FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1923 THE BllEVARD NEWS, BREVA I? r. NORTH CAROLINA PAINTED A "RARE WHISTLER" French Artist Later Finds Hit Work j Priced at 150,000 Franc Much ' Litigation in Prospect. j A RtUl life painting ascribed t ! Whistler and priced nt 150,000 francs ' has been declared by the courts to be in reality the work of a French paint er, Stanny Stnssy. The Frenchman is ald to have painted It eighteen years go In one day on a bet ; he then sold it for eighty francs and next saw It 4is a famous picture with Whistler's ame In the corner. It was the reproduction of the pic ture in a book on Whistler, in which It was learnedly commented upon as re vealing Whistler's peculiar genius, that brought about the expose. M. Stassy and a fellow painter named liebin, it was shown in court, painted the same group of flowers, a vase, a jug and a glass of wine on a wager, with two of their-pretty models as judges. Some time ago, when Bebin sold his Kvpy, the dealer indignantly charged that it was merely a copy of Whist ler's, and for proof showed him the photograph in the book, liebin told Stassy of his experience and the lat ter searched until he found the pic ture, which 'had traveled at increasing prices from dealer to dealer. Stassy tiled suit to recover the pic ture and have the signature changed, jind asked for damages. Experts sup ported his contention, and the court now has uphold it to the extent of or dering assy's signature to replace that of Whistler. The dea-ler who last bought the pic ture, paving for it HWHJO francs, says he will cck redress from the dealer who sold it to him. and continuous liti gation on down the line may result. New York Tribune. . . ; Deposited in Trust Companies and Pleasure m Store. ; on interest .. 1 $977,599.49 Having been served with a xredge AwmV balan representing f some yellow substance, the husband business written subsequent to poked at it cautiously with his fork, October 1, 1922.. $1,128,797.98 and finally turned it over heavily on Ajrt.nLs. balances, representing ! his plate, asking: , business written prior to October "What is this?" 1, 1922 $102,820.11 "Pound cake. What of It?" the wife Interest and Rents due and accrued replied. $89,509.82 "Nothing" said the husband. "I All other Assets, as detailed in thought my section weighed more than tr.tement $157,880.09 n i.onnd What are von L'oinc-to Tiiiike Total $9,011,997.79 I . CT - ----- next?" 'Marble cake," said the wife defi antly. Less Assets not admitted $144,821 .GO Total admitted Assets $9,407,170.13 v Liabilities filed with this Department, showing the condition of said Company, on the 31st day of December, 1922. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. ST ACEY W. WADE, Insurance Commissioner STATEMENT NORDISK REINSURANCE CO. COPENHAGEN, DENMARK Now that you are without naythiris.' t quarrel about, just keep that way and jour liver will work better. Condition December 31, 1922, as shown by statement filed. Amount of Capital paid up in cash $200,000.00 Amount of Ledger Assets December 31st of previous year $ 1 , 1 7.rr,087.- Surplus as regards Policyholders $563,650.53 Total liabilities $1,245,557.45 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1922 Fire Risks written, $539,271; Pre Interest and Rents due and accrued, $ $9,837.7 6 Due from Railroads and organizer's, balances $34,624.75 Assessments collected and in hands of Subordinate lodges, $96,550.00 TinnmQ rofoi vo rl $5 642 41 All other Assets, as detailed in state- All other Risks written, $37,996; ; ent $2 ,!).S.l)0 Premiums received $456.38 Total . . $8o;,47J-w Losses incurred Fire, $2,008; V:wi ff Asst-ta not "Sti S $2,613 i tal Admitted Assets . $820,8o0.12 Losses' incurred Ali ' other, $711; LIABILITIES: pa;(j $780 ick and Accident Claims, $38,981. 4 U. S. Mgr.,' P.'e'. Rasor';' Home Salaries, rents, expenses, commission. Office rnnpiihac-en. Denmark. I ttc- $2,375.00 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Reserves on Life Certificates lYSKKAXTK TIV.PARTMEXT it.MJ.UUU.UW Raleii'h, March 3. 1923 ! TntaI Liabilities .... $121,356.74 I ST ACEY W. WADE. Insurance BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA Commissioner, do hereby certify thre ; DURING 1922 1.1 1 rrrt A)H , xnmii.t. twin i , mv i i r"" 7, 'VA i the above is a true and correct ah. Policies nf Certificates in force De ohcyholders , ? slr:lct f the statement of the. No,-- comber 3 1st of previous year. Num Net amount of unpaid losses- and claims $829,353.66 v iiearued premiums . 0i,dJ. ; ...;( 6(j. Increase of paid-up Capital oa.;u;es, reiii.-, expenses, ouis, ac- $. . . . ; Total courus. tees, etc, due or accrued Tn-omo From c-iocoo-jo ... " .. ':' '.. .V ! stract o . . ----- - i. I i-.t i;.r.n fi-.vvrt. n . ....... c.-'j.iwicwi. Estimated amount navable for ! XSfftfX'A ' Reinsurance Company, of Co. ber 1750; Amount $72,000.00 The saxophone is one 'of the easiest Federal State countv and muni. ' tv i,,,.'. ' ' ' ' 'f ' Yk u V ' 1 Penhagen, Denmark, tiled with ihis Policies or certificates issued during instruments to play, and Is getting to cinai taxes. due or accrued tin vkv r.T . t ;n.,.'. .. o'.n j Department, snowing tne eommion the year, Number o42; Amount, le one of the hardest to listen to. 1 Contingent commi Most of us don't object to a pow- charge;; due or tiered face, but to the one powdered A! otnt'r Uaihlitie ... ...... statement . . . . . $ 52,807.39 ; o? total M,w,,any- of said Company, on the 31st day of '.$1000 00 -ions or other vi.o ?; V r'tt $7'59'- '1' -,S j December. 1922. Policies or Certificates in force rcrvH I MISS: v, frl n -1 TT''? ' Witness my hand and official seal. ,,mh, r 31, 1922, Number 17!):, : as letted in ! ,nR 00, 04,,13,023; In force (h( dav a!1() v,. hW. -riHen. : Amount, . .. . .'. . .. $36,000 Of $: 1 470 S3 I uwuj, V V 1-0s-5-, f' I STACK Y W. WADE. Sick and accident claims unp.-mi ; Al 1 Other Kiss written or renewed ! i r i e ill Inabilities e:i ; during year, $7,208,809; In force! Inu, t. omm.s.-iom , cember ,1st of prev.ous year - j n Diplomat A itian in a silk hat and I quandary. Total amount of all Liabilities a.;. on nro onr.. i r .. I v cember 3 1st Ot previous year, .'- im cent capital $G.2GG.M;.6 , ; f.,v iVXt i " ' I . z- Amount $l?4-;0 .2 STATEMENT Capital actually paid un i:i cash Assets ' STATEMENT: M k and Accident claims incurred THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE CO. ."$400,000.00 Y"iue of Bonds -uvl Stocl-s BENEFIT ASSOCIATION OF during the year, Number 281; A- LONDON, ENG Surplus over all liabilities " c ' 1 13 59 in ' RAILWAY EMPLOYEES, CHICA. mount $14,026.70 !c 01.030..1S D.n.d 'in Trust '('oPanies'lH;! " G. ILL- r,rk ccnlcnt Claims paid Iur- Condition December 31. 1922, as ( Surplus as regard Policyholders Ranl on inten-st . . .'. $46,351.98 ! 1 mg the year, Number 27G; Amount. shown by statement filed. ! ... .. $3,201,030.4:: A-ents' balancers, representing busi- Condition December 31. 1922, a-- : v;; V ' ' T : ' ' ' '1,7f i'A Amount of Capital paid up in cash Total Inabilities $9,467, i 76. 1 3 ross ,,-ritten -ubseoucnt to Oc- H 'vn bv M.-mrn Su k V ' V'lLcm- lu"l)a,I4 )- .... .. ., S400.000 00 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA 1ol((.r t W22 ... ; si) ::)0 'M 1 v ' , ! c'' m,,"r : 1 J22 -Number 2,; A- mount of Ledger Assets December ! DURING 1922 . Interest and Rents due and .-.ccriied i " S547 537 03 T lu' ' ' " ; : M.--.U-. i i emium aim .'ssossmenrs couec . 1ober 1. 1922 $9,390.21 I from mvviou:; v,-ar of previous year, h.S.-l 1. 1 4 ; i r ire iusks written, :.-(, ;;n. j z i ; $1 2.77777 '; Increase of paid-up capital, $....;; Premiums received . . . $51,304.19 . other assets' as 'detailed hi state total $9,763,470.14 : All other Risks written, .51.058. 2:9; nicnt $64,505.51 !::conu From Policyholders, ! Premiums received $2,993.4;. Total ......'. R 1.2 15 5 5 7 4 5 $5,064,813.89: Miscellaneous. Losses incurred Fire, $22,020. 1 s Total admitted' Assets 8 1 '4 55 57 4 $713,600.08; total . $6,378,413.97 j Paid $20,588.08 Liabilities ' Disbursements to Policyholders. , Lo-ses incurred Alj oilier. $2,698.- ' Xet "mount of unpaid!bsses and .Ya,:;!S.),t.uu. U ; lviisceiianeous. j r.u,i am claims Incoim I-'roni members. $1,18 1.-1 565.14; Miscellaneous, $39.37 1.1 Total, $1,220,936.32. ; I,-,'. , i ; n 1 imrsemeins l o niemoers. .) !:.- x- .i-i.l,'- - r 11 i-. , 1 r-..., .... . . no 'V -o ii' 1,4 t'"'1-!: Aduarv. L. I). Covanaugh; lotal. .sl.081.13S.:.2. ; H,,n . 'rl,:r.;if,. 7 ! i -i . 1 1 e - - i i l ien o u I i ii l; ea i . u 1 1 1- i duraig the war in North Caroli: a. " $29,750 55 R. A. Lutz; Seiretaty, (i. ('u'ver; Treasurer, A. Rloom- ' ' . , . , , t , , , f ... . , , , .1 I , . , , V... . , . 1 -Hi OOT .Is: : i e o-)c I . ' '.w,,,,. o.-.v. . .e . ?i -?n 1 07 tot:.l S6 77G lH?. f3 ; ( enera Mers.. 11. Govford -ml .1. tt i : c-r-,.- n ' ' ' I i'cp.a r. Merit, Ka!eirn, .March ' V.'- ,' ,V- i r u Ti an-' i " enr.niM-u j , i .-1 u i u ,i i s .. m-ia.-ih,,.;;,. 5) ..-it. i .UIIU.U'.M l'r'-' I' ire Risks ritten or renewed , Robertson ; Home Ofi-.ce, London. E.-timtited amount payable for Fe- . Ru. i, in force at end of year- - ' s,V . .. ,v W-ol !,,,, .',, elurmg year, $939,081 4 2: . d.Tal. State, county and municmn Number of o..Pcies. 67... 11. arun. ! ,v ; V j, , ', 'r ufv t '. In force $994 1 8.1 27 At torncy for service : STA( v. . taxes', hie or accru-d .. $1,000.00: 83 1"6 U0 00 ' . "; , oltlt-' l"ltt Jl All other ri:-ks -written or renewed 'WADE. Insurance Commissioner, Contingent commissions or other i ' ' i .'.. e i, a true and correct abstrict .Inrin.r v...-.r 15 "93 578: In ; Raleiirh. X. C. ,.u i - o . : . . . . . ()I in- -t.i'ement ot the J.en. tits A " - . - - - ui.ui (I u1; w ; .u'. I Lli', ,i ..) o o. o o I i ' . 1 1 o. - ii r.l rT- .-.- t(. ri r i-Td i f o rce St-.;cks, -r other co!!a ral Grave robbers in I'.ypt are called ircheologists. Travel broadens some, otheis re turn as skinny as ever :ii;..:u-j.uj4 i.MAir, vir mikiii v All other iabilities. as detailed in A.--,- 1 YsPT A yrV IH'I'AI'Tin.'VT i .-- . .- ...-v i.iv i-ia i.., i . , . ;-L.aiemenc z :. -J;. s , i Yalue of Real Estate $228 750.00 Kid.ruary 23. 1923 To-U amount of ail liabilities except Y.,'ue of Pond; and Stocky".'. . .HUii;i.ue i'o in. ,u ij.-kih- . . . . i. .-vt'ii, iii.-uiiuie VaOItai vliSl 00i;(. Yalue on Ponds and Stocks . $135,000.00 Commissioner, do hereby certify that Capital actually paid $6,791,339.5 the above is a true and correct -tract of the statement of the Nort: up in cash $56.",,!) 1 2.: (ah in Company's 0!i'-t Cash in Company's Office .. $300.75 j ern Assurance Co., of London, "ring.. $200,000.00 S! 00.0(1 Surplus over al! liabilities Det.osit.-d in Tru.t Companies a-H .... $363,050.53 Hanks on interest .. $ i 1 4.70 1.6 1 ; c,,. i :-oc:atio:i of Railway Kmplo v-s, n ; ! Kntterna; )rd-r. of ' Chicago," 111., f.l- ' i e.j witi: this Department. showinr the c -3:--..n of said Order on the 31s; oi' December, 1922. it- i i .if-, i u . e - eiy p.anu an( o:j;ciai .;eat i tile . e. date above written. STAtd-iV YV. WADE. ; o ! 1 e i . $$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$h$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$ j$ fe$$feg$$ $$s $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ -eg 4 -co C -to TJ if) ) -00 & & ee in ill & aV n & A ay in- That's our motto, and the policy we live up io. Our aim is to be a constructive institution to the Town and the Courity. The inside policv or gut store is to always keep frsh rH wwUn.-o During tne season we have createa some odds and ends in Shoes for Men Wnrnpn Rrv f-A? These we throw out Saturday -and Monday onlv at soecia! Drices. le call them off to you by Stock No. If you see the price and style that suits caP hrr number. miii i ii i un i in ii i 'in inn i in in wt tt i wi 'i r i'i w u i 1 1 ii i imw iiimi ! i i s 1 Uj(jk aror who fads Riper .nilviKccb.courvferj Women's and Girls7 Pumps and Oxfords No. 812. Br-.vnCi!irO.:br.-ir.. Ren ri:: 53.00. Ocd lot prLc . T orin T . . c . ri inu. jjtw. x-arcnu jrir.ip rump, low heel, p;.-!jrated cap. Rcgub.r $3.50, Odd lot vricc 9 QR No. 114. Parent leather strap Pump, N "smrt set' t'.can. iicel. reu- G;rlr; Br; rubber h.eel vls'-' " V-.-rxtli mm- RAT!0R M SHOE'-0 lar e;5.00. Odd let price b o j . iOv 53.00. Odd lot price 01 ft r "Vou don't have to buy shoes by guess-work any longer, pick ing out a pair that looks good, and hoping they'll wesr wc!!. by insisring on the Friedmap.-Shelbv "Aa-Lcathcr" No. 3H9. Paient strap pump, grow ing; girls last, low rubber heel. A snappy style. Regular price 55.00. Odd lot price V PR No, IQ20. Women's tan vice kid putnp. Regular price $3.00. Odd lot price No. H77. i aho?a Cad lot price .:!r Uxiore e u'a? z:i:c St, 00 0 1 r No. 3383. Red Goose Kid Ljc ford K ow, $245 ow heel. RzPtilnr nrvc 54.00. O 0 r cd let price trade-mark, yen .f-wtt; you're on the' safe side you know II H " 'ou'rc -Hoes cf genuine leaf her you know you'll If always be satisfied wit!; yi;r i-urchao. Ali iize- ::r.l Bovs' Shoes and Oxfords Odd 'ot of Boys' Erown and Black Shoes. Regular price $4.00 to $&.C0. Odd lot price $2.45 Small Boys' Oxfords, sizes 13 10 3. Regular price $6.00 and $5.00. Odd lot price $2.4 Bo;,Y and Men's Brown and White Canvass Shoe, leather heel a ,d sole. Regular $2.50. Odd x: price $1.25 Odd lot of Men's, Women's and Chil dren's Canvass Shoes and Slippers. Regular price $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. Odd loc price 6 OC Men's Oxfords and Shoes hh lot of Men's Oxfords. r.-,;lar QC price J i, itnd sc.. Odd lot- price $.jJ Men's ; lo-ithrr Seoul Work Sh.H- Men':. Wnlk-Over Ocfn-ds, - m- odd 1 H ".Mi'.ar price sr. s- s.t. OM t ric' VWl 'don's M iiisun Inst, lloxi!'1! Work S!io- $2.29 COMPANY o O o :--! CO 6 U LTD 00 o u A3 5 o f so &? e GO -t'- v 9 -ii -: ee -09 oo -J5 -60 ew -ce -CO ) a a in & -bo & (A $$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$ $$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$ $$$$$$ $$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$

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