TRANSYLVANIA, "OPPORTUNITIES EMPIRE", , NATURAL RhSQURCES FOR LOCn.JG INDUSTRIES* # >'? Mil _ ^ ?>, w?.y w?^?.? #p*h?.-;,-a*?rM **>?*;'? ,T"*^ " ? ' ' ' < ". v" ? i ? ? m -i TO) ' , ? ' j? BJ&f: ? Exoonent rrf B kvi?4 ?>.' "?"? , -^i^ wM <4 T 4 ? f~w-m ? ? and Transylvania , .*"l'*.''"v.^* ? r" 4 '. ' ' 7*1 Jta ' ' ' . F mm r -jiv^'V .?AiyiW.' .'i ^ '> /y." The Aim b Frank, new and Sincerity. Independent. ^ ? ' ' * ' r vFOR THE CAUSE THAT LACKS ASSISTANCE, 'GAINST THE WRONGS THAT NEED 'RESISTANCE. FOR THE FUTURE IN THE DISTANCE AND THE GOOD THATfWE CAN DO vol I IMP VV Villi ? W 1 ' ? ' MM XXV1III. ? ? FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1924 NO. 3. I ? ? ??? ? ? . ? \ Th? Will Man.. Read Matthew 2; 1-12, In someunknown city of the East | certain astrologers had been per euaded . by their, study of Heaven ^that the appearance of a.,gteat Shin ing Star would herald the Birth ef a Great Kin|f, who phould bring de liverance to a world steeped in sor ' row,^ Buffering tfnd sin. Toosure] Y/ufi their conviction of the firuth'ofj their Science, and so faithful were { hearts to the caDL of RUch " usnes#, that they were ready tp t* htftr home and people, and follow the leading of the Star until titty found the King. Many must haye mocked their errand as caravfcti left the city' to', cross the Western desert on its no+el quest. ' The Faith of the wise man held on, Night by night , the Statr still shone in the Western Heavens, and . they shaped their daily course to follow its guidance until they canje to Jerusalem. Jerusalem was stir red at Up coming. But their quest was not ended yet* They arrived at the place of- H^roA. " Wher^ is He thaf is born King of the Jews? For we have seen His Star in the Eastf and are come to worship' Him." . It was a further trial of their & faith that they found themselves guided to the little city of Bethle hem. : It Was here, the Rabbi's said, tfcat they w$mltfflnd the object of ir search. So following the Star, -> caravan stopped' ' before the >1?me of Mary, and at the of the Royal Child, the wise bowed, offering their princely .of gold and frankencense and mgmssasB m Infant Child, they should "recog ' the Majesty of the King Whom 'sought. Unknown by His own people unrecognized by those among whom He" dwelt, He was yet wel hy those Eastern Sages, 'and worshiped in the anas of the lowly , 'Virrf'V Their worship Was at once, a * v prophecy and fulfilment will set a crown upon the Imrg preparation by which God hat silently led the pagan . moved towards Himself and it foreshadowed that- advocation of the Incarnate which should one day, in the' long porpsdes the Kingdoms of His Child. A PRAYER "O . God, who irjf She leading of a Star, diet .manifest Thy only begot ten 'Son to the Gentiles mbrcifully grant that 'we, which know Thee > now by faith, may after this life, have the ffjrition of Thy Glorious God head through Jesus Christ, oar Lord. x O Jesus, Saviour of v the world, Ught of the GentOoe, and Glory of "Thy people Israd <on.- those who know Thee not, these who are far ;. r^r<>m:the chureh of their fathers in ? 4 strange land, visit tffcem with Thy Salvation. Hasten, we pray Thee, Thy Kingdom that .t^e earth may be ? Iffled with the knowledge of Thy SK dory as the waters cover the sea. - ??ay these, our prayers, be acceptJ J; elile in thy sight, O Lord, our strength, and oar Redeemer. Amen. ?' f ?VERDERY-BURHETTE AUGUSTA, Ga. ? The marriage '> is knnounoed ofMrs. Anna Howard Burnett and Mr. Albert M. Vcr dery, ?which was solemnized at the ?Greene Street Presbyterian charch, Dr. M. M. McFerrin officiating. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Verdery left for Greenwood, S. C., where they w$ll make their home. ? Atlanta Journal. DEATH OF SAM T. DORSETT. A message was re.c^ivetl here by J. M- Thrash, of Davidson RivcT, of the dqsth of his son-in-law, Sam T. Dorset*, of Washington, D. C., which occurred at George W^shing toti,v Hospital Tuesday morning Mr. Dorse tt leaves a widow who before her marriage, Miss Carrie Thrash, of this county Mr. Dor sett's body will be taken to his old horn* la Silcr City, for burial. ?V TRUCK GROWERS MEETING ? " " ? ? " 7' The annual' meeting of the Tran_ sylvania Truck Growers Inc., was not. very well attended; there not being a quorum .present. Mr. Crowell of the federation made ? talk on what the Federation is doing in ether Counties and what it ',yet expeots _to do. > > ?? v.1. Mr. T. H. "Shipmin of the " vard Bank, announced the! they had one hundred (100.00) dollars ; f^r prizes for growers this year, details of which will be worked 'out later. Mr. Breese gave us a ploasaijt surprise when he announced the new canning factory fo? BrevardA Details will be given out later. A committee ywaa appointed to sat another date for an .annual raaeting and ' prepare a program that will induce a full house - to come out. Watchfor the date; ' Lewis . A. Amnwil, County Agent. .< ? IN MEMORY vOP W. T. BOSSE. lV >? ?'$. ? ' v,V ; ? ? V- ?. f Son of C. L. Bosse and M. Bosse bon) in Spartanburg, S. C., October 14th, 1867. He. spent his . boy-hood, days if." said community and there learned the Printer's' Trade?* vo cation which he tenaciously follow edlduring his entire life thereaffer. , He was married to Miss Effle De Lonn, of Piedmont,8. C., February 21,- 1900. and to this happy anion v0?-$t0rn three ?oys/*l?n!&n*a?!!?? sind ^ci^M^^Mr. jfosse was convert ed to the CUMft' faith arid Joined the Methodist church when a youth, and was always a loyal, . conscien tious member of the N same. forked trvetyj day, as though he woqld live always, and lived every days as though that was .the last one.'." / He was thoroughly engrossed in if he owed Ms life to the public. ' "ttm' wmm m aurtyr to hia MM*-" Bosse ' Shined -Just . Where 1 he waa." He did not drsaa ?f the past no* did he worry aboat what the ffcture might unfold. He <Md not* yield to handy-caps, ilor hide from hardships, nor evade nor dodge re sponsibility, but brjvely charged the storm and meet the enemy <on the &ta Vf battla He was not thwarted in his noble nrpose, because his feTlowman held a different view or followed another voice. ,He Tealited that h? was living in the present. So he brought all his powers, physical, mental, and moral lirto activity and1 threw his entire being "drith all his resources, Into his life's work, witih |bji ?bidinfe faith in God, believing tha{ he, was Standing on "?oly Ground." His honesty was sacred and priceless. His faith, sim ple righteous, like a child. He did .his duty, not waiting for reward, but because it is -right ? 1 I "looking for a City which hath foundations, whose builders and auflaer Ss Go$." S*. on December 19th, 1923, he folded his mantle of drapery about him and passed into the unknown to receive his reward. He was an upright Christian Gentleman, and honorable and quiet citizen, a "kind and considerate husband, a devoted and affectionate father. , The funeral \?as conducted at Tiis home by Rev. Wallace Hartsel, Bap tist minister in the presence of many ?of his-^^ends and his body laid to rest in Gillespie cemetery. Peace to his remains. .? May faith in immortality and the influence of God's spirit comfort I the breaved widow and children. T. H. Galloway. DAUGHTERS OF AMERICAN REVOLUTION MEET. The daughters of the American Revolution met with Sirs. Miller and Mrs. Woo3wnrti Monday after noon, January 1 fit ?'h'ch time it was decided tn wci' to the pub lic through M-. '"'"?rent, "Loner Live The Kin"" ^frrincr Jack:" Cooi?an. .This is a f' ' "'"'lire, writ ten by Marv ** T*'n"'"i>rt. and is well worth ?" ? - -re. and i* is the wish o' ?' of tV" American Ttc"*' *" ? ? 'ho -vibj:" attend this pi?t DR. C. w: HUNT AWARDED PRIZE #. . ? ? Chicago, III. / f , Jan. 7th, 1924. Dr. C. W. Hunt, Brevard, N. C. Dear Doctor : ' . ' ' , We are pleased to advise that you have been h awarded, bq Barton Durstine and Osborn, first prizt for, tire best story in the Automo bile Story Content, and we are therefore enclosing check for f 50. 00. . ' - -v ?; V M stated in our earlier corre spondence, we were securing thesf. data at the instance of a prospec tive "advertising client? namely^ the General Motors Company? -yriidGe,. whose 'advertisement will shortly ap pear in THE JOURNAL. Very t?uly yours, * ; ? , 1 Will <?. ]Braun, Mgr. Adv. Dept. CIVIL f SERVICE EXAMINATIONS REPORTED FOR VETS. . Washington, D. C., January .^4. ? The Civil Service COmmtadiori an nounecd to-day* a change favor of eX-??rvice men in the regulations governing the re-openlng .to the vet erans of examinations which have bo^n held ?nd closed, i The new reg ulations follow: , Until further notice, , American citizens who served sw soldiers, eailors, or marines inany'of the jSU . lied military forces between August and July 2, 1921, aW those who serJ'SiwJn the American forces between an<* 1,11 1921, will be alloweu - -S^tejany examination for, which there is*W existing register, provided appHc?_ t ion is made during military set; vices ot not later than one year ftftttf. their honcfrablft' discharge1 from th% Army, or terminitio'n 'of ? thofar active -arr^ejn Jjke , j such persons wfcfc'Tprtss the examin ation will be entertd upon' the . elig ible register, but preference in ap pointment wijl he given' to those only.' who submit evidence that they have been honorably discharged: A soldier, sailor, or marine who served between August 1, 1914, and July 2, 1921, and who by reason of- confinement in a Government' hospital uhder treatment has been prevented from taking an? examin ation for which there is an existing register may be admitted to such examination, provided he makes Ap plication within one year ofter 'dis charge from hpEpital. Jt the preliminary (requirements are met, disabled ex-service men who have undergone training by the th- S. Veterans' Bureau will be al lowed to ertter an. examination for any Government* pqsition they have been trained by the Bureau/. ^and for which there is an existing regis ter, provided the application is ac companied by a certificate from the Bureau shorwing that training "will be completed within 90 days after the filing of the application, or the application, accompanied by a cer tificate from the Bureau showin completion of training, is filed with Iin one year tafer the completion of training. METIHODIST CHURCH NOTES. Messrs. N. E. Nance and G. C. Hunter, of A^heville, and Mies Vir ginia Howell of Brevard Institute, will make shtrrt addresses at the Sunday morning service. Every member who can possibly be present urged to attend. The pastor will preach Sunday night. At & P. M. he will preach at Horse Hhoe and Bro. Oliver H Orr will hold the session at Oak Grow Our co ngre (rations are most -en eouragintr. We are getting into tv' homes as fast an possible and th more we see and know of Breva-"' folks the h^ttor we like thorn. ervborH* '->v"'?H to all our JTV" The pa?to** i?l?dlv ro?^An -1 * pny call 'cr ~~o"vice anv is possible (?o. "?-ir"< for fv'-t v \Vclch. Mrs. >" left P'T- ' T ow?sv*'le * *n atter 4 *l", ? of ^ ? "* S Orc: ? ? vv. bef c ; ' r-'.C. \ MATHATASIAN CLUB MEETS I Mrs. H. L. Wilson entertained ,the club membcrst on January 10th at her home. The meeting was presided over by the President, Mrs E. H. Norwood. The program com mittee fot the coming year v. 9b aj pointed, consisting of the followin members: Mrs. H. C. Ransom, JJn 0. B. Deaver and Miss Florenc* Kirn, Mrs. Welch Galloway, Mr 'W,H. Harris, _Mre. C. B. Deave: and Mrs O. H. Orr were named i committee on literature for the coming year. Several matters of Na tional legislature were brought be forft -the clut>. f.or ihe purpose of having the club give its approval to tjie passage of- those Treasures. Af ter discussing tihe manures the club endorsed the effort A better the condition of Federal prisoners. The club voted to purchase enough Bibles to put one in each\ home in Trrfniylvania ^our.-iy that is with out one.' The. subject for discussion was, "Aids tq Town Government." The .discussion was led by Mrs. W. W. Zachary, assisted by Mr. O. H. Orr, and was highly instructive and beneficial. ? The flub had several special iruests. * A vdelicious salad course Y?a serv_ ed by the hostess, after which the Snib 'adjourned to meet with Mrs," Welch Galloway on Jan. 24th at. 3:80' o'clock. i) >/ - * ^ PRESBYTERIAN NOTES ^ | S' -i* ? ? ' ' ;? Cjd?ndar K /' Sunday, l-v . Sunday School 1(K o'fclock, A. M. j , s i*- Woman's Auxiliary haa just finiphofl their Jiorae 'mission study, "The . Child in. America Future." They are now ,' going to take, up a took of fofeingn missions entitled, "The White fields of China." , Sunday School . Council Commitf?* Appointed. j i On last Wednesday evening, the Sunday School workers' conference met in the Hut. ' It was decided best to appoint a committee, on,e from each department, who shall >act as council "or advisory commit tee for the 'Sunday School. The 1 following are members : /Mrs. H. L. Wilson, Mrs: A: B. "Riley, Mr. Jolui Smith, and Mr. Fned, Miller, with Mr. L. A. Amnion, the S. S. Super intendent, as chairman. . p Plan* f 6r* Enlargement of Chucrcb,; The organization known as the men of the church, have, taken it ' ' '? ' * upon themselves to provide for . the enlargement and beater equipment of the church. There is sore need of more room, especially during' the surtimer season. Mr. Charles P. White is president of the organization, and this pur pose consists of Mrl Thos. Shipman, Chairman; Mr. Randall 'Everett, Mr. Fred Miller, Rev. John R. Hay and Mr. C. P. White, associate member#. An architect has been over; the plans are very nearly completed and ? the committee will report to the congregation soon. NICHOLS-WORKS. / ?; The following telegram of the j marriage of Mr. Chas. L. Nlcholp of Srevard, and Miss Helen Works, of Minneapolis, Minn., was received by Mrs. Z. W. Nichols, the grooms nother: January 12. Dearest Mother nnd Dad: Rejoice rd be glad. Helen and myse.f mar ked here last evening.1 We have "-.utlful little apartment. Helen ">*>dcrful cook; we are ^supremely ?'*y, and believe all for the best. "??<? understand; writing long let-1 - with all details. Please shafe ? happiness. Love. . . . Ctyss. Nichols is a former Brevard v and recently gradueted from ?1 Carolina University Law Col r.r.d Howard Law School, and -*.v a snecinl assistant to the At -v C cncral in Washington and *r-r. - jocclnl work in \ngcics, Cal. LUKE OSTEEN ? WRITES NEWS .\ Dear Billy: Permit me to give you a skc' c"i of what our force operating In North Carolina did tojward band;n~ the illicit whiskey traffic during the month of sDevember,: 133 stills seized* and destroyed) 1,148 gallons of liquors, 134,016 gallons of malt liquors, 2,100 gal lorisNof wine, 1,032 gallos of masfc and 800 gallons of pomac^ were dumped. F'ou? automobiles were seized for ?hauling the. contraband stuff. The value, of these automobiles was put $2,825.00. The total appraised value of property , seized anM de stroyed amounted to $43,380.50 wMle the property seized and not destroyed was put at $3,131.50. Amount yf proceds of sale of seized property turned over to Ujnited States treasury was $2,431.00. .Fifty three arfeste - were made deeember,' while 13% prosecutions were _ fecommended. C '' v . Other property * seized Included Bteam holier, horse, Vragon, 'sugar and corn meal, \ ; < OLD FASHION SPELLING^ MATCH ? ? .: > i ?? 1 ? I SMj - There 9 will pe an Qld -fashion spelling match at the Enon School at Penrose, on Friday night. Some old timers will be in the game and a pleasant time is expected. Its free/ and all are invited. Mrs. Carl Talley, Pres. Enon Community Club. ? PASTOR'S CONFERENCE AT ? FRUITLAND. ? ?in Beginning Monday night, yFebru ary 4th, and closing Friday at noon there will be held' at Fruitland'a confernece of . the Pastors of tile tfafc 7<gfti!fcl^ir,Vu nw'ii/dniina illW tiona, viz:" The- Buncombe County,. Transylvania and Green River. Min isters of other associations are cor dially invited and' urged to attend; (There will be 'three sessions each of the days between Monday and Friday. The entire program from beginning to end will be prayer and study. The object will be to get closer to God and try to find out His purpose for us in the great world program before us. # Able and efficient teachers will be with us, notably: Dr. Walter N. Johnson, A. C. Hjamby and ?Miss Warren, of Raleigh. Drs. Bate man, Bo mar and others of our own folks will also have a part. in the work of the . auspicies of the State Mission Board. It is hoped and expected that every pastor in the State who can possibly do so will attend one of these conferences. The pe.ople of Fruitland expect to give free entertainment to all the pas tore who attend. OUR RALEP COMMUNICATION Raleigh, N. C., Jan. 14. ? It was "noised around"' following the ex ceptions taken by <3f?v<*rnor Mor rison to the statement given out by Governor Doughton that the latter did not appreciate the attitude of His Excellency and had indicated * t\is intention of resigning the office. The Commissioner did not *ay aa much , to the "newspaper boys, going no further than to say that his statement and the Budget Commis sion's report spoke IJor themselves. .v' But it required rto great effort -to ascertain the feeling of disappoint ment the j Governor's "exception" brought to him. ? ?However, "all's ( well that ends well," and the resignation of the present Commissioner of Revenue^ is not likely tf> find its way to (the executive office anyways soon. The Governor makes the amends honor able apd there is to be no explosion in the official household ' on account of this incident,. Bince Commissioner Doughton accepts the graceful apology from the Chief Executive in good faith. "If I have displeased you 'in<"j*nyv m way, I am truly aorry, because , P. fee that one of the best services I have rendered the State ;was in per suading you *to accept the office of" , Commissioner of Revehue," said the Governor in His letter. toCommlB sioner . Doughton r/ and -"I do not thibk any man in North 'Carolina could possibly be more acceptable to the people than you" are. I'toi ^ sulw that I am about as proud of your administration of you office as anything else, connected ' with my ? administration." . The Governor still the report and he simpfy wantetf to have those corrected. 'A News of tiie sudden passing of Solicitor Jiahies M. Carson, of the Eighteenth Judicial District, cheated a distinct surprise -h pre<' He was < thought to be in robust health by Iqaleign friends until- the message * came ' announcing . his death inj a Rutheford hospital on Tuesday, Jan. _ 8th. On Wednesday evening, ^* few hours after the remaincs found'. a; final resting place in b. Rutherford cemetery, Governor Morrison an- .q nounced that he had filled the va cancy by naming J. W. Pless, Jr.,. of Marion, aa the successor of So licitor-Carson. A delegateion from Mraion arrived on Wednesday morn- v ing Armed with endorsements for Mr. Pless from the bars of Yaney, McDowell and Bv^rke counties and experienced little difficulty in secur ing the coromfeaion for their candi- v' date, whome they declared to lie one of the best trained young men for the position in his section of the State. The district is compdscd of the counties of Henderson, Mc- ' Dowell, Polk, Rutherford, Transyl vania and Yancey. . In 1913, he represented, ?with Hon. ?. B. Allen, the^genatorial dis trict, composed of Cleveland, Hen derson, Polk,. rand Rutherford, coun ties in Senate of North Caro lina. Was elected a trustee of the State University; later became chairman of the democratic exe cutive committee of the tenth ' con gressional district and finally reach ed the distinction he had long sought, solicitor of his district, a position his /father graced years be fore. The new solicitor may not be widely known i n the western end of t^e district, but it will require much time time to get acquainted. His distinguished father has prac ticed in the courts of both Hender son and Transylvania counties and if/the young man is a REAL "chip off the old block" law-breakers may as well take to the woods and be done with it. J. W. Bailey, attorney of Raleigh, has definately announced his decis ion to be a canrlidate for the Dem- , odratic trubernatoril nomination at the primary in June of th-!s year, stating in a letter to State Chair man John'G. Dawson, of the Demo cratic exicutive ronn/.ittoe. thnt on January 17 he will public the plitform on which ho would stand in his race. ' '***? '

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