TRANSYLVANIA "THE LAND OF WATERFALLS" 2,239 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL n New. rev; EXPONENT OF TRAN- THE LOCAL NEWS An Idependent Weekly. SYLVANIA COUNTY, f t VOLUME XXVIII BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1923 NUMBER 2S Li VxJL II -I 'a: ' t THE PRAYER CORNER THE HOUSE OF THE LORD'S PRAYER The Living Room 10 tfr ' l! l natures of i ho Hoime of the i .. .-r.i's Prayer art- dedi-t caled to th- T'i.rt 0 Period: of the Triad. We onu r ty tho doorway of the i-'athi r's imitation. Wo warm ourselves at l ho d replace of worship in the Spirt. Wo look thi'tumh tho !h!ows up. : i'hr.' cxt r cxtend- Tn,, heavenly Kitiealoni. Now ciii"miee into tho Patht Co f-imily and worn hip of God and vi--,.f j i 1 m ! 'u of Cod --ail are t i;ini ;:! f .'.i;'..-.-- without obo ilm :. o. T-: a o.a are m M 0... unclad ia.;-- the oi;' y ilomn of the H,... , ,.f 1. or.! a ! r..yer and wi , lead Iho over the door: "Tin j will ! do;c o:i ai.rt.i : - it is m licav- n." '"lo . j . . oa o;-'.i' n mail;.', when v. , ocas c, ; ; : no '-am to l. . : ("lO.'ll av "Vv I a ;v ' a;, V ,,: 'vaa a.e: 'i'hv Wii:-' leads ever a . '. a wav : . aard. v.a; i : -Ti.v '.!'" .-.': --ai-t i u: "a ; o a :wa I wi'!' vVl le'io.a'o o- i:v.o a .iaiU. . ' -; N ill" an aa ami ntter - ..e-irincss; 'ih-- il "' m-an i xhil'.r- : of .' a:.d , .'..y. . V. u'.'.if.el' will inl" the ' ' . re. on of eoa 1 . . , . a , '. ' a ( i '. - . with. on .. Tins hrV.ian 1 : i 1 1 . ietica to l'. lor 'a 1 ' a . - a e o i i.e. - a I watoiiita' a: 0- i;ya list, n- ti r i he l T d ! ! i in- O: (oia - peoiae ' ' o ' a v ma.-. Wit at wi va! is yladly i-a-if in a'nwiT t o n ..itn ;.. ! atoi ! (h nut ;.- o..i i now h . ) i into the !S 1'i'Vrr Oln'l n 1 may take n Ima;:. but 11'. i : " lT t tore acoc: .ta' til ( . o : w . ,nr - i!i. Gttr wiil ! a lll'lH-Itll:: UUOl, I the aw i war . j s- 1 1 at na.vo. ("s wiil. t)t;r will can take ooo.r ; n ktiowh doe ..V ti'in'-. will and let God - in eat 0 oa ii n lo ;..,tl, T'a i;ioh . fiaacMf tttoch wo r.-ad is oniy d; af: joqier arm ink to ns uv.til too r will r.a:.'.es ,. .Tin- nmsi. vi-j- oiien' i-.'Tiij n i .oa. emptv .ulsa- ' -tnois of i''t ; in 'a.r a- we are eon- j c r:i i : a, i i ..:i- wi'l rwormo-atia- it.'-'-All the -trcr. ami lovely exnn .o-ior,-- i '-'a of the '.Vol if ( io-i ate only vh-i ; , ' nn'il ot.r wi'l I !(0i'- ituoa with ti-.--h : ' f and What ti laya horn r ti is thus to Vv workers toai fm r wit h flod. The lav- . p,,,.ai of s i House of the l.oTaiT Prayer oni coroiiatioii r om. our ' tinorio rra.rn. Many an- sttmid c- j noiio'n 'ii thimt xi.-ix doimr GodV v.atl ' i.- a -eivitttdo. ;.s if their wills were ! iot into homh-.ya. Rat it. r. it is an ; . vnlL.tinr. iVw.i, ... illi. lien lifteil nn . AdlltUtUll, io ii .ii. w ..... .. "i j into p nto l.a'tnershin ith the wiil of the, lii.o; of I-iiry; nra. Lord e-t Lords. And v. hat a l! inrnli, nattern v:r nave for tho do. ntt of Cod's will "en j fin" i .-m it :- in lie a von - i Tim hi a- ve. lv dotiv.r oi" Cui'fs will 'it- prffvt (h -i's servant- in heaven - rv,- Him 1 ;!a..' and ttiyh, they .peca! tntd fro r-' .v; "i no tnah-s v. i:o- of oxtihant' t brdnott-a. There is no irrumnlim: in j t; hian-ii. no hesitation, no p-ocrasti-! In lieavett therv a.'., no fool- ! ban m,alnat" trust ami eonfidcnco. i t.-uvt nml eor-fat, nee. ( . o l i ' Vf e,-t : ,illl flipC-l'l,!;' 1F1 Til- ! ... I ot, oeeat'-,- m tr-aven O.i. tl, : t ' d fm- am purpose. i;-;' . , a a e1-." y m vxy , ma ve '. ''.):)' "a1 tot ear,: ;. it ' dot. in heaven?" Of i mi! va are not amrel- in wis ,aa ;''' '! t-o .v t', ha' v.a. r.vr, :ila'i!li'l:r Not i a In a- mm' . a' tnass us in f-t'a- . in td-u rity. in - ahtoa mesm in tidolity. The ro- ::; o.o'aa.r of C.o.i's will mav i ri eoi on ettrti1 ;t-' they w ill vim, h .-cause our KAvers t!m on doinir God's j '-'-:. - ' ' " ' "'--'' i at-.' ' Cod as the manner of in l-e-iven. Itllll it is the way I'.'s vi'! ta do::" tha' ' I "' I I CHANGES IN THE BREVARD INSTITUTE Prof. C. H. Orr Nev; Superintendent Some History Splen did Corps of Teachers Tins ' v- t iu;t m of found a m i,-Pf hy imv. Pitch Taylor an'1 .is wifo. Mrs. Sarah M. Taylor, t'r.o '. r ' .'. !'v.i;,: is: o.i- . wiil i .Vpt onb or h with Prof. 0. II. 0;t in chary o as yvneral Sipenateml mt. .; i.hi a; i'lof. C. II. Trow who roc.-- : t hv prt idoncy of ',Vo:.Vor Coll; ;(. 1 It n i cha; I,:.. !; aaa laal trai : ,i ::. !: ;-.'. . . f- r !'. aa livoi e : i V o ' , , , , '. (Sit h..a he. m c: a- a; a ; a . :. ;r a e t i I- aa ) w of us ' r hi h a a. ' a'O a r.aj - : f in ; ) 1 r , eiu' 'a : : " o aal. 0.' II . 1 1 i -1 -h.avv e - III 1 '. d tat a to iw Vi: ! am,:di 1 '.! th- Pear. I : Yah al 1 " ' ' "' 'a ' 'ttt r ; y"-'-r rmda' .o;. hoto;,-d it i; 'tlti noty '. .ii';.. i i t w a ic at m. - i who h.-.a- at- pam ;' ml !e -ii. t in-n n,a, 1 r oat : : "if people . ;n c- mm ii Icnttr into tn-- spirit ;' cooj.-c-t-ai k;i "v - K" P-ni'if oi l n.-tittjli. ;i i'---' idac- and tiower for ;ro.,;l lais int eea nrenc-riv anj-rceiatcd people at laroe am i ; mo a T-air.y rent..-,i lro;.. a cmnir.v-.i ty sr.alhv f ' r '' !' !,f':i,,'f app ccint- t hi i ' ''' '-' "'' ' 'hey at- - K'!' ' r ' ;l l!s' -l:.v tiu' !''' v.'orK (". and t. induonc-es set m motion 'i,y Prof. C. j 11 lerme, open mimis in our Mnitll ' " ' "i1 "1 "' " U' ''11 U'tl! ivoT-r'n :,r,l t i.i',1.,.t tn.,- .... U.. "".o ,.w ovvot 111.-- I'll lite siioulders of these who hate labored and passed ,n will stand viose now in chmyt'e with a. vision broj aa nod am vi tr li'.ai'po.-t-s ;fai plans tio voted a,, I t tnti fosts of the aium- Imnm iters oi ow.r irro.-it (Otitit!-;, . !" ien l and Observer of Bt cvan Institute. I MEMORIAL .MONUMENT APPEAL Pha-o rally am! rush the work ,-. tin- roontimoni. V(. have on hand mn nv.v.vy to nay cash for the nri;,i;.,, vr but the money is need pay for work mi tin- , at -one to rock work. mibscribe and pay m vtir r unsevplimi- at once. as!''o- prm-d-abbo to.;, ntooei w .- rlU',.;- tteoih-d MINISCENCES OF J. M. HAMLIN RECEIVES LETTER OF APPRE CIATION CONTINUES ON HISTORICAL EVENTS Mr. .1. M. Tlamlin, i:"o'ai-(l. Xoiali Carolina. My dear Sir: I pleased with the wet !dy vi.-it !' tiie I'rovard X-ws. I enjoy reu-1 .aa it very aio.h. While I ,!,, i,.. !:...'.v p rsioo.ady an;.' '" the pvioih locally Ilia; I tin o'ca;. a-t tin-.--, a a 'tea ' in; o '.' A ' i a ' , ;o me f:o;a hav. a i 1 a a 0 1 a i- s ; nil; of nana- ai often. 1; a- '...'. .. .1 ira'o :e I'' a ! I, W !i ( a.r a ", , t h do i a ! a , f V,' i i : : -. " !i a : a . . i aim- ,. eJ ,, ! Ii; a' - riry .- ii i,,lai: i y t la fame. : ;bh- i-,ia ! t a .e-." 'i o h a. :a-t ; i t j n.eted cat f feii: v; ah i o ; a ; i ra : on 'n a : i i i i at . ins i.i.ii a t t lie : et ; er ! -. .-. 1 o ; ;a-o-iO :!-.r. t of th :'io ( t ?: ;';e: rtam-t .f i i . : t-. t --".run ions on smm points tito; t : mr -' lants on .todimN' ; neve:-i':idi-- ,'r, ;. oy in the rena rntmn timt p: -.-:--- ' '. '. t I . ; (",, - '-. . -a the hny.. ; . '.one of h(. most fasod:..ti cT c'-iis ateneratwm u lat'ht fef! it ;u tn- wtlj to he eomterniny: tho i o.narr'as.nm: cirrx nioi'io.- attenCinT i :r torepa.i o.t.-a Pruth i and facts a.iv -r.t !':.. n; thins ifi .-- ourselve.; . a th; lir e v. no-options in 17i: am; taiti tri.'poctive I'lar.oe. v. A . :' -h i s as a cm ' m or, at 0". to no I.;;)!' 1 oma- a !; ra 1 1 o: attainment.; at tha- m. ; of than avero our pr --ti o t- ; i; ' my. Their environ -or 'it -a oar v.'hb ;;il nev. .at.. - a; so Ta r hi-h i m a .a with h A"as pa-: ami' ti-ro-.u .: t rut In on !i Iri-I I .a-ta- mi cott ruction j" riod of a i tivo war. Ma-i is mo ; icTeat u; o of ids en'i r oua a " a i ommttti it : - t hm-e ;.. and con torn i i n ot for a ; aa : r u -. -ithor ! tf'. in ti;.- : ':-;' ' s ; (Cont.nm d oa . v AUTOMOBILES PAY FOR GOOD ROADS IV'ure T! Two MiH;::i Doiicrs- I-Ic;:rly tEG.CGTs Cr.rc Other N u A 1 . 1 1 ! ! i i I . '. ( '.. .i ai- ;i. i '.fj-;.-The i.o d.'oiu h i,,. - hi . n hr ..I. i i) 1 , t iio f.dl of n.-ariy two ia.-lu-; ..f a;a j hen- on Friday. This was followed w.ta .'hov.'eys and i'aihno t e n; nera t i;re :ay v-oi. !, !,aa!v!i: r: Vwpe.,;.!e ami lii., laoaa : io d. ai al pU! ::;t-. T: u.-l I 'a !' to il: s 'la ! hv not . . "c'li oi: in-!. M.oaa i , , o ;i hot ..f the (' to i,e jo 1 ia - ' . a.,,-o-' ria V,.i o-d t:.- i a I. sim-e r. a r oi .! n ' t.,- - - a . .- 1 aa 1 . . a i ' : e ta; a . . t . I . or a m ' nor a v.-1 t : . ai'1. e tin o i'.-.-;t'u!' .:::d aa.: :-.; r...u r Work flea, tin State i K ; ; : t t .-a": ' A;'ri(.ui; .:re to tia- S'atc 't.'detro A ttTii al I O . a ill:'. i (!' !,. met.t of join ina' i. ,th s ai.-s f 'otapie a- ?- rp;: i a i e ' tO... ;i ao o 1 a- i, ia- d ill P iil ..' . d- aa la aa ; -ia it aa oe i u m lev ;,i.V . -o a mit toe ;" aa" e ,. t -t i 10 eo ;e. a : , r -;. aatior- of .1, a sk - :o.a,.. ,.f ta.- ,'.!- a.- ; .,:..: of i : v. I'ioalt oi',- in t aa' im Kiluore ha- hoot: . -radon work for se- d Son, atitutio:.. js.'t dirt otor of ': tie ol- ano oi ti'- oe to ! v. --a.- ; , amass ot J rum". ih i 1 V KILL THE BEAN BUG MEXICAN .-.'EiftN LEF.TLE IN TRANSYLVANIA In response to maiiy n,i;,.r,-t ; ioi m 1 oianat au.s ahout tin- .Mexican Lean I lh eth I am oinlia.ina a briefly a p.e-:toe 1 i.o . itic.t'on On.." lonlron; n. in V ff o r !, "a 1 i o a ;.: : a- - co- oa i : ae!a- . Ih h r . i : ; .'.. o ; c o i aa 1 1 ' ace vo ! ha t'aaae.ii,!. : - - . a a a' one in a com o aoait , a f .!.!'. I!' v. il! I..- lo; e ' i ; a i o e ! ' a - vi a ' tin so a -am. la ana. i aja I ; ia 1 ia ' penr. I itr- Hydratcd lacae tit i u- a;!'.' i . Ih i:a I . : : ... I ! ! V. i . mm -e. ! ': ' :. :-....!. i j teei":- m :ho a a i oar i " a a - .. r. . i st; a rot H-oy is at r.t.r..i o.,t n - a a Warn: y u .oa e . .- : ti'o fac t that i. rrnn-dv aid e '. otir m-itrlih.. o-- wii !:.! a Si-iio'ii , t hoi:h.i in, p.-an Peeth- under control. I'-, you know that in add i i ':!.- thm th.a M. ttoiatl ..s;i'.y. Xavy o- : lima pole beans, corn, lieid hi aa oi as. sov hcans. sv. eel oh , ., 1 c, If. hf !. .' -.: r -ai it. '. V like up and chne in thC waek t'l '. : a btl: foiaauioa er aid tlait I to yivo. If you are out of , . sumoies oao ! .-. ' ' , e seen and can If w. mod fr 1 Villi. ill ett'i ' cient ham!w;:v : sprina' cpi'ia ,', ere X-ut'-t i 'a;..' 1 la- ho-t ; i tho mom ne : a . i DEATH OF L B. LEBBETTER Ttoo- 15. I.edhetter. a .) 'Oai nent farmer and .-tock r.aa - of ! ).a i vidson l;iver I i i July t! at an a.e vilie hospital. My. i.cahettcl w,v oi'ieer ri- aa a; lie fii 1 1 f, I . n o a a : i ! p . -i a . ii. Yoade.-!,;!- ;! I: .. 1 1 1 BREVARD HANKING CCMPANt S EM I -Af N UAL M EE "I i NG ! '1 i-.t i 1 the oi i : eo v: 'I. M. i . a aaiiOu' .. a' I .We: tV fem tile arch, CARD OF THAN! Mat!,:.- , I fia. rt.N fo ! o. 1 i ' ' i dm--- ami I fat!:. -. j J. E. Diil'i'.i.j: LCCA i r 0 17. SPARTAN CURG. S. i . eoui-c'i. S; m or a. Tin--lam cm r . . ka -aired ;o... o ' m , 'it. dudiny: splendid Stituho. I eiiupmont. ! T!i fohow a oi j up work at co jt ! lav. .I. :k P. ; ; ' -.. . wko ,.a. - , ... ! ly called to .-imply tlm pulpd".,:' : j Somh die p;, o i-; ,.u:r, b, ; , ,.-u : jit die no ,rn : m.- ami event!;; i.- j yi-stofiltiy to larye ovm: :ti.!i M r. 1 u pre has la-en couducti.... m,-. j ye la-1 : o sow; oe - in X ; it, m He succeeds Kev. II. V. T.,a; fonnc-r p;t-tr". who--. I'- aviatti o- ; a Ken en : - a . r. ,, at .(..,. , . o , o ' , I I.O. where he will spend a aa tion. Ileeilo an.d riddino , or i t he most dost ruct i vo i a t'.er come into our mom : try. P. X. ''( " t , -: ... i . m , . u:f

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