7 THE BREVARD NEWS. BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1923 NUMBER GF SALAU COMBINATIONS IS ENDLESS DIFFERENT RECIPES sway A Salad of Mixed Vegetables With Cottage Cheese Makes Good Lunch Dish. (Prepared by the VnitM States Icpartnicnt of AArk'ulture.) oiiiofimes a liousi'kot'pt'r finds she lias fv.'i-ythin.u' noivssary for a salad 'X!Vit tho li-il.iiv. In such a case the Tinted States I )epartinei:t of Agricul ture surest s that finely shredded eah luiKo. either red or white, will answer for the "bed" for the salad, or that jiny i-ioktd or eai.nod veuctaldes, as veil as many fresh ones, may be frierved with sain 1 dressing without the enstoinary lrUu-v leaf, l-'ivsli eel 'ry is ;in ajipet i : addition to most ralads ui:en i: : -i be obtained, but It is no; neee-sary. ('abbau'e for nse as a salad foinnlai i"ti should bo finely shreddeil, nor chopped, and put v in eold water for a! "iit an hour to bt 'oiae crisp. Canned vt-i;ol:;bkS should alway lo J f ; t r 1 o the boilinir point and t'a a eoob-d b(:',ire usini; in salad. Dii':ero"t Sal.d Dressings. Tli are tlirec ba-:e salad ilress ini:s . !.; h j.-.i'.-t other di-esinr iuv ;. iat'i ,':. 'i'.he Vol low in i: ivipe are K.-o I and re--niiitaeiided by the United State-i ei.anment of A.rkul t:i re. French Dressing. S tal-'e ss!ff.N :I ' j te:i!:ionfiil palt J. tali'a.'.-iiuui.l i.i via- t tt ;isi.uonful Icp- ef.ii pi r ("aji'iine 3'aprika I'.leial the of with the seasonings and add the ine-ar slowly. French '!;'es-;'u; may be made in quantities, Jiept ;u a :! ; !aeo and stirred or fshiiket: in a bot'le vigorously when iiMle!. 1're-vli dressings are prefer-, able for d:a':T salads. Vina invt ; e ;:u.-. is made by nddinix to I-'rei,c!i (l:i-:",r a teaspoonful each of cle-ppi-il ea;ers. olives, parsley and ftnwll !ci!:nber picMes. MayonnaisDressing. 1 2 tablespoonfuls 1 ti i -; . j i . f k 1 mas- via. ar t.n 1 2 ei. pf als oil J t. as'poor.f r.l salt Cayenne Via. tie- e:u, ti.ustarJ, salt, rny ont'i' and vineu'ar in a bowl. Beat well with a ! 'over e:; Renter till thoroULrh Iy biemp-d, 1 1 1 . i ; one tablespoonful of the oil and beat a'ain. Continue a(M:i!i: tfte ell rr.'obially until one cup- The Court Which Has Stood as the Guardian of Our Form of Government ful liis been used,, then add in larger amount s. Mayonnaise is liked for luncheon or suppe salads, w here the salad is the principal d:sii or is preceded by a very lhjht course. It is considered too rich to be appropriate for a hearty dinner. Coiled Dressing. '.- to U tablespoon- Hi t:l!ospoonfu!3 ful salt timir V,i ';, !,iespoonl'i:l3 Yolks " e?RS tuti.r V.2 ta'a! '.spoonf uls 1 tea ;"' r.f'al mils- inrll.-d 1. utter tat-1 a eiipi'ul milk '.4 ci i i't.I vine;. :ir M x dry ingredients, add yolks of ei,Ts sliuhtly beaten, butter, milk, vin egar very slowly. Cook in a double boiler until it thickens. Strain and coo!. This dressim; is useful in a fam ily where oil is not liked. Sweet or sour e'.euai may be used mste.yl of milk. Ma ly of the cooked vegetables, sueh as ca rols, peas, eaM)a:;e, beojs, cutdi llowe . I.o! IrabI, or .leriisa lem iirti chok s make a oo.l salad when serv (1 cidd, either ahme or in combi natl -a with celery, or with several othe- veiiei aides ; camted string beans, aspa -amis, beets, paas. pepjiers and okra all lend t Iiemsel aes wadl to use In sihids. Asiiarau'tts is particularly pood when served hot with hot vinai grett sauce described above. So tp taeat, w hich is often disctirded boeaise it has little llavor, still eon- taint' much nourishment. If cut in j piec s and mixed with a hot vinai- ' pre. to sauce it makes an excellent j luii( heon or supper salad. When cold ; It is u'i od in sa:u!e, iehes. j Fl -a ami in-at salads tire almost Complete meals. Cettae c'neese salad ; with mayoe.naise (iressiuir is an im prov 'inetu to many vegetable and also to f.r.it salads. A spoonful may be served on one side of the salad, or it may be mixed with chopped nuts and niay.aiiiaise. and made into ball.-t for garn'shimr. Wiaan or.o considers that the sahif? list also includes oranges, berries, ba nanas, either fresli or eanneil iieachps and pears, and other available fruits. It is easy to see that the nuaihrr of poss.ble eotiibi.iai ions is endless. By CALVIN COOLIDGE, Vice President United States. For the purpose of protecting the people in all their rights so dearly bought and so solemnly declared, the third article of the Constitution ostahlishcil one Supremo court and vested it with judicial power over all cases arising under the Con st it :i ion. It is that court which has stood as the guardian and protector of our form of government, the guaranty of the perpetuity of the Constitution, and ahove all the great champion oT the freedom and the liberty of the people. Xo other known tribunal has ever been devised in which the people could put their faith and confidence, to which they could infnist their choicest treasure, with a like assurance that thera it would lie secure and safe. There is no power, no inlluence, great enough to swav its judgments. One 'if the proposals fo enlarging the present fir Id of legislation has been to tri o the congress authority to make valid a propos"d law which the Suprcin.! court lias (Vclared was outside the authority granted by the people bv the simple device of re-oraotipg it. Sucii a provision would make the rongrass finally supreme. In th- last resort its powers prac tical !v v o;t!d be unlimited. Thi- would be to do away with the great main principle of onr writ ten Cou.-tituiioir, which regards the people as sovereign and the govern ment as their agent, and would tmd to make the legislative body nov erobrn and the people its subjects. It would to an extent substitute for the will of tli noopK definitely a:il permanently expressed in t lie it written Constitution, tl- changing and uncertain will of the congress. That would radically alter our form of government and take from ititd chief guaranty of freedom. . gWll .. . ..Ul,.H,,-g,..TIrri t See Us For Staple and Fancy Groceries FLOUR OUR SPECIALTY We will save you money it you trade with us, W e will save you one dollar or more j on every barrel flour. Canned goods and cereals. J. r. DEAVER & CO. Phone 1 18 Cor. CaSdwell & Main Sts. The Materialistic Doctrine Was Destroyed by the Scientists Themselves By KDGAR I . IIEKI1MANCE. in "Chaos or Cosmos?" iiroceries When we tell you that ve handle GOOD Groceries, ve mean the BEST. Our line is the cream of the trade, and no Is world :n which we live a chaos, a welter of blind forces and brutish passion? Or is it a co-operative enterprise, through which Man and !od are slowly working out an ord. r ft ju-tiee ami brotherhood? That is tli!.' question men are asking, with an importunity no prc ions age has known. The most important event in recent Thought is th- passing of Materialism ns a philosophy based on sc"iitiiic induction. The ag"-!'ng prul.dem of Matter lias be-u atta:kcd, and in a measure .-olved. Mc'iern Th; lias faken a position which is entirely consistent with Jo-us' tJe orv of a spiritual Universe. MaterialisTu was dno l- death,- not by the blistered stud nt. sj: li ning a net of idcali-m in his- own brain r dt. by the militant theologian, L'.irni:.- his blind eye to the facts of S.-t -nee, th.vt he might light on, ignorant and nudaunted. Tla- materialist ic doctrine, .- often put forth in the name of Science, Wes destroyed through the further study of the seient i-is themselves. i Being Tired of a Man No Excuse for Separation! and for Two Homes ' I 1 i i Vt'ona to'v:- :l hk: epect me ?,y Tv L. MORGAN, Court of Domestic Relations. , . v. lio will ia t live witii their husbands or do their shrtre! a h.-one. or stay at home niirhts. nec:l mt come Ii.tc a tic '. to order a v . ;,v allowance for them. 1 will not do it j lie: n tired of a man is not excuse enc-utih for. a sep i rat ion and demand inr tha-t a man support two hoims. Too manv women think that wit!. ! the first e.rarri h v wa:,t 'j-n.;.or. frTrr.frifsy .rfs-zw a Jtxr a, 11 5' m cm 'it-. LflU W 1 "t5 "p- . man . win t; the iiU. : I wint ,ii:y rr.r.n to yi w-- show l. e ; f j :;e :: 1 they lane an excuse to get rid of a bad bargain, and: i;n::r upon, the husband the burden of t !.::. everlasting the ri::'.t to be 1 o-s of his own hone. A wife must go , c;m make a livinir. women io get a s juare deal, but I am not going to send 1 tn help a woman get revenge for some ill feeling. Sin--e.hei nt reson w!:v ho should be in jail. I am sending . jail lr.:re. I ::ive -. ni a cliance and tell them, thfy wil -:r gr- to j;iM and crve the sentence. B me oistory or ne tf 1 S3 , TN ord iViotor company nil ! c cU c. c 'ffo Discourage the Presentation of Objection able Pictures on the Screen By JOHN A. QUINN, President Better Pictures Ass'n. These are the; purposes of the. I'.etter Pictures Association of the . ' "World: j To disc e.;t ago the production and presentation of (.hjectionablo mo ! ' t: n pictuT' ; To otfer constructive suggestions and criticisms making for greater ;po;-'.lar approval and support. To work for the elimination of misleading and untruthful adver- !ti.: '. To strive for betterment gen ruh'y in the art of making motion pio !ture. and for tiiis purpose to maintain various depaitmer-ts of service, l.rescarch, statistics and infor't'ation. To safeguard the scree: from unreasonable regulations and restric- itions. To bad: up worthy production? through pulpit, press, schools and special bulletins sent out by the BP A and its various affiliated organi zations. " To award the BPA Merit S:tl a mark of excellence that can always '."be depended upon to prodm tmms of unusual merit. To em - mrage and h ' h a service d. "ornt cf experts the production and prescntat n pictures a f A'hole famlij will enjoy. To pre. vent, as far n et-i! n i-ganda frorn s- SSiS Coope e All Prices F. O. B. Detroit At these lowest of low prices and with the many ne-vy refinements, Ford cars are a bigger value to day than ever before. Mow is the time to place your order for reasonably prompt delivery. Terms if desired. Lcwe Motor Co. Brevard. H. G. netng c'ircu;a?i .tiain.- --O t."rahiiwrarr,ijga),iaiaiaMia etter is to be found. Here you can get everything and sometimes mere that is usually carried in a grocery store, and if you have not b-en trading with us ve solicit a trial order. TVM. MITCHELL SELLS 'EM Established 1904. Cor. Main and Caldwell Sts. r i H I . M ft-4adLJ- i ..J r vvv A i Danitary w asustanas We're just as willing to figure with you on the installation ot a washstand as we would be if you wanted a complete new set of plumbing fixtures throughout your bouse. We know that if we ever do a small icb for you tbat you surely will call on us when you have big work to be done. All fixtures earned bv us are of the newest patterns and cut work is all done in trie latent approved manner. NICHOLSON & DUCLOS Plumbing, Tinning and Sheet Metal Work I The City Market The oldest meat and grocery house combined in this commuirty, but always progressive and up-to-date. For Fresh and Country Cured Meats always kept in our sanitary two-ten capacity ice box, with a refrigerator display counter together with expert meat cutters and butchers of many years cxperi . ence, you can be assured of prompt, efficient and cecrteous treatment jixy i i e jixv iviarKet S. F. ALLISON, Prop. Meats and Groceries Main Street Fhone No. 47 Warranty Deeds and Deeds in Txust at News Office. i 44 J L '