' TRANSYLVANIA "OPPORTUNITIES EMPIRE" NATURAL RESOURCES FOR LOCATING INDUSTRIES Brevard New EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVANIA COUNTY. THE LOCAL NEWS An Idependent Weekly. VOLUME XXVIII BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1923 NUMBER 6 RAILROAD TALK mm sins IKEM1ECMES Of W, HAMPTON V IEVWED AGAIN DECEIVES CALL COMMUNICATION J. M. HAM ENDS Tat anil MONDAY NIGHT an Carolina Timber Company Secures Right-of-Way- and May Build Mountain Road Building a railroad from rickens, S. C, to Rodman, N. C, was agitat ed some years ago by prominent ci tizens of both counties, but the pro ject never materialized. However, it has been a train revived, as the fol lowing shows, taken from the Green ville News of Friday, February 2: PICKENS, Feb. 1 Construction of a railroad from Fickens to the timber preserve in the upper section of the county and possibly to Ros man, N. C.. is considered as a strong possibility in view of the recent right of way privileges which have been obtained by the Carolina Timber com pany or allied interests. A representative of this company or similar interests was here from Chicago recently spendin.tr- several days in the upper section of the county, exaiuiniii.tr routes which have been surveyed and making other plans which are believed to indicate the early starting of work on this project . Willi,, 'routes have been surveyed from Pickens, Central, Calhoun and Walhalla. local citir.ens believe Tick ens will be selected in the event the railroad is built. The Carolina Tim ber company lias large holdings in the upper section of thL. county and it is to penetrate this virgin country, largely, that the railroad is proposed. Whether or not the line, if built, will be extended into North Carolina to connect with other lines at Rosman remains to be seen, but it is general !v believed he'-, that this will be done in time. The securing of th- right of way from Pickens to the point where The kind of the Carolina Timber Company begins is taken as a final step in tin1 preliminaries for the con struction of the railroad. .Men who are connected with the timber com pany or allied interest;- and make ih'm town their home could not be see;: this morning, being in other cities on !.!. m---a However, the gradual wen; in.tr cut of the plans, which has in cluded tlie survevimr of several loutes and tlie sccurin.tr of the rights j of way :s a matter of gratification I ';:. .-.ily an,! is believed to h..m cor;- 1 : id ruble significance. WELL-KNOWN AVIATOR MAKES HIS FOURTH TRANSCONTINEN TAL FLIGHT Mr. M. A. C. Johnson, who spent veral days in Brevard last summer v. ith his aeroplane, the Flapper. ha ,iu: t returned from a flight from At lanta., fin., to Harltown, Mont., where he we::: to pav his people a visit. Thi; is Mr. Johnson's fourth trans- rti.rht b,.r lie ,ul "For m... 'i..,;al ,'n.dl,H 1,, tb'e var- 1 . t 1 1 1 t n tv that I had when I made tins last janmo from Three Forks. Mont., to Scattb ." It was while cros- ing the Rockv Mts. that his variety of thrills He had the exoerience of fly- j ( . ' , : . e . ing in a combination of weather con- - 1 11... i!:tioi:.-: raging irorn a ciouuiess oiue '-; 'o rain, snow to a freezing tent-i , . - ,, . r-t :: tuiv. But m spite of all the-e difficulties against him, he ami his Flannel- made their trip safely FORD AGENCY HAS NEW LOCAL COMPANY The Lowe Motor Company has op ned for business in the Aethelwold Hatti's old dining room on Broad street. The new personnel of the com pany will be composed of C. II. Kluep pelberg of Brevard: C. L. Farrell, J. G. Lowe, C. E. Lowe of Kannapolis, C. C. The firm, in adition to operating a general automobile garage, will be the authorized Ford agent for Ford part-, the famous Franklin Motor Cars, Fordson Tractors, trucks, se dans, coupe, touring cars, runabouts, etc. An extra large shipment of all the above is now on the. road and with these new additional live wire auto mobile experienced business men, there can be no doubt of the new firm's doing a splendid business and will be one of Brevard's leading business organizations. Windsor Baptist Church Wants Local Pastor Not Decided Yet Rev. ("has. C. Smith, local pastor of the Brevard Baptist church has received a call from the congregation of the Windsor Baptist church of Windsor. N. C. Mr. Smith notified the local church officials on last Tuesday night, but pointed out that he has made no de cision as yet. The call was extended on Sunday, January 21, without any previous correspondence between pastor Smith and those wanting him. The com mittee simply notifying him and say ing that their investigations of him were so satisfactory fiom their point of view that they did not even ask him to visit the church. Mr. Smith left Thursday for Wind sor to learn of the new field and will make known his decision short ly after his return home. He will be gone a week or ten days. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, not only of his own denomi nation, but from every walk of life in this community would be exeeed- kiglv grieved to have them leave j minds of many, touching the actual Brevard. status of the financial affairs of the Mr. Smiih is progressive, yet con-j state, but the matter wa- not vie we 1 ;. rvative. a strong Baptist preacher i with alarm and no visible amour.; of ar,,; luls a lovable and ernest person- concern war manifist in legislative ality that has earned for him the j circles. title of "The Live-Wire Preacher."' However, tlu- situation took -n a He has been in Brevard for about I more serious aspect when Corpora two years and has made many strong : tion Commissioner Maxwell gave to and stubstantial friends and brought the press ,,n Friday the results of a many to Ch.is. and his flock, ! recent study of revenue receipts and For the na-t year pa-tor Smith has j operating expenses showing that the written faithfully every week for the ''"a to. according to his findings, has Brevtrd New. "Our Weekly Sermon" 11 U'h-it "r !iVl' milium dollar.-. Gov. and wo are in a position to know Morrien wa- i.rst to ,ake notice that the.,, sermons are relished and of tlu' M;lxw('!1 contention in ;; mm -looked forward to every wee!; bv our'i'-" v'";iv 11,1,1 in lin address before A a nutrv sub scr.' "s There has been . on-idcrable y -bli.-itv .eivon to the ' many acti iiie-- of Mr. Smith by for eign d;;dv par m. shoving that lm- t.n a; wni'K a;.. :.:g us r.as tei n w cognir.ml r.o; i.;dv by ';!;e local foil;; I,,., ..... . l ii; b-,- ;!-.e ou'dd" -vorld as well. i . ' . , .. . K mot;;. I oe (!i.-courag!:mr j v.aiiy . to :l: VC the ; .;.. tn- leave- ;t Would 00 , , , . ib . ;.): s great lo-s and mdsor s .vi:: rfui gain. THK EDITOR , IO CCIx'STRUCT BEAUTIFUL ; LAKE AT BLANTYRF. ,.amyre i:Kciy io us J-c.ic w Large Development ,. , T,, , -n ' task as.Mcoeci ;,, C:.-n ;o.lav. .According to repoias Bla.ntyre will : witness icon the construction of ;m Thv unexpected exit of Col. A. D. large lake, surrounded by beautiful j Watts as State Commission; r of Re scenery and attractive sites "or the 1 venue set Raleigh and tin State 0:1 summer visitor. It is reported that ! cars last Monday, The n-ignatit,,; .Mr. and Mis. J. F. Baldwin have pur-' V'':l st'nt Governor Morrison on chased the old rtate farm and intend ' Monday afimm'on an 1 three h-.-ur- connecting this tract with their al-; :a auy large Itolmngs and witii u- tu ..., Uidc capital construct a beautiful p. whh-h will b" one of the mo-' -'vC, UIU!I uul u (1 UA '-.v.. . : b-turesque settings in tins ar1 rt of t'ne .-tate. There will b(. several hun dred, acre:' i 1 the development and t'-.e whole property will b; access to me ranroaa .it ijiantyre .tation of the Toxawav bran.ch. .1 1 l.i Tt 1 This lake rite has been known to 1 . . . , . exml i o'- : ome time and engineers de- , cl re it to be flna of the best in the mountain sccGors as it offers rot only a considerable basin for a lake, but ;:;e attractiveness of the lay of the land, the views, springs and accessi bility all combining to make it an at tractive site for development. Just wiien work is to start on the dam is mat known, butt it is said that same will commence shortly. This will be one of tv.o beautiful lakes construct ed in the county this year. Mr. B. F. Toms is now rebuilding the Osceo la lake dam which, when completed, will raise the water several feet thave lie old limit and. 'jreat! v en- 'mnce that property. Hendcr:- onville Times. LIBRARY REPORT For January, l!'2ot -f :en dance. Audit 310 VCendancc, Junior 79 ' dvlt books in tirctik'it -on .... 407 funior books in circulation . . . otl Magazines 15 Books given , 11 Receipts $12.90 MRS. J. W. SMITH, Librarian RALEIGH, N. C, February f. . The fifth week of the General As-j ti r 1 ,. i ...;, i 5-emblv of 192? presented surprises j : and excitement entirely unexpected and with which the members them- selves had naught to do, chiefs actors . 1 i ir 1 ... I'nr. ill ine OUls (.aiming m.in;.: ..:... v poration Commissioner A. J. Maxwell and Governor Morrison. In his message to the General As sembly the Governor had represent ed that "the revenue account will show the largest surplus, when credit ed with the railroad taxes which have not yet been paid, and the income taxes for this year, which could not be computed and collected until after the end of the year, in the history of th0 State." This surplus, he claim ed, would reach the handsome sum of $2,500,000 and recommendations of the Budget Commission were fig ured on that basis. Two weeks ago printed reports of the State Treasurer were placed on the desks of the membe r.- who were surprised to find the statement that this General Assembly is faced with an apparent deficit of more than a million eight hundred thousand dol lars. This raised a question in the int-Assembly on Friday .r.ori.iar wasted the ''-.rporaiion Com oration Com-uissio'f-oi-v. el." F.dlu.v::: .- er io a .are-;, the outl.ur.-t of l-iie .iOli;i-rt" enwam v. ; ; a ;:-s a ; ; ca : ; ; ; i s. -. . . i . . . . i .... 1 1 ; I fuli irv; a m:.; 'c of the St; nances to de; rmi:m wiim.h-r tiiere is a balance f : v. o and a h:.!f mil- . iie.HA'vtl at tile on mintr - ; n,-. s. .-...i ;. ,. . ' o i a oeu . i ; o ; . , . e ; : . i i i : o a . as co . : - tended by Coma M I wno is sta:; v.v.v yiU.reiy .;; caicu I lations has.- ! the - tau n:i i.t ; f tv. Sate T.. ..- T Hv, . lioil H t) !);. ty..(.,.t ; ,,, a ,;)v.,;.; coi'.vr.iiK c:i;,:;M-f:i i our mma- n,,rs ((f tl1( s( .... of the iliai--'. wiio m.mrei unoa t!:a 'ce:y ormer Liv-uten.'int i Governo'- I.nf i? A D -. -..-:. 00 a.is j named as d:e successor of Commis- : loner ;u. -. r.aa t-r ma.v t.e ' - 1 Uatls "lV::": ;1 !l!;v uevenue ( om- ! nnssioner, and hi administration " t hm !iis:m -.-, : m- ST i - e.'i iiie Mat,, cannot Im , . v !t -c.ao. .., a.ccejiting the wouldn't lg-Illa.:!!. . l"a- , "" " l""-'tl' '" rror Lougnton assu.m chan ge . the Revenue Department on Tims- day and is hauling its aifairs like ,-, ,,1.1 . - -a. m,.;., ... . t. m ., . .. ,,,-t,,...-.. m 1 , .. ,.-,11 jied a.s i-- (bgA rnor Doughto:: in thi '- tighlv ;mt: ortant nositi:n. The amended h;ghvay lull en coun- tared only slight opposition in the 1 S'o en ate. It is the o::iv import ,. , mce tne se :'n sinrtea. Otners ar,, , ... , . "on the wav a- the 'Avorkntg davs approach a beginning of the : . , , ' , stxtn weeK. mere is tone more wort: t j ,o j-,. ... ,.. " ' ' " CARD OF THAN ICS - '. South needed more than its youth We v.; -a to express our apprecia- could render. The bone and sinew tion for the kindness and sympathy of the land was called. With patriot shown by our friends and neighbors -m burning in the heart, husbands luring the illness and death of our and fathers left their homes and loved husband and father, Mr. John Glenn, one y.itii teafu! eyes to do their bit ami cspem'aby for the beautiful floral for the country's cause. Thus the offering of the local Methodist church companies of (.'apt. Neil and Capt. Ti -sionary Society. Henson were formed and entered the MRS. GLENN AND CHILDREN r,2nd and 65th Regiments. The en- listing went on to the figures 'of six 'Jr. tp;. hum! of Waterfalls" (.Continued on R:ga Seven) Mr. Editor: 1 member vividly the bright May j ''"-V that gave birth to Transylvania! V county. Ihe stranfost. thins' about I i jt js t) ret.onciU. mvst.lf to the fa,.t , lhat ... Wk (;;, y(.ars j;) h( a; counting the lontr train of events forces consent. The place was the Davidson River camp ground, the most central and best equipped place for public gatherings. Tire surrounding land with this tem porary encumbrance was owned by Maj. Samuel Wilson. His two daugh ters married (Rev.) E. Allison and L. G. Siniard, into whose hands the land passed and upon which both raised families. C. M. Siniard and S. F. Al lison, sons, have also raised families and the former is a grandfather. All this did not. happen in a day; never theless, I remember the day. to Ueep m toucn wu;i e.. It seems everybody was present, j tht.,v j w.,nt to suh.-cril- to the News, old men and their sons. The whole .j(.u..tl ,H.n,.j nu. x)lv iX :t thm-e 1- - . encampment was filled with men and j Jf yOU liavc. them, and the su'o.-ciii-herses were tethered in the surround- j f()). 0., V(,.;. an,i wiu .v.aii you ing forest. It was a jubilant day J a' e'heel-; uoon' recei'pt. Vou may .,ad manufestmg itself in warm hand- Lh(. ?ia,., r t0 th(. ai)0Ve nddve--.-'. .' hakes and a plea.-ant expression on , . .UK (- , - . . ,1 am now working with '.lie ...o- the t;me of everybody. 1-or twenty ,. , T - -.. . .... , . , . . ' lma Bower and Light ( o. a...i .. yiars the peo:!.- am, a unit had been! , , , . . , - ; the work and the company mo . . .' working assmuou-! for a new coun- ! . . ,, , , , company is nrogrgsmg ;tr. m. tv. and the ua.lv na i come to eulo- ' , . ... : i 1 .; 1 a'U t" losing an ai ..(!. J.' i; the tl ium;h. ''"'', , t. i m;d;en from the Imv-'.ni ermg m e.- l. Tlie organisation of :!,e county ; h .tra,.;. ;.s being a vm-y oo ' was in the hands of the justices of ;il-Hm. shows that peop:-. fron. the peace and the non-officials had i ,,;h(,r noticing the pi'oures but little to do than to if roup tog - f .,,.tjl Carolina.. I'robab'.y you ther. talk of nun and measures lead- ; Vi, ;f ..ri :Miy but 1 v.::! mt i mg- to tins red letter day and a s( a- n anVwav. son of goc 1 feelings; however, tile, . ,,,.... ,v ; ,g ., ,,,ar last was marred by the lingering echo ! . aM ; V.,.,;.,-. i ioe ;;i!i;; on rori urapter, con-' .-'rued as an ill omer. for peace. 'i lu youn;:' men had, no doubt, came torn tiler for a deficit, pum.o.-.. o'.;:.;m;! and known, but by timm ; ivma Tiieir absence from tin g sound KeT.ied to be unnoticed until about two oYmtl; m. tig. afteinooi. v.' he:; hey rm: mmmco .i.ai.a! up, the , i- i,; ,,' rN. j oa . mma,m.! from 1 he ;; , -mamm'. . rr.euutains. ii .a rym iy 1;;;( v,- i; ho;; say:, eg the .airpo-e. Soon the eya- va tion v a :; ; :a:e. t ;.a 1 a a . pa; i,. ""'lit posifio 1 fc-r i;o;m ; ;;!! i;..n 1 !;ui:m. th.- n-ie beman 10 ri- - slov.a, n:ov:r.g ;- an a ;m !e ,.f .. .", d.--rei -. After lorn; lifting ami pushing and 'jvoc.iuous ur'rir.g, t:;e lade remained i" .-us;-e:me. The ;!om;a .,!' die ;;i-g 01 st eme ! .0 '. : " i,: ,-k-' ar : mo'ce ; l;o s. aomi t rial. ' Fmiia strength was apparent. By ;ha; ;:,m a largo so;, geme'e of i'ignarg, nto-e ,,;;: o m ' h at tha- po,;;t began to ! a ! "tite i au ' is lost." At tins moment of dc-pc-i-tion, paradoxical as it may be, a .i.a.; C feet b ::nh ;t poun .vi ;h out a pound of surplus fmsh, an avow ed ( nemy of seces.-ion, stepped out of die imlmmmt ;a.ni-:s and rushed to the rescue and piacv.l a:r.- ham! ! - jncnes n.gmr; tr.e pole went m wi;a I a thu. He mmve 1 hmmelf tha g,o I imamntan of tlm hour. ... ... ,,..,,-...! rth place of the county and with its 1 . .1 - .1 . alia 01 c. linings the arst secession j !!a.: ,.f lhl. v.,rt a hey was unfurled t'0 jlett aloft ami as i. proudly waf f ed j in the brecsm- ;-.bove; around ami bo- '"dov; were bared head.-, wan ing hats, 1 of . , , , . ' geuunecuotis a nd mud l:u::::as. in1 ;:- V" . ' . mm n.ow najhiy youtntui group were those of hi.rh ideals of moral worib.. lobars of the future, tne strc-.gin. i l' e"1--- i 'e er i lie nu.i.) ana t"-' Soutn. in -he b;rd year of tr.a county's age not a corporal's guar of them may be found. In a few wi ek- the -a- young men I lie married Miss Fannie I .nlisled in Coir. mm v "K" of the 20th I sarvwa . him aft'-r ' m 1 Ili'.nnoil n i1 e.iT-, n't' -to 1 -., t'i-oia i in ouick succam :on companions ..'ere r 1 - -T lormea !jv 0 aptams Gillespie. Harris, i n , ,. .. . . xjcaxer aim ciauov.ay. and mustered 1 into other regiments and, besides ..... ,, , ,. j many individually entered other coni- mauds until not a young man capable j of military service duty was left. ! Not only so but the cause of the Says He Likes Raleigh And Is En thusiastic Over North Carolina's Future 407 North Blount Street Raleigh, N. C. February 2, i;2M Dear Billy: How are you getting along with your work these days? Hone t vcry hintr i.' progressing nicely, mm that busbies; thi. year will b" a great deal better than it has .-v. b. ( .:. I am now living in Raleigh and think I will be here for some time, pro bably indefinitely. North Carolina is progressing so nicely that it would be a shame to b-a. now. I like all parts of North Carol a. in cluding old Brevard and am always thinking of the folks there. In r-b-r .... i. ... I. . ; h paper soo ; 1 . 1 Vi rv truly am.r-. WAI.TKi: D "tAMr'i'GN' '. Y 5 T t AMERICAN LEGION HOYS ( ;j i-'ria; V l-rttary 2. at th-- 1 ; !g 1 1'' - O'-a e : 1 r. The am;im. : - ,. rv.-.!. Cr.ey .-. , . 1 p.. . a , .,,.. : '.:;; .'.a r. : U I lay. Dr. T. ' 'ia;i !e ia imm - ;.., - Wii m ..-d ig. '.:- S ! O e, a. ton. i ' o ' a 'b ,r en. Jo iham Din v.! b-'.ie. Clyde Ad: i i; :,m. r, Id;:;: Heath. V-. ;;; a a' . Br v ' a rr. firae-t A -ki t PRESiD'NG ELDER TO PRE AC! : Sua iam l-ebraarv 11. a; "i: - v, : ing '::.;;: i'g doing Kid, S; : : '. will . oa '.am the service at :;.'. id .!ad: ' mm: m :; , FACTS AZC'JT JOHN CLENN .o:m. G'm:n. to-m, resi lent .,,nv:im mu r.u -a recent n 1... 1 .mm ,....1. ... .., ();ii.. ; tdtariu -n fol'iwi j V(.:ri. ,. ; L. 1,,,.., ,r,.ht was made ;a : tow n. d'enm. Sun lay. - 1 : ' . . ' : v,it - : M ;(;!,.-' !.: 'o :r smi-a A!1; 'a 1 : : t; a,-.d i Chan. ,a;,,;h. Mrs. J. Rocert S'i; 1)f ( ; :Ve il V 1 ! 1 e . . 1 it.. ,:'..,... l,,,..,, u -. CO ,. s i a v 1 j tv Team, and sm.mt mo.g i ; ih-md hi Mo'ui-town. Ten 1. . years of Wmblen o..- -a ' i lived in the west a fmv year- an d: i : Newport, Teun.. for ab au .ear. He came to Hetnler.-oin :!le ia. I'J'i He entered the jewelry bu- 'a--.-; an later the millinery buones: afa: op erated moving picture th":i:r- a tie new Queen theatre buildir.g beine one of his products. In KG" Mr Glenn moved to Brevard anal mume a theatre and conducted a ,'owe-r' and millinery busbum-:. In N .vembtm his health .iied hint and im -A un-: little relief. A few weeks ago he entered the sanitarium at Moigantoi but failed to get the relief he sough For several weeks his condition has been considered critical. Mr. Glenn was a Methodist, a good citizen, quiet and unassuming in his nature. He will be misse l. The members of the Woodmen ,f the World will hold a banquet in ;'m At'ilu'Iwold Hotel on next Mon ; , night. mil bus!'!'-.-- an i piofea io;;; ami ( -pemaiiy farmers, wii' tiier mc bers of the fraternal order or no;, are invited to be present. Music, afur-dinner speaking mal other interesting topics will be t f -main featui'-s f thm program. I'"o?.iin-!ic Woodmen from al! '' "f thi ; uafy are expecic i . be pre.., .ni a; an enthusiast: ban quet meeting is predicted. As the Woodmen expect, to Vi--f, a modern home here, this will ; ro bably be i na. u ra !. VERNE RHOADES WRITES TO DOCTOR HUNT Dr. C. W. Hum. Ida vard N. '. Dear Sir: 1 have hetm n ading with : ;: i' i;;-tere-t the articles in the I'm. .a New; and the A.-hevilk- 'it u'rm ! refer to the iiroposed monunaa.; be located at the entrance Fi gaii National Forest. The ., to me to be an excellent fe.e. belive 'he ge-ag,. ,.f ;ll" arch :, m : -itorb.us. and. if the .'an i- , ar; i -a ou. I thud, ike (atizmrn of Trans- : vania county who cuitribu: ; to mm expense of cons; ruction will be f.d- ly satisfied with this ( their tiesire to -ee a fitting ma erected to th.o a- men win 1 their country ,-o unsehishlv :: of war. .... 1. i -as ou naa- teen prevun; - : ".' n - bed. your committee may ha stone and sand from the Fma-t. If there is any etln r warn, is I cji .- el'Ve tile commitiei ;a; to furtlier this mosi (.na!n-v plan. 1 tnmt you will make it to !ae. Very t ruly you, . VFdXF imH-.m . Forest San Wm 'l A MARRIAGE CF INTEREST j Br. vard wa t!m marsi.ma " ?.! a Floreuc- Ju-m:a of Ib-a ier-eavi!;.,--d Harvey I.aaw of Fietch -a-a -am a took place ! .-; Snmnmav afa at four oVieck a. ;iu in . ,,;' ; , parents. Mi. and Airs. Av-aa mala Dr. Frank Film- odmmm' ;. ua -dy a t v- iatinn.ta frie:-,;. ami m .: - ivt- u ere ,rr.-e;:t. 'I k, i 1 ;de .-. . 'mcoaiiim!;. fi a- a.i in a .-;;,; . . a: ! mgn; bun-, with a .- mall h-o-A : 1 of an advanced style. After a brief honeymoon.. Mr. aad Mrs. Lance expeai to make tit-a; .. in lb 1 1 oit, .Michigan. win : -I.anct wdl im enga;:ed in iig-in. - a OUR SENATOR 'JOE" ZACHA" Senator '..-. :...:' sumietdv ia c. .-eriou-ly iii again on Monday of ! we. k an : has gon ba. i; bom; . trad 'minufuiiy to re-:;. .tin a: dm m lor was compelled io -rnvrA a s. aond time since the a.- -a-n s, . ed. and friends Teai he may b,. ., j able to return b; fe!e adjounnm j Ace. can: a o , j- i'aieigi: e., a ! 1 T T - T T .,- -pouo. n: . n m. o. !. Smmu:.!:. ' missiouer of Labor and Print:;. g. S ator Zachary has been verv i:;im tal ;n the k gislat are. hut unfm nat-.dy "Jo.-" h::a inan suifering ious'y with a he. rt at::i( tion an i many friends of Transylvania seriously concerned over his. .-. tion. Let us all pray that with plete rest a cure will be affected. . our Senator be with us for a i . time. BIRTHDAY PARTY On January 24 Gladys Wood mm brated her eleventh birthday at. d" home of her parents, Mr. and m: Tom Wood, Jr. After a numerous number of "ga m which were enjoyed by ail. refr -meats were served. Mm:y of r. fr mm wx-re present. BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday morning 9:4," Sunday School Come on time Bring one.