BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. Cleveland Ready for Big Conventions 1 3 I 1 jmiiil-IIfi li J. ' ,:M "le i land is lli'w ;n l hi' rin for llie 1 1 n i r of lieiiiii tie e)l chosen u- i tic next national n -m ions nf t tic IiiioiTntk- ji n 1 Wc i n I 1 i cit n iarties. The picture shows Hie new 'I v c I ji n 1 1 1'iihlie !,n!I, which 1i;is n seating ful'iwity of IJ.OtHi. Tlie Imildiii ccM $(.(Hki,ikk and ha 1" front fntnunrs. Leviathan Real American Craft of pounds of crapes, l.VXM) boxes of oninp's, apples and otluT fruits; many tons nf ice crcanis and ices, almost 1 ,( h m i. m hi pounds of t'.nir. tons upon ions of hreakf'ast funds. ."n.fHMi pounds ; 'f sniokin- and other tobaccos, and ' more than :," io.ihhi ci-ars ami elu ; ettes. j When IJcar Admiral I'.eiisnn, ship- pint.' hoard commissioner, at an official ... ,i ,,, f , i , ,,, , e , ., "mi; I'oarn commiss oner, ai an o ne a Manufacturers Forgot Profits , 'T1'""1"" "' '.'T "'' and Labor Its Hules in "Nai- ih. illusion. . ,n iu!" ., . The restaurant is ioined t ,!, nin- ! 'l'rt' "as that pf. UrailZing Dig . , ,,., W1;P..IV . ., ' ." s.bly tins s,,- I latest ship atloar New York- -The Amernan liner Levi a short stairway, Just three feet ahove the court. The two. which in fact are one, hne a combined door had been made ton luxurious, he mikiif -have irone a step further and tehl how sender ship thlnj: the American lnx. will reflect credit on 'J.'.HKi ship work- athan. once the Hambui -Amei i( an s , patriotic workmen and manufitct urors ., , v . v.tL- ' ' ' tiliiK'st o.thNi squnre teet. As , .... , nterlund. w ill sail from New 1 rk , , , vl('(1 ul,tl "':i-li other in mvoin- i ii,, ,,,. 1,1 oourt a dome of stained trlass. .... for Southampton on her maiden m'- . plishtn that end. 1 he liner. In re- , . , 'he center of an allecorlcal titrure. is . , , , h jje In our transatlantic passenger . sinning her place as the arrest pns- tnide witliln the next four months. And ,, of niahoKaiiv. uiien she clears Sandv Hook on ttiat first eastward Journey' she will lu- in in lnl,r '-' oat dining ; ,lf ,ht. s rt N,.ws shipbuilding everv sense nil American ship, a ship "'oon y ith a floor area of ll.r.f.O feet, , ,, j ,n 1(1(.k (.(imi;lnv iU11 mnn. In the reconstruction and recondition- -"i"K lrced hy a dome of eduss, l)f un,rs pa rT j (. j ;n t tu in n-fltiin h,K of which eyerv ,tate in the umon the deck level, the Wti- her. lias had a share. , " 1 I The work of recndltlonln,; the , U'n H11"' support the dome and greatest ship that has ever sailed tin- Pillnul) mustrHtliiK Incidents In the. Homer Ferguson, president of the der the Stars and Stripes cost the llinntTr history of the United States , company, said that the usual rules of government between $.s..Mnumk and $.- i 11 rp prominent. The color scheme labor had been for-ctten by his em (HHl.OOO. Two enrs up. the Leviathan, 'liroui:i:out Is light ivory and gold. pleyees. Tbe sight of an electrician which bad transported more than WO.- Kaiser's Picture Gone. 'hammering a nail or a carpenter as- l li H.t Amerlca'n soldiers to the war zone, ; slstmg in a w iring Job, a plumber aid was slowly setting into tbe Iloboken mud. Everybody Helped Out. filing anything but a brush, would make Then the L-ovcrr.ment decided that it " . tu ,,, .iv,.r;ip. cm tractnr believe tbe mil- T- . . ............ ....... . ' i lie w o en caipeis are oi mue ami green and the curtains of green and 1... .It 1 ... I might be good business as well as a ' ,""" b-nnium had arrlveil. Hut this hap- t'.ne sentiment U save this ship for the ,hls r""11 ""-i- 'g a portrait of the j,tn,.(, r,,-u!arlv during the months that American overseas passenger ti.ole. .so , . i . ,i . ,.-,i marshal. That picture long ago disap- the Leviathan was towed to the ards - - t . . ,., , ,,,, ,: v peared. (iver this mantel w 11 be the Of the Newport News Mnpbu.bbng . ,r,,l tli.. transforma- " " ....leo., inh.i.i oi Irydock company. tlon was ider w a v. There will be ; President Harding. Tlie suites ami staterooms will show rmthbic oi, tlie sens more colli III et el V a ,..... ,,is iviHHMnn n;!S. it oompletc change fr.-m the (Jerinan t. setiger ship, and there will be n ship the American standard. When tlie trie Leviathan was made over. "I cannot say too much in praise of my L'.'.x'o associates in this Job," Mr. Fergus.-n said. "Realizing that if the vessel was to he of any use In our effort to put the American flag oil the seas she had to be roadv for the spring exodu-- to Kuropo. the work men bent their best efforts to the task. : 1 .. ... I. ...I .1.. ..1,1. .1 .. . . i.- under anv hag in which the appoint- : .mu ...e s..,P me piia.e in- meiits are more luxurious or the com- : m- !'iarters perhaps were the most Wheu thev were thmugli for i!,e d.iv ,i,-.,f,,.,,i, ,i i s- . i forts nn-1 safeguards more numerous. " Cutwardlv the Leviathan is the Va - in 'orl,l. In the new ship terland of but that is about all t'd'Hcity rules. There are live simple the resemblance. Under the ( lerman '; schemes, gray, light, buff, light .. I irrnnn iin,l ti,, tin ..PC. lt,..i IhiL'. and as The backbone of the A. K. iwoo-.o..,, V 'transport tlret'she was a coal ' ,,,-,","".v ,,!,'r" ,l,v ln"rt' l"'v"te bat) burner. In the American merchant , in the new Leviathan than on h(ls, art(,,:. hundreds of them would tn up back to the ship and volunteer to keep at it during the evenini: hours. Although they would not admit it. i!' you ques tioned them, they were actuated by a patriotic desire to make the ship the I "If this splendid Spirit had not been .. . .. . IV i 1 1 o 1 1 i ri t . I...II rCI,,. t ... - . il .... entirely changed. I inter the i.ermans i , n,,,,,:, m pooi. ,,ns she typified to the last word the tier- ; an area of Tso square feet and a vary man idea of the decorative art. The : i"K h'pth of from S feet 3 inches to smoking room was as gaudy a com- ; about b feet. The bath can be sup jiirtment as coubi be found on the ' 1'-'" '"" 'f sea water in seven seas. The stained glass windows'-"' minu'es. 'Pi, ere are dressing rooms recalled the glories, on hind and sea. , f'"" bathers, and adjoining the main of the old German empire. In -the rmi and beh-w the spectators' gal-m-w I.e iathan these artistic reminders 1,r.v lliere are special steam. Turkish of the Fatherland have boon replaced am! electric baths. by Mained glass panels. 4S ofv them. The Leviathan is expected to jnaii,. fine for each slate in the nii4i, ami . 14 round trips of the Atlantic irl pj in the center of them all the great ; months, and in the course of these seal of the nation itself. voyages her passengers and cre.v. ac- I iiY.irv Furvwhf-ri! ' cfriilig I the . Mimalos of the si.ip- Tl.r t ,.il,'.. t l,,.rii ... t. l-i. 'OS 1'"' no the iii'uio iiiiili- deck are the oiit- ,. . . .j ii pounds of lams and preserves. 'Ji'.ui- standing features m the architectural 1 1 ' iiou po';ni oi iresli meats. i s ( K , i si.iHKt poinnS fif game BRIEF NEWS NOTES WHAT HAS OCCURRED DURING WEEK THROUGHOUT COUN TRY AND ABROAD , 1 .1 i . . service she will be the greatest oil- , ' 1 T'. 1 f . . r burner on tlie seas. ! rimm entrance f" displayed the v. -sei never wo.ihl have The interior ilecorat ions have been th'' 'lining saloon is the l-ompeiian h(.t.u r,.:lv j t. jdlotted. The board, will consume l . l 'jp i m h i eggs. UlO.oiKl pounds of I. Illter. -JSUHiKi tbe rial hall, the pa'm (clinds the ain Mr 1.1 Kl I, III 1(1 poU, f dross,., p Around the World by Motor lol'e.l Up a', ay been w a l ' i EVENTS OFJMPORTANCE Gathered From All Parts Of The Globe And Told In Short Paragraphs Foreign public little realizes some of the diffi culties w e faced. Vol! must remem ber that the Cermans v ho built her Wfiild not furnish us with the plans. For example, there weie some 1 '11 mil lion wires which w e had to 'race out, and this tool; Weeks mill weeks of tire some work. lr this particular phase ovorv man stepped in and helped out. "The v i carvers, for example. were up against a hard proposition in dupli'-ating pillars, tooled leather de signs and scroM wcrk, specialties of I'lerniaii ar' who often had spent most ..;' a year on a 'ingle job. It meant constant work to do these things in lime ami 'ho eight-le-iir rule did P.. 1 !':;.!"." Lc.clcn Peculation Crows. try. s.hi.uimi pounds of potatoes -jvi. LmhT. l.-- i-.c.i;.-' : I.on ' u i i p.ounds of cabbage and other vege- dmi which im l"ii, s the many suburbs table in proportionate amount. L"Ji.- I.iii U"' the "hc:,:;i, a.iea. was fi.MS,. lion pounds of sugar, ' quarts of tin on I tooembcr 1 .-o-, ording to tlie milk. 1'g tons of coffee ami tea. -gS.iNMt . estimates of t ;:. m. i : op, .; dan water pounds of ham and the same number hoard. The British government is consider- j Ing whether action can be taken to meet the representations of America concerning smuggling of liquor in the United States from the "West Indies. Thia announcement was made in the house of commons by Ronald McNeill, under secretary for foreign affairs. France is preparing to protest to the? Xear East conference, when its sessions are resumed at Lausanne, April 23, against the concessions re cently ratified by the Turkish national assembly in favor of the' American in terests headeil hy Read Admiral Colby M. Chester. According to Turk sources, the Ches ter concessions provide for the con struction of some 2.700 miles of new railway, which is almost double the existing mileage in Anatolia. The new rail lines will touch the Black sea at Samsun and Trehizond. will link Angora with Erzerum and wlli include a through line from Mosul to the Black Sea to compete with the famous Bagdad railway. Lord Carnarvon's remains will be interred in the top of a high hill on his estate and not in the family vault, according to one of his last expressed wishes, says an announcement. His body was sent from Cairo. Egypt, to Alexandria, and will he brought to England on the steamer Herperus. Three Russians were killed in a flash with Japanese on Sieghalien Island, off the Siberian coast, accord ing to word received at Moscow from Tchlta. Two attempts have been made to assassinate Premier Mussolini. of Italy, the news of which was consor ed and not allowed to go out of Rome, according to The Weekly Aux Es- couies. i n e iirst aiiempi was maue i j in Chill palace, while the Italian di rector was holding a sahinet meeting. A trooper of the Royal Guard fired at the premier, but missed him. Harold F. McCormick's pift to hi? pretty 18-yearohI daughter, Miss Ma thllde McCormick. when she marries Major Max Oser. her middle-aged Swiss suitor, will be a costly chateau in the Swiss mountains, i' was leam-t-d at Basile, Switzerland, from one of Major Oser's confidential friends. The Daily News' diplomatic corres pondent states the British canine' is consedireing the action to be taken as a protest the execution of Monsignor Budkicwiez by the soviet government. lie states That the gov ernment was possiblv recall tin- Brit ish acent at Moscow. Howard Carter, the American who assisted Lord Carnarvon in finding the tomb of King Tut-Ankh Amen and who is said to be ill. is reported improved. The police released 8ix of tbe seven men detained In raids at Washington in which radical literature was seized. Edward J. Irvine, on whom the author ities said they found a letter outlin ing hopes for the spread of revolu tionary documents among government employees, was held on conspiracy charges. The failure of officials in the track department of th Nashvile, Chatta nooga and St. Louis railway to pro vide sufficient ballast at the point on its lines where a passenger train was derailed February 26. near Cal houn, Oa., was chiefly responsible for the accident concerned, sofety inspec tors reported to the interstate com- These lir court ami restaurant an dining saloon. The social hall has :m area of 4,o."fi square feet, ils great dome of glass mi area of 'J.f'X' stpiare feet. Through out this apartment, as line as any ever built on a shin is finished in oak panel work, from floor to ceiling. The lighting effects are concealed in the ceiling, am! on the walls will he four oil paintings hy an I'alian artist of an earlier century. These four paintings f are among the few do. .native features s retained fl'-'l i the time when she Was j Under ( 1 e ! I l a ! l el l 1 1 1'ol . f ..: When '.! I. .iv look the Lev iathan in 1!'1T these picture- were ict hnn- dod tendell.v. They Were ripped out. d in some unexplained se.-ikod with water. It helie-wd at first 'hat they had been ruined bevomi repair, hut in their refini-l cd -ta'e only an expert will be able lo i -nizf thai like tin' ship hif'self tl.c.v nave he n made miT, A '.villi all the necessary scen ic equipment is another feature of the social hall. The palm court or .ttirden. resem bling the patio of Spanish cfimtries. is another of the luxurious apartments which is a revelation. When the Ger mans owned the ship, it was in many respects not unlike a high-class beer garden. But It Is different now. Ionic The young American, Miss Vandervelde, and her brother, who are mpking columns with lattice work in light a tour around the world lor a prize of $1 ,KK..tCK. have reached Barcelona, green and gold give to the whole what Spain. The picture was taken on their arrival at Barcelona and sh-jws Miss mav he described as a porch effect, Vandervelde and her brother with a moving picture photographer. II the pint of blood that he lost during tlie operat ion. Checked suits ar.d fawn-color-d p,tfs are not so uncommon alone Bro.oiwr.v in the forties, hut detectives with 11' tie cither than these marks to gulch them captured Ward J. Conklin. sough: as a fugitive from justice in Em :.:!.'.. Kan., where it is alleged. In w x k : two bar.ks in l'Hff and d--p.iiTci w rt, $7a.000 of their assets. A resolution calling on tic Fa. e l States to accept its full share o" r,.. sponsibility for bringing about nr. ffec tive settlement of international irob lerns was adopted by the di-h-gaP -in session at the thirteenth annual pes sion of the woman's council of :1c Methodist Episcopal fhunh. Serb., a-Mobil-. Ala One of the largest linse d f-inpa-nie m the I'nitod States will skortK Washington- acquire airchase a 1 trge compe Qt r'i Announcement was made at head quarters of the National Aeronautic Association of the acceptance of the state chairmanship for Georgia by L. V. Roberts. Jr.. and of the vice chair manship by J. V. Addicks. both of At lanta, for the enrollment of Georgians who believe that the time is here for the nation to utilize aeronautics for tlie economic advancement. The government has decided to launch a campaign to force illicit whisky dealers to disgorge millions of dollars alleged to be due the gov ernment in taxes on liquor sales. In ternal revenue collectors, co-operating with prohibition authorities, have been ordered to dig into the records gath ered in raids and seizures for evi dence to compel payment of the hid t! ti revenues. A new brand of "nut" is going around the i otintry impersonating Col. Theodore Roosevelt, assistant secre tary of the navy, in a most unusual way. The man visits clothing .and haberdashery stores, says he is Roose velt, orders a lot of goods sen; to Washington, in the name of Roose velt, gives a bogus check for the .amount and reeeivis not a penny i", qhange. Three general simply depots for the storage and issuance of supplies ;i ri d equipment for ho-pitais. vocational training schools ami other institu ions operated by the Veterans' Bureau, will be maintained under plans for n or ganization of :h" supply division, it was announced by Hirector Hies. Tlie present depot at IVrryvil . Md., mid way between Baltimore and Philadel phia, wili lit1 enlarged p -erve the . en. ire Atlantic Coast section. Three specialises were designated hy the Pistiict of Columbia supreme court to examine Harry Morse, ill at New London. Conn., and report whether his ' condition really is such as to prevent 1 his appearance at Washington for trial with his father on war fraud charges. Rear Admiral Mark Bristol, Ameri can high commissioner at Constanti- nople, advised the state department thai France had formerly protested to ; the Ar.gora government against the I award of an oil concession in Turkey i to Rear Admiral Chester, retired Amer ican naval officer tor. i; became known in Wal! Petitions requesting that the name of Henry Ford. Dearborn, Mich, auto mobile manufacturer, be placed on the primary Ballot of the progressive party in Nebraska in 1924 for r-s: dent, were filed with the secretary of state. Omaha. Neb. A. H. IVnfield. former i-h : o' the Springfield lOhioV. XatioT.jI ba"k was sentenced at Cincinnati, Ohio bv federal judge to serve hrv y.-.r- ;r the Atlanta federal peti'do: ! i . . r on each of sevn counts in th" ir.d let men' charging embezzlement, to which. h pleaded guilty. Powder and pai: t have mad. Arm r ica what it is today. Dr. C PW'up.ue-pro.fes.-or of pharmacy a: C himbh Fnivonsry. declared at thr cosme'ir show a Ni w Cork. American airplane speed, r ord.- to: 310 miles and tiju miles wer, nuir.enti cated hy the contest committee oT the National Aeronautic Association, bo'h made by arm;.' aviators. One million and a quarter d, worth of huildin.g ormits. tin- gr. amount for a similar period in th tion's history, were taken out 'hi out the country during Januarv F iai -' .test n.. arv and March. York City The United S announces a wa fee-live April Hi ployed in tin its suhsidiarv it i.- announced in New : mn et- e;n- manuiat tuning plan'.- o! ( ompaiii' s. w nil an cop;'. ;cs Steel corpc' - increase of i 1 ' for dav laborer- table adjii.-tm- nt for oth i . es (, labor in those plan's More than one hundred and lit'y i horn-ami employe..--a r eff- cteil. and the inciea-e. n is es timatt d. vv '11 add approxi;na'el a mil lion and a half dollars to the weekly pa rob Following up tin- work stalled re ceiitly. federal prohibition agents mads 2H additional raids at Philadelphia in their de;erminat!on to "clean up iht city." Governor Louis F. Hart, announced at Spokane, Wash., that he had sent invitations to the governors of fiv states, having minimum wage laws asking them to unite with him in u call for a conference of governors to plan a movement for the submission by congress of a constitutional amend ment permitting enactment of mini mum wage and child labor laws. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION to. Mi Kjg-sl mrm indigestion; 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief 25t AND 75t PACKAGES EVERYWHERE nHdXi t 1 i! V ll-ill in ,i'!'i llilf it nnu r h " o u riii. ' 5j Hops Backaches at OnCe-50 comforting A tiring day on your feet. St i ping, lif t in, runn ing i:p and downstairs dries yur La. k feci tied in painful knots? Apply Sloan's to t hos,- sore, tired muscles. 1 hat warm, penetrating glow brings im mediate c om f o r t. Almost pain before you realise it th 1 rr anu stillness are gone. Wherever congestion causes pain - use Sloan's. Sloan's is protection against pain. All druggists carry it. Sloans Umment-kills pain! rui meumatism. Dmises. strains. chest roids CORNS Lift Off with Fingers y re -sn't hurt a hit! Imii a little- "I ri'i-zi ii'-" in an a'-hing cern. in.stant 1 that corn stops hurting, then short ly u;i lift li right oft with lingers. Truly 1 Y--ur druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Krct'zi'ue" for n few cents, sufficient to remove every har corn, soft corn, or cern hot ween tlie t. Is.lKid the cal luses, without soreness or irritation. Now l the Time to Get Rid of Thee Ugly Spot Tr.-ro re- '.or.Kr the slightest need oi fii.tK" aph tl :r.- i if ycur fickls. as Othlnc - . .ui si r-r.Kth--la guitrnnu-ed to removf lie-3'.1 tu.iueiy ppots. s-: .,. k'-t kii nun.'- of Othlne from u di anK'.st an.I apply a little of it night anri :. -:.:r. iLr : u shou .l suon see that ever, ll. i ' fri-ckita have bi'K'un to disappear, th-- l-.htf-r unes have vanished en-tl.-t:' I. Is seid. m th.Lt ir.ore than an oi','. " '.s :.f '.'1 to c "ipleteiy clear the s.:.-. an; K':i.r. beaut'.fui. clear coinplexlun. -U'. : ii-sk for th double-etrength O T-1 -" -- a--1 this 1 ur.der guarantee uf r..'i;o:.' bn.. k if it falls to remove freckles GREEN MOUNTAIN ASTHMA it iir -.:(. is-.-.. J I or s.!!,-. 1 ..rl COMPOUND (joii-kly relieves the distress lug paroxysms. Used for ;5 ye.irn ai.d result of long eiierienoe hi treatment of throat and lunc diseases hy 1 r J. H. Guild. FREE TRIAL HOX, Treatise on Asthma, its o.'t'iss's. treatment, etc.. sent iij.eii request. 2fwv and ll.OCi H G L'ILD CO., RUPERT, VT- 'ol III I I'liLiits- ai. . ; .ii, d :i 1 h.n's. O -i: I : n. .-. .. ' I " IS :' A ii Mammoth Yellow Soy Beans Fa:iii N. c'. " ; i 111 Dl l M.H I!Ot I AM) I Kill. !"lt ol H COU KM I'RKHS e. .r - n I ill 1" I - Boukkee H t ' ' ; t . : . - '' I'.l -I S ss , M.ii .iml W K ' ' -' I I Jth N. ( . 'or-, and Stenographers I I I i . I . . II .K I IV I 1 . I : v 1 1 i v s '. A sice Girls! Girls!! Save Your Hair With Coticura Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c rfTNT EXPERIMENT Vh'YOUR EYES MITCHELL EYE SALVE heas inflained eyes, granulated Hi tyes, etc. Sure. Safe. Speedy. I U nil drugctaLs.

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