' 11 Modem Facilities F ok i: 1 COMMERCIAL , VjOB PRINTING '/'JK-V' - j i' ' y ; : ' ? 'v ' /> ?V'V' 'IS NO IB FRIDAY, APRIL 11th, v 1024 : -j 1 'f BHjP t RALEIGH m* Raleigh, C? Apr. 7, 1924 -Gov "W' 1 Morrisojh pulled the surprise !nis ?administw^lon' on Wednesday ' he hied himself to Durham 'and the ^econd husband' of Mrs. v Eoker Watts, \vidoi^ of -Geo-] s;W. Watts, a" wealth business | n who diedthere three years ago. e. marriage took placc at the home of thb bride 1n the, presence of the ; r Governor's sister, Miss . tda MgTr'son, j his daughter Miss Angeliq, Mbrrison J ' Secretary of Stale. Eyerett, Cumm- | .iwjioner of Revenue }?6ughton, Ad- I jj jutant General Mete, Mm. Gilbert ?'White, sister oft the first Mrs. Mor- , V'riBob, .and a ?W ; close personal ! ; frien<fo, v . i The Governor and hiB bri^e mot- ! olre^ to Greensboro immodiatetly following the ceremony which link- ; V..thdjn together as husband and ' ife and boarded a , train for New' Yprk. The extent of their < bridal tour has not been announced. The """ Pernor's term. of office will end I xt January, ,a*jd it -is -reported : hatxhe will jetura to Charlotte and nake hii home' there. * He is fifty-] tw<>. and his bride fifty-ono years of afee. News of the marriage y as a ^etinet itati>ri9e,'a8 ?nly *.7ery few ' d'f the Governor's friends, Were Durnva fViof Vio wort ft. Wlfit- ' ttMi'ki egutlon. 6f SoI.'.W. P. Wood, for ten years j _? .jl 1920, state, auditor, which oc- j 'C.ejttired recently at ^ High Point hos- i I 'following te extended- Illness ,.*?el Wo'ttd 1 wa? well knowit thrtt t the State, having for year* ser d .the public faithMlly in 'position ortaMe. At th?. age of 17 *be in the; Confederate -^rjtoy id, in % Wit*- tfiwJacW^ ^ed until the 2nd at May ?d would heire be?p *?'"? . At tbe time of his <rtmnwtd?r f:of. the ; ed.. Confederate veter- j pie "marry and *r? jjBfe'.ii ifdelgh folks' .??' are' feted In'^tfiejiirfeftt'! a, which has . been i ? since the lOjfc of ; jeliit Ham ??tnter<jd i eek ,hWp on yteattrr \ king to a con- . which packed i SSjWty auditorium at two o'clock [ ad to a great company of men in . _je^woo.den temple an hour latgr. Tifc aeries is ^cpected tp close next . Sunday and Intensive efforts in the . inte^asf of soul-saving a?e planned )or the present ;week/J Already ,8J>00 - have eltfier* been reclaim, I ed or converted tfuringthe period of Mr. Ham's ministry in Raleigh. ; Nothing approaching the Ham-Ram sey reyival ha? 'ever before been ex perienced in the capital city of th* ' : State.* An hundred and twenty-five - Vis^ness Jaatitjitiona are> closing each ' day for the niorning service, while , ? at night the big- tabernacle is ^litcr ally packed .with thosq hungry and . athist for the gospel dispensed in story and in song by the Evangelist, Choripter Ramsay and the hundreds i of voices atune with the spirit of; . each service there. The ''Evangelist j party go from here to Greenville, , N. far a meeting to begin ~ on th-; tilth. Secretary of State W. N. Everett will dcdVver' the key-rtote specch be fore the Democratic State Co'nven fon here onThursday, the 17th. of ! Apiril. ,'yiffr, ' Everett is ?rfT~>-forceful , I speaker and generally knows "where ' - . *he ;s going." 5lo "fire-works" will " be started by our Secretary of State ; !, He si' both safe and sane. The con " vent'on wllLbe held in the city audi | ? '? ? ? FOR RfPKESENTATIVE , :4. J. ' M fljlv ' Many voters wish to nnnouncd the name of Wm. Duckworth as a can- ! tlida^H to succeed h'mself as Repre | sentativ&, subject to the rules and ? imputations <5 f tho? Democratic f r:- i jnafj; of June, 1924. For County Commissioners: i V,T I KK*. fe lt is with' pleasure that the News announces the names of Messers..^ ' Lyday, W. S. Ashworth t and . T. S. Galloway as the Democratic Candidates for th'c nomination of County Commissioners, subject to the rules and regulations of the ?forthcoming primary Ju?<? 19?4. ^ ^ jBom to MV. and Mrs. N, A. Mil _ . ier. April 9, c Kr*? Harold Hardia of Soarta-v r? rt*ynt; Kt; Vn'( a U UOO0 WORK #ElNCi DONE llY PISGAH JtiANK. < .: . f ? ;? . ? The Pisgah Bank w , one of out groSvirg young institutions which snouiu be encouraged. It is laicf on the firm founaat.on of honesty and , industry . . . Tne educational work which thj?. bank jte doing will mean mu<;h for the ' prosperity o<; the community inp. the next generation. If thrift1 Attn- fie over into the 4 character , . of ? our children we will have a contented, ' atfppy, prosperous people. The Tarheel Banker, official publi cation of the North' Carolina -Banker* Association has the following: "P.s gph Bank, .Bravari,, has inaugurated two contest^ among the school clmd- i ren of Transylvania County In order > promote thrift. ' Three prizes a- , mounting to^$80.00 We 'offered to ? children :'n t%e'; sixth and seventh ,<? grades ofthep'ujsljc schools and sim ilar prizes to the pupils 6f the high school. 'Each piifciil tefipeting is to' write' a story 'on thrift and . how, to save tyy depositing a -portion of/?arn tags in the bank. Accompanying the story0muat be an advertisement inteded to- induce the people to r;ave aJong the linis in dicated in the story. The contest will cloee or April 12." , Lewjs P. HamliiV cashier of this bank, i? a yotang tnnn pf -brains aa well as integrity. Hp has aninWreat Ing xiatore before kirn. Thfere was' a go63 attendance "nt the meeting of the board of direct ors. J. ii. Whitmirc ? elected Ase's tant Cashier, Launa Clay tpn ' elect- ? ed Book Keeper; R. Whjhplson, e lecte'dj' member Board of Dlrectoft. V<dfflcers were -J. H. ( . PickSlsimer, Pres.; Billy Davis Vice Pies.; Lewis p} Himfn, Cashier. * Directors are: C. R. McNeeley, H. A. Plnmmer; ST. W. .Galloway, Lewi$ P. Hamlin; W. tV. Croushom, N. A. Miller; R^'L. Nicholson, Billy Davis -yJ. H. Picketsimeir, Dr. E. S. English; U. G. *eeyes. " ? ? jS&i MEETING OF BETTERMENT j Th? regular monthly Meeting of the. Betterment was hold at the Sigh School, Monday, March 31. - ? The meeting urusaally well at, tend^H and. twelve neW -.members were ttddedito the roll. Mrs Rile?" conducted the the deVo tional exerckcfi Vnth whTch the ?pcet> injr opened. MisB.Moqfli'd Eth Grade. A., delight pd the audipnee 'xrith a "Good , Eng-t !ish Class." The DiUch song -and r!?nro wa^ 'fharmin'e ard the " little Sweat ?cas from thei first grade ' were as lovely blosoms as* the mo ther heart could dfesire. , . At the close of the program, ? the little folks .went borne and the .mem bers of the Betterment .remained t<J transact the routine business: Mias Tyner told of the urgent ?need of equipment on the " play gronnd for the small" childrer.' Mrs. D. G. Ward was . placed? in charge of circulation of two. * peti t'ontf^'for an appropriation for . the hospital, one to the County Com missioners," and' one to. the - town. Council. V j - . FOR SOLICITOR Thereby announce my .candidacy for the nomination as Solicitor of' the Eighteenth Judicial District of North Carolina,, subject \o the Dem ocratic Primaries of Saturday, June 7th. 1924. J. Will Pless. Jr. FOR TREASURER We are authorized to announce Mr. Ed. Pdtton as a eaivrlidate to succeed himself as" Treasurer ip the forthcoming ^rimarj^ of. June, sub ject Jo the rule1; ar.d regulations of the Democratic Forty. _ AN EVENING OF ,FUN The Betterment Association har planned an entertainment" t obe gi ven at the Hitrh School Aualtoriur.t on Friday ever'-i^t Anrily2 r>, for the purpose fo raising much 'noetic ? funds. The protrrrm Ms fi'll of iaaghs from beginning to end. WatcV for further notice. Mr." E. R. Welch was a vistor in Ashville last week. ? Mr. and.Mr<=. J. M. K>ip-urie"s and >on Carroll pp^nt the week e-iri :n Spartanburg with their daughter Mrs. Ira Hamilton. ^ Mr. Lewis Bosse of Spartanburg spent the week end in Brevard with Mrs. W. T. Bosse. Mr. A. C. Johnson of Ashviile motored to Brevard last Sunday. J ~>r r ' I Overland ^ passenger Oar See J. C. Richardson. e Oft SAL K ? Upngnt p;aro ax; reasonable price for c?sh. , H. 7 r,t y<?* Vt? V. 'J . <"?' 4- , ? 4 * ' # >4 & ' ? COfJNTy COMMISSIONERS MEET - ' The Cbunty cofnmissioners met in regular session Mon/day, April, 7th. The minutes of the last meeting were approved. Soveriri -persons appears dand ask ed for corrections in taxes, . The pauper list was allowed and present -relief granted a number of applicants. . \ ^ Miss Creighton, district Home (Demonstration agent appeared and explained to .the board the absence of a Homo agent, When ' Miss. Clarke left in Decdmber for her va cation she -thought a short ? rest restore her health, her phy sician thought she could return in a short time, ?but her health has not improved sufficiently to permit her to resume work; therefore she has resigned.- Htr'succesuor has , been selected and will take up the work May 'It.- i , A large .delegation' from , the Cha mber of Commerce presented ? a petition signed by a number of the : lea^'ng taxpayora asking for an^ap propriatiori for the Brevard Hosp.tal ^Another petition wis presented sig ned by all the women's clubs and a' long" list of individual names, ..Rev,' J. C. Scagle,. ierry iaroriic;. Jos^ S. Silversteen, 04 L. Erwln; T. H. Shipman, Ed. McCoy; Rey. Wallace Harwell, Rev. E. R. .tVclch; Rev. J. R. Hay' and others spoke- of the val ue of the hospital to the county f?oir( : an. gcononiic as well as a human'ta- j r pn standpoint. The fact was strep : sed that tihlessi.aid was . given , now the hospital would be ,lost and it ?would cost much more to establish | another. Names; of pecTple from, all ? sections of the county were mention- ! ed, as having toceived treatment at; the hospital. The matter was taken under advisement by the Commiss'o- J ners. j T. J. Wilson appointed coun- j ty supervisor. Tile. following jfccre : appointed listers, for -the .townships; j F. E. Slmford, Brevard; .A, <? Ljvj day, Boydf L. W. Brooks, dathey's , CvtoV, M. Maxwell, Dunji's Rock E. M. Whrtmire, Eastatoe; A. Q, Price, Gloucester; G, O. -Alexander, : Hogback", Frank Shuford, Little , River- I ? * ,'i A petition -was filed by tie State Board <ft Health -asking, the Board. o! : County Commispioners^to aflpropri- I ntc twenty -f.^6 cents - per capita for' vaccination against Typhoid .ffever ' and Diptheria. /Not granted. j . 1- BREVAR& BOY h6nOr?d . . * ' / ? Lamar Q. Galloway has. again wonhonor as a debater. Having yon j first place in a contest "to fgprescnt the University in a debate with the 1 University of West Virginia. The j following account ia taken' from a Ch:.pal lliil dispatch." to the Ash. viile dthsen: ' ? As the -result jof jitoliijiina^c^ held la9^ night\the\^oll??vinf? threo, stuac-tttG will represent the Universi/ ty of North Carolina in a- debate withthe- University x>f- West Virgin ia, ?<?re in April 10; W. T. CoXich of Chapel 'Hill; L. Q. Galloway '. of. Brevard .-and' M. Young ox Dur ham with E t< .IvaV.c'e ?- Hsm'.c;' soViville as alternate; Carolina will uphold the negative side of the query: Re3plv.ed That, tte United Statesshould adhere to Permanent Court of International { Justice on the basis^, of the condi tions of Secretary . Hughes." While none of the three Carolina ! representatives Jnas participated in irtercollefe.'ate .^ontests, they'- have! good debating records. Couch is a 1 sophmore who has been prominent j ill tiho Phi Society open forum dis cussions. G a Hp way is a first year law student who has debated for Wofford <",o!1e<re. Young won *he Mnj(y D. Wright debating medal lr-st frJl a":l >>.an a womb.:- o? the frc?h r.-.v: ir.tevc;i'lc"*'atP ?osm rpr.: .v.?** ft^or.i the. Pii ':-et ic jcv'o*\ '?onf'.'Ktijd for plncrr ? ^ '**?* * * ? '"I* were ? R T.j TTc1 r c ?" p . 1 .vet:;. L, r. ?.<? *r>" %. ,T. Fcr-.c-J "V .7 -? < W Y v S. L. Jones was the presiding offi- ] cer. The judges were Professors' Connor, Hill and Crates, G. C. j Hampton. president of the Debate i Council, was timekeeper. The West Virfir.'o preliminaries were the firrt of an ambittious sche dule wV.ji t. \n Debate Council has p"*"?c' for t1.'" spr'r t. ru* n?f r 1, n -p.. <5>u i ' Mr; (). F. I. ? ?'?re- ? vi'.h i"*e There wis n-> 0? ???/? tr - r. C' ?? ? r- ? ; count of tne illness of y?- v.- M r j ef?ell anff Alderman W? ? ? - Chief -V-- V j rc>. i* t fa:.-. ? > v fiKr Miii'iitft i'i r ? p - SCHOOL COMMITTEES * . - < The county Board of Education I ' * j of Transylvania county, in regular ^session lasfcv Monday, passed' ^ an .order that-theje shall be only three members of the school comihittee for each district in the county in stead of flye. The following are the names of ?committee f6r var:ous distr.cts ' as appointed by the board': " ' B6ytl' District no. 1- John Eng land, John Boggs, J. A, Brown. Difct. no, 2, A. B. Osborne, L^e Gash, Carl Blythe, ? Dist no. ,3, CarlN Talley, C. F.' Woodfin, L; F. Lyd?y..i Dist. no.' 4;- W... A. Barnard, T. B/J Duncan; W. C.-C.lReep^" * 1 ?fci*v&d:pistriet no. 1-S. M.' Mc- ' fie,' C^lpl. Yongpe, B. J. S.ttoi*, . ? Dist. no.,2- AIr3. T. E. Patton^ J!n LydWy. /Diflt.- no. 3 /J. E. Pot.o, -Jer ry D&Visj Webb ,Hollingstoorth. . ?CatheyslCreek , Dist. no, 1-C, . R, Sharp, Koi'ipan Wihibfnire, H. ? N. ,Bli\ke, Dist. no. 2- J. A. Gillespie, ., C. W,' Owen"/ P. A* Morgan. Dist. . no. 3- J. .W. Glazener, AJ M. Pa^ton A. M.' White. .Dunns Rock Dist. no. 1, B. W. Trantham, , Ewart Baxter, Joe Gal loway, Dist. no. 2- W' HogS?d, Mr t F; ' Henderson, . ; Glade Whitnjire. pis*.' no. 3- 'P. Ril<<y Hogscd, Oll'.e ?Rainfes Julian Bjythe. Dist." nor, ;?*. wr p; Clark, F. Xisom,' Ar.c"cir;in Hubbard.. /??? " ? Eustatoe D'st. no.. 1-Charl'c Gra veley, Lon Bateon, Joq Lance. D!s*{ no. 2-J. C. Cassell, B. .iA." EHtion, Geo. 'Hendtix, Dist . no. 3E?d. "d Hendrix, W. E." Galloway, * L. C.' Morgan, Dist. no. "i-j. M. Por/oll, Coleman vAikeri, X. R. Aiken-. Dist. no. 6-F.T. ^GalloWay, Lee ft. Fiahc? M.i S. Aiken. Gloucester Dist. no. 1-Araot Mc Call, J. H. Ho* Be, .Talmage Chas ta'n. Dist. "no. 2 . Vance Galloway, H.P. Hall, Albert Price". Hogback Dist. ho. 1-Charli# ;W. Henderson," Avery Reid. Henry Chap man. Disty no. 2 Lee F. Norton^ E; D. Reid, E. A. Reid, Dist'. no. 3 Honfy Hinkle, San^ Reid, W. J. Nictaolnpn. Dist. no. 4-Mra1.- W'il Ray L. C. Case, D. G". Gillespie. Dist. no; 5-Geo. Alexander, ..ChaTliq Ery son, D. H. Miller. n ?' Little River Dist. no. 1UG, o W. Bishop, E. A. Heath, J. W. .Bums. Dist. np, 2-ft. E. ^ee.^W. R. Talley, Lewis Barton. D^st. ,no. 3 J. A, Mc- : Call, Frank Shuford, Jim Merrell. ' COLORED SCHOOLS .Boyd Dist.-Sio. 1-Geo. Orr, > Ani bose Camp, Mills Mooneye Dist. no. 1-Evercttc iLew's Smith, Girley Orr, ? James Hutchison. " .Brevard Diat. no.2 Arthur Hefner A. B. Benjamin, J. F. W. 'Mills. NOTICE TO THE CHILDREN OF SREVARD . ' { An 'Eeas^dr o^; hunt will be hjsld Saturday afternoon,; April 19 at>8'? o'clock on the grounds of the Frank lin Hotel. x For the benefit of the American Legion Auxiliary^ Admission 20 c, ?> ? ? ? ? ! LEGION AUXILIARY '* - ' ' ? ? "I The Logion Aux. me J ii? the Leg ion room, April 1st, Those preseht were. Mrs. Macfie, Mrs. Brown Carr Mrs. Plummer, "Mrs. Zachary, Mrs. G alii way I Mvs. Nihcola, Mrs, , Perk inss and Mrs. Breese. A evry interesting letter from one t of the men in Ward B-4 .was . readi by the secretary, sending thanks an'tl; showing much appreciation for the bo:c we rent them foy St. Patrick's ' day. There are 35 men in ward B-i and our Auxilary is to look after 13 of them- artd Sylva' Aux. the re-, maining 17. We hope to have, these men look ed after 'ndividualiy and have app ortioned t.he names among 18 tho , members. T't- iiea to trv r.n l write thc. o .v?n o-rr?'onally.?f:nd out their per r.enr.l vpni* and send >h?si pome r:' ~".ee a, month ra show *Krt 'v0 take a personal interest in them. "The Rafter ctrgjiunt will he h?ld or. the Franklin lawn Saturday af "ion t 1 o'clock At* 1 IPfh, The a irtfcvoi pr'ce of the ticket-. '0 1 t ' p v J r", obt.iir.e.l from Mis.". I.ora Walker. . Kv?rv mrmh( r '<f rh" Au::, is asked to two dozen dyed eggs to the Appalachian Hotel, Saturday Morn ing April, jr>th. T pr.v ?1.00 for tho hiur'^t pi'o r' Tn,.?h in Brrvnr<I on th;' fror.t' ''root Erevan) Nov W. 1T. t.o-.- - Mr. Lflthrop* mnn, ':icV..Is will he 'I.- -tfcs* ? ; : ild' ir ??*.->?? *?a. \. . . hftV-VtiU&tS ? CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NOTES ?Brevard is facing: an era of still greater deVelopmen't and there are rpany important problems requiring the proper solution." The Brevard Chamber of Commerce has an im portant part to play1 in these develbp njents. An enlarged ,mombynihip 'with men and women vitally inter ested in> making thi? a f Inei; and greater tawn and county and all working together, vfill "mean a bet ter and easier solution of these pro blems. .. \ OUru membership conimitte is planning, a camp^'gn to secure a*hun dred' or Snore pew men^bers PjMany ?of 'our members probably-. know of men and wpmen available for mem bership in the Chamber who if ap proached '^y*>ur membersh.p com mittee' would undoubtedly join. The latter iour membership the greater%he advertising and promot- , ing of. all'" indjfetries, amusements and nil public improvements.' < ? ' SomtTof th: projects the Cham ber of V Commerce is now taking active part \.i trying to .secure for Brevard fijfe Vc-nity, are a Country Club an aGolf ' f ourse, a smaller^ amusotnent .v-lrk where ouch games as Pitching Qtrtiits, Checkers, Cro-(. etc. can bo. indulged jrf.- A furniture ft.loi.y^--a theatre where not only m? pictures of the highest typo arc shown .. but also good w.holesoijie ' vaudeville ' shows to "keep .our jc'Sr.~ people from dti- r ving' miles r'/ rf'n-'-t to see ip other towns. A .rrounted police on the hard furface 'aect'.on of the:Jiighway to stop spec llr.g and reckless driv ?In:f,ca safer co-rr.ey at tt\e ' intersec tion of Probart Ave. and North I Cc-IdweTT Stress, r/ bettor Railway crossing at P'sealk Forest Station, The street^' ox Brevard marked so the 'visitors wilL^Jieve less difficulty in finding their way youijd, ? The Chahiber of Commerce has a meeting' of its twenty five directors ?every other Tphsday night at oijht o'clpck ip the-rooms of the Chamber, of Commerce, ApriLJ.6th., being^g. ? data of our .next meeting. We ate alwa^s iglad to have a:i.. or.e -.yhethe'r a member or pot who has Any suggestion to ^make for the good_ of- the tpwn or county to at tend" these meetings and bring it before the directors. - '.The Chamber <5? Commerce pro poses to have with all civic .organiz ation* and- groups ' co-operative and neighborly relations. ' is attracting attention as our business men while in the smok er -of a train/ up in West Virginia recently, overheard a 'party of man discussing the rapid growth of small towns in different sections of the country and Brevard was mentioned as being.the'most "up -to' date and hustling" of theua all. They spoke of- the fine new Bank building and theatre- Brevard _coon is to have dnd of the big #agle He'ghfe develop mentv I ? Tho Chambei1 oi Commerce is hel- i ping to attract attention to Brevard ' It is advertising Brevard .wlies ever there is another Chamber ? ? Commerce by,, telling them of organization' and senuins* booHe of Brevard for d:stribution. Join your Chamber of ComtjArcc nowv and help boost your tows. coming town" one of EPWOP.T* JEAGUE v" S'rTS \ COUNTY ^OMr On last Sunday aftern- ecyi . teen members -of the Epw. ' ? 1 fup rnct at tiic ' Mntho.ijst Ci.? and from there they motored to tii county Homo v/hcre r.'Scr"ic2 ".we, heltl for the inmates. The program avm :n ""charge ? or 515s r. Bertie Dnllard. ( Tho topic for the afternoon was "Hovy J^ku lovod nr.-l servo.!." After prayer 1 rnd songs a very interesting paper Was .ever. by M -s. Elizabeth ZacV :: ty abort "Jc"'U?' /Love." _ Another ??terc.-;'r.fr talk wes by M'ss Geor g a Stanbcrry on. "How he served/' Vvh'c'-. a beautiful duel wa' nri'ir ' y;r? Jonn'c Aifcen ar! Mr Ernest JMcFalta. The meeting tfns t3:?mis'a<! by tb? League benedietioh. Then .. th< . - young people bed a eceial hen: tho loyoly o;d peop'e ;n tu>' homo. Flowers and fruit; were carried to !cheer those in the home. FOR SALE: Ten roeni two story! hou.'p on WhlT'ir" ?tr""" ' iwnv ' bfwe.- d<-t ' r t r ? ? 'o iirre lot. poo<l starrier 'rt t >f*rees, well drained h'n'-V 1<-> . are f'1 O ' r- ?r.*l -? . ?? 'gti n f ~~**r ? j <?*?{? f. <? - %> i .? o? y MEETING OF, MATHATASIAN CLUB '< ????> .? \ '?*) '.?T 1 On ThiTrsduy, Murch 27, Mrs. R. , if. Zqchary was hostoss of the Mat' haUisian' club? ? The -Program waa ( in charge of Mrs. Welch' Galloway, subject Pub-/ ic Schools. < C. Henderson, County Supt. of schooU mhde a splendid "talk on ' the subject. At the close of his ad-' dressy the culb passed a ; resolution N commending the high' standard o t /,'A scholarship inquired of teachers by the school committee 'and expressing the hope that if the' present stan dard(io ever changed it wijf berais- y'~~ ed rather thttplowered. Miss Martha Bo3well told' of .the >- 1 meeting of the League ' of. Woirien . voters^ which she attended in Dur Kam. The spocihl tonic at the meet- > ing was, Jnueville Delinquency/ and the work of the Junev'lfe Court Transylvania was one of six cOun- ' ties asked to report because of the high character of the work of , its Court. Mr. Miller has made a state rptin'iation as JU/lrre of 'the, Junoville Court. ; * . ' f Delicious tefreshtnents were s^r- . ' ' v?d to the members- and a number of guests. . / . ? - PREMIUMS WON At THE 1928 NORTH CAROLINA STATE V'J W- at FAlfc ? ,-t 7 ? ; ? ?' y * Miss Lorena Merrill, Brevard, Hoihe Economic?, ? $1\00 . . . , ?' Mrs, A. J. Bcdttenfjreld, -Brevard, Home Economics, $3.00 , R.. "W. Everette, Pisgah Forest, Gattle, 1 206,00. . Total of $2} 0.00 . ? ? ? ? - ? ? ? . . I 'l-t STOCKHOLDERS MEETING To the Stockholders' <if the ifr&n sylvsr-'s Railroad Company : The Annual meeting of the Irinqylvania RJjilrqpd Company will.be held at thft, general offices of tile ?Ct>:r.^L;>y ii iJ8 ::SSi iiu.id- , & ten, Brevard, N.. C., on Wednesday, the 7tli. day of M3y, 1921)', nt o'clock a.m., for the election, of offi cers and directors to serve during the ensuing year, and for the trans-, ' action of. any other business that, may cpmg. before the meeting. . /?Your attendance in requested, but if unable to attend jpleare s.'gn, have ,? 4- / witnessed and' return primp tly to ' this office the enclosed prosy. ' A. K. ORR Secrcttary. ? ? -? ? AUDITORIUM Friday ^ and Saturday, April ll-12t;b TOM MIX- in V. , Eyes of t^ie forest Also Snub Pollard in THE COURT- s SHIP%)F MILES SANDWITCH. . Admission 10 & 25 cents. r, v. . . . v' ' ?. Monday and Tuesday, April J.4-15tlP ? < 51irha Rubens and Lionel Barrymorc ' ? ENEMIES \ ? ? , ? ,OF WOMEN x A^lmiscio": 10 & .25 cents. / r* ' 'ay and Thursday April. 16' nv.d : ' ch. Clara Kimball Young, ih . .Tho Hands Of Ncra E'i c .t Dexter, s^Iso appears ;n the r- Ah-o 4 th Ep'sode ox Tho Way A Men, Adm'ssion 10 & 25 c. .j.tince 3:00 . Night 7:15 ominpr, John Gilbert in St. Elmo. AUDITORIUM BUILDING NEARING CO' "PI E i TION ' ' * '>? The Methodist Sunday School buildinr is near'ng completion and all departments are hard at work ( ra'sinp; funds for furnishings. , Mrs. (P!ummer's boys nfid Mrs. Rilpatrick's ?irl? will have fen Easter# sale of (takes and candies on Satur- , day, April 19, at'the Brevard Phar macy. . < Th6 missionary society p?v? a lun ceon at which a nice aiv.ovnt was realized. The Epworth League is buying a piano. ' , . / : '' Mr-. 5"a,"> Cooler hn:- returned * horr.c aft~r spending the winter ir. t Jacksonville, Fla. with her son ynul C. Cooner. Ba=e Ball Cluh I'o? Brevard I Wn'.cb the i :j?ht ti r.-?-t and nrOT-i;:r a ?r>vn-l B"sr- r-jj dub . h'ri' for u ?h '? is nreec-" \ry to the belief 1 of Brevard and a help for our touri-:*. Talk it up and com* to i. ?. k ?? nave L*.?'Cc * '? nit - tfc-t - jar ar.J we have nev r J Tov Or .? ^

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