TRANSYLVANIA "THE LAND OF WATERFALLS"- -2,239, FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL B r e vj V r EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVANIA COUNTY. THE LOCAL NEWS An Idepcndent 'Weekly. 4 VOLUME XXVIII BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1923 NUMBER 30 SUPERIOR COURT DEATH OF FORMER BREVARD CITIZEN WOMAN BADLY HURT BY CAR EMINiSCENCES OF j MUCH NEWS OPENING OF THE . SELICA SCHOOL IN SESSM J. M. HAULS FROM ROSMAN I "V I si new Very Few Criminal Cases this Term Expect Iwj Weeks to Finish C'vil Cases Superior curt convened in Bre vard with Juice J. Lis Ray pre-adine; nnd Solicitor' J. M. Carson prosoeut nx in behalf of the State. A tri bute to Train y'.vavia county was formed on tin- criminal docket, it lK-in,tf the h : ; d.vk ? i:; scver;J years f . r ; b- nut, . In hi.- t harms th. rrand jury Hi H.ii'or vci;."k I that 11 nry Lord Weill, rot ly ! 're-id.Ml', . The ea.-e ef St;.:' v-. !"ilmer Brooks for tho .t -: l'r. i i.'.v v as .continued id vvieu. bedew inc; that as State v-. . ;. ' :!.; for ei.i- 'eft . ! t minor. v." -" '. ( . Y.,nr; ' " . p.-. a - hor.ri : - Prof. J. Clyde Jones Died Saturday at Government Hospital !'i'i;.ii".i'i 'i iv. V. il ard 11. 1. V T,t',, f,'" Ye 'rial! -th : b The following is a clipping from the Monroe Enquirer relative to dm death of I'riif. .1. Clyde Jones, who was pr i n ci i:i 1 of the Erevan! school durinr 1 '.CM lb and 1 HIT-IS. His many friends of this community will remember M ". Jon, -.- was a. one hun- vv, p., v , i ma a and a prominent iiu' di worker, etc. : .1. '!. Jor.e of Wil'Ul' iivii l;a i Sat urbay m-mainr. J uly 1 -1. r. the C. . Xe'crat'-' hospital at : '. fee ! i l ile . S. J . "' which he had im'cii an inmate s-uee last October. Ueturuir : or. a r"t-h' on the . hii. Y'e hhe en which Preside!!! Wbeen van . I Cam a Mrs. Galloway in Stokes Hospital Prihibition Officers Busy in Travis ylva nia ( Ashevillo Citizen ) P.tfKYAKI). July 21 Mrs. Etta Calloway of 1'rcvard is in Stokes Hospital in a serious condition as a 'suit of having her hack wrenched md loft arm injured in an autermi Idle acerb iU t w; miles fr..m here la-' Sunday '..: - : a". when the driver 0 " 'he i ar. A. M. bhn;a-. of Rosman. at 'emitted t i-cape arre.-t on the par; f officers who inspected him o '.ranspo; tiny Ihyuur. The accident otvurcd at b aid o' loek Sunday s .o"iiii:r. foih, the :eed:litr "up i f t;o aator.,.. SPECIAL PROGRAM FOR OPEN- ING OF JULY 30 EXPECT GOOD TERM The committeemen of Selica school arc planning fur an 1 the best term of sehoo! this year that .hey have ever had. The teachers re '(((! :.m-uy the best in the vj;!;. They are (',. VY. Sprinkle, ri'o-inah Mis -ran:e ( i ilh -oie. inter- BUSH WHACKERS THE AIKEN FAMILY, WAR RE CORDS. SPE.KS OF In hearin"; of the recent dealh of our comradedn-ai ni -. A. i"."e-t( .ikons. hi'ou:.'"ht befe.-o our rtinin;; sent vision the Aiken: i;; rally, p..) ne rs of ill:.- county. Th,. naira s d' paren; couple is :;,!. t, own o mi- ICE CREAM SUPPER COMPLETE SUCCESS OTHER NEWS I Mr. Alvidd Kr-iau ville Sat;i:day. Mi,. I.. M. Wa'kir la -ie, spent Sunday : ville. Mr and Mr- .Wine A Th( re -eeai:-' to lia e he'll four hroUl J' I . fell I udd .'oht,. Lewi - a i rip t ( li u'ders to slop, -riven b .i . L. O.-tct'i: ; a; 1 , nrav.a ry ,v ... a. r. Th.r rc'uool will open next Monday. ! :;n. with ;: . .-v.! ; Th inripal aid e. ; o :" the aa.rninu'. be daaint; at ' :'). will be deliverrd j.y b'V. Wadac. i :..- . !I. ;:a ; r of id"e- "I"'" j .ard Lauti-t diiiah. Mra f .'. di be made :. :. jia'l Purope. I;.';:. '. i:i;;i. i- N'e'V Y ' ' ci.-n ; :" . ; i .1 u'.v i f I'reva.rd. sen'or dlicer of trie I re- : , f , ! - ,. - , ,. . . ! 11 "" 11 a a. MhHlon l.ll ; ore el bars were wait:: ! t r. u v e a u . n f . fm i'i arr w hen W . i '. ;-'pi inkie ol. T. C. I: ud atierb.t eaden; ('. Siiar iiii' i li vct ion e i i f i': .a ). o ' '."-a s--a l a e ve t d'v.: .- V iif a :e, a . nu'e t "A". . ania:'. ' I." i .r,:i ..; i , fla com .rurotv :11 1 . t --. nt .ibr , i i ' l (bay nnu forat a resolution which i r., . .iaiv. ; ' a, efuli aiar mi ;ii"!l!s v cauv i j -he at: tt'on . t f .vr in i .a-m a a. s ,., -, r, ;'''" '. Ib'of. denes ::' ea'" -not tar r- ami ,-.;.,;.-. i ;., v ,vi r; ;'ae V.'iavale ' ran for 2ut: ard-. i'iv'ina a bank and j -..: i '.'2 1 -'22. b;e ; ,-.v.f nine", tor s-eae :. step-. M r--. ; .i.ipei!. a "etvrn to a t'livt'iis ' iaiiov.ay was thrown t rum th' car !a litail' t l her. bt, Ivaltn; a! was Ui-v-aU m tHe mini (ley :;n. i,, y- . ;,. : i - e ; v! o'ti a o i -1 ace. a" v;i.- tri'oa r i a " ; i . .i , . , , . , , ; . - . . i a. .. : ' '' ' "'"' "ri ::-.,- v- 1 1 "i'ii - aa to a .-. near e-.eoa.i'a -..(nn: o ie 1 iitaale, ana ; ws- l v. b tae ( iarer--. udas io" V : (('.. r. .'-r; :! ; e a" d - ":e ilai !;! Si'"V v ' a- ailier-: .., va.irk, y V: tho ear. ii 1 1 IT. .1. ..-........'. 1 . :' " ' ; t " V a . ' ' t at "' V l!tVt ,i r, nil' . ' i . e . hi . Thomas, and three or more -,. tcr . ! think Archibald is the protfenit r of those of hi:- iv; no in ,he Lo.-eaai tion. I."wir moved to Ceortria. Jes-e IJeed marrieil tiieir s:. t"r called lb t ie. He oua.e I v ha' is nw hie'.v: a- tin- ae!i. -y far;, eiar Cal vert, tie . o.i !; 4 farm to 'i'homar A ike . and moved '.-:;. which vaaa i a thi. e da;, r ear- ; ,, Ceo . i l! t id eae d M a " or a Mild ' e ' ! , i a t i ' aio a oiiin' - a ad - t b-. i rea' Ida: r aba the c V!".;y .ate. lii '. ae lawyer ,( un a- p: , are, m( c. i Ho i - the !:r- ! la vye- who,:- Traa y:- I . . , . - -, : a ' ! V M . ' ri .!),,. t,e 1 :, ,, io her li'iaa' at Aian, . ('.. - uu- time visitinv Mr. am! Mr-. C. M. I ra. i calleu to A - he villi !a ; V o Mr. i p f via r hat . . a , Mi . lb Lave b : : i i 'A eel; : a A hi .die. 'l h il ' . e U : i beX ', tha con. a. tin l-r Ab re" 1 a " I ' ' ''' K.'-'i'i' i : ' v - pro v ii !' a i;d! ; b ' ' d. Th,. prt-t at, ;ve al-o iavv ! t ' he pre: e' t a : 'd ; he r ! . . ! ,,... ; . v : t via : t i a e re a a a ; it w .if. ). : .br -a v i - t- U!"l 1 lb b. " trii . lob M i a re - . ; at t to Iv. a a - : i e e f hitivv eaa v a i tip.-aper V e, 1 1 i. "A" Old b M' w a - v 1 ; . :v. hi, ' r aban V rt tia ;i- ( i a. t t at VI" A ' a 1 it I :.:. -bat, - . a e s in V .'.. . ,a i .'.-.' ; roadtis .bvr ee : i e -. r -1 - .i.e av - W "uaevai ' t :' : IJ :' ' . 1 ,, . i '. i c as i . ! . i 'of. C. i.b . aleae t ;v . t t : t e .-. ; , 1 . re: k of m iife. ; ear. v. bb ; . o ' of t . . .V . V" e ' oral"", e bari.d feakb ib -i !er iti ,e o! at veil a n ai- a;t v. a. i a a t; : u t', .v. , , J ; i aarr v. o,- : ar, a a pta viraitar;. b" , 'bv, Ih of. ,;ea: b V W. a'n' -dav b; f a"" l ltlt rd o-. tvaiir a btater , a .:b:-e-:aa A. E. Il;iii)iiM;i. ;e '.. V;: ; . ". the ; , " -. . ',. ;i,. , . Pejo-. j oeoV. a Mr. 7.. i V. vat : ".a! i w:; i : !:v ' -i". : of ad i oiv ei : . i i v-. 1 a,lb".'. ay. ii: Ibe and Ollie T!v- -a .f Dr. J. i iautta ; Aiaea r. f. rra -a - a-' a v, ; ; ad died v v o ' W. b.. 'fh -ada!,- ;,e. nbr t.v adbr! r a ,: Cdb' I I . e I Pa . Siaa 'a 'a I 'd or las-. Sua a ; Va 1 a ea;-, 1 :,, a H a 1 '-' f. . . a a a Mi- i INSTALLS X-RAY ( di! aas ;a centre db d aa X " of 'he ' -'i -t iav.m- v. dl .a r i - oaiy oa" ; rewr i atnre- :ead'- l-v M r. ( ' en :. ' v v. a re aiv- " !e v.- d eiaab Mr..-,-' Kb. av. fr, eta- Vi ual Iv. t . -'.a a t i. tvrb v - . I .: a a i f 'r la? .; ti:" : r.a I - ' . ' M a r t : a ; re ati i1"-. iti ra-!: laa t ah-o ei"ilotriaai tla- j; o'a a'aib .a . v, 'a -1 had bee a i Tv .. !, ar " ime. reb tr.vv in- pn hir itaai : -eiaa e.; p : va' t a rev o, ti!" I t ilea.;,,; . V ,:- ( !U.T p. -'. ill- v.e; fut oy th" . ,j a,:,.,. t., , otba. 1- db;e: day. eie-"ni AVo REPORT OF GRAND JURY ' -r' u. .!. la Kay. .!mv. !: " vdv.v: - . tie V; a hi ry , pa. a at '-iv e :,. . ! ;V a . : ,; . 'a'r.if'f,, ita.a: ..; -.; ! " v-'-rk ; b :a d v, . ' : . '.' W ire' re- it; V.'e h,:,r ; n ". e V a -. o ,., i ;U,. i.Vs efo-e us ie. ; he Solici v a ret urn ".': ' a naive ; b." i :a. do,.'.. . Cdb , e a Allot.1 1 bat A:b Wb.b ' of t hei terrbor'v' , he -e; ea .,v , I, P i IK 1 i I n'loi . ra"' i . roai t ne a cb of VP Mi-- r Ivi-v.a'ii. .- pai'tia oi til" Sob, -it. .V a - f i co j ' a : s 1 euro! bed ''a V. "!'e frill i r (o i c- i- tine; etlieer. a b : ",i vr V.bib.a.: ty r f ab- . ntvta- ; a plea ,d aadieia of -a iv--,, . va Vubue -1 V "aa r aiV 1 C'l V : .- c I.e. : ..or.i, riai:"' 'r.;.I and bhrvtiau in- . a"a- 'aa- captured Welm -day '.' .aaiv-e ant: a: ;!.. ntaay ;. rar ia a ' ati-a . J. Sumiae;. a "id v." trallotis ' - , (i; t;. ., .,i aata v- with wbaai a - carae in a'"et ; be .f wh ikey wev tab a m-at i be '1 ran- V,'e i:a. eaav'aed the ( ,u . th:.- . I tin . i a :" h- v.r- as social ei v-bt h the -;aaava ani llende'-son co.nty bma hou.-- aa.. a'"d ame in co-eio va ed to ( b onrai h" i a "at,- '. ' 1 y ib-ibb id M'U Ho-.l All I a; 1 e 'A.; i : : . i . i : . a . . . re t v.r.d dai : : t be i'V ; r ia- n ;' .v. . Ia his et a at K tr (iv. ; aitsj,, ia '! a ho-r-e. '!'b,. -.Va - taken 'nd Ov.ei.s wii! i . .i tcio'i! at m :1 "I'l'tii o' court. L. K. II. :iry rU fed euilty of u.mpir.;.; into a -w - ith an auto. 'l dm c"'.:r; v. ii r,, . a far two a,- i - i .om-ot" : : . ' . .. .. . 1 .i . . ' I : IV! til ot IliTt . . . ; , .. ' . ei ' ." . . a Mb I.. Wbaaiardb car wa- r. (..,. i - ,. jl: b a.viftt! tnbate to Wed t .-: da - m. rnintr on v.e eivvve of a't'd v v ; e.,:nf. rtaid" c'aar-a worthy ouna preiou:- Iran peitatio'i f nine . i;aV(. ..-caii.;eed the 'ad a" nut of u hi-key. The .-;:. .re look bad :-:::: j r. uM-d eV'.dvioa. wei:- d p.. ...yi.oo.! da - are tour able: wes; (,i lb"ea"b. k'jii., and p'"i-oa,r- well i i for. vee'ad with, 'io !hv. ia-; : 1. :a i'vb -enooi and as a hiadavr in hir or. a - a teat, her i a '.tit t .e i ra i ' a va,. - v. ith ni- family here. aba bred Johnson ' b ' t . - k ' a: V v a ... : l it of A - ite i;l ia. , , ,.., ,. a , their au, adpatv a'-. Mr. a' V (,!: ; i" ii" ,:av 'ram .v. iriav 2 'ri and m;v:v civil alio;::- wid '' .in. .iri-v.- l'ei 'v. alack : :! 1-arrv We damd t Uv i'u;itvr Ilorae o, liii-.Oa-. csou i :,;;; aa,. moi n- ' o o, c to i a :.. a a ;.n-j wtdl-keiit : 1 i !v n ha- -oiitiir;.' ; af h'Te ; n mat e, v,(-ll u.-ed f,,- ,h."aful red ;fl';.:r.- a' of treed tin ra ani i ate.-t. as a oa : he chary,- of l:id;ntr l!:rt uaibuis at The farm connected with re-- h;d iv-. Aiken inhihed or avv church no m m-r and comn:un!i,v o'" va r;b ' in a in, uutav: sliack. , t ho I'l.nnt iioo... .. i I o.,'v:....m .'..'! a- -.. a : ' i-it V,., ... state, count?;, and world ehi?.e:i. not Ihuid was made and a preliminary i with plenty ol' torn, meat and vesro ! Mr. a. beo! ami .ere a lara'e ritt-s o Kiiu: w a'" rouii'.r men vi Surair.y school where j r if, vf'vaai C A SCAD. A TiEV'S Mr. Th"a:. Ueid hus had ,it from Whitewal, r to J. Ib Xeal's. Mr. r.anv conns a counieii tm- ;'ter oi will ! nel.l ..loiiuay nen ie .i: . ; tunics in. evoii condition and a "o id nn rotor: v .; tho inae.s. Me ,,.. '.uouc. -- .-:nji J. lyde Jon' I la. up. r . crop of ;i.v;nr corn, a ni.. stark- daeed ;u ;!.- we-terr: county tite ' . k. V. ii a T'r.e soin-. vr the orra. i.,ii were 1'hiur -vized cai's are licnit; adver- ! yard of small jrr airs, 2 co'.v? . ho- Seth ThoUia- v ..I doks, aaaa- ia ware lb, :aaa - r ...'. a il ... a ....... K . : l r .. 1 l ....'..... 1 ..... .',...'., i , , . . . . . - . 'i- i t , , o i ricelv e.-owred and Worked "'"' "b " ":,u; i"'uuu'' " ih-eci mt saie oti:u. ue i;e.i m-ui j noisea ail n voo ,1 coa rta.a. and v enn-u aav. uie-e cioi k : uet-ii.r.t- -eaaa. h.ei.iher ot wrath had sun with Air. : weeks as a result ot Ida operations : to.ds wed eaied for. V" feuitd i'ae ed the e!,i 1 - .wer efo-.-ks that rt ached - Mtrtnon- and Kuv.aa ibuv V.b 11 Hinlde -vi- .Kt' to Mr "''tors in a (o.artette many aim's, ot the ohicvi's. water supply m .irood conditio::. We In-m do r v coilii-.;. i his con.-titnt- --('eat tne weeK end in A '. Th-. be nel.i Monday heft re Mr. ; tahie a." . . a t . s v d 1, ;!.:.- aa .v. -J. Maaby- -pea; ; at it. s - ! 're, ilater, !V .a.rd 1,-r i.U-V !'a.V.V. VeV- il'iee Xiiaraa: -i-ta at 1; (1 him out of the haavr ua: cepteh a .o.;t.,: a hot.kkeoiie Lumb.-r ( ,.. : w : us fir -O lli'ill' b-' f. b M. Leach. L Fund. Crr,:,i are kbayr c-Xii.-!lent in th -ectloi . ;,"a:lt :: ' Mr -od v,.,-rr TTd.ri,. .,, Many and brautifu! were the fiat-a! dnishna; a race budctntr on tla- ; Whitewater ;,,ad. i Mr. and Mr -a Ibire ( assell aa! Mr. ibbfluv Amlrew a;otorc(. '., ('ascadi;.. ; t:: u' ct'nit'U'r" ' vi-itintr Mr, aad jdrs. C. I.vdav. last j Kridav. ' ! A ROSE CUD PLUCKED recommend that the count v ira: -- e .urt'- a at; . C. Lurris. '.dr. Van Williams ami ICE CREAM SUPPER AT PEN- j sunnlie.l with a wardrobe ie ,-,'.. v a i h. sW ROSE u . vTeiiiuvs sp akr-rr in a measure the If .ou warrt to have ; ran! pvod i yareciat ion of lountr friends. , tiara le sure and conie to the ice '1 he intern eiu ioliowed in the Vi it.- ; creatn upper at Penrose school hoii-e Saturday nitrht. July 2S. A prize will be triven to tha one that consumer the most cream, -o come ',! 1 V,! -ei t wrart, -a II inkle fn Tucsda-a Jb'v d. lM2d. Lockv t.rre pui't ! a: e 1 a new car. "LilOOK ril'i'L LS" DR. CARL HARD IN TO OPEN DENTAL OFFICE ib-:.::: (bail. at of Mr. and Mrr. Louie Cailov. ay. pi'V-i-ed from this I' fe tti (;:' i:tn tha- ;rrt ater life be a, ad. His illness lasted a little n-.or- two weeks, bavint: become ill an iuepared to eat you1" share. A cake will be sold for the prettiest trirl. so boys brinp' your pood looi.intr' ytirl and i ; ee that "die wins the cake. You can't help front havim; a Okh ile manv tbieatls as ot l)r- la;1ai-, of J-i'te Tr.. funeral ser- llard. I). 1 . S. v-ii! be tlclishtt-I !" , a. ,,. yv ,,- .,; acted bv Rev. A. J. know that hr ' -"ill aiien his own den- .,, inUv at ylllvv.ona church in ltd on .Vnust 1. Mr. lianlin has Tiurehasr : ht- bu-btcss of Dr. J. H. McLean - ; core e rain or shine. LOOKS MUCH BETTER m t,. Da tbi-Waik; i ; .vHl continue dental no I'tioras t-ver the Cl- ucerter ;vtd the little body was I -' id McC-ary has moved hi- aato bvd to rest in the Macedonia ceuu - j mohtle business into his new home Locke v;as born on Auyu-: "i.inext mor on t rbiwoji s'reet. im- e apipear- t "'V. !b2'h and wt-s therefore two years. ; !U'W p- , aya- adds much t . air, j ; iv o. Ida Carl it"v i n is a native of Tran-ylvariia a., j is a recent rrra .Taate id'oiv Th, Atlanta Svuthern avnth t'.ventv-seven days ! anc... ot taat sect it) n ol .rv ausinesr (list riot . taren.t.-t ituve til ' -now if we can yt'et be tv.a inaei v svmnatbv of a host of friemls delapidated frame buddintrs tm the Dental Col!ey;e. This Is the hi-hest : .,M( r(.aj jve.., realitiny; that iar- i far corner of Main and Caldwell Sts. I';!t'"f ,1,n' " t" "'-uh anii ,,uda! i;ve ciatvs about the liltlt- ones ' L''-i'le 'i'l have a h na. ait!;, i no : i our r ouinioii o' cavrre. ,a.,. .,V(. -.--idle we ma.-- si r- , "v :. I v l.r-t -iirht tiu- eye be- 7 " I :-ow li("';ri' c , f the;r lea'ii"" us v."- holds when comintr un from th" da ;rt WILL TALK TO THE Zbi'LDREN . , tt , t,.-o,;, r..,- a,e the.-,, r-dies ,-f m-io-ioCc ,!;,,,. tile tra.nsition is for " Mis-- Turner, a inisionary who has , their t-verlastiat; joy and happiness, worked for ye, rs in Africa, will en- j May the hk ssetl influence of the tertain the children at the Methodist : Holy Spirit c mfort. tho bereaved church noxt Sunday morninyr at 11 i parents and ttach them to walk mote j Quite a number of vis o ciock. it v.a 1 1 COURT WEEK n ne interesting closely U Hi: . tvita doeth. all Miii to adult- rhiel invitation is ex- , well. te d so av to r. Mb-s Tu"er. itors from all sections of the county and other naarhv cities are in.Lrevard this f urvdi".'.: e .-.'.t! !i ia -s for a while. Tha Mr.-. Wad" Carr. a f; d ci.-ck for atauv has been vi.-itinc b. r room to fontum the ciothhv; of tiv yo;. .. . Lofv- ir. mates and also that a jrantrv znifi'. the latter of wlu-ni mov, .1 ta er. a U. yihe fidher. Mr. and Mr-. Uansey (ilar built in the kitchen. W e a ! a I overheard Loiter M, cmmeud that a bath tub be ,ui t h.e-e :v,. s'vntlemen talk over tiieir autoaiolede of ;i -taiaiard tile .ei'ound tloor of tiie ri'tirtr h ,m.a for the converience of tile ii a:ai , a We visited tite chain e.y.ii.e' and found evorythintr well-kept and the t xpeiaema as .-alosnien. when the iat- 1 teii v.a- hue on a vis,, ;;bout 12. S ING ING CONVENTION Esq. Aikui married Rachel Henrv Tht' Transylvania Count, Siav . . , o.d.l,. m-. ,no,n... . .,,,.1 ...,ttl...l Coat:aiea wili be held a' Mo: 1 ' ' . i 1 1 i - v un : r , i : t-ck aad tquipment in i;.,, i condt- . Is'. and !':.!. lie 1 as In.-tic ten. We found the prisoners at the chain transr well cared far. and ad state! that they wcv. well care! for. , .; c e ' , t one. V t found one pt i.-oner who claha. tha.t la is ;dek and unable to work. t!. I'm; ", f.-r-any years, li , oi:,a . bv or b'db candiiia'e f presented ie in tha house of n. uu-. lb. wis defeated, a.-- w. a. pi ra at - t'a ; oiee hailintr fr ';:rt of I tender.-ou always were. Aiken wa- a. tr'oo.l eitiven- -a a.,. . Morn. a th.. h ft a Su::b;, . a b All da , lioiuer mi th.- yretvab l-.Veryb.-tly coaa- and s.av ; iid. tiie Loiai. ;J bil'iLl.lL LEK. So - c e u e .- ; COti'i? 1 low pro-;:-. : - o; :!tt tiieir :'ertt:n ither tate the authorities olabuiny; that he i- -weral survivin;: hi:.' vi!! ",.s. a- ::t'e w .ii. ii. . ..:r.. n ame tn worK, nut ret uses t.. t!o s.,. :a-i!i. i was a ; o; Ov.'inir to the confiietinir statements -tnce aad .-;. mnathy. His ,. .,, aval opinions in rey.ard to this prison- open to orphans even aft er, v.e recommend that his case be , witluu iny hand f wa.r redu. investigated by the Judtre ,.f this income, lie cared for many court. j for aa iadiyeal uncle. lie Pa-spectfully suh.iiiitfi'd. for what he believed a T !" tTTfTT-TT r- 4 ', . - ... . , K . .. I I , r. r.. aiaruiti;, i-oreman i'-- ur' " ' 1 -;'d- preca.rion.-ness of r.-cn- ti n, ,vi t av I l!'' tMl !'"r th!--' th"-( Nvh" --K'lt.rel til tht.n, ;uvav. cloomy as tbv. -iuv e'.tevtnc the ervice at :tr" trieir edutudion was scarcer, here: . !v'- felt, on their return, front "he v.a '" the necessity of better equipme: . ;, went for a slaud whii- wi'u . youn.trer broth.ers to a local seb.o . "-' I bat the sternness of th,. 'bat aad t'- del LAW FIRM IN NEW HOME : it) the rveuntains f ,-n: ihe .brtee-. The law iirm of Casli J- Creese has "t war. moved into their new offices in the j K-o. Kikea was tim father A. se -oml story of the Breese buildimt. Syle-ter. Wi!ba:r. -bdta. .bar t .. a widen is looted on Main street, tippo- j Lawrence Aiken. The first two v ere ate the court house and formerly : nieivb, rs of Co. "K" 20th Ibcr. iba. y known as the (Vary Hotel. The new went in as boys am! came out a- a. en owner has remodeled this handsome , t rue and tried; stoo i for the h-mor huiidintr in many ways and the in- J of the State threuy h recan-truct ion terio:- in very attractive. New office ! : nl were hi .v abdimr tbfi tiie'e i.e," , after. All the hovs after t!". Wel't . Ye.-s : ;;;,.. d M I bale . She 'Ved no; ma,:;; ; -aa:- ; f ter. I. caviar the countr- in c:e-!s ' : fe. v.f kin- v, o ; b 1 1 le ' ; . a .. hooti. .s a soltiier lie had the spect : i liis enmrad.-s and ' ' ; tbtte iie remaiueil with us in civil lite, he :iad the I t spect and coidblelita' ,-f tho-o who knew him. In tiie burr ' stri: a syrh. may oe .ieard aid t e-M'd v.ovils hoar, .'! e;o'U'." A rIMMND i a. . . n rs i our . ta.s yfo- diirnt law br;;:. I td' their n f v 1 i A ; i . l L i y

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