The Brevard New* Is $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE IE XXIX. FRIDAYS FEBRUARY 29, 19?3 ?0 y ft It if M. L. SH1PMAN lie wan born and reared In the * ,? mountains of . Western North Caro ' and Ids host of friends are pecting him to make the _raceagaln succeed himself as Commissioner Labor and Printfttg. mwm? J ... | Is wrltinc Book W Public Career of | WOOD ROW WILSON? Other New*.' Raleigh, N. C., February. 25.? Editor Josephus Daniels, of the Wi{$Weigh . News and Observer, and Secretary of the Navy in President Wilson's Cabinet, ? is in Philadelphia writing a book on the life of his for mer chief. He has been there sine* ?ing Washington immediately owing: the Wilson funferal and weeks of work ahead of him in preparation of matter for the of his Narrative. , meantime, friends in North and elsewhere have tone into the Wreslden in such ?/ wihy as to speculation, not* to eajr' lnild the csmpe of oth the nomination, ,on the democratic ticket. The Daniels boom originated first in the tehunns of influential New York newspapers . and the sentiment has since spread to all parts of the country. It is the outgrowth. of. fraudulent otj leases by> members of the present national administration which are a6w ? under investigation by author " iiy of ? the Congress. While he was serving as Secretary of the Navy, Mr. Daniels turned a deaf ear to every appeal for a lease pf the Navy oil Reserves, Hta successor yielded 'to offers' of big oil magnates and has been forced out pf the Cabinet on' account of. his stolidity in per mitting speculation by priveate in dividuals at government expense. ?? ** there is anything in all this, ijjs hews to me," thu former Secre is reported *?, having said, 'to ielphia newspaper reporters nsked if he had heard that ticil and persona) f fiends were tag out sentiment in New York Jttjfer, .and in other sections of .the East, as to his poesibie availability wtjie Democrat!? Presidential' nomi ?me?). Admittedly, tip Daniels boom Is getting momentum , and with a d delegation from h& own State is believed he would ' stand a mighty good flgfatlng chance in the ' national convention next summer. Evangelist Ham continues to ^"poond away" at the clask whom he dubs as "galvanised Christians." : - . i He has no patience with those who serve themselves during the week and present a sanctimonious appear ance in church and Sunday School , *on Sunday. The evangelist insists I that God is displeased with the man ? who appropriates dollars to himself and nickles and pennlei to the LortK ' t Nor does he believe that the church member who winks at social evil? may be properly classed with Chris tian believers. The individual who allies hlmsef with the church with the idea of becoming respectable ' serves the devil rather than the ^.Nazarene and is a liability instead of an asset to organization. Faith and Christian activity go hand in hand, says . Mr. Ham, as he points out that the world measures a man's life by the results of his labor, eith er good or sviL "Get right with God," is the message he brings at (Continued en another page) DR: ENGLISH ON NURSE AND DOCTOR Don not Btlln* in Encouraging Pauperism- ? Spaak* of Charity." Editor of Brevard News: A# a citizen and taxpayer of Tran sylvania County, I [(hould like to say a few words in regard to a whole time 'Doctor and a whole Nurse for Transylvania County. Some large ancK prosperous Coun ties could vefry easily affowjf a whole time Doctor and Nurse, but with a high valuation arid\a rate of $1.91 on the 100 dollam' worth of prop erty, h rate 40 cents higher than last year. I think it a 'very inoppor tune time to Add on several thous and dollars worth of extra expense, as no Doctor of any ability could afford to take the place for less than $ 3, BOO or $4,000.00 and ex penses, which would add on another thousand,' andnonune qualified for ( the position cgi&f-'affbrd- to take it for, leas than $6,00 . and expenses which would mean $7.00 per day at least. - You ca$ readily see H Wquld add from $7,OM.OO to $10,000,00 a year to outrides. Mr. taxpayer, do you not, tjw we pay enough already? There ;)u:c slime poor peo ple it would help very much, but as a Physician I do at least $1,000.00 worth of practice a year for which I never reveive a penny, nor expect to by being exempt from taxes, or , donations from the Town, County or benevolent societies, neither have 1 taken mortgages or asked churches or benevolent socWies to makeup the money beforp I' would perform the services, but have treated poor . people; furnished med icines or any other services without any reward or hope of reward, and if every 'body -will do as much, there ?fe vary few people who will suffer ? for lack of attention, ^here it is charity, but when there ii an able bodied man Jit the family, I do not consider it pure charity for the Town, County or any individual, Br benevolent society to continually support them as it only encourages pauperism. There is a question , 1 should like to ask.' When and where are Nurses taught to examine school children or anyone else and diag nose their cAses and insist on opera tions on noses," throats or any other part of their anatomy? E. S. English, M. D. FAIRGROUNDS Yke naed of ? ' Fair- Graund fifir th^ farmers and truckers arid" live Jtock raisers of the County is uni- , versally known, arid has been for , years. Do our j present Commissioners wish to suffer this need, or do thejb wish to postpone County Fairs and exhibitions until some succeeding Board sees fit to supply the need, | and at several times the present , cost. A few years delay, doubled the codt of Court house and jail im provements, though badly needed teB years and more before being made. <? ? That is the usual way with public improvements. Will it be the same . in this? That is the .question for the Board of Commissioners. SEARCY FAMILY IMPROVING.' The family of Mr. Wjll Searcy, about whom the community has felt ?> much concern during the past two weeks, is now, located .where help can reach them. On last Sunday i)r. . W. J. 'Wtallis, county health officer, and Rev. J. R. Hav went up on the mountain, and with i 'he help of friends and neighbors, I moved the family to a house belong ing to Dr. Wallis and not far from his residence. _T-he men of the iarty carried the babies of the , family in their arms ' down the mountain to e waiting car furnished by Messrs. King and Waters. Messrs Bromfiel^ and Snelson each furaish ed a wagon to^haul the household goods. * A group of men saw that the' house was put in readiness for their reception. Mrs. Marr has been engaged as nurse and every care and attention is being given the stricken family. W. E. Breese, ' Chairman of tho Transylvania Democratic Execu tive Committee, who will Again lis ad his party. i Per&ocratk Out For Victory Prominent Citizen * Being Mentioned ? "Honest" Bill Henry Is Solicited For Sheriff? T. H. 'To ' Galloway For Representative. Political Ne^vs. This being the big1 political ? year, National, State and county and North Carolina always Democratic; naturally the Democrats of Trana ylvante^re wanting jup and becoriw inK in, tasted in finding tha b?(t&p8slble' candidates for oif flee. J . Already in - the Sheriffs race ffer nomination two candidates hafe announced their intention J>f making the fight. Me?ar?. E?k Simms and Louis Galloway. While no other candidates have definitely announced their intention of making the nee for th< nomination, le' is rumortd that Ed Gillespie^ who ran in the last Democratic primary, will probably be a candidate either f6r Register of Deeds or- Sheriff. However there is a ' strong . 'move ment among many friends and es pecially among %>* women and those who have the great funda mental principles of the Democrat ic party close at , heart so liciting and urging Mr. Wm. Henry to make the race. The great ma jority of the Democrats realize more and . more each year that the people of Transylvania demand that. the very best available mater'al in the Democratic ranks- must be nominated and put up as candidates in .the general election. It is point ed out, by his hosts of friends, that, this year it is not a question of the candidate who wants the of fice; but a question- of the office seeking the Sheriffs No man has a better record, no Transylvanian has a bette character and no man in this County. has more friends and admirers than Ex-postmaster "BUI" Henry. It is true that he has had many favors at the hands of the pebple of this county; but so trustworthy has Mr. Henry been, and his ' record such a glorious ex ample of what a faithful servant of the people can; accomplish; that the fact that' he has held offices before is his "greatest asset and the main reason that ? pressure is being brought to bear upon this God fear ing man to again lead his faithful adherants to victory. That he is the strongest Democrat out of of fice 'in Transylvania pounty is ad mitted by every one who is in a position to know. While i Mr. Henry has not definitely decided upon his course of action, tha- News feels confident that should he cast his hat in the ring that his nomination would only be a question of count ing the votes. It is believed that Mr. Ed Pattor j will again' be the Democratic nomi , nee to succeed himself as Treasurer . Mr. Patton is one of the young pro i gressive leaders of his party and will help to lead his party to vic tory. While no one has been officially announce for ? Register of Xteeds there are many who would like to see Mrs. Beulah MVMinn Zachary elected to this position. One of thes most important po sitions is that of Representative. Mr. Wm. Duckworth, the present Representative, made a splendid i _ record 'and he is , entitled, to arioth* er term by the Democrats and could have, it; but owing "to hii ate inclination to serve another term, the Democrats are looking about for another as likely a candidate. This office is merely an honorable position and really cost#1 the incum bant considerable. The name of Mr. Thoa. H. Galloway is being talked of and |here is no doubt whatever that should he ? decide to get intto the race, that he could easily cirry the County. 'Mr. Gal low*ay is a remarkably fine man in many ways. He deserves great credit for the manner In which ? he Has struggled, all his life under the .greatest of all handicaps; that of local paralysis. He is a self-made man and one of the greatest moral leaders that Transylvania has ever known. He :s a booster, a progres sive, but conservative citizen, and is one leading Democrat ?whom the women have ffcith ana believe in. He will likely be nominated. -The county commissioners of whom there are .three are slated to appear on th<s nomination ticket. Their record for progressive ach ievement and for economy is well known ?11 over the county and while they work hard for the peo ple for practically nothing, they have done well and deserve an6then term. .'.?/? There has been some solicitation by friends for the office of County (Commissioner to the following citizens: Wm. Duckworth, Brevard, Claude Shuford of Penrose; Ernest Paxtoji of Roeman. However it is not knowir whether they will enter the race or not. That a convention will be called in a few dajm is rather necessary to have a get-to-gether meeting. Mr. W. E. Breese the chairman of the Democratic party will likely be re-elected to that position. Mr. Breese has seen his party defeated and he has lead them many times to victory. He has spent much time and much financially in his great love for the Democratic par ty. Mr. Breese has a character be yond reproach. He is a statesman beyond compare, in his own county and it has been due solely to his advice many tipies in the past that the Democrats came out victorious. He has always tried to be neutral in the Democratic primaries (as he should) and he has lost popularity at times and even made enemier because he stood for what he thought was right regardless of per sonal agrandisement. He is beyon'" any shadow of a doubt one of the ablest Democratic lawyers in thi.= State. He is a polished, Christiar gentleman with a big heart and i sympathetic nature. The rank an' file of the Democratic party havi their hparts nnri minds set upon Mr Wm. Breese to again lead them and any talk of resignation or any oth er political rumor should not be tolerated. However a good Democratic con vention with a comptete re-organ ization, whereby the ladies can have ? * * 1 1 DOES BREVARD WANT GCflLF? There has been much talk of a olf Court? and County Club. A umber have subscribed? Many have calked! Would there be anything -wrong incompleting the organization, get ting charter, and then collecting five or ten per cent of subscriptions'/ o have an expense fund. Then there would be somebody an{K some thing to act. A* i<f ie, much talk makes little programs. * ? After there is a definite organiza tion to take action, someone (pre sumably location committee) should get definite and detailed proposi tions from owners of proposed sites. Then practical and capable! Golf Export should be obtained to make report on each location, as to suit ability, cost of development, terms, etc., etc. - If a Golf Courie and Country Club is in raacb, it Wftufd be ai great Miet to the County, "But talk won't raacb it. The New. holds no brief for an* location. The Stokes place Is good, three milep out and near the Greenville .Highway. The : Wpod pl<jce 'Is good, ft mile out, And neajr "the Greenville High way. ' | The Cpse place is a good, two and a half miles ? out, near the main highway and divides distariie be tween- Brevard and main entrance to Pisgah National Forest The Allison place fai good, a mile and a half out- and near the main highway. , The Siniard place is a' good, and a mile and ? half\ out. -There are numerous other places that are good. Consider them alT on Che folTow ing basis: Cost and terms. , Cost of development. Location. Action and cash may get a cred itable Golf, Course, but talk won't. CHAMBER OF Commerce notes . At the meeting last week, the Chamber "of Commerce decided to get out a booklet for Brevard. Copy must be completed at once. Data not already in your hand should be left "with the Secretary. An *"up-town" ? telegraph office is one of the things we are after. Free delivery of express is fan other. V There are still a lot of people in Brevard who ought to' be members The ladies are not barred. "The Chamber of Commerce is working towards locating a number of new industries here. The office ^as a supply of new road maps of North Carolina. Call and examine. Piagah ^National Forest has a new and attractive map that is of inter est to all. Copy is in the office of the Chamber of Commerce. The Bulletin Boardshows inquir ies in various lines of business as to openings for hotels, stores, etc., etc. ? A supply of civic, economic and advertising publications is being as sembled at the office. One of the purposes of the Cham ber. of Commerce is to be a general bureau of information for business opportunities, business wishes and business information, as well as full tourist information, relating to ho tels, boarding houses, camps, hunt ing, fishing, and everything connect ed with "our visiting population." Full data as to hotels, " boarding houses, camp, camp schools, etc., should be in the hands of the secre tary at as early a date as possible Desiring informat:on from the secretary, .phone 121. If you have - information for the secretary. I 'phone 121. -?a Secretary. the Vice-Chairmanship, Secretary ? ship, etc., will make all Democrats ? more stout of heart. ! ? Wm. A. Band. I The former Secreatry of the Navy, is a McAdoO lnan, first/ last, and JOSEPHUS DANIELS* t'fi The man of the hour whose : record ' as War Secretary of Navy may place him at the of the greatest country on earth:. STATE democrats con- ' SIDER DANIELS Will Former Sedfetw of Nayjr .. .. Be Candidate For Prwi- .. , dential Chair? THINK NOmFnATION WILL SEEK EDITOR ?5 ????? ^ Says Daniel* Not Easily Veer ed From Determination; 'la Quoted As Skeptical About Movement That "Has Appar ently Started In Several Parts of Country. ! ' t Asheville, ? Will the ?wui#er of Jo sephus Daniels, editor of the Raleigh lifews and Observer arid former sec retary of the navy be presented to ' the national Democratic convention '> In New York city next summer as ' the favorite son ofNorth Carolina? This question is one that hasbeen frequently asked in local political circles. It has gained added favor since Jnrojr^t'on^ and has- sewed to further the move- j ment. for Daniels' nomination that has been under way in various parte of the country .for the. ^past few ' months. . i le Nevyj all the time. North Carolians . fa miliar with Daniels' system' of ?Work ing for candidates known that he V not easily deflected to swerve him from the McAdoo hj-igade, ' even though the appeal to tjiat quality should be strong* . It seems ' a case of the support seeking the candidate rather than > the candidate seeking tte ^ipipport. Daniels has good-naturedly ridiculed all public reference to ,hi^ often made, that he is presidential tim When the first story came out of Washington that Daniels wapld prob ably have a place in the Cabinet, a friend called him by telephone from ?? Asheville to congratulate him. And Daniels, q*ite sincere, while appre ciative, said he had no '.^assurance that the story was other than spec ulative. It's the same sort o{ sin cerety perhaps which makes Daniels ' repulse the suggestion that he is seriously thinking of the presidency for himself. Frequently Rated ,Ji Pr??ida?ey Daniels has been described as presidential caliber by Wiljiims Jen nings Bryan on more than , on'e oc casion. Before he retired; from the editorship of the Commoner, he 'once stated that the south had ' several good men who ought to ha^r$ a look in on the presidency. And. the Dan iels name figured at the top of the v list. Raleigh not so long agp, Bryan speaking at a public -gathering re ferred to Daniels as a North Caro lianin who would occupy the White House with credit to the nation and himself. Folks who know Bryan d<x ^ not believe he would have made'that . statement purely as an observance of the amenities. " Daniels, then as on one other occasions 1 smilingly pushed the proferred distinction from him. < V Robert T. Small, famous corre spondent at Washington, in a copy right ^article appearing in the Ashe ville Times the piist week,, declared -I that Daniels would receive the sup* v? uort of Bryan at the National con vention. Mr. 8mall mentioned Mr, Daniels as one of the outstanding "dark horses" that threaten to dis continued on another page) I

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