TING INDUSTRIES The Aim Ik Fr?a*- I Indepi W TWE DISTANCE THATijWE CAN DO _r r ?? ;-,y-V 11^4=; ? Mli * OM. A CHRISTMAS forest to the, p?ople of Brevard oc curred in HendertonviUe1 at-tfc* Parsonage First Methodiat Church in tho hut evening o M psii d fa now connected with a at)Hazelwood. Towniend^ U well y known 01*0 a Via Vi On MAM., i? ' - ' J- ' It Quebec," and ts name. -SSSSOt lame" QuTbeTihas 3fr. lfan^Ihave^S^r the tot few years una ny of jwr Jtemi ?Ocences in tt? Brevard NewB, And J?m sorry f dM not pitetxmn themr since they cofaSwn no inueh ml the eajJy history of the eotanizafion, t*m ting facta -covering out dofcty shodld ;b* lost t? further poatefity. > If you ha^ not already gixen one or tm tome Hitortcal Society ifor preserrat6?, I sbwld be jiemmi to know what you mold charge me to gtre s? *? complete a history mf. the county as you cda from the first settlements made ha our border . until h; vacant yean.. If y? : . x The Chamber of ' Commerce, Tran Men- and Women's Association will hol&ka atanual meeting at the bturi 11688 rooms in the Breene Buildhjfe on Tuesday, January 14, 1924, at 8:90 Pi H. ; Every member!* plan itrong in membership and*ita ft nances #*. ? day/ School- -y rootas by the Br dwelling" ? hi1"'! k Iwtelve A)oms erection will WT% ? n -has recently : her 'home on t +>\r ?#' 4-W~ T> , V '8 senon .I07 title facts; "it 1 is beliere<3 that vet ibeatt, two of these new camps "will -Tajik with the very, heal that irre n?w established in Tran gyHoxriia fGimrty. . ^ *':? In Industries there is some pros " -of a "3 hue factory locating here ?will 'be done by the same cor ?represented by Mr. J. S The Whdlesale Grocery Store which ?tl he established early tide year -trill maan much to this coun ty. & -Will i?ve thouAhds ^of dol lars to >e Circulated at homfe which at the present time is helping to build ? up other towns and cifies. Messrs. JMh worth *nd Wm. Henry are be Wed j^kis proposition and with 'men of such influence and C&araetef -there can be little doubt but that snch * venture will be a great success^ Several other citisens an deeply interested in each 'business interprise, ljut it will take the co-operation of everyone te make -this the fastest need in Transylvania county m genuine and hn?e success. Inpr'oTt Hat?l. J T. W. Whitmire of Asherille, con tem plates vast hnprovtfmerts on the buildings he owns to Brevard. The Aothelwald Is < to be completely I overhauled and a new store bnild &g on Main Street one story in height ts to be erected. The cerner block occupied by the Dttvis-Wslkejt Drug Company, and Smith's Buffer Shop is also to bo *" d reps $ ROBERT E. LEE SERVICE. L__ k. The FoUpwl^- L^ur Wll.*. pf { to Many RquUr*, i V.) ; ?V*' - W' ??'?> ;y 3 ' 1 M k R Canton, *J. 'C., Deo. 28, Mti*\An9le Je It "would ' look l|ka ^Hendersoh or Tn&asyivania, /by i^Maon ipl/ their ?Dfi CMTCft XrOTUtl Hftanu XQ6. :hifncc ? fwr. -/securing / the, bdt no Dae yet knows jutt -what the committed will decide upon or -where thew yill choose the site. ? ,_If' jonr subscription label reads Bee. 23 it Tneins iDecemW 1623? I renew at tmce. ^ \J | . M ??V '. The j?*r '.1924; is an election year J^nd no doubt . Transylvania county usual, , have; to, ex I citSng|j?hKtlan. ( The j present office holders ,of the county are ' . -iD: very \ efficient i ^nd1 public ;*pbated servants of \the peo- i pie. So tar ? afi / The \ News is ' con . cerned, we wauld suggest \making . 1 their' re-electron unanimous'/ Kith- I y^ia erofcj. I like tie tma sad excitement \ot an election.' ? \ - . \ ? V Transylvania county ij now un-j der^tlje State-wide Primary Law, and so* both; parties must* hold . a penary and ^ot a convention. , We also have the Australian bal lot \eystem 1 which . means a clean, fair Selection. 'The . present county commissioners have done much to help the ? county not only v by their great savings the county, but by their ^systematic economy in * every ipay. There has ijeen, many changes in the pereonel of the different offices and there are jl many who thilU* that this was foT (I the better. ? ' ? However, we believe in fair play I and will handle the political situa- ? Hon in the usual manner by treat- 1 ing both parties and all' individuals I alike, and by prihting the News I fairly ^nd honestly regardless of I party affiliation. Al political ad- 1 yertisements must be paid for in ? advance, and while we spend the I money we win think of the many I aspirants for office ' .who will be ? keenly disappointed on next No- 1 vemiber, 1924. I We are still a candidate for the I office of "Printer" in Traiisylvania ? county aqd hope to be reacted. I I I NOTES, F&ygjMg are /> publicly ,e: afld one of < PHiegsSiSwiwr orf the U. DVC extend to ft?t be: .rekyed fan** w ftwrfcfdt. ?y>* , Second, ,;'^That copies ?? 'th?e resolutions , J*. sent tet Ue. family, be placed upon the records'' of'the aarrtw.M1?? ? ' D. fatten; ': -