IT TRANSYLVANIA' THE LAND OF WATERFALLS"-2,239 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL S7 EXPONENT OF TRAN SYLVANIA COUNTY. THE LOCAL NEWS An Idependent Weekly. VOLUME XXVIII BREVARD, N. C. FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1523 NUMBER Zl MAN REPLIES TO STATEMENT OF CM EXECUTIVE Bill for Depart of Commerce Found Liitlc Favor, He States NCT DiSTURbED OVER ASSERTION E-intii: Head Declares L?.K or cad Clan Would Mean Duplication A-dievide C tizent "'K;om-r M.. L. Shipman, of v::t Dt niirinicni Labor and Printing, i r.ici: ntana ' : r 1 o; ill (':.!-,.. ,fv reached Il'Midoi'-onvtlk thir- 3 rt;1.! pg iror.i i;an;a ciuiiuV on his rvtrrr. l th.- State capitoh He ;:pn(':aol hide k run-hod over the roivrvv.? t- 1:: -.. ly eicvcriior Morris en in the !;,S!i ! ': iptueh lo s- crtus: ies of the Chan hers f '( n.; am rc a' Ad.cvi,!!' mi Samvsv c ai ; . , a " i I; ,s at tea ' a.-a last rig:,! m ! rev;;rd .,,-- I "I have t a 1 as ! ao a. a ;;:::: red wit a y,cat hv yr. ea : y::vr ' no matt : a, he ,fav. ;i in a ' ; ! o i a. , : . - a i tin' c a ; a - ; ; i C.ed for a -i ate- I r.;.. ia-.: of f.-.a pre ' t "hut. :':ice .-. f o--s r;a r ha . via1 oti; :' !;'- '.vt.v to ; ; ol.o one. 1 shall try to !.: :v lam with a hrie' :vh,ln ( v. i iiave n ! ; a a l : o a t a - i ae t . no nor t pe irt - i.-r a hniaahv t;r- a.n m is thy t '.v.t'o: : hiiay in Th;. er.t'ari'.ia.'i'a: a (iava'aiarV era- Ahevi!!c sno'vh. adeaun to whovr; it v.'ti!- deliverou are fully a.vart of lite (aoj-j-ation oar dt part nient has !i"en i hem m their wa'dt and prefer ;o rely upt.n t heir . est i mate v 'i it? vrd- : ue to the opinion of an official wito has never yavu-r.; the ohaae with hs- presence sia-e tiis i naiari; rat ion , feiyuiiis; profound interest ;inii picaim r; ii.--. at -hii venients. when ht (iesiied the support of my- t elf aud my p'opJe jn the p -iniary pontes-, jric: t'b.-jvto. ; mlK-i pr:c i i r.-ere't o. j "I Imvc been a booster ftr North . Carolina tao leaa.-; to submit to an- , warranted aspersions upon my crn- ' iJuctyas .n oftu nil from a.ny souri. e ; and I wt-.nt to say rip-ht here that., in :iIO iULUiV t- M. LII(' .p.tSL, 1 u,Uall DC ; iound m narnictiy witii every com- ; -a ! i ; f h'rt astra ei .ni- vri mcndtdile effort havinp; for its your- saia. ) t:udjtor;u::i tit Tryt.t.. th r. .: pose the exploitation of the wonder- i w ah .eonduct a jr-val r v:al ia If! re fill rcs;uicef. oi ihe most progresshfe j vara, beinninyc . uurust i'. JstRvfs oi tne Atnencan pmon. , "The GoTerr.i-.' nas contracted the j habit of pilloi ivx- party and official associate?, who to disagree witk, ! him. I hriyipen, with others, to fall ir: ; -Mir. . tT ti H ' n-i (i- .lf.i.- T.-til.V. If, .lln..t. i , '"- "-""'fs v"-.-. ""-wi ""ei ; idr .it thtr. "the King; can do no U wrong. j "The bill piopit -M-jd by His Excel- j ltncy to create ru Department of Conmicrce found favor with compara tively few mvniotn of the General Assembly, who were in no state of : ... A f ..-l.ll.k ........ .1 .1 f r - , ooiitj iu o-..ioo..i nvn uu. nw or new offices, and ;his pot measure f to provide a job for some henchmen J of the Coventor, did not appeal to them. I saw no valid -reason for the attempt to cripple orne State depart ment, a-rainst which mt -a single com plaint had been sustained, to set up ! another with less fae'fitieit for de velopment and ?maTler jtrospects of .achievements air.d have -no apologies i-o offer for the inform?.t;'on I jjave f(,he committee relative tt. the charac-5-er of the bill. It sought u duplicate, in many essential features, the acti vities of our department,' set forth in the statute cr ating it, and i consid- ere i it not inappropriate to t-o in fori ; representative s of the people, wh.e were expectetl to reduce, rather., than increase the burden of taxation, the Governor may make the niott of it. '-7y commission came from t'h.' pera'e -not fro't; him I shall r.t.t bcco.-iie vercisct! for havintr in 3 d his isi'Ieasurc in maintaining m -d f rei- nevt ." GGd -F:?:OR TO ENJOY SHORT Y '..CATION IN TRAN SYLVANIA COUNTY : la a-ill;'' Citizen ) C -'-v';i- .Morrison, in company v.' ; ' c : "aisles A. Webb and J. G. 'thai-, left vesterday for Tran- my, where they will ; ral ' a vs. ill eriov comnleto 1 .cvornor v.-i! 'die on the trip and will not de- I re lv f':'. y adftresses or engage in any am; o:t State Questions. REVIVAL CAMPAIGN TO Evangc list P. C. Nelson ;ui(i family of Detroit. Mich., in cooperation with local ministers and people of all churches, will launch a great revival campaign in their large tent, which is to he pitched Saturday near the e eiii t of" Pre , urd. .!..-.!'. is a ,.;.;. :i n v:; in aa owm d is; w I. t r and aft v the v : 0! a i-::., o. th a - la. -.v..- Tier i - ayf I .. 1-. ' .. - ' i -r 1 he c e o j. ;e lac! a- o a VI lie 1 a ti n ! and ' i . aeaeo :Fs list ehtaa li. .;.-. t : 'a.n t - a.: 'ie party jao.-t hiaah. at a v !aas;iiiy laa:e.. as is aa :ceosa "tali ea:nua: kvi-aa'r , .oiaay ahaa iiaae hoaat'a. X'-.a-inir the 'aa-t thia a or t vsin- ;;sast Nelson ha.- aer; as ii: ;' i;a,iK . i-.;raa:te(: aia tla aa-rt'V-- he a', -d of ah :.;.. , :' iahre-a ;sd .'.'TTiv-i. a., 'a- (avane-- idia'tira.. d''a:t 'ss. ;.ara!y- ,a sh( t; aan a-ata h'.-ti-t -iim' a f.. ,td'.'. canaer tithe: s -cahei. . .ara.hh.- dha aa--. ih,- i s tx i n t(, ho a it--d -a. hut hi nravs eP: ta; su it and f a s; ra-al-a I r .irimr '-he pa t f -.- -.'eei-is tin - iV r'l - has beer: iadh n a maetia.ys it, r-t v i;.:i! in i1 e : --onC h-.. 'ihay, w?I. iirohali'v ci...- Ck ca ::i'-.ii.c;a . A T ' .111(1 a'.'C U l.i . . .' 1. ! O O S. : , ieeaa committ. is raw -.a runni:, a eentraily located icentb'T: lo; the c: - ( I'tra .la. are tent. X,. doubt the yaMi folka from ah ; 0ve; - vhis section will travel Riant ; .. a tl,, . ... ; :,.ii.: - iu uucnu lho-c- urc-t. n l,s,s a in.- - t,i:siii. with t-vanyolif P.. -tf Nols.o: . !- TiFE PROGRESS CF WORJC ON THE. SOLDIERS' MONUMENT aanv inary work has ca,rr, mertced ; - , 1 ... . --. n-Kimiiiit cie,, '. f;frtl on'. : - . -. - . . . . ....... .... a. ys atta preparations for t.t.a' f ou.i- ; . (litxtL. TTie ia-rir.y of the stones witii com- . lve-fice at an early clay. special staries sc-'ivctetl for their beauty and special fttorass have been sciectarfi this wek. Tho brorxv.e work wa.s shipped from New York on July 25 and the irutson-s? will hv read-;: for the insertion of the tablets, as so'j.n as they arrive. The work ttvill !y rushed to com pletion a: tht -t-arliest possible date. To replace itrioncy spent for th ing Ywl, or similar articles may be bronze work, -we need money badly j chosen : for tlie future work. j Handkerchiefs (one or two); If is. hoped that all individuals and j wash cloth; pocket knife (men can societies who have subscribed will never hava? too many; they are con send in subscriptions at once and all stantly getting lost); memorandum who have not subrwribed are urgent- books, small pocket size; diaries, ly requested to do so. small pocket size; mechanical pencils; The Monument Duilding Com. ky rin-s- with ciiain; playing cards SCHOOL HISTORIES Two of the school histories which were permitted to be used in the pub He schools last year are not now on adonted list. These are "The Sto ry of the United States for Young Americans in the fifth grade and "Our Republic" in the seventh grade. Th.e school registers contain these two books in the list but the teachers will please take note that they were adopted last year by the State Board and - Lr. if Education for only one year aro bevo Tore not to be used any long ' in any Public schools- T. C. Henderson, County Suprentendent ex: a. .- W -if- . v fcf. .- ..V .... V'i';iM'ti a f :h". i va a t!-ta,r J; 'fr a w ices V The Followir.r. aVia.s- " a C-a ''.h Eccf Ir tc-ct-l to .:or; a.' th Local Rt d Cro!, Chptci- airs. .1. Yv. Sisith, ( hairaiar-i of I eta : a a. '! sar.r ylaiT.ia Caal taiy -. , lb. i a. vaad. N. Ty (; as Mrs. 5snahav. 'i( i-.. ;",- a, S 1 S'.'.all SO.- ''' ; srovarni leal in ;;: T: siens. N.Pi.i.d; at a these men t. t-1 very r.r av.-r; ir.-m : U ;.,, (1 : naa! a.t( t. .oris a. ia e. a- - a . - ; s;,)e their f lies mean muan to them and imp K'.ea up fair iiaa- j ale. tiu, Southern Divisio? nas been i . . . ii i v..v(n : ountn ,a saono sm: ii naaas- . srivon a tiutKa C( ri ;.,;,-: int.. a ft-a. t i ; ; - . . , r y-o t; be ! .-a-nt to men saaitait a lit t'ai.ii ami the 'iryin Eshtrids. These hairs can be if t rem in ..,-,.t, o-o.- ,.i.-,.-,h-ir ie- f-mbam or anv r-hl ,--. red cot- ' "t th-- va-,-!; end with .Mis " . a,, a a.,,, -,Jl)ora feece at Ot'ebt-c. . . 1 (iv 1 ii '-r-i's wotr tiraw-i measure 1(1x10 iiich,ss v I Anvt hint;- selected from tba artic- f ' . , , a ia.- p;.e.s mentioned or: tr.v utacva list can tie put in the- bays. JYe art- senb- ir-E' out our quotas now, thirfb tug it whl be agreeable summer work. It wild be necessary to have the bags re-tyj y by Octobc 15. Shipping- di rections will be sent to you later en. Cv5uld the volunteers of your chap ter supply twenty-five of thes-e bags? Selection of articles for tilling th bags may be made from the follow - and puzzles; tobacco touches, cigar ette cases, pipas, etc.; return post card, addressed to chapter, with Christmas greetings. (These give a personal interest to the present. ) SPECIAL NOTE: No perishable supplies such as candy, cake, etc., should be placed in these baas. THOSE REGISTERED AT MOUN- TAIN VIEW INN AT LAKE TOXAWAY Mr. and Mrs. lb G. Hughes of ' Warshol('-b p- ('-; :jr'- (rtrudei I White' Warshohs. S. C. ; Mr. ami Mrs. j R. G. Chandler of .Macon, Ga.; Mr. tnd 3Trs. W. E. Walker, of Atlanta, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Greene of Savannah, Ga. - :a. 4fV 1 i , '--a. r-a . . . , - a-. . A s j ' :' n : . . -. ; y a - ..:' 'e : . ,.. ainanv. L ;";" AT. iaCf'r R'-d NGr- FECM T: IG'-VN CF SI' CCEoS SING ING ENJOYED b.-a V. ! . a a: day at h-7 f ba. h.r.a-.'i-osa S-ish-a. ia;s- in f. . ar, vi: a : a sua !,d - ''' 1 . , Mrs. Le-eaar,' Staton went to Ile - i - oerso: iva'i t t If If- : r. -,:; a bra Sinifdin- Telat,-h ., . . ,., , a . . ., d y; , . y, , . , u:i chddren tnjt ve-i a t vs day ' tir.inar aa! campiia- tri- 11, I'asture fiver las . weok. Miss Edna Aba. n is sper a; i- , -ii lew i r.vs ivit.i Her na rents a: v;; rd. Eucy bulihsf-ht -jn-nt last week in Ashevilie visitiny her aunt. Mrs. Wade (iarren. aliases l'oui,- wai.'owav. lo.Oa iit- alisses I)(dlie Galloway. Keba Kit- ',!:,.,, 10...I I: - . .. e-T. ..: :. -- 1 uuie 01 11 ui so .-nut- ;s i.-u- inc.- her sister. .Mrs. .1. Y. ( ila-neier. Cornelius Powell has bought a new ! effort unon their pan at tins time i f tcmI,tatlun out ot ('un0s!,v Ford touring car. to leave no stone up-turned to begin t,; See the WOrl(i' to prVe ,,ar F'e-. Mrs. Leslie Owens has returned ! excavations at once and the conaa to t'n,arre our d'enence. or evea from an extendetl visit to Shelby. N. stone will be laitl at a von- early date. Vith the lv ,,f rengthenna C. Misst s Ila and Clara Nicholson were visiting at Lake Toxaway last tx-oriL- Alvoid Kitchen was in Ashevilie last week em business. Miss Norma Chapman of Quebec spent last Tuesday visiting her sister, Mrs. Alfred Collina. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Morrison of Tennesseo arc vCitine- th,, fni-n-.o-'c 1 parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Moi risson. Bill Stroup from Fltirida is visit ing his father, J. Z. Stroup. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Henry of Ken tucky are visiting Mrs. Henry's fath er, "Dock" Bryant. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Capps am! children visited Mr. and Mrs. Jordan ! Whitmire and Mr. and .Mrs. A. 0. Kitchen last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lambeit Bagwell vis ited relatives in Rosman Sunday. J. W. Glazener has just returned from a week's visit to I .uciimonei and either points. j .Mrs. Henry Wells of New York is expected to arrive on Tuesday of this week, being called home by the III- jness of her mother, Mrs. Leonard ' Staton. A number of peride front all over the county enjoyed the county ;ing convention at 31. .tint Moriah I church last Sunday. So mo "-eft! j singing was h?ard by different choirs jof the county and a -quartette at om MOLTZ LUMBE1 The id.dt; i d at 'i'laia 'a ateai j.iati. Ia;ad,c:' ( 'oau-aay. hua.t ay, is husy aa:;iia and d ' a ihl: w,r its latpacity ia m of riiiiL h and finished oa-(- ( ;!) in w e . .'! ; . a. a . lie ; a .led at i ht- far Ow-ai 'rat Suva i a a h r i ta -1 a a. . a - a ' a 'ii 1 1 1 a la i a t a , -i-ic vat eae-taaa; .1 ;.y anai C ' :. she ad "!-ntf' '.; v .--ad t- build, a i m vie : u .aa:-- a. a; in a drive for the ;n -"- f u a ,-a over livo th"W.-and -' - -' - i i j a. a aa .u. . aay n.-es -a-aa; e 1. - j The at iuor.e will he locate-! on -. j the laVue lot now owned by the if a, - o i v; rd I'.as:f church, h is h:-t -1 art ent cb.u h- u, Cn the eerin r ef (ha ton. The . : :-a:..oe wdl be (f brich ia:d .OI ' -i ao.s .mo i - ..,t i a. -a call for at len t eirht , :. ,, ,., ill is est '. att-h that the total co t .an a .a aa,. .1 i 1 o . j alt-mbe.s of the baptist church arc j J -"cry enfiufa-f.c . .ve-r th.e a'oject ai j -ire t-nt'-riaa' hetirtily into tite pda i y co' j-.-.- ;.ntr in ovi-rv vara ; Saei; a home has been the aim aa a. I) 1 1 1 o ! ! ( f the Baptist folks of thf church for quite a time, b.;f owme- to t ie wa.r am oTh:r nnavoi-i- able d,st;;clt--. the buddimr of thai ; n vv m.r-omme ha : laa! to he d,-h- i-.. .: . r .1 tro;n unit- 10 inne. t; i v -no to he .- r i-rnii m oil,,,l The News wishes t ti congrattua'.e I the good people of the Baptist tit nomination for their progressive and i , ., ,: , .,a..;. a- u ;, :,,., .. I patriotic spirit m helping to maaa this community a bctf r place to Ev- m. j the First Baptist church of Henele r- : sonville. Let us hop(, we will hav.- 'more such conventions in the near ; future. ! ! M r. and Mrs. YV. E. Shiuman visit- e tl relatives in Rosman last S inula;. . Mrs. Atideline Raines is very sick and not expectetl to recover. Mrs. fdicspie of Brevard is visit ing her elaoghter, Mrs. E. M. V:' " -mire. Mr. am! Mrs. L. V. Sigmon ware at last week. Mesdames B. B. White, A. P. If! and Xcrnian liice visited their mota er, Mrs. Kiminie Whitmire last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge motored t,, Brevard last Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. If j. Recce at ten days, m i intmo-t -a!i . S f f. Henry I.ongstreet. who lias lu e - visiting his mother. Mrs. W. H. Stir,- mcy, has returnee: to Virginia. Mr. Jenkins from South Car. dint I has been visiting j Mrs. W. M. Kenki t' his ilau.uhter - i't - la - - ins. Fred Johnson of Brevard is work- ahua. lest the smell of the cooking a -ing in Rosman this week. into the parlor. When we tahe f - Baxter Hamlin has bought a new iters around the house we asnal! sport model car. t (Contiued on Etiitoria: i':.;', i THE PRAYER CORNER THE I --iOUSE OF THE LORD'S PRAYER Th Kitchen Next I.) th.- Idainjj; Ih-oa; in th House of the head's hravaa eots-- - is kilehera X-:t to "i. cot: The ani y. t a 1 1 .a pt a t : . a . f a a .' .- a ei , a. a- e of dui : ate:a : "b'sad l.- a 'Leiid us into no temntafon f-. will pro--e to h evil f..r a, ; ii' 0 (of, from the ! .a! a-.;.- ttmiS'tatiun to which Thes r. aa , h. a 1 u-a" f hris. Himself iiiU: trated th'. - .-. truia: most perfectly, ifr fe a roir.'.s tempted bhe as vy art . a 1 , ; , e . . . , it- . . I'" UL il'-PoUi,ms a,, o real. In Cetn-emaiu- :i rruny; from Him yreat citops dood. It wa- n t ei-ribh. hi-,- ,,! -ta " I : ':r'-'u- h whicn fe pa.-.ed. Eat -'- 1.1 -..: lie M0...0 , ta escape, He way for us. Some men have m'v ea -t-1 uncooked fooil, but venenab.- b a- timi tt ht' t;..-le!c-. . inaaiia'af tra.t have not pas-cd throiijrh the ' a'.fiction ami teniptation. Wi'ai it this test in v; heat it seems to f - 1 ''- to sweetest (lav;,' f the sironta-t natr. o. ire m it to .- eeii t-.-mo- v.'ever. W'v are not to run into ur cnaracters m tne struggle again it. Sometimes the food falls into th. ' e "m" "h wara 'e when the cook tieu-s , to, anu men u is sure to ne :'Bin- Our characters are safe only if if U.Ko the course wisely an i kiraii designeel for them bv the Master -ae House. The eniv teaaptati-o; ; ;-. ( : taat ruinous f-ar us i- the t, a : - : fit n into which He leads us i James, the b-md's !-. t in-1:.; r , v. .... limn-on - V,. so; - a -r a, f : tne Kitchen .." aa ford's Ira .a : -aid: "fount it a!! aaorv. i r- them, whe'i: e fab into ir.rf ty.optation.." A-ai tim a-.s.-i : "aap on to explain is th.-.' i '.;.! m tlvate patience a id pataait a pr-"h . a perfect character. It is hart! even to bear trial a temptation, to s;a. nofamt of ta. oaing them to be joy and "all jo; hut it can be done, if on'v we p; tar enough a'n-.a.d. If the da a -.a-aid fmn1-, ami smalt, it v.-t op ' p. t,, ia' spared the v a--d ju-t ,Lrr lives t.fu-n shrink from e:m---ices that will ia their. t he: -. and vet: ier them - . mens- useful and mere bcaub fd. 1. is a light of a 'ruction, ami but fv a; it is working for us ctaraad glory. . : The Kitchen i-; siiut ol" iv.. I of the house. We hcvp the a V'P' crv,-'

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