FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1923 THE BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD. NORTH CAROLINA I V "CLOUD-CAPT TOWERS" Chicago is getting rt'aily to totally abandon its restrictive policy toward high structures. A 27-story builrtin;; is projected on ttie site of an old downtown lmte! :n 1 the Wriley sky sera jW lias out-topped anything now standing. C.Vicao, apparently, isn't willing that New York shall be tho only city with an astounding skyline, says the Detroit News. If thosp "cloud-capt tower" can make No'v I NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLI- Let Us Print Your Sale Bills York the wonder of the world, Chi cago can he cloud-capt too. Our im posing and singular architecture be ing the one outstanding expression of American genius, shall we not allow that genius to express itself fully, only limiting it by the necessary opvri space requisite for light and air around it? To fully exhibit its beau ty and splendor., a skveraper really should have a la ;-. level space un built on in front of it. That, we sup pose, will come in time. Wo are not yet near done with sk scrapers. CATION North Carolina, Transylvania county ' a stake in the branch, then up and ! with the branch 24 poles to a maple 1 at the head of the branch, then north 19 1-2 de west 8 poles to a stake in the old Brown line, now the Mor gan heirs line, then with said Brown line south 8o (leg. east 8J poles to a stone, the beginning corner of the old : Brown tract, then north east 1 '2 poles 1 to a stake and pointer, then South 4 deg. West H.'l poles t oa stone, at the J. M. Morgan corner, then north S1 d'eg. west 4 poles to a stake, then ' North 84 de". west 4 poles to a stake. the nnorth 04 1-2 (leg. west UJ polos to a stake, then north 42 deg. west 27 pedes to the beginning, contain ing 25 acres more or less. Sale made, to sntisty said indoD- 2BE1EHIS13BXIZIE5 i m i i m l um rewuu lownsmp, oeiore 1. fc. t(1(lm,.s mentioned in said mortgage Wood, J. P. I together with interest, cost and cx- L, M. (Jlazenor anj Dan Glazener penses of the sale. This .March J'.un, i vz... vs J. K. Mohoney l no detendant c.hovo n:inic i wwl ; Brevard Banking Company. By Welch Calloway, Attorney. ORDER OF PUBLICATION A 1. A : a 1 . , . T iah.e nonce mat a summons in me i v Not tn v. cu u n a, above entitle,! cause was issued a ' T .,.-v. ... j;l ,.ou.,; v gainst th,. defendant on the 17th day 1 '" -Vj.' ' ' j., , 'j. cu of March, l'.2:?, by K. M. Whitniire, ' a Justice of the Peace of Transylva j " nia county, an, said, summons being 1 ' ;n,,;u'.v made returnable befor0 T. S. Wood, It appearing t0 the undersigned a Justice of the Peace of Brevard i .Just ie(. of the Peace, from the afli township. Transylvania county, for i davit of Brevard Banking Company, the sum of thirtv-six dollars du0 for! the pltaintilT in the above entitled every year. In the course of ten or ; goods sold ami delivered, which sum- I action, that the defendant cannot Kansas City, which has been with out statues except the bronze figure of an Indian on horseback in lVnn Valley park, proposes. to remedy that metropolitan lack by rearing a statue twenty years. Kansas City will begin to look like Baltimore, where very few likely street intersections have been neglected. . An equestrian statu- of CJoorge Washington is first on th program, to cost s.-.o.noo. Beginning with national hero -s, Kansas Ciiv will nions is returnable before T. S. Wood after due diligence be found in the J. P. at his oilice in Brevard on the I state, an, that the plaintifF has a 28th day of April at 10 oelock A. M. good cause of action against the said The defendant will also take no- ' defendant and that it furtlur appear tice thai a warrant of attachment : ing the said defendant has departe 1 was issued by said Justice on the 17th 'from the state with the intent to de day of March, I'XZ'A, against the ! frau,j his creditor and avoid service Pr PATTERSON'S lnllM'" rmrnvmi uumju.-- I . Palm Olive Soap, .Patterson-,; Low 7 l-2c "Lord Baltimore" alarm clock.-, Guaranteed 88c "Oi-tajron So;ip" and "Crand iiia" vashiny o d-r ; . 4, C'hildrcn's Slippers and Sand als. See our ;-hoe table 93c Ladie's Slippt rs, tan, kid and patent leather . . . . $2.45 Floor I5rooi;-,s, Fo'y Special fur 10 lbs, best js-piitdai. ' in cloth inch gi:igh;ini. Good (iiality. All colors, per (xiiarant er d 'l.-r'd::' lor otdv . Glen's a: 1 . d. . 49c s ; Tar 98c ow --h l--s, ; .0 , , 59c shirts 98 Men's pa.iarua h,:- ,;..rn- suk, ail . .. s . . . . 4 vara 19c .-,,r ut.. 11 .1 ' U1J lm'm up with memo- ,;r()perty of the said defendant. ! of summons. It is therefore ordered o, ,,,-r own .nstmgmsid citl- ; , -ni(.h v,a'ra: t is returnable Ik -for.- bv the court that notice of this action the said Ji.-tice. ;;i the time and be advertised at the court house door nlace abo e named for tin. return of : an.i four other nublic e'aces in the has been; a hum and brilliant list. .......i s,,,,,,,,,,,,-. u!ll. :m. v:h,.ri. ;he .,, tv for four ,mv.-,s:ve weks. set Nelson and later ens gone before. .Mnii.s are the re vered, brief as Kansas City's history ?-.- CoHtes to Colonel ! ,i,,f(. m!;m t . .. ,,,,,,! t appear and ting forth th- tit'e of the action and Th e aer;iL-e c:ty dweller ! not b' tuiswei' or demur to the complaint, stating the names of the parties and or the relief demanded will be grant- the amount of the claims the i--uim.: ed. 'of th" attachment an,j a brief recital Pi"- selection of all woo .... tweeds, all colors for capes and skirts . . .95c to $3.95 LinpcTet !e and Satinette, till colors, rv low prico . sr, Camel hah; skirts, plain and plaid, beautifully pleated skirts, plaid and stripes, navv, brown, black pud tan TEN PER CENT OFF. i i.; In !:.' ;. ' dt'idtn w . -value '2 in i" - !.'- p bronti. tan ai ial foi- . C b- :!". bill-h;- i : . i ",!) . '.is.- di-a, I. . 10c Sp!en(iid lino f bo-.-" suits ; air paiu Special . 10 PER CENT OFF Ail l'eadv-t.i-w.- Van i;a;d' . Hob pr . . and '..', ) I;,.-. :v . .... TE?i CENT. OFF T S. WOOD. .Iu- cf the P( of the Mibject mater, ar.d the defend lover of I rank I) Untel.inv secretars of ,! I'. t Healers' associa- 1-20-tfc Pan (dar.ener. Rosman. u' :iUKxr :it Uu' ',1"(t ul "10 ' tion. II,. th:ds f,.reigm!,orn ci,ies i ood. a Ju-tice of the Peace of Iran "verv Imm.i i.e" H , ,. ! sviv.ena countv. ai otlice in Pre ,:,;. s...,,,; ;, L.;"l otice !:and , sale under v;irl tlAVn.11-P on ;hl. o.til of i MORTGAGE. . 1 '))? . ,, , 1 - - w- - ,-.r i,.mtir leading deia:.!id in the pet busiliev. , i 1 '' ' . ."h! .t...-( t . mir . ih.w is 1..r ,..,,nv -...bich are --.ali-vb 1' y v;i't ue o f t he (.ower of sale con the complaint of said plaintiff ' . . i . .. ... I 1 r , - .... I i II... i . 1 I . . at So to s;:n - a..-,. 0, v..-,- v...--- t, ;! " ;l ( ' ' nioriuafe oeeu mi s s-'.i-i cay -.. ..laicti. is nil ory t.::e to ,e l.iad to animaN n a certain mo rt trace deed . i ... , . i - c ex.-. ute i le.' i.aiiier v.raveiv ami who the '.'tub dav of .lanuarv. 11117 to I'.ut a good deal of affection is wasted ; -.cure a certain indebtedness therein on pets that should to to humans. I m. ntion-.-d. w'bi. ii imlebtedrm-, i . 'oiig iast due ami h;i- not bee i pa: i, m 1 an- demands having been m;ule ei: The report ot the tamu,e relief di- tht MM!!,u-.,u,)r t;) pav thl. ,;tI!1,. ;u!,! rector that Kusui needs tinaneja I he'p ' payment hav::,g been refused, arid i:nd not food shows that Kiis-;,-! is tl:e piw. r of sal-, contained in lla- :ial mortgage !iaipg m . u: opcra- TIIOS. S. WOOD Just ice of th.' P( ace .pri; 20. ( '. Pa.Kton. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC l'.ere are pretty wi pia-tty liiciiy, afler nil. as r.eoiile over' flMl ,;I 'bat j tn'n' r:,.. i r,,,!-;,,,. Ktar liar Klissia stutt u t h t.O.Kt .f ...... :n n ... "i s t va . oiiipan. I .!' I i i. . t t , -, . ; i .- . the lted arn.y's ir(sperity. ta.-.e n i, ;:!':ou ay receive .1. on i pan '. i:iort gagee. Court House Door in Brevard. X. ".. ii. . i r :ca'.oti- ant i-l'-n ii-;'.c::er o. ,-c :.sioa i '.--Jo.-J-l. A I! ; at' r P attersons Department Store N. MORRIS. farsified Ate. io ; he (.! !v -May. May c:(?ck the f'i ,yr fo. chii on Sa.- who epeet to ap cr.j,,-.iT. I . W i : 1 .v: i ' OR SA1.K -:; Main St. lots. cac It II;. - !:: t 1 :-i i ! ' . - . a! twelve o V described land:, ;acc ! in said moi't Creek Township ot i'ua ' : e' ) ' a ' -i M. l.rii-;n 0x120 ft. I lot Jordan St a 5x134 i L'i ; " !" ,:!!:- " :i '' .;!,':"ai"'-, , . ., " , .doi-ean orner runs So-.f.h ..i dee:, ft. Attractive .rices will be made Wes 17 poles a:: 1 17 r.nks on tne on these lots for immediate sale. For ; North West Bank of the road: then full information inquire of Dr. (',, L 'with the lorei North 45 doir. West H are re. y r ; to ;;,c a ce ; tion v. itll tile ''oat.'.y S'l i:c I'.s'ru ' io.,. The f..r :i. - ten ... of e:y'oyl:a: v.lll he ;:; ia -I1'.. ; of the C.c.;.y. : -Li p; . of i'lthie- I n i 'i ; n . u .; .- -othei v. a .iirecti ! an i au ho; i.- i b;. ti'.'r'vim'in. i i : ;ise tica '.' 'dedahee ."dache's Drug St or e or d.--- to -take: then North nl di nhonL. Hender.-onviile Real Kstat , ' y, Wt.,t .; , "l;l'.;"'ih'.-n 'north 5 5 O. .U ,)o.r V,.,t .1 1 !.,!,. tO ?-. !;. til ' i u nd and com-ian- for ta- e".ir cariie then On Broad Street. FOR SALE ihiyii t i:t '"ts. nia king a bloc X .'"Uil ft, -si reft on .'! sides. deg V.V-'t 11 p(d- s to a s'.-ke, then leaving tile road north 4 5 deg- west tfc. I.. BELL, i 15j j po5-.- -,o r'ai.e. tiien :;'rth - .ie; -st 1 Hole- a o'aek oak. th.- we-! cros-itcr .a- ma: .-a ; i omes ; tstot, " 1 : )-: a- possio'e coa Veil !c ace. 'I'h.a ! , ks. '- ry 1 1 ttiy yours. . E. MITCHELL ( 'oa:.t Sui-: . of Puhlie In.-1 rue' io 3P fry ".Bo fen ii. ::. l i i '--; 1 i'ianniiio- one's h -r:. is Si a:e jK'eple reyrtin i ! e ?: ! . t lie i .'!.;,' jiv(jl Ci i an ei i.ot ti-. . 1 1 j 1 1 a it :i it:, r )iii''s : There are s1 1 h i. w. i (!i;'-:i,r. I V d li'-'h: ;'. -. ,!;':;!;-, i .ry! r -iE E.r. !:. i t ; i i t the i i 1 1 u , i 1 o ER SAE'r". or r--nt my home in Erai;'. iit: i'a' k. 1 prefer to sell lni' oul.i re:" to : he ris. ht ! i'-en. M A 'EC A RET E. SETXKR. Stanlev. N. C. P-.-it-rtt: .:. I ( v.r a::d tr;n .. . , I rice- f : o i S50.iej to i .5e-i.nn. i Write Ste- .o- 'do'or iv Supply Co.. A- hevii.e. N. ' '.. for list of c;:rs an ! ! firices. i t -c . EOR SALE - Br-wn Leghorn Eg.ts. I per si '.ting, i' 1 .00. ! tfc. ' B. W. Trar.thani. j ERESII MILK delivered a' y ur door ; sanitary bottles, etc. Price most I reasonable Teh-phot: your order. K. Osborne. tfc. j i EOR SALE -Coed saddle horso for sale. Price rea-onable. See A. M. i White, lie, man, N. C. 5 -IO--tfc. ! I EOR SALE LORD TOURING CAR as good as new (guaranteed to be. Ri a oiiable. Aj.ply News Otiice. DOGWOOD WANTED - Pay in-highe-t jirieey Sixteen ;o!lars and up. Cash as delivered at mill or railroad siding. Car load V Brevard Manufacturing (.., V. I ontainc, Manager. tfc. WANTED 20,000 Stamhird Mixed Oak Cio.sstiea ?awed or hewed. Will pay ;-pot cash as fast as deliver ed. - Eor full jiart icular - see or write: J. L. IEEE, Quebec. N. C. 4 27 -St. pd. WANTED -A good strong honest, sober young man who wants to iearn the seed business. Refferencc rquired. Ilenderonville Seed Co., Hender.sonvi!'e, N. C. SEPiiDS best that grow both garden and held. ''lovers and grasses, especially plants cabbage sweet pota- cr.O get it from th? Hcndcrsonville i a iff jirr'ti .f.m. ."" . vvr&sLn iuui J3S tea fen J8S Is Laziness keeping You m JLJLlitVf V si m b i w iii 5,1 II Ul &.j 1 W 33 I J A As Mr. Kilder says in i he aiie e e ! i 1 intr : "'!): pcopl- ivtrard piiEi:. ;i home as a driidirery and raa ke the ti".t!-.- involve: an ex-uo continued rent paying,-." if you are one oi' those people, you tire i'titiy; !a.i:E's k'"p you in :i (dutch of the landlord lettinvr it rob you of several huieireil dtilhi! vt ar, not to nvention the peace, 'pleasure and. comfnr i"Utid o. .!.- in e. Home of Your Own ! Anv home owner will tell ou. as does Mr. Kibler. thtit plantiiny h'm -V' homt is the beinnin" of a great ad"e".E.:r . Are you gr(dny? to miss out on one of the most pleasurable oxperk ;y life merely to avoid oing- to a little iro'uo'e tronbl-.' t'nat really isn't trouble at all? Are you .roin to let people say of yci: "tie'.- e blametl lazy and slow to own a homo of his own." After you think it over ye d-'n! beiie e y.u will. W'e iu lie-. . that y, i will want to bem at once to plan a ho:r.e of your own. W'e cordially invite you to come E our plac- of business ttt.d. witho'E obligation, talk over with us KOV TO FINANCE, PLAN AND BUILD w our Generator or Starter Jeeds Attention &3 fi3 We carry a complete line of automotive, electricai equipment. Also we have the latest equipment to give immediate service on any make of starter or gen erator. ALL WORK IS GUARANTEED. The life of your Battery may often be prolonged by timely and expert attention. LET'S TALK IT OVER. Through service ve grow better. &3 A Y O yjjsa ply Compa W A yjfea liter du J. A. MILLER, Manager ny toes, tomato, pepper and egg. You cr.O -.'ot it from th? IP-nflersi S(' l Co.. hendcrsonville, N. C Main Street Phone 27 C3Li-.t.i3-. ! 1 '.' , .. ) vj V) y ) j j J ! x; a. y y v D , . v j - ) v .- v i) v ) vj V - ) i NJ ': w v V CI.. S3? m 4

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