?nt o* Brevard Tma*rlT*nU County. The Aim It Frank n ess and Sincerity. pi,,!., FRIDAY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1M4. -y-" ? ? . ?' ? , , ? ? ? , a M&thatasian Club On Imprpuvingl Jt reward - v??. Welch Galloway was hostess tpwp,o? Br^yatd- To the task that this shall be done your Attention is ^ directed. If we are to make the fflfy tnost of our town that it is possible i,V to make, some things ' haVe to be j?-, ' done and as they will not stay done, we havtf to keep continually at htese AhingB, and our mountain city will be well advertised only when we take enough civic pride in it to make it attractive. It is not a* mpch how ;; large We are, but ft ia of vital im portance that our municipality be kept de*n,and attractive phyaieally aa weUx as socially. v When the Apostle Paul was ar rested and about to be tried he. stood In' the presence of his accusers and \ * nit) that he w* a native of Taraua, 1 'and a citizen of ho mean city, and ttie Tarsus to which he referred was the rival Of Rome and Alexandria >nd ^?? 'if the dean, well kept that age and dime. *aid like ' to say to .those make fto the town 1 from dtrt incommifig highways there ' could be erected a strong frame and ' some design on board or canvas 4 welcoming all into our city, and to ' this could be added, at small ex- 1 penie, flags that irould catch the ' eye of those coming into our midpt 1 ind make them feel that they were ' entering a progressive, alert, mod- 1 ern , to^hi. This first impressioh 1 would be lasting, and even, if they > 1 are (fttf 7 passing through, they ear-l* ry away a Spirit of good cheer for ' ' the town because it does not- simply ' appear to be. a"Sle^y Hollow." A public ''place to park cars will ^ corae to a necessity , for the safety of all, and every town will sooner 1 or later have to look out for ,such a convenience. A swimming pool furnished with ' pnre water wbuld add much to our ; city's surroundings. Our public buildings should be kept in the very best of repair possible. ? Visitors should have free access to all our cjiools, , churches, and other public placcsi' Our small Library and Rest [ room is 5 a demonstration of ' what pride" ln th? direction will accom plish. ? Thus we shall see, if we would but form a civic club Jhoroughly organ ized for the purpose of getting be hind various things I have" tried to Buggest, that much good vAjuld come out of it, and where filth and dfcbries and refuse abound cleanli ness would much more abound; where carelessness and lack of civic pride has reigned supreme, tidiness, neatness and Sanitation would be enthroned, ami our town upon which nature fias lavished much, could soon justly boast that it was and it a veritable queen of the urban world. ; *' ' V J. L. OSTEEN PROMOTED I ??. L. Osteen, former senior Pro hibition Officer, for the Western I counties, who was transferred to State Prohibition Headquarters, N. C., last Aug-ust has been promoted and placed in charge of the alcohol withdrawl department for North j Carolina, effective January 22, 11924. This is one of the most im portant positions of the state 4e ?^uaurvred 4 \ YELLOW BERRY HOLLY IN COUNTY ?Rw SSSF near his place. (Sunday AahevilU Times.) . ,Te,!ow a rare form of the y tree, known to botanieta m for ma Xanthrocarpa Rehder, ha* been found a short distance from Blan cyre^noar Breyqrd by Chas. F. Ilal ,^n'?Al ot fche owners ot Wood n thL Tl eatate> ^velopment, ?n that section, it was announced Saturmc locality, has been received at the head-quarts of Western North Carolina company and Maj. Hall ex pects to display both varieties in ^,?W hT at 6 G??nment ' itreet this week. / . In a letter addressed to Maj. Hall, *Wch he took the sam?le of yellow ?lty grows just off the Boylstoh ^roek road beside a red holly tree inrt several other yellow trees, the 25 a di8tSnc?v?dly beau 'fnl light Just now with a large iroount of berries on all trees. The yellow trees do not differ in general ?!!TVn outline from the^ ordinary ' T h-0,,.f" according! to an- inepee*. Jon . made of the samples Saturday, ' the exception of the' bright > range yellow color of the berries 1 md a general tendency of the red ! lolly tree leaves Rare a yellowish rwien appearand as. though the eaves were getting some of the col ?r fron? the ber^es. * , Blantyre is one of the main high- ' *aya between HendersoaVble and ' 3reva*d and the road oft which the ' fellow holly grow*. bnmh. that ?unM along the top- of the ridge in hat locality. ThehoUy.it is stated, s located along the top of the moun ?nns in that locality. Mr. Baldwin laa lived there for -over 20 years >eing a member of the real estate irm of Baldwin and Simpson of Blantyre. That company is develop^ " ng a ^autiful residential area near ilantyfre known as Woodlake Park, .vhich includes ta Jake covering 23 icres. ? ? 3rays >Iew ManUl of Botany and Sargent's. Manual 'of Trees of North America does not list the. yellow lolly as a distinct species but says it ia a rare form of the Ilex Apaca Ait, , technical terms for the ordi nary red holly of America. It grows in moist "woodlands from Massachustees toj. New Jersey near the coast and west and south as far as Missouri" when found. Gray's Manual designates the form as Xan thocarpa Rehde-r, being the Greek for yellow fruit" and Mentions it fis having been previously found near New Bedford, Mass. According 'to E. H. Frothington, director of the Appalachian Forrest Experiment station, the yellow hol ly, so far- as he knows, has never been found before in this section, stating that he has never seen it anywhere around the forests in this section, it being first called to his attention by the sample at Major. Hall's office. JOHN S. BOGGS FIRST DISCOV ERY OF YELLOW BERRIED HOLLY. Mr. John S. Boggs of Turkey Creels Transylvania County, wore some of the yellow berried holly on Saturday before Christmas in the town of Brevard. It seemed to be a' curiosity to all citizens of this county. Mr. Bo? rwell, who knows Western North ICarolina, remarked to Mr. Boggs Ithat he had seen four or five trees of the yellow holly between Whiler and Nowlan in Cherokee County and asked Mr. Boggs if he had been out there to get it. A Mr. Potts, head ranger for. the government, in Pis minenc, BJ a point of importance on aev ral main arteries of tra% thanks t ) l *f 8r??d h'srh '-jm now t - ' 5, developed by the . >nnty and V radiating from Pickens .;hkh is the geographical center o- Selounty , Road to fir?v?Nl. One oi the Highways i# .the jfcoftd** running almost due ? north from ! Pickens, practically splitting the ' county in half, and under1" contract ! ^ to the North wact a Nort*' r u lt X'U conj,ect with ens Th? ,m"M tr?? ?* the' aUfe Inr*' ??m Plckena to iner state line ia about 22 miles Some work has been done through out the Entire stretch. and forces of the contractor, J. B. Ross i f aJe novf busily engaged with twov steam shovels and other equip- 1 ment, in an effort to comolet? n!? 1 Sna??1n?t ,to "Peelflcation m Jlin k 1 few m?nths. The 1 road will be a very attractive on* ' 8rra.de?' ^th a thirty-foot road' ] bed, and winding through! ' beautiful mountain scener(r. Appoint ( Zttzrsuffui Att-qiSfe' ?>k '? Wv ?^a, w?y to Pi.?.h, ? tim. ^ road l? opened ' some u ^f,ar' to the North Carolina 1 'u' Put Pickens within 88 ' miles ox Brevard, county seat of county. Prom the North ] Carolina line to a road runs fiv* ' miles to Rosman, and there tans 1 one of the North Carolina highways 1 sT??l,nt?^Brevard- TheroSTaU 1 so gives a direct opening for that ' section ? the beautiful Pisgah > Brovan) to Get o? Map, ? Brevard and Transylvania county ?< ifa 1"^ !"?re Prominence ' a tonrist and 'business center ! fu* be'?re in their history, due to ' the construction of this Pickens ? whiohy r?k ? an! 0,6 Geer highway, ? which is being built hy Greenville 1 a?' m& and,.wbich ?fcSde ? a modern highway, directly fro*n < Brevard into Greenville county and ' thlLviv? 0t the state- "Both of 1 these highways will probably be 1 completed within the next " few ] Unct a'nSTld wiH Provide conven- i ianct and comfortable means of 1 vWtrng Brevantf and that section by i ven^ 'direct routs and with at most 1 ?&*??, "si"* iw m* ??? < South Carolina. This is something Brevard has hever had ' before. That both these roads will i nl J^'y traveled, not only by ' oloasure-seekers, but by * business husmess visitors from one section to 'ectfon? nf M^d doubt' aDd these i. ? North and South Caro pn^io- o*?L ^"d a ^onderful quick In mutual interest In thenew lines of traffic and com munication thus opened. I ' To Contest Highway* tbn.n c?nnectii ? road between these two highways n South Caro 58 inevitable. , ;l step, are al ready under way i ?!ekens conn nf Provide for e construction -onnP^?frh 8tr1tCh ' "?ad tflat will onnect these two Brevard roads in 'ravAlV*1* ^ neat,v facihtate ravel between Greenville and Pick- ' "nnHC1Unty-iPickens now Possesses a r?8d to Pumnkintown, "?d Ct 0t about ten ml'es From 'impkintown across to Hardin's in pper Greenville county, on the Geer ^itrhwcy, the d'stance is only about lV?lrnle!vand R rt,ad now exista. . f fVe- ^ Petition has been y peonle of thnt scction coi'nty commissioers to Me out and toosoil this road, 'nvll n? form?l actio has yet been ?JX ?' 18 undprstood, that the nro ?x Pickens from points eaet ?f K*m' ley. ThoNn^R|0*f to Gr<>wn*nr?-. The principal > route of PicKemt ? Gl[,eenville at'. bow through Easley and over the Saluda river at' the po^er plant A. ?>uty ?ad now under co? ^thl^? jJ eJver wU1 Provide ah? r road from Pickens cotm- ' ty, and particularly from the lection of the county, into Iriiif' ? '5 a TO.fld" 'rom D?^?_ nlle to the GreenriHir county line^. ^id^88 J!{^alnd* riVer at Ba"-'?= bridge, a distance of g/ik to eight. *?"? Good roads now .exist front from 118 chnTc1* ???tfon) anL0r a r4eai estate tfevelooment; and ?thw ^ center. ?re being planned! Railroad Talked" Againu county h^era "Cttf0n woodVaT has^s o{ K*' touched, and with l*5di?y of the motor road h^,^IlSJ*U?^ iSK! " >"*? is? struct a railway llne i?n' co" bjing this timber to market r-V? of way for the pro^e^in/E^f been secured, ft m I f -i ^ en? people are confident that Tij? v r*Uwayt ' 'onstr?tio? 0f th*,