o TRANSYLVANIA "THE LAND OF WATERFALLS" 2,239 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL Tl EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVANIA COUNTY. THE LOCAL NEWS An Idependent Weekly. VOLUME XXVIII BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, JULY, 20, 1923 I I JLJ THE PRAYER CORNER I NOTICE TO COMMITTEEMEN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD'S PRAYER The Dining Room Aia'.' the imam.- Boom of the House of. t.;e '.eta.M Prayer, "Thy will Ik1 (ioiii ." ciiivs the Dining .Room. "(11'. e us this day our daily lamea!." Sur, !y it is, not by chance Pad tbm v,eiaN ui",ii in this order. SaroP the Saviour, after providing f. r ;!;,. ;u'!;v::v of His disciples, was -..yt taking thought for the main tain'., v .a' r." ' 'yd: B i' thi-ii" activity. it would he most unlike Him if I.' li.i:': do:m Did He not set a table i;i the d. . ert far x l.e thous and and "later tor the four thousand? Did a- am sprmd a feast for His dis Uy pV Sea "I" (ddklee? Did He md ! ."lav..' that He Himself was the .,.;;,; 0f ,;'(.. 7 Did h- not design a simnh' r.u a! of bren '. and drink as a men dm B Ha death, and a token ; . i ;.!, .a gam . ve.. , ; . , -o ii of food Ol Lord had : A')'1 vi' material .- - th- 'd-a h.- oak. -a . will '" tP-aa. i .! ;t even in a The Hoard of Education adopted for this county the salary schedule suggested hy the State and no addi tion to this salary is allowed to he made bv aav committee of any school 1 except as provided by law. The law stales thai, ''the i canty superintend ent : hall net nyyove the voucher of aay teacher for a sukmy higher tiiaa that' provided in the salary schedule, unless by action of the county hoard of education a higher salary is alh.w e for spec.el hiae-s. : mil dedioa i a. or e:a r aaaaaary circum 4,':!co." Tee "mw further s.ates ;,;';! die ' mmurmnilatio;: f the com mttee t : a Peal am di,df.-l. .nay . ;:v th- a.: "it tee and the ;ii'c-a:t. aimd to suppiemetu the aho ies of ..1! u-:i. l m of ;ho di- '.rict from Bank o. k. d .":; i ' va' lax t 1'a-1' ;,:w. ;r die salary of , m - ho d. x a a di. trim d.mio he . v. oh :- at ad i ! -a! : fmm a t ' . ah- o f ad i e. r m rr of Ban eis' .ma vo'i . ..:.. to .e ::- ERSONALS : THE FLITTING TO AND FRO OF THE TRAVELING PUBLIC I'o'ory O.-horr.o of ; arata'r.:-; d-d is -o ' i i i : o- ia j5rev' i. V.y. :! Y:::. Idol Foalloo- e Ashevill-.- spent Sunday 'a Erevardi. arai .'dro. T. S. v, oi. i. .;.. spe: .ou:.da in iieviih". .'dios : .-r d Sd a-r: ! on h- io i ' irav fi ivO'd.- in A kroa. ( lido. .y .a IT' ' : e '. a.c sao, .Vo'-o. vale an ba.-iaer K. :d ( !: v o; of ik'vokoa A : pent 1'ae. da., in II 'X ard. V .:-. T. d. Hunter ..d" ::avaana;aai V, I ! ... v.. : . ao.v Her so; . r. . Ceo; f ('oiUP.ibio.. a ad ( o : ; on 1 la :a ("., an vi i. d :! ' vo k. NOTICE A'! who liavi' promised a team, to do ( ae day's hauline; for the moiiu i;i''ii; work, will please meet at the David ;on Jii . : c hared Monday, July ;o haul eoliblestones from the ha d- of i',o rivi r. ' '' a fe .. days mo:' hauiina. ..am. copiom a:ai stones- and then :e.o loci-, i.ar-iai will commence work' and push it to a iinio'i. vVo h. pe tii.-a all who have m.iIi- ribed mom y for ihe rood cause aid mind ai the premi: -rd amoanis to Mr. ii. K. Walker as soon as possible. BREVARD FORMS COMMERCE BOB TRA?CSYI.VAN1A'S liOr.'iE HERO j ithao ' eo i . a a, io for all to s ibseriho a net-.; '(,:-' oaaK'y very macii. rr i ! :: m.'ii.biN'j; (.'o.Mr.iiTTKK ..; 1 -rphaa a-yia.a : i o d:oo vail! p-ivo a .-a-erl ai V. ana":. (P To i Vaihu: Room of - . - ; . 1 a - - wiil"! .1 '. ' . '' f ar wdl not bo 1 .- ii do -aopiii d Mid 1 1 1- Oa l':0)aa 1 'I ,,o, j :y .a 0 . - O o i .-.' I i. IcakeiAd' not be for.ro' ten. The 5uh-; tarn .1 ;ae t- . . . , ... 1 ... I I ' I v -II 1 e . I IStaa: ao ..a: . as. ana as ; - i ... ..... i i i ae iii -ar-'. m ni-v -o, ; - 1 L ... a i v vi i . , o . . Theta ao : a - . a . aoa a-m. tnen Iwhv the : . of (-,... eiaafaai kite and a vm e'ai : d on A ndaato l! iaamed hifflv ";k (". 11KNA":-.' ' ' a ! a. v d o .a r : " week. mo - o aa.i '.'a k.i: ! : . d a new :o :rii:e; era' . f make. U sao S- vk c :" P'arr.:.. oa .a ir,. ;:: ek eioi ;., i'v.v f: i"n do. . i ; ac -. . . i .. . ' . ' da- V 7. !'. (V"-. ;o. - o'l ! '. ar. a. nd l 'Mary, t!--' "it : ik c t." dd : vie I" ' kit o oai ' od dm!.-." re e; .a o ;!aaa " i L : e . " :u: -'-I'll .1 e I i-a-r. a ;-1 1 ' . 1 : 1 1 1 V ' "o'i a". S i i!.'.i .e : I'm- ! tat it '""i liaii y lie c a ? r c - i ; nv, a'lver. 1 1' v . i at too Pm a Oairer. . sal'"' r for a . Over a-1 ae; :s a na - i ia ; ":d cine oi Y,W land of plenty, .plan idl of n-' iaio.v ;i:o wise rale that ue a e4d ouh1 have the table a little It ss m daav-ast i hi. oi- to 'i;.vc n'a aid never piaided, but will liail saleU" !. an i . i. ...a t:,.. . )W niaay a as o,,,-y .-v : un . j o laker of our bodie- . however, wa-uhi :-l':.'!l a:, o I'- .1 1 . I O '. " l'-d!Iio nay am " '.ao."'.' v. .a !'t . i r. ami r-i r t - ... . T -I T a'li.er. r . i ; D d.- .'da .a.; f a I 1 : na- ia , v a i ;-' ar a"; !e. air. a: M is a .Marv i .euh-e. j ..... i ' . r U . . 3 . . - - . . t-. - - - . , n n . n - - I T-: r- -o. veu-ea'on:a ux- .o.m h i:ico.v. - KLljii i . - . l A :,-J'i-ri i.tw o ; ,. ,: ,.. w i;.,.; of . st as in :.- ihhrn-;ss He allowed ! ' ('.. pu i.: ,,f . , . i , a .. . . . le israeine.- to r-i.m i .u; .ii.-" . e ,.,-;, .( ? .... K- , a ; r a a-' d .1 Y Yu-X. inna for f-e f.vc-a'y-four hours. ; Vvc.,hxUy-x..!t ( im ca oa Su-.-h-y ! S. (k,i at the Xcrv.v' lv-e than on ihe day 'ad'ove the Sab- lb for rr oiminc a". 1 1 o el Itn tney nnnn jra.i-ir eaoaa no ',,a.-ht at S ekT aaa ; mar .y . -iinimer. dlant.ai Mdah-M k:a ; days. Vdhad.evor was Kt,nered i y: . ...,...,,.. .,n.mi, f i.o.-ition with ia-d la: , . .-, i l l ! " ' " ' re than tr.al snecm. aeeaveo ai.vi -Ur , p V.rXrd; ih,. Fraa t 're.-- , a; .can ;i;itnmapa mik- resuh dyrT-rpsia al; ends 1 (.ri:ln ..a . ....a , ,o.k-avd:a. ?la.. ' Mv-os H-rra.a .'ear a, ho is' km ia i ".e. aaamur at dvar,p i N' "ny (,f IIend"m-.av dk s; i Sapphire. Dr. vair will prvach ; a... y in Krevard. Tuesd.'U' r.t the mmadia service a.orouahiv r. oat man does no; ver tooii was taken ueyf.aa ours , (iauv neema ''hristian. however, under-', a . ro "oa ; - .V. k k (iaikoway ( 1 laa ..! r eel a io a- ,' da- a i-. Mit'd "jp oar ( h( lv s kdl Wdiian. a'"'. i : i-i a i a a : a. a h d aek. v.To ha ! ( Vv t. la- "''a i a : Yo- a ae. p.-. ; i ; ! a i.aaa ia '(.iambi.'., d. i S' i . V: . ! ' a ha "etura" 1 a ' '--':- a -r-ii -a tin- wira-r i i .'. i ' a -1 aaa. la ..-! (daa. a a -pi-rial ( p r i a. per year ( rive a.. M i a bread alone . ar by mtat and Last ot iicaaia V.' lulil .! i a ... a. S. ('., havr- aa-fea t.o 'In va- from -da ap j, ai are Hvinar 3 k alone. If v;t are not led j 'Pransvl ear. ia. Tkcv v.dil he in the Mrs. Lawre ae iJck ia !...- the Bread of 'Life the bread of i.ho.:.. au.aj;- (:n cs:i -..y ::5:. v L. aClfH. , r, v- (!aV;; i;i .i.vlu-viLv with "t-v it will do us at- anal and eternal; f..0,., t U) t:.n. o- , l:K .opowa': d at . Mr. and Mm. V. kk Y.hm.! ; f Aa-Hdmaia . !: Mr. Kitar and Fra: a;-:, are ma. aeva ai ii :.-d.c- a tic. di : . k. "l. V-a!-,iery and daa "'a.;:y. far- ( vefaraed '. tie. k ir i 'kai hate aft: v aaemiaar w v : a an. n ... e The ;ira-u Eoa.r. .-f Hn ; numbers. Mia. Tom Kmrli.-t. of ra:id-o -0 oi tnc l-ovo ' i rayet p-omues TJl 11K.rv ic--. s v.'ho v.a-rc va tk; Maver neat T );ur,;t!s v in Ld-cvar by day our spiritual, as well a (.(,n.,r(.o-;ujm Su-aiav joined 'rath the with Mrs. Ik a. Ktsln. pnauenal ereao. . flu-i-'-h mr adaeT - ai (aor.-(---sira the a ikailv Food" ia. the rr.n-e of i .,.o,T, (.(-pT;r,ri , -r i., ir -mmima famous coikeetion .f Biblt The Chri; tiaa Eadea vor Saekaty ( ' Is for daily nakia This is a i the th-u.4.-, rncot5 from Talk aalil h i oiar: n am! M r. . a.os chosen nam fa for the Iiible h ' o'clock. Ah vi-at in.tr v-.an a ia aa- LITTLE RIVER NEWS Id food for tk; r-oui. It !tiv-a, -i; ., ,- a Ihe wisdom ami admonition ; jut-1 . .. a,,v r;,K. Irrcnprth and eeaafort v hich we j to carry us thraaph lift There soul lack which is not 'met by j ible just ;n tte-rt is na bodily; Qutie a amber of mm peop!r -.-r-:- ,-hich is not met by bread anil ,' attended dm revival rr.eetinarr at illaa The Bible :s indeed ths Break : tvre Suraiav rac'Ia. and the Water of life. ! Misses !...-v..- and Jackie Aa rreli only, of couvst., as "hri.-t is ii. have retarr.aa t; t'aeir Imam at Union lading. It is possible ta read ! S. ., iifttr a -xis:t v.dia their cmand- Lle mcrelv f ar a.story of kitera-:; i-.j-c nts. Mr. and kdrs J. M. Merrell. ! e- - a- v:si-;rm h.-- T ' nd not for life, -and in that ! Mr. and Mr.-. T .Jones and fimkiy .achr.rv. life come- "ran it. It a? like j ,, Maretta. S. ('.. are here tor an ia-j Alia. Joe Odwiaof (kdiiav. kk d Id taken by a dy tic, whs civ. ck-linite stay. i ;.; vjtitf. friends ami relatives i ipested. and bud. up into the-i Hanson alardlt a is rocove"in:r : Rvovard tk;- aek 'j 5 rom serious lime's. ; r..i,,. t .... ; . -a- m a,.,.v. ,.....) possiiiac to '.a..e i. .o mil en oi .vir. mm ..n s. V. :.aacr at ..: l food, even as it is possible i tiIIo visited f 'deads ae-e Saturdra Miss Nellie NiehMion is visitinur ! v. T. Eosse has been on ta ; . T i i muves a. rtors- aos . ; i ... ... ,.,, a..,.. u . par .uoraan .. a:aeoa. ; i "; ve 1 in Urova rd for d .ad is at ("aain Premdi Ik t ,v a. . a..-.;- r, .,,-,,1 o rieoTih ' Pint,, of ('ar.ma '.vare ei a'dv am" m. rie.i in Brevard Monday. T. A. English .at Ia. ia . m Hive -' has 'on e to Boon, 2. ('., m. a ha-i- mas tri;a 1 . Tk II. Win- and Bedford Eos of e ' ' - m Paersnnv.'lic am- trie i.-,v ,.otns aiavers. ?lrs. J. M. Thrit-h of lam ah . .; est spent the day in Idevard v.at': i'rii ads this wc ek. Mrs. Plato (allc-saie of Pmamord. ,i a via .- a ( 1 rat of material viands? Yt's, ir work must .ao wain enum-t lere. :'ima tratn a.m! tn"ii incr, more Bibb- truth ard do livimr that i- toe rule of liaestioa 1' a man will nedlar Mad he e.a is the tne li:aoa R;.m, of t!;e t!m Lor.'.'s Pro .. . r 1 aaa : lie a.:;, a ar. Ke rns 1.!!' "O'er-. I are tiaa . m caur. 0. w'len food out "f dm a-aal tiao- par". '. ' v- . . .m -i vemae ; Via. " ; d (ii dm! ancs .t ord ." f oar kv . . Th--n io taa . 1 . o v. s '' ai va; n I v.-o ! ( a at ai" aaa !ra 1 a. S. v -iky 1 eo tk ' rit y f j -,K. of' a- a-' 1 i dk'o. !.: and J ,. , ;. . ;y ; Imattar: f the s ml and of. ; ;ive us ti 1 hh mother, Mts. Lewis, f N.-rtn Br-.-vard, for a few davs. Llinaataa se-rcn.-hfa am mere 1 dm Poor. kraye "'; the M; r we can ca; ak ascd He mr . a .. ;. . ataaa aa iv '.a.- a "a . , Hoa a me - . en re 1 .,,.,! .- m,,m. s"a r-ti aays f h: l.-rablv b'dter ai T. .V. Man haai of (a-aaa. die. '' (k. pa-sad tarmrdt Fa'-v-ay 1 e v ms smtam r e t tav a a d d; t;a s "ii j 10. nr ' , a a aa . 1. a (ko-ae '.'.nlH'y t',.,.,,' ia.l! v ban v 1 1 : itiik na.e Ilea. !.- : avii;.' wiiit v. ik ia ."da' ;'. !i. Mao kiao of New '. a- -it aa ma famik k -.'! her- f. r aoa.e id. t.a'a to ...-,v i .e ra ir Mr. -a- d M a do :' diao - : . - : a-. L. a.'h tr : " : s: n dal. ka rv.a-d Ikd.-. ersit 1 p . ita a in ,. a- At P has hero dea d 1 v p'r m . . i I perm: ce ti.a- ta.- 01 ; -m-. a. . . - ed out ard the k ca! aa r.aa about do "ided f -- a mm .;.-'.': a inir to tie' i;. v eaiiam ! a -. . doiua i r a to t y. !:.".; v. .. a rroa! impini "a.y of :h.- 'a-a! tors are never nrr- '.: . tioa.s. FORMER T R A N S V L V A v '. MAN DIES IN CANNON. a 1 tlte i e a K ; i a " . . a e s 1 It km. t f ia; t a it tie l.ou was tair taami CAd.'XOX. : . S. Aiker i id pkded j t ell ha, d 1 '. r her. do we ail ..amd wait another call t arms wcta.i t -oi.mti..'d ia ear fi oat aa''k r. a o: a oe or. v a . " : M . , aiiic ta a-, alii! r- a mao.aa' ,J 1 . o tv vi ar ailaaia. S. ('. .'d Sunday tc . . Bill was ha a. d piaved kai! fa" V. B. ( d aa. of (' r.ar- le- m a'revard .'-'"; .- of t .laa d. Ii. MMoao : : 1 mam- a n - .ive V"f ramv 'eadiair their . mmaeir laa. (- r-turr.ed and are Tk -wood House. !) , l.i .-:.:!. 1 a ! a ae ( a Tom and aaked M' call, and if so. when. ( "om a tomhvht." " da .'d ' ;e. he x'addaa io- you ia tim koa.k ( Mi"i. had ai-a.rVd -era-ii- a- tke Link !' - a - . T,.:. .;, Ni.adit '' !k At tii a -vo k- : to sneak, in trot, came Biiliaaa aco:npana-ii by a box of Bavi- A' er's h e.aaly not men ka da 00 . I herded the kmier liaif of ra a B.!k i 1 I ia to tk k.- k i'ejrr.. illAlo .-. . ( . ; a m a 1 a Briv ad iip -.a-r to lata: .0. II' a d Mrt.aaa a i a.-- ,-.d a : a;; ids 1 h-m.- i -ah: of da- i ' kv, 1 e nail i t o j ; ;y ; a ."' ni.c:.l ta j I.; '.-a '-. dd . j kiilia: i-p... i ' ;V v !-'.'.'," j Juiy a at the m.v d' T:a followed aa dk: --- of ealy a and was a M -k a- id- ' f: n lati.-s. Mr. Ada a ".a - I Prevara X tk , v. a a ' ato v.'terai!. itavara year.- i-: t!a' d'ak X. m lb Mr. Aikm. v.a- marr: , ' :' and is -airwv.". hi- was MPs .Ma aaar. ' da . . (ia.: tw-. ei.dd-' ' a kr. Wdka ami Mrs. K. Ik d-dkaa. s . a araa oa -aa a Ma . In re cdmmiti of dander-em Tmat a thers. Mr. Adii-aa a.. viile cad Mr. Ma. a:: Funeral .-arm... by hi-: : ao--- r. Mr. V BaiUi-- churaia ar d tl laid , . .... . ' y wife ia Betha .y . t . a Mr. A .S. Ai.a ha, aad '!-' -a- m t a - 1 two a f k.'o "a - '(" li a ; v. li'Tii aiaan var.l ia t!a- td.: lb v ..- t a. m a F. At:. ma a ia x; a ' . a ar lit "' ..ii.. ram r : : a: era- dadv !;a aaaem ale. M'ra. I'annie Pa .adliaa 7k ' f. lis word, on -T l; heard :-.',ua aieait tin.' 'd'aii'v Ib m i of ihe Ida. e of 1 If Ivirma Fad for our ma- Lord's drave fg roa.a km at times n His name aaro iiied that ve might id price. Often we may go live and who lives that we might reign aaa xst-aura, bs un.-atis'ied, be- with Him. ?-. annot adTerd a full meal. C. D. C. r with iier ; am ( !di.d' ind tiy to live tdeai Wkitmire St. if ) ti.a .'.an u tais a ;" r m a a, r ' - ' - - 1 1 . kv . ki. . i 'c '' t -Mrs. Lewi- aaa Peach. Maa. r.-a.o.-k ami Mrs. Smith of sen and (laughter, Eli; r.cttvsille, S. C, 31rs. Jacksonville and Mrs. lando are spending the air.-, Welch Gallowav. AND SiXTV-0. C I Mo: : v ,: - F ' - i. 1 . . it O- I ; ry. ;aa. r. tea i m.v . ne 1 L.'ai:.y I tle v. "Where's t'ae snake?" I scre ..ie-r wit;) ; ieardm oiam the door. (Co-iUinued on local page ) :' ; id- ao . o -t I la-' -' and cat ra a ' ao-a: j You can alma. a- d. y-aa k cress ive- Kosnttm far or. da ; triotie work. THri BlMLP:X(i :.'(.. ?P I k II

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