lAY^MARfo 21, 19^4 .? ?w?h. H. c, ?.?h n.-u e*y ?M "Ajcpck Day" In ? y?ffi&nS|Sft and service -of North Garolina'fl t t'^nguieheci son, 'wfio proclaimed i gospel of universal education fr one end of the State to the oth SSB-"'-';' :v^nde*'^|^lirectiii.'o? M ; Jamea \i Jayner, chairman ,o<- the mem 6t committee.' Dr. Edwin A. Aid ' ?V "i. i-it Jw ?tElZl_L1 _i I L' ? ! 'J? t 1\ ?% :r.s:: on earth to have I r to burgeon 6nV iwff $Wp0'>?jv-' in, iPront of Monu mm ;*w*yN. C. v , ,'l rdanfc&of . "flfcj H. Jordan, of uried at R>v*^idc November''?, ^887 > Miss _ Grace E," 8 union .'Weife ^born fa Pruett, ot' BREV. Ly. itx ? ? m mm ASSOC. '?I '?'*?. ?/??>n an other page shoVp that the Assoeiat tion haa doubled in size dut?np the pa:*? ' ' There will nev^r be a better time than ndw to buy and build In Bre vardf Our new roads will briny; ms^ypnore tourists %hetts, than wa u-ive ever had. To know Brevard .to'.'wlrt|t ; to live here, The de-' . wili increase, henc? :the; )>rlee .Will increase. Buy now and make something on ^our in vestment instead of leaving *11 tho profits tci Be made later by outsiders. A' prominent real estate man from ft* ^V-ummor that be of Wi p traveled over t**;wholo Carolina and Brevard had the most promising fut ^Better get in the series of Bulding ft Loan, If you are a mar oi' Means invest in Building and l Loan stock to help the other man J - - - i i n we had nfl Building J Ansociatloi^^ jSince j the ?tioo ' was organized a her" A number of |^oomp~4" on fmmm tistr M-" on a at reild-:, i St, one on Jordan, bne I Moet. if not. all. a?*lHMnv I structures have b^n Vmiadfe 'poesibTe by loans from th? Building ft Loan * Bocifttioti. If. the biggest factor J tare.' ?. W.- .M. Collins, as principal, anof, William and Elizabeth Qilleepla Aiken, was born in Transylvania County May 9th, 1859, and died at < his, home .near .tyghlo. ? Mountain on ThuAday, March 13, 1924. t 'i He was married to Miss Hattic Glazenor on November' -6th, . 1888. She and four of the ten child*- He was of a cheerful, kindly dis position a man who easily mpde fridnds and 'who .kept them by - fiV steady worth.. / i ? : ? POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: . . ' ?? ' ' "Honest'' Bill Henry has ot last consented to make the race for the ?Democratic nomination for Sheriff in the fprth^miitg^$$0mury. "!' ; \ makes; four: Ed. Gillespie; Eck Staia;. L,- GalloWay. * ? There is one candidate for Repre sentative, -Mr. T. H. -GalloWay ? ?<" There ' is one condidate .tflesis-' tet, of Deeds/ Noah ' Miller from Hogback township. There are no anhouncerftents for \ County ' Commissioners. 'Tljfe ,is r very' important and ser^us-^sitioh and the be8tta*tariat thai: the county has should be nominated' by both parts??- The county is the biggest business that) we have and jar*, should not expect thjie men to work effi ciently for- the . paltry sum' that they receive. !.'?'? Th? Chairman of tittf ;i County Commissioners iAotjId re ceive at least fifteen hundred; dollars' per year and should be on the job permanently. ? , ' Mr. Ed. Patton's fr ends' are ex pecting hlta to make the race again for '.Treasurer: The RepubUcartp^ytwit, 4s yet?_ brought in thei* ahnouflceipents. " ?' " */ , < DEATH OF MISS VIRGINIA C. t ? patton, ? V " -V; ? * Mljjs V|rgfnia C. Patton died March 17th, 1934, and _wto 'buried ^ at Davidson River Cemetery, March j 18th; funeral ab DaVidson "River Preis I byterian Church conducted by Rev. I W. S. Hutchison, assisted, by Rev. < i John Hay. pallbearers, were T, ,i Edgar Patton, W. D. Deaver, John ? Lyday, C. F. Wpodfin 1 and R. L. ] Gash. i Miss Patton,' was born Nov. -22;, c 1847, was in her seventy - seventh ,] year / She was a daughter of IJI' m Pattorf and wife Ann Patton. She had been a member of Davidson River Presbyterlatf Church for fifty . eight years, ehe whs a constant work, i er in the various activities of tho church from childhood until she .? neared the allotted "three score and ten". She was always a quiet, car- : nest, lovable character and was deep- i ly loved by a|l. She is survived. hy a brother R. E. i Patten, two- s'aters, Misses Anna and i Sarah 'Patton, and three nephews F. 1 E. Patton, Frank Patton and Wil- i liam Patton. Al) of thd immediate family, except the two last named, were at her bedside, and attended ; her funeifel. < Thq church was packed with her : numerous relatives and friends. The numerous "floral tributes cov ered the grave and adjoining grave's, and were mute testimonials of thi esteem in which she was held by all pi aVTt prfv iNcrrnjTF The Rosa literary Soci^^ enter- j tained the students and faculty aj Brevard Institute very delightfully Saturday n:ght, March 8, Vy staging a play, "Miss Fearless & Co." This play having only student I talent was a very in"eat success and ? every one enjoyed it to the fullest extent. * The girls are planning to give it I to the public Saturday night, March j 22. I If you want two and one i half NmS" "ERCE IWTB Regular meeting of th^ Bpard o' Directors was held Tuesday, night, March 18th.- ? The Postal Telegraph Company is considering opening en dfflce in Bire vard. . ?yf'ha^will the Board Of Aldermen Say to the movpmfent for street signs The streets -of the Town need mark ing. I V. Many attractive /views have beer placed 'on the walls of the Chambev of Commerce. ?top and examine. Copies of the Manufacturers ' Re cord, and other trade and industrial papets f several counties near Pageland. , Mfc. Hollis haa spent t^a greater part of the list twenty years of his life in Brevard malting his homo with Mr. and Wn. J. E. Clayton. He will be greatly missed by h|S snany friend\ throughout North and South (Jifrolina. The body Waa . taken to iGaffney pn Friday for bur-, , lal in the family plot beside his m6* for a St. Patrick's Party for Ward B, 4, Oteen.x Under -Mrs. , Fisher's direction, fancy paper cafes wae made from Shamrock green crepferaper, indi vidual bonboix dishes wSl covered. and*the most attractive favors were made by dreeing sticks of candy a littole dolls with green paper c^ps and drftses. In addition were sent a ' whole baked ham, three or four jars of pickles, three whold cakes, five or six lbs of candy and 'six lbs of stufH fed dates. J About twenty lbs of candy was received to sell at the last Lyceum number, a little over $10.00 war made for the Legion Auxiliary's treasury. We appreciate very much the. help of the charming St Patrick's mpideas who sol(| the candy for us. , ? . . f. A list .lias been received with thr' names of the thirty - five rtien ir Ward B, 4. Oteen and all of the Auxiliary members are. urgently re quested to attend the next regular meeting, April 1st. As we w!sh to assign one of these n&mes to each member for "adoption". R. W. B., Secretary hours of real enjoyment, fun, and laughter, do' not fail to comp. "V Huffines. 1 1 Fred Kilpatrick of Hcmdersonville ."Dent the week end in town." FA i ? I ? - li/ I' , *JQhAW WAN^S COUNTY ROADS IM. I ' - proved: 'f; > '' 11 v'^nV 'Jt usisa flelrig a citizen >of Transylvania and a tax payer, I want to ask what is 'vqrohg wtyh oar road' law, Or ty it the law that is wrorfg?. There are a number of our County road ) that hove been practically impassable for two months, and the writer has ' tr^gm veled them for one hundred miles or more, since March 1st, and has rtfiver found a man or team ?t work on them. The road beds are belpw ' the-'lev41 of the drain ditches ' many places. The people that live off the hard surfaced roads pay ^fcew taxes and should receive 'gome cot}-" siderut'on ns to a way to get to town, ; j or any place Which they wish to go. The Stat$ Highway Commission has token over wbout fifty miles of our . , , main roads to keep up, and '.the ? a-,/-> : mount of .taxes that are paidfto keep up and maintain ' the other public ' roads should keep them passable the y#*r Jroynd. I see ' no serious (ob- j jeciion to one man as a general road supervisor, but he cannot , work .out/ 'J, and keep up all the roads himself, forHhere are months at a time that J.''i hp, does not see a road, vrhich per- " habfl has become impassable. The road supervisor i should be . under n good and sufficient bond ? and accountable to the CcunmieaiOti- :i tm?$Roa# .. aSiMfttfS i?)tho fonditions <^f the roads, aitd the way the ropd moneys are spent. If our road* were sectioned i>B and the sections let to the sponsible bidder, living on the sec ing the bidder: Mj ?? to te am 3 or *utt of nfi dfaWf. fA ? lei m&; pa'embly i ELI&HTFUL < uvfitft -i ?> *? -.'?'??t Mrs. J. K. Mills a children's party ?... ? , nciofc^ln honor of her sMJanre^C birthday. ? Games were played refreshments served. Tho^e ent were Mrs. band, Miss Margu'ei- , Ite Robertson, Catherine Osbotne, Martha and ' Mary Osborne, Eliza- i beth and/ Charles Bond, 'Gladys Wood, Nan Allison, Elisabeth and X Mabel. MUls, .Walter Clayton, David Priced Fred Harris, Edgar Osborafc, Brace Hartsell and James Mills, MEETING OF FORTNIGHfLY CLUB. Mrs. E. R. Welch was the charm-' ing Hostess of the Fortnightly Club ? ? at her home on Gaston Street on Monday afternoon.'' ( All members save two answer?^ the roll call. . The president, Min* Alma Trowbridge gave a very inter- '; eating sketch of social, economic, and political conditions in the " 1790- ' 1^80 period. Mrs. J. E. Wntels also , ' ? g^ve some interesting topics on that subject. I . Mrs. H. A. Plummcr closed tfeft v: program with a sketch on the life '6f William Gaston which was much <* joyed by every member. After the program delicious re freshments were served by the hos tess. During the social hour those pre-'... sent had the pleasure of seeing boom * | of the exquisite souvenirs which ^ Rev. Welch obtained on his trip tilt*" ? ? broad. '?A '??The club will meet with Mrs. Wat- : ?/ eri on ApTil 1. Mrs. R. Y. will have charge of the program. dm