TRANSYLVANIA "THE LAND OF WATERFALLS"- -'WAY UP IN THE MOUNTAINS Brevard New. EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVANIA COUNTY. THE LOCAL NEWS An Idependent Weekly, j volumjOxxviii BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1923 NUMBER 27 f' THE PRAYER CORNER THE HOUSE OF THE LORD'S PRAYER The Windows Thy third part of the Lovd'.- t'ruy it skives us the Windows of the- Housi1 : "Thy kingdom come." No sooner have wo warmed ourselves at the Fireplace of Worship than we are ini pel led to ;;;izc out of the. Windows of Oppo; ' unity ami Service. It is vory slyrbticant oi' Christian life and of the -.ileal lit",, of all Christians that so er-- in t he I .' Prayer, K-for J w l.T. e a word about ourselves am! w.- McciH. we !iae an anurir.y out- ! .,!. over ibe w.,-hi . . f linm.r. ,,.,.,!. ! mo j.ossamuies. ; ae tloust oi me TP,. II..,,-. .. Lord'- Prr.ycr i, home for sclnish- Hess, Th.y Kinpdoml What ?. prospect for Urn Wm,iov. . a! Th.-c IS ilo mint to til.'' view in .--tpa-re ol time. No pram? '1 conception ever enured human mind than this of thcl'1 7C Poo to iv. ,.f i- ...i a n- ,,,!,. sar. and Nan-men had their dreams j of dominion. : hc :.c- td( how tawairv were i : aiU'.i no, r; I v : ...... -.1 . .; . . but ;'-."s idea i ,o world wide ; ! i ... '. - v. , : . ,1,.,...., , , eai . ! v lam. ami p . e. ; tne . i ! . . I. m- ' ; fan:, a m i p e . ; t he . .-.I.e., f l.'i aven . xi-u. t!ie ipory ' (,o.l ;:ip; ihe lde-.-e,:p, - of al! HI. , hild !!. Thi -vor.i of : e ;.; wtirld ;,: -. : has be.-!- fo:--.-; i; e wop ! ... U' ..- ,!,... ,,r ... ... !....-. .it;iii loot. 1 1 l w1.:-.-!! hi showed b d.- Pis of t he '.VC i"o. r . . 'ami on a b a: .1 ,1 . loOU op; o'e-' 1 a.' oi alo il!.-. w .abac- . i pp. -ip . ' a ; d v. !p t erinp; it:.. C. : : t r.i p. v 1 v o, .-. - . a -.'.... ....... i, l.mdT Ihavcr :- fa.- np'-'a .nsp.rinp The !l I'll f..r p : ml : 0 o IP: :- V C ' p - V. J' ( ' . ip -pread i. fo r, . p - ar(- Pm eea.-e-! : -- amp. Pie- .-f ;!:,- ht man ,aind. Tile IMP! PL vi rs ar,!. mi p u inp- m o:p N'. iapp pe heho!(i PP'f- Pip c;uid nir v i-e am-; kindly povidem-es of ini. ' an. la. ever r a. ( pPe wat j, '. ' iiie v yes oi i i- mu: truly l....;,,. d ,u; Umn :h,o kiT-pdoai .;' (,..,) wil iiePa.e otr, find ;di vipws (i ll. a a..:-IPil'l- OP. r. wi.hv n .it'-viai vi. : ;s :!.. i -.,.- ah There are the little viHapp p ' u'k- in aapu.p the l p , -., bu; l e a"e .' to us. 1 i'a re p r. w (led . J h sliips XT. I'f. narlior in" hut t'nev ar.. i,o'- iaa i-r ..f r, .n...- ; .;, , , . ' i;a ic. witn v.'tiu !t w'e r.avp aotpppm" to , . , , 1 V , : ' Witn valni indiif e rence. kfiouin.Lr weii that 1 it 'cannot reach our hotv hemht. i ... ' ii'tw dip. rent :t !.- ..:ta to.- a 'p iniii '.in "Windows ! the hou.-(. of th. i v,r . tv,.i.-.i-i ii ... ..;,i. , , . - - i vcraly. 1 fry ( ome. i-vitv 1 iea'tt teatii:' ot tne v,'j,.'e iui'itscape i ... . , , is ci deep and personxil concern to us. . ,., . ii - i.. .aiuinai, i.. riarniKc.p. ,j..nri .... i.,, i .,11.- 1 T e -a-e a pestilence ramp' in ( mna. , ,, , , "iw.-r-, I.e.; .; id. hp. ;r, r.a-t b' ! ' . h - ,,- i- l:o-Pison. .lonri Mcl.ta,::. 1;. .1.... ... , ,, . i ani. otM !u pt ts are sciTt ".vrth p.: p We.,.. - ... , , "' "in . -, m o . o, ri ?.-.: it :r, 1 ... , . 'r .-shev. ;. K. I'atu.p. Sr.. lb .v'.itcii , . ' aei- a tan. me its thousaiuts , . ... , n.:Ta.s u. .rci'ea.-t tueap p.r nay , . ; -!' -. ictum im India ?sr we -st.'aisrht- i 1 va semi mom y to the relu-i 1 'i:i'l, ! ... ' ... ', , . 1 i see a little enure 1 in New .dexi- , co v tiosi missionary p-asior lacks stiii- : .. . , plu-a, ami we pack a fine missionary ' . . . . '.. . .Tt . .... 1 , , , 0 . - , nevviy opened doors in South .Amen- , - - , i ca tiortunnies for mm?ionav doc-; v" -: 1V1 V ' tor. oppn-Pi-ntties for jwissi' .-.mry , . ,, ., .. ter.chers --we see all this from our . , , , , . ind;.ws and our heart responds .vita jrlad la-joiciti.c- and with fiverent nm secrat'ion. "Ttrv Kiitpdom come." ben wo mi,.'ht Jtlso say "Our Kincrdom come." j for we "trace a joint interest m it wpch the King HimsrMf. We also arc t. ';t on a throne; we also are to b,. Hirci. It is almost as if we were already sitting cm a throne as wcptraz.e far out over the Kingdom of (!ou from 'the House -?' the Lord's Pr.-tyer.. i How tilooaiy tire the lives that have . no such outlook as this! Their view 1 is restricted to s.Mne little playeround j -perhaps, or to a nmrket jrar !en. or a ! Vhilroad yard or the solid walls of ? j ba- k that rise a few feet away. It . i:iu no has sorrowful that these I people do not reaii'.'e their loss, that they oeheve that '.'my ai'c enjoyinu the crrandest views' m ihe world, that they even rn-er stt the "religious cranks," wim po t .pp-.y over missions and such. Tha y hp to he profound ly oitied for their b -s and especially fo. the iynornnce that hides their loss from them. So let us do all -'.c can. while we rejoice in the yh.' views from the Windows of the House of the Lord's Prayer, to introd ma- others to the same splendid prospct. Thy Kinjr- A WORD OF AN APPRECIATION OF !HS5 MAUD r-LLl-N FIRE To one who a 'la. ft eyele a.p'o wa it foreigner to the c p;;rt. it has hoc:; most interesting to watch the pro gress of a small and unobtrusive per sonage born and brought up in the rs of .Maine, finely educated at the famous old New Hnplaud Conser vatory of Music, who came here as head of the Department of Mm ic at the Brevard Institute in Less j than a year -after her arrival, a mem her of the f-.u-ulty of the P.r.vard la stituto saia to the present wuuor ii'..n ; !1Kl" r"'ul ;i yMl ''Vi ' u prano ef rare ipuality and charm, hult ," u "I'1"'1 ,u'r ' V,,'H''- "U,V '"ar be-1''' 11,1,1 j Iter cfturch installed an an ; an ; other year and ti on- ':rl maiTt left for a chance of residence, on v. Ipch it was .lis. -e .red ; hat Mi's-ihl oiLpin ami ayed r eapat Who ! at .Mis.- I :!-; was the 1 i-p.n ; wopipp to v. .col .1 o..oo in 'H. '.. v. a hi a baton 'o.e a. re. a - t lie I ' :' ' 'f ' e 'orp, ..... T T l . ' Mipi h- ' afl t-.ou: e I. -I I o. !. ..beiay Loan j : -: - S- S- Who but the .Music Pioll IPP.-il pi ic-.-tarved i: i vhlp ;'.'-!'. .U a s l li-p- ippa:.p.e Lovers' Club. :.: i:s-. p'a ded by ; e'. i ra' ml- ? r. bn. A! . and ca. i s ;e d . . p t ' . . ful ''or , lasioii ir e .-.-.-r i . j Mount Sat- I .- V . ...n .-. '. ! t!le-e thi:v ppp j b , p d. a. .a -.. -'o,- ; he la.-; it;.' I Pia'pv tiaa-. I il. e -ia ak of act: i - ! ,p : : v.iii.p am: in vi-.rofat ::: in ; nr V .'. e lion, i.p-i llarl n. ... . . , ( a - ;'- "'M ' ";!' U p p 'a i ..Id); a i io Mi.!-.. ..I ' 1 m-.h-v ''P.. a a :.- -pi ra-: j sit :.P.1 h--m . ed . . a -p.- v ,. a V; her ' -h ( -p i . c 1 . JURY LIST b--.-.t Week .5 Tp Mem 11. ..b a- .b -p: C. t !.."!! .way. i . C. McKvh y . (I..- 7.1 I : it,, i '!' t: M.n.-.-, a vi ' ' sah?.. .'. m. ibpsop. ih u. i i-i lief, ( ... ,. O. Ko! P. -on. ,. IP (: I of! il. M. r'reip G. W. Haves, W. S. Frit , . . 1? h-o-, t u -vi i i .. I ' " ., .' " ' ' .' " . ' ,' '''or ary oi:i- nau-wr. vi.ruiimal : - oofT.on C l i-'isr-o-r W , 1 t , . , , Vi "-i't, ii. S. I'aiKer. M. Al . 'a-ter .... , ... , r.. (n-'p ivitcaer.. ,j. v-- ( 1 ecntcll, F. L. Sm -. W. H. Olm v. C. Y. I-atton, .1. K. Mil's. V. r.u-iv" ....... T. . , . " I owe. It. A. Kelspaier. p.l. A ; etd. ,-. .... .. j ' ' '' l' , I Second Week 1 , , , , ,t. 1 F. w uichi-stv'. b. A. Sarmaev. j , , ... ., . . ; 1 . ,' ho 1 1 l.ritton. (1. I.. Cla.ener. ,1. H. Hmkle. I ... T. , , , , ' AN . (. 1'isln-r. :il Heaver. Jr.. Oat ! i -ry-m. H. 1-. lia"vt. dim Rem. H. I 1---.-. , , 1 - i nitmire. .1. I- rariK MortraTi. woe . 'HcMfH. t. T. M.Lai. R. S. Mt-raJi" T. , .. l'.rpplist C. K. Imsle-p ( harence j . ', I L:-.r.-f. IL 1.. iNt.n. II K. Shi piv.Ln. lb A. Cillcs-pie, lb T. Whitm t to her visi-ir,- A i.slc-ss. owes fri,mis Xu al Vh their nun.v- and with w ham they !.re visitinir, etc 7 mie ,,a,,er is tpm; u, ojame .1 it .- ma correct. Mail it in. as it onlv takes- - a penny post card, ami the News will appreciate your k irulness. dom come nn-at.' service,, let us re- mmihier; for the Kinydom comes, .Iter all, walking on hup.ian feet. la - it be ours to hasten its coming. at; only with earnest prayer. but mth zealous speech, liberal --rifts and .hiithfu! work AMOS R. WKLi.S 1'. S. Pray then, dear friends, hat "T'ny Kinphiom, may come, on p.-th as it. is in If pvrn," as you look at of vour i'indo."s and rmueiiiher mhor art it is not only earnest prayer but pear before the Hoard of County : alous speech. liberal trifts ;md Commissioners on the second Mon 'ai.hful work that will hasten its day, July 10, 1'.l':, at which time amincr. Amen. Lord Jesus, Anion, 'claims for reductions in the alue of T b ar e recall Prof. Wells' words on ' Property will "no heard and passed ha Windows as you pray. They will PPlp Villi. c. n. c. "In the band of Waterfalls" DR. WALL ON HEALTH STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA VS. ' DISEASE AND INEFFICIENCY OF ITS CITIZENS . . ! A ciihen f North Carolina can claim, as did the e.i'eat apostle, that he is a citizen of no mean country. North Carolina claims, and justly, to be in th" vanguard of progress in whatever pertains to the welfare of its citizens health and capacity to setae!- his welfare are the area;-; as sets an individual can possess. It is the purpose today to set forth briefly and partially what is protlYred our people from these --t an d no: nt - . Start - inp- as everything must w ith tiie child j expositions of babies is now a recop;- j nized means of assemldinir mothers ' jvitb iheir children to appraise th. ' merits or lack of merit physical and , acres- and rau"d an e MmaP-d dam- t'." otherwi.... of their babies and Pma'P,. of .. 1 -1 ,)--.". 1 1 . Ih-ually opl.y t'p, c:, : .iuntinp' out any lack enable mothers ilarp'. r Pros noticed, an ! it i i, to correct as fa r as may be these de- I p.-ri- titan likely t L;i t he t.ti.nerou.- --;ti: fects while then" chiblren's bodies I ; ip. :n a pla.-tic '!!di! ion. Passim' i at one V t h, child of 1 ! au !.e -;au- p -pa:!!:; to - ei :: t . . I rrpniitv fi r all p children who wiH ; : h.a ; ly ' , i.p.'-i their -!aniid . 1 ; y h i. pleat.-- bur. h a- thna we. .' i "riild !:.( amh eer'aii: ay- i- l.OPP C- 1' ! p, ,;P ,. ) . S.llooi 'loll;.,- . p w -,.o , -n ..p.vidc - -op . . be; phiry t hie h : ) - a . '. 1. 1 pp.: : Pchp- p her-- Piiay at -.- ' pp la- - ip.". '.,-. .'- P .po' d' .- a p , : Ip v t i a ti.-p. d a V- - co ; cp - , co ip ip r : . " i -. . -: ; oi ! ; -., . . ' a 1 ! . ': pp ' r.e : i -. p i .a i : - ,. ,, p ; lal!:p"- 1 ! t hem Pevo; p. a h - n. .':, '.'. h. i: th,-- . ichte op I.. ? eolith ce a t U I'Ji - P r. p-ia 1 : .led -P!'.- of .a.- a! p.-ne! p. . . . 1 ' : lap in' ehai pi .! : ip.' -; 1 of : ie n o :ca i ail - -. a '- matr:al. p p-.i,. a! o t i , a -a d i tp..p, de -ideal'.- ::ai.,.rt- ",t i I heTe i; I ;;,-! t an i -Is 1 ; t '.V: to r , ' 1 haiPe o: a a . -' c aii.etePt sar- : r ror. d.e ot(i: to c. rreepon .! - i f-.rmpy. natural or acpuireik Fo; 1 adalts win now-: ., ..-;rn a Jivinji .paired in any way. whether it l.. 1 .1" P. ... 1.. 1 r l - i "i- jo.-s o; : a aap-, oi nmn .n. "nm. iMir p.-o'i udintr as far a : i . . a a 1 ' j .1 l- hard f see he a- any pi if--, n w .i- has 'md tie' :(. !( c-V;.I-V IT! O o Ti S of PI 1 i ta-:a iiiP" or t e-:1 meat can tic- ha i n;- .eaP - v - ps an.-yi vanta. thr.-o h t. - . , , . hot. a . koi: a.t ..v.:- r.tni.-- u. ; h Car- i,m 'law-nir-yr for -a-.-hiever.n-nt in ma- W. .J .WAL1.1S MRS. .?'JND MR POLLY T;CKK lr..- nlai tivni on 1 : 1 -1 Tuesday . . ipi-nt. .Inly :;. by .cal home nCU'i.t. "l- u' "' ' ' l,u """ iai": under the- uspici .- of the A'a-ncai , . , ' .. M.e.pp.i'. anc the Lac.ies Auxi htr w:- i well rc-t-tiA-t-.I ip -pp-. unusual-.- ltrre ! ainiienyt'. I Ovo- thrte hundred. dollars ; pv ;h(. ; t:(-het-. The ,,,,.;,.,, Iy-i" :m, tl-p dies ' ,, .a- ,1 , , , e i Au.viimry art- to In t-onprat ulated fp.r Uu splt.nd3lH r,UH.t., ,of tll(. Nvhok. t.Ti. . t . . ... ,. ; tertainmont iiam; lK-urmnincr to eni. Miss Caryl Brip-ha-r- is an unusual- !y ,yood dire ct.-pr .and kept tvfry-oi .connected with the r.lav i!i;er.steft and enthusiast'!- dui-.-ra;' all the ri-- ; bn.rsals. ! ! SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ' Thf County Ojmniis-.- iotiers will hold a special meeting c'n th e secoinl j Monday in July at the ounty court house July 10. 1 i23. 1 Thiis is to notify all persons who have filed claims for the reiiu nion of the valuatii alum 01 their property to ap upon. T. COLEMAN CALLOWAY County At (!': ev POLAND OWKNS. -erk to Hoard of (".'... ConmpssioTier FOREST FIRES IN THE COUNTY INTERESTING STATISTICS IN REGARD TO DAMAGE IN TRANSYLVANIA t tie re: or on Carol.:::: ior the y.-;r I'.PJ-J. is; c i a nt i a; ba el chifiy on information f : voluntary corn pendent ha- re cently been made public by the (bo lorical and Hcoiiumic Survey. Tin nature of the repbe; sm' jM ; re i la.! .- the po. -ibhi'y of any pre,.; ac curacy, but the result - are at b-a.-t conservative. 'IT.-,. h-.-.v a to'-:! (1f HiL'7 ii;re.- which burned F.m.TbT a-re-- an.d tl a .:::!, of s Wl. 4 12.sci. Reports from Trail -ylvania county show that in 1 'J22 this n.tinty hal '(! -t iiie. n !::') I.;;: ..-,'.: i l.V- ; rail iii e a ::-:: p' a r ; i : . Pe coup y : i; .be-' ' o ::i ;o' .-P , 1 .. p. - il. o .a pp.. 1 . . . a! ' . : .p c r. ; ; r . i.p !b 'Id,, r. 1.". C... ' d M .'-. A: ,r . lia' he Mr, rn v t i- ;. .1 a of oil -'1V 1; . , ' fiemis M 1 W . 1 .ce. .1. L . l!;-h' ". iana- .1 .'. K ,Neiil. S. F taps in ( 'eda. . , i,,uihj; - .-ert'-.- lot.... Mi. -.-as .v die !U-.- a Heath ana Jinna Ib-1 ' 'a- t"! 1 .erais : Itr.--. t p . . .--a t u .' t . : v . !h- ho.. .-.( Creepv:!!'- v- :; . Mrs. McFafm. b. , a rd ri': .ir i i j wet k. i S v.uph of the vopr-: neoph-attc 1 ed t a . I'. F on vent :ou . Ii. WoF- ,,f Ash- via. . 1.. ". ;".;i m- .f Mars : I -.11. 11 j Y. !.'-. '.T isses Noihi- i 0,. ;,, ...,;, .- :, a pap.'.: pip t!'P) to t a-- sar's 11: a.i M. m ay. Mr. a al Mrs Km. st Ash-"ir.or a (in .-n are vT.inf Mrs. Ash- moro's j rents. Mi. ami Mrs. C. W. Ha iiOp. Mr. am! Mr- ArUar Smith of v ward 'it nt Sunday in Cedar Mom tain. -uts.- era Jones went to (breen- vilk' J': cay. -A- LLiilUi HtKL Mr. and Mrs. M. I '. I let he rmpt :i and fan:ipy of Lapland. Florida, are t,- .'r.. u .11ss i.erns Sote.-u-ro ( ot- j foi fr.o summer. They are stay -' ' Ibi-var.l in to In- p.eai i thoir s-p. M,phon. who is a s!m:ent 1 at ' 'amp Sarpiii re. in e-pyineerii ) depart pp-p- ot t nivrpity of Nortii l Faroih.a -aai'.aer sch-o-.-l. Mr. Heath- rtnp'o a v. as former -o , spier and edit- I the Lakeland f'.vonimr Teie- am. I CRARY BUILDING IS PURCHAS- ED EY W. E. DREESE Ti o. .ooiioo-a 01 a in n .-i . ki ow 1 .... o -, r.,r.- .. it. .. e-. 1 - tne ( rary Hotel, has recently been (ookoasmi ii, w . ia. creese li'om t!ie .1... H'l'T. r , John 'iih-nn estate. Mr. Hreesc ha. had extensive al- tenitiop. ipa.le and has had the sec- ond s-o-y made nuo ,.fiic(. rooms. Tiie lower lioor will be occutded by a rci! (-.pc :irm am! anot! H-r re- tail business. "In the band of Waterfalls TRAUX TEASES HIS BETTER HALF A TRUE TALE, BUT TALL ihar Mr. ib.nd: . folio.. p.Id a.e that y print ha; pi nm. . rrc MP I : . a w .'it i i :' v U oil' V. I place , i . , p . p oo ... cap. m j -, , p p m i; i , o p i i ; 1 : a : i . a : a IMC "Vir.i may hppp,. .-, a -, , . ; p. : . Th. lit i - i.a 1 f hoc P - : ! ell , 1 - or . i . lha' 1 tv v l-r .-.v. 1 n . 1 1 ; n d . Ii 1 pla th. d -a-i:-ea a. P p..-- . 1 :.'":.' M e : , , h , 1 : 'Ac. e.'.'f o ae. wh'h --a. a P 1 ),. ow 0. . ;. . : : - -'A', hy ,- -la op o ;' iy a hp'.'i ! aph the bnT of the fad. stp . ' :.!: ; hy h ; Su '.- s j .f a: 1 lee P . P-v.-aa 1 Pe: .,oPew a -'N OO. !C I Ct; pptui. . A-p-hm V. 1 ; "o d ti-.e win h'v ca p 1, , ..My ri-al said paaith. : "C-. la h . a that middle name, woman 1 oi' 1 a . p.e r 1 ' 1 his co-;r:try and the j ). A. lb v, .pih; b.- a ha. : a" y ;;t.;;, : - ,ia ". wor:.. .P.! v. , 1 tP".! 1 hoa-.-V m:.. siild. -J leaked Ha -- -' 1. .'.Pa:, .is. tip, . . r ... rai to ""''' thh- tie: 1 .-en you I ; ip- to p : . h.-p;- i .-: ' V ,p ai ; ,,0 PM - : I '::":-v "'; lh'-' 1 ;"V' a' b t lr ' ('" ;'v' 'i L ' I - ' c : .!,;,;., 1 "1 -a'' -aw ' - 1 a tt . - You're th- 1 ' es, :i answ ; red "Ain't v.- ,ir," ' told m I ain't w.,t ,e- ., ('i, ;,tl epic ip . ut ot tn,. ran.? A ' a ther - v pi .- -ppi w ith ; he ram ll.ell : op .. .... . o a 1 1 t'-t bonnet, and a fool ihb! jn v,,.; r u--t. la t )ir :r-1 r ace " 1 1 ' , t .,1 con1. 1 'Pled, "p rn'i , ; 'r a ...,p.a. r.,.,,o- , ', '' , .t'tP. s hc.-t .. PP.1. a;s. in ihe :-cco:nl e. Marv. such a cmduct is Mkelv tl) nu. U1) :u ;; q (() .. ! ,!;,.;,. And in th,. tip,-,) ,u" ... they arc discoppapinp biMboard Ureyard." And that's una time since i y. married that I had the 1 . t w. rd. TP A FX OUR RALEIGH COMMUNICATION Camtol Citv M.-w Fx.,.-;... . other Scarcity of Wa'oa- Otiir News N .. dab- ih'Ci.lU'Ml. .'.a -: u y-e --y la an !P.e S1 W-- il. ndero.pv jh !;-, : ...o !ii''. a ' ;' 7 : ('.p..;:! a . a r ' : ot -i 1; ocp 1- -J , p. I". Fatter -op,p r .. ' P p n - act a a a v : .lure rd' dp ' Owen's . ted v. Pa hap. o t . . :.' : '. ::;, ip h. i.a , , f " . Id. r. - n . t ; v.'o p pa Veioent has deVelonec 'f clemency f. ;- i Ip': .. I s' P- -e p,p .. d e' c!' m 1 P eo c!i o!'t ' piv him t'roip ; h. t -v,i: Pe : a: :- 1 . . ; . 1 . . , : . c c:a r . t e)' his coin if! ion pp 1 a. .he p. i :tv. a: t - Pp- tile old pp. e ..f ap ap: ca ! t'n- Supreme C.v.,rt. Ihil; .,, e -,a I np, ,, v a , ,. a ... 11 ' 1 a .v-.'.. .1:0 ... a. s ac r ee a w i . a p p y- tp.- par p, , I ed in Los A made. . ( I he livv'd Peacefidly i n.y ha . 1 . 1 . e . . 1 . 1 v . I tdi i ' an a -,p. . .; mipaa One , ,P.:i 1 , 1 . . : : . . o , 1 o'-a .' ! : i.a; .. : a. .a. h:- Peaher lived .ppy a ," v ': . aaay. i !:. de:.;i- to :' - j... . ''P t; .-were.: hall. Soar am ; a , i I All w, -.; w, to move away. before ic, , pa- P i-xactiai a promise ihmpi 1.. p ! . friend to iook afii r Jcrrv aad : vi'-e away the secret. Hp; t ' t 'cnd dal not km-p ; he -Tramiso a: th -t : ip. foa--on .1. cy Halt ; awaits eecu!.,pi i'; ;ipp el . trh Jit '!',( North C;:i'(i;ina State "P A deputy sheritf in Los Anpcbs v. a ed a reward and Macon c n aty wan ed Jerry. He is a bricrht felfuv.- has thoroughly rcdhuaml. . : may not help liim.

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