Mw, i MM HHi ihevillej either lion River cc ? Hendenwnvi P-. fj^^sszzxzL iss%^ ) >n in the town is an ornatt court ^honae that baa rece F1'"^ WrP:: the citizens of Brevard have pat into practice: the pi treblt ? source of pride to lant- Which' furnishes a K ice dally as required produces- liijr mm* dMMm ? "o -- . . p.? fy' ^hlch union was blessed >vith one daughter, Misa Elizabeth, is now a her' sophomore' year at the Greensboro College for W ceaaful , ministry. ? Since coming to Brevard they have made many friends and .are;' greatly attached to "The Land of Waterfalls."- ? ^ ? t THE FREA CH BfrO'MD RIVER .7 -