OPERATIONS FOR FEMALE TROUBLES ? ? . . r . I . L. ; r f * Some Are Necessary, Some Are Not; These Women Gave Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound a Trial Firet '/ *j_ ? ;r[ " - i> - ! ??? ?? ?' and p*!# md ? befpwf took'to 4rt* 'fa aid onaof my oiw W W??t Spring. I mi well and stent and stm bave thy organ* they wanted to re move. It ?u while I was In the hospital that I heard your medicine# praised by other patients there. I have . recommended thepa to my friend* and to my own family. You may use this testimonial far and no?r,Jrom the smallest paper to the largest, arid I will glaaly en*Wer let ter* from women who wish to know -rhat the Vegetable Compound haa ? far me and whit it will do for if they give it A fair trial" -r f. Rich, 822 N. 40th 8t, Can jL -few Jersey. f Through neglect, some female trou bles may reach a stage where ?n (a necessary, but most of 0% ailments are not surgi cal onfcs they are not caused By < serious displacement*, tumor* or growth*, although the symptoms may appear the same. , . Many letters have been received from women who have been restored to he<h by Lydla E- Rnkham's ?y*getabl?(-( (Compound, after ^tperail ' tipns bare been advised. H In ? recent country-wide canvass of purchasers of Lydla E, Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, ^ver . 100,000 replies- were received and ,88 out of dvery 100 reported tnat they had been , benefited by it* use. This statement is important to every 'wom^n* Fot sale at drug stores everywhere*. of tjhat rua ch your thin Yoa can never tell and ev^ if you can. : te?'T.C _ ibouf'i.Women, .Ij^i jLl& ? ,-C F o ' , ' Men's maxims reveal their hearts. ? ? _ ' I f Soothing Syrups, prepared for . Infanta and Children all ages. - / . To aroid imitations, always look for the signature of , 4 Pnmn directions on each package, Physicians drerrwhere rrfinnrrwrid It. ? ? r L-J U . ? 83 * ?*>\ ? it ? 'nufl Potior Main? or harm anrfft/nf art at* (nwxrta. timet Kwlpi ?? ?*??'?? Inaectlclda? Bm Brand U tha moat aflaetlva eowdar. Roacfcaa, Watar Boca. Bad Bora. MoJha, Ltca M ^ I^.nisse-nthaf alraa, ?0e and ?1A Pomp run TV. bin. ?75?r*' " iK~? Wrtt* f" fr** bookiK? ?=?>??? ???*? '? *uu?? ' Conntch A C?s Baltimore M?L B& COPYRIGHT* IftVlhO &ACH{LLtrt. n Days of Po or Kctari 7 IRVING / BACHELLEFL, , ' 1 I I ? "I WILL WAIT*! * ' - \ ' ? - 8TNQP8I8. ? Solomon Blnkus, veteran ?6ou( and ? Interpreter, and h!a young companion, Jack Irons, ' passing , through Horse Valley, New York, Jn 8epten>ber, , 17(8, to warrv. settlers of an In dian uprising. rescue -from a band it redsklna the ?>ourg nn.l In a matter of this ' kind tl;er?- should he no hnste if your affection is renl. It will be none tlie worse, for a little keeping." Solomon Blnkus and Peter.nnd Israel and John Hones and ?oine settlers i north ofJHorse yaljey arrived next day with tli'e capture^ Indians, who, under a military guard, were sent on to the Great Father at Johnson castie. Colonel Hare was astonished that neither Solomon Blnkus nor John Irons nor his son would accept. any gift (or the great service they had done him.'' ! "I owe you more than I can ever pay," he said to the fajftbful Blnkus. "kidney Would not be good enough for youf reward." ( Solomon stepped close to the great man .and said in a iow tone : > < "Them yoking 'una- has crowed kind o' lovesick,- an' I wouldn't wonder. I don't ask obly one thing: Don't make no mistake 'bout . this 'ere boy. In the -bush we hav< a wajr o' plckin' out men. We see how. they stun' .up to danger ain' hard work* an' gain' hungry.. Jack is a reg'lar he-man. I know 'em^when I see 'em, wfylch ? it's, a sure fact? I've seen \ all kinds. He's got brains nn' courage, an' a tough, arm. nil' a good heart. He'd die fer a friend any day. Te kaln't do no ' more. So don't make no mistake, "bout him. He ain't no hemlock^ bow. I cacalatp there ain't nb ^ better man-timber nowhere ? no, sir, not nowhere fn this World ? All ft king er lord er duke er apy name ye llke> So, sir. If y4 feel like doin' suthln' fer me^-whly stage to Boston ft?r a look at the tylnyilty. Tlieyafflved there on the nfth of March a little a?<>r dark. The moon was shining. A ?now flurry had whit ened the streets. The air was/ still and '*old. They . had their suppers at the Ship and Anchor. . While they were eating they heard that a company of British soldiers who were encamped near the Presbyterian meeting-house had beaten their drums on Sunday so that no worshiper could hear the preaching. ? s. And the >v^oi;st of It Is we ore com pelled to furnish jhem food and quar ters while they Insult and annoy us," said a minister who sat the table. After pdpper Jack and Solomon went out for n walk. They heard violent J talk_ among people gathered at the strett Corners. They soon overtook a taOlsy; crowd of boys and young men I carrying clu^s. In front of Murray's barracks, where the Twenty-ninth regi ment was quartered, there was a chat; terlng crowd of men and boys. Some of them were hooting and cursing at two sentinels. The streets were light ed by rill lamps mid by candles In the windows of the hSuses; In CornhUl they1 came upon a larger and more violent assemblage of > *he same kind. They nlade their way through It and saw beyond, a captain, a corporal and six private soldiers standing face to. face with the crowd. Men Were Jeerlrig at them ; \)oyt hurl ing abusive Milthets. The boys, as th^r are apt to do, reflected, with some exaggeration; the passions of their J elders. If wa% a cijoxvd of rough fel- I lows'? mostly wharfmen and sailors: Solomori sensed the danger in the situ ation. He and Jeck moved out of the I Jeering -tao^i. Then suddenly a thing happened which, may have savedV one or both their five*. The captain drewt his sword and fla'sbed a dark light Upon Solomon and called out: ? "Hello, Blnkust What the h? 1 do you want?" ? ' " "Who be ye J" Solomon asked, ?yreston." ; ? ' ? Preston I Cat's blood and gunpow- I derl VVhat'i *e matter!" f Preston, an olj comrade of Solomon, said to him: , J "Go around to headquarters and tell them we are cut ofT-by a ?iob and In a bad mess. Tni a little scared ' I don't |want to get hurt or do any hurt ing." . " Jack tod Solomon passed through tha guard and hurried on. Then there wefe hisses ? and cries of "Tories 1 Hotten Tories I" A? the two went on they heard missiles falling behind them and simonf the aoldlara. "They's Join' to be bad trouble thar," said Solomon. "Them lads ain't to blam* They're only doln' aa they're commanded. It's the pesky king that orto be hetchelled.". They were hurrying on. aa he spoke, and the' words were scarcely out of ?js ?outl1 when they heard the com mand to Are and a f-1 V vojley? then loud cries of pain and sTirill curses and running feet. They turtoed and started back. People were ' ruling, ont of I their bouses, some with guns In their hands., in a nioment the street waa run. . ~ The soldiers are slaying people," a man shouted. ' "Men of Boston, wa I must arm ourselves and fight." It was a scene of wild contusion. Tjjey could get no farther on Cornhlll. The crowd began to pour into side* streets. Rumors were flying about that I many had , been killed and wounded. An hour or so later Jack and Solomon ware seized by a group of ruffians. "Hera are the d ? n Torieal" one of them shouted. \ ? . "Friends o' murderers 1" was the cry of another "Let's hang 'em I" I Solomon immediately knocked the man down who had called them Tories and seised another and toased him ao far In the crowd aa to give It pause. . r don't mind beln' hung," he shout ed, -not If It's done proper, but no man kin call me a Tory lessen my banda ?re, tied, r, without glttin' hUrt. An' If my handa waa tied I'd do some hol lerin', now you hear me." A man back In the crowd let out a laugh as loud aa the braying of an ass. Others followed his example. The danger waa paased. Solomon shouted : ??. I used to know Preston when I were a scout In Amherst's, army flghtln' In juns ^ an'' Frenchmen, which they's I more'n- twenty notches on the stock o my rifle an' fourteen on my pelt, an' my name la So'iomoa Blnkus from Al- I bany. New York, an' If you'll excuse us, we'll put fer hum as soon aa we kin git erway convenient." *In the morning they learned thai I three men had been killed and flv? | others wounded by the soldlera. Squad* of men and boys with loaded muskets were marching into town from tha country. r 71 "It mean* that \*ar ia coming. We might aa wall gat ready for It." j (TO BE CONTINUED.) Preparedness He? My dear. It's no use for you t? look at those hnta; I haven't more than a dollar In my pocket. <. i She ? You might have known when we came out that I'd want to buy a few things. Ue ? I did. ? Roaton Transcript. Passing the Buck Mrs Poster ? Why did you tell Mra. N'pwkid her baby looked like Its fa ther? You've never seen Mr. Newkld Her .Husband ? I know It. But oil mothers of homely brats like hert think they look like their father*. S SPRING TIME IS TONIC TIME T The- System Needs . '^Spring ' 'Cleaning," Just as the Home Does. TANLAC. Hois Been Called the, World's Greatest Tonic, i by Over 100,000 Person#, : Who Have Testified That M Tanlac tlas Helped Them ^l Regain , Their Strength ^and Health. J ? ' ? J DON'T GAMBL4EVWITH YOftR HEALTH; DEMAND THE BEST ' .'V ? ' '? ? r ? r*. Tanlpc Has i Benefited Thou sands of Persons Suffering From. Stomach Trouble, , Indigestion, Rheumatism,' , { Nervousness and Kindred Ailments? T anlac Is Sale by All Good Drug- /,- > gists? Accept No Substi tute ? Over Forty Millioik Bottles Sold. PAINS ACROSS | HACK AND SIDES ? ? \ : M Many Severe Change of Life Symptoms Relieved by the Use of Cardui, According to | Florida. Lady. Grand Ridge, Fla. ? "I have Used a great many bottles of Cardui," says Mra. G. W. Wester, of Grand Ridge, "a medicine 1 consider above all others for weak women. "I used Cardui during . . . I got .\'$S so weak and' run-down t was a mere shadow. Some one, at the time, told me of , Cardui; I began and ... kept up Cardui and was so pleased, ?ith the results. "For some - time, then, I did not'/ need Cardui;" Mrs. Wester goes on, "but later, when change of life cams on, I had paths across my back cuad l' sides. ' My head ached down Into my . . $ shoulders ... I was weak and run down, nervous, and did not eat- I. V couldn't rest well nights. "My husband,- who w^a a great be- \ llever In Cardui, having seen what-ftU did for ma in former years, wonf and bought six bottles; insisted 1 take it ? steadily, which I did. It helped me. - I did not suffer so with my head and back. My limbs that had felt weak J and shaky grew, stronger and Cardui ?\s helped?me through this perlpd. I feel > 4 It did a great deal for me." > ? ' " . ;.{ For over ' 'forty years grateful women have been writing, as did Mrs. Wester, to say that Cardui had bene fited them. .It should help you, to* Try it At all druggists'. vw Take MOTHER! 1 ?? * Clean Child's Bowels with ( ? "California fig Syrup" - (S - Hurry Mother ! Even constipated, bilious, feverish, or sick, colic Bablea > and Children love to take genuine "Cal- . Ifornla Fig Syrup." No'other laxative rffgulates the tender little bowels so nicely. It sweetens the stomach and starts the liver and bowels without griping. Contains no narcotics or sooth ing drugs. Bay "California" to your druggist and avoid counterfeits. Insist upon genuine "California Fig Syrup" which contains directions. Green's August Flower The remedy with a record of fifty-seves yesri of surpassing excellence. All who suffer with nervous dyspepsia, tour stom ?ch. constipation, indigestion, torpid Uver, dixxinets, headaches, coming-op of food, wind on stomach, palpitation and other Indications of digestive disorder, will find GREEN'S AUCUST Flower an effective and efficient remedt.For fifty-sevenyeara this medicine has been surcessfntly used In millions of households all over the civil ised world. Be cause of Its merit and pop alarity GREEN'S AUGVST FLOWER can he found today wherever medicines are sold. 30 and 90 cent bottles. n . I ITA Send pr fftttt PATENTS - ?ooktet fan ?iiimM.Mt