T TRANSYLVANIA "OPPORTUNITIES EMPIRE" NATURAL RESOURCES FOR LOCATING INDUSTRIES Brevard New EXPONENT OF THAN SYLVAN fk COUNTY. L THE LOCAL NEWS An Idependent Weekly, VOLUME XXVIII BREVARD, N, C. FRIDAY, MAY U, 1923 NUMBER 19 DEAR TO HEART OF INDIAN H1GH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT TOWN ELECTION HELD TUES DAY. T. C. HENDERSON IS SUPERINTENDENT: Ticket Nominated Several Weeks go Goes Through In a Walk. The flection last Tuesday passed off quietly, little interest being taken in the affair and only avlight vote being cast. Some of the voters did not prove as patriotic to party prin ciples as others who recently declar ed that they had lived here for ninety-five years and aM that time had never scratched a ticket but had vot ed it straight. There were a few scratched ballots but not enough t-o defeat those who were nominated. Less than one hun dred vetes werv- vast and the Austral ian Ballot. Syslvm was used in this county for the first time. The following citizens will handle the affairs of the town for the net. two years. Mayor: T. M. Mitchell; Alderman. H. R. Walk.T. R. H. Zachary. V. S. Ptice. Jr.. -I. hi. Waters, E. F. M-of- mt. S.AYMAN'S CLUB PLAN EXTEN SION WORK FOR SUNDAY AFTERNOON To Visit Rosmari and Also County Home. Layman's Club will nice i at two : 'clock Sunday afternoon, loth. -'TP.'n i T . , . i :i i 1 T i if' i.rn'Hvi'n :n bo .livid, d inin thnv section ., -,,' low s : One group to go to Rr.-man, where a meeting with th Laymen of that place will be held upon invitation from Rosman citizens. Sicor.d gtoup will n- to County I loir e. where a rervice will be held for the benefit of th inmates, with special mus:c planned. , Third irro'.tp to i-mi :rt of those : who ear. not go to Iwv.::'n 'or con::: v I 1 . u ' 1 : , 1.1 , roine. aiii; tru.-e w,n ni :l ti:e 'H'giUa: J.,,. ,f,Pn ,..,.,.,,., ... ;sun(!;: atternoon mei'ttng at 'J : 1 instead of the regular time. ."Mo. J-.vory layman is un ited and it is , hoped that suffiucnt cars will be of- . , , , ' 1 ..,,...:...,,.., ,,, 'i. man and county home. i M..-ui.d us is wai. , iti ur.!iioii.-! sUf.;dy. While the meeting at Rosman i - Tw- -:bird of that w,-pt ; tht im:;,-; ii-i i .1 .!,.-;, , to be lor laymen -enlv. the cour.tv '': ;.:n l;i c .;?vkw !. I r, : r .. " ' . .. :.. . . . , , uuiiii' 1 1 i e e 1 1 1 1 i ii it'll especial!1 . o the ladies who will volunteer to fur- nish their cars and help with the singing which is to be a substantial part of the prograts,. MPr. i Nt-lJ ' i 'etennarian CATTLE EXAMINED Dr. S. H. Stevens, V. from Hendersonville was no Mondav - t- testing cattle for tuV-reulosis ami th.e following had their cattle tested, which were found t,r- be clear of T. 0.: C. K. Osborne. Brevard I.wtituu. ur. oioKes, in-. r. a. r.ngiisn. v. n. II, .1.1,.., ;i r-.... u i ni'iiioi. v .iin-y .inveii, w.nf iieii. .. Mr. ellndrickr, Ed. Loftis. A. N. Hinton, A. J. Beddirrgiield and J. M. . Bart or This should be of interest to those ! who buy their milk, especiaHy for i children, for it is recognized that at ! least 26 per cent of tuberculosis in the human family come from drink ing milk from tubercu'i.1 cattle. This is a question that should re yceive more serious attention by out folks. There are a number of coun ties of the state that arp making this work county wide and are having every animal of the BoT'ine species tested. Buncombe county has just completed this work and Henderson county contemplates putting it on at iin early date, and if Transylvania expects to take her rightful place as a summer tourist county, s'ne must fall in line and get the T. B. cattle ousted, for the question is being fre quently asked by visitors, "Have your cattle been tested for T. B.T" Let's not be a back number, but rather get in line wdth our neighbors and have the county cleaned up. DEATH OF ETHEL OWEN The many friends of Ethel Owen, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Owen, were greatly bereaved when she passed away Sunday, April 29, 102:. Ethel was born October 25, 1908, and joined the Baptist church when she was twelve years old. She is survived by a father, mother, one sister and five brothers. She will al ways be remembered by her many school friends on account of her bright, sunny disposition, and al though we can't always understand why some roses are taken just in the bloom of youth, we know- that it is God's plan that "He doeth all things well." Horses find Calico Always Among tha Gifts Exchanged After Cere monial Visit Is Over. Horses are always considered anions Indians the very linest present that cam lie given, and loiiowmg a visit or one tribe to another, as the homeward trek is in progress, each Indian family will have several leading behind, pres ents from their late hosts. The Pon- cas Otoes. Pawnees, Cl.evennes and several other of the plains tribes, use a spring wagon anil a team with which to travel about the country, and in the warmer months of the year it is not unusual to encounter Ions strings of these going on a visit to some other tribe. Holts of-gaily colored calico con- sjitute the popular gift, whenever an entertainment of anv kind is being -given the Indian by white persons. It matters not what the other presents may be. there are always many bolts of calico, and these are always grate fully received ::nd appreciated. It has been the custom of many of the tribes for centuries for the squaws to carry their papooses on their back, with the babies strapped to boards and then pla-ed upright over the wom.a's shoulders. (tali.v.. is always wraiivS5 around hoards which httppen to 1 about the right 'rongth for papoose esr- riers. In ih,. o-f days when the traders ' barters! halt of calico for pelts the j suuaus immediately grabbed tb-se ! noaius hi' wii.p twe oit!) was Ivprrl. for heir intan! and this enst . ;z, is f' 'Mowed t csont ilay. In fact, j the - niiaw s , isjt the merchants it? 3'on- I . . . i . , , . 1 ' " 1 1 1 ' I'"'--'-"5 T..lle. ,1 id have all oT the ' peso. WOULD CHANGE THE WORLD . Chemist's Assertion That He Can Ob- tarr Hydrogen cm Watr Is Most Inpcrtant. . :t:i;.;! have ,!;eani. a v !e. o ti-i'r.u'-. or heen repofi ed a ''-'i ; a !"t if V'ir,- ir chor. :" IKl'lll . -V v'lle.. 'I... ' ..-1. 1. , i " ' ;- 1- '- MunVii e ;e.,iisl f-on,,! :. way of f'liin -hi:n ,i .lroirrn fiv-::1 ,.- , , yi '., (;(.nii;mVs tl .. jllT1 ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , . '-'"''ii"i-. 'he "1 l! ever w. ii:.. be rc ol at ionized If w ater i-ould be ine- pensively transmuted j.ito its o:. y-e:i '. TITj! hlirogel. ; ... . . I we s,enu iiii!eas. ;uir.s to" rnni, rdhraei.e and bit u,in,:n. dug .nit of I' mines ,y s- re:-.:i.r.i toil, ivfrried , 1J' mrge expense m r:!.;r, . id carv )o oar ; 'i';i"-. trucked to oar individual eoai birit with more cxp-n-. :'"'"ogen g; would do its v, .'r? ixvt r in ''VifiT way, both for t'.irtery and lunae Us' insieii! i.f x-,rlrin -. .... llVJTs. ., ,ix,.(1 supplv. alreafh- ' esti- nt;,ie(i. we should takv m.thing fi mil , . . , .. iiniu.'e inai wouiii no: r,(. reslnreil. 1 lie byi'irogen. burning, wouid not cease to ,e hydrogen, it winii.i pre-ip!t.u.- it seif wiien Feconibine.! witli oxygen am xv;!,,'r u'nl""" mLiTi'- tls" si3iiiice. J iroi !;1 ii Kagle. Wonderland Outdone- Everybody knows of tbe mock art 1 f :ins his profuse t-'ars es-ril ed in I-v.is ('iirroll's f; minus book. 7herp is one :porson who claims So linvc Keen a number of ihet.i. A mmg attrH-he of ti.e Mexican legation several r;ar :pgo was being shown the sight ' of Washington by an , American frb-.ad Dropping int.. 'a restaurant for hnwth, their first dish proved to be mock i-r tie soup. That led Hie .Mexican ii-d o an aiiimafed account of a trip across the Caribbean sea, in the course which, lie t-iaid, they passed a bare rock "simplv covered with mock turtles. -,, f . , ... , , ''n. accouimg :o uie lesuns 01 routes. He gathers the fresh milk "Excuse me " said the merican smif lvuo- 0l --sheMlle brother ot nS(. rrhos llV Harlly Kmhrey of the ,-,, ,)..' farmers .-,,,,1. without open ing. "vi.Pt don't mean mock turtles ''- Thomas 'league. Mr. 'league hug. Enion Modi.-.--! college, Peking, recent- ing the individual containers, delivers but just turtles." "Indeed I mean what I sav," the other repeated, wit warmth. "I mean mock turtles the genuine mock turtles.' Power From Peanut Oil. It seems that one of the iirlvantages of the Jiesel oil engines lies in its ability to produee power by burning not only the cheajest grades of natural . . . . minfral oils and the by-products of coal distillation anil coke lilants. t;ir and creosote oils, but also vegetable and aninial oils. Indeed, it is said It can use peanut oil almost as effectively as mineral oil. The use of fat oils from vegetable sources for fuel w, 11, i ,s predicted, promote industrial development in re- gums wnere me him i.i -ut is pro- . , . , . 1 hibitive in northern Africa, lor in- , . c ,inco ....i in triune jcrts of in.r n n Tt . , i . i ,, . . '., country. It is dechired that those o Is , ... , rnfiU-p it certain that mo ive oower can still be produced from the heat of the . ,. , sun. even when all our ntitural source.: . , , . , of solhl and liquid fuels are exhgusted. -Washington Star. The Commencement exercises of the Brevard High School will begin Sunday, May 20. Sunday morning at eleven o'clock in the Methodist church, Dr. Howard E. Rondthaler, President of Salem College, Winston Salem, N. C, will preach the Bac calaureate sermon. On the following Thursday even ing May 4, there will be a two-part program the recitation-declama- tion contest, and an operetta. Fri day evening, the graduation exercis es will be held, together with an ad dress to the seniors by Mr. Stantford Martin of Winston-Salem. The annual play will be given Sa- j turday evening, j Tn' niusic recital will be givm .afternoon during the week the e: act date to be announced later. MRS. G. C. KILPATRICK ENTER TAINS: On Tuesday afternoon, April 121 ?drs. Crady Kilpatiick was hostess t( the Fortnightly Club and a numhc of guests. The occasion being a mis cellnneous rhower for Miss Myrtk Raber, whose engagement to the Rev. Lee Falls of the Methodist church. war. announced earlv in the snriivr. The "house was prettily decorator, f. lh, occa -j.,u. A musica1 program I con irdiiig of vocal selections by Mr:-. J. Mack Alii Mrs. Hugh Yvk er and several piano solo:; by E v . - ! v.- " r't lf r 1 1 niino' niiKiel'm All?:! Moore, were thoroughly enjoyed. A trourseau cont'.'-t was .n inter-' itv-iintr feature of the aftornoo.:. 'Very attractive 'orize was offered ih ; v-ln'm. who prov.-d to be Mrs. ller.r; j C. Ur.r. cr.i. v.r.o in turn p.-osonti d thr most charm ing mtm'ner to Iv . honoree. , ,. the , lore of the cor.tc i I w li.iniat urc w,-i: h-wii'.iM'n bearin i;ieiidou, basket f "Inw.nlry" 1 r.'iern'. 1 lie trout ii. mr .'.!ll ti".e air o e 11 . 1 1 a .; ; - ..1 tier :. n : 1 ." rv 'u ... . come. 10 ray tfte lionorcj wan ; rather riirprised to receive "1 frir ;" ' rlu I) mot t5n- " r ril.e- the s cue iTildlv. but al! prt ( rt enier -ii i.t-.- x- mi iac Ling the laundry, yxh.-.h rr.,v,i '.Vr alx;;- r,- ' 1. ..' , . ' " ' ' " ' a - After the two erv ia:;;; y It'll-- vreb woe-ell deiv.rted With the'r ',-!.( t the ho-dt ervci :i ve l, r salad ec-urst with c nut.-, rrr.d hon.o xnr.de ennd'ies. 'ri,. . ,,.! i-.-ie.-.e-T Mr. - e - Hatrk Wr.lker .Mrs. IJenrv C. linn- ,,m, Vli.,.: , La r;;ko,. Mrs. .! . M:U.', . ,,. s...t -,, .. v.. .till.' of,. .VI::. ..vntnll I nv;. , .ut . .Mil- . . . , : er and Mr. Ah:i, Moore. HC S.MAN HIGtl SCHOOL NOTES The'Uat Drive during l'v fr-st ; w, .i- - of Anr il re.-ulli the slay- ; t .. v -ii,i .. .,i .... . ' .. ii i leg o i on a l . o u i in i e i . - n i -c i - t)i!s of the Rosm.-.n High School. A iocai premium v.:.? won tr, tne sec- tioli of the school called tire ' ye'.l.e.v ;' (ihe school was divided into two sec- tior.s. ) Friday eveninu-. May 1, will be u;,rh s.-he-d ,,,m,.,.1 n,- J. Culfee of A: heviile Normal will deliver tne aidres-. ti-,, i.s,.v;i.; ., 1,11 '"""UJ I'AUlml " nounced succer.--. The entrre day,! t...;,i.,,. ,-j p., i .k. - .:...,, .lj'.u i, v ...s ... v.i.ir.. n; l.e ; ,..-'..;i.; ..i. ,!... a :,..i i.v.iiiui. ui oiiiuiu num none uuii.pg i the year, ending with z liteiiry pro- j Rranl in the afternoon, DEATH CF WALTER W. TEAGUE News was received here last week of the death of Mr. Walter W. oeep. tn loi some urnr. nut .11- o-v came a:: a shock to hi., many friend 1 -T,l. 1 1- 1 1 here. The body was carried from A: heviile to Charlotte, where.it war laid to rest. His man-'fr ords evtep.l their -vmpath- to lv .' 'ov-d one v arc left t mourn their lo. ctmim 'vur..T, r--- . JIHUIIH. t.Ui'l VL.11 1 lUI'l -V r . - GAH FOREST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday r.fcernoon, April 2i. W.. there wr.s a county singing conven- tion orgppi:- ,; to be held every fifth Surda" Th- following-ofHcerr. v,-,:, elected: i Mr. n. Tj. Mackcy. Prc.s;(iont, Kev. , w. T Truett, Vice-President; Nellie' T ., . Lee, Secretary, Program ( o.r.mi te Mr. C. Caninfuld, M'k J L VVhitmire Mr I v""'oi-. iv., ..... ... i. u.i.i.iu, . . ct'-eet Porn - Tr : l.cll j-din., jr. , The convention will meef at Mount I ,r , i c- i t- ' moriah next fit ill Sunday, rrogra.-.i , , , ' : to be vr.no arc- d lr.tc-. IVIU. l.EZ, C.cvcvy WITH KIPLING IN VERMONT Famou Writer Enjoyed tha Dep Snow and the Society of Hla Farmhand Companions. The recent heavy snows In Vermont Ono would not think of Mother recall to a correspondent of the Spring- Goose ,n connection with Uncle Sam, field. Republican the big snows of but recently when a woman took to 1895-9G in which Kipling delighted. tho Civil Service commission the re "This was the winter in which Rud- --llest for her transfer to a different yard Kipling found so much recreatiou 'Mmrtment, the clerk whose duty it and sport in helping the farmhands wus to l'ass 011 such matters nutleed plow out' and when he was often seen t,1,lt her n!ime was Sprat, and he in town on a sled to which two plows aske. In his most official manner: were attached and one and often two "An' Nation to Jack Sprat V "Yes," pairs of horses furnished motive pow- ' was ,he luiet answer, "he's my h us er. The busy author was a real sport j band-" Then, laughing at his aston- and liked nothing better than to chal lenge the elements in his goloshes und longdegged stockings when he dived into the deepest snowdrifts, wallowing through until he looked more like a man of snow thnn n rmmrm bolnor Kit.linr in his associations with the farmers and the hired man never let tiny droll expression or action pass his notice. He would, in order not to forget it, dive into his pockets for a bit of paper and a pencil and quickly jot down unique expressions and funny sayings of bis plow companions, and nobody can tell how many of these odd re marks found use In Ins many folklore stories." COMBINES PROFIT AND SPORT Maine Man Has Found That Hedge hog Hunting Has Two Sides to It, Both Good. A man in Maine has found b.edo hop hunt inur to be a 1 r- 1 i t : 1 1 !nii ness. us well as ( tie that has an e!c- nint of (!aie-rer. and tlo-refore o.Ter- excitement in excess of that which comes to a rabbit or fo- hunter, writes Sam i:. ("onii'-r. ir po;!:!:ir Mo.-hrtiie' ! Maga;-.!n While it is ii"' l'-i:.t::" j lenov.n. the:e i a -:e;i,! i!cnia;vl f' " these 'o,iU;i'u Tea?-(r's fro;:i a! sections of AmM'ien ard Kumixv 'I'h r are ile-ireil f. .r re,.-. v. p:r ' e I ) d ' fair and stt : -n W.'ho I'.-e t!.. t; a : d in sc. : -g.- , i f under ; ! n.r. bedre!;, lT;;:ren-. . The trap),'.:..: is .,1! ., .,,1 ... , ..1 . a i.n 1 ! j bsttting rro,, 1 l - 1 . . 1 1 .11 I '' ;! an upple !i:i ::tli! a.- : : the i., ri a i . . h lis: !:,! the ap;: tree, and an ; i C!u: , It ill i-.e Gtrc;: Sour.is. fre Men" II. a ,i re I heard r;nd it eo-rbl lad ha Pli .' lad it been tin :t. sitrpi rote of til :'dt d! i.i rri le or the sottg the lark. i! r as ,t th" busies i. T' ; (;- ;!: dav d it. in the gloom ed 1 he late v itd'T af; e;p -op w 1 1 "P. ! j ,.' I e , ,,, in d i".i ' :.d- w-- are lit ; 1 1 kn-,p i-egd, to twinkle it. the e ea,;,r in, -d. In t lie !.:. rri ,v i b.ni-i uiyid' : re t I j tor omnibus..-- w.-r.- throbbing, timnd.-r ing in ike early throes ut lin- cii's hoinewr rd j-ps'i, taxk abs were luistl'tig lU.i:ig in i.n al: ;--t ceaseless stream. ' , s. . .. i , 1 1 1 ( i t i j i ..ri s we-i' so ;io , er ci s- ,' .., I .. , - ,,,r .!..!d;ii'e,. w;th the clip-lop ,f ,iie hoof , of he:v v 'me-sos raucous i voices were f-houtir.g the e-.e:ing pa- ' pers. The p;v. eteept was a torretil of hum.-in kindi. two torrents, in facr tli!-:t hattled in opposite directions, and i.he human units had to struggle to keep their course en the narrow footwav. It was then I In ::rd it. amid the justPr.s J and the tnitiuit. above the din of the! "'otor oninil-Pses. trxieabs and heavy ,p.m- i- ti,i tie i.-.rov vsm.-il i-limnv c , I .. '. ri ni lilt- ( liy s eiis. lia- III. snililll 01 ., i i...,,,-, i. l-i.... . c ir I a i i-i o .1 o e...-is im.i. .... 1.1 Continental Edit ion of London Mr.il. Vitamins in Fruits. -nnetiveiy e,-:en,::, trniis. hps, ot are neer seen in etei.i mar- kets. liave been found to be well sup- plied with vitamin C. the preventive of scurvy, according to the resvtl , .... .. . ...... . - iy j n 1 1 I isped 111 the 'tiilippine Journal 'f Science. The fruits and vegetables which were found to have anti-s.-or- m,tu properties were the ctu.-o. PPaya. P"nieo. gmiva. lansones. both fn,it :,nd rt,,wer '""ls of t!l(' !':"1!in;b ...eoiiiii, iiejiiiin in cueuiiioer, i.ang- niiister general, wiih tne view to en king leaves, and caniote leaves. The listing nation-wide co-operation of the .hinese persimmon was also found v..;.. run nil'. Safe Offer. Pulkins had no love for his wife's lmle Pet hut n' 1:' when it IU-vs,tM"ionsly hs:ipp'ared he oiTered reward for its recovery. , t "!f-''t; friend, "you hated that dog like poison? f ' nt ,,... ir "Tin .xi why .rn earth did you offer sm-h ti big reward for its return?" j "I lif e to jdoa.se mv wife." ,, , ' "ell, that mav be. but is sure . to.1,I,r' ,tl:;lt J,;lrk:" . ! Criink not. answered Bilk ns "un- . , h'ss seme ope saw me bury t in the .., t, ..,. ' " ' " ' ' PAGE FROM MOTHER GOOSE Peron With Names of Famous Char- acters Before United States Civil Service Commission, lshment, she continued: "His name is John, but everybody calls him Jack 5Spra.t." The clerk scrutinized the pu- l"'rs I'irtr.er ana aMe.l, 1 suppose you huv' learned to eat lean meat by th;s 1 time.' Mil, yes. She replied, "we try to live up to our name." "All right, I'll order this issued," and he affixed his official O. K. Another woman proved to have the odd name of Mrs. Eve Apple. Noticing the clerk's incredulous look, she re marked: "Yes, everybody smiles at my name, but you know history some times repeats itself." "Only.' in this case' hy interposed, "you acrepted an apple instead of giving one." HARD TO DECIDE MEANING Preacher Might Have Had Either One of Two Thing: in Mind in His Prayer. Uepn -on'ativo John Canier of Tex as, say s : " Mr of the stories i like best was tohl by i !d lino Taylor, but I've found that of all the Taylor stories this one is not very well known. "In the South they,, was a st ru-L:: in-J preaeher with a family so hirje that it took ai! l.i- meaner ;,ay to keep ."dir. And hedes thrr. -.do ehildren kept c:i,i:ig along.- I!e v, a very r. a ):;e i:;oi-e hahy arri ed. So the cotiurega! i'-n g'M up ,at is kim-vn i:i the ;t!i as :i ;,r.;; .dimr. ldi -a if , t ' indy gj '. es a " ,!P.,d of s. ,;:n sti. -U no 'ir- i'rsrdy f. .nil s 1 ' !! . A1 d in ::dd.te-n 're .-. :: . re t .op got Up ;.. r e f. ... r e p-e:i -her. Two v e-s i ;!-( e,,:igi-eg;it ioii. of a s;..,;-; ie-' turn of Mind, made a bet op, ikt issue of what the preacher v. o;;ld s.,, ;jrs- ;n his prayer next Sunday m imi'ig. bother it w.- i'd be t ;-.e tsrriva! of bis s,.n ,r whether it wniild l.e the gift l;-ipi !ii c.itrgrega :,.n. I'.r.t wlieii Sunday came tliey i-nidd imt dedde w!in had won. Th'k preacli ; stai-;.'d ofj' 'lie prayer: " ' d:. Alu.iglity I'd, I thank yon for this si;, cor.' "- New York IIer;ild. Mctn! F)apcr. repo that lithographers It ' ! .!, ;: ;,j :dp-oad have for some tillP I ,M.,.n :i- ,!,;,,..;,. .i:l,,er ppd e! ' a per inst ead ot t inn rr!;:l aee!-.. i le lerri n g the former as l ! ;: -r bo-'.y gives a soft cushioned eke,-; -.vl:: eh crilpot he nbtaincd with ti e s,did metal. For this purpose the j metal is elect rn i .; a ed on the surfar-e . ....... ......... .... , i o- 1 1 " 1 ' : 1 i or ef graphite to give it m. cotldre'-hlg sin-face. The principle thus en p..ed is eld, P;P the ( i t'icui t y has a I way s beep that ike liquid in the idatlcg balk world soak into the pa per arid would loosen the metal Ilka from p even while Mrs was being de posited. Now the users have learned thai by tir-d coaling the papi r with a vai'nish or hn (prer in. pervious to ,;t t.v can make ir immmi" v. ill 'nave as her room mate next ye:, ,:,. ti... .r--..,.t ,,r ti,..!",T', n..n .. - i i... t . . ' j so that the tilpi of metal will I e.. , .-, ... u-....i,: s-,.,.. ' '' " " ' ' ' Milk by Parcel Poct j 11(,.v .. (., hu ,.,',,,,,,,, tll0 sun." A dairyman at Franklin, Y;t., has est abbshod a rural jarcel post Ul)- i,-e. He !, s di-n :ir i--t:.i:i- , f, u 1,-esh m.lk and has abol- shed his ui n delivery svstem, substi- tutitig the pared p. : service on four it -p. the town customers. That beats driving nannv gnats from door to door :rs they do in sniiic countries, milking as- ,.,- ,,rder. Tin- deviser of tl is new method is laying its feasibility before the Post- p,,st ollice in spreading the system. until the whole bind will be literally "Howing with milk." if not with honey. Washington Star. The Bag. "In England they have shooting par ties." "I know." "Arnong the nobility."" "Yery toppy." "Ami it is the custom to send what t,lp-v slu,ut to s":!1( hosj.ital." 1 Vl ""nt' tli:lt- I Iuh V "Only last week I peppered a guide." 1 pu mventois are bald. At anv ,. t, , , . , , , 1:-to- tll( man who invented the -'tis ton, of standing nncov.,-,-.! v.kde tr.g to a iadv vn At the meeting of the County board of education last Monday, Prof. T. C. Henderson of Quebec was elee'ed Superintendent of education to mi ceed Prof. A. F. Mitchell, who v..; not a candidate for re-election. The newly elected superintend'-nt served the county in this capacity for a number of years and proved a r.i'r -t efficient official. The retiring superintendent r: done his work well and the schul of the county have flourished under his administration. ''K" E C CLEANINGS ..rn in M p? M' N'-e:p (' iiiier .... o i '. T. Lev. . I. fiend M-son of Pick'-mr ,. ('., writ I'd tn is community last veeh and spent Monday night with lis brother, T. C. Henderson. There will be a "wo; King" at Oak irove .Baptist church on Saturday of tor ' ae Pi! ....-, d' dui-e -., -di-l :iy '. : 1 n; i '. - p, .. od-i t Ii '.'.' :'-.rt. d tn c...-;. i a -pi help in t'.ri ". f l k. Ti: r w 0'!i(. ;.!( (-X p ' . d ' '' I . , il!i d i , .ir r ; r p., tile i.c a.doii. They can also help it p.p.' -.-.o-.-k inride t'-'.e , hi.rch budddp The term of Quebec school was : short thir year that tin- rever'h . I en 1 , , . grtide. therefore they entered Ik.. man High School aft. r tii-- c!o.-ed wiih tin- hope ;f co;p;,;eti -r the v'-pk i,f tried- e-iruie that t1 migh: he pr-pared f-.r admitt..'.. p-to id, h i --h r -'re , department ,r ibisrr.au sehn .1 r.ext year. The i"' lowing yupil.- I'i'i'iii Quebec are ; ;'tep-!ipg Rosman school: )scar Whitmire. Bro.mius iler-i' . smi. Ruth Mci'.-dh Va ul- !i Yhitm: A--! Y hi! r.i ire. Lvh- II -e--r H-k-p Henderson. Wi'.i.- Vfiprmp --d .- Owi P. 'e-a Mr( 'ail --.t, Ik . McCall. X'p.h ('. ?vliiler has been enu loy. . as teaclu r of the intermediate gr.uk. in Quebec ri hoo! fer the next rrlr vi nr. Ii.- ha..-, linrefore. ippiVed ;p tp,. e corp p. lupity in order that h more c. tYectively be a fact.-r i': comniur.i: v 'P'ere.-ts. We tire inf. ! that Miss Whol.-op. d:;ui:hH,r Rev. W. H. Nich. has ployed for the primary work of t!.. M-k 1. The county road conynis-ior.i h;;vr :it last established a much pec,: ed public read leading from the highway near Oak Orovo churcl. the ropii U adir-g from Lake Toxaw.--.. ii'Pi ('. -.u-. r r :.. tip.- : p of . r .'.':.. r .fp'go. W. B. IleiHu ; and family pp..; a "flying trip" to Greenville coup, last Sunday fer ;. few hourl vis: '.with !c!p'i -nd friend: ip tip. i tu-y r. j out i i; ;. eedp Idea t.:.;:e:! .Mats liiH College. is now :r-pp for the summer vacation. Si.i e-:; c. p to return to .Mars Hill at ;1p op; pitpf of th-p . rhool next fall. S:u - t .ii. ot i..!e i . Wc e p.. rice mat the housewives o. Xew- Y p-k fl c-jptly institute 1 a b.- nki agriinst tite venders of sugp.- be enure of ti:e utircasop;ii'y !::; pr.u' ot .hat '.uece.-sary kixu'-y." re -u It ing i:i the lowering of the priei of re.i" 1 to p -2 epkr O. Pr i f t P .p. r- -.vhi.d: he wot : 'vr ed in, . str-.-v ; parade were thr-. wo".:s : "Suprr p: .es w ill net ki.. 'f you foP tip H .urewive-;' Fight." YVe hone tie f.gip -.v:!l be i- .pp p. until the hi'th t;.i'i!f on sugar re moved and 'he sugar trusts "busted." Our h.st .iep.e-al Assembly fpilp. to "s-trin .--ecrei-v from the oner;. tier- of the Ivu Klu Kl;:n and compel it obedience to law." The outrag. committed by members of the Kir; in Robeson county in this ptadc- and in other localities are enough to make one's blood run cold and cause thinking people to feel that our state Senate failed to perform its full duty when it refused to cooperate with the House in the passage of a bill to unmask the Kluxers. We hope that "every day in ever;, way" the News will get better am! better. TO CALL PASTOR The members of the Brevard Bap tist Church are requested to be pre-, sent Sunday, May i:L and take par: in the call of a pastor. Every nie.v. ber is urged to be present. There will also ho pre.ubh.g vices at 11 o'clc-r::. f A

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