I THE BREVARD NEWS. BREVARD. NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY, JULY, 20, 1923 THE BREVARD NEWS. Published every Friday and enter ed at Postoffice at Brevard, N. C, at econd Class Matter. The world" is so full of" a number ot things that make it hard for us to at- I tend to our own business. Im. A. BAND Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Subscriptions payable in advance) ne year $1.50 Six months $1.00 Throe Months .50 Two months . . . .35 ADVERTISING RATES Display, per column inch 30c Minimum Kate For Display Adver tisements $1.00 Reading Notices, per line ..... .10c Want Column Notices, pr line . .5c We charge 5 cents a line fr Cards of Thanlcs, Resolutions of Respect and for notices of entertainments vhere admission is charged. Address All Communications To The Brevard News: FRIDAY, JULY, 20, 1923 A closet is a place where you keep the things you are ashamed to wear and too stingy to jrlve, away. Liabilities Capital stock paid in $10,200.00 Bills Payable 6,000.00 Deposits subject to check Individual 50,G8,'.45 Cashier's Checks outstanding, 194.75 Time certificates of deposit, due on or after 30 days 24,503.88 Total 100.5S2.0S Also, those counterfeiters rather sup- port the prediction that in 1023 every body would be making money. State of North Caroii.ia Co-J-.ty of There's one nice tiling about an en- j Transylvrnia, July 12, 1923. emy. He isn't forever telling you I. Lewis V. Hamlin. Cashier of the something for your own good. above named Bank, do solemn. y . ! o, ear that the above statement is There are all kinds of people in the! tho bt'st of niy kllowkMlr(' an,i world, and all of them wonder how the i Jt H VtMVTQ r TTAMT IV C-ihier 1 J I i IT 1 k . " rest of humanity gets that way. Every day in every way Hut what's the use, why not shorten it and just say: "Cone, ci.ue, come a coue!" The thicker the head, the thinner the eioiiM's. Houosty is the best policy. This In cludes foreiua eiie. The world is all right, says Ohaun cey Depow. No matter how old that man gets, he remains a humorist". Correct Attest : W. W. Croushorn J. II. Pickelsimer N. A. Miller Direcior-;. Subscribed and --.worn to before me this 12th lay of July. 102:1. F. B. CARE, Notary Public A modern college seems to be a place where 2.KH can sit in the class rooms and 50,000 in the stadium. 10, Poise is the quality that-keeps a man from -looking us foolish as lie LOST White thoi'ougnl'i'ed .hort feels while matching a piece .if silk. horn bull. Weight about six hr.n- idi-cd pounds. Finder return to Thrift is the knack of convincing , v..n, .,,-, roceive rcwani. yourself tiiar ymi'd probably grow tired of the tiling even if you should buv it. 2t.-od. WANTED A mill, lease or rent at one.?. Box 121, Rosman, N C. 3t.-pd. FOR SALE Chattel Mortgages CI aim and Delivery, Warranty Deeds Deeds in Trust, Lease, Summons and Warrant of Attachment, State War rants, Notes, etc. News Office. Strictly fancy selected Rorebloom Brand Peaches. Craie, six baskets S:S.50 F. O. B. Sipment day order 'j received to any address. Send re- ! p. mittance with order. Add express if desire prepaid. i ROSEF.LOOM ORCHARD CO. ' 2tc. ABKRDKEN, N. C. j FOR SALE -S acres land, part woo,!- j land and part tillable, with house ' 7 rooms and bath. Delightfully si- : tuated 1 1-2 miles from Brevard, X. ; C. Price $12u0.00. Terms upon in ! quiry. A. A. BATCHKLOR j !tc. R-l, Brevard, . C. j DOGWOOD WANTED Paying highest prices. Sixteen dollars and up. (.'ash as delivered at mill or on railroad siding. Car load lots. Brevard .Manufacturing Co., V. Fontaine, Manager. ifc. TRAVEL B TO f'ENDERSONVILLE s 9 " 134 5:30 Hend.rst.nvbU t Erevard same ho H c n i c rs v i i ! e to Chimney H o i , pa 4 I 1 1 i U A. M. Her.d or.cersoi: vi . e every 30 minutes "' A rL io 7 P. M. I lendersoaviilf to P-1 1 Mi !. il d. ily 9 9:30 10 i0 r mutes, 8:30 tp H P. Vi . $ I riert'.crsonviiie to Laurel Hcndci Eonvillc to KsnugE. Lai-e g jj 2 Special stage anywhere at any l.me by arrangements 1 a NOTICE North Carolina I WHY TAKE CIIANtr.S' Go, yor.i , Transylvania Count He is n proud as well as a useful; milk from dealers who have had Skeptics rave and the Bible still re mains the world's best seller. Will somebody des!::n a summer golosh to wear wilh summer furs? suburbanite who makes two radishes ' thcir CoW:. tuberculin tested. Ours, grow whore one dandelion grew before.. have just been tested and everyone air herd is in A-l condition. V e m oi would be pleased to place you on Edna Strickland vs. F. K. Strickland In tho Sunerior Court The defendant above named will Suinfor I U I The ultimate test of the vamp's abil- I Ity begins the day after the ceremony. Anyhow, a lot of people know a lot j. r... ,- i to invp rroOd I . .. ,1.... , have known if old Tut hadni turne,i "ur rouiu. .i..., .. mm' nouce in;u an action entitled as up. service and please our customers, i a;oVC nas ut,n commenced in the Su- Cars fceave From D; vis- Walker Drug Store Phone 85 Phone 173. C. K. Osorne. tfc. perior Court of Transylvania County, The nutoist who k.'es on his iirlght lights is not one of our bright lights. J A "window envelope" is a device . ciw,c ti,i k ,... FOR SALE Bundles ot I l H t " J 1 - ' ( 1 I l 1 I inn V "in 1 1U t 1 1 - lng. Everybody knows it contains a papers. 10c per largi bill. News OH'ice. Don't view with alarm. If you can't point with pride, look ahead and hope. Cold discoveries in Egypt will give aroat impetus to tlie tudy of arch-eolog. Sophisticated people seldom brag; j . , . .1 Kesources most ot tne horn tooting is the green- T 1 r- to i Loans and Discounts . . iiorn Kind. old rew-- ! ; ;!''' act'or' heiiig i'or a decree of di bundlc vorce sl'V('rin" the bomb; of matri mony between the plaintilf antl de ! 1'endant. n WANTED A roll to) otTice desk' The said defendant will further REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF : vnable. Luke Osteon It:' j take notice that he is required to ap- TH" PISGAH BANK j pear at the oftice of the Clerk of the FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for : Superior Court for Transylvania At Brevard in the State of North Car- 1 cattle. Perkeron mare: 11 years j county, N. ('.. on Monday the 1:1th olina, at the close of business old. weight MOO pound.-,, sound. ; ,iav nf August. H2. and answer the gentle and works anywhere-. complaint of the plaintiff which will F. D. HUNTER ! he filed in tho office of said clerk- or, The Willow Tree Te n the Road te Transylvania m em mp If she lives in a small town and Is broken and bent, with toil, she is called a dutiful wife. Demand Loans Overdrafts unsecured . . Furniture and Fixtures : c i v. nr. on ' ..... i ("4OO 2U"' Brevard, . , or before the return day stated in : .' : 2To:00 ' WANTED--A reliable person to this notice and let the said defeiidant 4,820.38 work at Oak Grove Cemetery, ! fu,thpr tak "U th;i,t U htfa'1 , , MVivri I r"' oo anei ui wen;ui Lne said C ash m vault and net amounts ! ltpd. Mrs. J. C. MAXW LLL . . due from Bank. P.nk-.M-s. ... toov iMUI.o.. u i , .p . . , , ,.0. 01 FOR SALE One nine room house m We wonder whether ineome tax re- frust Companies . . ll.o8.L21 1 feAKC' n n Cash items held ovT-r 24 hours None; mo wuoi u.nuiu, hot and cold water, two out bed- turns of movie stars square with press tment li'ures. The only growing pan; in I'urope nowadays have to do with the size of some war debt. Checks for clearing Expense. Interest and Tax paid o 8 !")..",;) : rooms,, with land to suit purchasers. 73; 52 j Well advertised and partronizod as boarding house. Apply to I. H. Total 100, o82. 08 Hampton. Brevard, N. C. law that the plaintilf will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 1 1th day of July, 1023. N A. MILLER Clerk Superior Court S-t0-4tc,l. L. E. Lurches for motor trips and hikes. Delicious S withes, Desserts, Home-made Cakes, Ice Cre: Tea and Cocoa will be served. Hot Dishes or Plate Lun.hes by reques1 set vice. Smotheied Chicken with Waffles our speci: U . ,S a t ' d Coifce, .iter .ng 'i GIFT SHOP ifl Novelties of various kinds that will tital attractive gifts. Kodak Films; Scenic Pom Car i rol.cphi !te So. 2702. useful an Hours 19 a. m. to 7 unking Co. JEROME & PUSHELL It's Your Department Store "Use It" 4 We welcome our friends from the country and hope that you will make our Bank your headquarters when in town. Did you get one of our Savings Banks for your boy and girl? Teach them the habit of saving while young. LADIES' SILK HOSE j YARN, r BALLS FOR i 45 BED ROOM SLIPPERS 79c $1.00 MEN" KAHKI SHIRTS, TWO POCKETS 98c SAMPLE SILK DRESSES $7.95 MEN'S TENNIS SHOE, BROWN AND WHITE LAi $1.25 Four Percent Paid On Time esources njver FAST COLOR GINGHAM. 0 YARDS 98c MEN'S KAHKI PANTS $1.39 THREAD COATES' 6 SPOOLS 25c fknr n miR-1 , r- I i S I 1 CK ,E j 25c " J LADIES' CREPI ERS AND UNDERSKIRTS 39c LADIES' -OLSETS 89c j BARGAIN W.!f 89c 'KAHKI KNICKERS 8 MEN'S OVERALLS MKVS DRESS I GOOD HEAVY $2.45 j GRADE SHIRTS ' $L45 89c MEN'S FAST COLOR MEN'S BLACK AND , MEN'S SLIPS AND WORK SHIRTS TAN HOSE SHIRTS 69c 9c 45c JEROME PUSHELL n r 7