,'v jra irvm TURA.L RESOURCES FOR LOCATING INDUSTRIES* ^ffcavA-v. v/w*. The Aim Is F rank a ess and Sincerity. ? Independent. FOR THE FUTURE IN THE DISTANCE AND THE? GOOD THATfWE CAN DO f] VOLUME XXIX. FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1924. BREVARD BANK ! wWr Mfel Annuul Masting of the Stock holders of the Bravard Banking | Comtlmy;, Janitary 14; 19241 Annual Meeting of , the olden of the Brevard Bank 4 _ Company was hueld in .the Dhrec ?S? ftoom of the Bank on Monday, January 14th, ut which time, all of the old Board of Directors vwere re elected, to wit: Jos. Silvernteen, Chairmjan; W." S. Aihworth, W. M. Henry, C. E. Orr,- C. ?. Yongue, ** W, Everett and Thos. H. Ship ie Officers reported a^verysatis- 1 ory year's bbsifless/ tlie deposits I increased; 16 per cent over y 1928 .fa?^ngi'-^>^'.';. The Brevard Banking Company ' janlied in February 1899, and i Officers called the stockholders' attention to th? fact thnt they should have some Tdn4 6f a cele braion on this our fc6th Annivers ary. The Stockhol^cst* thought Vi appropriate to l?y the corner J/>f the building at that time ^possible, and if hot some other Would be held' in, stejuL r that the Brevard pany has been in e* t, baa shown a steady growth Jttrees over the previous. . TUi jarowth js attributed ta Stockholders at the conclus . J'*** ^neeting extended a Vote thank^ to the Officers on thy enffld management of the bank. The Directors lMd"*heir annual meeting (immediately after the Stockholders' meeting and a 4 per <*ht Semi-Annual Dividend ym de d,. placing a substantial amount .e Surplus. ^following offi STATEMENT OF SALE OF CHRISTMAS SEALS. ' , ' ? ' ' The Committee in charge of the CJiytetnAii Seal sale for Brevard and Transylvania county wishes to pub-' lipiy thank the following individuals, ftrtna ind organizations for their co-operafcion in | ?ale a success. Mackey, Mrs. A. B. Os BU1; f Prof. Wessinger, enter, Miss LeM Brooks Perry, Mr, J. ?. lOctwr ar. W. B. Henderson, Mrs. Harris, Miss > Annie Gash, Phuhmer-CobMe^t). L Erwin, Mac - fie Drug Co., Davis-Walker Drug Oo, Brevard Pharmacy, Clement's . Jewelry Store, T. M. 'Mitchell ft Co., Bagwoll's * Stare, C. C, Yongue, | ,/ [/> Patterson's, Mclntoeh Variety Store,' Smith's Barber Shop, Bre vard Institute, Wednesday Club, r?v ' L , Htathj^tagian Club, Music Lover's Club, Fortnightly Club,' U. D. C., D.A. &.,* Chamber of Commerce, W. . O. W."T" American Legion. Honors are given as follows to I the organisations making the ^hree | highest sales of seals: First honor, Music Lovers' Club, | $ 16.00. ' . Second honor, D. -A. R., $14.00. Third honor, Chamber of Com PRLranerce, $6.44. t ?' Total, receipts on Christmas Seals I ?87.77. fev Amount sent to National Asso- 1 eiation, $21.94. ;j' . Balance for Brevard and Trangyl t" .Aanla County. | * Respectfully submitted, K-f.'i Mrs. J. W. Smith, Chairman, W/'' 'Miss Florence ^Cem, Vice-Chm. Miss Alma Trowbridge, Secre tary-TreiMurer. \ - POSTMASTER BLOWS PAPER |Mr. Nicholson, our genial post master, says the Special edition of ' i the Brevard News brought an un afcual laage sale of two cent stamps and that thousands of copies were mailed by local citizen. ' ? Mr. Nicholson says thst he con siders The National Publicity Edi tion the greatest advertising tri umph evea attempted in Transyl vania Couyy. OUR >RALEIGH ? COMMUNICATION * ? **. , ? *.**?? ?/#%* r, . Raleigh, N. O., January 21. ? On the' 17th Josiah W. Bailey, Raleigh attorney ?nd former Commissioner of Internal Revenue, gave the pub lic his reusona f?rf entering the ' gubernatorial contest according to j an announcement previously made. Announcing hia cahdidacy Mr. Bailey proposes eleven "major" principled hj| fenun (Aiding platform .declarations. In brief, . they are as fallows: 1. Relief of land from the tin Just burden of taxation now imposed upon it. ; 2. Fostering all , j that makes for progress and "the laying pf emphasis upon the moral and spiritual values. 3. The \jjr6aching and the prac tice of souhd economy, getting A dollar's worth of {ftiblic service for every dollar's worth of taxes paid. .4. To put an end to special fav oh? and special privileges. \ B. . To call the people t6 a renew ed devotion to law. 6. To draw 'the policy of the Commonwealth to the practical and pressing ^ demands of agriculture with- the establishment of just re wards for common toil, the en couragement of farm ownership, and the making of farm life more attractive. 7. To establish election and primary laws th*t will (end the powr er pt money an politfcs. 3. To' set the, trend of progress In North. Carolina more strongly in t^ie direction fit local self-govern ment. . ; ? y ^ 9. To renew the pemocratic par ty's' spirit by direct contact with its constituents, 10. To break down within the Democratic partyva "political ma. chine that seeks ^ power only to seyVe. itself,9' / , , n- -T.o ?yoke the unrelenting. sertion of the Will o^the people Sa. the way to public economy, jupt freight rates, ^ust. in .'.taxation and agricultural relief. . ? f ' Mr. Bailey does' not' T think" the ?*te Mac- progressed .politically. Hear hita: '. "Our -political (stand arjls are fifty, year behind the ma terial/ moral, -and spiritual progress I of the State,. .With all our progress, I let as now progress a little political ly."?. He will "buck" thV '"machine," so-called, and endeavor , to convince the ..folks from the - public forum that he is a people's man. /Speaking is his "long, suitf* and he expects te do a "lot pi iV' between this time arid the 7t? day, of ' June. A number lof Raleigh delegates to various conventions and conferences^ te Washington last week,, inciuding that of ^he Saloon League of America and the' meeting of the Democratic National Committee, gained the impression from contact with members ,of congress and leadi ers of political thought from prac tically every state- in the. Union, that neither gt, the major parties are going to nominate a candidate for president who is not in full sympathy with the enforcement of the Eighteenth Amendment to the Federal constitution and legislation to make the same effec\ive. Nor will either the Democratic or' Re publican conventions adopt a plat form containing a "wet plank." The general itnpgession seems to be that prohibition is no longer an issue ; that the "dry" amendment' was rati fied in due form, in the regular' way, and must be 'upheld By all 1 patriotic citizens 'of the Republic, in the 'National Democratic Execu-j tive Committee meeting were Hon. A. W. McLean, one of the candi dates for Governor, and Miss Mjary Graham, his associate^ on the Committee. Other citizepS of the State were present as spectators. 1 For the first time in fifty-six years the committee decided, to hold the National convention in the city of New York and named June 24th as the date for the meeting. Chicago. San Francisco and St. Louis extend ed invitations for the convention, but New York won on the third ballot. A presidential preference poll of 91 of the 106 Democratic national committeemen present showed this result: William G. McAdoo, 52. John W W. Davis 4, Oscar Under wfvjd 1, Senator Ralston, of Indi ana, 2', James M. Cox 2, Senator Robinson, of Arkansas 2, Ohas. W LETTER FROM JOHN NORR1S , January 20th 1924. Mr. Wm, A Band, Editor, Brevard Newi', Brevard N. C. " V 4Jear BUI: . " LooWng into my P. 0. Boxthi* morning: thought the Postmaster had made a mistake and put . me in a New York "Wimes" by mistake, but found it to bfc the National Publicity Edition of the "News" ane Blaclok, Mrs. Margaret Paraham, Miss Sula Harriet, Miss Blanche Goode, Miss Floy Raxter, Miss Marjorie Green, Miss Bertie Ballare, . Miss Myrtle Frady, Miss Annie Mae Patton, Miss Ruth Hoff man, Miss Georgia Burrell, Mrs. E. P. Sledge, Mrs. J. E. Ockerman^ Miss Beryl Morgan, Mrs. W. E. Galloway, Miss Dorothy McKee, Mre. Georgia Bell Riley, Miss An nie Webster, Miss Margaret Moore, Miss Zelle Crisp, Miss Ursula Har rison, Miss Elizabeth Morton, Miss Norma Chapman, C. E. Ellenburg, G. W. Sprinkle; A. J. Manly, F. L. Wilson, Miss Olive Nicholson, Miss Mae Garren, Noah C. Miller, ^Miss Pearl Hoffman, Miss Viola Morgan. Mrs. V. E. Wessinger, Mrs. M. S/ Dunn. ' Teachers who have not enrolled in the Local should do so at once, as the secretary desires to make re part from this county to the State Association at an early date. NEVER AGAIN. The Editor met a friend the oth er day after his picture came out in the paper and gave a cheerful good day; but said friend tr>H him to go where there is not snow. Evidently the curb stone whittline loafers had been doing some kidding. t CALLED MEETING OF CQUNTY - BOARD OF EDUCATION;. I The Board of Education of Tr?n{ sylvania <5o\inty 'met in called 'ot sion on Monday of this woe) to consult with architects in r^fcri; ci ti the newjepunty higK'^cbc# Vwi ? ing' In Freva'rd. - ' '? "'?? Three architects, F. H. 0unnfr.o ?hahi, T. E. Da via. and Ronald Gree:< appeared befoi*^ the board an?J sjuh minted propositifliw, .After consult s ng with these architects it was de aided that representative*, of the poard, in eompp^'.with the county jUperinte^dent, would 'Wait and in vestigate certain buildings planned 'and supervised.* by the differenC architects consulted, and would also investigate as t*> .the personal re liability and financial responsibili ty of the- architects themselves. Al ter this investigation ia made the architect for the planning and su-. peTvising of the building will be selected; , J. E. Potte, a school committee man of English Chapel school, re ported that the principal of their school had resigned?"' and asked that they be permitted ti> send their children who fication over every duty nobly done, and every hardship, bravely borne. From the suffering of , Christ flows the hallowing "of efrory sadri Jce, the glorifying of every sorroW. rider the impulses of that great act of racial obedience, which s ful filled upon the cross, every obedience of man. is touched with the inspira - tion of holmees; and eycry sacrifice uplifted up iaty. the adhere . of^ Christs redemptive worlc. The suffering of the innocept binds both tHem arid their "brethren nearer -to Gbd. Must we not be lieve that tho^e who Iay'dowritheir liv^s for their brethren, ' offering themselves gladly and courageously . . ' , in the cause of honour, liberty and . truth, will make ' in the ;world be yond with joy to find their feet al ready (iet far upon the., way of holi ness along which the spirit will lfead . >?' them, with unwind and' progress, till in ever flowing glory, their ar.net i fication is completed, before the *? ' throne of heaven. Must we not be- ? lieve that those; who, in fellowship. with such heroic souls, have passed through .all the agony and suffering of the battlefield, will find that they have been lifted up to new heights of manhood, 'from which / the holi ness of God has been more clearly seen, and will hear ringing in their ears, the. clarion call of God, all suf fering and sacrifice land pain, v A PRAYEK. Lord of all "spirits in all worlds f We remember before'Thee our loved , ' ones who have passed into Thy per fect rest. We thank Thee that there night ,of sorrow has 'been followed by thp joy of Thy everlasting morning. We belfeve that they are safe in Thee, arid, in Thee We find them "worthier to be loved. We would not, even if we could, bring , them back from Thy Holy Heaven to our sinful earth, from Thy sweet repose to our sad unrest. It is our * joy to know that death has not stay ed their spiritual progress, that they . , are ever advancing to heights not' - yet attained. They f oHow \h? ,Lamb "from fountain to fountain of living waters. ?" : 4 Behind the veil whither they have-, gone, our Hearts would also go, and through Thee would hold commun ion with them for a space, as we contemplate their bliss, and think of all the blessings they have wrought us, nay our sorrow grow less, and our hopes grow brighter, until Thou ddst give them back to us and us tt> them, in the land where Thy glory dwelleth. Amen. SOMETHING COMING V*--r The Brevard News will have a - very interesting announcement to make next week. Something that <2 will please the people of this sec- ? tion. Mr. M. A. C. Johnson wpn " WMt* " ^ ing friends in Brevard thi3 week.