THE BREVARD NEWS. BREVAR D, NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1923 1 LIFE OF A PROSPECT Some years ago I went Into a store to inquire the price of something, an expensive thing this was, that I wanted to buy some day when I had the price. They were just as nice to me as they would have been if I had come In ready to buy and plank down the cash. Then for the time being I forgot al) about it, but they didn't. About a year after my visit to the store the salesman I had seen there came to see me, says the New York Herald. He was a very agreeable gentleman and in no way insistent; lie hid just looked in on the chance that now I was ready to buy ; but my bank ac count l.'L'.dn't looked up to any great extent and I was not ready, as I told him ; but I added that when I was ready I would come in, and I would come to him. Thai, I thought, endetl it as far as hearing from them was concerned: but not so. A year later I had another call from the salesman, my friend, if lie will now penult me so to call him, on th same errand; a pleasant call and a pleasant little talk, but with the same result as before; and now, a year to a day after that second call, he has been in to see me again. We had our usual pleasant little talk, and then 1 asked him: "Don't you ever give up a prospect?" To which he answered, smilingly: "We never give no a prospect till he dies." M1CKIE SAYS AIN'T It FUNNW, HOM WHEN A Ft CLE. ft O-I-TS SORE AM' STOPS HIS PAPEB, HE ACTS SURPRISED BECAUSE WE ooN-r alu bust cot into i TEAIXS AlsiO HANG- CRAPE MICKIE SAYS MICKIE SAYS UOQQ.E V4 NEtt GOOD ftGV"C MIWV N9UmV fcU EWf VACrE t4tNNS P&TCR "TO Mt OOVAEGE TOE0 JEB.N NNEEVC VJWfcU VTS SO tAOCH EASVGR f SUP V)S AOOVJLM. AN P VOO'VE FOUND A $o eLu, uost nour PE-r BOLLOOCr. Vs AMT TO BOV A UliERtV BONiO OR VN'f -tO E- THE FArAU FUV- 1 OUR LL VNAN-T AOS. THE ioONH COST HAttOtM ANTHIN f HEW GOT THE ?tP, OH-EVJE ,NE Nothing would please nio more than to see a renaissance of American wit and humor, writes .lames L. Ford in the New York Tribune, but I do not know how this is to be brought about. Committees of the svrt assembled for, every imaginable purpose, and which command a degree of popular respect that seems amazing to the sophisti cated, are powerless in the matter. Not even in those great universities that offer elertive courses in nearly everything from playwriting to plumb ing is there a chair of wit and humor; and, while every variety of humbug and rascality rears its head without rear of consequences, the sword of ridicule, the only weapon of real strength in the light against evil, ia permitted to rust in its scabbard. MICKIE SAYS TH' tsNDNSM , TWEfcfcE CX)R JJQW MOUJDNT fcE SO GOOD, fcOT TUWU ovrc oooo xjoovcmo I I MICKIE SAYS , MICKIESAYS His Name. A Washington man, visiting Rich mond, took a great fancy to a bright eyed little darky who polished his shoes. Shortly after he became in terested in the little chap, the Wash ington man asked his name. "(Jen, sub,"" was the reply. After a few moments of silence the Washingtonian continued, "I suppose that is an abbreviation for General?" The word ."abbreviation'' stumped the little reirOW ror a wmie, out ne recovered himself. "No, suh," he said, "it ain't exactly that. My shore enough name is Genesis xxx, 33. So shall rc,y righteousness answer for me In tinvj to come Washington Jones, but they jest calls me Gen fo' sho't." Philadelphia Ledger. This year'u lish stories are, doubt less owing to the prolonged period ot sunshine, somewhat larger and more luxuriant than usual. KILPATRICK, SON & CO. UNDERTAKERS and Funeral Directors We'carry a full line of stpplics at Rosman. Our rep resentative is A. M. Paxton. F TUSatS A TNESS NS&JH n iu' aodeuce Todw vjuo4d ACNJERTVSE F WE COOUD GET SOKAE&OCM TO VWUATE VAVo AD3 OcST VJ&T HVN GRfcS TU NEAUtST PVAONE N CAU. OP TU"3 OFFICE N VvEjL WAME AV4 AO NUVTEfc VMAVX.- AKOTES NETCM VE GOT GOSs'ni GOBS 6 EClVHViOV 'VjaOViO TUVS TOVHiVi. eoT oo. BEST OCCES AV.. TVk' SOVtE- GOVS, V4UO SAS TUEM EMC ttEAN-VN AVV.ECPCCEO TW OVX WOVKE TOWV VKVEB. OViTW. TMEH ViSEO T GAT OME. TVE.E In the recent airplane contest hu man beings apparently approached the utmost possible limit of speed, some where near -- miles an hour. Fastet motion men seem unable to endure. This appears to be the first definite limit to the speed mania that has been affect i?V- the Ir.miai race e er since the breakneck rate of ten miles an hour was predicted for the early locomotives. 1 V a J ' "' oj M. P. Hawkins 8p Son Fresh Meats, Country Produce and Vegetables Delvered to Yonr Door brds 2 brds I I have all styles of New Ford Cars in stock and can make immediate delivery. Terms if desired. Also am in position to handle all kinds of Auto Repairing. My place is located in building formerly occupied by Jess Smith on Main street. D. E. HENRY Phone 23 Pattersons Great Clearance Sale will soon be over; yet there are many bargains to be had in every line of merchandise we carry. Supply your household needs at this money-saving sale RIGHT NOW ! We must clean out the store in order to make room for our Spring Goods, so we have marked our goods at unheard of prices. Come In To-day ! Buy At Patterson'sWhere Quality Reigns" ass n Ready-to-Wear 1 lot Ladies' plain and trimmed Suits, value to $37.50, sale rjrice $18.95 Ladies' plain tailored Suits, re gulars and stouts, values-up to $65.00, sale price $17.50 to $29.50 1 lot Jersey Sport Suits, $15.00 value, sale price .... $6.95 1 lot Ladies' Poriet Twill and silk Dresses, values to $22. 50, sale price $8.50 to $12.95 1 lot Suits, silk and wool dress es, value to $16.50, special $3.69 1 iot Ladies' Coats, values to $22.00, sale price $7.95 and $9.95 1 lot Ladies Coats, values to $40.00, sale price $12.95 and $22.50 Children's Coats, values up to $20.00, sale price $2.69 to $9.95 20 PER CENT QSZ ON ALJ SKIRTS. ' Dry Goods 19c Outingr, sale price 12 l-2c yard One lot Taffeta, Georgette and satin, values to 3z.uu $1.25 yd. Plaid Dress Goods, 36 inches wide 39c yd. 32-inch best Feather Ticking, 45c value 29c yd- 32-inch Plaid Gingham, 25c val ue 15c yd. All wool Tweed, double width 69c yd. Long Cloth, sale price 25c yd. White velvet Corduroy Goods for baby coats, $1.50 value, sale price 65c yd. 10 PER CENT OFF ON ALL DRY GOODS NOT ADVERTISED Bargains Ladies' "Queen Quality1' high heel boots, sale price 95c pr. Ladies "Queen Quality" and oth er oxfords, values to $7.00 $2.45 pair DISCOUNT OFF ALL OTHER OXFORDS IN HOUSE Finest granulated Sugar, 10 lb. sacks 79c Octagon Soap and Grandma Washing Powders . 4c each. Children's Sweaters, $2.00 .val ue 95c Misses Hats, $2.00 value, sale price 49c SATURDAY ONLY A big piece of aluminum for 10c with a $15.00 purchase and over. Clothing One lot Young Men's Suits, val ues to $15.00, Patterson's Clearance Sale price. $9.45 20 PER CENT OFF HART SCHAFFNER & MARX AND SCHLOSS BROS. CLOTHES. One lot Men's Overcoats, values to $18.00, Clearance price $8.45 Men's sheep-skin lined coats, values to $15.00, sale price $8.95 20 PER CENT OFF MEN'S BOND GUARANTEED TROUS ERS. PATTERSONS: "WHERE QUALITY REIGNS." 20 PER CENT OFF ALL BOY'S SUITS. SEE OUR LINE. One lot Men's Riding Pants, $3.50 value, sale price $2.49 SATURDAY ONLY A suits case for 10c with $15.00 purchase and over. Furnishings "Faultless" Pajamas and Night Shirts, $2.45 value, sale price $1.49 New lot Men's knit ties, values to $1.00, sale price ... 49c Men's Suspenders, values to 35c, sale price 19c 50c leather palm canvas Gloves, sale price 25c Men's hose, 19c value, sale price 8c Men's white Handkerchiefs, sale price 45c doz. SWEATERS GREATLY RE DUCED. 20 PER CENT OFF MENS' SO CIETY CLUB HATS. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY FOR NEXT WINTER. Miscellaneous Men's $1.50 wool Wrap Leggins sale price 75c Ladies' white ribbed shirts and drawers, 75c value .... 45c Children's E. Z. Unionsuits, $1.25 value 89c ALL MUNSING UNDERWEAR 15 PER CENT OFF. Ladies' black, tan and white hose, 20 value 9c Gordon and Phoenix silk Hose, $1.50 value $1.00 1 lot Ladies' and Misses' Hats, value to $5.00 95c 1 lot Ladies' Hats, values to $10.00 $1.95 Ladies' Kimonas, value to $2. 59, sale price 98c 0 PATTERSON'S DEPARTMENT STORE MAIN STREET BREVARD'S ONLY QUALITY DEPARTMENT STORE BREVARD, N. C. H -JJCfrj If Jim JUL