r I v TRANSYLVANIA "OPPORTUNITIES EMPIRE" NATURAL RESOURCES FC USTRIES .m Brevard New EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVANIA COUNTY. THE LOCAL NEWS An Idependent Weekly. VOLUME XXVIII BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1923 NUMBER 9 i TRAINING SCK FOR S. S. WORKER At Baptist Church All Of Next Week Fine Opportunity For Those Interested. Next week. besinnin.tr Monday ev ening, there will be held the second annual Sunday School training school of the Brevard Baptist church. This time thert. will be two classes in ses sion at the same time, and two books will be taught, whereas last year only one book was taught. The two books to be studied are, "Old Testament Studies," by Dr. P. E. Burroughs; and, "Primary Plans and Programs," by Miss Annie Wil liams. Both of these books are by experts of the Baptist Sunday School Board of Nashville, Tenn.. and arc great books of their kind. "Old Tes tament Studies," gives in simple, yet comprehensive, outline Old Testa ment history, and gives it. in an in teresting way. Dr. B. W. Spilnian waste nave taugnt tms dook, ami tne i dates for this school wcr, set by him, but he had a complete nervou, break- , r l iii down a few weeKs a.uo. and has been j i -, ii . i, i , l ' ver low since. Hence ne bat t can , , t . i . 0 : eel his e:iiragem'nt. Last week, at a f c- - o , i meeting of the Snuaav Scnool wor- : was to have taught this book, and the her.-, the pa-tor. Rev. Chas. C. Smith, i 1 ... i. i . . .. . : . l. . . i. ... j 1. .. i 1 v.;:- ;:.-K('ii iu , .H ii iins iiiiuk. .1 : u i.e ! Will do SO. i The second book will be ta'.le"hf by Mrs. J. V. Prooks of IL ad. r.-onville, who b supi-rintend.ent of t!u- primary e.epart iviont ot the .nnoay .ve'iool ot , the l''ir..t Ba.ptist Church of litis city, j S'it. i- a suece-.-ful and -ph ii.Hd pri mary worker, and is also ' ' to leach other.- how to do this kin ! -f work. j There will be live niehis of this j school, beginning on Monday and. cav ing on Friday n;e.!it. '1 !! pi; a i- as fellows lor ea.ch niyht: (k:;0. Devotions oel... ( C V- I i.-d. 7 ::;('. Sirna screed the c!;ure:n MO'), l 'eik- :. S:15 Chising Periods. '. :tHi, Adjourn. The ladi. of tl-. T. ik L. cltis.-. o' this Sunday School v id : e Sun 'ers ea.ell evenine. Tile kaes u Brocks, will be had: . d ' t-.v, a:.- 1 v.-m-er-. ami tin e : h uhi enrol! .Sunday morning: certainly va-1 hilv . than Monday night at the fir: t eke s. -The other class wiil u.-e tin.' ihurcii , aU'iiiorium, and the nu.-..ae;' v.iii not be limited. All ;:i 1 1 r- P:eo:;-' c!as ' may exer'd - e ihe ; el. a.-r.n. n' nns fgai htough a saci".' -ful examin- al:..a on tins bviok will c eni'e a eerii hcate fo- ih.-oe who do not hoid the rae.rma.l course e.i ah mas, v. ai!e for thos-e ,ho do the sucee:-- .'u! examina tion will eeure a . aifor :... oiiW.a. ; Tin, is a! o tr; I'dr-: Breok.- REV. CHAS. C. SMITH RESIGNS: Ilev Chas. C. Smith resi:ned. on In.! S un.cav mot i'.in ' a.s i-asior o. tec locad. liaptist church. In a most ai fect'.o!iatv and Jtracefui but nhtin short talk Parlor Smith lab! ins resig- I nation upon the pulpit with the re- ' ;ue.-t that his resignation be accept- . oil :nil t ie-it 7:0 iv'-o 1 m 1 1 e si s he drawn i up. He will Jeav,.. Brevard about tie- la t of March. CONNESTEE NEWS Mr. Louie and Mr. Leo Raines mot or; i to Greenville, S. C, Friday. Mr. C. A. liaines has moved on Mr. S. C. Morrie's form near Mr. Kirnsey. Mr. John McKiney, from Toxaway, ha- moved on the Cantrell farm. Mr. W. II. Hogsed and Mr. D. L. Thrift have been been working in cross ties. Mr. C. H. Holden spent the week end with Mr. Nathan Raines. Horn o Mr. and Mrs. Eliza Thrift February 20, a daughter. Mr. William Hogsed had to kill his dog Monday as it went mad. Mi-s Sallie McKiney spent the week end with her sister Mrs. Lonnie Breedlove of Selica. Mr. Ward Beredlivc preached at the new Baptist Church at Connestee last Sunday. Mrs. Doric Morgan spent Thursday with Mrs. Lee Masters. Bern to Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Gallo way on February 7, a son, Garner. Misses Nancy Raines and Polly Hogsed went horseback riding on last Saturday afternoon. We we have been having some cold weather, at Connestee for the last few davs. DOLLY. LAYMEN'S CLUB Largest Meeting Yet Held. Short Enthusiastic Talks Music And Solo by Alvin Moore. The attendance at the Layman's Club on last Sunday Afternoon was the largest and most enthusiastic yet had, and, there now seems no doubt that this organization in Brevard has COME TO STAY. Short talk by O. II. Orr, F. E. B. Jenkins, Prof. C. A. Wilson, J. A. Miller, and others, were both encour aging and entertaining. Prof. Wil son gave some interesting informa tion on the subject of the "Y. M. C. A.' for which, among other things, the Layman's Club is working, and, Mr. Miller told of his recent visit to a Laymen's Club meeting and supper in Charlotte, and, his remarks gave some splendid points for the Brevard organization to work for. The music was very inspiring to j I lit 1 . I l. i i Ml I.. V i!v, I J 1 V I : v I i.l iIj.iik: i t . .. i,..,.., j s; . , lUi la.l.u; u Hit.. l:;:.- ; sician to ist. and it honed i.e., ,--;;i n.. ., m ., .; m . l- "l ,"- " " ""---" ni'.ntanon committee to a.!! laymen to ' 1 ' ' ' ' ; r..o.n of t' e ?i he-Ii-t ciiarch. i - -i j i. i . . I i i'.o vitiii e.-ines in nue i i ai; io its members at ;mxl Sunda's meet- I on "The Value of the i-aym..i; Work". .-41 r i vt f ff n 1 1 - I-,-' i s I-- -7- l- rr 1 ; v - . l .- '-' ', ; 7- f I "Tim U 1 :l. die tea: ' e. a.;': . i " llle .- w'-oi or 1 a vs. otnee 1 e . a '. a : 1 . e.; 1 v.e i I:, :':, lir trui a r'oi' 'e em.et' iu- "C.ood Xiaii' IK at u: me I at tne :or j s you". 'id'a- n.cce- ' have k . 1 1 or e.nn...-ii v .ices .-.ita .1 ... ;; wen y;----u:.' n.n ii;tci.-, me . rr.rir.npie:' .;f in a, en :ise!i". V.e . he.u :d not fail of getting this highest 00 i . ,. ;,' : : V Kl'iii t u.' o'.'. .1 Ilo'tiieS, j v.. should do our !e. 1 to gave ; r. i:g-.oti nurture 10 tne.-e v. .mm we are wranne ! up. eternal destinies. Selected. A PHAYEIi Dear .'.!::-. e. Thou la. . messing and a 1 rust in our c.muirc-n for they come from Thee ami Thou didst eay "Keep this child for iv.e." Hek) us, thai v.e may care for them to know and' iovt. Thee. Cive us natienee and faith, and may our -own lives guided and blest by Thee,, lead hem to know how good Thou ' art. Keep our cnucren irom sin, aim n they do wrong, help them to cohie to us that we may lead them to Thee for pardon. And may they so live on earth that we may have t'hem with us when we enter Heaven for Thine own dear sake. Amen. Heavenly Father, who .didst st,peak from Heaven and say concerning 1 . ' ',',- ni,,.. ;n fVirt " - I ' " - illdd th(' ')Ian0' h ' ju h , .,,.rt 'r - ivilization which , ,iH f ""Z t '? " thU;and J gram wa-- a solo. "Hold Thou Mv '--ation o. the spitual rhy:.i iviliitio-i '! 11 - ( . t Kpln,,-ia:is pas-; V ' . ' , . ' " liaml, l 'e.;'. i.otu, u one t ite- 1 'oate- i h" nv.---,i' 's nv -vi -11, u..n. ,.t in i.., : . -.n,.. ! .- WI yard's vounirost and ta cnted mu-i- 1 lie bok ot Josbaa ... i.i - ; , , , t-u., ,.t v . ni.i "c, .,,.-. . 4 -,u " cians. Alvin Moore. The Club k n- EpheM.nis cf toe Old leamc... - j , : ,.. , ' .. I ; . ... ;;,r ... i, ,(,,.. v.., . u.i. .. o Christ, Thou art my beloved Son, tie when the enemy far out-number-give us grace that we may leaH our 1 ed Jericho's garrison, and here they children to know and love Thee. Hold used no weapons at all, but with us from fretfulness and impatience. Help us to make our home a place of sunshine, because Thou art there. Grant us Thy wisdom that we t may know how to direct th0 steps oif our children. Let Thine Angels bo their constant, though unseen, guafrdians, and bring us all, a reunited family, to Thy Home above. For Jesusj sake, Amen. Ok D. C. PILGRIM'S PROGRESS: St.. ES NUMBER VII. SWEET FIELDS OF CANAAN OR, HEAVENLY PLACES IN r WRIST JESUS. (B., Rev. Chas. C Smith) A really remarkable passage of Scripture is that of Josh. 21 :43Ui: "The Lord gave unto Israel all the land which h sware to give unto their fathers; and they possessed it and dwelt therein. And the Lord, gave them rest round about accord ing to all that he sware unto their fathers: then' stood not a man of all their enemies into their hand. The re failed not ought of any good thing which the Lord had spoken unto the i r ,. j house of Israel; all came to pass. The New T;;t.:m; . ; ;;:: ;rif i h is a rari- ; feot ai th" t;nal fal1 of th:- avd i:i I s to rm :i ; ho fncvh( rmhVr ,-. ;n Knhedans 1 " pi cd ! "' f p!ctUrcS madt fr0m Pn1t- ; -"turlay of tl.,s week, or Mom.ay hV in Co tTl- her of,'Vo"d!,::k0n in:ide th l0mb' th0win thf tht' n0XL rnnCip;i! fl"ht f , . . a" " l ie iiniere'.ce reiv, een .N ea iiu r- i i r . i : ... .. . . . . a!'" !- e et in.' experiences rei.or-eu m - 7 am! in the boo!; of Ki;ho-- j :v s. Jt ukistra ; e ; ; a e un k,k,,::.;k ,:;::;;;.:;.:,,;,; ! oevond t.l.l stream : . l Aee'.l 1 i fi ; n 1 wi nit and. life in Ca- betwt -a life with : ad i . i ; , , - ra ve ! Me v. it: ectk,, i te. :; t.. I ' ''. .. .1 i r. a m-isr ;; -it m' 1 i; a f: 1 ;. k ( !- a 1 n ; A Cikiil P?C .1 1 ,r i'. ,i'!,i',ir,.'. r. ' 'rose :. r hat into ( anaan wa.- for k: ..eon- ' ; i. e :;:deed. i-i i t" ti a- id. an n -w, full : .' Lord i -. ;ko an .xperie; et 1 '-1 a o'rmma i ae:a tore -,ve ;. v I'd Vvitli nan l.y eanta-m into t t 1 , the glory of tin even s0 we a.l.-o should WALK Ik Newnes : of Life." Xewetm-i of life : means a iu.!oo;: on nr.... :.n,i one aioane. o. oe'i.u'. . i ai i.ow i-i .- iue- e vn comes to realise that, "to me to live l,.j;Ution if ,:,, friv.n.;s :;M.. rvla- !-' ch'-nn an-.: to teiow tmn it is "no longer 1. but Lhn t who tielh in an . it is a glorious experience. II. IT IS A LIFE Ok OYi - IRCOM - i.sC. In lae heavenly plae the r :-: tiiwavs yicto'.'mus. at me J ray at thk point that this e:;p;cssior does not refer to heaven, had. to the 1 neaveiiiy experiences tnat tne oeliev er is privileged to enjoy in this lite. With Israel in the land as the years- parsed the victories became mere remarkable in character, and more wonderful in results. A,t first Jeri cho was taken after a short siege and being marched around thirteen 1 times. Later there was another bat 1 lights in jars that were brkoen they prevailed over 120,000 Midianites. ; Later still they did nothing except to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Their deliverance in this instance came entirely from the skies, and consisted of a perfect storm of rocks and stones rained down upon theni from a God who was fighting (Continued on back page) " fiUUitSd Sic 0 Villi 3'SOO YEARS AGO Reproductions of PhctoRraphs Taken In 7 ha Tomb of King Tut-Ankh Amen, In This Issue. Have you ever tried i0 picture for yourself the civilisation that existed before the time of David, second king of Israel? Have you tried to imagine- the kind of clothes people wore o.riOO years ago, the kind of furnit ure they used? Htil" !,t i,-,il ,.. .U ... 11.... r ,1. Nile, there va recently opened the tomb of I'haroh Tut-Ankh Ann n, the ruler of Egypt 3,500 years ago, and in. ide this tomb there was found vast 1 quantities of things that picture the , civilisation of the ancient world. coniamvo. in these pictures you ; (will r-e much of the story of that ; pa red a-; eai-s be- : eat ante- hun- 5 ! v, jl! find u b. "hat k of in', en. in-.v-re-t. and iu will add to your own intc .--: In , ,( et u- f. hour -. :: : , 1 v$km PSTITHW lee 1 1 I' ( in 1.1 music, iv ory i " ay drill, foi uk.v. 1 nti' io.i "Si e- he a sine Ckd , f - j Wd!i, k a d. V .' e;! i e ' .v v; : .ear". .t e.i e i," at!', v 1 ; euer The home- of in r mother. Idk-- 1 Calloway on i-'rhiav. i-'e'nrua.ry a . : ) ' n wa.- lean., d Sanoay 1: in ,f whim: e Ml. "'. . -a eente.vi .'. a 'member. en; i-ch e-v. t Smit!; o'i L: n-d 1. 1 miia. t ma ttu 1 , . , ... QK ... e o : i jrerul sei a e. !ne iesis ociHaim a 1 . . ...:r..i .1 1 t. . Qi, t I iivS. c-i.i. t.- .in ,i.n "i a . t -.I iilt 1 p.jm,:, into v..(n;:in heo i ..n!v k v,.,r., of .niil Was gifted with U rhec-y tlisaekticn and always look- k,,j oa the m ie hi side of life. Even : 1 p, her last iiiiu -s when her suffering were great she aiwsrvs had a smile and a cheerful word of greeting for the friends who visited her. y'U, 1 said she die! not rear deatn and only I n".it,d !,. -.-V of ihe M.-i-tc r. To awaited ihe can ol the mother whose devotion to her was- unbounded and v. no nnnisierou so tendekv to all her wants and to the brother and two sisters who are left behind we extend our heart-felt sympathy and while we mourn with them. We also reioice in the hone had of Heaven where we hope to meet her some glad golden day. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Price, Jr., of Brevard were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Zaehary Sunday. Messers Plato and Brooks Gilles pie, Marion Giazener and Miss Ruth Gillespie of Pelzer, S. C, who motor ed over Sunday to attend the funeral of Miss Willie Mae Gallowav return- : ed heme Monday. ' MRS. T. P. G ALLOW AT Ill iL:liit3iil M SC. y General Ar-son-h - i Oky I Days Lef: . :. v Work. Zachnry Goes -Again. Raleigh, N. C. ;-',: r.m.ry -d 1 '.):'. -Wiili only one v, eck ft -.):'.: nirnr o the sixty-day l.a.i .. '.. ,u. . v 'k it may complete k-. wore, ih" Cm eral Assembly is ho! 'ing -gulr: daily sessions and aim A every .-.i-rd The "working nvmberk' are care- i o ri U linniccw'i' 't'h.,. ! - 'who listen only and follow the ka ' e rs "at voting time" do not appear to ' 'n' taking the almost constant grind reriously. But some of this cia even, v;i!1 he perfectl:; vikng to "shake the dust of the city" off their an amennmcni, io me ueenu" exempting from taxtaion stock; of foreign corporatinos. Thi.; was bitterly contested, bin finally adopted u a vjie oi io'c-:i lo iii.y - ii-.ri e l . c c ..... :.. ... r;r.. ii... and the matte i-goes to the Senate f -. con.-iderakon tins week. Tile iine :'-!'c- i;ha i'ply drawn on this ksue v.w 'x ;!l' opnoeition to e.xcrnpt ion o- t a : from this c'a.-s ef wo-kh viil bitterly ee it e.-t ; m- eti or, . The soiicikor.' of ' h " S'r.t e v. i 1 1 h- eker re n-e salaries in "vl ..f ro;-,. r a. . c ;". ;-i-r" in tae :.ou Ik! a-'y pat tin aflec a -1 irrcd c... if. :::.-t ead of f; .-, i l! long the h.-'e. The ; oe-dw- ion1!' j-er ; -i ; -e alb .'. ";. o ;' : h that bod loan ad a i iti rs are c r: and an ex '!) acef r em " rlou " biii. and t k.e Senate r a.e,-. A m:vn solictor .. :- to ..'. the cT t- . i .1 a n . ' in Ida 1.'. -, ; ' e. . . ': t . ' . o ' V .... kr a lend :-. . ;va. Ta ; sotfered ex.-- Bu ket Comrv , 1 1 .10 01.: ' '",1 - : : ' t ne 1 st imat . : (.t , f.m, i:oe, uiiaaitaiix i.i..' urn- i'..i-. 1 . u 1 ... ... . .... ecnCoversv over the com.ikem ol t : . a ti ea rep. 1 a am ew ; -. te of hands must ''' read ai.ei a.-ted unon m e.un house on mree i.nerent taiys .0 .."net tne i'i,:e aaa 1 requirement reiad i e to tin- f..'' :c. ;..r c'a-, ef !g i-Ia.i a. The aa- 1 ranria.'.'.en eoaimnttv- is going' s 1 r in its recom on n d;e nn -, but ,.eten s ; ;ci:on by reciting ti; l . . a . . . t 01 .m' jitaie in ai.oas a p. n.. , tne pet -en . t.i:-.e. JMma. or mcinry, 01 i : an-.. i. !..;. '.appeared on the scene for the third. 1 time last week with the. intention ck ; i niminiii , umw .ut ui.-ivm. v ' reskon. Ho v. ever, hi- .-;ay wa. of brief duration. A violent attack of j bronchitis made nece-sary a return i to the mountains and he left for : home on r rmay nignt. ins pny.-ie:- j an advi.-ed the Senator that he need not expect relief in this low altituue. Before leaving Mr. Zaehary introdu- ced and arranged for the passage of a bill through the Senate restoring the compensation allowed the ticas- urer of hi? county previous to the ac- tion of the Board of Education which recently slashed it fifty per cent. He and Representative Duckworth also reached an understanding relative to other local legislation. mm liALra .ays II In Prudent At Time To Re view th Pun - Loo! ing Each- . Vard ar'.fi Forward. Some whov o par. ;,'.:); are rated .-:h wki e have said that ic is bent. ine.ined to thin:: that as 1.: o.v that is worth while - of i tun; an experience it in a. to revk'w the past c-.timate as far as in us j tak care of the present v N:;? "teen Hundred en J -.ii, k .... U ' . I : , Vy k,n : I .o v. a-; for Transvlvama !..... froni a health' stand- T.,.jn- ;:1 ,m, pan no outbreaks-. ,t ;V, in and'i9. w,K'n - cwr h i,is - phoili f,:Ver and small pox each one control!, 1 if we wi,h by preventive !ecaev ve nave used tne iman-i placed before us and urged unon a-: b (,.,r ((,r;lrtmt.tjt 0f health. Th- 'u.-e of these mcan.s has .'u: perisia te."!y a Ivi -al by pamphlets read r sch.O'd. ami explained by teachers din ction e;f Stat., health authorities an 1 In adkt'on by articles publiar.r I f -on: tia:e 10 .im" in our wide-awaire f c.u'iiy paper en-'-.-avoring constant.-- r to (h'nn.n-trate lim reasons for an J Imske:- economy of preventing ik ne v;hii h aie from every standpoint co.'ly advoiitures. T'n. writer ha r oticetl that an ouT'.-ivai: of smailpc . h :s as'-unn-d alar.vlr.g proj)ortions id an daround ( Ireersboro in Guilford. County. Refer.-iu e to records of ravages prior io tin. discovery and adoption of vacinn'ion we learn that its mortality va vary great In ae!diii.n it k probably the most :o..lh-'i:;!e of a!i :I . -e a h '" v con- laeious, its infection perisisting inde r an ,y in an ieh. ;' e o a : ;' Y. m. C. A. COMMITTEE TO HAVE MEETING. din..-.. v :' ! e :. rea.-on for the ai i 1 J-. ether than cul; a'ek' ae.rlie.ence on tln3 ( one .'.' i aide ne ' '-i avail thamsk -- of all am - m: a-u;-.. : 'TO'' f: ii ! to tiien-. a ' a- person ri' ;-;'!..! ! to (io ihi "cariae" si rie-i:-'- in i-. e d-.-i a-- a - p. -nee. V.' it: k.au m .::-:..k .-. eiae.i" aa! r .p. :.; ,. er.".e. t' n is by ad o k--a,, e.a-- vil W. J. WALI.1S. I There wiil i, aipertant meethW Of the committee en V. M. C. V'lL The cmnnnt'ee is cemno-od vli Je; ry -ieroiiie, I.v'.vk P. Hamlin, D.. JL T. J. Sumrney. J. W. Smtlh. R. E. Hampton, Win. A. Ban ! and V. H. Ceoean. Jr. Meeting to he held iu the Brevard N-.-w., Ohke Mouaay, karc'i the fth a: "A. All those- ir.'. cvcsied ia;ue-teu to no i t v. .'! above eon.ao d.ee to 0 :scu tne imnorean!; r,ti'tii);i. Com.- and .. us your adv ;'. . e wane nt " unnort and mu-t have it if air -'n.ng 1- accomniishco. COMMiTTkS. U. D. C. .MEETING: j The U. Ik C. wit! ra.-e-i at the Lib T S rary on Saturday. March. at 4 i : M. Those who have not paid their dues will please do so at this kmc. .-no ormg ee-us 101 cue .e.e Davis fund. APPRECIATES FUNNY PAPER Bee-vard News, k.ar Mr. Band: I am glad ycu are fending us the "funny paper" wi'h the Prevar.-f News. Now wc will not have ta wait until Sunday fcr one. Your friend, JAkk'IS MILLS. JR.