TRANSYLVANIA "THE LAND OF WATERFALLS" 'WAY L 4 THE MOUNTAINS Brevard EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVANIA COUNTY. THE LOCAL NEWS An Idependent Weekly. VOLUME XXVIII BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1923 NUMBER 24 News D SUBSTANTIAL ADDITIONS TO THE CONGREGATION OF ST. PHILIP'S CHURCH ' On Sunday, June 10. the congrega tVjof St. Philip's Episcopal church jjl'd a visit from the Bishop of Astern North Carolina, the Rt. Rev. Junius M. Horner oi A-heville, and the morning service the largest class in the history of the church was presented to the Hi-hop tor continua tion. The adult.-- f.rm:mr the class were : Mr. and Mrs. li. II. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Pirns. K. On'. Mr. Chas. M. Poohc, .li.. Mr. .1- Miss Nan Eisle; ;. members 'of t he i.-.-Uowena Orr. Martha Proes.- . .and Mary S- a-.J . Rfee.-e. CarPa,,! Sh .Broa-.r.eld. , ; ; he iror-:' - : A ici - tin- t'e- li'",' ! co is n gat s- ' assisted y the h- ' P. -v. .1. a, he. r a ral yai- ' -ndt il!a-,! h.i m:-. ' ,:!fi;;bri' !' '' ev Out !-: " 'in Unity : "'i ' ()) M ' -i , ' tiot'al re i : ipV Prctoiy. :a .muoltt. am. . tv you ! I were M : , S::'el's( e. a. :! Proml'mL: 1 . t v rer-laia- a - e. the Flev.ard ' a- I a '. a-. :;ir; e ICt i a u : ail:,.: ' : , -tep : nee a r : au;!i ;-i'o !S : ' ' . Iledeee . anpli, a: tile lie--' hehl in .P , i:..!i- tin- ho eh::-, h a" of what liiS, a fv.iP ,iaa of t!ie aa-ted P.cj 1, hut it aiMi- t ion v. id Philip's i iaiia-!n wan will put it eo the -aaie basis. i;i tlicy niatter of d'-.o ,a ra ia, lit . as any pam.. ti. no tara'e. wiur.u tin l, ,.f a.,, Pv,.i t?.i!i mo jui :.-.!. i "i . ' '.v ....... . i. .arcia The foriiiia.a: of S: . Philip's Mission i Mito ;s ia:i:-h v. ill not mean that its . 'oved Pd-h-.p. Ut. Rev. Junius M. r:-.-r. '.c h-.-s (lose soiad t e.t!, v. h the chn-ch and th;- is a fea.'u.'- is welcomed by the ,-;.rane;o blossoms. She carried a hmi entire con'eieeatioii. jniiet of bridal roses, li' ,.f the val A seeor ti bashiess matter of inwlcv and swan -oma. portaa.ce was the dicu-siou of the . plan- of th.- cnrepatnej. h-n-r under con-iderf.tion. for the erection of a . parish hnuse. and the prospects for ; securine; this much needed huildinu I will ! a".-a;ly enhanced by the forminp: of a parish instead of rt- : mainim." a mission as at present, and ; it is fully 'believed that the compara- ! tivelv near future will find the erec- ; tion of a ii:irish house under way. , and it nns neen ueiinneiy ueciueu mat sucn a ouiioinu' w.u oe e: ec-.eo . with m v'ito to the future growth of the oonii'reration and also the im- I . r 4 1,.. ..n,,,...U ,...,.,..-t .. Ir. ' pioeinenioi uiunii I""!"- 1 'p an artistic substantial manner. The property now owned by St. ! Philip's Mission is one of the mot valuable in town, being located at a ' liv-.ililf i.-iin nn ITnin ti-i.tif I t i and consisting ot large grounus turn an attractive, though small, church anu a larue ami comioriame i ecun . ; During the morning service on j o i... . u r 'U.i r '!..,.. ouuuay. uio ivev. cnaimeis i,. v ,- man, retired Rector of St. Philip's, ' appeared in the chancel for a brief ; . i i . - . . . i .u.. I ume, mis nis nist msu io me ; church since his illness during last : fall, and. while prevented from being present at the meeting on Monday i -no- fh.. P,.,. M,- ri,i,m:n, ...t : s"sw...r,, ' ' a letter which was read to the con- gregation and which carried a mes-, their return from a short wedding sage of welcome to the newly added itrip. will be nL home at 202 River St.. members, and also outlined the bene- to be expected from the erection a parish house. The congregation voted to convev to Mr. Chanman its ! thanks for the message, and the love ; of 'its iv.nmhovs . , ' ' ' ' . . .i i After tlie business session. the , meeting was turned into an informal reception during wnicn me omen : of St. Philip's (Juild served boii'iti ful and delicious refreshments. BUILD THE MEMORIAL All those who have pledged teams -in! nr-.,- ,tl,,.. .;ii u f,. u i i . n , i team or a hand please meet at Robt. t,44.. r , a-tto,. h lucbuay, june J y, ana put, in one day's work for the cause. HARRIS-CRARY WEDDING I The marring of Miss Mary Harris and Mr. Oliver Crary took place Tuesday afternoon at five o'clock at the Methodist Kpiscopal church. The ..,-r.m,Mv niM-fitrm...! 1 iv liov. V V V 1 1 I w t 1 v. - m -lloW s ! e.( y et Mi, A::w"!; I a'ie a aa ' ' t tal- .ey vnt a. o.' : a. that To a aa v .. :i -oil ri -on a m ; car : t she .a r o ' v, e, l pea -a Y .ties Tom Pau-n. dre- sed w h'.ir ii. .: a el ; ro U. ers and 1 d Ue i , a actod a p:--.. Little Mi-s Chariot 1 . . . a v. : . - o I ro.-e tliile n'a I d it t . red rose net ah l ild ihe e'ot h - path of htd'h-. dd:e hr ha via, entered the I'nurch in r utther. W . 11. UarriJ . wre .. i... .,,n. ...... t 1 ,,.,.., of i-.-nrv i in. rnmmed with hand-made peail '.-entered rose, which was prraee fully lrnpod atal excei;! uateil the extren.e youth ami beauty of th- hrid". He eih wliiti: v. a- the weiidine; ;d of her mother, htt a corn '. The bridegroom was attended Ia fi. P. FI,.yd. Fairmont. N. C. as best man. Tile trroomsnu n were: Messrs. A. C. Paue;-, H. II. P-aims 0f Homier- sonville, Saxby Chaplin. Charlotte Fhtve H. C..reni-.' of Prevard. The bride is a yum- woman, p.-s- sessinrr a lovable disposition of inuch charm. She is .admired and loved by nTl her friends. Her marriairc ti Mr Crary is the happy culmination .f a romance wnicn nan its neinninu m vnuunoou :as. Slr. Crary is a graduate of State Ccdleue class of and is a yi-unp ' .,f ..1 ,...l.r..r .t. l i i . f At nn....,n' . .in'i"" mo ...r, ,ium t , ....... , he holds a responsible position with ; J. F.. Serene Co. in t.reonville, b. P. One t.f tne most elaborate social functions of the season was the buffet 1 i i v f.'U t , . ti T i i ti ' 1 . dVnTlintr f nil OAA I T , f -i i r i li: I. , . 1 a renearsai oi me weuuing ai uie . home of the bride. Immediately j ai im uie niuniv. an ui.".nu ' 1 " ; ception was held at the home of 31 1 . i ..... it.... H' II TI. V, r! ,i .,- tt.,, I .m.s. ,v . n. i. ....--, '""... ..r, , bridal party and a host of friends. ( The receiving line was composed of t.t j -ii . T I IT , .1 "Mr.- I .ur. ano .tus. immi.s, ... d..u , O. T. Crary and the bridal party. I Airs. Harris was gowned in a tieaiui- ful Spanish lace, while Mrs. Crary wove bl-u h bea.hd erene Romaine. 1 . , " .... ' Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Crary, upon Creenville, S. C. Ihe out ot town j .guests who were present for the cere- ; mony and reception were: Mr. and Mrs. IP P .Whitener. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crary. Columbia, S. C; Mr. and ! M r.a II. ( '. Seabohi. Asheville: Mr. ' i t - i i -t.i-11 i ! and. .Mrs. Oakley Mills and son, ! Charles .Mills: Mrs. Hugh Sowers, ; t- , eeo-aim, ..;s. .untaa Ralph James. Mrs. Ceo. Jones. Puke ; Crary of .Asheville, Mr. an Mrs Bangs of Hondorsonvilk f)nP PTTinrt kmv the ttonvinc Umrt-I nro will last ten vars -in, i tie t !, , age ill List tin j.yn. .iml tlit u ml. take a vear and a half to meet ores- ' v, t ' I John R. Hay. assisted by Kcv. I. ee A. member of the "rose family," "the cstiiifr, fascinating and helpful to halls, .pastor of the 1. ride. Fghmi llle or .w eel Briar." whose ever l'm'- ' " ihil. e The church was beautifully decor- exquisite bo. any with its dainty pink.1"5'1'1 :,!'""' h-; " "!l atcd with rich green mountain fern thu i. and graceful leafage, p- ndn- '-"r'! ' i'r;.' ' : i! and clinging ivy. Ai the a'tnr was an ed to a ! -light ful pen,! i a! in- !ra-, ;'!'' '' ' '''' 'b ! arch of iy f !. which hung a hell v;ranco. Perhaps no t! . cr e . i a! i ne - ' ' : : ' "' '''"' " ' ;'' ,!!ee:' foi,!i-,i- f hreal I'.-e-. so much rustic wildnes.- of h.-auty f'1''1"' "f '' ' j M: Ma;. Crary presided at the with a fondues f,,r dwelPiv.' near hu- ",!-r ,r!!! '" ::' '" '- !i"y ' e.rtra:. and r ndered a musical p-o- haunts as does the P.irlant inc. M''';it !'"' ' !Vf' "f ;; j c-"Pti 1-efore the a)ipn.:!rh of . I Shelly. lh,. Kne-li.-h Poet, descrihe-: 1"';,!- h' lo'idai party. Mr.-. llae;h Walker hninjriy : iran.h! )., a:.d y. : 'e'-iaia., . aae, .-welly -Pecause," l.y D'llarde- --),,, 'n!,nry wine of the moon un- "ur K :,e. The h-i(hd chorus from I.ohen- folded Kirlatilitie! 1 iien to -iv- yon v.-ej; !. w ' ; siei u;i tecii a; a processional. Pur- Which i'aiiie-' catcli in hyu. inth 1 n '',!-' ! r,-:i' !!l'"-1 i,r ; j in . the c rer.;..ny SchuMiann's "Trau- howl-." ' ' r of our ! o-d. i!m v ha o of ai ire'ei" wa o!a(i very roftly. And our own Hawthorne n "Th- 1"':1'('!'- ' ho:.,, ail a;,. ,ha.r r. ; '!he ;e'i,r. w, re: 11. 1 1 . PuPoii. j Scarlet l.,tnr" c:ives u- a heautiful "' v,1! r,u "',' 1 V:ii'' ' v" r;;' '' i head a-hei' a ..dted hy I.amar (lal.w - j pu;;;;-,. , , f ;),. o,,.,; : , ; ay. :eh(o, Tiaataam. Frank Puck- j u-: ,.w ;,( ; j-,,. ,,, ,, , , e,,-.. ;. . . ,.; :. ' j v,.,-si and Ccorrr Uohin.-on. '1'lie F.nviund !::'! . ,.. : ! ,1. j h ride's honor attendant- w. r, form- , , ,jK. ,., . , p, il: j i r -cho, 1 1 . ; i T : Misses r.iir.r.'i h . ,,:-,;U r i!- - 'v- c:m red ' ' : . ;ee!e, Xel! ('..ride of Ashevil!-.'. ; .'ui:-. v.,.., ; ;. , . . (.id. ' ' ... era. " V. ; , I ( 1 he : . K i ! I ,ai : ie. M dd; t 1 'Fran; !y; ai i , . ,, p . ;. , , a,. a ., f ,., ,-. ,. . ' .. . ' I . . : ac- j i ' ' : Pr, M a . . ; " ' .. . :l , . , : ' ' . ' . I ' Tin .Whaner;. !h-aaei- Sh-dev. a,d:n :.r r,...-,. ... , ;.p - 'w.,- . a a :, -. . - I ' , j in e , ' . "- ' !. a. 1 o,-, . .,. ; ,.. ,,. . :,r:i ., .. - , liatiof,-! A. t . Haiioiek of A-iie- p,,-, j.;. .; e :. e la ; - o I . . . , I ' : . 1 , . x ' ' , ' oo ; "..a ! '. i : ' ! ' ; e 1 1 , ( : a a o , i ' , T!"..- fi'.'t.'V n a i, is were : Mi.-s. s -,.',.. v,.,.: ,, ; ':. , , . . . . , ' - -r- ' : a . f j Mddted ne.-. II. li n Frown of A-he. - .,o,..,.i N l;p i , '. . ' "" -1 '. ; 1 : i: ; ili. . i 'ol ; h;a Sil . :'-te(-u i f Pi . '.aa'd . ;. . v .a t n ; '!.- , . : ' ' a. ' a : . . .' are M'e;:;:!:t Key,.;: ,.f Ralei; .h. . ,, ;,, p...- fami;-.a Sh .,. :' ' ' '' ' u-:'. . : ..... w. a yaadifi;: ne, and . ( . p, , . . . ,., , ; , ... Sn-a --i'I. ?en.a " ' :. ! I : i e- ha: ti.d Wh t;dle a:.. p... ,., . . .... ' - i ' . 1 ' - : ' : . . . 1'iie . ca rriod ha - ! , -1 o , : ; ,., . a .... . , JULIA NATHALIE FORSYTHE (AN APPRECIATION) It was a happy thought, of the Crjited Daughters of the Confeder- acy of the Old North State that they chose fm- thi-ir Kim,. ,, , i ,1. . m.o - - - - - - v- - v..v.i. .... , ... i villi.' l lit I 1IU L- ,he t u ir home- -v.!a e.pre -i d a a a: nan ; ro a ' d upon h i ch a - aate-ed. ia o-ed. no v",irf. iie;. Th, .hr.e-hohh I pr utical ;i: irt of i'aia: V(.,. h.1(1 n(, ,a , . , o.cia T1I1 ,,.;l,a, i--,, ; .iv,M. no pni'ii-a ihe .m ;p(. tor i o diaiaa !'l. ... i s-.... .. it wa. . p.t i i -.1 . ,, ...: a; ';.:-. diaa -a'P-i.. i mo-:. . of tia- de-ohei,,'! " . .; d 1 man's Marian to tra- Sea." "in um-taiice for m a prevented Mrs -'..rvthe f pu; .( iitlo men ber of tin i);ulL.n; ,,f the American P.-volu- tjon ..n( ,p(, i-r:u.,j pauuhter- th(. ( ()11f,,(!(.ra(.y. However, her hi- tl.r,j p, ,heir v.rk never ', .v. ha' ;v.i.:a.. Si! v.a- too -r,,- a-n a ' f.. tha, KT.. lowed by nature and f;lV(,n.,i i)V t.dacaton she was titled t() anv station in i f. ir i lie cam- ot societv met witri i,n ia - eo 1(.r j.t, deoied her I if,- chool ju (. raniiv and Sundav 'classes. She not onlv dhl lier ,'u'v , f tr-u..i u,,,. . i' t tll ,,,.,1,, ti' ...,,. a irp,t.,.. . i i...,t..r Anil now sill- sjeeps but "S,, U1 w. an. .h;i. , f)Wn h(,al., lie : that hen in v.rii,ino dreams there ct mes a call thai sets the thread of 1 memory aglow, we know that jus: by ; i of i.,,... ,lf 1hi.. fl,,w,.,. hl waitinff ham, wjl, flasp )Ur mvn" moiv across the distance in the same oj(j wav An)I s() ()Ur (U,ar ?-lstt. faithful! ,ind t.u(i hami .j.,- in !ian(li NVI, 1 -vnj .,)er , v r vour .rr.,T t, ,.,- i.,,!.,..., f ! Stau. motto: -Hau.l Obli viseen.Ium. '(,t Forgotten" CIIAPMFRS I). (1IAPM W i (-h. , (f ,u. Vt.mb. of . ! . . "f i ' - y - y.n.inia i napter, at tiu-ir request. . WINNERS IN CONTEST ; 1 Ik' U. 1). C. Lihr.irv wiU be open June 1 r for the summer hours, from ! A. M. until 7 P. M. ; Through the Brevard e"-s the Fettcrm-m: ladies want t - t, n ' Frank L. Hurry. Mayor Mitciu II and '-or,-- T'-t, o-.r,.- f..,. a. ". '. ' " " printing the posters for our clean. up campaign, also police Sims and the uiy rat tiers lor meir assistance. The children receiving the nrizes offered by the Pet'ernient A.-socia- lion for the largest trash piles col- lectod on the following streets ware: Main St., Francis Plummer; Brotul ' C 'auito luchinaii Depot St., Mollie ' Snelson, hitnnre St.. Eliza NichoP son cotton mill section vtfc.n J.,.., son; cotton mill section, Ethel -Pros it v: colored town Jones Will THE PRAYER CORNER 1 havo a wwtl(erful 1'le booklet by Amos U- iW,1ils t'ally1 "Thv House f the Lord's Prayer." It is inter GIRL iS AFii'.ILF.SS e'JT ACT!' Cri;: ,'ed S ' :c "a i C " U r. i.c: . y c :' C"i. ! riakes C- aa R , : ,' ' c. ... "! a-i a 11. :. . 'an e , . o ( ' : : ., . : ! e. j-i ;...! ! . : to r. - ' . ri te M.-- Hal of a a-;i. feel. She y.arn.' v. and an an 1 . . :a.- a a fh e of th. . I" a -' .- e h: lb a- da:A !a. o is s.:;idde with lahih. nh.aivs harks (dose ;,, ;p,- "unhPe lew Tao-ath. rma s oi v ' j ' ' ' J ' Kilied in Church as Hymn !s Being Sung Point Piia-iiit, W. V. As ' t!a- ('".';;rci:aii',ii -f a. little f ehureli, five miles from 1,-re. rose i t to sl:-. a hymn, tlie pe.i ie were ' t stiiltied a pistol sli.--r. an-! d.arles 1 ro-t foil dead in Ids seat. Paul hdom h was arrested ! J 0 i i and brought to the cuumy jail ' t hvre. charged villi the sho-'tln He made no statement to the 0 authorities, but persons a.t the t 0 0 ehurh said the naai had m.iar- reled over a voting woman, of 0 the congregation. I KEEPS LONELY VIGIL AT BIER , Wj(d.Cyed A Night fay Corpse of Friend Who Had Shot Himself. Spencer, Okla With solemn faces and wide eyes, si n.-L-ro friends of Alien A. Osborne sat besido his coldn all nigit. in the tM'-fooiu shack near lu-ro H-liiT,, I l'i, ,!'!.. sta.t himself .... ... .. ... " Z s-""";"'-' 'us 'notnor-tn-mw i.uni I'.radloy. ami his wile, Ldle Os!,orne. the neirm r.-nirned to Ids own h.-iae. I dressed himself in a white duck suit with Inrpe pearl1 buttons, wrote sev- oral messages, climbed Into n rmle pine Collin lmiit by his own hands, placed a PiUe under his head, an-! then sht himself. When I'hysielai wll,'n I'hysielan- lmd pronouncwl Osborne dead, negroes from t!u neigh borhood lirmiidit their lunches and ro laained thro'.igh the rdht wit!i their de-id friend i.ulu ' I'.radlev the mot her-indnw died several it.iirs iieiore, accoribn:: To negroes in Sjiencer. Pdie Oshonie. the wife, w::s hr-ught to Oklahoma i' aI1d phiced in a hospital. : -7 ,. , , , ,, -v oick ura.i is a piaee wn-re very little is ren-ure. to ar-ci-e stisp ic on. Xo womam likes to si, oof her bus- band. It fri-hteiis away ail the other men. GIANT SA1L0R RUNS AMUCK 0P1 VESSEL Usurps Command at Sea, Is Shot by Skipper, Neglects His Wounds and Dies. Ft.'s, N. P.--The Khint hod;. of Krisliau .Im'i.l. laa-ea-en, sailor i-nm. master for a day, is a rol dn on the lloor oi tlic anai'' ,!e..p. The Mory of his pa-s'a;- ja-a a i 1 1 . i : 1 1 1 aye, w.s told in d I i i i I l,,r ; ,. j j ; a-1 t i ia.; r.-eoia i y . Poiaai-ea's hiiiiU ti e aa -t coaihaaanie hi tie- f,, -, ai te of the I 'aia-h s, i,h,i,,.. r.-nt a a. a - . lie a. a : - II a i -: :!or and a . id' i i t o, ,k w'att ho v. ;;n;e, and t : :ai ' to Scjff Lor:nfen. Ur. .d.or Pillfo! 1 '..eomiie:- 1 .A Two lii.iia ,:,:,'i the lirst a laaited arsp;:ao:i: cr's p. .-a T i-j'i. dta' : ia' , :- d PoreiiM-: . .ii -a t '!.; ' p;.er and the i- .a. leather ! P. eili knew Whi le lie' ! ws. th- laughed ul.i It o;'d,. !-,., . i.. Hi -.I thi "i d Man" fi:r a. ross th" cabin v daa, "rie-i pat him "lit. 1 ! ;'. :: a Ma . , in ;U1-1 took c!.ar'e of tie- ' ' Se.ri, ri:::e did tho captain and th. t raate try to set on deck. Sew-n tin - ' ! t'e.y were Ph-V.e, ! d ecr. !;' ':-. r::n la: ..a.v. S- aa.- a.:.. d'i.,- . a ta:;ras rolh Piiehed. Pofeia-en, .it tlie wheel, Krinrnd an, I turned I le: -so to the ?ea. Ti.- skipper, frightened for ! is v. s . s.-i's safety,, e-y I, is l'uii, eiarah-A tt J j the cabin door ar.d tired, intend::;-: t 0 1 fr--ar' Lorensen. The !e:l'-M struck J i sailor in tne arm. IP- sado-il. r- f ;:s- Pi.: to go below to have the wound dressed. Six h-mrs !attr. while tlLT tl. ' ' in g a Kong of ti. a. h. the deck, weak from loss of t)ioed, and dieii. I'aptaln Fasiauss..;. :,nd his :ir-' mate, iipnn ti." arrival of the sehoomy J at Hiirhor Palfet, were held for ,-aiai - inatlon. J ney were discharged front , t i a-, "inn oi. iae aiasiiee ue - finrtmenr. which declared it Lad no i j . . ... .. i ju risa a i ion. CENTRAL PARK i is a-, ir.n .:--' raie one May : ..k- a !o.l:a ,n t:-. sun. Tlas i- a:, irt; a.,s,. f js f ,. i - v, id- '.. y.. i a-ai me. Ft. :-.- a ..:)', ,r : i...t elate T m i - an in;. a-. ;ain -r. l.a a a- o: :ae: A h'-p. i.Iae r,,f a ral nv'.sw made By . '.;.!: , a s . a -s iiaal : ai,!. A i','- , ii u: -r. . a to ar. aaa :u:,l s:n!! With :i:, :::,-r;.- .,r a litilo while. A pt.i , :. K. .-. v..-:r t: ;.s; u sorii.s: l-'.i.t and t.ran. 1: ,oinc tt'.oss. .ti: tig H-rr iaay ,,a r.-st. an, I t:i,'!i the s,..d. Remta::!.. rit: a.ti.p. nr., I a:ul Uod. r'h. :i v.. na.ra.- inns in town Wi-h mas v.aa: .-aa- , , :, . iK'.tn, let none is fair as this. ;.:;,! ...i, lait tiiis is oncn :-- the san. And or ly her- s) all sortue s; read wide Her a i aa -s , a -- . v ,V,., 'ics-aau i!.. . . s . f , .. ua.o mark la-aa-r w :';::; : a,. , ; . . - Hada .l.-rr s. -a : N.-w Y-ar!-: San. Crippled Leg CJ'.e i by Fall. Roundhead, t. Pnppled for four teen years as the re-iht of a dish, cated hip. .1. W. t'oaher, is now walk inpr without a limp. The 'i-e of his le; was restored win n he fell on the kj pavement ma r his home. " 1 hah tad. from in. nana I ! u a n t ! ! ! scare, ,,f tfo 'a . ; ,a." Lri-i.a: Pas- p. ian--, a. m a lar d n i ho si,. ,.f tie- p. hr-: aaa-., Tta :. Ki, ;, ,a. ! 1 aa. 'Ihe- C ;aaaias , :.- .e;t ,.f : p.-a- ; C. i--s ro', a .-a , ; I.,.;-; ' : ; -; ,; i-a- y ; o. I - :! ! i .4 life) ' ..w. Afa v-:i t FARM NOTES It i-s time f ir j praylnp aai:-. Hotter rie; up hat, outfit and hu -y. I'ola' oi - . ho aid hi- - or a hl'i i' to i ijiir I ' " a". v i o a . ! li - Ki el.- .. :i'er aieS I i . ri i , , ' ., i , , j j p l: .'. W. i.INi 'hi Fa a. ! I y.D K F RC r! ' P. ' SHOWF.R t .' - : v. St-.w p. M 1': t i . a Lav. !i tia p u a am;' the iterie incltifTed: ? M; f's. Mi- Mara-aret K Mi'.'red d-i-aat-a.-a. ?d : j :'!' 'larris. Fraaa:.- Scot ! -if Knoyvdle. PuePa Ktalar. Mari- Y.a-aae. A..:. li? (; . Mil a. and Dorothy Sliver-tee:: . (iladys Ku p:l.rii-k. Marv Sh-hre. Xi'ia' K:e- ra v, , Llui ...,, ja, i . - ;e,, -illian Kinu-. Mrs. W. U. Ha::., ,T , .' -'' . ' P. Day. Mr.-. Hugh V;dk. Mrs. 1 1 li. P.. :.,;, a:-d M s . 'V. ' ! Clo ild. LAYMAN'S CLUB SENDS DELE GATION TO PISGAH FOREST On last Sunday afternoon :: ie! gat-, n froai the iP-eard Pa.aai ' (da1, v'-hed Pogai: Fore.-;, win i, ea o: ;-ia va- h, Id with f repr-set laiive iayn.en of the hr; -. com m unity. While plans for the formiim ,.f . Pa ca, V ( lai, !h-gah Fore.-- h;,-. nt fully ma'iiicd, those 'with wit,... the me-eing was held Sunday al'te m-on were enthusiastically ;; :'aa of it. aaal the Brevard laymen w . .-. i ' - ' : l to laahe aaotia r visit at a early date when there will be moi time for giving publicity to the mot ' ing ami i; is believed by tin lap-. a that without doubt a club s',,.,1 ,, ; that formed at Po-man .-i-veral w, ,., ng . :'l be estabPshed at P'saa, ''arest. or in what is more general!', kr "vii as the Pavidson River seethe " 'a- Brevar.l Payman's Phd. v; hold its regular meeting in tin- Su; -day school room of the Methodi : church Sutu!a' afternoon the 1 TP' at three o'clock ard a l.-o-g,. ap -ance a- rcajuca1 e.'.