;.T,M B m *?V'A *P* N E W fc PwhU.Ud tvirjr Prtd?y a?4 Mtw< *4 at PMUffiw M BrmrJ, N. C., m ?cond CUn Matter. ' v SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ~ (Subscription. payabia in (diTMU*) One year . ... fl.ftO 4ix mostlu .... 91.00 Tbroa Month. -80 Two utadu J* ???"? ? TV- ? r~ S.V-V ADVERTISING RATES Di.play, par column inch SO* ? Minimum Rate For DUplay Adver tisements ....... . f 1.00 . * uitkilhil Nolle**, par tin* .... ..10a \ Want Column Notice*, par Una . .5* ' Wa cli.rg. 5 cent* a lino fc*r Card* .1 Thank*, Resolution* of Rwp*ct I'V.IW far notice* of entertainment* ' wliiare adml**ion U charged. WW?.* WM. A. BAND, EDITOR. FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1924. THE BREVARD CHORAL .. SOCIETY. ?? ' * ' ?'.</. _ ' - V \ A abort time ago, there was or mi*ed in our little tHy^ a Choral iclety, under direction of Mr. land Mrs, Crosby/ Adams, of Montreat, N. C. The organisation was very '"^rtunate in obtaining the services >f these splendid musical directors. The society was organized fo^ ;muaic and thOae who wished to JF, learn. Naturally, it has, grown, and | '^tow there are about eighty members. The offlcew \aTe these: | President, Dr. J. B.*S. Mcintosh; ,? Secretary and Treasurer, Miss Jean Hftrtia; Librarian, Rev. John R. Hay. Th& Choral 1 Society is k great thing, but it is going to be still . greater, and it means much for Bre V,A*?rtt They hope to give a recital during m.uaic week, which is from ."May 4th to May 9th,? provided everybody boosts, and that means you! Ijt takes boosting to send B&T;thing^ sky high, bo 'do your part? * c6me to the Baptist church every 1 " Thursday evening tat eight i o'clock and lend your Voice. The dues are ,' only one dollar per .month; be ' 56. 'next time and only a little ? will prove what cultivation of will do. * i THE NATIONAL .PUBLICITY EDITION ? U The edition which was published last weelf has received a great deal , of comment by nearly 'every citizen in this community. In fact Friday morning the wholje community gathered In the drug stores, barbershops, etc., to discuss thi big paper. The News has never been so well 1 advertised "and while ^e believe in* notoriety and 'adver ' - Using, we simply had to crawl in a dark hole for & couple of days. Of , course .everyone was pleaaed with the great, wonderful and glow ii*g' accounts sof "The Land *>f Wa ter Falls," and at the handsome ads and scenes; at the' same tin^e tlWe was kewi interest in the fam iliar. faces of the prominent people of L this community. The citizen* of Tr/tnaylvania have a very keen sw^sense of humor and are very staunch ? ? and loyal supported of <their paper; but they were sure that one of the photos looked like the man/had lost something and that two dr three of the rest were looking for it. They wain also sure that t5*o. or three of the other pictures must l&ve *been touched up to hide the real Ugliness, and so on. The participant* of. ? , ikMf v comments were naturally iome of those who thought they ?Wire big^men too and were a little peeved that they hadn't let the ko dak back them agaiqst the wall and fehoot their likeness also. They will. . be ready next ' time to help boost their community and will perhaps realise that men bave to dig deep \-and shell out hard Cash once in a while and help make their coynty noticed. ? * -Eyeryone, men ahd ladies who prifcitfpatfed in helping to publish 'this big edition did so out of pure patriotic home pride and the major ity of* the photos were taken Against the. will of the participant/ There ware? several of these photos that re not good, but the photograv ?u*e /sacti^^raa published in Geo* we had W come out. Every ?one of these men are ' personal ? fricidi and warm supporters of the ferevard News and' they Are all be loved, by our citizens, and, just as soon, as we can .financially see our way- W* will get a real likeness of y them that will do them justice./ Tt wasn't their pictures so much that people love, but the great, good and loving faithfulness that they hnve ..." always done in working hard for the great and everlasting glory of .'The Land of 'yjaterfalls." There ia some interostinjr'- reading matter in the special edition and it will pay our jttteens to read every word t^ist IfP^ * )i?ey may realty knpy what a gar. 4en ot Eiden they are living lit We. ave hundred* of extra copies un?; ill who donated towards the cause .iay have as many as they want . <ithin* regain. ^ Anyone else come in and get ow) at 10 cento. 'We Again thank our good friends and we ?lso hope at an early date to ag*in publish maybe another arge and s.till better edition. If we io we will give the would-be prom nent big citizens a chance to con ribute and we think they will. The summer camps and the great southern Railway send out thoua inds of copies of booklets " each 'ear about this section' uhtil the .voods are full of them. Brevard ian well afford to ptop this useless >nd always extravagant booklet ad vertising and ^an realjy reap more benefit by putting out a real nico japer. A town is known by its Mewspapetr and the editor-~dld not make any profit at all out of the big National Piibiicity Edition. It all went into the cost of production. These are simply plain facto. We mentioned , our neighboring summer reports because the whole section will rea^ the benefit. Both Henderaonville jand 'Afeheville aire ?ourtooua to "The Land of Water falls." \ O f course we will publish any critical ' comment from any one. ,. L : ' The choral society did not have its meeting on - Thursday of this week but on next Thursday, Jan. Z)l, there will be a regular meeting and evefy , membeV is requested to be present. Come. FILE YOUR INCOME TAX RETURNS. Deputy Collector Pafker and 44c ,Ejroy will help you at Brevard, N. C., at the Pisgah Bank, on Febru ary 20th. 1924. < K Mrs. Browne Qai^r of Pisgah For est, left Wednesdy of this week for St. Petersburg, Fla., and Southern Ga Mrs. Carr will not return from her trip until some time in the early spiring. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF BREVARD BANKING CO. At Brevaid, N. C? in the State of! North Carolina, at the close of busi ness December 31, 1023. t Resources Loans juid Discounts,. . 711,304.27 Demand Loans, . . . . . . 26-, '38,0.12 Overdraft^, unsecured,.. 2,475.65 U. S. Bonds and Liberty Bonds .... .... .., 17,937.74 Furnitur aYid fixtures . . 4,745.50 All other Real Estate owned . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. 13, 921. #8 Cash in vault and net amounts, due from banks, bankers, and trust companies . . 108,417.39 Cash Items helfi over 24 hours, . . . .' I -1,698.02 Checks for clearing .... ^2^407.23 , .Total, 889,187.50 v ? LUbilitie* .Capital. Stock paidvin, $100,000.00 Surplus Fund, 33,000.00 Undivided Profits, less current ' expenses and taxes paid, 8,705.78 Dividends Unpaid, .... .?'? * 11.00 Notes, an 4 Bills Rediscount^ ~ ' 19,500.00 Bills Payable ...: .'. 1^5,000.00 Certificates of Deposit repre senting money borrowed.. 20,000.00 Deposits sybiect to cheek, individual.... *853,066.80 Deposits due State of N..C., or any Officer thereof,. . . .2b, 897. 85 Cashier's Checks outstanding .... .... ..... 5,814.26 Certified. Checks . .. ? 80.18 Time Certificates of Dejjjjjsit, f due on or after 30 days |..; 177,598.61 Savings Deposits .. .. $9,580.37 Hesqrve for Depreciation 982.65 Total, 889,187.50 State of North Carolina ? County mi Transylvania, Jan. 14, 1924 I, R. B. Lyop, cashier of the above nailed bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and )?eliaf. R. B. LYt>N, Cashifr. Correct ?Attest: x Charles E. Orr, R. W. Everett Thos. H. Shipman Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14 day of Jan., 1924. > WELCH OALLOWAY, f Notary PubRc NOTICE OF SALE On Feb. 19, 1924 at noon, in front of Harris Machine Co. Shon I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, to satisfy claims of repair and storage, one Six cylin der Chalmers automobile, serial No 72086. This the 21st dav Jan. 1<>?' ^red Ham's. /' "In The T.nnH Wsterf ' 1 PRESBYTERIAN, NOTES. No change in calendar for this week. ' There will be ft congregational meeting immediately after the morning BenHce on next Supday. Every member is urged to be pres ent as the congregation is to act on ft very important matter, which was presented by the men of the church last Sunday. ./ ; AUDITORIUM ' r i The Betterment" will hold its reg ular business meeting on Monday, ftt the High School building, at 3 p. m. ?:% NOTICE OF LAND SALE BY TRUSTEE. k - v.' . . *?' 1 By virtue of the "power given in a certain deed in trust executed by. W. JR. Warren and his wife S. A. Warren to the undersigned trustee to secure certain indebtedness men tioned in said deed in trust, which is dated October 19, 1923, and reg istered in book 15 ftt page 293 Deed in Trust Records of Transylvania County, and the said . indebtedness, having become due find, unpaid, and notice as required' in said1 deed in trust ( having been given to the maker of said* n6te and deed in 'trust to make good the payment, and default not, having been made good, land the owner of said note having demanded that the land? de scribed in said deed in trust be sold to satisfy the said indebtedness and the cost -of the sale. V I will sell ito the highest bidder .for cash at the Court Houee door in the town pf Brevard, N. 'C.,' on Monday,' February 25, 1924 at 12 | O'clock M., all the following de scribed lot ofiand situated in Dunn's Rock Township and described as follows: Adjoining lands of Fell^ Rabb, C. B. Deaver and Ida Lance. Be ing the same land bought 'of I. P. Lytf&y and Julia Lyday by -deed dated on the 20th day of March, 1920, and made to W. R. W.arren, and which deed is recorded in Bool; 48 page 856 and is more- particular ly described as follows: Beginning on a small black-oak on the South aiije'of the road from Brevard to -Ce'dar Mobntain, corner of Dividing Ridge church Iot,;. arid runs with the road 34 poles to a stake in the road on the summit of a small rise on the East side of a branch; thence leaving the - road N6rth 3? degrees West 20 poles to a White-oak; thence South 64 de grees West 10 poles to a stake in the road; thence 'North 45. degrees West with the road 18 poles to. fork of the East-Fork road; thence with the same 103 poles to- the Stake in Rabb's line, old line ; ? thence with that line South 65 degrees Eeast 120 po^ea to a stake in S. M. Lance's line; thqncef -with his line North to the school house lot; thence with the line of the same and the church house lot to the Beginning, containing SO acres more or less.' Sale made for the purpose of satisfying! the said indebtedness, cost and expense of sale.' This the 21st day of January, 1924. Ralph Fisher, Trustee. Feb. 15. ' ? NOTICE OF LAND SALE BY . TRUSTEE. ? v , . ' By virtufe of the power given in a certain deed of trust executed by W. .R. Warren and his wife S. A. Warren to the undersigned Trus tee to secure certain indebtedness mentioned in said - deed in trut which is dated August 6, 1993, nn-' registered in Book 16 at page 272 "eed in Trust Records of Transyl vania Cotintv, and the snH ??dnes having become due and un ?mi*. and notice as required in the "aid deed in trust, having been g'Ven to the maker of said note and deed 'n trust to ma'e frood the oavment and default not havine been made ?'onfi, and th? Ko'Her n* ?iM not** ^nv^nc r)em?nded that the lands de scribed in said deed in trust be sold to atstake-hisesalsbyofn ETA SHR 'o aatisv the "i" indebtedness and nrf* pf Sale. T tHl! V' for cash at fnnrtho" - Tnwn f>' ^rrvard, V. f on Monday. Februnrv 25, 192' "t 1? O'clock M.. stl the ed lot of and ? situated in Finn's ~ in 1 'o!!nws : A Inrids of " House and Lane Heirs? ^e -'"-'n<r at n stone corner Fn1iT ".?hb s -aitd S M. Lnn'-oV y, pn-i o (*.' ? ? ' ' I thence North 20 degrees ^JEeaat poles to a chestnut on'.ar i ridge; thence North 22 poles to a stake in .w, H. House's line; whence North ,<55 degrees West 76 poles to a stake a said line; thence South 20 de grees West 40 poles to a stake in iO^ljx Itabb's line; thence South 65 OA fees East to the beginning. Be-' ,ng the same land described in a ?eed from J(. P. Lyday ' . arid wife ulia J^yday by jleed dated March1 ? Q, 1920, and which deed is record ed in Book 43 at page 366 and be ing the first tract in said deed, be ; the fiften acre tract, and to ?vhich record reference is hereby >iade for further and more com ilete description of the lands in ended to be conveyed herewith. L Sale oiade for the purpose of atipfying the said indebtedness, cost and expense of sale. This the 21st day of January, 1924. Ralph Fisher, Trustee. i?eb. 16. GREAT EXCEPTIONS Sometimes Ends in Disaster. Don't put your money in the stock of some corporation that you know nothing about, just because it promises big returnB. Consult your banker, about your investmentu or . Write for our investors list of care fully selected preferred -qtocka and bonds of well known North Caro lina corporations paying?6 per cent to 8 per cent. BOND DEPARTMENT. AMERICAN TRUST CO. , Charlotte, North Carolina- J ,\r- ? ? ? WANTED ? Men or women to take orders for genuine guaranteed hosiery for men, women and chil-. dren; eliminates darning. Salary, $75 a week full time; $1.50 an hour spare time. Cottons, heather silks. INTERNATIONAL STOCKING . MILLS, Norristown, Ps. Feb.27pd. ? I WHY TAKE CHANCEST Get your milk from dealers who have had their cows tuberculin tested. Oui> have just been tested and everyone in our herd is in A-l condition. We would be pleased to place 'you on our route. Our aim is to givq good service and please our customers. Phone 178. C. K. Osorne. tfe. "In The Land of Waterfalls." ? ? 1 I .. . ; * 7" . If you would have your children's ? HAIH CUT ' Iin the proper style b<ing them ? THURSDAY We Don't Qaim to Have the Fastest Barbers ?JUST THE BEST f|. SMITH'S PLACE : / . ' V ' * '? *;"? S \ T onsortal- Artists v Main Street. Before It's Too- Late - After your Fire has visited your , Home ? rleaving nothing but a few charred em 1 bers in its wake ? then it is too late to take out Insurance. , Now, before disaster comes, let us write ' you a policy that will fully cover any pos sible property loss you may have. z The cost is not great, and it is only good business sense to carry this protection agairist loss. . < Phone 73 and w? will be glad to call and help you choose the best policy* for your needs. v~ 't'" Brevard Insurance Agency T. H. Galloway, Manager Brevard, N. C. ? r? ? ? ^ CITY PRESSING CLUB J. E. WATERS, Prop. CLEANING PRESSING DYEING All work turned out promptly. Main Street, ' Brevard ' ANNOUNCEMENT We are auroorized to announce Eck Sims as a candidate for Sheriff subject to the action of the Demo cratic primaries. Let Us Print Your Sale Bills .. V; ' HELP YOUR CHILDREN' . * ? ? "? Start them right by teaching them to save their money. $1.00 opens a . savings account and en ' . . . . * titles the depositor to one of our Savings Banks to , take home with him. It has helped otihers to save ?/'. V " ' . 1 - ... \. ? <P their money, why not you? In the ten months that our SAVINGS ACCOUNT has been open, more . ' * ^ ?' * V , than $30,000.00 has been deposited in this depart ' ' ' * x ,? ment. com? and let us explain the MATTER TO YOU. 4 per dent Paid Quarterly Compounded i Brevard Banking Co.

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