APRIL 7 '?? ? ? . ;r : vy- / OTgg ft . : :? - Jfut: The Brevard rWs li a $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE , -4 PK?i' !? ?(? ??' "?k , -K . ' ? ? ' : ? ? ? "li ? It J. W. BAILEY ff'r* r.v . FRIDAY? APRIL 4th, 1924. . . Modern Facilities For COMMERCIAL JOB PRINTING NO 14 RALEIGH ' ^232 ' "7 ? ? ? ? ? VI v COMMUNICATION; . Baleigh, n C-, March 31 ? "Ral pigh is oyi ?' religious spree", re-' maAced ore of the local pastors at .the Mattj-Bamaay; tabernacle on Sat urday morning at the conclusion? of a service given over wholly to testi monials related by hew converts, iworcs of 'whom spoke feelingly of the' results their praysrshad had In 1 saving themselves <?' ??d others; of what the revival had dona for them 'an&lof the good things they %re,con fidertly expecting before the meet ings , close The^ testimonies came from small boys and girls, thosfe in their teerto, from young men and women, those in middle-Jafe, and , Wre .and wom?^n of piature : The evangelist intended to ' >te only, a few mlTutee to this * re of the service, but the spirit ? e . occasion .swept rapidly birtsr f assemblage with such force that" ? ?ffort to check it was attempted. Interest in the revival is more pronounced (than at any time S'hce 4he meetings started seven weeks itJ&B? >ractically every character have ied .their doors for prayer ser l*es These irclude department cotton t&ifis, pool rbprtrt, etc . And this is not ai. - The evangelistic ' ' akdlraM KftVa "invaded". state a'l" .nmn wave "invaded"' state admin tetragon circles and warned, sinners .. to' flee the wrath to come. On invfq tatation of governor Morrison A " ?ayer meeting was held at the Mar Following this came _ services e State Departments Juildlng, lUtotnobile License Department, ' " ly .fcommission . and ^O.OOO.XfBlBOO the bond ^jelling the Odd Fellow* build . &bilentih?ltt btf We* Clasence B. Mitchell, chairman of $he campaign, presented With a handsome sil ver service lad congratulated on his fine work. M. L. Shipman -Was liail ed a^ chairman 6t the championship > team , reporting the largest amount V;<* subscriptions; $18,800^ . Awards for good work were made to h'm and to 3< M. Little and J. M. Foster. It ?Wei na small acbievemert to raise it needs4 to complete the _sgan'" months ago by the >ws. Btit after the matter civic proposition' all doabt the edifice was dispel ids subscribed for the tbfeneed for the build wvyie apjparea*, ana mfiny -' foe movement as ar ap of the enterprise shown d Fellows, in starting *uch - ..jpendous undertaking. Victory is sweet when it costs su?h hard % wbtk. It was a hard .pall, but every on^^Mio participated In the cam paign, ;fcela, good.6 v- worth fi~. *&&& ;i The State Board of Elections was in sessi^fi here or Saturday work- 1 ing out plans for the primary - cam- ' " ' " *-* i ?? <? ROSMAM NEWS. ; Ralph Fisher made an interesting talk att the Baptirt Church Sunday H. jjjcholion ? is visiting: ip South Carolina this * Shipman and wife visited Mrs. Alvoidv Kttchers last > . , A \ erected a "bobbin mill here and it Is already in operation. l' "Betsy"* *? Mrs. J. R. Meece of Pickens, S. C., visited friends and relatives here .last week. ? " ' Miss Kathleen Bryant has accep ' te*i a position in the Gloucester lum ber eO. store. , '? * Mr. and Mrs. Zeb 8tr<mp have bioved into their new home. ?*' Mr. and Mrs. Jim QroV visited their daughter Mrs. Mae Gantt Sat r urday right, 2 Rev. Truitt of Calvert p Beached at tVe Baptis Church last Sunday. Misses Ila and Olive Nicholson are at home having; closed their schools last week. Mr. and "Mrs. Kitchens, Dollie Gal loway, and Reba Kitchens and Mr1-. Eck Simtns attended' the show at Brevard Fridny night. Mr. Ed Talley and Miss Mildred Pcnce were happily married one night last week. Miss Lola Owens is at home after closing her school. Tis 'J> .. DEM0CRAC11C SPECIAL NOTICE " " ' - i ! Under the Democratic plar of or ganisation,. and pursuant to the re solution adopted by the State( Dem ocratic , Executive Committee, the organization ipjeettngs of the Dem ocratic Party in Transylvania county will be held as follows: ? F^recinct meetings will be held in every voting, precirct in Tra nsylvania County on Saturday, Ap ril 6th, at 2:00 o'clock P, M, at. Which said me'etings delegates to the County Convention will be elected, there will also be chosen a precinct Committee and delegates to the CountoTConventior. On^atvrday, April 12th, at 12:00 o'clock the County Convention will be held in -the Court House for the purpose of' electing delegates to the State Convention, will be elected. The State Convention will be held In . Raleigh or Thursday, April 17th, ftt noon. The meetings to be held, on Satyr- . day, April 12th, 9 in each precinct, ? *re very ' important and every Dem acrut is earnestly requested to be present and participate at these pre cinct meetings whfch will be held fn aach precinct at , the poling 'or vot irg. place at which the last general election was held. . The Democratic ? Party, cannot^ auc :eed unless it has a good, live organ zation , and the ' precinct ' organiza tion is the fpun^ation for all work lone in the Conntv and in the State. Please let all Democrattrhoth raer ind women be present at 2:00. o'- ' :lock promptly on Saturday, April Sth^ and take part in these meeings, io ha we can secure a good repre sentative, hardworking organization, Various other matters will be dis :usaed at the precinct meeting. .The precinct meeting ' ard the bounty Convention above mentloh sd< have nothing to do With the mminatiOn of -a*y State, bounty, or Township officers and it s orly for the purpose of organisa ion." x The Primaries at which the nom necs aro named will be held, under he State wide Primary Law during fane. . v. , - 1 Let every Democrat be ?prenept ' in Saturday next. v'. - Respectfully, v W. E. BREESE, County Chair. wr MARTHA BOSWELL, ^?*et. 7. ? MINSTREL sgityw*/' The Minstrel Show to Ije givpn by the B0y Scouts wilj be pft-Ifriday, kpril 11, at the High School ^Audi- ?' torium. Watch for further. ilo^ca. <' rhe boys expect totffive.ua.ponife1 1 thing, good".. ? *' . SPECIAL SERVICES AT BAPTIST ' CHUftPHV,, . On Next Wednesday Ni(fWt ".the 9\ , ?f April, Rev. A. &? IJapjby, . Assoc iate Secretary of ijiwionfcfeifNV & Baptists will be 0>e %:eV^rd 'Bap ti rt Church with ' sqtpg -otftef -Wwrksr. they are to hold 's^cia! ^."tadirvices that night< and .thmugh' Thursday morning in the "mttest.^Ufcke'.AB million campaign. ib'frbt'h It ia hoped from every church in Vfffe . will be presentvmu^- Am please call attWto^ School and church .to . attend. It is $9* ? t ,_p u \ association has thi?;'o<ijp0Mo^y fa Pff we ought to make use Xq' .V On the Wednesda^pi^frt Mr. E. L. Middldton. SU^Aas -Bchoo't Secretary of N- C-wfyh' Mr BftmeU field worker will -be here also# On. the 17 they WHJJ .be. at, Mt Moriab.. on the 18 they vill Be at- Pisg*h' and Enon. Go to th,e nearest place and hear these men who know Surda'v school work. It will be of prr help'tovyou in your work at home ANOTHfeR NEW BUILDING FOR MAIN STREET. F. D. Clement and J. S Bromfleld have purchased the Jenkins lot on ?the south west corner of Main and Caldwell Streets, now occupied by Phillip's Bakery. A modern ground floor p:cturc theatre will be erected here with a j seating capacity of 500. Plans will i be completed in a few days ard this j <-o-t-"-t ~-i'1 soon be let for a thea tre of which Brevard will be proud. I Mvl'r Tl-'-o- rf Charleston. K | C., spent severnl days this week i" town in the c.terest of ramp Fror.ch Broad. I Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Whitnvre of Asheville spent Tuesday in Brevard. A BIG SUBURBAN DEVELOP . " MENTt ? Mr, C C. Yongue, who purchased the J M. Hamlin property about two miles from Brevard on the Stati Highway early in (February sold 236 acres of' land to a "syndicate compos ed of 8 M. MacFie, J. H Tinsley.'J. 8 Bromfield, T W W-hitmJre, Thoa. H. Shipman and retained an intereqf for himself. * It is'Hhe purpose of these gentle men to form a corporator that will be known a sthe Kagle Heights, Inc. for the purpose of developing a fine residential section. They own Homp thing like five thousand feet frotft on the .hard surfaced road. There are a number of beautiful knolls, ail of which will mean nice building sites. , . \ They will put in a first class waf er system and when the lots are so\d the owners will have the benefit of using the splendid water that will be carried in by the back of each lot alon^ thfe road. ' They have al ready put a' crew, of men. to ?york and will immediately begin to Im prove the property that is now Un der cultivation,, seeding down se venty acres so that buildirtg sites a long the. road will all "front a grefn meadow for more, than a.mfle. \ This project means much for the future' growth of Brevard ; ' V ' ' DEATH OF MISS MARY JUSTtft. Following ar ' illhese of. nearly four vjeeks, Miss Mary Justus died at her ;1tome near Brerard, Satur day, > March 8, 1924, and Waa buried at Cathay's Creek cemetery the fol lowing Sunday afternoon. Funeral services were conducted by the Meth odist -pastor at the Selica Methodist Cljurch.. Miss Mary waa the second of eight daughters of Mr. G. F. and Rebecca Justus, and, 'was. bom July 6, 1860 being ^at the 'time of her death aiaty threb' years of age, ni She had '.been.. *i#e*ot?d merjber , ' of the Methodist; Church for over forty-^ive years. All her' life was spent in faithful service for others of the family, .being a great comfort to her parerts in their last years! ? Surviving are two brothers and flve-aljtei^i, Geo. M. and Ernest F. Jtfstup^of ,?revard/ Mrsc P. A. Mor -and Susanr ' Morgan of Cherryfieid, N.? CP, Mrs. j. A. Mull of. (Seliea, Ni-C.',' Mp.Hattie Lank ford of Grt'to^flle/lJ.^C., and Mrs. A. A. BmdgRs'of Etowah, N. C. " ? FIRST- GAME OF ' 'ii v 4 think the subject of Golf lp;0ea(3,' or at least sleeping, in ^raRMtj; it will '^ome as a surprise to ri'^'^hat thW.-gaKie jwill be played here fle^'Mondey ^nd Tuesday, April 7 and 8r"'f> It behooves tur all; to-.. be on hand. We, clqr't kn<Sw whether the "Coun try Club is to be an exclusive or ganization or not. We opine it will include apy and all- who come across with the necesaary cash. There fore ^w,e should all' learn the lang uage, and know a brasaie from a ni block.nnd a' bunker from a hazard, i- Th^^eame Will. be played at the Auditohum' by "the Champion Gere Sarazen. *' . . , . Cato said VDelenda est Carthago." It waff. Brev?rd says, "We tnust~have golf." . . We will, ? ' I ECK WITHDRAWS FROM THE .?* ' RACE: . ' V'- ? ' ' ! * After due consideration and for the purpose of furthering harmony in the Democratic party I have de cided to withdraw my name as a candidate for Sheriff, with the ex fah*?rwrf8Srstnnd:ng that I am with drawing in favor of no man. With best wishes to all candidates and the assurarce that I will be heart and coul for the man nominated in the Democratic primary. I am, yours truly, ECK SIMS. Mr and Mrs. Wm Ray of Toxa way spent Thursday in Brevard. Miss Marparurite Moore was a Asheville visitor on Saturday. W. W. Candler, Jr. an attorney of Asheville spent several days in Brevard this, week on business ard was the puest of h a uncle J. E. Clay ton while here. Dr. Todd,' proprietor of tHe Frank lin Hotel, spent several days in town the f.rct of the week. Mr. and Mrs, C. E T,owe spen* Sunday in Rutherfordton with friends. Mrs. Bessie ? McCarter of Cherry - field was shoppine in town Tuesday. ROADS ARE . CRITISIED The short avticle which appeared in the Brevard News' of week before last, to which Mr. Reid, the road Supervisor took exception was not written for any political purpose or personal ermity. I asked the ques tion, whether it was the road law or road supervisor that was tp blarjie for thp impassable places in our leading; roads, and stayed impassible for weeks at a time. If we ai^|> the law to be allright, then it nictot be the superyiacSr^vjieglect. We must all adn)|pj^]BBL _ had a cold winter with iff^e r?ln-:fjj|n<l some snow since "nbout March, and. that dirt roads cmhot be kepi in perfect conditior through the win ter but they can be kept passable for a 'very few dollars, perhaps a load of gravel at the proper time will repair" a place when if' neglected for a. month or two,^ltf"may cost a hyndrd dollars to tftipair it,"' not con sidering the autoi/obiles that have been stttcfc 'in sugh im passable placls. r 1 Our Supervisor tells us .that $8, 000.00 is all the money , we have io' roads and that since the first of the year he has not been able- to do mucf? or the roadq until recently, but the money appears to go all the same. He gete $1,800.00 a yew and ^ix horses to feed, and I suppose a' man to feed them, willcoat approx j imately eight dollars a day v/he^ier they work or not. 865 days^M.! eight dollars a day will cost- $2,91?0 plus $1,800.00,' equaling $4,720.00, j yon can readily see* that the horses ' and the supervisor will consumo more jthan half the road money. In j November when the roads -should ! have been crowned and fixed for the '. winter he spert $942.48. In De cember when he could not work be ' spent $1,606.44^ in January again too bad to work he spent $902.89; total for the three ny>nthe of $4, 018.19, more than the "Toad funds was, spent when the road supervisor | admits K was too bad to work.* You ' see' the Commissioners are going to have to borrow money to maintgir our/ roads. I contend- -that witn ' proper care our leading roads ccjuld be -kept passable the year around'" and there is no excuse for letting them become impassable and- stay)' that way for weeks. E. S. ENGLISH. .> >: *? >?. ? '? .1 ? ?? ??? ? m- -t- ?. : ? t: ?*. '? I OLD TIME SINGING: I Tiere will be an old - time sieg ing' at Etowah the .first Sunday in ! May.- Beginning at ten ''o'clock, i The old people will sing t>efore noqn, j giving one hour for dinijpr. Thar continue singing until three oVlock after which the young people will be given opportunity to sing until five o'clock. \ ~ ?? Everybody is cordially invited to , come and bring well -fille4 baskets. ? *-4-. Misses Mabel, Nejl^ard"' Margaret Miller, Mrs. W. M. 'Miller,' Miss ,? Kc becca Summey and - Mr. Robert I^il patrick motored to v Asheville 'last Sunday. ? ? Messrs. Verne Clepnent, Ov^rtpn Erwin were visitors in Asheville Monday. '">?? ? Mr. M. A. C. J&linscin' of Asheville spent the week end.. in Brevard. '?< M*s. Jas. A. Moore ^f Plsgah For esl was called to>?tl)e bedside of Tier sister in Dayton, Ohio, some three weeks ago. She. took ill herself and was taken to the Mary. -Rutar Hos pital for the. Insulin treatment of Sugar Dibetus at Bellefontaine, O. their former 'home, Mrs. Moore ir employed at the Carr Lumber Co. W^alter Duckworth motored to Hendersonville or Sunday. . Carl Moltz of Toxaway spent Sun day in Brevard. Mr. Frpfj Cox of Asheville is visit rng Jimmie Sledpe for the week eni Daniel McCall to Mary McCall. mountain land in Gloucester. Ralph F'sher, trustee, to B. V. Me Gaha, 30 acres, Dunr's Rock. T H. Shtpman to' W A. Webb, 37f acres, Eastatoe J E Harris and others to D L Enc lish. 1 lot, Brevard. J H Tinsley to Hinton McLeod, camp IMahee, Cathey's Creek. T. H. Shipman to' R C Cantrell, 1 lot. Brevard. Si M. Chapmar to Maud Pickel simer. IS acres, Brevard township. Rosman Realty Co., to J C Gallo way. 1 lot. Rosman. C M Pin ard to O M Siniard, 2 1-2 acre* P'ovarJ township. \V R RKimsey to A L Kimsey, 56 a rmi, Dunns Rock. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS* J. R. Bishop to Paul Jones, 2 1-2 acres, Little River Township. J. W. Burns to Paul Jones, 1-4 acre, Little River. D. E. Lyday to E. W Lyday and others, 58 acres, Boyd Township. J. B. S Mcintosh to P. ?E B Jen kins, 1 lot, Brevard. 1 T. B. Re id to Mary M. Burgess, 2 acres, Hpgback township. J. W.'Colney to Miss Ollie Perry, 6 acres, Cathey's ? Creek township. Malga All:so^ to Lars Hj Alliso^, Z parcels of land Little River town ,L. Allison to Louis Moore, 1 acre; Brevard towfifihij).' J. C. Galloway to Charlie Crefcn, house and . lot, Eastatoe township. ' ? R. N. Garren to Henry, E; Garren house and lot, Brevard ; W H. Duckworth to I. F. ..Ship man, 11 acres, Brevard township.' C. N. Grimshawe to" Dr.. C Grim shawe, mountain land, Hogback. T. Grimshawe jto Dr. fl: Grftn shawe, mountair land, Hogback Mrs. "Governor Doe to Dr. C. Grim shawe, mountain- land, Hogback Prevton Tart:. Co. to W. L Holl ingsworth, ). lot, Brevard. ' J. M. Hamlin to C C; Yonguc^ 286 acres,. r.t'ucy'a Creek , Judson M^Crrry to Herschel Gar ren, 0 lots 'on Main fit, Brevard* B. E. Frr.dy to Judson McCrary, 1 lot- on- Cr.'. 'well St, ? Brevard. M.t Olive1 Fir" Baptist Holiness' Chusch, Col to R. L. Nicholson, 1 lot, Brevard ' Ber\ H. Jores 'o J.' R. Hamftn, 10 acres, Eastatoe township. ? ; Robert ' Bay jui J others to Roland Hughes and others, large boundary of mountain land, Little River town ship sad Henderson County. F. S Cramfield to Roland HugheB, mountain land ir Transylvania and Hondcrs&n County. E'r^vton Park Co.' tp W. E. Hol lingsv.orth, 1 lot, Brevard T. 'W. Whitmire to Ethel G. Mc Minn, 1 lot, Brerarjl. * T H. Shipman to I. F Shipman, 28 acres, Brevard township. ,t ' M C. McD. Ray to C B. Glatener and others, 1 lot, Rosman ! J R. Hamlir to Ben H. Jones, 100 acres. Hogback and Gloucester . Rbiaqd. .Owen and Frank MeCall to T, H. Hampton, undivided intfir est lit 134 acres, Cathey's Creek. , Mm. L. A.'Wftl to T H Shipman 2 acres and house, Brevard DilKe Owen to J. Frank McCall, 60 acres, Gloucester. '? ' * X. A. Miller to H A Plummer, 1 lot, Brevard < ?? >?. ; Daniel H. Pickelsimer to Joe Mc Crary, bouse and lot, Little River. '? lR. D. Ne'l to C. M Siniard, 40 acres, Brevar dtowriship. '? L. M Gla^rer $9 A/M Collins, 1-2 acre and'.Tiouae, Eastatoe. I F. Shipman to FV F Bagwell, -11 acres, Brevard township. R. A Ford to Elzey, McCall, .1 &cre and house, Gloucester. W. L 'Mull to Mitchel Holden, : lot,.. Brevard. V." V, Alfred Tinsley to Wales Bryp^ 4 acres, "Sreqpd township. J W. Colney to' L. L -Winchester, 2 acres, Cathey's Creek. E. L. Crow to E. D Chastine, 100 acres/ Eastatoe J Frank McC^U to Wm E McCall 65 acres, Gloucester. J. L. Whtmire to Frr"': Wh* . mire, 21 acres, Cathey's ' -^ek Felix Rabb to Verne L. "'err. ( 60 acres, Dunn's Rock towrsh;>. W R Kimsey to S P Verner, 2: acres, Dunn's' Rock. Felix Rabb to Wm. R. Warren, 2 1-2 acres, Dunn's Rock. W R Kilpatrick to^ Ed Smith, S 1-2 acres, Little River. Sampson A Thomas to J. W Glaz ener, 25 acres, Eastatoe. John H. Reid to F. S Sanders, 1 lot, Hogback L A Neil, guardian to Victor Ra> ter, 2 acres. ) D L Enjffsh to Herschel Garren. 1 house and lot, Gaston St, Brevarr Herschel Garrer to P. T. Watson 30 3-4 acres, Little River. T C Grimshawe to W. S. Gray Co* ton mill, larpre boundary Mt land Eastatoe. " ? Brt-v&Yd Cotton M il to W. 9. Grn Cotton MilT;- Brevard Felix Rabb to B. V. MTGaha, 10 aires, Dunns Rock. W S. Ashworth to J? A. Galloway, acres. Brevard township. T. H. Shipman to N. A Miller house and lot, Brevard J W K'lna'rick to George Browr 1 lot. Franklin Park. C. M. Siniard to B. W Trantham mountain lard, Brevard township F E. Shuford to W M. Cloud, 1 lot, Brevard , 1 ? ? . iTHE PRAYER CORNER Th? Temptation ojF the World. ihou shalt not follow a multi tude to 40 evil", Exodus 23;2. The second great temptation which as sails the soiil is that which come* ' from cortact with the world. It i'b to do as others do, to copy that bad customs of others, The many walk along the broad w$y" that leadeth in e8tr"ction' we are obIig?I " ao.mo de^ee to mix with them. We have to.live oXlr ,ivea ,n ^ midst of a world which is the enemy ? ,. Hd; 0ur Lord did not pray that His servants should be taken world, , but ? ,h.t " , 'J bf. kept trom the evil; It ie hard to live n a foreign land without w?s of f 8PeeCh and ad?Ptfr? the ways of foreigpers. This world i* not the Christians true home, he is but an exile here. Tho influence of the worl dis like that of the ^"?'Pool .which first attracts and~ 1 ^Tvithin f eVCrythinK whic^ com es withm its power. Custom is th?? thT" ?Lthe W?rlt1, 80 "otto of 1 rTl6 1B' "f?H0W ?nd rot be singular, or set yourself soP^elt?rihan 0ther8; do noK ? bo strict; and make other people Uncomfortable; but best do a. Tthe? . n?f 4.u e?P'C fol,ow bad custom, not pel-haps because vthey like it, bat - because they like it, but . Wau? SrogS "?vthe to stand alone, and to be singular. > It needs a brave heart, to defy .fashion and to go counter ta public opirion How then ar4 w* to meet and re nst the temptatidn of the world Let *" ns learn from Jesna Christ in the wilderness. Then the Devil taketh Him up into the Holy City, arid set^ teth Him on a pinacle of the Temple* apd salth unto Him, "If Thou be the Sop of God, cast Thyself down; for it is wr.tten, .^He shall give His, Ar- , gels charge concerning Thee. and itt their hands they shall bear Thee up Ier. at any tint? ^5r><v;daah Thy Xodts ' ? against a stone. Satan hW tem pted our Lord to commence H!s? mission by a: startling miracle ? ?t flight through tho air, and so at' once secure popularity. But ?ui Lord, who often worked miracles to-'" miuce people to.beliove in7' Him, . would not, in this instance do utC Why WS. thist It war because It woul dhave been a departure from that path of duty which the Father had marked out for .Him, to tread. The angelic protection was |N only ? promised, "to keep Thee in all Thy ^l8" . ,0 our Lord answered, Thou shall not tempt the Lord Thy God". "God will only keep me 4a fe.V amidst the snares of the world when I am in the path of driity. I eaa= rot join in the perilous' pleasure, pursuits and aims of the world, and expect God to protect me from harm* ' I cannot go to places,, or be friendly with people or read books which are ' dangerous and expeit a miracle to.'' save me from falling", * So let me faithful to what G4l </' has tn right me of my -duty, and pray j give me a brave heart, ipr.y not fear to stand 'alone. Let ' J rr.o resolve that though all the. world ' N? against my Lord, yet not 'E ? .. nosoever shall confess me before f.en, him will I confess also- before; :ny Fa(her whichia ir Heaven. A PRAYKR: * ? ? Almighty %nd everlasting God Heavenly Father, enable us to with stand the temptation of the world ? Let us learn, from Jesad CArist i? the wilderness, that Thou wilt only th?VMSafv amid8t the snares the world when we. are in the path .r th .^J}khow^ cannot join nnd ?? P , f Measures, pursuits .* and aims of the world, and expect Thee to project us f5om. h?rm Let us not go lo placdir or be ^friendly ! with people or read books which a'm whTtT w Let U9 be ***** V what Thou hast taught- us of duty. Give us a brave heart that we may' not fear to stand alone, though a? the world be against onr Lord but '''' help n, to cofess Him beforp mCTt T?r pe..mny. confess ?? before Thee. His Father in Heaven, nnd ?his xve ask in His name and for His ?ak? Amer. C. D. C Mark Justice of Rutherfordton, N. C., made a business trip on Moi? dsv to Brevard M. L. Hamilton of Little River was a Brevard visitor on Monday. Ba?cor G:llespie of East Fork spent. Monday in town. Homn Havs, a student of FruH land Institute, spent the week end at homq, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Wood, Jr., spent Wednesday in Swsnnanoa.

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