs. Stowers received another telegram stating that Mr. Stowers' grandmother, Mrs. May Curry of Gal lipolis, Ohio., died at two-thirty on tht same day. OUR WEEKLY SERMON PILGRIM'S PROGRESS SERIES NUMBER THREE Grossing The Red Sea, Or First Steps In The Christian Iife is to say our baptism is a picture of how the believer is hidden with Christ in God, as he is completely covered by the waters, hidden from the world, and protected by His omnipotence. Jn the Christian life one does not take the world with him. It is there fore the open step of separation unto God. III. IT STANDS FOR ENTIRE .nr. and Mrs. C. F. Poole and son Clarence, Jr., of Asheville, spent the week end with Mrs. H. M. Miller. Mrs. C. L. Townsend of Lake Tox vway spent the day in Brevard Tues dav. Build the monument and all people from the South, for ages to come, will "chit the National Forest via Brevard. The many friends of Miss Georgia Daltnn will bo glad to hear that af ter her operation she has returned home. The best legacy you can leave your children is a monument to the World War soldiers of Transylvania county. Miss Margaret Bryant who is at tending the Fruitland College, spent the week end with relatives in Bre vard. O. L. Erwin is having his store, whu-h was formerly occupied by F. P. Sledge, remodeled and will move his -tock of groceries and merchan dise from the present location into his own building. The Monument Building .Commit tee takes this means to thank Mr. Hume Harris for his invaluable and artistic drawings showing the propos ed monument. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Townsend have moved to Lake Toxaway where they expect to make their home for a few months. While there they will do light house keeping at the DeWitt -Gillespie home. P riends of Mr. George Snelson are triad to know that he has returned home after being in the hospital for the past two weeks, where he under went an operation for appendicitis. Brevard is the proper entrance to the great Pisgah National Forest and Game Preserve, -'so fell the world by marking the entrance with a fine mon ument. Mrs. A. W. Pritchett left Monday for various places in Georgia, where hc goes to give her demonstration of the Dixie Dream Flour. The many friens of Rev. and Mrs. C. hi. Puett have been delighted to have them spend a few days this week in our midst. They came to attend the funeral of Rev. E. Allison, and stayed several days visiting among their friends. Mr. Puett preached at the Baptist church on Jast Sunday night to the great delight of those who heard him. He was pas tor of the Baptist church here for three years, leaving here in April 1921, and he and his wife are held in I high regard by the membership 01 this church, who are always glad to have them back with them. The Scripture basis for this sermon is the fourteenth chapter of Exodous, CONSECRATION TO GOD Gnintr with verses 21 and 22 forming the down into the sea they trusted their central though: "Moses stretched his. n mt the hands nf C.n, Mct hand over the sea; and the Lord caus- . Christians place too light an estimate ed the sea to go back by a strong east 1 on consecration. It is not something wind all that night, and made the sea (ione and you are through with it. ! dry land, and the waters were divid-: it has a forward look, and is made ed. And the children of I? -ael went ; for a purpose to be fulfilled in the ' into the midst of the sea upon dry ; future. It is the beginning of a life j ground; and the waters were a wall ; of fellowship with God, and the start j unto them, on their right hand wnd of a life of service for Him. j on their left." Justification is found j Here are three men. One says,! for applying the experiences of the ; "One thing at a time for me." All j children of Israel to the life of the w Mfa v. c 1 sic pr ne ple -e wedge and e- Christian in the words of Paul in Zl Z poHti a Tucc o 'f life. The er. Ind.v.duully. e are simple. Cor. 10 :G. "Now these things were second, I trust Jesus, but i give Him ' Grouped together they look oompll- our exaniplc. , , oated. So with all problems. No mat- Onv rorlpmntinn ,.nn,Af u , . , l yju redemption was wrought bv am saved is enouoh for mo It ic ter how involved and dithVult ttiev onr t nrH )Pfni. u. , n ' m tnougn ior me. it is ,,, , . , -our Lord before we ever came into not necessary to make a fool of ones- seem, a little analysis and common tho w..rl,i n; uia , u j u ,,. , - 1 . tnc ,rl. His blood was shed be- self be nir a Christian " And tin. sense wH, diselose that they are built fore our eyes saw tho of day th law the mporfan-e up out of very simple things, easdy 0ur attitU(ie towarJ thia bood e P of adjusted rid of tear and pro- shown b our acceptance of it or a h h h ' nt his ' davs crastination, and no problem is lnsur- u,. f- T u . l,ir"un' ana ne spent nis days u OUI rejection, it we nave passed in humble. sacrifieiaA through the experience represented ; consecration unto Him, and when h by the passover we are reuemeiT, have accepted the blood, and are now safe- When you look at some pieces or machinery, their intricacies amaze you and you wonder how the brain of man ever conceived them. Yet practically nil mechanical movements are merely combinations of three ba- niountably difficult. rAr i- r- i r The scene Is in France, before the revolution. A carriage of the nobility dashes along the narrow street, says I the. Portland (Ore.).TournaL People scatter frantically before the gnrlop-j Ing horses. But one child is too slow. It stumbles. A polished hoof strikes it. An iron-shod wheel crushes life from it. The marquis flips a gold coin at the agonized mother. "That to pay for your brat,"' and dashes on. The scene is in America. An automobile moves powerfully along the street. It is heavier, more beautiful lu design und more luxurious than any carriage of the pre-revolutionary France. It arrives at an intersection crowded with people. They scatter precipi tately before its unchecked advance. But the steps of a little child are lag gard. Its little feet are slow. Only by the frenzied tug of a mother's hand is it pulled from before the pon derous wheels. The child cries nois ily. Th motorist moves on with an imprecation against "people so d d slow." Does the French revolution have no meaning to those drivers who reflect the thought of the marquis as he flipped the coin "that to pay for your brat?" THE FUTURE OF OUR TOWN, PISGAH FOREST came to die the people said: "If! there ever was a Christian it is this ! Pisgah Forest, N. C. The Brevard News: In looking toward th0 future, one murt have vision in the truest sense of the word. The development of a town depends first upon Nature, the natural location; secondly, upon faith, efforts and wisdom of its ci tizens. Our location is ideal, vast stretches level land, fertile fields fringed with gentle slopt?s and commanding hills and surrounded by the most beautiful mountains in Western North Caro lina. Near us is the confluence of the French Broad and Davidson riv er. A beautiful river upon our right and upon our left, the most beautiful location for a town in Western North Carolina. A high dam at the Davidson River Mills will furnish power and a beau tiful lake. We are surrounded by all of the rich resources of Transylvania coun ty, all kinds of wood working plants will be located here. Our pure water, climate and general location will at tract the cotton mills from the North. Soon some man or circumstance will pull the trigger and start the ball, then watch us grow. While I write I have in mind one improvement that will put the town of Pisgah Forest on the tourist's map, this is the proposed monument in memory of Transylva nia's soldiers of the World War, marking the main entrance to the jreat Pisgah National Forest. Thi will open the door of prosperity to us, all of the tourists from the South will pass our way, boarding houses and tourists' hotels will appear. Those making the circle from Asheville, Pink Beds to Hendersonville will find us located on the National Highway, in this great circle of travel. Yes, the monument will be the best advertisement possible and will do great things for the entire county, but more especially for the town of Pisgah Forest. All who study the history of our National Parks are aware of the fact that all towns aar them flourish. In speaking of the many advantages to be derived from the building of this monument as an investment, I do not lose sight of the fact that the greatest purpose of this monument is as a memorial to our soldiers. So watch the town of Pisgah For est grow. Brevard and Pisgah For est will grow till their borders join. T. E. PATTON ly sheltered behind it, being ( hnst s j one." Which one of these had you own purchased possession. "And ye rather be? Matrimonial sensntions are contrib uted by those who have inherited wealth as well as by those who have more recently acquired it in the films. ; are Christ's." Up to this time the work is all inward and unobserved by man. Are we to continue in this way? Are we to be only secret dis ciples? Are we ill to stay in Egy- j "I had walked life's way with an easy thread, Had followed where comforts and pleasures led, the . mi . , , . -i r' ' Until one c av m a quiet place pt? The next duty and privilege for. T A, ' 1 1 the u u , u , , , . , ,, I I met the Master face to face . the one who is sheltered behind the blood is indicated in the passage of I ''With station and rank and wealth the Red Sea by Israel. What dos ! for my goal, this signify in the life of the believ- j Much thought for my body and none er? What is its meaning in the pro- for my soul, gress of the pilgrim who is striving I had entered to win in life's mad to secure the best that God has for : race, him in this life? What is the spir itual significance of the crossing of this sea? It is rumored that William Ilohen zollern is soon to be married to a rich widow. It seems that fate has decreed that he must be tamed at lust. An American relief worker was robbed of SHO.000 In an Armenian holdup, showing that they must Im port films as well as relief from this country. I. IT STANDS FOR OPEN CON FESSION OF JESUS. Little would it have availed for Israel had they simply remained in their blood-stain- When I met the Master face to face. "I had built my castles and reared them high. And their towers pierced the blue of the sky, I had sworn to rule with an iron mace, ed houses. Then would only their When I met the Master face to face f.r.-tborn have been saved. All would .., met Him and knew Him and bush. have remained in bondage. This pur- e(j tQ see chased possession of God's must now That Hig' eyeSf fu1 of sorrow wpr(? b0 brought to a place separate from fixed on me the Egyptians. So those who accept And j faltered' and fell at His feet the redeeming work of Christ wrought tnat day out on the cross must take an open While niy"castk,s melted and vanish. stand for Him. They must come out ed awav from the world and be separate from i the world. Open confession of Jesus 1 "M?lted and vanished- and in their is a bounden duty that God requires . t5P'ace of all to come to the cross and re- j Xauht else could 1 s?? but the Mas ceive its benefits. Often one is ter s face. tempted to think that after conver- And 1 cried aloud: " make me meet sion he can live as good a life out I Tof fol!w the stcPs of thy wounded ' f eet . of the church as in it. But he can i Radio concerts are among the lat est luxuries provided for airplane pas sengers. Another luxury that might be added would be a higher degree o sa fety. NOTICE LAND SALE BY TRUSTEE Apparently what Ireland needs as much as anything Is a squad of the Irish policemen that are efficient In keeping order in this country of their adoption. THe rescue Jf the shipwrecked nariners from a south sea isle was a most misfortunate affair. Nobody ever really asked them if they wished to be rescued. no more do so than could Israel had they remained in Egypt. Israel cross ed the Red Sea and thus took an open stand as separate from Egypt. The new convert needs to make the public confession of his faith. Open confession of Jesus is the first thing in spiritual experience that crossing the sea stands for. "My thought is now for the souls of men, I have lost my life to find it again. E'er since one day in a quiet place I met the Master face to face." PariST "sends out the alarming news that because of the demand for monkev elands we ore likely soon to 11. 11 S 1 ArsiDS, 1 UO, t OR A LIFE j render extinct the race from which, HIDDEN WITH CHRIST IN GOD. I nccording t0 Mr. DarwIn? we are de- eended. It sounds like deliberate ancestorcide. At any rate Paris de clares that Dr. Serge Veronoff, of that city, who Is the busiest of all the That hidden life means to us protec tion from all foes. After Israel had gone from Egypt the hosts of Phar oah pursued them and caught up with them at sea. The waters then j gland-grafters, has only nine apes, at divided, the people went down be- present and needs more. It is he who tween the walls, and the cloud co- j predicts that every chimpanzee and other large ape In the jungles of Africa Is doomed to extinction In a vered them hiding them and protect ing them from their enemies. It means shut in with God, as Noah was j comparatively short period, unless the shut in with Him in the ark. Paul ; craze for prolonging youth should die applies this to baptism in I Cor. 10:1 ! 0fT first. Dr. Veronoff doesn't believe that it will, but, of course, he Is preju diced. Most people will feel that the apes may yet manajje to escape the doom predicted for them. and 2: "All our fathers were under the cloud, and all passfcd through th0 sea; and were all baptized unto Mo ses in the cloud and in the sea." That When n Mexican general crosses th Rio Grande these days it is hard to tell whether he plans another revolu tion or merely wishes to renew his stock of wet goods. Ninety-five girl strikers employed In a powder-puff factory Insisted on kiss ing the mediator who settled the strik. What, not one grateful one In the entire ninety-five? Again the former German crown prince arises to remark that he would greatly like to visit America. And again we assure him that he would probably have a perfectly rotten time If he came. By virtue of the power of --ale con tained in a certain deed in trust exe cuted by L. C. Loftis to the under signed trustee to jsecure certain in debtedness therein mentioned, which deed in trust is dated July f!2, 1921, and registered in Bsok No. l.'l at page' 277 of the Deed in Trust records of Transylvania county. And the said note having matured and not paid, and demands for the .payment of same having been neglect ed, and the holder of said note hav ing demanded that the rower of sale be executed to pay said note. And notice to make the ci the default having been given and the de fault not having been made good; I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Brevard, N. C., on Saturday Februarv 17. 1923, at 12 o'clock M. all the following lot of land lying in Brevard township, adjoinlngland of T. F. Marr and others, and bounded as follows : Beginning on a stake in the line of the Marr tract in the centre of the public road and runs west with the Marr line 3G0 feet to a stake at the Marr corner; then north 3 3-4 deg. east 92 1-2 feet to a stake; then east 340 feet to a stake in the centre of the public road; then a southeast di rection 92 1-2 feet to the beginning, being all of lots No. 10 and 14 of the Shuford sub-division . Sale made to satisfy the balance due on said note, interest, cost and exnenses of sale. This Februarv 2. 1923. RALPH. R. FISHER, Trustee Miller 2tc. The Flour That Satisfies DIXIE DREAM AND LARABEE (Soft Wheat) LARABEE'S BEST (Hard Wheat) Larabee Flour Mills Corp. Kansas City, Mo. LENTZ BROS., Distributors Hendersonville, N. C. 1 Plowieg Time Is Nearly Here Again! And We Have the Plows and Garden and Farm Tools It's time to begin thinking about your next crop and preparing for that garden. We have a supply of farming implements which you need and we can also furnish you with garden tools of all kinds. Garden and Farm Seeds in any quantity and at reasonable prices. J. M. ALLISON, Manager Farmers Supply Gom paey BREVARD. H. C. BBSS'-- .. -i-ifs c aaaZSSttSSSSSHSEHSSZ 38

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