TRANSYLVANIA "OPPORTUNITIES EMPIRE" NATURAL RESOURCES FOR LOCATING INDUSTRIES Brevard New EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVANIA COUNTY. THE LOCAL NEWS An Idependent WWy, VOLUME XXVIII BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1923 NUMBER ZG COMMENCEMENT DEATH OF JULIA N. FORSYTHE THE PRAYER CORNER REMINISCENCES OF DR. W. J. WALLIS C. W. HUNT ON EXERCISES B. H. S. J. M. HAMLIN ON HEALTH CLEANING UI vard High School Commencement Eexercises Begin Sunday, May, 20 Program. The Commencement Exercises of the .Brevard High School will begin Sunday, May 20, with the Baccalaur eate Sermon, which will be preached by Dr. Howard E. Rondthaler, Prosi dent "of Salem College. On Thursday evening. May 24, there tvifi be a two part program. The recitation - declamation contest and a?i operetta, "Cinderella in Flower land." Those in the contests are: Pauli'nv Sitton, Eliza Henry, Mary v7ohlin. l.ula Gurron, Marvin Yates, Al. in Moure, Edwin SLfcti and Glen 'GaUftwav. Friday evening, the Seniors have,! th.tir graduation exercises, which Consist of nr. nrigimJ play, songs, etc. with a short address, -afterwards by :r. San ford Mar tin .V Winston-Sab; pan. N. C. The ( will be pre- ei;ted thrv. . Saturday overma. the annua play to which r.ri adir.'wsion will be csnrgeti j " - - "v i ( 1 1 1 o'.-tr. 1 Tlti.- 'f.'.i I ingni. comeuj-urama in inn-? acts, ha? the kdlov. iig cast of char- j i:cters : l-.-Aw in Kn.cnsh. Lunra hel- j lar. Fiar k I'c.ckni.rth. Annie Sitton, 1 (iladys 7iip;.T7ick. Bessie B;iwlh"F.-s, .telT St.-,g.:-. Aithur Frysoru, Mavy t;allovy.. F-.drj Price. Jcha. "V.hce. , 1 r s . !'.!'.ir. s pT:uin recitals win Pe I'ivi'a c.i Tliiusday :. nd h'riday aft(r-noon- :.i f 'tir o'c lock. Al! ev ::ing p'ro.v ranis will "oegin ) :("::;:! a" r : Ew.-r"t-'-iy 1 most cordiallj 'invit ed to aTVfVid al. hc exerciser. REPORT OF HOME DEMONSTRA TION YCRlONTH OF APRIL ha- eo:i a ei -.- month. - ::- S;.i mg is h . e and the- Wiv.t'icr ha iT!n'V d ' The iir-t of the month marks the hse : the ra; and niicv tradr:.tion l . aitvpaicM. - 1 Sevvrng ami ha.t-m::king been :. larte na'"i .' ihe program ur clubs this 'Ti 7U t. j At pri-si nt (' ari- working on the i!e"i( l Mabies ci.test. W' c onsider 'his in ncnaii'. and mach 'iiii.c has i'uT: c!i? in seidr.g the !Boitu s and it: i-1-:. g t hi babies. Seeral visiis ha'e been nude to ph a.ll (iisanlcd citizens where the t' . f Vocational Rehahi-'n-vcion is .o eratiTig with the county m the re-ifiPt nt of "..ti-'se cases. Vege'iai'ie ;.a.'-dcns ar.d sowers are tot ics of discussion in all meet- ngs rigai-dles.- of the r:gTilai pro- Li'aia planned. Tin pa :Iu- health nurse at Urward Institute. .Miss Hessie Smith, has made a number of trips with me to homes, and has given lectures and d't u'tirtst; itdons in nurs'np' and iir-t a : .-. Mains iiave caused poor attendance a' raeetpigs ia some instances and in ihop i.i c prevented meetingr it.'cing u l,p Summary of -v-.-ork: miles tnrveled, add: mettings 'held, 20; attendance, K'laO th- includes schools visited distriouted, ()20; letters PUPelins written, 'lath, eirtular letters, j RESOLUTION5 OF RESPECT Whereas the AVaightstill A-very h'haiPer of the Tiauchters of the' American Revolution have lost thru he death of Mrs. J. Adgcr Forsythe a charter member whose whole life , ,, i ' was Hunt upon irtov: iioiiura . loyalty, of honor ami of unstinted ; service to the community and to th nation for which our vnler stands, be it resolved: j That this chapter and our whole community has lost & v.'ise and in ftcential leader who Will be deeply missed in all enterprises tfor national -ecar'.ty and civic righteousness. That the members of this chapter have lost an ardent co-worker, a Daughter whose high ideals and un selfish living have been an inspira tion to those associated with her. That each member of this chapter feels a deep and personal loss and that we extend to her family our sincere sympathy in their bereave ment. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family, a copy placed in the minutes of the society and a copy printed in the Brevard News. MRS. E. W. BLYTHE MARTHA G. BOSWELL MARY BBEESE ALLISON Committe on Resolutions Born Monday, May 14, 1860. Married Monday, May 14, 1877 Buried Monday, May 14, 1923 The death of Mrs. J. A. Forsythe occured 'on Saturday at 8:00 P. M., May 12, 1923, at her residence near South Brevard. Mrs. Forsvthe has been afTlicted : for nearly three years and although j shn .iiI saiflfered ntirl 'lived nnder on. ' stsuiJ and distress-dpc; illness all this time., she was ever cheerful and pa tient and the life he had lived will L'Vv remain an inspiring monument ic- xhose loved o? as left behind. She leaver, to mourn their loss her husband, J'. A. Forsythe; two da'ugh- f.-is. Mrs. E-. 35. Vermilye, md Miss Julia Nathalie Forsythe of oultri- rill, . S. C : 'a'Vrec sons. J. A. For- ,ythe, Jr.. 'W. ( Forsythe f Bir- m;n-ham. Ma., and ('apt. &. G. For- ytho of tin. V. S. Signal 0:rp; two bi others II. Graham -.? Summer- ville, S. C. and W. F. Gry'bum. she wS:s laid to res: in the Gilles- (.rail,'t,ry anr;d ;l ma i: .d of flow- j .? . . v c i 1 i s anrj in ine orcsc ci vt a large number --.f sorrowir.g I'm. nds and re- lative - 5 - .. The f aneral serv -vvre conduet- ; (.(; ;,v '.'v. .1. C. J on uv .-v. a. . ooagte. assisieo oy i i : r t f i r , . : :.: - 0l- K::ils n:: Kev. whi. - n r. H: LAX KAN'S CLUB EXTENDING ITS ACTIVITIES 'n Sunday i'lsi- th L""T2.5- n 's ht divided ir.t. :t ee group th tin.' vi. it in .' f;v;sr wnere ' tit'i Met!:. -di--t 'v-"b-.;r is h'. ; 1 la men .- f ; h-,; ; re: "i isiyr.:.'- 5 1 i;r 1 d. vitt, ttn fci- . .stn::- . ' c. iit i ; V. V-. ""'la:' it-- ;,..K ( ha- Hr.-- : sr.... 'j'it : . , . ! t v ice-!';-: iinnte-. . . -evaru vt v pt. r i'.ai t 'taiks pp.'p 5;?:! Pleet'te: pret nleii .(: i,y I evident ('. H. Kluepie'p u fg. Al'", 1.o. t e reipUrxd a -- ilo. i'p. t e'e.e ,-, . , ,p . that brsri'.-:! '.dp a ! ' . . ' TP; 1'.- ( b:P. ;.l ! -ill . ard clap '.'.iiiej. wac raiPiired Let 1 iroup ti- e . harge ' f Cr, .it t P'- . : 'pp.- , r. (. e was !" do fci t;:e is: :r.i. .-' 'Pt i g .. a' t fact 1'. e f e eatt.r'e ot Mr "'jay retit'y eta cirri aidies : 1 :::?. . an . talks pad Wel-; i;d le -, ay were v i.ived. : numi.'-r at ipct ded iiia-,;n;i!i', with t :v music ( 1 'opp t Pro d the r'gn!a: Sun- ' nay aft-ra cm pv. tin- in Hrt vard. 1 he err sion f 'the aetivitdes of '.-- !!rev;p a Lay? . -id's '1 u'r 1-' i "1 aro- peter of trie gr; v t h of the "lub. : -ganir.ed in the fall of Tp22 with : few me Tubers, 'he (fiufi has gr wn ! steadily d if is planipd to 1 ..rrv ; 'ie extensKMi work into other parts! as the opport piiita s pr---errt. ! 'Next Sur.dayS meeting will be held as us c.-.f! at : -1 " in the Sunfiay i Jpool room of th- Methodist ehuwh, ' autl a large i.tten-p.nce is mr-g-d KREVARD INSTITUTE NOTES A number of special entertain". b;ive .-fen r.vpn recrnllv tht various closes, of B. 1. Tfce Juniors entertained the Senior?- one , -.. - ... 1 ... ;a--rtiav nignt witt. a tormai uai:- ,uet at the Inrtitutt. Last Saturday light the annual banauet of the Sen- ors in honor of the members of the acrfitv was given a. AethelwoW TotoL Covers were laid for forty- 've t-uests and an excellent supper .as -erved and many interesting oasts given, and for the first time n three years, we did t have to cme tome in a peuring rain. Two auto parties from Cliffside, 7or( st City and Spindale motored to B. I. on 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wells, Miss Mabel Wells, Russell Wells, wife and son, George Shuford, .vief and daughter, Misses Ruth Day 's, Marinda Smart and Jessie James rom posed the party. Nearly all were former B. 1. Students. Everything is being hurried for ward for commencement. This week is review week, next week is final examinations, and then comes com mencement week. Commencement Sunday is May 27. "In the Land of Waterfalls' A RIDICULOUS QUESTION Let me ask you a rcdiculous ques tion. How would you feel if with a magician's wand I should suddenly annihilate your body, and leave you, ) student, selling before your look, an incorporeal mind? Would you be perfectly comfortable, or would vour mind go feeling after vour body the soldier's mind gropes after his huviod hmh? Woubl you cry out f'"" h;"1(!s t() eV with, and for pock- ets to put same money in. and for ringers to clutch the money? Such a transformation is coming some dav, is it not, to all of us; but it hardly matters to the student, lbs or her mind V-. not afraid to be alone, j Trained by earnest study, exorcised in wide reading, strengthened by hard thinking, their mind, their .spir it; has come to seen to them what it really is, the enduring part oi" them. But ttose poor peojde, who have graduated and got through with stink ard oi;". among the dollars anci dimes, the stitches and ditches, the 5-aws and the K-dgers What will tJH'.v. what ! v''-'' l"ey do cm that. j t i'fniMi" th:l' .v i commt ncen.r nt oi a -ji s)u.i, 01 j j'J height, of study with duwes. .titc-hes ;;T- "- 1 dgers lelt out. .Morcy can ..o, - 'iv - - . 1 I'niou" -iVnl: 'inn ('('Vs ar' a ivible mat title. Skill r:ih mac-V inery. clever?.' -ss at carvin" , fii'-'-wdtHVs 111 sowing win a.; -: 'lesc arc we": worth r-trlvh for. but ? That ('"RKiiciii'.1:!! Day. v. I: 11 V " ':it; t a;', graduate from the dc:n. a w t.itiabif wilt (em ih: s!irew(K-st ir.t .5 .':"er. who go; "i'-'irougli siuiivn.:' I ' 1 m l" ;.'(ri bodd; his ; '.Mires: r.(dghb-r. I v h i.-e mind h.-S 1h-c-i. taught to t hi' K. ::-. f bea.rt has bo-Ti laia-'nt ti "f; !! i :t . 1.' " ' ' Thou. ver. i.evcr Light. Kelt- tain of al": 'It.:;!:' Sm,i:v . " ..d Wis. join. bl-m graded a.;.': 'J ig!i ois. C Jv n'l-dom t- tbei', r.a: i i i r a their coKnt bs and en aid e:-n that teach. i.'m i'ulll: t"V :-. -.o . S ( hf- :. tin i.e--t . c :: p.' ithpa r; V core,--. . t . .1 t :.-a . t a a 1 . ', , : 1 pis. t. 'u'c.rly those ihat have ' ' ,-e p-ysr:.;; : fi 11 l IP 1 ap , ,f v. a 1 a' c 1 1 UP ; :: a t : i'o , p s i lb p p . S-' S t .' all " Pile -a a:t ! PP Male P ! Cuhh 'f pat :teet into tht pa' hs ot .S.,.. IIP.. i.'-v ... V P 1 ! : 1 . 1 1).. .'Hi un -. . ' j i- in in ns of Tai'P.. ipp-pii: I'Pip.i' 1 ra"; tp . napped v. ll, r. ta 1 i epi- i ! hp ' o ! . ; 1 ( 1 1 pa--u May it he theits to have ihv ssr ret of biesselne. win eat which ;ii vther b.irnings ':. bat ,'ust and r.-hcw We a'!., this in 111- 1:1. me and for His sak- c . c I JO'M' -R ROLL I'llIST ttAtli: Edna I--t.rris. a-v Sac -b. nd, ngs. Willie Kate 'at err., j at k Aiken. Edward 'C-' -liev. fta-obl 1 ii.c.we- r, Ib.v Neill. 1 uf us Otis .pv-rPU- jpiGH S:d OXDhristine iultz, Winifred Nichols n, dene!! 'C ase. Tieima Orr. .Margaret Barnett, "Hat- lie Sue Sitton, Eitipaa Deaver. THIRD B.: Jean English, Efp.a- both McCahee. A'hnred Hamilton. i ITlliH THIRD: Ruth Ballad, j Suslt Hunt. Charlotte Burrell, (Tar i -7. ... ..u.. .!-... .,- T...a. ht-.-i eact. ddmh, slxiim uacoe, jick -viiji- j er. I FOC RTH B. : Myrtle Tinsley, Xdi- lie Jamison, Alma lirackens, Pafc liell. j FOURTH A.: Mary Alta Barnette. June Grogan, Beulah Garren. Thelma ! Moffit, Giudvs Wood, A'tmeda Waters, i Ella Lee Yates, Ruel Hunt, Fred i MBSer. j FIFTH B. : Rowell Be, Robert ' Duckworth, Dorothy Fetztr, Alberta j Jenkins, Myra Sue Dalton. j FIFTH A.-. Florida Allison, Deling 1 Booth, Beatrice Buriss. Carl Bryson, Raymond Byrd, Willowree Byrd, Elizabeth Duckworth, Walter Glazen- er, Gladys Hubbard, Jimmy Morrow, Walter Shipman, Eva Wilson, Ralph Waldrop, Ruby Whitmire. SIXTH: Vernon Fullbright, Mack Grogan, Anna Jenkins, Lillian Jen- kins, Margaret Miller, Lorene Payne, Mordecia Saltz, Madge Whitmire, Gertha Bowen SEVENTH: Opal Ashworth, Lela Barnette. Peal Brinkley, Pauline Gal- lovay, Dov.-py Gr'ively, N ?Tacfie. In Grandmother's Day The Inven tion of the Gin The Con federate Gray. Mr. Editor: Our recess being over and being but little interrupted by the desired arithmetical reports, we resume the story of grandmother's work. The "filling" as described the other week, being prepared grand mother turns her attention to the preparation of the "chain". These are the terms she used in lieu of warp and wool." When we study dii' condition attending our forbears in their earliest davs in this country, it is probable grandmother passed through the same ordeal of spinning tha warp of her jeans as she did the lilling. Eli Whitney, you know, in vented the cotton gin about this time (17'.!.'',) and we learn from South Car olina history that in 170 only one of his gins found its way this side the Savannah river; factory spun yarn .-::s not on the market, it will he y.veUy sa.fe to say that in those A 1 F ... 1.1. 4'.. , . uu- cin .m mi uw n:e vaun arj wool was hand-spun. Aim; Rva.gan was born near Salem . X. C. -,n 177,; and was marriel t.. liamlin about 1 7 f '2 . In sjieaking many years after to her granddau'di - tf. who had the bem-iit of "skein" thrad. (a.s fact-rv : ur. was railed!, rather boast i :igly. '. 'airr.e ! .he marred ii: v.-h.te. the vv;;j p and v;te:' of w'nic'n were se.;:i :d hotr.e. ir.tiir.-i".-ing her trour -eau v.-as up-t:-:l:it . . If this v ere the c-rr. tom as. Tai- ca-t. as Sale.T.. it is hi-hly provide th far we-1 h:o! r.;ad. n, .'.irther dmi;;;i:r ;h. far: th:.t 'he whole 1 ,;!, . v ; 1 1 f .'1 ..i g to per; More r Ka-h. . ford 1 . as-'- wel'C pear t l'e ei' 1 bait. ' he gin had no o far. . o the e .tte a p 'he ,-e, ! ;ptd sop.. Pi tbe fantdv is re- a tlte 1 1 a or -e'.erai e.cpipg encti ling tit" c in art:, t. a ftnv ; iek'ng the eeov do-, a. It is proba'ple ho yo!:ig .f t he neighborhood are in- V!'V-,i to tile Ci Won piok.Pg as a so- lutnw;, .Not mara years jhc- op. at a function of this kind at iipo . . f Mrs. Creen, the general's. . . wii -re Eli Whitney was guest 'd'a. hp remarked: "1 w-sh : a a : fi : . . ( ;'p 1 P I : : 1 v ei t a a nuil.i evoae a p. 1 as, a a. area r.e that v. on Id P't ! k f. r ps.- Ptde -hipldpp sh. leakiac in the l ie. mice d the thi-wa- d-l 1 1: tilll p ( -it or ) tp pp- to third. :.;p and f ulminat-d gin that lias revolutionized the app v't;JVl.P.i SaPtil. it seems a great waste -" tipie make a trio to .Movganton to ! m y a few nounds of cotton., but wten it is i;::d( rstood that the milling of ih: coairjT,', vae dont in Barke. "he thotr-ht i"- not so pxtravagan:. Bt . can tnfow in with bis grist a f- w deei s-kiTib ur vcii-mi ippns for tier cx charige and 110 time is b at. This additional spinning as bjo: - tionahlc- a, it seems to us and those afterwaids who coulJ a-; "skein" thread, is done; but it must be colored. The "chain" for colored Prtod? "m Tinv ranablv black or purple. Tn sM-nrc titTifi. tho mapK trt'es art "t-aipe -1. tne oai k lo 1 3 1. . l .... i- . . . : 1 . . . i . --v ip of nroner strength into wnicn tne "hunks" an- dipped ami "aired" unt: p- ,pn the desired color is obtained. To ob- tain a darker color as will 00 lequi. - - - eu in e 11 1 weiu 01 ,,tii. jii.-v... . . t . P.t.. tli , pooniuis 01 co,.aS ..... .... purple ooze. will reouire a close day of hard work for a grandhnother to run oT her thread onto sp,-ols. She can tell Vou exactly how m:,ny spools will be fi'quired and about how much eacn 'P01 houl(1 contain. Every web-to- grandmother had a big basket ot spools and cane-quills. If you step behind the kitchen you will see leaning against the wall a frame called the warpin-bars a very simple thing in structure dui put together with mathmatical pveci- sion. The frame consists of two up- right pieces 2x1 in. about S feet long, joined by two similar pieces, one at the top and one half way down. A number of pegs 6 inches long is in- sorted in the upright pieces in me- cH nical order V spool-frame of similar construe- ' but of less dimensions and -'"l and formed as to. '0 1 pp hark page) RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARENTS, HOUSEHOLDER, CITIZENS IN CONSERVING HEALTH Froai coavcr. adorns -a i; h persons at large, the writer in convinced that a small number of our citizens realize the part they are expected to play in preventing the spread oi disease-p ! m ; oo,,,,- ,,-,,i! t ppp-p .. ia of diseases that should be reported to the county physician or whoever may occupy a similar position in any county. Reportable diseases are as follows: whooping cough. measles, diphtheria, scarlet f--vcr, infantile paralysis, cerebrospinal nunigitis, .u: .1., i..., p..-.... . . , .t a .,1 ,-, ; .. 'ii"'u ii'ni, o 1 m. , uw 1 1 : iu nconctorem, cliob-ra infantum, dysentery in either form, pneumonia, poratyphoid fe'. r, and veil i ra. 1 diseasi's. I'lacaided and (piar a.ittire!: whooping coug'.i. measles-, .-carlet fiver, diptheri.-', cerebrospinal iv.onigit is, c'r.ii. i-.en o.x. septic sore throat and Gorman measles. Report ed and placarded : .-mall pox and yphoi-1 fever; the last tw 1 can bo I '-cent' v ::.::'. r. It i nortant that our ci'lz.-rs -hould . informed as to their duties in this re- speet and lmportart ;d-a. that the- j .-no 11 Id no tiie:r ' 1 n t - a-, ira- ouni 1 .... 1 - 1 11 a-eist gee: of disc;. S( m i"s. s n.r.g ; he spreaii We ::! icaining fson: 1 ear to year the great economic - loss ida.ess. to say :: t i ;n e 1 r e v taj a slclt p.l . 0 fri-a-is. an c;: The goal a-a b it w i.ii's'as :a " - i i e the a :' t'.p : rc-lat :"v ; Tht- tsea.l no v.- is t ;Va'-. (.e::v. t , keep py-. . ! r.; ;. ;e 'p. a. way b- P P are . :: arg! i s - ia :!::. i.ii: ell .' -: :.' i eoV, ' n .is a ; n r e.itd v.hl,h i. th. p-c- we ; e . r.iag t ha '; wo iiil . 'es-dv a - , ',' i.- tar rape r-atis-urrip-hrr. 1 : 'ii' 1 aaty pa- . r. t h teachers of ae schools and ar minis;. p. f ! vp --.pel c ., ea -ate i:t "he labor : -; Prpd big ideas : ovsaae . : a,- .. sir - a ti.g ::f 'hiiigs iajllia e -. to the p. peri aad p oral v,e'fare o; ota' at :. t . the traiipp-- bt-cause of he it "atiniaic .p.tact with children Pt :-oecte.i to be on trie alert foi ap a!. normal copabtiors oc-curing 'n rlcir charges ami ; report the stiia h-.. whose dap,- ii to ascertain otpa at le ; 1 will b p i a band i 1 . a ir.'.VI :r - O trttl pp.d n. tit- ;-.x-,r. ' copip. 11 l-ui' WAi.I.IS jtlwt 7ING SCRAP: 1 w men id t.i..w .-ter .vci-t 11 !.- d if a deleting fray the early ear! .. f this wet k. V, was reporto 1 to t'ti: paper that ar.-h..:l Aiken -hot .Julian lb.wlev in the stomacli. .:ken is in jail and latest repora .: -e that Bowley fiiimo recoyer. but -..ill be brought p the ht - atal if ah- ie to be removed. I; is said that boor.e fig tin in the tiauic affair. ; SINGING CONVENTION TO MEET W- are glad to announce that the LMng-.ntr I onvent-on wm meet i bake Toxawav Baptist church thir Snmlav. Map 20. lPrbi. We are hop- p.g for a good time and a large wd. It Homing nr.nncp lf ., t,;,,.,. p., T,..,f XI liw. II..' , . , 1 . 1 " 1 - Geo. W. Sebren 1 ' Ashe villa will sins at the Zion Bapth t Church Saturday pu. -T-' v 1 ( 1 (-1.1. tp, ,,.pi .p.., He will also t the 'convention. Don't fail hear him. Others will be with him. -., . ,i .,11 p-m, v. o 1 : c eiie ti 1 ot tin. 1 11 .i.'ii 1 in ni.i will begin at 2 o'clock. E. D. RANDOLPH ROSMAN ELECTION: The election was he'd Tuesday, May first, 1923, and the following ticket was elected without any oppos- itb.n. Mayor, W. P. Hogsed; Alder- men. Ernest Paxton, C. R. Clark and J. E. White. I want to thank the good people of Rosman for the lib- ernl support they gave us in this el- ection. If the Lord, ladies and good people of Rosman be for us, who can be a- gainst us? We hope to accomplish much good for the town in the next two years. Let us all work to that end. The New Board of Aldermen I elected A. M. Frazier as Chief of Police. Yours truly, W. P. HOGSED BREVARD SHOULD BE KFP CLEAN AND BEAUTIFUL: Clear, p.p. clean opt and keep -, yes. clean up and keep 1 ' i reflection upon our town ' r. ; .(.j.a,a;,..- UI) ,jav.; c- v.,.,....s ;. j k(.( j, our town ..jean Ut. sf,(,.. ioart tur e PPllg up i . An appointed day q cleat; u- -. confession that our t'-'-Vn i-- in .a Jir neglected cmdit iop . We have a strict town n-!i'p.c which, ii n forced, v.- .'aid kek nch of oar town a- i ..... . . . . , A lh(i .. ,.., ;, 1 . best law I wis h to hereie. itizi-n of :) lowri 1 i j T t ' 1 at : 1 yi -g ' .' "St.- :.. ' ihn'gs (.. ','ol'K oi Ci oV.'ll, IP ; t .''it p.; Nature . it givi: - a preini.- ; (Mil; a h;'ati:.t td to. it. face of .-. a- to e a;-p.t.a- : - of e :p e...-:, v..- 1- ' - . the cb-r. ..'-. agur e : . . r -houl I m e-f,rth 1 1 1 1-1. ; iu,; o P 1, -.-a e,-.. a 0,1 e'et ur to1.. ' ,s w- do ' ' M 1 ("ban. the vrciiii-i-flies to a(ath. wtpc"- ad aap ittg- o a r 1 o pp I beg paote l-thitiae t ; fte. pop' a: ' r. r,ry Or.'':n.:ru "I'.y t"r,. !;.--. e'" the '1' aa .. , :' N a-a .-oliaa. a- : : - II 1 . j regula. a th- to-, p' all op. ,!,. -'o- the Pfop r t iot. of a": ! a-1 pi - ;h-pp, ; 1 owners as riant.- of ' pp-.- or ti'-. ap- do- Propop ... ,., ,.;).:, a'-i 1 1 ' -'Mv ord. a of Til.- b d" the To'.t p of Ilreva' ti f y all parties to c : f. dlowing -unitary put t he i : ;U a t hel 1 c.-'t! I a.: 1 h condPloP. .:' to aPi proper -. a da v;' eon 1; 'I la t'P -.1 re i tro! p. a r i , I iiii-c: 1 a: ( ty "'P foil v ' , 1 . ' e p 1. . tl- t I ' te pane P l Pol Clean up. 1 'reaps. garbage- all waste tlncing ti!: 1 from, a he; i welb filled those liabb i shall not ii-or ai h.eieby (aa:e pm.,; i orfiered to ti'l tlaaii 1 ; not at any :.. e h- ve a ' excrement 1 kept clear All had 'aid'' aad apsi.lo :f p- . ' i or painti Wham-vt tagious disease (e ne , urm...aps ... : tion) term: , and contents hall n, p fected. and a certi'icat- . u.suuctwt.n p ... p. ma,ie b' th' town :,hv''"' !" 1; ... . U . II ... ' 1 . i . 0 disin feet ion of said ini'ifu in ii.c .'10. .ra iieaai ' the Town of Brevard -. a Hi 1 - rapntiti, .- ' a t cc v. ; t'i'ht huuix altor thl" ..-:.!.-. .. 1 - , sciiu case ui uise.ase. to ' f Property in which ai e m.ntit 0,1 '''sease occured sm.i! rV, health officer due and -..r.pie:- M p. t Xo property owner shai! rent, op low t0 be rcnt0ii ot ; -'' room or rooms in wha it dis. :-. the above nature have e.-p. ie I. ti'.i th-. above certiiicate is bird with' tLa Board of Health of Brevard. T is. occupants of the above monujtpe rooms to be disinfected shad! pa '. said disinfection and iv.-t dicate ia default of this the owner of saki - perty shall be liable, AH dwellings in the corpor.rtc b: - its of Brevard shall he supplied sowr connections or sanitary prv-v?a said privies to be con.-tviKteo" s-gr?. cat- ,! for according- to the rule:- &sj t regulations of the State Bo.-irx' Health. The existence in any degree .' above sanitary conditions and al; r- cumulation of waste, tilth, mntr;c piles within twenty feet of any ing, or the sweeping or tiiruu frar cl" Continued on back page

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