-r ? " II, -V Brev?rd pjpwa y , ' 'maa&^ ' fe - Moderh, Facilities For COMMERCIAL < JOB' PRINTING v? iOY SCpUT TRUCKLE AD Y FOR >-&*** . : ? ?;???:!' .. ? ;? , ? ? y~ . - 4 Som6 time ago the News carried the story of the truck the Boy (Jeoute *of Br^rd have for their saroplnj? and hiking purposes. They "Vow repol^ that ft last Mr. Felix tfortor hps begun' work on the boy tenure of service, to .God, an'' . if we fail to 'consider equal justice ? to the negro, we shall in the fulnesr. . of time lose power ourselves .for wo ?must know that fj o'd,. Who -'s Lov< trusts no peoptfe Vith authority fcr the purpose of enabling them to do injustice to the weak-" ' . ?*'? Sha al^o read a paper on "Th . NeedS' of' the Negro in Brevard'' which hacT' Ored school. He thinks their ch'V ' 'Reed- is education, eanec'ally indu1 tr'al educations a loi)?rer school terr anfl enforcement of the compulsor ^fmtteidapce law . Members and sruests particular! enjoyed tl>p sotc* rendered by tbr quartet from the Institute Refreshments were served wit"" 8t. Patrick day faitors. J NOT IN THE RArjr FOR REPRE SENT ATI VE. To my friends, the prood citizens x , and especially the noble women 'of ' our fa'r county of Transylvarla. I take th>e method tor express my sincere appreciation for the njany kindnesses shown. m? and the eft v ued confidence you rep?*'?? ft ber.n" ill fawn colored suit with,accessor. 2? ^ w?re ? corsage o ink carnations * Misses Geor Pkttor i U ? Peaver, Annie Mae Pattor, Lora Walker, Mafeuerite L '?-? Rath, A? K*te Waters, Mr. Wesso w K "?> Mr- and Mrs. Sfi lr. and Mr"- H- J- Wil w ^tte' ? M^- Calvin/ Mn_ H. R. Walker, Mrs. j e Wat ers. Mr?. Martin. / ? " . ? . .^r ?nd Mrs- Wyafct left immed iwDlD^r f0r * briief redding mXJv f*? r<>ad? so .bad ^y ' K? ' f?- bernd HendersonvilU tv ??f rK ra^ ^ pret ii w K?'6" in P^.A venue, wh.ch had bien mftde read> tor a ?r :^here ioving ^nd? >?Bd w"? " ?* .f moat pZ? t? and popular young women yea? "*"> has taught at Davidson River. ?? graduate of Prince ton, to from Newark, N Y. He is fe* ?** ^ r- ;>' ;?} -'? K"f* ? ' ' ; ' THE people, 3*~k ^ cwrihr Editor Brevard "NeWsi-i, - ' # Papers of the 1 b*9B "lj*d with "dope" J* *?? -quest-on of "Tiuc Reduction" Hie Mellor plan, the Garner & plan or somefe* jjfaed plan fpr lowering taxes. And p,ana prop?? ng to, !W?y? Why the taxes of the wealthy and well-to-do of the country. Not the taxes if, the com mon man, the "one* gall us" man;? that class to which most of us be long No, nobody, so far as I have neard, has offered, or even sugges ted, any relief for us. Only .Ww^k the. papers stated thaUome of f we slin" ''"ve to adopt a different system '? ?he corduct of our public affairs, or that we shall have to prepare to turn over, absolutely, to the tax collectors the little we are yet -trying to hold on to. Very respectfully, A VOTER. I frratitude is inexpressable. jo' 'r.r reasons best known to ? myself, I cannot accept the nomina | t'on to so ^prr^ent you So tru;t'nT i'C'i will elect a wor ' thy and efficient Represertative. I beg to remrin -"-j*-* truly, ' T"^ H. GALLOWAY ROADS ARE , ' V ? dUTISIED Mr. Editor:-- > I have read with much interest the communication in your issue. of the i^lst inst., by ''A Citizen", on the condition of the roads in the Courty as a * resident and taxpayer roost heart'ly endorse his criticisms on the disgraceful condition of our by-roada by reason of, absolute, lack of at xtention in any way. ? To be spe'cific, 1 will take the conr dition of the road, the continuation of Frobarte Ave., between the City imits and .my house.. .-{??'? Ony a few years bacl^ the Coun y spent thousands of dollars, any here between $8,999 to $6,000? 'Or this small section of road, inside 1-2 mite, and today- it is in just" as bad a condition as in any ttme in th'e last eight ySirs. I am perfectly fr?e to .admit tHat the past Winter has/been a hard one on roads, but for that, vfer/ reason some attention should have been given to keep them from getting' worse and costing more mend in the end. I can see W reason why ditches' can't .be- kjept open, even if : the we'rittier Is tP? bad "for other work. Last tfuihmer there was a hole in the bridge ,'over '?Brushy Creek which could easily hfrve cbst i,the County tej^'to fifteen times the' cost of rep*#/ by. the breakirg of; ^ leg of prdinary hours' work, fixed another hole in there three weeks, perhaps Iongme and fioe what opuld be done. He came! eventually with a boy and. few -tools, did a few hours' work, fixed another hole 5r the' bridge and that is the last I hjive seen of him.- I think a one man head of roads is aii righf, pro vided he is competent, on his job all the time, but located at a central uoint in the County so that he can reach all parts easily, end with a strict accountability to somebody higher up * . The County should have more to spend on by-roads sonce the State has taken over the main highways. Some of us, I admit only a few ha^e atill to walk, and' we are entit led to just as much consideration as the auto . owners in getting about I buy my supplies in town and my grocer . always wants to know how the road is before he serds out and sometimes he says he can't send his car on account o'f condition of road. Now here is a nice state of affair? for a road within a mile of the Court House. From what I Uriow of th>* Mttle piece of road I don't doubt but' that-s the same) conditions are -eneral. Now I have no ies'r? ?' he hypercritical or * unMhsonRnlo my. statements, but like' the may. from Missouri. "I want to be shown' why something can.'t be done durjvr the Fall and Winter on our by roads? We who Jive here all tho year round are entitled in th sro Insect to even more canric'-e-n-'or ?han short time visitors, but I hav ?vondered f it was not the other way around?- ' ' * p ? N. SIMON?, Probart$ and Norton Roads. Born to Mr and Mrs. Jeff} Lanc^ on Frvlav. March 21. a con Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence PdoIa on Wednesday, March 26. a dausrhter. METHODISTS TO MOtJD REVIV AL SERVICES: A revival wjll be held in the Meth odist Church he"innir;g April 27 Miss Carqlvn Hr>sford. with more than ten vear's juccessful rxper'ence ss director of choir .and -woman's and children's work has h?(jn secured as ass'stant. -itliss HosfCrd i# a mem ber of the Baptist Church., She is ?>*. 'i ? ? ? t , , v , -v. ROAD OVERSEER j . ANSWERS r' - - T. E RK1D, ROAD , SUPERVISOR ? ,'T ANSWERS CRITICISM. / KcLtor Brevard News:- ? PJea?e allow me space in your P*P^r for j Cist a few iwords. the Ne\ys of last week tjiere article written by a citizen who seetned to ? think jthat there . v.-a3 ^jn?thing wrong with the road law, or i?ith the way in which they arc being maintained. It is true there may be^'. something wrong with the road l*w and no doubt the vriter of last week would, if he Ijad $hi\ Authority, malntai nor try to in n different way to which they are be ing malhtaired I do not deny the fact that the roads -*t prenant^tye in a bad con dition, but since the weather has been sp jfnusuaUyS bad for the last ^hrtia. months, I could, not, neither could an^r other man, have kept the road* in good condition with the a motint of money that has been av ailable aitd has, been Bpent.,;' ; Thj? road funds in th's County 're linrted, a/$ I ,-raWBt stay wit&hi tS limits, andvlt is my duty to mend the money in such a way as to^trc'"* (ill Motions alike, and show apodal favore to none but some people do f$el that they deserve a great the law, and ,to -tfco way the roads 'are bring maintained, har only stopped and considered that the, Wat her has' been unusually bat' slnccjh- the first ol the year, arid that otnTadjoiring ' counties , are, Iwyihg the same experience that we are. 1 believe he would ha vs' remained ail' ent-or would hhve written ' me a personal letter explaining the con ditjms, or if;be' JSy been traveling totiu.ch a great extent aince' M^tch 1st, and s nie I have been making headquarters ir Brevard for a, num *ber of months, I feel sure he roulrf have had- an interview ~with me, and in that way all parties ' .concerned would have felt better ; but his new ip'aper article may harve been writ ten on account of personal matte it or from a political stand point, sc ' I feel, that when a person has the Interest of the County so much o< heart, and when they think it", nec essary 'to wr'te the such ap articlc as that- was, they ought to come ou' in the open and sign their name, so the people could cons'der for what purpose it was written. As for making bond, I am under a bord such as the law requires, and I have a man in each and every town ship in the County that I can de pend upon for work on short notice, and they are instructed to fix any place where they find it in had cor-: dition. As soon as the weather opens ur I expect to put the reads all in* good condition. The taxpayer? could and would have cr'tized me if I had spent their money foolishly ir trying to fix up the roads during thc freezing weather and 6nows and rains we have had recently I have nearly two-hundred an** fifty-3ix mile3 of roads to look afteT and only $8000 to spend for all ex lenses, horge feed, tools and labor t have na. trucks, and I give my er. Hro time to the work 'rhe r^n' with out ropi* is too much ra'n, snow and freezing ?ui (T too little moBW. J would sujrpest'that the citizen who wrote.^the article make a wrjjton offer, with bond attached, that ** h? would tnke over - the r.iads I have surerv'sion of for the ??000, Respectfully, T. E, REID, Road Supervisdr a deeply spiritual woman of plens !???* nnd attractive ?T?er,orn,;tv. Mfr;, TIn?ford if n'?-o a noted saxaphonist" Larjre and interested conereTa'i"' are attend- nir the Methodist Church Th? rnvt'ie nt the evni"" service '? e?nec:a'ly attractive. This sorv'c is made to appeal particularly to voune" people- The nu-nher of younc people present eich Sunday t'-erinp would he an inspiration to anv speake* The pastor, Rev. E. I R. 'Welch, extends a cor(fial invi 1 tnf'on to the puhVc to attend the i services' next Sunday t' I' ~ ^SFF motive OF ?Al.Rr OF DUCK 'WORTH F A PM TUIS SATURDAY ITS A LE'IAL NOTICE ?NEWS ABOUT! T> I f TOWN ???'. ; ? lL.. v , FILM. SLIDE TO BE4 MADE Of. MEMORIAL ApCH: J- . Col. W. R> Robctteon of Charlotte writes Dr. Hunt that, a Mr Edtyards a veteran of good Htundiritf will be in Brevard in' about orttf- week sell ing photographs and authentic h.a tory of the World War. ' ' He wishes to make a picture of, our soldiers' monument to use with photos in exhibitions C. K OS^OPNt* A'' AIM HAS H" CO'. 'S T^ST'Ef ?? T^e State veterinarian ?h.ig.recf ly tested twenty-seven, he'' of . sey Cown for C. K. Osborne. Ali were- found free from tuberculosis and all other diseases/ It has alwava been ? the. policy of [ Mr. Osborre to safegua'AJ hia . cus tomers regEirI!c?3 of expanse REBECCA ^UMMEYJJAS A i. ,v JIRTltoAY-PAimi ?On Tuesday, March 26, little Mi^, Rebecca Sumicy celebrated her tenth birthSr.y witty 'a lovely-par?y. < '< The din?~r ^oTri. -wae . ^ecorate'^ 1 with the fit-it Springs flowdra, white* an dyellow The' a birthday cake ?bore ten ptto candle?. Ttio refresh .ments weT^'co croim and cake anc' ^#uidy. Games were play eft or' the aO^ij fmd the party ended with. a. ? javous ride ironnd ^toyn. . ' ? Those enjoying Rebecca'n hospit ality ..were Allen, Margaretf Miller, Evelyn Siler, Rose Sn?lson. Thelma Orr Nell Gillespie, S?r>h' Louise Andrews, Margaret Barnettc Loin Barnette, Nell and Catherirr Case, Edith Merle' Gillespie, Edith , Mull, Margaret Patton, Annie Mae Henderson, Eliza Nicholson - . . . .< ' ? ? , . MEETING OF THR-TRAIIJERS ?; MARCH 25th, 1924. ' ? ? * Head Trailer, Rev. J R. Hay: i Chiefs, Edward Breese, James Wat era, Valary Carter, Robert Plum- > mer. Leon Englfah, Fr^nk Oaborne, ? Louis Johnson, Oohn White, . > THE TRAILERS: . Fred M'ller, Secretary;' Hays Shipman, Treasurer; Ashe MacFie, Doorkeeper; Tom Patton, Moritor; James Lyon, Elmo Duckworth, Fred . lHarris, Tom Wood, Duncan Mac,- ' Dougald, Edm'ond Orr, Lionel i A'k en, D wight Mofflt, Francis Plummer. : Hot Dog'^a- the password ( , Our mott? is: "We Help". ' OPEN MEETING OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCEi The . Chambef'-1 of Commerce vrl' ^old an. open meeting in the' Court House.' 'Tuesday, evening1, ApnT 1st at 8 o'clock. ' All members of t' ' ^hamber of Commerce are purged be fcresent. i( Those who 'are interested in ' ? * fitting frrevard and ^Trarsy'-'n-vr County are also invited to h** -re- i rent. There will Be a gene~ ^ 'H: ? ' i cussion of the work of the r,-nmKor of* Commerce, its v^ork, en'-'., plans. It will hlep the C" ? -it>Qr ' ' i Commerce for the people '-a _ le"\. ! what it is doing. and w' ' -v to do It will let, the p- - v'^ *- , what is doing. *"d whnt' it wu:.' o , do. It will let the peonlo krou^ what' is being 'done. and help them to learn how they can help and be helped by the Chamber of Commerce ' \ , - _' Y T. E.yL. CLASS MEETING: The monthly meeting of the T. F. L-- (or mother's class'* held at the "ew Baptist Past#rium Inst Tuesday P M.. was a hspoy. occasioni^or al' or tVi?> -'fvoticnal nr" busiresBvmeet.jn'r. a iMendid nrogra r was g'ven on "''Christian TV>ve" ' A oor'al hour was en'nved atv) dain'* refreshments served. The rraeioii* hnsi>itnlity of the Dasfor and wife ma<J COUNTY FOR TRANSYL VANIA: ? ! This is assnreH. bljt wo arc un- ^ sifrle to Tiamo the date. -"whether 1024 1334 or 1944 . I Perhaps the County Commission- | ers c?n tell when the Fair Ground.* will be available. THE r* a ?i M: ? -A~ THE TE||P*aTION OF THE . ? ? pLesh. ?4 rot Himself;" Rom ' ??$gt rm m M "Chirist .pi w !?. \ ?fr'he temptation of the' Flesh im that whicfti CQipea from within ? from our own fallen nature. It i? to do as we like, and, when yielded to shows itself in Self Loye and Self Will / . There is a right l^ve of self, for* Christ bids- us to love, our neighbours as ourselves. But - ' -,v.r have ? po rules of Itfe, to thrdw off *, tftr^festrairttB, tq ?ejectaU adv'ce ' whifch also has vritlk pur own inclina tions, and to take .Bar crWn way in, spite of 'God, ?Sdju in spitp of 'every body. Let \& ever, rej^em.ber that all sw&Melatty pf iojfjeads to the '? dpthj^mpg of Go (J from' the heart, to the uttering of the awful cry,. , thwe 19 no'-God, there is no Gqd but my *wn desi^si .and p?i?Jons Let me pier remdihber . topv -^hafc ? it w lfui self love,/ .and ctffttinued "rttt". will' /(Much "- If eel^flovto and self wIlF ?outy he taken oW of the .world* Hell' would inrtanOy elp'se its gates. Let me ' learr ifrom-.my Lord Jesu? Christ how to meet this tomptatlot* pf the Flesh.' W^en, the tempter came to Htm in the wilderness and urgidv Him to satisfy His hunger by making J&e stones bread JET? replied, "Man shall not > liv? by bnpad alone, but by every 'word that *oceedeth out of the mouth of God.". \ Jesus refused to Would Svtrli cntJ^^tl^avo nrm-Jtjj?*. - ?; He willed; ahd in M Wy tha^Tjfte1 willed. Hungry in* the ? widwhtjas*. Chrst -pe&sed rtot Himself, and through life He followed the same rule Of conduct, so that He ;Coul# truly say, *'l_dp alwiys those thhigjt that: please *?ll?jk" V,--' "Let th .i?.jj?i*?4 be ih you, Which Wtfs alSo in Christ; Jtefta"- ' A PRAYER Almighty God, our ijeaVe? father we krow that the temptati of the -flesh comes - from within - from our own fatten nature, en when yielded to .?h6ws itself In se__ love and self will. '???' ' We know that* there is a right love if self for our blessed Lord l?'ds us lovo our ' neighbors as our .'selves, but the self love which is wrong 1st loving self more than Thee. tlJe lov? 'ng oun own ease, pleasure '.ojr.in't* "st morr'than Thy horour and glor. It is to become lovets of pleasure* moro lovers pf Thee.- . " Forh'Tit, our Father, that , choul'1 be tempted to self will; to folio-.*,- our own will rather, thai Th'nn, to reject all advice, 1 whlcw c>-^ as with en#' own. incifijations, . rr>i to take', our own way in spit#*-,' nr Thee i* Let us ever remember, ( that all j uch idolatry of self ? leads -to Thy. t dethronement frqpn the heart, th%t It is wilful self love and continued self / will which causes souls to perish et errally. Let ' us learn from our Lord Christ hfcw to meet this' temptation ft, the flsiKj May our answea ev