"OPPORTUNITIES EMPIRE", NATURAL RESOURCES FOR LOCATING INDUSTRIES yi KAJNb Y L V AJN1A, Brevard New Exponent of Brevard and Transylvania Count y. The Aim Is Frank ness and Sincerity. Independent. -J FOR THE CAUSE THAT LACKS ASSISTANCE, 'GAINST THE WRONGS THAT NEED RESISTANCE. FOR THE FUTURE IN THE DISTANCE AND THE GOOD THAT WE CAN DO VOLUME XXVIII. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1923. NO. 44. THE ROSMAN CO-RESPONDENT NEW CAFE TO BE OPEN SOON R. W. EVERETT,S CATTLE WIN PRIZE JURY LIST NOVEMBER TERM OUR RALEIGH COMMUNICATION OF EDUCATION " Misses Annie and Wilda Walton, Grace James, and Lonnie Chatfield were in AsheviHe, N. C, last week. Miss Edna Aiken who has been visiting her parents at Brevard, has returned to Rosman. Mrs. A. O. Kitchen entertained with a Halloween party on last Wed nesday night. The house was beau tifully decorated with autumn leaves, candles were used in profus- J ion, spooks were present, various games were played, delicious re freshments were served a number of guests enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. Kitchen. Music for the occa sion was furnished by a string trand. Miss Grace James spent the week end at Davidson College. Mrs. Leslie Owens has returned after r.n extended .visit to relatives i at Shelby. N. C. Miss Fay Wingo of Inmar.. S. C, I has bee:; :t ing friends in Rosman. ! Miss Neil Allen who has been se- j riouslv ill t :-ome vime is again on duty : s teacher. IV. A. C. Current aim Dewey "Winchester made a trip to Iredreli county last week. Dr. ! tr .-its. ei. B. L-, nch arc sn: Tiding lew uavs AsheviHe ! ;nr this w:-dc. Miss !:' wi'ii ;: birthday it onte-taincd t y on j: run-woe r.irrt. . . rv.i-c e, young '-'. r.;oyed the nccr.-io:. Crab Whdm ire is ereefi-y a :i" labc"shoo at an c ::rly dine. The :.t.vcs. lumber F r.ov.- being p-are i v. lot . j While In- hr.s fr.Ue-.i as the ': Mr. a::.l M's. Ilicc- and son. G..:r- j cf I'.r.timn ami gum- to be numb -,. vV-:;- voHtiviM i-i Rosvan. i with ikoe thai rt vcr return. Mi res Noma Chapman and Dora . Recce w. re in Rosman or. Friday o.' last v. re.;. ! Wal'er Whitmir,. who has been in , Vifcia ! !Or : O time on a vdsiL I liar. Goal Ful:bri-h has be; u vir i t -rr. he gramimothc r. I ister d ! i t . . isra.e iter lat ek. Miss F.c ba Kitc!ie;-, spent th" weelc end with her aunt. iiF's. W. K. Shim man, at Ilrevard. L. P. Wih-an who has "Hue" is imp-e'riag There.. lore R.wi wa an A-hcviiie visitor last week. Mrs. Leonard ftaton was a Dre var i V'sit.or bv:t w- Pom io Mr. and Mrs. R :;:;-:' Rice :. (laughter. T-ir. ami Mrs. Erne'-t Paxton an 1 children vote in Ashevilie iast Sat urday. Mi DoIIie Galloway had an at tack of tonsiliiis last ve-?k. Mr. and Mrs. Foster ov Ash -viile. are visiting the latter.; sister. Mrs. J. E. White. Paul Prooks of Culvert, was in "0r ! Incf I'.-criV Mr. and nf-.i,,',. T?rw.v.-.n have J3rain j i-r.'ii. no' ' -w . moved here. We are glad to have union wore born four children, r.-.e them with us again. " rmd three dau-ht-rs. God bhss Wiilie Daniels has accepted a od him to see all of tnem grown bc position at Greensboro, N .C., leav- fore he was called from life to the in- for that place last week. fircat beyond. But r.ov; he is gone : no more to be with -js here, never LARGE EARS OF CORN. Mr. Jim Necly has sent to "The Brevard News" Office a sample of corn. The ears weigh 22 1-8 ounces. G2 2-9 ears will make a bushel. Who can beat this for corn? Don't all speak at- once. j AT THE ENGLAND HOME. Tuesday, November 27, ihe Ladies of the Mehodist church will have a sale of fancy articles and good eats. , Come -3-0 to 10. NEWS OF EPISCOPAL CHURCH. , A Congregational meeting of St. i Philip's Episcopal church was held at the Rectory on Thursday evening, November 1, J923. Many members were present. It was unanimously decided to organ ize St. Philips into a parish. This church has been a Mission ever since its organization in Brevard. This ac tion will be decided upon at the convention next January 24, 1924. Election of the Vestrymen took place and is composed of the fol lowing: Dr. Wallis, G. E. Lathrop, H. V. Swedberg, W. E. Breese, D. G. Ward, J. S. Bromfield and Mr. Bell. "In The Land of Waterfalls." Mammoth Dining Rooms to be Open by November 20, In McMinn Building. The Store Building recently oc cupied by the city Market in the McMinn Building on Main Street, is being completely remodeled. Gus Roman, proprietor of the New York Cafe, and Charles Val- sar.e have formed a partnership and expect to have one of the finest Dining Rooms in Western North Carolina. About four thousand dollar:; worth of fixtures with an extra large stock of Restaurant canned goods, etr., has already been put in. The new Central Cafe will be very attractive, sanitary and up-to-date in every respect, and the pro- prictors stress the fact that it will be for Lacb'es and Gentlemen. This r.cw business enterprise will be a valuable addition !.." Idevard' p!cndid , buimess district. IN MEMORY OF JOHN LUTHER GELLISPIE. On September 2.1th, 102:1. the scat ar.d Supreme Ruler of the universe r.as. m all wise a.:;.! .nnnito ! wisdom, remove dov.i rrruivf"! fror.-. nor mi a-. in 1 :0.'l lion o onnt v .id co: nruui :y. The eh.i as he gbuV.l of : .'. dead' and do : ir 1 .;t l :''!.' ay. e :. t ids many i i,.-. U-av; - ';-f '"'hind thai vid livt ''" 1 '' rumiory of those h::: 11 1 -' u son of Mr. an. w: ;e. 7' o.t yc:irr oi ! rem- 1 . r .'.-I T 1 ; . - '.yc . .'11 V, l!" -. : ; : h.vei v; w-r had ;o and 1ar -. )',' i r : re i re ' r public ob.ee tr.a; no iV.l-Tht '-res e- - for .d r.:-" ' " ' Ut 1 d .e , I t ) 'u-'; cider t. t; "r:-; t o-- Tb or mod to v alir.r ;.i:.t ti;e ( -rirr 'lie cars was or " of tin- greater" ;y:-;di"":t ieu vr- he ". " ' .r ir is. -i '" vc-rk. I;' we choose v: ts.n r' " a rayow. r'ean rc.;;" !: e. ;riiii.i;v ri out 0"H".-e:r.' -. o- v;r cur ; . " iii... f.vo :...!: rich our hv ; b v : 1 e v a - in bless;!; to . ( h sis t P.ved life and v.ilh w- to vlnu-e the glory of th.- ere- - w'th hi-n. lut fev; re-sr-ouds to the call. Facie Jo tin war o::e 01 t no . no ne-' ;ed ...I all. cry in a a ! t a -frienciiy : o: . ..it . oo, and no t nt V. JH : i t P. ! euoy. man. in n:r near i there was no roar or1" 0f yrror. :'. to hold Fne mem About, f.ftv years ago he ch 1 Oi' lil life coranar.ion Miss Martha I.V. HOW OCCeaSfCl To this hanuy shall we again experience the toticii of that loving hand beneath his sunny smiles. Let those of us who have been the happy recipient of his deeds and kindness pause at memories altar with fiowers of love and affection for this beloved friend, May we render our deepest sympa- thy and mingle our tears with those ; Thjs dosed the features for the eve of the bereaved. He leaves a wife, ' rung. ton and two daughters to mourn 1 y.'e realized the sum of $80.00 their loss. At his request his re- mains were laid beside his daughter, Miss Pearl Gillespie, who passed away Jan. 21, 1911, and whose re mains had already been laid to rest in East Fork Cemetery. He was a member of the Methodist Church of ast Fork for many years and did all he could for the advancement of te church, but with the strong evi dence he left behind he is resting beneath the arms of Jesus and if it be our happy lot to reach that city of Gold when we walk down the streets of deliverance we will meet Uncle John there. 'Tis true that all who knew him Will always mourn their loss But all must have their sorrow And all must bear the cross. It was sad farewell our hearts all gave The splendid herd of Thorough bred cattle owned by R. W.Everett have been brought back to Enga dine Farm. A string of Ribbons, sixty foot long, was "won during the Pilgrimage to the different State Fairs. Pride of Engadine, a young calf, was Junior Champion at all the Fairs shown and was Grand Cham pion at Columbia, S. 0. Maxwcllton won Senior Cham pion at Columbia, S. C. Engadine, Mildred, 2nd, v:m Champion at Nashville, Tenn.; A; Uinta, Ga.; Raleigh, N. C.; Colum bia, S. C. ; and Grand Champion at Spartanburg, S. C. The herd cons! -tod of eight short hosn. Th; y had hei .Is in competition fvom Virginia. Yiscom in ; Tcnnc-.-rco Kentucky, Sou Fa and North Caro lina. The ye:.- if23 was. the best win ning year ewr known by 11. W.Ev erett. Truly Engadine farm has not only nut Western North Carolina m the top rim: as the homo of America's greatest country "for breeding Hv rough'nvd cattle, but lias a '-rain (le mon si rated that Transylvania coun ty lea Is cverv otin-r count v. We a . ermocd ..i !y proud ot stic.i tut records. - A i lwjj.. . t .s . r'r.d to ;ai!i.)ii:!rc :'.v. . Slo-i:; of Sparts;.; ,ur. :. as-eriat.s will ;i: O 1 . C ;- So.'jd;, . Kv: rybo-iy :': e co. - I :)W i'-it-'d ! in -. r.t at t'- ! 1 i ;t B. '.pti.-l 'i'.;:rch t. liear th.i.- ! ti:i'rn:u d s;""( r. at iif.man. 1 TOXOWAY MEWS. ervro Arbor n- ; Hailcveen party a .aue i o - ay sc hook The sei:o:d ga.ve ar into; cui-v "grr.ni Nov. 2. observing Arbo in its ftvlest. 'the y.ro:: ram .va. rial ! n t e r. . ; i r. a:rj e-:. ;.'e;! :o- a!' r. ert. T'.ei cure t ite Hardin.. A in v.b.ich eve-e i idbl heit-e i by r. -.w !::r. arsi.sd a.--J tnr.r.vin t ir j ar ;f.d. :.l dirt. iry oc io.-1; the '. ised ga"'e- ; i;. .' -r! i I ..b. ,-.v, e i pa -ty Th i.-r.e ,a - dv e orate ! . ith beut; d" d fa : ! -ye : did", r :r ' ; - - :;r we're Ii:'!K (i da-ko 'art et-ar. G "iv. d we re s i -md:;,- dart dsr arotim! is re: -. ! -. Gn er.t"i in.g the bui'riin l-nodi h Id the Living :; occur. dar, tils rr' di cdet i ' vrhi- I: cr;a;: d r.i.ich fun. Ther csmu- the Sim; -re Tvdn and Id;a 'L :!: -v. enth wife, hich created as v-.:v:h cur:oity an ! interest Foi cum- toiling, bobbin r for ap ples, and the fish pond were noted "eat;-"; s of t!ie evening. I r.i'o. came the cake k. all L-v- by- to get in front of the middle r.aa ! fore he cireppe i the broom The cake goIn.tr to the couple that :he i room fell in front cf, Mr. and Mrs. Fell being the winners. The contort fcr the pics create;! much fun. They were sold one cent a pound for every pcund the girl weighed, plus the sum that was bid on them. The contest for the prettiest girl created much interest. : Miss Edna Norton and Georgia j Dalton being the contestants. Miss ; Walton winning the box of candy. which goes toward paying for a basket ball and the work done on tfte court and purchasing a library. which we hope to have real soon. Best wishes to "The News." "A Toxowavian." DEMOCRATIC MASS MEETING Saturday. There will be a mass meeting of the Democratic Women of Transyl vania in the court house Saturday, November 10, at 2:30. A very in teresting program has been planned. AUTOMOBILE CONTEST. TK Automobile. Sewin.fi- Machine . r 1. 1 1 1 , r- . , and len uouar uoia rie:e v-omeai will be decided on Monday, Novem ber 12, at twelve o'clock Noon Not Saturday. To the ones who are gone to rest But in our hearts let's understand "That God doth all things best." E. D. Randolph. To the Sheriff of Transylvania County, you are hereby commanded to summons the following names of Jurors to serve at the November Term of Superior Court of Transyl vania County, beginning Novem ber 26, 1923: FIRST WEEK. W. II. Harris Streeter Fisher John A. Owen Geo. R. Merrcll A. C. Surrett Clarence Green Fred Johnson J. A. Lyday J. II . Morgan Guy Nicholson Alvoid Galloway Wade Zackary J. II. Reid Bud Anders Wm. Cloud R. C. Harrison Mack Raines J. E. hoftis J. A .McCrary J. P. Deaver J. A. Ery: on Dock Wright J. C. Ga.I'oway. Si W. .7. Owen W. 11. Sen tell F. P. S!e ige Walter Ilinkh J. If. idc''ier:r... !!. I..s And.r II. Orr .e-re:i oLe-t L. ?vb. . u ii I B. Carr C. Ne.-ly G. I!. S! man doe PI. ..i . Jr. U. . Daiant O. Frank Fall I). C. Scrugtrs doiuinie Hard::-; F. c'. Fry. on V. O. Galloway SECOND WEEK. T. T. Foft is (;-orgo Maxwcd, i.i. , i A. Muil N. Kit riie C. A !:;.! fi L. lb.. 1 on J. ( . V.". d.o.v F. !:. lie: dr. 11. Ik Graveiy V. IF Owcnby Y. J. Mce'rary .(.;-!. on McCail Ar'.hur Sen: ell W. S. Lankfcrd I). H. Orr W. S. Taylor J. A. FFNv W. G. Mr'ddl J. F. Morris Clarer.ce Owen THIRD WEEK. J. F. Calloway Geo. A. Miller Sylvester Orr A. J. Foor J. M. Fatten F. .E B. Jenkins G. W. MeGaha Griffin Owen C. R. Sharp J. J. Fatten J. M. Barton B. P. Thomas F. Y. Willbanks Roy Duckworth Milon N. Nicholson W. E. Sitton E. L. Galloway J. II. Parker J. L. Kilpatrick D. M. Reynolds Avery Reid G. W. Whitmirc A. P. Nicholson S. H. Gillespie. ATTRACTIVE WINDOWS. The merchants of Brevard have assuredly very attractive winJowr and nothing adds so much to the ap pearance of a town's shopping dis trict as c-xpertly trimmed windows. After admiring the different win dows about town this week we were : .. t .it.i.l I- -i - - It il -l ' -T . Oi . as;i;cuuij auuaKu u.- t.v cally arranged windows in our local drug stores. It shows progressive ness and is convincing proof that the managers are wide-awake busi ness men and are to be congratu lated. "In The Land of Waterfalls." Raleigh, N. C., .November North Carolina cotton growers are happy. The price of the fleecy staple has advanced to thirty cents a pound and the farmers win rais ed a big cotton crop this year find: himself "in clover." Th.' farmer: of other cotton states are less for tunate. The ravages of the bob weevil .has reduce:', production in nearly all other southern state more than in North Carolina whose crop this year is seventy per cent normal. Despite the exodus of ap proximately 2 5,000 negroes from the State to northern "industrial -renters duriiv the year. North Cars iina has produced more than a mil iion hales, the valv.e of wMrh ir or tir.iaied to be s 142,')00.0'-u. La vear's production was ;io2,0tjj bah The State this year ha.-, reached ,1ew hiirh levels ir. the j-routu'tion o its princip il mor.'-y crop, ranking second only to Texas, which Gover nor Bickett used to say is not ; state, anyway, but an empire. The Texas crip for "-2:1 is estimated to do t.ov'iMtii!' nates. , or :, per Morida to ,urad tne w cent normal. The boll weevil did 1 he want-d to -o whU t r.ot oix rate to an appreciable cw tent in Yir-'ima who:- e crop i c::d '. -vc-lve per ce;.-. below norma'., wi. a portion ; f .: b . , -. 'i i e : ; y:v i r.:: :: e:7 r. :.r.,rad .i . ' s - Ti 'lieu "j)laved Tar Heel ing the r.r c-!' odo.d br. ; ;. oi i: 'at:' re rp-. : y on i a i ; . . e . as. t; tin !:er v :ca t be. lei) f ! r; -!t-tice S'.a. v rr I : ;::::-; of thy ;. r rb V,"ar-n. b-rri r :.: ; State De'n.iie -atir E.--c 1 rnittev. was a strong c- tne va; ancy car.-: d l.y i Justice W. R. Ad. u ", j formidable rival yo-.v i. o'f former Ju b.re H. v:U!eU. -e:-i ies iii tae same. ' iui n ran ar u:ri.;te :d rt-y, hie vrimary ; r.e : .u.,- '::. '.ice Fr iwn'r ivt'ra' am - :.::'. is: the race. His CUUie r. .yort 'aim the Ntwbrrn. bar i ; t.vngl. b: land him for the posifio:: r.ov hold by Justice Stacy, lis even of a vacancy. J. E. Sawyer, supei'dscr of mo tor registration, will refund, t , a! who paid r?l.dO for reristi ati.-a c titles to motor cars SI. 00 of the amount, in accordance with a rul ing of the Attorney General's office that 50 cents is the maximum amount that can legally be charged for such registration. The m:rc tary of State, in a letter to s'.r. Sawyer, point:; out that, the authors of the motor registration bill, pass- j 'Baby Bonds' " added the post ed at the last session of the Gen- i master. era! Assembly, have called the mat ter to his attention stating .hat it was not their intention to rec.uire $1.50 for the service. So that only fifty cents can be collected for cer tificate of title and the affixing of the special seal thereto. A lot cf folks feel that the general and special taxes on motor vehicles is already high enough. COPIES OF "THE NEWS." WANTED. We will amply compensate any one delivering the following copies of "The Brevard News:" January G 1922; January 27, 1922; February 10, 1922; February 17, 1922; June 00, 1922; December 1, 1922; Feb ruary 23, 1923. "Brevard News." Wm. A. Band k made a business trip to AsheviHe this week. May Erect New School Building at An Early Date. The' county board of edui.utb, i met in Regular session last Monday to transact the regular " 'bus:ne. pertaining to that o ce. The board approved the sale of the old school house at Laurel Crc-W which had been made during ths last month by the chairman and sec retary. The house was sold to R. R. Lee of the Laurel Creek eonim unit;. . An order was made by the board authorizing the chairman and sec retary to borrow against the bu.i'rel ?2.-,00C to pay the alaries of teach ers and. meet other current school ..- pc-nser until the sh r:!f a;i e io taxes aid pa ir,io tr.e traes.ir- scho(d fund, to meet di'-sc cxpenst ; Willie V. Galloway had on file y resignation ridib;;:- driver v school dir ,-i-t N.. 2. G loaches'. -township, to tr.ke elTi ; : as soon a sucie-ssor couid re securs lor i:v f ; . i1: - r position. I L- : fated lira and mother were exs.t e. ' t.) er t and for ts, a, rear m !. w In)sition. Th'- ! r : . : -i ! Herb-, it id--rs. An si : ilea' !(.; S.'. - Ja ,. .a -ign h' il . - t a r i .'('; :() a of !d d sy-Miei ing in Fm '. ;,'-d. ." , ir : Rr : rrd. If t'--. 1-, ..a applie . b.r dr. - -. . .e,:-:.i. ;,rr mc-nts wiii P. --y. r: aa eai-ly (o bee'n t". v. orb of ; recti?); !U'W hi' - h srlr d 1 1 1 i : r g. ILALY EON: "Our 'sure! a! ; r'-ii.- d. i .. -L'm'trd Stub T :. i i V.Ul! i ' !-.' ee,u sarativel -r:sT bur- . '.or of "dr uudiui i-- F-. ' -avian's -eerti: c-ates," accordiiig t. a :-ta.em.u made by the local potma--'c: The sale of thu se ca-iif.cate-. . t the amoiuu of :::.0.(iiH). so! i.r.r.u;. . ly --.il: u.:d-.e this no ,ddr. The. cei lidcati. : ar.- is ued i:i rcecc'dc-: der. orr d;at:ons eo' 2 ' , i U '. an ,! .d'b; ; .1 i ; , , . ,. i 1 . ''o'wo, o: 'id. res p-ei't : i reach of F; ; ;. 'i'hev s. bu i.u.y opti'it (d' th tune, at vaF ; . ; : 1 ti i rut is serieu; enju as far as f :-ut the- ; y, i. of m-x'-: rr.!1 1 within fi'v dc ei::" ! at t!:r chaser, a; any creasing eve"y The Governr-pui-jiore to pre' n n hie. th. tos f million- of d. .ll u 'tmnuaiiy throu.-ii jtct-rich-schei.-T. and un -otind financial eatu"e. which fle-eee t!:ou ands of their sav-b-gr, br c.lTc ring to the public as. abroiutely safe investmeuu hfn v Treasury sa rings certificates. The local postmaster is the au thorized agent for the sale of these certificate's and invites the publi" to visit the postoflice at any tim--for information concerning them. "There is no excuse for lass i.. foolish investments when, the publi is fully informed concerning the at tractive features and absolute safe ty involved in the purchase of the.. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to express to ou: friends and neighbors who did se much to assist us during the recent illness and death of our mother and grand-motuer, Mrs. W. P. Galloway, the sincere thanks and appreciation of the entire family, both children and grand-children, and pray that, if it be possible, they may be spared the agony of having to watch, help lessly, by the bedside of their loved ones while death grasps them in h'v icy embrace and carries them away into the great unknown. Sincerely, Wallace Galloway. Nov. 7, 1923. W. E. Breese has returned from a business trip to Cincinnatti, Ohio, and other Northern points.