-r TRANSYLVANIA "OPPORTUNITIES EMPIRE" NATURAL RESOURCES FOR LOCATING eJDUSTRIES Brev; ew N I IF. LOCAL NEWS An Idependent Weekly. 1 VOLUME XXVIII BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1923 NUMBER 17 EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVANIA COUNTY. f THE PRAYER CORNER I THOSE WHO MAKE, INTERPRET V "AND ENFORCE LAW What is now needed is groups of Chinstian men and women in every place, determined to make it their aim to bring the sense of justice and righteousness which is common to Christianity and Democracy, to bear upon the matters of eery day life in trade, in society and wherever their influence extends and stir up public opinion oil behalf of the re moval of wron.tr whereever it may be fount!, thus making an earnest endeavor- to share in the transforming work of Christianity for their bre thern and companions sake. Intercessions Pray That all who help to make the laws may rise above the demands of indiviual or particular interests and act with true statesmanship for the well-being of ail the people. That all vh,, interpret the law may be given clear understanding, broad sympathies and courageous idealism in the application of justice to mod ern conditions. That these who enforce the law or apply its corrections may serve all with wteeu they have to do in the rodemnt ive spirit of Jesus Christ. That all who are concerned with the dove lo.nv.ent of human institu tions may wmk together to re.-ih:-'" the vismn if a holy city, a Christian Commonwealth, through which Cod can express His love for all "men. "When will Thou save the people'.' , O Cod of Mercy, we.r:? The people. Lord, the people. Not thrones and crowns, but men! Cod save the people: Thine they are. Thy ehi'dren. a.- Thine angels four; From ice. td1Pr(-'ss'n and despair. Cod save the people T' A PRAYER 0 God. give unto all those who frame, interpret or administer human law the counsel of the Holy Spirit. that they may know themselves Thy ministers. Remove from them all pride and vain glory of class, till pre judice of birth, and training, all nar rowness of place and power and gr.-gt them to know that only in Tbv- sympathy with all their feliow-.-v.il is there the possibility of clear understanding and righteous deci sion. Enab'j them to rece;v. th )reeents as examples of the past U they bi;i; i upon the heritage of the fathers 'i Just and adequate edifice of law for the present. Suffer th-.-m neither to be swayed by the prejudice-;, nor to appeal to the weakness es )f others, but to counsel wisely, iv all matters, to be the servants of all men but the hirelings of none, tnd :o to hasten the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth, for which we pray in Christ's name. Amen. C. I). C PENROSE HIGH SCHOOL EXERCISES The closing exercises of Penrose High School will he given on Friday and Saturday nights. April 27 and 2s. On Friday night the primary and intermediate departments will render several interesting and instructive numbers, among which are: "Mother Goose Operetta," "Little-Man-Ting-tot Wedding," and "Pandora's Box." The High School pupils will dis play their talent and wit in the plays: "The Revolt" and "The Doo-Funny Family" on Saturday night. The public is cordiallv invited. DEATH OF LESTER ORR News has been received of the death in California, on April 12, of Lester Orr, second son of Mr. nd Mrs. Chas. M. Orr, formerly of Bre vard, X. ('., now living in Gilroy, California. Le.-ter was a fine voting fellow, iust 2P years o fage, and was a -tudent at Leland Stanford Univer sity up to the time of his illness a few months ago. Mr. and Mrs. Oir have many rela tives and friends in Western Xorth Carolina, and spent a while in Bre vard lat't summer. Mr. 'Orr-is bro ther to Mrs. Perry Shuford of Bre vard. Mrs. Orr, before her marriage, wao Miss Hattie Creech of Raleigh. COLORED MAN KILLED A colored man named Smith was killed on last Saturday evening in the Can- Lumber Company's yards. An engine ran over him, cutting off both legs and causing other ser ious injury which resulted in his death after the accident. RUM RUNNERS . ARE ARRESTED Prohibition Officers Seize Many Gal Ions of Booze Several Are Arrested Last Thursday George Halconibe and two other men were found in the act of operating a 100 gallon copper still. Twenty fermenters. several gallons ot vhicy, tn,et' I thou sand gallons of beer and fiftot-n j iels of mash weredestroyed ; five ! bush bushels of malt were found in Hoi comb's hous-f on Thursday. Prohibi tion Ouic.-rs dect roved a big and complete slid in operation in the Little River vicinty. C. V. Nichol son wirs ari'ested near the still with material designed for the purpose of manufacturing whiskey. Two oper ators succeeded in N escaping, but were identified. Saturday morning on the Mill Hill road a Ford car was captured and L. M. .Ledfor! and'Leman Masters were arrested for transporting. While taking the Ford over and de stroying the whiskey, a seven pas senger Buiek came up and stopped, and in it were found forty gallons of "'mountain juice." Tho oe.u naids of the car wore D. .1. Pen lam! an 1 dim .loves of Asheville. Loth cars were seir.ed and transporters placed in jail. The cars will be sold at an early date. The officers, know in tr many traits of transporters and violators, proceeded to follow cars to where the whiskey was purchased. Tlve pursuit led to the Carson Creek settlement where a fifty gallon barrel of whiskey was found and a, quantity a the residence of Freeman Raines and :--" a result Paine;: and George Pittman (who lives with Raines I were arrested and take!) o Brevard and hound L Fritid State- Coast. The other vlo! 'tco - were g'iven a 1'Ve- y,n.jnavy hearing, bound tu co-.;rt and lla(., -;n n da fault of bond, (Since our eg bond! Last w bv time on. cor a i)U.c.v ami iweiit v-n e ga.Ioi.s il wliiskc y were .-apta-red and tl. ?da.rsha!l arid V. C. .McKenti - x:- a. i rested am! bound to District Court REV. D .V. YORK IN CONCORD N. C. The many friends ef Rev. D. V. York were sorry to have him go from among their midst, but it seemed as if duty was calling him to Cone r.L N. C, where he goes to hold a revi val meeting. Still he will linger in mr memories for the good lie ha wrought our town. DEMONSTRATION A- a special ittducemcnt to buy a range during the demonstration of ! the Great Majestic Range at tin on if Farmer's Snmdv nex't week, every purchaser of one of these fa mous ranges gets his choice of two fine cooking sets free. We have a presentiment that there will 1K. - c, At..;....:.. r ;.. ..... ii.i.i'. iiuv- iii'i. .'i.;.u - i:'. lvoiijie.-. ii .oe i-dtr-Koo- ,-f ti.- Li'l-hfifM- .,,! -r,.;, ,...!.- bef.M-o the week is over. The tempta- tion to own a Alaiesta- i- irre-astnle when oik learns the facts about Aortn arolna law tnat authorizes Great Majestic in its relations to th'' iistry of any person born he economy in the home; many will timl j fore th(' timr th;- I't'dietration statute tbentdves sMvdie- it' no nf. to not i became effe'ive, was sent from his up with an old range anv longer. LAYMAN'S CLUB HAS GOOD MEETING . The Layman's Club he'd its regu'a- meeting on last Sunday afternoon, iiid ti good program was enjoyed, the principal feature being an ad- Iress by Prof. C. H. Trowbridge which was followed by short talks hv H. V. Smedberg, Thos. Dodsworth. George Hays and others. The mmic was in charge of TI103. Dodsworth, the special attraction being a solo. "The Prodigal Son." bv aiun -uoore, wmcn was very mspir .ng The general singing was greatly aided by the piano. The following Committee Chair men for the Club have been appoint ed : v 1 v 1 1-1 V T r A A C w;i,.,v. x- " o-oii, .Kin services, F. E. B. Jenkins, county home, George Hays; rural churches. W. H. Duckworth; membership. F. P. Sledge; program, A. E. Hampton; music, Thos. Dodsworth; organiza tion, C. H. Klueppelberg; "Big Bro ther" work, Fred Hai-ris; publicity, D. G. Ward; finance, II. A. Plummer. After the regular meeting next j Sunday -afternoon it is planned to hold short service at the county jail. 1 h . i OUR RALEIGH COMMUNICATION Uncle Joe Cannon Auditor's Re. port Bv June 1 State Pri- son Conditions. RALEIGH, N. C, April 1(1, 192:? State officialdom is resentful of the repeated charges of misconduct on tho part of E E Dud.linjr, head of the Prisoners' Relief Society of Wa shinrton. D. C'., n-lativt to conditio-rs jn various prison camps and the cen- .ml i.ri.on at Rnleioh i r...n letter to the chairman, James A Leak, of the State Prison Hoard. Dudding boldly charges that prison ers in this State are flogged, clubbed., and locked in dungeons for days without food or wa.ter. Als() that at least half the guard-; frequently get drunk while on duty. The Washing tonian threatens grand jury investi gation and claims that his informa 'ion was obtttnod from convicts now coniined in the penitentiary at Ra- leigh, a letter signed by twenty-five :f these having reached him telling af conditions recited in his letter to Chairman Leak. Superintendent George Pou. of the State's- l'ii-on. de(dares barge- a "t is: ue of lie e Dudding . , i '' that he would welcome an invctiga--tio:i of tliem should the Governor and Directors deoiii it desiralde to have .ine. lie denies that inmates of th" i Prison are mistreated in any manner; and the dar! menu for every day in the week to show the ohtiraeter of food furnished the pri- -oners, w iucn snows mat uiey are nv- ing ou "the fat of the lam!.'" Con- eluding his statement, Mr. I'.-u :-;;i ! : T;, p( tt: r-Pa.bii Contest insure--"Our prison wa-- reeently inspected i,,.-,,. n;t.t. ()f Americais. becau -e 1 y the Ilettlth Officers, who found that our sco -e registered DIP. The -, gentlemen came unheralded a:'d .-ew food in preparation. They omme-.it-t'd upon the W'M balanced r;tion -,vc re fee and sta ed t ha.i the h -:. n- s oi our kitchen va trisu 'i;e--- 1 shall wa U-anu an in obligation i any ehr. re.- preferred su.li men u Ming will ;o unnoticed." v : :.i i : : i, i i j . a i i sa l I.eaK is said i" - 'ittre i;i the opinion of Sunerintc :.t Pou ouching ihe matter of an i'ivr-t ion. However, there appear- to he i a -eruitv.cnt for a ".-how down." Thi- ame Dudding had a. goo-; deal to say about prison i riitiens i-' the State luring the administration of (d.ver !(! Pickett. Tor which tb" latter . ounely deiu ttta ed him. Xo .at: e for an n; v.-iga' ;on wa- four.-! tit hat ttme am! the caarg. - Lot no- where. Xow. it is r-roi os.-d to re- giiie this ''modern icf.-vmer" to make a-.o j ids r o.-.pi.d::: s. or f o-'-ve.- a.old h.s peace. !D d. imife cour- :,t a,',1(n n!1: .vet Peen agre-i upon.. ..1-..' T . .. r T l nc.e aee anae.n. or Liar. vine. imno,-. ce,une. , an aw, ra-;..,,,; lf tm, c.h;;dr,,n at ence to; , , cetitly died with the State Board of j y . !.iude (dark or Miss Bessie Health, that he was Ixn-n tit Xow mi'h flarden. Guilford county, at o'clock! ,.;,;,, : tu,. m,.,.:.i ' M'1 - the after noon. May 7. 1 Sdo. the ; I son of Horace Franklin Cannon and! i . ri. i i uh hi i:ge, I lesioent .lUlieinia iioiiingswor.ii i annon ' iiou: ewifc Je" takes advantage of the , - "o......... ,u v,,. prc.-ent home. The aged Republican : war-horse is the last of the Cannon I family who accompanied hundreds of Quaker emigrants from this section ; to the Middle-West many year.- ago. He visited his birth-place with Maj. ; M. Stedman ot Creensboro. a coliea- 'goto in Congress a few years ago. He is evidently not ashamed to admit I that he wa-; born in Xorth Carolina. i Nobody is ashamed these days. W. S. Fallis, who has resigned as nurchasiive- afont for tbo St.-ite Hio-h i way Commission, is succecdcr by II. V. Joslin, until recently assistant , Chairm;i?i Kraul- Pn.m iTr F.a.u.a will continue with the Commission in another capacity. He is considered an authority on road construction and has proven his capacity for work of a con-truetive character in many ways. A statement covering his ' ...1 , , purcnases 01 naroware, maciunei' '; and truck parts for the past year shows a judicious expenditure of S23o,G9G.G4 with dealers in North Carolina and 22,260.91 outside the State. A meeting of the legislative com mittee appointed to investigate the condition of the State Treasury is to be held here on next Friday, April , 20. The work of drafting a report ' Continued on another page) (SENATOR ZACHARY DIES SUDDENLY Prominent Transylvanian Dies Sup denly With Heart ha.lure Funeral Friday P. M Senator J. M. Zachary died sud denly Wednesday night April 2d at 10 o'clock. Mr. Zachary has been ill for nearly a year with heart trouble. He has suffered consider- i al,ly a!,(1 has hvvn in tlu" bospitat j ;it I5iltmore wvoral times during the 1 l,J!t 'c'ar- Hp "'renlly (:,m(' !"' i IM',,n-r n"-y '"'"cr and the end came suddenly and unexpect ed. Mr. Zachary was about sixty years old, a native of Transylvania coun !.. and has lived here all his life. He loaves his mother, wife, three daughters, four sisters a. id five bro thers and a grea host of sorrowing friends t mourn his loss. Mr. Zachary was a life-long De- I m0v n,! w::s i'lvi;U''1 11 enrflor i T lnis icTru'T i iii'itur t ho 1 State elejtion. The body will be laid to rest in the Greenwood Cemetery at Calvert, C. at 2 P. M., Friday April 27. Sfnator Zncharv- will he bm-ied - - ' v. rth Masonic honors. t .. ..i.: :n I -vii ooituai.v win appeal ue.xi 'l K. .ews wishes tor v new eii . wo k. giving more details. j terprise the heartiest success and ur- A BETTER-BABIES CONTEST T- y.rt, ,. n.hi,.. cnt(,ct ;.. ., puiar, yet rcientitic, movement to b ;Sl... iK.Uer babies and a better rac ' rhv.-ical. m.utaa.l development otiiv dder -d ,,lUnt. i'e oeautv does no. t cache:-, parents how- to invprove the -:ca! conditio:! of the chil '.ret: ,dy bom and to jirotect those yet '' .--n. ! a'aej e- interest in the . onserva "i of ciiii d life and health a.td in i i' :es oi ciiii- wen are wor.t 'I":.- P.etu .--Fabi- - ( cat- . i- mo -1 i-r 1 tie- community, when :'. i - . oi, acted along e 'ueati itiai. rath- ,!:;:!! eompeti; ive lines. The great- ! St return which parents a:-..' children I sec !"(.- i rom tt. cOnt t i m'.:- k.ioy. edge and b -tter c re through tin xaminatioe of the chil i by com. (tent physician-. Small defect ate ete. m-e 1 an ! i-meciiies are -u;'-ge-t- The Matimta am Cu! of this cm is a i ranging for such ;; e.. ; - in May and tarne tly asks th" co-om re- tm.i i;f eetv bodv ill tile I'oUetV. .. ,. y have provi h d for free exam'.n- "!" one hundred chil. in n i'e- it: tlm ages of six m-'iiMi- ;;; l -ixty .i.onths. Atiy sac.l cioi-l ' ' t the t'eanty i; eligible. All par. rip ;v, j. f,-,.L. t.X; mination T ':.: children a'ea.-" send the' naiat-s arid -.t,utcr at u!U.e m .. it t i...: t... i , I , ., , ., , - Mat naL.smn Clua: Mrs. ( has. Deaver , Secretary. . ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE j Foard. j ''apiain P..pe. wbe was in charge Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Heath announce yv, an,j Mrs. p. K. doner, and Miss i The police station, for transport-!)!.-the marriage of their (iaughter. Miss ' jv)sa Heath made a very pleasant; The driver of the ear ..b! ho Rhoda Heath, to Mr. Paul K. Jones. which took p'ace at P'isgah Forest. X. ('., !ast,week. The bride is an tutrtictiv young amy iirel tias a number ot tiaenos in Brevard who will be interested to lean' of her marriage. GRAVE YARD WORKING AT OAK GROVE: THE PENROSE CLUB NEWS I'he Penrose Home Demonstration Club met April 17 at the sehool ; Fvryone interested co-me and ;r building. .ing necessary tools with, which t . Our lesson was on sew ing. Six bungalow aprons were cut and ready for making. The aprons arc vo he made and carried back for inspection at our next meeting. We hope that "i-T-P. veill t.,t-(. ih1v,i,.. ..f tl,,,, ,.i,,i ..... .;.... '1....1-.. t,... viuo j 1 1 v e l 1 1 1 is . , .1.-. .'11.--. v i.ii m: n. e- something in store for all. We are to prepare menus for brak fast. dinner and supper at our next meeting, Monday, April 30, at 2 o clock. Come on. girls, and let's see what we know about preparing and serving meals. We will a'so discuss observing a day for mothers, as we believe no one ever gets too old to learn. We extend a special invitation to all of the mothers, and shall ex pect to see them' out at our meeting. May Id, a: 2 o'e'oei-t. en a William's, Sec. TRANSYLVANIA PRODUCE STORE New Store Will Co-Operate With Truck Growers Country Pro duce and Groceries. The news of a new enterprise, which has opened next door to the Post Office in the s'ore lormeriy oc. cupied by Kilpatrick and Gillespie ! MiilintTrv Store, will be welcomed by j the citizens of this community, j Messrs. Ralph H. Zachary and E. i P- Galloway have formed a partner - hip and have opened this produce store with the intention of co-operating with the farmers and truck grower - in finding a market for their products- The new store will carry an up-'o-date stock of staple and fancy groceries, and feeds- An exchange of this kind has long lKen lit-edd in Provur dand the fact j ,,. v; . . .,. la,-:r,. - j T s. that the farmers and truck growers J on iol 0f tu. 1U.V.- (demen. bin! ' will be able to bring in Butter, eggs, ! j,1L.-. I v hickens. vege'ables1 and all other , i..,. 1 .. ; ..u : the highest market pr.ee will have a tendency to create more interest ...., ., ,r ,,;.,., 4-;.., L ' i nart of the formers n?id truck grow- . , ,.,(,.,. ,,,....!,,,. . i ; : i.v u.--( i uu:m .. 'i uuut. i- ini t ..:re extensive scale. I i ges tne eo-opci"u.on or ;;:! l ra.i-y.. ! van::: cititms. i Its success depend.s upon the peop- ! le and it will mean much to cur corn- j munity. rnwARn ni iNrnMRF. mf.moi ai. Cotmty C- n-.mis-ioatrs of Tra:.,yl- ! !lim over to Supori ,r C(.ur fei h -va-.ia C iur.ty: - ' ing -'hiskey on hand a::, r - rjent'em.eu : iarrt-t. His lawyer. Ralph R. Fi-lte:. Th. Kiwarl Hr.ncoir;be Chap!--:- , appealed the case to Superior Cou.t :f the D A. R. are going to erect a and Mo was let out live hundr- : mor.urmr.t to Mdwar I Buncombe on dollars bo ml. the bond bum-- ru- v.- he gro-j'tds of the Cotia y Cora;-'. , l,.v (-"-; I'axtot:. iieu-- in !;.'" . i'.t- rii:-- at ! o' ' ' - eioek rtt a He -are end Mo i err Id rr.1-1.1. il; US- ahv V"U!'s l.oula Roberts Plat. Chairman In v:tat'o:t ( 'oaagi'tee. OLD CLOTHES CAMPAIGN FOP i NEAR EAST RELIEF-. I I Many packaee have ah . a i;. b -seat in. 'nut we -..a;.t ntor--. May 1 s; is "Bundle De.y" nai ointed by (.(-e:- i nor .Mv.rrison. Sesi.l i:t year burid ii s, jf only one garment or a l td;- i '':;.-. W e are smpmng a-- ft -:e. - '-de. Artv -oe nr--fer'i:ig to shit) for ' themselves, idea-c :t;ipiy for oflieia" tag-, t,, Miss a-.ding Trowioidgi'. I a .- n.iek.-:. Ri-sd'.. - ,- Viit. : e ; ; - , ' .- resiiettv-e. Ju-fhatve the nt ,:: tile porch. The Raliegh a idr , ; i- -X, ar F;:-i l Clothing W ar - ;,ou- ird w eittn .V l .!!" CEDAR MOUNTAIN BREEZES Mr Knox DeLong. Miss Deal ! yr. Krox Del on, Mi , ' ' . '. '. I ; i - . . i '-s to--1 Heel h ., elrV 1 h-l-,.A -,. C:i.w:iv' H.-.-i.) l;)st Kthhiv , yr. atU Mrs. K. A. Heath spent o, .,-:,i, t,. t,. ; a ; d.-hing trip last Saturday and caught ' ;i i(.. string of mountain trout. ; .ur. ... .,one. w no mis ueen w.v ill fo.- severed months, was carried 11 T 1 ... ...1. . I.. I. . " ,,. hospital where he ur-.-ierwent .. Sl.rlus epei-aion. j Those having relatives or friends buried at Oak Gdrove will take not- ice that work of cleaning off the ,.,'i.ves an,l hea il t i f vi n - the enmi.e-- i will take place there the 10th of May. clear off th grounds. M. J. ORR. C. C. YOXGL'K. Trus. ALWAYS GET A RECEIPT An Oklahoma edi.or tells of an old Tndi.-.n who came int his office fo,- ht. ,. Tl. -..lite,- too' i';. .... ...;vi. v........ a a,, .1,,. ie; u e iiu'in . , men me 110.1.1:1 iii;.ie a receipt. The editor tried fo ta.k him out of it. Mr. Indian insisted - ! After makng u out, tne euitor warn ed to know why he was so persistent. (,n ;. ., ,-unt of tlu difficulty of tran- about wanting a receipt. The Indian, port) who would he willing to Ion said: 'Me die some time. Go to big , examples by the following artists: 1 gate and St. Peter ask if I been good C- Poller. Henry Daw-.n. W. .! t i- t ti i .... Midler J Glover George Hunter. Kar- Indian. I say yt". He say. Did you Jl - ...... pay editor for paper?' I say yes. ne ,sa, neie is ie e.)M. it. , .vxri, ; . ,.,:,o-' T I., , have it. I have to run all over hell lind you and. get receipt. - t odea (III.) Reflector. " W: BARNETT ARRESTS NEGRO MOSE KEMP DRUNK AND DIS ORDERLY iIo.se Kemp, colored man of Pre. vard, created some excitement one day ast v.eek by getting piflocat d ttr-g arrc-t. I -Ac or lint;- ( Chief Harnett, J!uv was passing out liquor among tie j negro help of the Transylvania Tan. j nine; Company's plant. I ,f- a: . "-ted an 1 hrouu.'-: u a . diief Harriet t t, tr" conrt wa.- arranging bond when Mose d'--cide.i o t, e for the next Marathon pace-: by jumping out of the court hou-e window an-' making a ho -skin and jump race of colored town. Chief Parti' ' is some amateu'- ru -ncr him: elf am cauglit Mo.-o just a- Mr arnett tripped" arn fell it; , i r i miici: liter ltuem '-i., leceJiftt: j ( . f u f a ) ;u!. f , , , u, a.mf needing ;. ' ' new unit orm. n !le ca'ight ' - ! . , tn.e of the- it, . ! 1 ; tt 1. . : I . . le : ha, I ti .- ..,:- i.,.-,- . pint of lightning juice down the low er r"gions and by the time h - jo in the business section was b. :t t y 'trunk that ji to..,.; dotten citizt-nto 'o- 't iiae u; ii- cooi-r. II : lloeee dee- Mitche! -- . nl-'r I exactly satisiie ! vv.th the m ; Mo.-e ;ur no '!;:;! a thirtv o:l ii i rUT WIRELESS TO GOOD USE Travelers or Ocean .Lmerc May E v gage Hcto' Rooms Far m Advance Of Their Lemcimt;. A iee.dmg New York ' tising a lis: of Mar--- a: :n o.-eau i r.iv eter-a e add making of reser .- a ;. : I i -: , s, , j t js : 1 I e iv d-om ;ke I. rid d -Ude to room by pa a, a "id ' :..u of a semi-- ie n name aa-i the naae : is to! ver de word- a. . induce i' . i' wii!e-- 'he Wo!-ijs '. e ; ! a ! 1 I . , J a rend be I e traii-av -a. plus 1 -f l is . Tee b-iel. ! v e,,nse-.;,w !i--s ,d ! ;.!; :d -. is ;,,.' li '.l !-.. .date i v. ),,.!, ti.e r.--Tv :. .--Il -- into I'd' Tin;- -.:- -" i- - i.e . word f ' Wc ! , , 1 s:n : . a'-r: am a .- a "i em '-" i i i;e , ,;!. !'..r . A: i4 tin. Sea-. ; a ' s' ro. -ms." 'i !:e ; e iesi pa : w! -e re. i ' ! ; i-eme; i : s m'e e;dy a -m tie.:;, eai-b s '';,b;e-k." wdi.il lie ' '!-: -' iae -dede I'"'!!!."- Ni W York Sim. JadGe W.lmeth Goes Home. : DelLen .. W !i:i-ih. nalge : - ... , , ,. , cltv ee::i t. liiOl -n I Hi. .-ill o . ' ,ti . , . . .. fid, n ds i,u "dinner and tae jad-e , ; ., . ,- , , i,,,,,,,. ii ,n.. , not- er taimnar wnn tta- ne:g.i'. hood where the judge lives, a- ;' ticiMili-i liing there -ebiom cell , rh(i j,,,,. t j,lvt ,,.ir f.-dv .'.if ! -.1 :. :.. ..... .e,.,.. .1 .., ... , . I'll' T. UliU O l ie--o... ... .' ! r,.spoaible for what j driver :-aid an auto:..( j in front of the YUm -topped in front of 1. '1 ; door. In his dm'ea-e tin two Ifii-'s are aid It is said, th" Judge c; A . any rat f ' - rem o : ,u "" " , , '" '' -"',,,' , ma I . a m 1 a 1 1 eo 1 a o u ,...:u -. ' 1 . 1 . 1 rdoimlv.- Indiana pol:. N e w i Century of British Artists. j Tllt, k,,, ai society of British Arti - ! is maiding preparations to hold an e. 1 hibition in celebration of its one an . ; dredth anniversary. The society w d to exhibit works by memners ami exin - itr runmn-; uvt-i un- ..,.., . tors ranging ot : or Its ex. e. ddie trai-ing of worl . . , nf importance bv some ot the past e h-h,v tV.ur lu:iny .lim.-ulties. ate ...,,,. ,Voiii,i l. rhol to hear .. in. ... ... ..... . - - mvn,.,s (preferably in or man; Lorn ii ee: la a i. in'mn- , j -..mi.'... ('asile From the Crass: Market" tc; uo v.,., , n.,,-it- '(X.ron-itio fa K,'nt' Tp y Kim: Wiitiam IV ( exd'tdle-d s:VJ.- '!ser er.

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