FRID "RIL 2 Subconscious Mind of Ameii That He Must Not ' By EMILE CQUK. in New Yoi if 111 V he, 1 1 ways poi ccpi i- Every American man s. he believes himself to be a w great machinery that is at nation; at least, that is the no Their belief in their individim and often is, unconscious, but u ble by the stranger. It is revealed in his thoroi" ;s, in the fever ish haste with which he eondttc - nis business as though working to a hard schedule in order to achieve perfection or success in a iriven time and keep abreast ef the swift national movement. Without a doubt this is the result of suggestion driven into the mind from childhood up. School books teach it and it becomes an to-su girest ion. i&w':EiiCf lOHIil aii ucve "uid Momesteaa." One trouble with tlie American peo ple, deelar "S an eastern journal, Is that they have not enough cherished old homesteads. We have been a mi prrant people. We t ransplant ourselves by habit. We are Munchausen con slantly onaued in pulling the fatally tree up by the roots. "Home'' is to i most f us more like a tent than like ) Louse. I'.llt throurh sill nnr nnmml. tViOVi ,6 STEADILY UPWARD j Ism we yearn for the "old homestead." ' Let all who can hold fast to it, or re Great Promise Shown for the Future cover it if it is lost. Its sentiment Development of American Cities and Tovns. Neithi ; the accumulation of money i:or the sense of power that money its inspiration, are priceless. Mortar Saved His Life. A Pallas (Tex.) laborer fell ten stories down an elevator shaft, landed brimrs are amour; the real satisfac- i in a wheel harrow of mortar and tiers of life. Those satisfactions I .stepped out unhurt. Through a mis- j come from e.t!'.or rendering the serv- j understanding, the elevator on the ice to oao's fellows or enjoying the J thirteenth floor where the laborer was I service that the past lias rendered to j workin:; was lowered unknown to him, as. In thousands of ways rhe poorest j and when lie stepped for it, down hp us can rei.der service to others. Hut i went. He caught up with the elev; The subconscious mind of the American man tills hfctt imperiously j the ability to appreciate that service j f!ir at the third Hour, landing in the -off mortar. He stepped out unhurt is a ditierent matter. cultivation. 'hat re that he must not tarry, lie has no time for leisure; the nation must h' Luilt, ami U ins own utile wiieei stops it m:i enoe me amamv or tne Ullis! i ;IV), ., nained mind; to appre- whole machine, and so the American man is the hardest worker in the ! eiate works of an we must have a world. A pioneer and a slave to a civilization in the making he condnnms "'1'u'1 t-'st.. Ami if I add to that 1 ' requirement also a trained heart I himself to a premature old age. ' s;,:tii i- well within the truth. Th And too often he takes thorn to bed with him. Ilis family life is S ;;reat advantage of Creek and Latin is p i i -i i i u it r i v , ,,, ...11,- ' ''hat those lani-cuaires present to hotli sacrificed despite bis natnrallv afieclionate disposition, .(eneraln a . , : , 1 - 1 ... " I nond and heart those uo-as and ideals devoted husband and fat Iter, the American is only too willing to leave , ,,;lt ;uv .!(, Il(,hiest spring of aciion. 1he evening of his home and children to his wife. He will send bis whob j School and college, the tirst-haml study -i p il l i ii - t it, . t ' of nature, and the practice of all those familv awav for a holtdav or a chance regardless of the expense, for i ' '. c ; virtues v.-hn-h enrich human nature monev means little to him. He knows subconsciously that he will earn as much as is necessary. That is one of the set rets of his success in busi ness auto-suirgestion of success. The idea id success the nation, for the nation itself is a success tue lu.-.-t gigantic succe.-s history has ever recorded. Costly Highways Must Distribute Their Benefits and Costs Equitably o enjoy knowledge we : ;:t !,,. boitom llo,,r and continued worki:i' after he had scraped of SLinc df lie mortar. Ty Y. II. FIN LEY, I'n ike:it 0 icai'.o an -I do not believe that ih'" hwavs tliTom. gninc to ruin the radr-'aK On the oittrarv. I thiiik that tla and .-hiprung the m.-ro tra-liu"; and are needed to form correct taste. No one who has paid attentions to - m the blood of 1 t1"' -w :it two loc;;,'es . hae hrmisrot about can be oessim;;:c as to the future development of the American city alont: the lines e.' cn vei.ieticc. dignity ami ood order, cm ,. !-;ned with a certain amount of beauty. da of tiii- u'-'Mtier seems ia;. The uncertain ciencnt the pre.-uc" r a'esel.ce ii." IT' od taste. And w ! is the eon,;. in. -d product of t'.,e lain i : ; r i ( I the e;,,'v:'ons rightly direcj- So that i;i the last analysis thr soul of the city is a keenly develoj.i.l ei ie ciiseioii -on the part of ii? e'ih:- :is. -llx'-hane. Tudieious f ader, when the long win Irr eeuin -s ( ehie round, you have Hliiifidanee of leisure. Let the poi stand idio .;, ;he shaUes till the re turn of '-priuL:, uiilcs jierchance yoi. would fain r same acquaintance will "The Seasons." which you have not rein: since a boy, or would divert yoursell with l'rior or he grave with Crahbe Now is the time to feel i.uce more tiu charm of Lamb's peerless ami unique (---ays; now is the lime to lislen tl the i otded voice of Lei:;h Hunt dis ; ! ; i i r : 1 1 1 " of men and books. A'lhor I! : . , IluKen. .amain B KILPATRICK, SON & CC , UNDERTAKE RS and Funeral ,,..jrs Wc;arry a Li 'i sipplics at he:-man. Ct. -:en'av: is A, l;L Vaxton. xtp- Y . fy H -'-.'it- . hi : -.: d North Western. ;:otit tlie country nr Dec verSin iard Transfer Co. Phcne 118 That is why ?q much of our products are sold at home We always have a fresh supply of Bread, Rolls, Cakes, p ies. Doughnuts and other good things usually kept in a first class bakcrv. ffrj H a JS'VJ'i.&lX J llh V means 1 here are t ,.r t ra el ; i ; h:p- P f.l, v a- a hue T i ill? nil reasos. A i.' M tr.!ie l::;e rwre hr-t l ; that they wot; Id take ail tie 1 i : -: ; ; 'Vm the r:.i!r.-ad-i. N'olitii: like that h:i i oet. e,j. T-it v iiti-re! v en ale! ith ! ;: -it'C- e -. body . T!;o iMa::r.i':ec!it u ::i '' bo.'ba;.- tiiar h.r..- :' :v: beip ; Vttiit ir. lii;::' . will i !:.;: its!- (:. ; :r: :". -' tran-i nrt; - tnui o i's j; the 1 Ik'eh.r.v bto;;, i ; . k ; ; ! , a::d i!ia:::Taa:i ', 1 'icy w :! I t to alnu : -;.! e i-i:; - ii .: 1 ' . 'I'iie j i, . . j .ie nil, -t i - . - v. i tb;.I :i i ' ';:.;;! ;i it - ;; re ba-i d c tiiva'i !!:. V,'( i:.;--: -e. iba; i . : v k . Y. - I. : r.:-:,t.. ;i:e.r ...-,.( '. and (!;.- eijuiiab' J nu . !; :.: .id f .. - and L jiei i do M in t:-e . r n ;; I - ' : r . i -A i ' ' 1 t i boa v r j:.. : bttrd' ix - f t':e i:)ai:;t' : :::' l'c; aps it is j:p ; as we'! that Ann r V. as e i s, , ,verei 1 before KlU'op '..sed i'self up (Ids way. v) i U L I ; u 'J . ii 3 : b ;: .a:i de'h it rears a trihie-i but when reduced to real it i h - - ;.-ir. no:, heal. Trunks Coal Gravel - C v v, 0.-. oa;r: ?7 s W )er in Paris a hi;: stadium tr - W Idle .er liere the aerae -es be::-in- to i:-.-t (:ie. oee c r Phor one us ;or ;'!: ( v! o are uruinLr a IT'-mor.'h ear see;,! to have no fear of a Friday th.'viee! ,.f the thirteenth. irrnii ni:Ii re ) f To the v Warehouse biiihlnm , " the Far- Prices Reasonable umjimijjimi!wj 1 ( 7 U 1 1 ( T 1 1 7 . 'I 1 1 T " 11 jLuiiaiims oi l uoiiL iiiverct miouki lc Liassk'vt as PuMic .Monudents Ilv F. d. gali.atj: 111 i:n inline!;; -. fed .-ve:-: rediieiiep IV their in ke It ktk ' J"' Hi v. : : e 1 1 .:: la i v. v i. thill of t:e ' i count r v w o not Ii 'die-.?, v T... - I !'..:. .!!!.. ef of Ana-rii a I hau : : . 'M the hi 1 f : . : a"- : : '. U c,!: e- k lliunity wih.-e a:. lovintT care nk the i'ehes ef i a it;.;. I :ad;ti'i! a:id : hii'dih-- sunbo! .-line. 1 1 i - a kite ;uic hh i 1. .1,1 It.s Issuance of Tax Exeni :; Securities Saves Nothing to the Taxpayers By ANDia-'.W V.KI.LOX. I'. S. Ke.-re; a. y of the Treasury. Tax (v.ln;,,,!u i;, i; -taia-e. . . .u-t h s a sui ddy from the federal government, the o.t of w.hie,. in t!.- lee.- rn) mUsr f.. on t,oso Ulx nayers who do not or can not take rci'me :n tax- ci;::,r s. ehrities. Even from the jadnt of ,..u of th- h :!: m-clve-, T keie- e it is clear that the cci.tiiiued :--!;;tne; tl; ta-, . ;..:.t M'-airit -::ves p the iaxhavers in the .-tales, and th::t. in the run It l.rir, i , ; . , r i o leavier i taxes. The tax-eremj.t jiriviI.-.-e, fact' leads, in n :i:;y case-, to nn ::ee.--.a "v or a a hat d v. in;:, . and IU -ullcs :i.e- to je;i ' ie ep -!a l : ... i : . . . . mi, in t-'it ii. i uiiiiu'in.u tiiv.uT a ha hfie::: lU(.rt ;,M. ;n tJ;,. tt'i. and- (Mtio-. I lit-M' d-dit.i coiisinule a c.-.n-tantlv jrf.wi!; ciiar taia :, the several states. ;u:d will u!t iiu.-iTe! v h-.-.o to h.. ..;.! :,. v " ' ' l'"'Vi, Oi 111- , tlirou.irh tj ! .a - .tj.oa th-.-e ery taxpacrs. j ! ! rviTnrrTmTirr iiiiiii in i r-mrmr'Tim'rTTriwiii iim i mini air rfT7Tninri Ik!! ,-&;'hr5,i rt:i I - K I COUPE j J Greater j$ "ifi f g : 1 1 a r.ckiks Skirroh-' Co. 0:1 C a. hiv c-1! St., on your '.va' tiiic Depot rriin;; iron) our oklstancl. We invite ail our ;'rkn;!s anu customers to inspect our new liome and would like ! to call 1. rkney G ana lik Ue . ; c 1 i l rv, Pronnk S d. ;ns Servic r,-, it i CniLL Cakl'-.v-ll i; i-ko t . rc.CT Urea7, kirst store from North vara kind last leaving. F O . B . D ET R O IT Ycu cee the resu.ts cf n 1 k x ?'. b k m ? h fi -i in.oii 1 1. 8. J inal a: "If I Say That I Never Saw the Evil Side of Gregory Rasputin- By LILI DEHX, in "The Real Tsaritsa." on the grounds ! these to th ie o If T say that I never saw the evil side of ("ire-orx Kasputin T shall be called a liar or a fool p. rhaps more chivalrous! the latter. It is however, the truth when I say that we never saw the e .j.v ,,f ).;,,, vrav I, therefore, plead for a hcari: dual natures, and that they a. find themselves ? I have heard of men who in elsewhere existences ' nauirht. Yet they tiever 1 i'.ut even if sometl. orchard, hi-" inner life, ai most probably have htn matel v fov eai. h r;e have h an i i f ' s !ve- i i , ssess they load is as i rest. st l ct would i iuti- At the Iovc?t price ever made on a Ford Coupe this attractive model offers even greater value than before. The convenient window regulators, the improved upholstery, and the many refinements in chassis construction, have brought new high standards of quality. Professional and business men demand ing continuous car service at low cost, and with, comfort and convenience, are turning to the Ford Coupe in greater numbers than ever. So gre.'d; is the demand that a shortage is certc,-1. List your order now cover it v. ; a t a small down payment the balance on convenient terms. Ford prices have :cv r been so low rord quality lias never been so high Lowe Motor Co. Brevard, N C. May mean weeping in smcke cr in sadness viewing the ruins or your home. But Insurance shows business ability. Means sat isfaction in protection. Means Contentment of mind. Means the saving of a lifetime's earnings. Means the comfort of old age. Destruction has visited your neighbor and our neighboring town It awaits us. Insure while it waits tomorrow may be too late. Brevard Enaurance T. H. GALLO Mr tiager Brevard, N. C.