TRANSYLVANIA "OPPORTUNITIES EMPIRE" NATURAL RESOURCES FOR LOCATING INDUSTRIES Brevard EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVANIA COUNTY. THE LOCAL NEWS An Idependent Weekly. VOLUME XXVIII BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1923 NUMBER 16 THE HOME DEMON STRATION WORK LUCILE CLARKE, Agent . On Friday, April C, at 3 P. M. the ' Davidson River Demonstration Club met at the school to make a paper dress form. The club girls, under the supervision of Miss Annie Jean Gash, prepared and served hot chocolate, sandwiches and most delicious cook- some time during the day of the Ex ies, the latter had been made pre- hibit on Friday. April 27. The Ex. viously by the girls With Miss Julia hibit will be open to visitors all day, Deaver's askance. i from 0 A. M. In the afternoon at The girl and ladies were so much ' 1 "30 a program will be rendered by interpstfvl in the dress form thev .,cb ; eu for an extra meeting, which will to which all are invited. Don t for be held Thursday, April 12, when the get the occasion "Open house all Club will be divided in groups and all lay and program of songs, recitations work on dress forms. At this meeting . etc.. in the afternoon, new officers will be elected and plans The Rosman High School will rend made to sen, a dclagate to the State j or a play entitled. The Last Day of Federation of Clubs in Winston-Sal- ! Center Ridge School on Friday Even em the first week in May. All clubs ing. May 4th. Proceeds to apply on are very much interested in hat mak- ! piano fund. ing and remodeling old hats. On Friday evening, May 11. Die Schedule of work for two weeks pupils of the music department will hence: give an Evening of Recital, of piano Friday. April 1-. Rosman Mothers' and songs. Club. J The Commencement Exorcises of Saturday. April 14, Brevard office, the Senior Class, which numbers ten, Monday, April Id. Calvert-Cherry- field Club Tuesday, Apri; 17. R-nros, (lirls' Club. Wednesday. April 1 Cedar Moun tain Club. Meeting with Mrs. Ceo. Bishop. 1 hursda.y. Aprn 10. Klantvre ( lub. ,. , Aleeim!"- with l.i'th.-i 1 i-.m v J- i n:a . .veil jii. I -avn son i';v;i Club. Meeting at school. Saturday. Aprii 21. Ibrevard elbfg'. s'o;g:ay. April 2:1. Ilrevasd, snec ia!. Tuesb.iy. Aprii 2!, Ib -nd; rsonviiie to attma clinic fund by Dr. Edward ,- . W. -go-day. Aprd -'. Ri-er Woman's eluh. Th ir g A;ri! 2b. Quebec Ciib' rlub. . 1'rinay. April 27. Rosman Mother.- -bib. OLD CLOTHES CAMPAIGN FOR NEAR EAST RELIEF: A tat -.Hob- campaign for coi- . lecting riot hir-g;. sh-egs ar;j ste-king-; for.Xear Fast Ib-lief. has been inti tateg bv'g at Ralcigii. Dr. E. S. i're-ek-. C'aiirman. I ' Anything- tnag can be u-c ! or ma !e over, -specially coats and shoes. The nee ! is v. ry ui-j--::'.. East winter reggy women and children perished for lack ef c'.oi hing. : ' 1 The Brevard Wednesday Clu! beer; asked to solicit contribution-- in Transylvania County. Any one hav ing discarded clothin-.r or shoes pk a-e have (hem at Frof. Trowbtbl- ge s gesnlenctg or notity some mem her ef the clgn am! packages will h gii!" i for. Headquarter.- delithted ! with . our nn.tncg.i eam;ia;gn ami we nope a,, ., ll , n ; . a;.. ... o 1 v t.ot .-. .1 in ill..-, v ,lilliitlLll. grgvard earn sda-- ( atb. W. O. W. SOCIETY: The Western Xorth Caroiint! I,,)g , Rolling Association wall hold their i Twenty-third mi-Annual Conven- ion at P.revar:! An.-il :-!nt)i Uf'H i The Woodmen Circle of Wesetrie April D-21 is set aside as "Co- ; Xorth Carolina will also hold their Week" in Xorth Carolina. district meeiine; jointly w ith W. O. ! Thc' '!ivision of markets is cooper- W. This district includes fifteen ebing with fatngg f assist them In Western Counties -nd -o;ne of the best cam ii in the State are to iH. found in the Western part of the gta(,, About two hundred delegates will visit Bre vard for this convention. E. j B Lewis. State manager W. O. W.. ano .virs. j'togers, naieign, a. v. ., stale I manager Woodmen Circle ais,, .Mrs. 1 Virginia Justus, District Manager ! Woodmen Circle will be here and take part in the convention. The following entertain ment com mittee will have charge of entertain ing delegates and visitors: W. H. Gro gar., Jr., G. O. Kilpatrick, F. H. Cor pening, Mrs. W. H. Grogan, Jr., Mrs. Fred Johnson, Mrs. Fred Shuford, Mrs. C. K. Osborne and Mrs. J. A. Bishop. Monday night, Ai ril 23rd, will be very important meeting of the camp: therefore all members nrss urged to attend. The Fresbyterial Society of the Presbyterian church met with the Swanannoah rresbyterian church for their meeting last Monday, night. Mrr. Cos Paxlem, Mrs. W. M. Cioud and Mrs. J. V. Smith w re the dele gates to go from here. MUCH NEWS FROM ROSMAN Parents Invited to the Exhibit To Be Held on Friday, April 27 Other School News: The parents and friends of the Ros man School District are cordially in vited to inspect the work of school different, denartments of the school I . will be given in H. S. Auditorium on Friday Evening. May IN. The final examination of the school will take place the last week, closing ! May lfith. The Rosman School has been busy r.ri.i much enthusiasm shown in the Rat-Mlhng-t ontest for the past two ; , 1 ww.". - .: " ' :EDAR MOUNTAIN NEWS i ne laimes.-. s; tm- section are very bun- g-tting rea-'y for a croo. The tb'da" Mo-.m a in !'.. V. I'. I gave a special program at the Bap- . -, ;isi i.ijui! uno.-y nigr.i , .- prn Quite a large g r of peijd,. was r-sent a-d s: ibogbv a- ' eing hi- '. wmli t: groig-ani. Miss .'.ngn Sloan Cseen- v ', Woman'-- ' o:!cge i-- having her soa - e a' ( e v,,-i (0. ,'. Js';. g; Ai(es,niain. ren-o;b '! a a s:i g.:n; s rhoo! r '-a'- ; . a r i . g C :as M Frt :g-d, wen 1 tain !a-t Sun-i: Mr. and M r returned irmn ( i -. ) 1 1 e - e Ci i'en iiU . Mr. II. A res.i. wli-. be, -1 teaching s'iiuo ;g gal-am C'-osc :g, returned to his !;.! In i. Quite a. number of the ci'gng' v.o"- attended the ,',..,. in .Springs !: i" .g Sp E. A .F'.-a-h m o fanbi- ! with Uev.S. I) Mc'aU at Hr-e- . - liVli.". Tdrs. A uran i; Ir , ... I vide. ! Mrs. Arthur Smith of Hrevard Is visning ner moiner. sars. . i. aic- " "POTATO WEEK" IN NORTH CAROLINA -d-'-i'ig oi tne surplus ov potatoes whi ;h have been reported in bei;s in th" Everyone who buys food is asked to l-otatces as a starchy food in- sU'a'I of macaroni, spaghetti, rice an'l hominy. ' 1 -. " 1 -".,o :-.,,. i;,,.. r,, i,, g.wl, r...., v ""a LW n ' lin;i farmers," and thereby learn ta live at home. The following tire some very p.rac- tical and whob .ome dishis nr. ed from potatoes: " " Candied sweet potatoes: -l medium i- ized sweet potatoes, 1 cup sugar, 1-1 cup butter, 1-4 cup water. Boil potatoes thoroughly done, peel and slice. Ib'ace slice in baking dish vith water. Add sugar an ! butt'er and bake in slow even. French fried sweet potatoe: Cut ;otato in fourths or eighths length- wi.- e. Wdpe dry and fry in deep HIGH SIXTH: Margaret Bowen, indly the revival services at Methodist fat unt'l a golden brown. Sprinkle Anna Jenkins, Mordecia Saltz, Beu- Church, but it is planned now to rs with salt. lab May Zachary, Martha A-bovne, sumo the regular meetings a;id an in Sweet potato custard: One egg, Lillian Jenkins., Madge Whitmire, foresting program is planned for Sun white and yellow, beaten separately, Edna Mason, Lorene ayne. . day afternoon April 22nd. 1-4 cup butter, 1-2 cup sugar, 1-2 SEVENTH: Pauline Galloway, Laymen of ail denominations are cup boiled and mashed pot.-. to. F'a- vor v. i ' h vanilla ant! babe in ni iltts linv.! with m.strv. THE PRAYER CORNER GOD'S PEACE I am happy and at peace, because I know lie is here, and watches over all his own. These were the words of a soldier of France, who asked to be allowed to fight the battles of his fatherland, although his time to tak0 his place in the ranks was not due for another year. In his letter home, he told his be lief, that when entering the army one must immediately take a positive at titude to show what he is: a Christ- He was true to his purpose, not only by spoken word, but by expres sion and action. Wherever he went, he was a source of wonder to his comrades. One of these, a simple peasant, watched him, heard him humming a bit of Beethoven, and learned to whistle what the Christ ian hummed, and the act gave him courage. Officers, as well as enlisted men, were moved by his calmness. One night, just before a battle, the major end the soldier prayed to gether and the peace of the young mail who knew that our Father, who is good, certainly can project His child, because the possession of the ofiicer. Just before leaving for the front. ,i, . . i i; , . ..-i-u ... : ,.i , l-e .-oau i v, ' o i e . l lie: e e- aeo aog :wavs that neace which as-'eth ai ,,,,.)..,. t., i .r .,..,1 .,.!,:. a. i-. u.. . ., . ,. '.vi ven me. J lv. s assur.'inc" of ni .,1 t .. . t... . i...' e- . ... .: I e.HU: : : o 1 H' 1 1 a ( e I , i ! . s e . , 1 1 . : 'j 1 1 ' ef It Wi!-: P':- tlVC. " r I'.IIO-.V W't '. ". ' utg''jab1- kr.owb.dge it ie c-( ntid- nee that the a-g: O! g!V n . , ,, , ... -.'ill . - e i ! , ') " - iS ivii- .( i r ' - ;-.-'!, . " , 'f the outv to love is inde:l . , . ;. . , , , " . 'I t Hlit it ;s ttrmiv foUtlde ! va n. tlie I mck." 1 of; , n ':r;y ; ; '"id!" ' a.. vl for 1 lev--. A i'KAYK d lag- 1. ..ur Co 1 l-v- ' I ; Li il ("V M' ': '. n Os v. ! it Po !, rat us ; . I , 1- being thai g is ::eacig n the ;.ti: . s 'mnd. g-ivc -us 'g-art-. a - to l-Ter irn iy in eg. ;n. ::! vvg'iii :..! g nit f . ' o r -,' .: ' . ". (.ur iiri-t. Thv Son - ing i v b 'vi-;i' over tin- d'ath of !!: f : 1. He gang over Vhv relxdlieu m-anis. it, wept over n work w1: a t:g'"g- I to n( with His earthiv life. o : u e n - e . v 1 , . 1 1 lv tha.t Me wa to a v to !-.ak-- our Pearls ala. it e ! I W g I'c.-Ti nd u pen tnen:. rot a ; t n iieiiusabs and free'es. bag warm tii -f ;;u. - winch r-vi- e 'n' ) an n; t ie vrv '.en- o ' a n Hi': . I);:!-- s.v OeS-ee lie wan n- ace, ;.e,; noi tn.e " e. ns.-n r. l c. ! IONC P. ROLL I- HIST CbAAd: ibn '. eg. . ; -: sma.o ; . rdary Sue Jennings. Jack Aiken. Has. ditiena.l furniture, b.tii' , tabl.-.-oid Duckworth. Roy .Will, Otes Slap- hat rack--, egg. man. Hli-.11 U.M: ti -:ivv. ''hristine Saltz. Thelma Johnson, Richard Lance. LOW THIRD: b n- Englii'g Ell- anein .ocv.anee. .-vaie.t iu;mpLon. HKHl THiRD: Cha:!..;te Rarr :"uie IIunt- Tt''5'id- Jones, Mary Xi- evdson. Robert Kcdar, Ashe Macfie. Jack Miller. HIGH FOURTH: Reulah Garreii. Mav Jenkins. .... V.iUU M.i" IC-I.o- I T TI-.v - " " -' kins. Arthur Orr, Cleo FIFTH R : Rowei! Bosse, J. C. Bur- ' red. Alberta Jenkins. FIFTH A: Florida A bison, Rett- trice Burriss. Raymond Byr-i. WH- lowree Byrd, Roberta Bryant, Elitta - beth Duckworth, Walter Gbgtener, Gladys Hubbard, Harold Kilpatrick, Mitt-hell King, Jimmy ?!, -r-w, Ed- gar O -borne, Mary Soagle, Ralph Waldrap. Eva Wilson. LOW SIXTH: Josephine Clayton, Helen Sitton, Xewton Giaz.ener, Fovv- lor Evan. Dewey C"av. D, '. i )?. a' d ga. a Mel- '. grr - Faub i" :d all, : I . . i . . a . I REPORVO GRAKI) im The Cour; Mouse, .J VI. Cha'n;,i Cou ;ty Home Fx .nined cod Report. The Sti Tor Couit fo. ... iril term of ll2.'l, has been in session for about two weeks. Most of the criminal cases, were for violation of the Eighteenth Amendment. The following report was submit- ted by the Crand Jury: Brevard, X. C. April 13, 1023 To Don. P. A. McElroy, Judge Pre- sioing. We, the Grand Jury chosen at the present term of Transy.vania County Superior Couri . navi ng o mb-. ,i ; s work assigned to us, make the fol low ing report : We wish to thank Hi': H,. Judge McElrev. for his able and ef- licient conduct of the Court. We ;il-:o wisli to than!; the Solicitor, th" rierk, and ShcriiV for their as-dstunc.-to us. Bv commit;-; we e:ami:ied the Court. Hou-e. Ja'!. Ceunty Home and Chaimsanr. ('II AIXC AXC : Rv'.ee w exarviik'd t haiagang locate 1 one ' mil'" above Que1 -co. The sam in .:.! .oinii J--:;. K rv denartm. nl eemed to ! in sa:::t:-rv condition. The prisoners 1-., k to be well-fed. cora fort ably -hgh.', and well in 'gnvsra'. A'-o til- bve sic k is in good condition. We no'g'-e our cats. ty has pur-.-im -. 1 g steam sbo . wlm n i is. i m a v.i'v ( -n-it gain-r. t n- sasne :n vn;i; . i ! . b f i on : t ;g---et to og- !oa; on n "rag!. gs and, an i m . isiiatsiii ohtamen. in.- the : pur Jun . t . id of i'.o'td i 'or iniis'gop! . a a 1 '( ;s:i .- gov-. 1 ;i I "t.1. C. -y baw- hoi g abb- g-s i s : br.: :g :' : co t g- !-,, reg-fi- e. V-'e b'l i i... . i , I i ' ; i ! ( ..-,!-;. 'i u.. ; , r . v hi- !(e whic! a g : n - . Hi I ' g Co U ' g , tit' a i ! cellent - O " : . "OF II .. fa 1 . a. el th- ore b. fg- gi h It has b alied to t!v of a of the grand jury tnr.ti., ,.;u,.h fl.(,m .;:;rt f!nish and the quite a few automobile-, in our eoun- ' .j,.)-,.. u-:i; OMiv t!r, cents f,,; ty who have not secured license tags, j jjt,;,., ;,n.j ;,u ce-t- for ggiults. which nuae.s uite a loss xo the state! A -e- i, ,iuleri m the Ma nter.anc- , u ml. ami w, would r. -gommend that tb- pro. -iuier be instructed, to codec t from ail a ut. mobile and true!; owners who are diiv cars without iice We haw atUndeJ to all bills s.-ni before u- bv the Solicitor, exami. lh0 Countv nmignigs an.i tier, a a -, . ' , , an intg-ln a our wor Respectfully sttbgtiued. R. V. G!az'-nv. Fere. LAYFIAN'1 CLUB TO MEET SUN.. 1 DAY AFTERNOON. ! Layman's Club will hold its regu- kir meeting on Simda- afternoon at 3.15 in Sunday School room of Meth- dist church. The regular meetings have been given up for the past sev- (ral weeks in order to co-operate w I tli other religious activith snec- cordlali;g invittwl, and every member is urged e bring at least one visitor I i. I Li r i Lindley S,t Hj5 Leen Made i. ; V : : g ession of sever.1.! week-; . . ' h .v ory of grandmother's told and feeling she A K"1 ' full ,'ory, we return.. ft Transylvania (..... .. toward grow- interesting to watch her in the lin ing potatoes. Neady 200 bushels j eea -ing efforts she makes to render have been planfc i, which have been j hi r home comfortable and happy, and fertilize,! libei ;.!;. u :::g around 1000 j although labor itelf, to her, is plea lbs per acre in most cases. Beauty ! ure, it is hard to resist. ;m inklimr - I of beauties were 'h- seed used for! market potato--, fie- year while each member has plant-- 1 Irish 'obbh-rs from which sod for next year will ! ; -' .rown compb-te spi,ing sctietiuie v. ni re lollowed to j it Nature in keeping the plants j u 1 !'l'n un'l b tub- r ;.a e matured, i no rea ;r;:i i ov many small pota- toe ; 1-- inn- i-j ; :. i mil i.ngln oi'iverv i';ai ome Other ;' .. - gi;i.-c- .bo h:- ,;,-. J plants to die bef.,re the potaioi s have ! yisl; l ir. .r.-a : per ce,.t by pro - per praying, a : own : -- r:e,l for a p. !.:' ;-eli;- a: '.h Ilu:.- C'.nbe C:c::i-- ; :-';M... , y-ves b. - '''" 1 ;1 (UvM th;it growers are well :-p--ne ; paid for th inne : involve,; in s; raving. A .--nr.! I u,;r Vd;a; -h,. wanti-,1 to !;nov.- ab.out sta -. Will cot a. round .--b00 and thoe who an- charsh p .1: : she ad-.e : i, t b,i . ('o rot have an e v .g. -i -r-g ! a: -or, i si- ' , , ge i bbb , -g 'g : :i - to gt i on- at oncv. Ur- .';: r.r;: - t..r.k will ki-t i-.u ' .-t ,t a:: I- '. '. v. orth the extsa ecsl. V''.ir i arm Agent wi:! ,Jt' "''ad to help ym t- select an eutl'.t that wall give rerva-e ami sati -i.'ic n,:i. m p-inte,! by tile A-', aviation v.a-r t ivt n the Forma i m m. to s a"V e'e-a-e present. Vhry .-, ! have b; s : arrange '. : '.. '. . beg:-s sown for th" iog .gescia; ei'i.p that will be - sown by gg-a.h o , gs A- -oc;. g a-:;. lergiity ana ni'i-tar- a'-.- e.-sentlal f'-r tile 1 bed. Th- g.ol-lUV cog. ti V- ,ec. In--- 1 . : ' a n ' I". ' burlap unti' - u:g g' i . - an it .: g - s a i g c , ; a o! I" 1 ater i .i ii' iTONLe pll" Tin- play b aii i: c; i la-ge ta 'ef.t an-' wig be ureatHy a;e.,! iate 1 b;. ih. (itln-ns of Transvivnnia. F i the igg g- t 'gal. 1 n i. lit. lea.- ; atro. g. ;,. j;..!f. MEETING NOT HELD !Ui- to the in dement 'weather, th bar Mountain Home Demon -ti a ....u,. Atn-'it-d-i n.-im,. n,...,,.e, ! 1 -'-O.-ilia.. 1.J..0 1 0..0.. i . .. tion Club kohl no m-eting , n April The m at meting will be at the hoiiu of Mrs. (leorg- lb-hen en April 1 S. All th- numbers of the (dub an U'g'ed. to attend "it's :i-eo,,g. ,g-: s-nm things of importanc0 an- to be dls--. ttss a. JEXXIE BISHOP. Sec. 'gig . gb-'e ciosely i . : - MRS. DAVID G. WARD ENTER- woven, until the enc'omre was ,r..a TAINS AT SERIES OF TEAS. vermin proof. That these erjclosur - - j should be subserviant to the puvpo- Mrs. Davig G. -'nrd e tcrfr'ned a- ehrep huniing am! cow hunting 5, series of four afternoon teas for an item of daily pre gram, the faculty of the Brevard schools, in , 1; a -ft one mem In r of the family t.t -honor of the a-inivei.-arv of 'be birth the I'.ebl on two h v.r "by rg " of her father. Rev. Chalmers D. Chap : - b.erd in the slock. He should-- man. , his rifle, called; up the dcg. and, v.: . The last of the series of these teas Ii -toning car for the wanted Ivla was given on Wednesday afternoon, and th" ert're sohool faculty enjoyo Mrs. Wara's hcspitalliy. mmmmm of J. M. HAMLIN Mr. Editor: soften and smooth her endless ta-k j The grandmother in mind resided ' in this county from i TXrt through the I administration of Washington John : Adams, and Jefferson. It is probable siie did not concern herself abom who was presient and care ! but lit-! j w ie;;..-r A!-:n , Martin, "K-ui '" . o; : o!:..- , ' no weii p .sted as ''i'!'. i) ' 1 1 oi i r.a's nut '. tering a ;. ( ' .-!- i !ai .-t v. i;h h,-r n; . !-. , vo lcli :;.f.- hi : br- .-. ..f ha-ha. -d. father, lo-otla . ;l - ; ,v ,),,.,-., , ; n,r,. -at reely , f. nded ;han aa i- iias; in her own b;":;-;i- i,,.f:,re !.-.-.. t:"n. e mu-t ret get tile netnc, t',-..-. i-rar;- ;-...'; r a: : : a , for she was not. M.-.nv. then as now conversed, inteilectually on the cur- rem topic - -f the ,!;.;-. allying th i .. i sei'.'e- pro or con Wiige ,-1 . -gusne- giese -lU'iee; l- ' i ea o t VOt . .': her.---lf, .-lr: train ' i: s ( :.; ba.-:-- principles lint erjugipc.! r'rt f-r ( i.ic a; bid H 1-v gii t-aiinng. 'lie- song; ); ;: -j -fg-ii-s she told, tin v.-r - -h- ta .a and the prayers s.h element.- of training i l : U lad her rudb i deseed ,-. nin !: ref r j -air.! for fait in I in o I g. ,! re'g- to cut a r v ' 1 - r. rniid. g. r: l. leg ie! or tep lg wha-h i.H-m-. , : t : . a a a . i . e , i. . I - 1 . .' i l 1 is w rung m n; begr.i.: to ury. l'i rha;is it would be well : .g. ' ion nanguhs- i a 1 1 : f o : 1 he n e h young America that ..iussi in: -ha ml was reear !e i as of incaicu !ablt. n portance. taking preceilei.. . , hor ag iattk. or beg raisin-; n w placed alongsidi.' the field v'lan's. K ei'tg V' of f h" ., v and tin . of ' form-." v.'-' e e e.g. on sg' - it ith rich pastures at th.- a la -ting tbvou h suntuter ait: v;'i-. one woui .;!,! r'lbd. link wool g- spontaneous cre.p a. get-rtv a - . busbies- : but when "lamb- anion winves" i thought of the m -bm ta -ihes. Frequently whole tlo. !-;s we--swept away in one ivght. fo -vent this r-h.epfolds ami corse must be lurlt. To-do this bi fori- tr bav of .-aw mills and woven v ' . was no littV job. Heavy logs for tiuse ert.'io.-u a v.-ei'e laid for the foundation, .--cit -ed. by posts every M or -1 feet wit'-1. : outward iitclination ; from post j an 1 open ever- ior straggling nv -. tp., hiRs.