FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1923 "r p ? r ' - NEWS, lpi ROLINA EVERY CITIZEN SHOULD HELP SPOTLESS TOWNS IN FLORIDA No Reason Why Fight on Civic Ugli ness Should Be Left to an Organization. The Anti-Ugly association Is the at torney for every home owner, every property owner, every person who does business in Kansas City. Every defacement of sidewalk, street or al- make Kansas City a less desirable Gtate Sets an Exampie That All Ssc- place to live in. tiens of the Country Might Copy With Benefit. A xv.avi may erect a million-dollar biildinur, and wo still permit bis neighbors to rive bim a back alley If every town in the South would trash ran settinp:. A family may put imitate most of the' towns in Florida. jfS savings into a home, and we per- the .South would become noted m the owner of a vacant lot next throughout the world for the beauty ,oor to depreciate the value of the and, charm and cleanliness of its borne. towns, declares a writer In the Ma:v.i- Tm Anti-Ugly association has gone faeturers1 Record. out to remedy this condition. It is Cleanliness, it has been said, is , omnlovin- nttornevs to belt, enforce next to Godliness. A dirty individual ! existing ordinances and to studv the ; situation with a view to more prot t!ve legislation. In this Phone 44 J. S. BRO Baggage Transfc Wood and Ice, All lines of our busircs to-datc business methods. .JSE5aat1 At the Deoot FIELD TZZ&msszznxzzKzx. 3EA-r. r: p, mi a. Hi ' 1 1 n K K H j t m - wr OJrt ;c to is neither clean spiritually nor men tally. Dirt makes for ruin physically, mentally, morally. This is as true of a town as of an individual. The dirty town, the town Cull of rubbish, of un tidy houses, of muddy streets, of in sanitary conditions, is non-progre-si ve materially, morally and educationally. Neither mora! iwr material advance ment tlourish in dirty, unkempt dwel lings or in unkempt towns. If any town or city is ambitious for advancement, or if oven a few of its men and women are ready to devote their time and energy to the better ment of the community, the surest way to achieve snivels is to clean up Tll:tl.'t n-i.-l- v-ir.l (nil -.n-ilci , ' ' ' ' road companies have been held liable t ' , ., , damage done bv the tire spread- L' 'j'kjwl 1. them clean, encourage the people, , r . . 1 fU. - . ..-. - it , . , , . . , . . Jag iroui their ri tr its of wav hv ivi- iiti r -n 1 -- - i n inf . white and black abko to beautifv . ' .. , , , , ; jioi (.-Menu wns naniiny 10 ini man nore protee- j t it is acting ! kn as fh( agent for the average citizen. The man who bears about the work says. "That's fine."' Tf be meets a member of the organization be slaps bltn on the back and calls him bully boy. Hut kind words pay no lulls. It is no more the job of the mem bers of the Anti-l'L-ly association to do this work than it is of any other citizen. Kansas City Star. tnv e,in r o m n ft t urn t m Brnvard, Nor'h Carolina DHI'AKTM KNTS College Preparatory, Normal, 'Music, Ursine!-s. Do mestic Art. 1 1 cs'. hold r'conumics. Acrii uiturc. ALL LKpAKTMLN'TS arc directed by tcacrcrs v. itii filial tialr.injr and large experience. They know tkt ir IioSir.i .-s. INKLUKNCKS .f the Institute arc alone v. 1 tli . : ( , . : , i ; , ; , , tr( tl'KNS ON SIT'TKMI'.FR 7. F R ifr" i" ! Ti'.on-" ., ,. t . h . ,i:-.i'iv , . ni'! , ,; ;tl. ;., it 'fk ' f'.ri., i.- a ITS- . Getting After the Careless Citizen. Tic farmer is held liable for dam- j ft ... ! i ; 1 , V..J E'rcvaro, N. C t age if he builds a tire and permits it I J vT-v' ; - to spread to bis neighbor's land; rail- ) 100$; road companies have been held liable ; '3 ; M'.'cV. He -.w ' ' : : y ':r.Y ' : h-:r-l-- VVg ? f -, t-v vS, ft - -iv; V ' : -r 1 . . - kV. . : 1 . : .. x .l -i g.c:-? J j ' -: :.;! their homes and their yanls. stimulate a lovt for and a pride in their ami in their towns, repnir the tumble down yard fences, paint up, make tinners ns ebfin outside as t'ley should be inside, ac.l That coinia ruitv will look mentally, morallv and materially. N'o co!::n,':r: y w lneb does not clean up and 1 1 : " ' r ;:p, which docs not do it.s best to !:io eb-i. vtrc'W ami clean yards. i.;i : e riubt to look up and fjie.. i' e ! , cry ! : v ! ; s lr:b!;s ni yon havp no: i'-ed i p en't on, that it is the other lYilow's habit that is always at reciocs. with a basement full of rubbish, a de fective chimney or other known tire hazard, which results in fire and in jury to his neighbor? Why not com pel him to reimburse the city for the expense of putting out tho tire caused by his earolesMiess? 1'ennsyhania has such a law. A number of cities provide this penalty by ordinance. Th" large majority of fires are due to care les.-Tiess, and there is 110 more effective way to euro such enrelesstiess than through the pocket hook. Chi cago I'aily News. Si, ten ene American cigarette costs l.iHKMM',1 rubles in Mo.W, tiie ques tion naturally arises: Why not smoke rubles in -tend? The human infar.t is the most help less of all .animals. Otherwise1 lie probably wouldn't be saddled with a portion o; t no war :e nt. Although it i5 b beved that certain Interest le.vo ie-:gs on all the etlier ch ..-. to tin- earth b-r a radio monop oly, intorpl.anota. y space has not yet been staked o'u;.. V"on'-;;n'' del 'ey the 1 .. ! t' husband or a on; up ! e ;! :';e -an . . , meerl t s a - not kl.:e.v uiiillil 0 Um i5t I ilyyp TFe Barber Shop where you get that smooth, velvety finish after each shave. Our host:; cf friends and patrons arc our best advertiser?. A clear skin guaranteed by us a her one of our message. Children's hair cutting our epceialty. Wc no'v carry a large supply of fiihing tackle cf every description and kind, and have a large assort ment of cigarettes, cigars and tobaccos. V nee a customs r always a customer. Tonsor'al Artists Or r3 for 3 1 i I Fresh Meats and Vegetables Dclvered to Yccr Doer T. 7 e 1V1 - ' Li w v M. i-8 naw:ins op , 5 1 gi-i-u-:-, ---.x-. -. . .-L . ftsS .rx'-i ti"'' ... . ?:' '- svii3 Veh:: v.o Vi--tSir E-jex fF312 Er-fss ssa5a Ci-C'tO-r-' if? te&im mm m km 2Laii?J A A!v.itiinun:. 1' 1 - f i . a 1. .. 3 : 1 1 3 n n n - . ; . c ... : S 2 J. ) ? or ove .'vi! ' -' - ' . " , ( I .0 - - 4 A r' . t( J 1 - s,, . - Jc '-''. " 1 ' 1 .' V' ,f';. ij:at:ii:u hnc or Ladies', Misr.ei v.- . 1 r at r.uters3n a caret a: r.rcc.a: rrcs. iv-cet vour tSrevar s ; ty v..'.; jiry Uepart '-t- . -;: ;1 c - C ' s 'J " '' L t . v . Young Men's Srcrt Ivloctei Suits. $15,5 to 32.50. and m.cren s r iais s : ... Men's and oung Mers aii wool Serge buits, .N ; -, S19.l5 and up. J,l The famous w Fashion I'Viikf'' Suits 4or stylish oung v; ti men. $.-9.50 and u; !0u OFF i ' A- , V. ALL READY-TO-WEAR Or.-j lot TaU'eta, Canton CreiH' and Tricosharn 10',, OFF alt Boy s one and two Fants uits. Big Assortment of Knee Pants at Low Prices. 10 OFF on BOND guaranteed Trousers. ''Meet Your Friends at Paiiefitoiv's value t fj . 1 1 i w "I it;. . S '" ! : ; Or. otrrr arnl ' iraraln':- W.i; nil we.L'i-. eacn . -nceuirrri rrcr-o, values to ?l!t)-" . . . $9.35 All Our Shoes Are Sold Under a "Money-Back" Warrant of Quality Larjre selection of Capos and Coats $6.95 to $37.50 Slipover and Tuxedo Sweater.-, newest shades $1.95 to $7.95 Our dimity Blouses are lovely at $2.25. Other V.Iouses Pongee. Paisley, Crepe de Chine and Dimity $1.00 to $5.95 Camel hair skirts, plain and plaid, beautifully pleated skirts, plaid and stripes, navy, brown, black and tan 10 PER CENT OFF Van Kaalte, Hole Proof and Gordon Hosiery 10 PER CENT OFF Children's Sandals ard Babies Slippers 6c Lat. Patent Slippers, Tan Combination ed.45 10",, OFF at) Peters Diamo d Brand Footwear. Men's Oxfords, Black and Tan $1.98 up Ladies' Oxfords, values to $6.00 $2.45 lO'o OFF ALL FLORSHEIM OXFORDS. .'1 ) 1 1 1 ti Men .ii. an e up d! Civic, ;:es i ur: a 1 a fjDicimcnd ftlah'd? SEE OUR LINE FOR THE CHILDREN. 10 pvr eeai oft .A-n:ris. We- have a full line 01 Canton Crepe. Paislev, Taffeta. Flat Crepe and Tub Silk. Come in and M look them over, "Pic Indian" triple stitch bluo denim work shins. $1.50 value 98c. rnff-y..n ,w.lbi ipi -'--1177 T O N Department Store WHERE QUALITY REIGNS" N. MORFJS, Manager Iwy's kahki T'"urk Shirts, aeroplane brand 39c' "Everfasf suiting, all colors. Money back jrauarantco not to fade. 1.' you haven't seen it, m a.-k to he shown. j -."TJi".T 10 p- v c' .it oil all Dove :5rand silk and muslin L nd or wear 1 1 S3

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