TRANSYLVANIA "OPPORTUNITIES EMPIRE" NATURAL RESOURCES FOR LOCATING INDUSTRIES New EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVAN I A COUNTY. THE LOCAL NEWS An Idf pendent Weekly. r VOLUME XXVIII BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1923 NUMBER 10 Brevard LAYMAN'S CLUB . LANS TO TAK Up Eig Brother Movement. Sun day's Meeting Showed Gain Interesting Talks THE PRAYER CORNER THE CHRISTIAN'S ARMOR. THE CHRISTIAN'S SANDALS ?n t l fJAi. . iiti. ORCHAR ANSYLVANiA Last Sunday's meeting showed Con tinued gain - Taper by Rev. C. D. Chapman Impressive solo bv Al- vin Moore Testaments furnished in tasi,n :uul oul of season, always for Jail Inmates. j alert. We should be quick to take Last Sunday's meeting of the Lay-! UP "Uties, to fall into line with the man's Club indicated a continued i '1 who aro "ivin lo religious acti gain in both attendance and interest, j v't.v- A paper by Rev. C. D. Chapman Josephus. the Jewish historian, entitled The Layman's Influence con leaking of the Romans says, They tained many helpful paints for the 'sWuM have their sandals ail on, stand club members. Talks bv Mr. T. H. ! in"- so to speak, lined up and waiting Calloway on the Value of Praver and fo1' lho vvord f con-mand: Thcn Prof. C. II. Trowbridge on the gen ,! uM t,u" crit'r sii,nd at th, wnrarp . -r.-ii unr!.- of the Clnh worn v in right hand, ar.d ask them thrice, whe teresling and encouraging. Three Thousand Trees to Be Planted Good Vaiities Selected (By F.ev. C . 1 ). Chapman) Sugestions Having shod your feet with the preparations of the Gospel of Peace. That is, we should ever have our sandals on. We should keep oursel ves in readiness for marching, instant The renown of the Transylvania apple is spreading far and wide, and those who ha. apple orchards in county should observe more closely the modern methods of treating the trees and pruning. R. B. Taylor of Greer, S. C, a young and ambitious citizen, has pur chased a good body of land on Rich Mountain and expects in a few years to have an apple orchard of at least three thousand trees. lie recently carried through Brevard a truck of 800 choice trees which are now being reset in his Rich Mountain orchard. Mr. Taylor is porprietor of ; nur- r they !".' now ready to go into I cry at Greer. 3. C, and is also in- ... ,-1,1 T . 1 1 1- - ... I .. I ' The special musical feature, a solo . '' nol 10 wn!cn lm'-v r'n!"- as u-re-teu m a largo inacn inn i.i bv Alvin Moore. On0 Sweetly Solemn ,,fu !!- with a loiu! anti crful voict'' (;'-'-v:11 eour.ty which yields yearly Thought, was very impressive indeed. -' roaJy. xhU th' (? al htundre Is of bushels of this most Inl and the.e solos by Brevard's talented 'c- before tlv question is asked j clous fruit. Ho has a wide know hem. tnev this as inled witn a ledge t truit, ailuougn young m tir.d of martial furv. ar.d at the same I vea.v. and if our orchardists will aENTALLY, MORAL- STATE Wmm LY - PHYSICALLY. Id VISIT COMMUNITY Y. M. C. A. Necessary for Brevard Writer Say3 It's Sure Cure For Present Ailments young musician are most inspiring to th,- men present. The Club instructed its standing Y. ; they so cry out, they lift up Make r.-to of kirn, and how he treats M. C. A. committee, supplemented by ! -h,-'ir l'ht hamI aLo" Wo ar? lva,J' 1 hi" - hey will become more other members, to meet, with the gen ! -y' j familial with how to grow perfect oral committee on Y. M. C, A. called ' Tin-re should be this alacrity mi fruit. for ?Iopd:v afternoon in the Brevard '. ' '-ian warfare. All -hould Im e j Tin- writer predict that Mr. Taylor News roor.:s as this feature is stron" -!"ir a,':,1; prepared for action! will bring to light the knowledge that n t..,. mip.u'e u ne:i a pastor as! i). I ar.d u( gc fruit c:i:i The Layman's Club has supplied Testaments for the inmates of the County and it is planned to pre ;-: '"''. 1 :-' -nt thec testaments at some early '"; ; ;! (,!u:i'e'' advance with the strong .hat vl 'ale this feature of the work being th ' ' tnbiofc.-n r:;::ks- :i:ui wilh the f":' l ;i-ik- if thev are readv for work :v i own in Trap.: ylvania county a- is j k:uh: hold up both hands and 1 giov.-.i in '. k. north or northwest. Wo are ready. Only thus ! lie v ' dig -at of i ran-- viva::. a om : . one..' in t. r.o: a. nr.. along the lines as that now carried on ;able force of a maceuomap. Iva.r.ia welo'vos Mr. Ta to il . ..It ..' . . . .-... 4 ., IiW:.l'.IA. Ill l.f. UK . t l ." , ...I'., . - li. .v. i i ' . - - ' 1 1. i : 1 1 ' kj l 1 1 . v. ; : v , t u . . 11.: ' ! o,,.! ;;-.. ! That was JS line thine; which Pom in the .-cur. of time he wi'd own en- The BIG BROTHER MOVEMENT ; 1" 'al !"' Whe:uv';-r -he :.f';vt orchards in Western j tr, ... 4v : I sian" wit.'i :.!v fnot in anv iv:rr '.r.h C a.rsdina n;wl be rhipning Cv. u- ! . . v i ' i . . i I i i .1 1 i I u v. 1 1 L J i.U I O . L lie - i : C1m,' work ;m,J ever,- 1mv,-:: 5nf..,- !" ''K' hf!-e V.i.l nsv' Up ;OS;s i We have reached the stage in The Land of Waterfalls where building ..p.ns are being made and have al VP.dy been started. Nothing els could show a greater progress in the rrowing of a town than this building that will be going on. and on,, can see nothing but a bright future for us all. It is but natural that we all look :t the bu-ine-; view first, but now let us diop (hat and give ourselves a little thought. Many of us will say that the i'.rst step towards- the grow nig of any town is the increase in .i. i. : 71 ii i "v.i.-..::e, iu:u is an wen ami true, now tlvn, let us take the second step, THE UPKEEP OF OUR SELVES. The founding of a Y. I'd. '. A. i U"-' a t"i L. E.-'-er.lia! i" the ::"-t word .".eante.l for the occasion, for a town or city diet has no in. thution of thir. sort, where everyone in the omr.iun'ty can go to benclit themselves mental :y. incrally an ! hy -ically. i nothing but a deirir.n nt for all those in it. Wo have ad heard many fathers c'a.i'n that th' '.- so-.s Ivte to leave tins )!:.", to :'; woiiv. Our iir.-L tep v, ill !(:::!: :r , ' . ,:-L the .-vc ' . g .-. t!'" U;-i ".'; f oiirselves, '"ill sur. :y rr .- an attraction for i.e ni e: :-t::.. I : o'i i : words. we cannot i:..v a .-ave-sft!! ico: n:'-r iy Iooe:'- ; at 'l in the btr en-es . tan ipo::.;. th- - both run togvilu-r. ;I -iv iininy of u-- c;.:i safely say ih:r? we a:'..- in ! nfi e'. i-ir-; 'v. c; Secretary of Y. M. C. A. Gives Repcr of Meeting Meld o;i Monday To Hold Mass Meeting "'jisr:K's p. cyres Series No. VI II A I'-roun of nu n con-i. ting of thir teen met :-t -1:1') at the oHk-e of the THE TRUST COMMITTER, OR RE SPONSIBILITIES CF THE CHRIS TIAlM LIFE Lart of the Series 'it'- i; C. Smith) Brevard .W ws to discuss' the; building ! ("'!u' i-a.age from Lie Old Tes of a Y. M. C. A. Th-' meeting' was called to order by Jerry Jerome- who rei ded. Business was taken up im mediately and Mr. Fred Miller was elected as Chairman and Jerry Jer onio as secretary. ment and one from the New may constitute the texL for this message. Peut. 1 :! :1 : "Ye shall walk after tie Lord your God, and fear Him, and keep His commandments, and obey His voiee, and ye shall serve Him, The following rc-t'ons wer ' and cleave un'o Him." Enh. -1:1 pro'. :-e(i ami carried thru. Mvsr.:. ; "I therefore, the prisoner of V, llson and .kror.u were appoirte Lord, oo.-eech vou thai ve wal;-. as a committee to look into the pians of a Y. M. C. A. That we notify e'-'ery or animation. iraternai orders, mate .-:.i temnn-. , brirr,s tn .,; ,,nt rc-pora-iidiiue.,, as and cioirches, to a.-nue ., e cornmil'- 'indeed does every ):rivi!ege. A wo of one to represent tle- n at our ik-x. I man of wealth in Wale,: was asked meeting v.niefi wn: e announce ! tre ot ' :.n : .an we worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called." Our inheritance as Christians ier the present and future wel -k in i-'-r.i, both horses an.i 's'ed in far,, of the young boys in our com nmnitv is urged to be juv-e.nt at next Sunday's meeting at .') : 1 " P. M. in the n'us.-.'.ny School room of the Metho dh-t church. COMMITTEE if! in : ( f apples fre n hi a COUaiiV. foot. v-, ae'i tn: c one ;;:en ::ie s 'h si-j VLC CLEANINGS a to O r . -, . , "i t'rn !::. . . i'e ' : i O 'tU'selVO I A WEEK OF SPECIAL MEETINGS TO BE HELD IN BAPTIST CHURCH '-I Can :., b f e.'-n.n d: ein a ' y -1 : (i'm' : :'..n i : v. east eeua t o . a. Sp-r-c-a! Scries of Senior.:-, During th-. Pastor's Last Week jr. Ercvrsd . as Hi.-; follower-, he ca!i. That s. ' t !:. . and e cr whore. A PBAVEH " .;L e a ,) ain of our Sal ; v -i" to our -a,; fa -l -n c c-r - e i c;i'- wm-i-e r.o :: :- luvsent or ! dom., h Vas a factorv section, an at a near oato. That wo notify th. zens of the to v. n to 1 have themselves repre -. :ued at the j (Jenselv aonulated. Eeimr unable . mxt nu,,tin- Ue- where suec- would cn,..r, h That ?.Ir. il-on w r,- Mr. Snvth. j c.jrf(l-.: . ,.t.fijM..i j ., ... Secretary of the Y. ."i. C. A. in ihi i C .. . .1." 7. - .. l . ! oL.iie sivnig nun Lo came n'-re to ! ,.. .... i,-;i-,,.,- -a.. :.,.-,; a. hold a mass meeting. The meeting was adjourned at ." : i 0. He. pect fully submitted., JETUIY JEROME. Secrctarv RATS AND MICE CA.'dPA.iGN: Did you ever stop to von much of vour i nrd earn" er no", :h'n;: f.a- a -w na-wte- - he va l inetan of ''::': a'n: -. '-rain and oth fee: is and feed that are devoured o nua; a ; n " : ti n a; of ;::e n'etor or of the church, oiti rials, but with a firm trust in God. rented a little, room in that section and began Christian work. God" bles. ir.g s were upon t'ne work fro; ; the start, and soon a great revive' broke out. a;r! the c . .a .; ' ; v. transformed. The rich woman v.. 'alien sick, and in a dream sin- wis. to heaven and wa- slnn-n .a on t. 0U'.. ! i" of the gn ' e aeine !.:;i :t - beauty. S'v . aw a name -r of t'v-a factory k op!e standittg near the throne rejoicing an.i p:; i-: : The!! she : r. w a eurtr in drawn an 1 near the Ma-terC -id- ..od ; a of '.'0,ainw- girls, with, crov.ns u;n a. their heads having His gn.ry. '. no : : lie a v.' o!-.e s ii ; sale, "Mtnpose I n; ; died ! if G.jd will 1 -t n e 'a t up :.- ! t 1: a . . .:,' o . 1 i f i m- o:; r. o'l, e- : ' - f :. ..': - .n a t 'en. , o Sudd u;.- our nar . dn ha' Kimdav It. v. Chas. C "n: '- o.i . f de Co a S.eith! that between hi-- !a-: tv.a, Sundays here he will pr ach a. a n v. instant in a ;: on or a i h on the ;v.o Su!i-;:.;v -no-ibiy ': ' '-' ' 1 a "' . . n. . la p.;. i ah on the two Sudn -V: i.-.dily : a . 1 '-i : ... : : :;. v.-;;!-. a ;l.a times on tie- hs-t S nday. " . '- n as - v :: to i h : 'fills meetitig will not be a revive! ite-.-ting in the or iinnw tt 'e of that u rr.:, out v. ii! be held with a vi v f V t ";,:!.- the. a, wi'o are airea iy Chri-t- : : 1 an : v. ians in their spiritual live.-. Tin- a-f-p- : -ern:o.: will bo a seri'-s, eight m '" n:n. :!:. nu.nla-r. and Mr. Smith -dates the . rh-s rr.av be entitled.' "The Sniri- : T.:E h". C. I tea1 l-.i-torv of th-' I-elnvi-r. i -us scries oi meeting begin.- on ,v - - w- - -.: a:o.-.-.iag. Marcti IS. v. d " C- dnini-t ' a co-.tinue through Sunday night. ; :e e p.- a .at Mar.h 25, at which time Mr. Smith na.gin.' wa-: o; e v. ili preach his last sermon as pas- '' ; "' ! ;: '" :'-:i-':' ''': io-r of the Brevard Baptist church. 1,1 --" vnjs Unn " ,.r. linltiu-niti.m i; ev:' ended t ' " ' "' ; '"'-'!- V.h'.vh wa-- giv.-n by Misse- . law e ! .-,;. i,,. Fav ("la-ton and ' ' - ' ';! ''1':n ":i "-' ; ;ln y e a ng nt un tram Que- Y. M. " r . , . o - i nana g: n w;tn nray It the busine Tla 1- ! '::!! f ha t t - . i v.' i t it 'n.. rth C cao i a mo-t .-uc- :!e of the town to alien ... meetings. a:i Eiipntrick was enjoved bv ail. a : C . I aav o: ' WCVC ied n,, ':;-.::- ( ,ne a , cade i to i ; i . ; n'-e-: r : i i- LIST OF JURORS h.-ir Mdpiecg 1 ho First Wee': W J. Raines, C. C. IVnwick, P. mng w:;- to to., at.out . everai : cap's. Ante v.ere: Pock of Ages, Abide With ght. These consisted of j i one, iday-. mano'eg:u-s, I .-anu tc. with, special music i L la anroitited to a,-;:. :e l '.,".' e a .. .- - a 'a a. ' : i With Me, Onward Christian Soldiers. Unrnished by the Quebec string baud. TIVE-NKSS h Looks Un to Thee and Alexander, H. D. Lee, G. D. Shuford, L. II. Bishop, Will Anders, Edwin Poor. Jack Poor A. R. Metcalf, W. L. Picrson, Ernest Justus, W. II. Mc Cail, Ransey Whitmire, Lewis Moore, E. W. Raxter, W. L. Ray, II. G. Rog ( rs, R. W. Raxter, A. L. Huggins, W. E. TaP.ey, Lusk Wilson, Carlee Mc Call, T. L. Garren, Lee Baynard, W. L. Mull, Vf. L. Townsend, Carr Whit mire, B. S. Chapman, L. V. Sigmon, V. L. Neill, R. E. Mackey, W. P. Clark, John O. Cantrell, S. R. Gallo way. It. B. Glazencr, E. D. Hendricks 11: A. Gillespie. beco nd Week. W. C. Gravley, R. F. Kilpatrick, M. P. Hawkins, Tom Allen, A. E. Mc Kinley, W. S. Simpson, C. B. Mitchell j.oonev Owen, N. M. Hcnsley, Elijah Kilpatrick, M. W. Morgan, T. H. Case C. H. Russell, J. W. Burns, James Bell, E. C. Ncill, F. J. Whitmire, Claud T. Owen, Walter C. Whitmire, Thog Dodsworth, P. A. Aiken, W. L. Fiady, Carl F. Galloway, Jennings B. FLhor. TO T'" - x L L O'g We U -ee . o: . o a - e ; ;,. :t i.i; im- eean in: ' : e. . .0 n;s c.i' r n -iv, II.- has brotiirht into t rieh ' n -u;.' ex a C-a, -n tie- ! in the Holy Spirit, an! the " i :' : ( o.a-.- -p-e. tin ' ; ; e ah: : f ha . a: -' the r. naa -id .: o :" . lar;: a rieh life in Ch.ri-t -Usus? I HIST. THERE IS A ! EH SOY 1 RESPONSIBILITY. I 'vac :'- tins injur. ".,.:; : "'fai-'e h.reo i - - ' ' V a. d sniritun! a a. peopie oi tr.e cor ;.iei;:n- ution to BENEFIT US A T. Galloway, R. F. Glazencr, Glad W. i Stand Uj; J'or Jean g They told who Whitmire, Ed Hollingsworth, J. N. 1 h y v t re written by and why. This -ved to he a verv interestitic suh- ". a-; we all love to hear by whom, '- '": kow, etc., these wonderful hy' v-.n-re written. 'i nen a social hour was enjoyed, nni a delicious fruit salad war- served. Those present were: Miss Falls, the a,s teacher; Misses Elizabeth Mor 'lai, Ethel Hayes, Fay Clayton, Al )erta Perkins. Luella Keller, Georgrie ;'n.!ton, Nan and Gladys Kilpatrick, ."label and Nell Miller, Jennie and .'-.dl Aiken, and Mrs. Steven Fon ane. The two honored guests ere Rev. Falls and Mrs. Lloyd Dal- d the (. ntortait in. ni MENTALLY, MORALLY AND TglYSICALLY, SO LET'S HAVE IT. -,n. of the '.--g i,:nrking the close of ! or.t- of the mo. t :-::ccossful terms of 'he rchool for a good many years. fin1 tei'uchei's of this, school were II. P. Niekoh-on, princioal. Mis-: Dora r:.eeci , g aeh.t r of tlrr;!, fottrth ar.d firth grndew atal Mr-. Ruby Mc-Call, rimary teaecher. Mr. Nicholson, vho has been teaching in this school for three years, has expressed his esire L make a change next year, o the county superintendent and u-tce of the school have employed W. B. Henderson as principal of the choo! for the 1023-2 - session. HIE OSTEEN WRITES 10 MEWS er farm fatally in -. a :.y. i hi - 1 in 1 . d tii-i a sum v. hieh 'h iocs- r.o; pi. i: gp ': .,. hid- this las-: of tag ' it-, t lie u v- p. - ; o t .lo - : the Rural Di giets still g I'll- in this higi1' !- 1: the-e i- toe :a t ntisvivan: ; (h-tet :orat;on. e navt to c. - ! ig itenr j ot: th ah. rt ,o keep oursen.'es up o a the 1 ' ' . g ' gel. The:: th . i- th.- ' " e . ale' U a' edi'd t-elf ai.aet 'V. 'i.W a g'i oe- -a: a ; o , g n tnaiaes as ij a. ,.'u. e :-h-re powers in ourselves. r I we nave new c ..i e! ii vv e hi v oe. a-:.,-1! a . . a;..tity for i't aeril of not MAPLE STREET: No doubt our honorable Mayor nd Hoard cf Aldermen do what they oe.-t ior tne interest ot our autifu! town. But when one sees he destruction of the years - old ' ink' Trees, must think of the ring lines of Joyce Kilmer's im mortal poem: oems are written bv fools like me Tells About Capturing Largest Di tillery Ever Known in Section. Oths'r News. BREVARD STUDENT MAKES HCNCR ROLL: Davidson College, March f Yvg h Kimzey, of Brevard, was one of ho lo Davidson college students to ake the honor roli for past semes r, according to announcement to ny. The average required to at tin this, distinction is 95. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Webb, who ere recently married, spent the eek end in Brevard with Mrs. Dear Billy: This might be of interest to you: On the 22nd of February, I headed a raiding force that raided a big dis distillery in the eastern part of the State near Kinston. So far as any records arc concerned this was the biggest distillery that has been cap tured. It was of a 500 gallon cap acity; 1 GO fermentor-; 10,000 gallons if beer. It was concealed in a house with four large doors containing vale 'oeks. Fifty boats were penned at he still. It was located within 400 ar-Js of a man's house and was being operated by six men. Hone to sec you ere long, arch .'). 2'J J. L. OSTEEN. forms of pride Then there is the r.- sponsibility to keep up the personal- !..c:l tins to our Farmer friend- as we should ha ! things that vac rind ve are eapa'ae will do all in our po.var to in In cot of doing. Then there is the petal e4 rect this error. j spiritual pride. When v e have .":- In order t0 reduce this loss to a ' perk-nees beyond those of mo ' , . . , . ... . . : .-ll-.,,. lie. n . i, mnggggn tne lUathata.-::::! t u! ot ; oei i- hj-. .suo - e -. ..... Brevard, corni osed of gr'ie- who are ed to be filled with pride, ar.d ,-; a va'li- ioie-o.ted ia tii,' v- dfi- . ' tual p.nde is one oi tne won-t ot ... our Count v are inatigtti ating for Organir.ed Wai fare on the-i : . :i .i-.: i ; .fa cuts. Plan- are under wav for or ano iamuy rengious me- iu ganizing each school district of th... '. we should take heed. County into lighting squads and an I SECOND, THERE IS A SOCIAL nropriate awards wilt be given fo: i RESPONSIBILITY. Each Chr:-t-d;e school killing the largest number iau is responsible for his fellows a pcr canioi. Individual prizes wii: . weil as for hiniseif, and this i.tay o-e also be oi i'e red. Alt parents are u.rg punimed up in one incident. A l:ic ed to give this movement their active i boat was noticed by those on beard support an.i hearty cootx-ration, for j a ; hip adrift at about dusk, ll-.o cap with a little encouragement our ; tain ordered the boat to be picke j up youngsters will he lp materially to re and two men were found in it both of duce the work of our horn were unconscious. When, one 'nt mv, the RAT htr campaigns '. awoke, he looked around and dai r.o! tre oetng succ e--f:d'e r v c. rriei out m sc j his companion, he said, "These is ar. other man in that boat." W,. are nttin.rou- other couu i'-; of the state. Let's add Trane-vUgauta to the list and 1 i sponsible for others. Yvre LAND DEEDS AT THE NEWS OFFICE. But only God can mak0 a Tree. D. C W. '- '!,. ,H,. IT . T T A n; make it Statewide. (Ccntirtued on back pa-v) J - aeeLiiti, 1'u.i. j. xu. .-Vinson.

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