TRANSYLVANIA "THE LAND OF WATERFALLS" ' W AY UP IN THE MOUNTAINS News EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVANIA COUNTY. THE LOCAL NEWS I t An Uependent Weakly. ; VOLUME XXVIII BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 192;; IN J :P'.. 2.-Z- THE PRAYER CORNER THE HOUSE OF THE LORD'S PRAYER The Entrance The 1 -o 1- Prayer is a beautiful and wonderful house. Indeed it is one of the "many mansions" which Go i has Mi",. ami for His children a !.;;!i.-i..n which every child of God can i'o 'f - while ou ea'th. The pray or hasvan entrance, a nt'. windows, a living room, a dining roam, a bedroom, a kin-hen and a i ii a ry. ' i" i.." entrance to the House of Urn Lord's Prayer U the beautiful open ing words. "Our Fattier, who art in lie::'.'; a." What nobler entrant'" t ou!d any I'.o.i-e ii.ivc'.' Whin Ir. Francis IT Clark, the .';;;) it-r of Chri-:r..i Endeavor, lived ;i Achnvndah-, M;-., his hoti-c had i mo -; hospitable perch. All around lie inner cdee of the porch roof the word "Well i.r.e" w;i printed in ; more than a -cere of i;i'ii:u;v the '.a tin . aigcs of the h-ad'tpy countries of the world, for Christian Endeavor has found : Homo !' them all. Kn . leavers ca no t. that house fY-:n all or. t '. of the earin. and acb found waiting 'inn a yi le'une in hr. nat;e tongue Son- like this is the p. -rah of 'The W ; of the Lord' ; P-aycr. AH :.ror. :-..'. i; are written ia .very ;inii'. na'.i.i l;,!'.L'UatV. They are v.tleoai hi.; word. : "This is von- I';.1 1'.::-.'." they say. and tl'.ei'et'o.V i' '. .. o-.;r h lit i . Thi is voiw : ; ' ' and th -rofere yen ha. :; ri to c( am- in :. nd ' joy it . ta'h.-r ':s aw Tt o .;:'... yen. in;. I i ' I w ' . . : . v : i - y 1 u ' " e i : . r. ' i. : ; -t . to tm hat!... ". i;- v. '. ou i ::! ; a h '.;.- ? V.e; a ah. ;! i -1 up t.e- ;r.i front doej and S 1 e : .- Tai' !T P -aver. i ou w'alK up t" t he -'eps a. a! tr-to t::e iii't'd. . i' Cod's, ha: cerheo ! ; an: then voti riutr :!ie lull i f p'-ayr -! have '. ti ht-nun t . in;: before tin j citir mas onen an t tm re . ia uts tneitmu nan. Katha-!. !oi- shir.x !"' en ilk face. arm- ( .;' st re'ciiei' to .welcen? voi: ' i There . in dvlav. there is m. i'..r rm.!- ! it v f livi ried ; i".';i:ie .a... -tilt : . nroini ..-ren in n we ! enter the Fathers house, the II us of the Lord's Prt yer. Do you notice that Christ, whn tautt'ir. us this j raver, did not sa it !:.,ii i.,,- l.a.i;. .." II .iy r.uiii'i , o uj wui i iui.-.i . lie is eh.d to take, us in with Him and hare His Father with us. He mi-ht hav dwelt alone with the Father nrotiinout etenut v an-i na i ;n house to Himstif. but He c.euhi not have :t that way. This is v hat these tnirt;. years in Palestine mean that He would net r:ivc it that .-ay. And if Chl'is'i is thus hospitable. He wants you to be the same. It is a war der that He opens the door at all when a perron approaches it all ahme. Certainly He rejoices when He sees two or more cross-in?; the porch together, ,dl. brother- and sis ters because tney realize tiiat they hvac the some lather in Heaven. Put with all this eajrer welcoir.e there are some restrictions that apply to thus entrance to the Houne of the Lord's Prayer. The proud are not wanted there; indeed the Ooor is a very hew door and no one turn ro through it holdimr his heau hi'h. And only the Father's sons, -, he bro thel's of Jesus Christ, are wanted there, altnoufth anyone can bt adopt--,'d unto the Father's family 1or the 'skinrt'. You see this is a real home, and no place for strangers, that is for those who are determined to be and remain stranjrers. Tins is one of the hcaiC.iful things about th en trance to the House of the Lord's praye r. Do you know what it means to call God "Our Father?" Have you all your fear of God and become tilled with the love of God? Have you ceased to try to. atuide yourself through the tancled of this life and t'onhdinely placed your hand in the hand ot tnc bather.' Have you stopped worry: about the future and becum" well content to take it as God send it? Have you jrained a new power " work, deriv ed from your all-wr e and all-powerful partner? Ar yoti lonely no lonper, luivirm' the most wondt-rful Companion always with you? If all this is true for you, then you have nassod through the entrance into the House of the Lord's Prayer. What you may find there of strength and blessedness we shall discover as we BANKERS TO MEET HERE Brevard is to he congrat ulated on k;i tile District Meeting of the Western North Carolina liankeis in their semi-annual meeting, to he held at the Franklin Hotel on Saturday oveidtm. It is the first time that Bre vard has had an opportunity to en tertain tin.' hankers and it is expect ed that more than a hundred and fifty Ire;:,, v, l'.'i he :' -cut . it is the hr.-t mc fiiiit in which the ladies have )art icipateo. and it is expected In he t lie laiyv- t - ; "'! P '.net l tnv; In id it! the T; nth 1 'i rid . FISHiNG !N FLORIDA '1 i o f-n ow i: d-h -l-.-y o ;, 1,1 by a Florida ladv. w ho i- now visit in;, it! !':(", :.r ! ::td w in : a! p' t'se": at i he An; a!a h.aa : ll:::ii';,!,: ': ;-' r.ti '.. t t. in s !-1. . '. I ! e o i If) ! -ear e l .'. How I . --. n-h i hat you ha.i Ue.-u . . : ,e o'. i r t'1 " :n ..i:r I'. - "! a d f at I" i e's (Terra Ce'al a' eleven , loci, Ti'.f:- 'hay. !' Lee hi nt-ht Us ovel ', ti:r h ' ' : K. Lee. The ; i'h ' a. t'l.- . cdu- :::. ! redd'' ':"..; .1', :. V - !'e . Ui c , ' d ! . e I -. i ' I' V.' ll. w '.ant to L t; ahoi;. ;.- :'.: ti-hi:"'. a-; i v. e sure hno : ..:ia th.n ' l ' a. ir .!:at !::. .. Fi' t a , i tin in. as t m !'ln II W e W! li'e a few r , i 1 1 : a i . a.- t ia' 'i hie V, Tk we wt nl at and ' -h -d an hour. :. and a ; w wor ':.. 1 i it ':: a w poh- ! 1 :::h. A: : 1 ! iu'e t'r.c cater ! i .".!'. w. .,; awa n a l i o he!' i c i elf 1 tried ..euain am :ot U hi: keep from h 1 r a 1 him f. wh.-;. h- nun ! into he '. u'.f. li'te'-: niinut' '. ; aiv ; i a a n t ' . a . a a i ; c a I hnt ones, the smahes; om wei,ii ' nj. ovo 1 ." pounds. Next dan i i wi cauaht c"ahs for bait also sonic ni'ii.h't to try for .h w fish, and thero- hare's the real i-torv. The riir 1 ! - . - - - - - -- j l'' - "" - ("r -h: a hl,l,k ahout 1 ' '"' atta.tieu ;e r.tx.ut three . U' t of chain, -vit!, a rem rope for a.' h - . n. ... i. . : ; an. w-. iv'iiinir aht;;u two or three pound.-. We then wire rr.-afv the fun. ! W:-eii out wrnt th.'. line and the lieht V.' rancd the lj". at d. lo nm bein id. the waters f oj 1 Tampa hux xv-.-.rv sticed up. He 1 ... 1 i w nt with all his uiiirht and niton, j Pre surged End stvu'ed. it ht'Lt'tin to j look as if he- wouTi :;et awav in suite - .1,... ..... . n a , u. .jllll.kVl..VOL4llOl.o,,a. ! him and wori' him down alter a fight ' . ..tow.- - r, . ,, .....1 -. !,.. (' C. I 0.-UI.L 0A 1 ,.0 II' " II .ll.'i .1 11. Ill, HO- , al.v bringinct him up t. the dock. . 1 i Wjiere Jim fc-c-t it:'iO a beat, took a rope and put it thnumh li s eills and 1 I tnd him up to out of the pilines. 1 ! ' ' . never seen so large a ash in the i I wa'ter oeiore. tie wcigned ovei thiee hundred pounds, and they tire cuhod Jew hsh. 'i'his one was near six feet long and round and as solid i as a rock. He ha no scales on him. but is covered w'itn skin 'inething' i like our cat fish have. Well ,we bailed up again ana hung ne that would have made ur first catch look like a baby. He took our hook and chain to Cuba., o.- he was headed that way. We came in to dinner, -and you may know I was all in. One Jew tish was oTiomrh glory for one day 'Fir me and a little too much in the way of work. We went again Friday night, but only landed two large ones, one a la- and the other an lH-pounder. H.a.l- ; eve home, 1 am , vth.iin O. K. EDNA R. G I FITS Mr. Percy Verdery of Charlotte :nd fritnds. Misses Pattersoii and! lones and Will Clarry motored to Mrevard to attend the dance at the ''ranklin Saturtlr.v nig'ht. go through the house together. AMOS R. WELLS P. S. Say daily, "Our Father, who art in Heaven." and think what it nvans in the light of these words (( Wells. C. D. C. TH F DP ATH n. mrq IV' A R Y M 1 SHUFORD Mrs. .Mary .M. Shul'oi'd died at her home on ('aldwt'll Sti'ia't. .hire 1 -i. l'.'Jo, at the aire of seventy-one years and thirteen days. She was the daughter of Mr. .P C and Mrs. Sarah Orr, horn en Little Kier. Transyh'anitt Cuonty. X. ('., on May IS, 1S52. She was married to Mr. Perry S. Shuford on ove:i. her IT hsil.s am1 is sur'ied hy si children: W. IT Shuford of AsheMile; Sallie .1. Cla-cne'- of Atlanta. la.; Charles F. Slmferd of Norfolk, Ya. ; IT: " L. ilnw !.:: of New Terr, X. ''. ; Frank P. Shu!'...-.; of Lit ;!' Piver; and n.w. sisters and two hroTnr . Tori (l,r. Adt ime Orr of Ash. will ; T M. s rr of .' iih.-.y. 'ah : .I'dni C. On of AsheMile. N. C. She w as an exemplary is. m''',r of the M. th. d:-t !:,: '. pal ( inn h Se.ith i v since her -.!.- nth y ;.r of ;u:e. lief r'elid .'.. hip h. irn ia ! i at the old Pim- (".rove church. V h:!e al wa ; hi: - y in Imr h."".!". '.! rvi r f i. a ' ' d t ':!' i v ;m ; t im - i ck ami a !r ; c n 1 . 1 a' i " ;:'! n : 1 .. tlvm In i n, . i : - foi t and, h,'i. Sile w a i.-.le, d -t helpi to !. ioi-hand. t-r v.. ; :: v,:. .. n r lii'ii-.'ri'i !h ' i : ii i r. n ana e ' 1 1 d- . j. 'A e o h-.-r i ' at ' s Per mac Thors w di m-r.iory and all wh : vii their loss. 'i h" la-' ea: r . :' : d with -iehn"-- an.! ndi'd witii ''oiTiiah vith e'. r a -nni'' i. i ministered uan. In i . In h- r Ike h" tan to di' . '. V, . HP N'T ANNOUNCEMENT Tin n!. 1,. ia, and ir ;n..i-r -! ,'. . ! toe: iiiiiiij re. i a n. i : w e ;.: Si t' t.y. North I'.tnv Horn.. ' ' i r o e ( WEDNESDAY CLUB MEETS The hk'.'vard Wr-dnerday ('hd Ik- d its Uc.-t meetirt id 1 t.e ciuh yea: wit h M T n Ft rest. Then I. W. V. .'eintt of i'is'j-.ti wi-t ti.'tt en member ,.,..,,t ' ' ..,,;,. , ; ' ' ' ' ' .- an. I ''"iH'i a al t In . I', a h'leh. was ri.;l, ' a i!"U u:.- stntiiiLT that wa- had i J( lit ot r !ic hundred poi.mds ot dotiiilic the N.--1.7 l' t Pelitf. b. san s S kki.iiii :i ii.oney fr. in thi- 'e were verv proud of our , Tee o nl I'h.e Iharam onin.rtee annourn- ; t it mrision a:- .v'nit we shall . fter a votv -t'l.!'.' in t . a;' . 'I, 1 1 l upon it, ine ( lut deem, d to take r , . , . , - . Mod.-ri. Dran,a 'he i r-t half of t: ' V . 1 veil' ami Nort! - i r,--r. Caraiitia Hist. ,. , ,. 4l 1 he eiettmn of r-iiH't;' lor the ncy.: , vear w;is ;-.i order, , . .. Our hostess served Uelicunis T( ,. , i ri - h men aft- r wha n the Club ad- our nod. MRS. FPdal) MILLKR, Sec. WOODftTEN OF THE WORLD nihat alternated throurh the free.!- On Wednesday night a large re- ' man's bureau to teach them Iesons presentation of our Woodmen Lodge! of hate drove them from "the hie: conij oest! of about four Sovereigns . house of Maister and Mistus." n t left to atter.d a meeting of the Rhonod'a-ndrot: Camp, Bhu-k Moun tain, where a good time vas had hy all. Refreshimmts and entertain ment were furnished hy the camp at Black Mouu-ntaim The Sovereigns who attended from our local camp were the follow ing: Win. Grogan, Johnny McLean, Jerry Jerome. Glover Sentelhu Waverly Morris. Wm. Daniels, II. Henderson, Philip Price, Winston Ashworth, George Simpson. Albert Orr. A'thur Pryson. The Couin. ii Command' rs station i was turned over to oo- 1 nv.l co'u- mander, Jerry Jerome, and he con ducted the business throughout the evening. Four new candidates were taken through and given their obligation. In all, the occasion was very enjoy able and a good time was had bv all Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pool of Asheville spent the week end in Pre- vr.rd with friends. MEMORIAL TO BLACK MAMMIE: .Mv dc H ' HlllllH Ii' il'IIK' . .. , . I . 1 i ' ima js wdiat we an re ri im; to do. ' ea.I unon eac ami every ",M' V"'j to join us in this under- I. ,. ... I ... ; . i - . . is a iu nioiial worthy of the. stthj. ct. e are ; , , j , ill the ei! v of Wa.-liin-to.i a th t inr; i , ,,UI. . !:: "! ;;ne. to the m.immie ,,'; ho Sou: h. ''" '' h'ieiit- aiui !,,v,. f ,! ii,o .nan-., an,! M ,.. .a , (diihh'"a" at tlie hi iv u at so no 'd. tliouuh in:,:,;. ,'.,.,. x 'i'T- i hut ah'i :nte I tin m ' I ' Dee. r.,, ;."'. I h.ick a ". Ill al ; t , e i, ,. tin li;;!,. anus -s i art; M a ; h . ' i . : 1 n m I : .a : 1 V i a i ' n i .h-i: tilled. ,! -.0 ia 'ii on. e : : . r .-. V. ; , ,o ia'lv. I P .' 1'S W. WKKKS U'e'ina, c i eel. li.'V: da-s t for: i. VI nart '.'ia ran t u ur i . : al : , e : i "ie ': ". i.'i.'in ..t a n;e itumai rx:,iv.-a,u. f at't'.'.-c; t' tia-:,'. ,dd 7:ur-CS M't id I " mi: ir- '..a - a u a !"'j ' 1: ' wi ' :! ar.w.nn. - r e :r t m .utile: n S.i'e-. '!" an: eti.-i ani mottiers and " i.alrit . per allarly elltw lied in hnf's iT.hrtifv, a' e inon ; ;he latte' i . ' cm. m '-; nart in unn.arke ;. ) ""id' , nuKia a. i '-avi s.. Shad tna.: ; h-ods. ti arm ler, tin- -a. mor.y of ie: r in. s v. .rk .... a: low en '. I: us '. . .-ni.ii.ier r.ntv - urr..- m ttif in- a a . - . i : !;'! c. . ; a i a . . I - t 'hand that I'-i'inT a sin of cold to ! lie thirst'.'. How about the bke '. inistereii sin. liar bits- i i-i'A repealed thri-.:nh ' t inio? - the idnoinu' un to.j'c toes, uhe midnight U'n.-i,ig-. the dai.y in placing of lost step's aii i tlie tK-ansinjr f These aj verv small thi to r.s.'rit to. bur tht 1 1 '. 1 1 which prnmpto.'i and the tot ' -w th: "Honey, i; will shod be weli.":ti is not ;nsig"ii;: :i'nt, it ir ra-avenh . :v The spirit of .T1 e old m;.:nmy is ad- '- mirable and cannot be chisled into cold granite ou.'y a a mute reminder tf a character the like of which his tory fads to ntol'd a-id was know.: known only in these Southern States; j hut will never he known here or else where again. The clash of arms that sought their freedom, reconstruction was unable to .-ever the cord of r. 'pert for their their their "chilrrn." Few now live who knew the love and faithfulness of their old mam mies and look back to the bright cher ry lays made so by their presence--their clannish speech, queer sayings and amusing superstition. No other people, no other generation of our own -people, will over feel the tie 1 bound these faithful guardians and Southern youth in bonds of mutual respect ami was m ver lost in man hood or dotage. Who but this ft w and they tattering ou the brink of tune can muTr staudingiy toll Un true story of their mammys" worth: and no one t Ise than they with en thusiasm can contrive a befitting memorial to their virtues. This lin gering few whose munis naturally hover over the past, seem to have realized in the last hours of reflection that a debt is still due those old nurses and are bestirring themselves to meet the obiigat ion, knowing that what is done hy them nmsi be done 15UILD THE MOr.'U'.IL.NT Nov. e ; i 1 1 1 . lor all part I. lie red a o an huild the i e o i i 1 1 1 1 . ; 1 1 . 'i . I o . rf ha r .1. --. .otter.. '..!! t - ' i n I e (In 'i a u..y work v. , e rivr. ih v. Ha . ,1,..! 1 I." 1 i . ' . a ' "U u' i I'm- o ; r u a ' . " ' ' - ' th i; hi iiThT; i ', TTF HOI. A a : V. " 1 i : tar dm. Pi;' .ia- r.i ' A: .. 1- .,11,. Ivt.te. th w l: i ii- . k -. a i .in -n 1 1 v un ,. . - eed down trio rear o" tie I.n.g nch ',)'. s.e ''Hind tn. a d with her right hand .- in ". . . ireh- :. the air, w'ha:'. in :t u ' a i a a. " r:n .. Td.-T ..."a h-" lie hair v.utn a Kf. .' '! i'V !..!.;. tremor, utt. ring wi.n -tort-'y ; wxns i.. wind; r - r.aiar had i-:!(-' i f t: "Do y e sa (tar's .i.e.: in de ' elected, aid tin- a; . a ...,,r,. ki-ibag"-." with the i wTitior- While the .iT-nct execu: iv.- cir: wan tile Ie t't hand on the e p...- re , t"" t . ; :; n a t. : n s : ; :- a cheek, and with a little chaaa'e cf . v.- .: alan: to Mr. K ; -y a. dirasolo:: : "Now sa dar's in ' r,Il;-'h' n d.-veloped on ;C. de Jiihhago." and by sull'.cient alter- the young- man adia-rcd the n Tia'e repetitons slie ht'eUg!:t AT.- th'tl previously taia": that h. v p. nitent n.... -e an u .:'. .'"lain"- not accept unie-s Tie cia lost ne- w i t h h a- plat e o ; .. I .ban a. va'h'i'it frict.'-. ; : i . Sim retired in a tr:u:npha: P. F. Aiken's .arm . the Jinn who was highly res p. nine, the survivii g od. ,, ... 0f is. 1 uv of . ' j th.- c unty. She w ouhi t. 11 rai.-ed Vest. Will. Jtdm and Law- j Pn.h r the Rev, :.;:, and Macha rent.', who ha.e gout- am! left her acts three separate and distinct t.e-aloia- in their native county. We are art levied and -v .! eted frv-. .e. glad she livd to see he" v-rk pro- mobile (hah-r-i A ntanufacltii perly appreciated hy haa white tax of !."i0. a -eend hand dear friends. tax of ,"(), and. a s.t!es'm,.!;'s lav W. 1. Pool's old Ihna wa- -a e !Ur , The revt nue from this sou: lie rep'ratedtv bound Up th the educational board's chairman, perchanc .-ranked him. All ur.;hi::- coming about the kitchen, m ot" it'mv-r-bread. Sh C'Ctl it. T. T. i .. ft is tost die ; a pTce t't !:' ) :r- fat.. Others than he should rot iTruiet in this niovenn nt. :Irs. Sahie Johnson's Prude. Gil- le. -pie's alillitu Denver's S rir.i and others when: I cannot recall tire worthy of recognition and uld. not be neah'cT'd in this move. a .it . I yield the '! r that uUnrs ray d it:. Pee a. their fa:T! . u;a,,:r:i, s HAMLIN OUR RALEIGH COMMUNICATION i hp Nor; a Ti tend. ,. o . . .in I a i : Th ' I i " r. - t:""'" :" ,n' l" ' !';'' ''' ' K . '' - -nit ''a l ; ' . d ;!;, . c i a '" il. - ''."'ii! 1 : aal for the vaea-:c ,: Tm S. a P'"spcrt. with !.:... .Ia! H h ' ;" "anen. S..'... -. : Ki, ha : i . . ',l'0,,k "f lv!c tune and N. J. R . of LcJ.oil'. the I 'lahng' nil 'i ;':,"'. I -loner Dtnurh-. tie- ill elitl too little and he expects to co ' $2f'0.(i0o this p ar. He contempt putting special deputies in tin for the purees, ot'. securing State- all tiiat is "coming to it." Mr. Homer Whitmire ha.- ret; home from the Fr.ivmaitv. whi 1 lias finished in pharmacy. lit J member of the Phi Delta 'dp th nny. Mr. Whitmire is going t, h with Mr. S. M. Maciio for some :. Mr. Whitmire and Mr. Wi'hi- S. rULtn- are f ra-is I .: :;:; to hnish al the tTiiversity th"s

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