THE BllEVARD NEWS, BREVABD. NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY,' APRIL 27, 1923 T hkE BREVARD NEWS. Published every Friday and enter ed at Postoffice at Bretfard, N. C, at Second Class Matter. Win. A. 13AD . Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Subscriptions payable in advance) One year ... $1.50 Six months $1.00 Thre Months 50 Two months .35 ADVERTISING RATES Display, per column inch 30c Minimum Kate For Display Adver tisements $1.00 Reacting Notices, per line .... . .10c Want Column Notices, pur line ,.5c We charge 5 cents a line for Cards of Thanks, Resolutions of Respect nd for notices of entertainments where admission is charged. - Address All Communications To The Brevard News: FRIDAY, APniL 27, 1223 OLD CLOTHING NEEDED FOR NEAR EAST RELIEF Appeal to all housewives of Tran !v:inia county to send their dis-"Ui-ued winter clothes to the Noar K.-t-t Relief was made last week by Wi.-s Caroline Trowbridge, county 'o'.hing chairman for this great Imn.anitarium organization. i''!iss Trowbridge pointed out that . ':!; arc dis ea riling our wi :cr e':ihit:g we can save hu;,i:t;i lives by se: f:i::g it to the Near Fa t Relief i: . 'eaj of putting it away in the attic o: cl-'S.'t to j rovi ie a ! rvi:iry. giour.d tor moths. .!ot c. -untie; of North Carolina have jut finished th ir financial campaign and the state i.- eported .nearly over tlie top in i his i .; pert. ''r. F. C. Brooks, stale superin- lei dent of education. clothin.L c'-iirman for the present drive and the active asistan.-e of Josephus ; '".".'els, honorary state chairman and !. (!eo. II. Bellaniy. sta.te chairman. 't:ivovnor Morri-ioii has i-ue 1 a pro- xo'.atioi; declaring May 1 Bund;:' I't,- and asking ail true Tarheel .o f-c-o i bumile of warm c'oihin';' i" fr..- Near Fast Belief. : lany school toa-.'hers of tins conn, t.-, at the request of Br. Trooks, oiuaruze I tneir e!a- ;no a : is ,or rouccor.'.' Oi-capn l (: h- ,!. :; ir- their respective communities. leihing can be turned over to Miss ' : owbridge and members of the V- eiir.esday Book Club of Brevard, i sent to the Near East Relief cloth n warehouse at Raleigh. Transylvania county's goal is 400 pnds of clothing in which there is si. II some wear. Palm beach suits. -. "nv hats and summer clothing can roi, be used, as the climate in Arme ri closely approximates our New K.g!a-.:1 states. Many children and ;. iu!t- were found last winter who l-io dragged themselves for miles -L'i'ering from acute rheumatism ;!;. for lack of clothing LUKE OSTEEN AND BAD "HOOTCH" to:. ibit ion Officer'' Ostet-n. j . i- now in charge of this district, j 1 result of real good work, has i r. tendered by Commissioner Hays I romotion and a territory that ei s Wyoming, Utah and Colorado. m:v of Luke's friends are insisting it he stay in North Carolina. ..r. usteen says that his ..- is due to the support of th' at large; that prohibiti- i.ded and that the her.ioe d. is wrecking so man v h suc-neo- t! closing heartaches, filling th -el places of detention n.u . tui'.pressed. The folks of this c'hty proud of "Luke cieiful record isncc hi r.. Prohibition Officer, p-'eiiniy delighted to 1; mmuni and hi wo. appoir tm ; n'. They ; cs ow of his re- ceo i. promotions ami they realize that lie is deserving of the most loyal f opport because no officer hates booze , v.-arse than Luke. s. price cn sunday clos 2i;g l. .'l interview with W. S. Price, Jt , : epresentative of the News was: ir.o "l that he is absolutely a g:'ir..r keeping restaurants, garage O'" f-.c fountains open on Sunday, or Any t 'irr business. "el r . Price is not' opposed to r-'Mnj; r.'edicin-. or absolute necessities uch as meals at certain hours, ete , but be is against selling soda fountain dtinks, ice cream, gasoline, etc. Mr. Price was nominated on the Democratic ticket for alderman at the recent primary. MARKING THE STREETS ' We lfnow that the aldermen and street superintendents have much to do; but it would only take a little paint, a little elbow grease and a m.uker to mark off the center of jts. If each r.ced off, more n the center is now, they hich way. It DiUch corwding f of police much It is done in aTl -to-date towns. Why not do it is week. DESTROYING WHISKEY It has been the custom of the local rohibition agents lately to pour out onfiscated liquor on Main Street. We were astounded to see several scgTo boys crawling in the gutter nd lapping up this filthy bug-juice. i'he sight was nausuating to say the . a. t. The liquor was filthy to begin with and after being poured out in front of Commissioner Hampton's lore ran down the street through all he accumulated dirt and was lap vd up by these miserable boys in !i.:,t of Bagwell's store. One of the negroes, Fred Jones, .ot drunk from the effects and was lined $10.00 by Mayor Mitchell, '.oilier nej'ro. Buddy i'alton. icfl town. 1'oir ou the liquor, but do it some place besides Main Street. It not nly creates a bad odor all over town but shows bad taste upon the part of those practising this habit. The folks with all officers in enforcing the law, but they are not at all interest ed in having aiiv of them show off. TAKING CARE OF THE FUTURE Now is the proper time for tin :own authorities to prenniv the c .; t'.t r of Cahiwe'.l and Main for the fu ture traffic. This corner is one of the main t heroughfap's of Brevard and i too .:arrow at the present time. As the automobile has conn.' to stay :uid as the years roil by and the city .'.ro-.-s there will naturally be mere coiigested traffic at this corner. It would be a wi e move, am; would receive the endorsement of all fair-minded citizens who have the future progress of Brevard at heart, for the town authorities to buy a trip of 'and off the Ashworth-Silver--ti-en lot at this coiner before any bricks or foundation are laid. At least twenty feet would be ne.'essary and would certainly improve this corner Do it now, whi ijl. th nieii a good opportunity. THE OFFICE OF ALDERMEN: Last week the Brevard. New.s. in in editorial conveyed the impression hat the three members of the old board were elected on account of De ng coat tail swingers or at lea-t that it was due to the popularity of Mr. Ci. E.Lathrop. Clerk and Trcasiwr of he Town of Brevard. As we have said before: the ques tion of the clerk should not have en tered into the controversy an I al- i:oagh it is pretty well u::de I,.,-. ,toou hat Mr. Lathrop's popularity i -rtain y had something to do with tie- hirer vote cast for the members of tno old .'oard ; at the same time, in ail u-.ti.-e ., Messrs. R. II. Zachavy. J. K. V.'at-r-, en j II. R. Walker, th" Nov.: v. i-,h es t retract an impressio;- -,' r.ot maliciously intend to convey. All the above named gentu n.en ha'-'e many friends and certainly can stand on their own merits uitheut having to receive any votes given on account of the popularity of a.- - (.it. The Brevard News' editor i- in a position to know that one of t;e al- Icrmen wore out enough shoe leath er working- for the interest of the 'own to doubie the twenty-four doi- ars per year that he received from he town. Who knows but that all five rnigh' lave received a greater vote if their friends had not raised the clerk's offi--e issue, or if they had simply fjen out up by their friends on acci-ani the record they have made as al iermen or upon their own merit? There is very little honor, much .11! . o r a t'Oill;: ie e s" : dirked thv' :::ul won'. The City Market into the store building next to S. M. Mac fie's Drug Store. A large shipment of staple and fancy groceries have just ar rived. We have more room and will carry a larger stock and greater variety than ever before. If you want fresh and cured meats or any country produce see THE CITY MARKET Main Street MM AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. aiiiinmiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM For Service DeLong's B!cvcl3 Shop We carry a full line of repairs, and will do all repair work of any kind. Also we sell new bicyles. eld bicyles, all sizes tires. All repairs and parts. 'lard work and no ere. lit with a great ieal of criticism in the office of al ermen, and since this reflection ha? been called to our attention we mis' 'teartily publish this short explana tion with the promise of our heartiest eooperatie.n with the Brevard News in ab things pertaining to the bet terment of our community with all :ive aldermen. They are all neigh bors and good progressive citizens of Brevard. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Please fake notice that on the date of May 7. '2:), tile County Board of Edueation v. ill meet in the office of the undersigned ar 10 o'clock A. M.. as provided in Part Two, Article 1, Section l."! of the New School Code of l'Jo for the purpose of electing a County Sunt, who shall begin hit term of 'illice on fi'st Moiuwvv" in July l!2.:i. Further will ay that tin- under signed is not a candidate for re-eb-c-lion. and would not accept if re elected, owing to having made othei plans, which will bo announced at or before the close of my ti mi July 1. I'd 2.'1. as your County Kant. K iuea tier.. Many thanks U) all the people yt this count v for y. most heart;: co operation witli m: during five past d." year-. The schools h:'e grown and we all 'nave injoyed tin- wor,-; and progrt-s. Very truly yours. A. F. MITCH iil.L. Co. Sunt. Public Anvil 20. o o It is time to fill in for sum mer the things . you need about the house in the way cf Pots, Pans. Dishes, towels, and a thousand othe rthinsrs, and we have them at the best price. Come and see, and pre pare for summer. DeLONG'S VARIETY STORE. Brevard, N. C. The Red Front Store Near Post Office Brevard, N. C I Stll G At the end of the second week our savings deposit 3 showed a nice increase over last week. If you are not numbered among those who are trying our Savings plan come in and get one of our pass books for yourself and get -one of our savings banks and take it home for the children, there is nothing so useful for a rainy day than a snug little balance to your credit in a strong bank. Start your account vith us now and we will help yo'j to be happy. ank OFFICERS THOS. II. SHIPMAV, Pre ddent JOS. S. MLVERSTCEV, 'ict -President R. B. LYON, Cashier Come in and let and Summer latest IN SUMMER TIME Standard Clothing Co. A. E. HAMPTON, Manager Main Street Brevard, N. Com 3 Di RECTORS Jo-.S Silvrersteen Thos. II- Shipman R. W. Everett C. C. Vonguc C. II. Orr V. M. Henry V. S. Ashvvorth GOOD OLD e have just received a large shipment of Men's Sailor Straw Hats. Come in and get yours now. We have Pana mas, Sailors and every kind of straw and felt hat and a great variety of Caps. Remember you save money by buying here. Quality is our " watchword. us show you our Spring style suits. C. by

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