THE BllEVARD NEWS, BREVAB D, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1923 THE BREVARD NEWS. Published every Friday and enter ed at Post office at Brevard, N. C, as Second Class Matter. Wm. A. BAND Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Subscriptions payable in advance) One year $1.50 Six months .... $1.00 Thrse Months 50 I wo mon ths 35 ADVERTISING RATES Display, per column inch 30c Minimum Rate For Display Adver tisements $1.00 Reading Notices, per line .... . .10c Want Column Notices, per line . .5c We charge 5 cents a line for Cards of Thanks, Resolutions of Respect and for notices of entertainments where admission is charged. hat I term their duty, by present to a Grand Jury of the Court hat meets in a few days, a bill and j isk that the Grand Jury act thereon. I woyld not be so cowardly, if I vere a man, to hide behind spires o make such accusation. If I were oirig to spread slander, I wouiu pread it from man to man and not :ause the same to be mixed up with women's organizations. I realize the unpopular attitude i hat it places me in, to have to enter i nto a newspaper controversy, but I ! im a poor man, and I have) no other ; ivay in which to express my sent! j nent to the people among whom I.i live. Sincerely, D. H. GILLILAND MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan through the Brevard National Farm Loan Association by the Federal Land Bank. Application must be in by April G for this allot ment. Any one wishing to make ap plicaton for this loan will see C. K. OSBORXE Sec. Treas. Address All Communications To The Brevard News: FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1923 THE PRAYER CORNER SPEAKING AT HOME How do we speak at home? Are wi' tenderly affectioned uiic to anoth .;.' Some are all sweetness and vrrace only toward those outside of the domestic circle. The yart. oblig iiiir as the day Is long towards neigh lies and friends in whose presence they permit no outbursts of passion. Socially they are very genial. So far i- th,. general public is- concerned, they are agreeable enough But follow them into thv household and their words do not flow . moothly. 'They snap up at those who stand in leare-relation-- to their, and they are mythng'but gentle and consider ate in the family. They explode with anyer. if things do not nuivt. to suit their whines. They ftorm away at .' great rate if anything coos wrong, at every little annoyance. Probably Ihey often ha, grounds of rrovoca lion, but even they they hould in creasingly learn to possess the soul in patience. To be a Christian is to be pleasant in the home, is to refrain from violent .speech there, and from is quite as bad, namely, an incessant nagg ing - ner-i-tent prod-iincr. We cannot think of the Master for ever irritating and unneeesanly assailing those He love.). He did ...omctimos reprove, as He did the iu rveous Martha who onc e made her self so disagreeable and occasionally He broke forth into real indignaton iind gave the scathing rebukes, but H(. was never what we t-rm peevish, lie was not a petty false "inder. His genera! disposition wa.- amiability itself. He went about rot fretting and fuming, but doing good. That should be our prevailing temper, "Kindliness." A F-RAYER O God, Heavenly Father, we pray 'Thee by Thy Fatherhood, teach the hearts of parents. Give them wisdom ar.d patience. Help them to know what to grant and what to deny. Deliver them alike from Toolish fond ness and from aimless harshness. Through the memory of Thy love give them such an understanding heart, a may shun all partiality and may discover and foster every seed of goodness. Make them glad to cooperate with all means of educa tion and growth which State and church provide. Help Oem humbly and -Surrender Iheir children t claims of life in the ser" fellowmen. May their f; ' :: "love to their children .. ' ' 'd hood's share in the 5ower by which young ii mad(. strong. Thrc;,. child likeness may they ' to their children th Everlasting Kingdom. .Ohri.-.t, our Lor.!. Ai Mrs. Clarence F. Poole and little on. Clarence F., Jr., of Asheville, X. C, are spending a few weeks with Mr. Poole's mother, Mrs. R. S. Fuller, of Fairbanks Avenue, Winter Park, Fla. Mr. Poole expects to join his wife for a short visit with Tiome folks there and return home with Tvlrs. Poole. Mr.-. H. (J. Bailey mod at her '.tome near Brevard on Tuesday, March IS, after a short illness. An obituary will follow in next week' i-sue. News was received this week stat i:ig that Mr. W. A. Allnock, who was .'! a resident in Brevard, was kill 1 by a logging train at, hi.-, home in Wavcross, Ga. DOGWOOD WANTED raying j highest prices. Sixteen dollars j and up. Cash as delivered at mill j or on railroad siding. Car load lots. Brevard Manufacturing Co., V. Fontaine, Manager. tfc. WILL SELL at auction for cash household furniture belonging to late Mis- Bailey at her resi dence on April 3, 1923 at 11 A. M. FOR SALE FORD TOURING CAR as good as new (guaranteed) to be. Reasonable. Apply News Office. WANTED Men or women to take Orders for genuine guaranteed hos iery for men. women and children. Eliminates darning. Salary $7" a week full time. $1.50 an hour spare time. Beautiful spring line. Inter national Stocking Mills, Morristown, Pa. FOR SALE Select thoroughbred Paired Plymouth Rock Egrs for hatching $1.."0 for 15 eggs. 3-23-4tpd. H. C. RANSOM. Phone 22. April TSie First ! own to Thy :h Jesus C. D. C. TO WILLIAM A 'A'D, EDITOR BREVARD NEW REVRD N. C. Dc Sir: I wish you mid publish in the coh'-ms of vour paper the following .sta' vient of exoneration: I understand that from some soune there has been a slander of my r: me and reputation, in that c tain m alicious persons have wilfull.' ana v antonly made false statemen and : ?usations against me by sayim 'that J have been in the habit of '"bootlegging," or selling whis' in '-Transylvania county, North Cp- 'Vina. ( I want to state first that this is a m&Ucous lie. I care not from what source it comes. During my brief stay in Transylvania county, extend ting over a time of two years, I have riever sold or offered to sell any whiskey in any quantity to anybody, and that I look with contempt and with disgust upon such flimsy flound erings on the part of persons, organi nations, corporations or anything or .-anybody else who would discuss such subject -.regarding me or anybody else in public or private conference. If anv person or persons or any or "animation in Transylvania county or 3n any other county knows what they Are talking about, I defy them to do 3 Your picture story m book form The Kodak Album It's a loose-leaf zo that new pages may be added as desired, and it is so good looking that you will want it in evidence. Just the thing for you or th: children. Prices as low as 90c for loose leaf. Others as low as 25c. FRANK D. CLEMENT, The Hallmark Jeweler. We wlli install our Savings Department. Pass books will be issued to each depositor carrying accounts in our Savings Depart ment. Interest comopunded quarterly at Four Per cent. We have several hundred small Savings Banks for the children, which will help them to save their pennies and other small change. Start your children right by help ing them to save while they are young. Total Resources $800,000.00 Brevard Banking Company "SAFETY AND SERVICE" Brevard, North Carolina United C Southern Railway System Annual Reunion onfederate Veterans New Orleans, La April 10-13, 1923 Account of the above occasion, the Southern Railway will sell round-trip tickets to New Orleans at the following fares: For members of the United Confederate Veterans and immediate members of their families accompany ing them, one cent per mile distance traveled in each direction. For Sons of Confederate Veterans, Confederated Southern Memorial Association, United Daughters of the Con-federacy, and sponsors, matrons and maids of honor, one first class one-way fare for the round trip. All tickets to read via the same route in each direction. DATES OF SALE Tickets will be sold from Western North Carolina points April 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th. FINAL LIMIT Final limit of all tickets to be April 30th. All tickets will be sold on the identification cer tificate plan, certificates having been issued by proper authorities of the Confederate Veterans' Association to veterans and their families, which entitles them to rate of one cent perfnile, miles traveled, and also sepa rate certificates for Sons of Veterans, Confederated Southern Memorial Association, United Daughters of the Confederacy, sponsors, matrons and maids of riDnor at rate of one standard fare for the round trip. Through car arrangements and positive rates will be announced later. J. H. WOOD, Division Passenger Agent 42 Haywcoi Street, Asheville, N. C. Will the Spring Rains Catch You With a Leaky Roof? April showers bring May flowers" and trouble for the man with a leaky roof ! Possibly your roof is O. K tight as a drum but to just "guess so" may cost you heavily when the first hard rain comes. Why not be sure. It won't cost anything to give your roof the "once over" to find out exactly what shape it's in and finding out RIGHT NOW may save you considerable expense a little later on. New plaster and wall paper do cost money, you know. If you find that you need to make a few repairs or need a new roof, we'll be glad to have you come to us for information and prices. We do know a good bit about roofs, and what we know is yours for the asking. We carry a complete line of roofing materials, and furnish, without charge, estimates of the cost of re-roofing or making repairs P. S. Speaking of Spring rains reminds us that hand-in-hand with wet weather comes MUD! And mud usually means tracks through the house and more work for mother. How about that walk you've been going to build? If you'd like to know more about CEMENT for cement walks and how much it will "set you back" we'll be glad to have you ask us. Come in or phone us: Miller Supply Company J. A. MILLER, Manager 2b Q

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