TRANSYLVANIA "THE LAND OF WATERFALLS" 'WAY UP IN THE MOUNTAINS B r e News 7 r EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVANIA COUNTY. THE LOCAL NEWS An Idependent Weekly. VOLUME XXVIII BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1922 NUMBER 23 $500,000 BUILDING PROGRAM HERE LUKE OSTEEN MAKES' CAPTURE Greatest Boom Five Stills Four Prisoners 100 I l. i n j I a 11 1 .1 I 1 1 V 1 1 1 y l v . I . r T.rratest Gallons Hootch 30 Bushels in Its nisioij. - f of all Tourist Seasons Brevard. 1 hi- gateway to the won derful S.apphiro co.iutry. high iirinicl the '.. of v ten N' Ci.r opea it !'.-.; Waterfalls." v-V e s;;mihiro hue rvrio-. th. hills ;-n !;' ist seas-is ''i .'; li''iM! ; (.'' I ... r (-1 tt'-ed il: fared ami sas.b.-lay : d ' ' r - bv fl'om i:rcVi!l-:i 111 I'Vl'V !', 'ITU' "1 through-u; automohdir of the Sky playgr. u : d month-. Tile !.; G a rite:, -i tuv.-r 1h u he ; i !' . ; tci evt r -a: Sui t ( ' e w i l h . Tin- iv. nr.; as, Vol - te- ' ' the l.V.d e! kvr. king 1 l'u - ef li ,-i-d e greatest ;miv- - k'st' IV with 1 - v i va !: ur c( u . , v, L eo Dry Meal. On Friday, .iiiiic 1, Prohibition f iieers rapture i a still ot" aboui six'y !i ' villi';;-: -I : ky the S:; mkire -e.-p-n. A i ' ::: v.-.t, . On V- , 'ay. .1 :; r- ' . 'oar ; !!' or .' r ,' at; p!e ; . . T v v a:-: -j.vd. t - h :!".': le 77f KJINKLIN HOTEL OPEJyj M. M. CHAPMAN OPTIMISTIC DONATES LIGHTOLIF.hl FOR i MEMORIAL MONUMENT GOOD ROADS AN ASSET i r w.,n V; .i . ; ul h: , !. .tI.. rica.i. ii'! e u- . : ..g. five r. p.; -n ft !! -.v. named w ;;. via : a t k "l.ariu j i i;e V;:i. r" li - unn:: " 'v'-viv P.- v-v. f-w . . f :'.:. " Weudcrfu! :,- arc r- . v -'! a ; . i . l.-'-v a vrea; '1 hey prepared a: ;. cS a ' r ut ill r rf ..'el '.'- K'aip.V ; i v. ,-, 1 1; 'Ve farm Irani. , watoi e , ;.Vl liai'iiwvod fi-''e.-tr.. :rdu--!i ;..l ( .pp; vL ail ,t ;es will b - l vrrat i. ti't'c. t tlie.-i' s-ek;:pir tn ',( iiu'.- e re-.v . tivironmont. ! ; LiL'iLDlNG PROGRAM V;.: a ;'r. t nun.'reii I'leiisanu :!d i ;( r PmlaiMv r.".r-an in tr.c- cay .i I'.reva.-.'. !" -ay n.".hir.;r f n--.v in-;utv.e-. !; m-. etc.. it ( i'p a'l (v thi- ei... nty o'i Tvr..': t,-'..',.!a, it . i. ii ' t i-M-.j:; . :;tinir. but is r; .lly '.. .i.edi ; ' tat; i r.ei.i t fay that r. oi'i .;i . a-n : 11 ' We- tern Xerth ,-t , , pi,;: i- !v.v:"!V a l :.:r;e : .!-.: T!-ur' ::itn:v;'ii aad ??n-. v ..- ,, vm-'t p'"stH-rity as "Tiie l.aaf! i '..VI ,.; i!-." ' Vl;!-,. ,v !.. .'.a::.' i.i'e heni -t . a t ;.e.d learir-e n. Tt- Ti 1'. IP iv V.i-'u.i' ('"iveaivv ', . n . i-i a ( 'tur.y.aiv, . terv.n: tl.l lillil!' .f-H i'H.- !',;!' 'flic V . i is 1 I ; vs-'-:o r.e ..('!,'"'. V- Wit ! 1V-." ! ' a ivi i!! -. S-' ' ;; -.'v.- iv: ;i c a in i'l'i v :;v.v !'-;- rv-a' Vl lanaii f-v.m i- l an v.v-rvv v v.a 1- T,- I'' ADVEKV'S" pflLVARD pia.-i -i '- niher tradi'-. yi v.- Fr.,.k re ; : am .v : : L e-; Jit LV .;- ;:v.- - 'ev - i.-e-M-aMir. hu c vivea v:io xraih Tcssiiik' aatioTi :f the eiti vd by the luvd and '. V. I. Tiil-'. XeV : nv e-::ibli- h- . also. 'j i j - .; l i -ii. r:-. arc! P.Irs. B. B. Toad New O.-.r-( crc Favc:-a!y Iniprccrcd With Brevard in.. :':.TRIC POWER DEVE1 CP ME NT Tj ('1,'in-i,. is wvil .-..i i '..ay. Tiic .:-.vorlh-Si!vi'r.stvc-ti IvjIvvvj- ea: f t. ihf v .u-r of Caaiweil ;ml .Via in v.:. St'tn-t- v. .11 r.-ican 'xv nuv-i nun-em .late ofiicc ; store Kuld- hc.'v: anv! .- ) i : f I ... 1 1 i ii; a!, ;nis M.-1-i.vii. .ii.i' i.'ui-.u .i. co"-r a spare of a'mut one huv, -,!t nl fe( bv aim .oh- hit! i 'ft-et It will tie "liree st-ries of -o.iij.r. ,.-e,l 7 T. : ' ,w.:l- fower '"nr. t-h :y has hr ck u-i'n nvii'ble tiled iloo; -. w it h i vv;vi-U-(! ;h iii-lallat :a:i of a m w l.tMUtifnl :'-ass HK-kel I1" ! , l;.:v '.v't.V-h will tr'!-h: the anreunt of ri.i'iii's d :ixtuiev. Tnere .T0 1h- ' vvatir t.vld in th-- reservoir, which thii'e oi vei'haps ft,:;i i;vl e -t;.res jfi i: nr. .ited ainonnt water fatiiiy; Main street. C:n Falihvell p-iv.f r. la juniitioti to the iv v.- dam street h n-road stairwaj will eoi.vey they ha-.c htiln a new race -with a on? to the upper stnries v.nd a kuyu-e '"-Ver an ! have installed a .irreat st'.i e v. ih face (V:vlwt il street. It . nuiiTuru of -nvx elect rieal mricjinei-y, is 'j eliev-Ld this wi'i5 be f,ccup;ed by etc. Tsvs will nu-ar- that this a n-inierii furniture and musical in- j w;H Via.'--:- hi! vse electric pcwi r r.e stm nent :Uove in at lea-v the lower cesj;j-y fo( the .ievobiprru-. t of ;ii!Q-wiu f!-i:r. Tfje- 'tu ildiiit --.till - manufau ur.injx industries fc: hat t- elev.'ic rs. steavn hi-u: and e : -ry years. cone, u nee that modern science has EDUCATION AT. DEVELOPMENT eve? . ni I'ltf- il. ! rT. Th.- Xews has publisned consider- j 1 ht' Brt,van! ,n:: :tutt' hus able -ab..ut tYie new cotta-es. house--, j !ll;'U"a A '!rmitory f the homes V -All kinds, that n- 'l.en:r " i'ie ;nc-vase,i hoy built nil in re are at ktu one d .i ti.e KnTiir:iliws that are exnected ' I TV,,. nr.--,- I 1 - -, t(, he 'milt u-hhin the nr xt viv miiiuts- I ' " lM,,w' wnici, is Th- -v; xiv- Ll'.'e! 1 -. 1 - - I !-. ;cy n v:od '. the . ! .-. ! v wtis -peiied June i. r 'c Mr. ar.ri Mrs. !. C T-.!.' are- very i favorably ini prcsed wi(h Brt-vavd ti-r: ;:nd are e.xp- rV.v tu have very '' busv s(:iS(.n. '. : . - i . 1 . If 1 ' et.l-i ;.(-- a . i A !;. !:-cc- O'-cha.'s " r; ra nv V. e!l many I p'.invs. in;s ci'llece i - one of Tra-i- ylvunia'? tn'e;ae; t ttssets. throu.ti the Brevard Building ;uic' Loan A socrituon. CITIZENS TELEPHONE CO. As an education center "The Land f Waterfalls" is lfc,-.t taking a leafc 'iq: place". Growth educationally has bee?, veil organized and well equipped rutvnier camp.;, four vtyv successful no n denominational school, Bre- soon to bv built in Brevard with State aid. will be one of the Tf.ast handsome building in the Slate. The cost, will njiJifc?v i-. ' ....l ,i . The I'rtize.vv Telephone Compaq I .inJ j. ""' ----- tm,u- is in a Srtiurisftin!? condition. .-. s.. per cent dividend was recently de clared to aTl -stw-kholders and tbe de mand for vtock is heavy, whik' the jrrice, it it. r-id'X :s away above par. t)ver a thousand -dollars were paid on indehtedncv Tirr total valuf of the -telephone sy.-tti- is estimated to be much over thirty thousand dollars .ana he actual cort has not exceeded over tweiity-eijrht thousand dollars -.vith indebted nosi. of less than three thousand dollars. The presi dent, Treasurer and board of direc tors were reelected. This growth of the telephone system shows the pros ' perous condition of Transylvania county and the stockholders and pa trons are to he congratulated upon having such efficient directors, etc. COTTON MILL IMPROVEMENTS The Brevard Cotton Mills rare im proving this enterprise by building additions and are at the present time installing an engine that will devel op two hundred horse power. This will inrure an unlimited amount of electtic power. The cotton mills are trebling in capacity and will em ploy over five hundred hands when the develop::: cntd contemplated have coatr-icicd to be at the Fran, k - in I've v midd!" of' until ividev- i.f S- y te mbvr. At letisi I.- fee dares n w(-ek wi!; ! a for of tlv Franklin's, erv. r tainmeiit.v. Mr. and .Mr. Toiid htive p.,int(-t! oat th;;; the Franklin will be especial ly delighted b ente-tair the Trt.nsy'i vania folks and f the;, whlnnv give card v . irti-s or entert-iiv-n;"i;ts. t ht Franklin will b.- ;.t : !.- : r sc rvic;. . An imported chef i- a v- cial fea ture for VVs .---as. m. lb- e tees To I-'r-vard fraai th- east c -.f I '.o rida. Another 'intorestin-r fe-iture at th" 1- rtinkli-j this season wi'l be a I-v-'.er-carten, caviducted by M.s , - Ballard, Wth for tne guests at the hotel and any other children. Ar rangements can be made with Miss Ballard at rtr.y time. A merrv-t'o-roimd and other amusement - iie.v been added to the Franklin, esnccial ly for tile children's ue during the rainy we a ti e r. Auto jiartie.--. firivate dtiv.cing or card parties can obtain all i-cor.'.o.i.i-tions at the ho' el. Comfort is a wan '.ivv. y, ia -Jy; m.'Hlern resoit hotel, with, -verv mo dern convenience an:i t vp:ii:vm:nt. rooms, en suite or single. ; larre number of private bath.-, atvi u.udc -its present management the table art'. i e i ; i ;.i..n; V '! h' :-y wi- i HP gr-::t(- v Lvvwv; etirie to the prrhhe- of Vi : - -a : at. i : .-!un-ut eV ihe future visi v. i dv : -a!h i-y lb V ; . i ;. v. i'. r. li r-c P. at iot!. ih y J : a- tr i- i :s .-l.tce. 1 o., non. ;: 1 he- until the:.). - o' -! m- . : 1 1; t's r.av- vi.-ams, til :'' d- i:o; ;iad timoti-- How an ('!'"h t ' . : s b h-:vc ,: '' oy c at tile . !-tv, !:ad ;t vi-: I iv" 1 ;h:.t tit, 1 h.. i.f v 1 ieh I eoiicL'.-' met:, -tiii b.-s a-- ., ..- tk. Talk t-r il. A. Di-iaiv: Dint. !.:':!. V . :' -ai-bile age. cT.-.not make Kittg. Alvi. Moore; talk. Mi.-. Ids he ;ys t nat '!..-! larve without m ;.t ideals and YVhk.r.iiv. ".eed-: i f i.lf ' Servi--.-;" v t-io-ve..-) i by ' err i I '. M. ; iiV;-; -tat - -i':V T; -sv . a 1, a.i ..f Is -a that ton- of deb -act c.vthi ii- ra. - . i her..-(.r- v.hl'. 1 -. - v a That T'T.: O'.l.t V1' !e P11AV FRS ! or i a vj: . i. the ideals must begin to work in the talk. Rev. Hart, well, "I pkvsic pe.iod of b. yhoci' Trained Workers in B. Y. P. F. :" c!;::;at,. a:id v.o-king ",1!u:-";" v'- ' nVi-aii. ( :. Hill To.-..i- .V- !.. ..11 ;., I. r i . . .. 'i " " '- o.o,n. i.iii- (l plants. esp'seia:'- r-.: M -lenr.i- Bishop. "Work of the mills. He has travelled v,i( T-; a . .!'.;?;.::" : and buvve a. over thi- count .- :wl via -i ha I' ! i i :a ! ( i v . c . .. ,. ! ... a w. ... ... on-. - . - ei. i-i- ,c.;,n in the ::avv. 1 1: a; i: - k.: rvt .1 tile ei.nctfons in .;, lin.U- ...-.) I.. . : : .. . - i - """' .ii. o ::e it-; ai : aa o-ae' . especitiiiy Tran!- va: i.a. i he idea! j-la--. 1 !-:' d t -. due-to i 'mi' -'a.-!-v t:.'-;;:-'.;i-..-.l n:v i For the v;fts ef Co.! to ;ju- , hut -i and tne iv:v:i m the boys f today. ' LAYMAN'S CLUB PLANS AD "e. it'-V, e For law-ving liie id-alv of :i:iys by , careless spoech. stvtish exr-t dk Th-'s ' 'iub via a v-'eal: coirs-p-romise -r uninsj-ii ing e:;- ! the Me'iieil.a elmrcli f-an.iav "-o.enaL c.t . iiNOlUiN VVUKa .Xoit'i Caroliti; ee o'clock and Curat" tineiitialed. eui ;'( r- il- se.i 1 '- '" ' e!ai miturtil ja .-' -a. re. - . t! Iatt ret srion. i; '-; I'bu.tie.: to semi a delegation to : TranV!veri . eolfi'- i --:'! e- !'k-,v.,I, 'IS 1 :- : .... i i i . . ' ' ' " That all movements for th- t-iin- ' " Ul ' e v '' ' : ,u,a'ut' ' ,o tlia naradi-e of th. imr and m-ihata,-, of b.,vs ;..r-- ra- a. I-ayri:;nV ('!ub !h' - ''neil in have-, ,,f tho het.i.h m llMi U-lt'l, t U . . i 'Ink 1 T . ... cognize JesiM Christ as the only true ' ' l" 1 1L1" i"-1'u'" ::l "'i:-: . builder. aad liing way to the highest m;.n- ' V'!a v ('s ' j As we shook hun.'.s in p; rtiag. h i.tniiK'n irom all tourists, r x,ui ia. lloed. That in thi bov o seii.' t are invited tt be present Sundav af- ; It ienominati..ns lexclaimeii. "Fu-h ev-. rvthV.v. F.i i -'a r-. is ail of th- advantage-- teouire i pr-s'pt rity a id unbm; u-i'st trip are t.l growth, titat nature Ivr- d teriioor. and those -who ,-!im j.- . s may discover that th- hi.-h,.st , . ... . " K ir progress. cars tor the -lso-.-ih service to their country is. un falter- ...a ., i . . , . ing ioyaity to Jesus Christ in carry- " ' ; everything for us and that we only ing out His program for the world. SHOWER IN HONOR OF MISS ! T,' V"f d 0""p-,ra:K,:'-" That all boys may find full scope GERTRUDE FALLS L - , ' ha!;!y'al hns ' (' or ' ,i : . A .Light.. her tor the meatciai niotli:- " iiioi iiim-iiiua;u: s;;uii in tile service the bast obtainable. The hotel is situated just inside 'ian 'ilation the incorporate, limits of Brevard; . A PRAYER has. paved streets and fid-walk from ' Aln-;iT,- t..,v,,. 1 .u.. - ....... i "uii.1 , n-i i'tll LCI tne daring task of establishing a Christ- ' Or. Tuesday night, June .". Miss iv.ent. a gift the v; ' f tif; v dollar Gertrude Falls' Sunday school class gave a miscellaneous shower in her honor at the home of Mrs. II. A. Plttmaaev Tne livincr .,.! a;.. s Ot touav the s'iovv an, tVio ..... , ii . ( 4 u i i " ill!'- riiiim vera 1 n 1 . i inclined t ( i o rgc t that we - tne ei.t.ance, ami yet H m- htautv of life. Knaiile them n rise . u".'-'' -..u.-i ,he ul;ii. liu ;i'iw have m the county one dozen fl cal('(1 ln ttie niiiist ot a park and sur- gnidual and natural, and we conse- t'10 fh'iot and business section of the !,ovs NEW FASTGR AT BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wallace Hartsell - ' !bjru vilie. X. C name '.is .'vn-arr:Ut-e i rounded by a stdendid 1; '- to their supreme onnort nn-i es t -' anu N ; church last :. 11 - . ros nigitt . and tit a t wo -. com i.-i cie .-r ....(ti ..,.-.,!... .. i ...v. ......I m xitii- ;i e.' i'C-ss-i -r- a ','rnV0 of -c-r.tury-old oaks, that the m-,.P ana to make re-nh- bofP- , ' W? ""'y in'V1V' Mtlir cont0- t- Wt'rc pstaa nte.l to his !u tate high schools, -A regular accredit- vk'ws the porches are unob- r!ind for the work that ,nvatt;' xm nurm; tne eveinng. one being ' th that thov hav., 1 State summer school, and a well r 11 utieu- n' can gaze over the Insnire then, -ith ..v.-:, i. "'llL u,u UR uuu - ; in tlfeii- seb-etion wuie valley ot the French Broad ,.,., , , . ';o,,e -aioon in p. in tnese con- v-uuiiii- t;nu se:i-con:r(. .i i-m . . ... .... . , a-sts .Miss l-:ils proved to b rrd institute, which are all operat- river and feast the eyes on the mag- 1 within ten miles .if 1,e ronrt ! n'H-nt mountains that taicircie tl r.ouse. mem aviiiist the temptations of ' ,.,. ou . , c in' t roil- ovi, i-i , , .... .i j? j i i ot me world w-hich w;is areunt!. j't no evil nassion have -n... tniKf. whole nlateau It is no accident that all ibis aca- I The ownership is vested in Mr. ajid dominion over them. Write the 1; em;c etiort is centorin" in and near ! Mrs. B. B. Todd of Flovida. who srs of 1,-iiiHnoov ;t- u,; . , a. . ...v. ..iv. .....i.-.- n, uivji lie. u is mat ill b.trrel of be the win- d the prize. "rain water." Rav. Ha-tstll's fatnil- r ' - -" : -. - - not rivt a in Brevard y. ; . -a ;.-c an accidi'nt to it is b.ti- i-a. broke his bg ami is n-v in a hosiv- v. at . But when the contents of the barrell t,,.,.. . (l v..' , '". , , . , tai. i lii't aie e- e. teit to ;u ' au 1 were teste.!. Miss Falls was surpris- ! ,.,M. , ; ,,., .... ' , , ,. 1 neio m tv'i'Ut two v. i---t 11 1 ed to bnd that it ha'd been raining! ' 1,1 '"uuai,l'- ' -'-P 1,1 Nlut- eAie,:ence niaj n;:ie an cruelty with a perfect ; ch ho-entifnl ..--ft tv, ' opnortunitie, in Transylvania and who have established a most en- hatred and love all p-oo.-,, ' t ounty has b-conte a hab't andamong viable reputation over a large part of mercy with a perfect love'. May the ! ,L ,!, tor"e. was phiyed- ! Thl' J" he causes of it may be mentioncl j the South for maintaining an uns-ur- child Jesus u tho, n-i t.,,.i- I A. mo ue,!t'10us 'i'esn- Xew.- .s he intelligence and educational in- ! lscd table, and of olFering to so that as thev -row' in , tv, ' ! I 0t ,strav".-Tru and whipped ' are v;-iic 1 ' ' v . vuv. piviflni i - 1 l 1. i i crest of the people as well as the de BUSINESS GOOD b department .-f Biov.-ir-i unusuaiiy go-d. Pi fai-t. w d wit h order r.. i1 ! atn v ef t h tnd boarding house . their guests accomodations and ser- mav grow in grace and at the wt ' , -A T wort mt and buartimg house- arc ha- .'vice that are unexcelled. ,av behold fhv face hout fe ' 7 '"' -f 1 ! Under this management, and with ! or 'shame. Grant an answer to our! ' i minted for the use -f iglitful year round climate, the sti r.ulating atmosphere, the beautiful .-encry. and the natural objects of tuC recent improvements, the Frank- '. prayer through Jesus Christ. Amen ulmiration and study. j lin will be found to be ore of the ; C. D. C. These institutions have worked niost delightful hotels in the moun- . heir way in among us to a position tains f stability both profesionally and KEEP THE SWATTER BUSY The Xews suggests that each their guests. turaliy. printed stationary the best advertircment a hate'. i.'iar.cially. "P: tha i .... ; ur tlnncmi-il-n n.-.-l 1...... i. ul com eteiv oi:siihss mrm -oivo-ik-- .... -ii. C.l I - I e ta.i i'o-.-o.O US- . .v. cx .o,,v ox tne, paper to j a ur , require someone to put ;n five min- Each guest in usin- this ivu anends who are expecting to spend j utes every morning during the sum- will r-Wb'v averC-e A.'ZA;,, .. the summer in the mountains. mer workinr- ,he flv--,vnttv . . " .1 .' "' ' " 4.

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