IMPORTANT NEWS OF STAT I, NA ' TION ANB .THE WORLD I . RRItFUV TOub l A 0*nd*nMtf R?pord Of Happ*nln?a ' Oflnt{r??*From All Point* - ; Of TN) WorU Washington? mnk A. Vanderllp, retired New^l ' ( ?jin^ b8nker* ?n?pnnce? his Intention , ,, . ? ^*u> ?uvoulIUU I resigning from every .business ird on irhlcVI occiipyva ?eat" be* | k can bo of the attitude of many of hlB New York business associates "toward the work I .am doing In Washington." Tax affairs companies In which Sec retary Mellon Is a stockholder are be ing put under a searching Inquiry be fore a speplal* senate Investigating committee consisting 'for 'the day at ' letet, of Senator Cousens, Republican, of 'Michigan, done. >&tV ?' ' ? . :?. ?' T , ? Appropriations totaling *66,849,180 for the det>Artments of state. Justice, commerce and labor are ckrrUrd In a blllre'portedto the hohse. Dr. in wood Mead of California 'has 3 ' ' been made commissioner of reclama tion of the Interior department, suc ceeding D, W. Darts of Idaho, who will" become head, of the Idlvliion ot finance In the reclamation service. Appropriation of f 7,600, 00) for tbe construction, of roads and trails In national parks bas been authorised by. the senate. The bill had' already pass ed tn the house. y?,. ? ' One way to "break Into print" with a "formal statement" once your name ? ? \ i hat been mentlonfd In the press has 'i*;/ ! been pointed out In tbe senate. ; > In a note to Secretary Hughes Alva r?] Castillo, Washington representa tive of tbe de la Euerta revolutionary movement, urged the state department to change its polfby toward Mexico. , ' : An /*adjnst?d pension bill" designed u to remove inequities between gratul " * ties now paid veterans of the several past wars has been passed by the senate. The house committee which Is tn vestlgatnlg charges against Represen- , tatlves Zlhlman, Maryland, and Lang- 1 ley, Kentucky. Republicans, resumed | Its hearings recently beMnd closed | doors. Committee members said it j had not been determined whether open I hearings would be held. Ratification of the long-pending Isle of Pines treaty confirming Cuban sov ereignty over tho Islands would be a blot on American history, President Cool id ge was recently told In a petition from some of the American property ? ? of the Island. ?w*?ri Ik A new grand Jury has been ordered to convene In Washington on 'April 16, presumably to hear evidence In con nection with contemplated criminal prosecutions growing out , of the oil ?candal. ' Secretary Wilbur and Governor Smith of New York were praised In the house recently by Representative U pshaw, Democrat, Georgia, for their position In law enforcement. The senate committee Investigating alleged land frauds In the lower Rio Grande valley of Texas encountered another 'storm when Chairman Moses, Republican; New Hampshire, and Sen ator Htflin, Democrat, Alabama, com mittee, prosecutor, again clashed over procedure In this hearing. , Announcement by Chairman Smoot of the senate, flnanqe committee that some special appropriation bills pend ing before congrets would have to be considered In connection with tax reduictlon dealt a sfevore, blow to the chances of retention of sotne of i the tax cuts by the house In /the revenue Domestic ? ' John A. Whltehurst, president of the "State boarij of. agriculture (Oklahoma) was acquitted In the senate court of Impeachment of, charges alleging gen eral Incompetency, neglect of duty and moral turpitude. / Warrants were Issued for the arrest bf G. F. Bates of the Citizens Trust'Bnffalo, NvY.; Erlcfe Thorberg of Minneapolis; Ed Schvlenberg, Anl. and Gilbert Semlngton, , st^te bink examiner for North .Dakota, In connfectlon with, alleged banking lr* regularities. r " ( ??'$" . \ ?El Paso dispatches say Mexican) of ficers along. ;the border art keeping an eye out for Adolfd de la Huerta, tor pier chief of the Mexican rebellion 1 One man was vreiorWd killed and six persons seriously 'injured in a tornado that' swept through Richard eon, Texjls. ? Thomas George Mackenzie; general manager of the Companfa Agrlcola of Chihuahua, It is anotinced in ha Paso, ToxWi- escaped from Hlpollto, Villa's bandit gapg. . ' . .. A slight earthquake shock, at Mn Jose, C^llf., caused audiences to leave theaters. ? No damage .was reported. ? Damage estimated at between $B0. 000 and $100,000 was caused by a'ftre which broke out inthe new MemphlB (Tenn.) auditorium. <_imarlfls Allen Munn, editor of the i Scientific American, died at his New | York Cltyjbome recently. It Is announced frpm Detroit,' Mich., tha> the American Orthodox . church Jxaa %'pllt with the Russian church, and will' attempt to form a separate c izatfon. In many communities congregations have, already'/ 1 (be Protestant Episcopal chc The Woman's party 'is seek, hare the resolutions committed j Republican national conventlo a woman's suffrage plank In* from. * ' Narcotipg rained at approximately $2,000,000 were recently destroyed ' in New Orleans. : Mn- Virginia Peterg-Parkhurst, of Berwyn, Prince Georges county, Mary land, hag announced for cpagreis, and will make the race on the Democratic platform. 1 1 / . * 1 FWe alarms were sounded 1 6 quick succession when Harlem Park Method ist Episcopal church (Baltimore) caught fire. An annual conference Was being held In the building. No one was injured. Charges that he was doped and not drunk wheu arrested were made in a formal statement by Delegate Bragg of Brunswick county, p member of the Virginia legislative committee investi gating the department qt game and ln Und fisheries, sitting at Richmond. Lieut Ervlne R. Brown, missing navy pa>maater, whose "accounts Were found to be short, seems to have been In San Diego one day and In Los An geles. His Wife has returned $75,000 of the missing funds. Tulane University (New Orleans) has purchased for $^6,000 the interna tionally known -collection of Mayan and other ancient American survivals owned by Dr. William Gates of Char lottesville, Va. After being re-elected year after year for nearly twenty' times as asses sor In the village of Agenda, Ashland county, Wisconsin, Charles Bleudors, 70. has been defeated by a margin of one rote. He then committed sui cide. r Fireman John Quinn was killed and 15 persons were; injured when an elevated train crashed Into another at a Long Island City station during a blinding snowstorm. Russ Forth, 33, actor, his wife, Irene, 24, and their daughter, 4, formerly of Evansvllle, Ind., were bufned to death In a rooming-house at Houston, Texas. Governor John M. Parker fixed May 9 as the date for the execution of sli men convicted of the murder of Dal las Calm es, a restaurant proprietor of Independence, La., on May 8^ 1921. Maj. Frederick L Martin, com manding the flight of the *XJnited .States army around-the-world, an nounces that four planes will leave Seattle, Wash., in the near future. The Birmingham (Ala.) Light and Power company has beeS sold at auc tion for $18,500,000. The company will hereafter be known as the Bir mingham Electric company. .An alarm sounded by Miss Margaret K. Gonter, a Wheeling, W. Va., tele phone operator, frustrated a holdup of the First National bank, located In s suburb of that city. sank .i f - nVi iW 1 ? Closeup showing great gnah made lo famous Fire. Island) Ughtslilp by collision with a freighter which almost ink the lightship, 2 ? Autbraoblle highway ataHancock, Md.', inundated by the Potomac river flood. 8 ? Walter HIn ton, famous aviator (left), and John Swanson, radio expert, ) who have started on on extensive exploration of the Amazon 'region. . * ' NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS Harlan Fiske Stone of New York' li ^elected to >Be Attorney General. C . ; By EDWARD W. PICKARD PRESIDENT COotjDGE'S selection ' for the new attorney general to succeed Harry Daugherty may not please the more "progressive" of the western Republicans, but It Is likely to nieet t^e approval of the party gen erally and probably of the country. Harlan Flstt? Stone of New York la the 'ma4 chosen, and ID him Mr. Cool Idge believes, he has ionnd what he required for ''the place ? m authority on law and an able executive. Mr. Stone and the President are lifelong friends ?ftd both are graduates from Amherst For fourteen year's Mr. Stone was dean of the Columbia uni versity law school, pnd he 1b a director of pinny Corporations, including the Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line rail way. He !s; a big, forceful ancf able man, . and Mr. Coolldge relies on, him to g\v? the Department of Justice a progressives as evidenced, In of the navy portfolio to Judge : and it is now asserted in Was that the Coolidge supporters more than willing to have a progres*ive nominated for vie dent. The men most talked ?that place are Jndge Kenyon, jBorah and Senator Capper. over, it is said Mr. Coolidge one of that group named porary chairman of the Clevelau vention to make the keynote Mr. Stone visited the executive office Wednesday and was, Introduced to the administration leaders. SHARP admonition to the majority leaders in the senate and bouse by the President brought on an access of activity in pushing vital legislation to ward enactment. In a series of con ferences vrlth those leaders he mqde known his attitude, which was re flected lu a statement' by Senator Wat l son of Indiana : -J ''Now that Attotney General Daugh erty has seen fit to resign," Mr. .Wat son sal6, "a new situation presents Itself In the senate. It seems to me that it Is the duty of the Democrats to join with the Republicans to bring the senate back to Its legislative func tions. . * "It has been regrettable, although unavoidable, that four months of this session ? with the most constructive legislative program " before It of the'1! reconstruction period following the ,war ? have been devoted almost entirely to the endless discussion of personal ities Involved In the oil leases and al leged misdoings in public office. "The senate must devote Itself untir ingly If it hopes to conclude consid eration of the legislative program and adjourn by June, .which we ought to do. The general prosperity of the country would be aided by congress en acting Its program without delay so business can adjust Itself to new con ditions called for In new laws.." The senate finance committee worked day and night on the tax reductlo'n bill, on which the leaders of both par ties profess to wish speedy action. Early In the week the committee unani mously approved the house provision for a retroactive reduction of 25 per cent In taxes on 1923 Incomes paid In 1024. and It Is considered certain that j the senate will accept this. The tax- I payer will pay one-half of the next | Installment, due June IS, ond three- I fourths of each of the lost two Install- | ments. If the tax hns been paid In fvl! a refund of one-fourth will be made the taxpayers. Of course mimer- ' oils changes In the house hill were mode hv the committee, mainly for the ' purpose of raising additional revenues. j Secretary of the Treasury Mellon read j t<f the committee a long argument for I , ? . ? , I the 'elimination of the Increases In rates on estatf taxes in the Mouse measure and jthe elimination of the gift tax. His recommendatlpns were followed, and new excise -taxes were Added op radio, and mah jongg sets. , THOUGH public Interest in the various Investigations in Washing ton died <4own somewhat after ? the resignation of Harry Daugherty. the "probers" went right on with their Inquiries. The Daugherty committee obtained some evidence from H. M. Peck Of Oklahoma City, a former spe cial assistant to? the* attorney general, supposed to Indicate that Dougherty and Fall aided the Milleh brothers of' the 101 ranch In defrauding the -Ponca Indians of land and possible fortunes In oil.- Then beanie Capt. H.'L. Scalfe, a former Department of Justice agent, who has been once before heard and frequently mentioned in the Inquiry. He told a long story about war-time graft, especially In the aircraft; In dustry, and Implicated . Secretary of War Weeks, Daugherty, Guy D. Goff, former assistant attorney general, 'and Charles Hayden, a Boston banker and .director /of the Wright-Martin Air craft company, all of whom, ftcalfe' declared, should be indicted for '.'con spiracy to obstruct Justice" ln^ falling to prosecute the aircraft company ^for^ alleged graft.. He . also denounced former Attorney General Palmer and rjer, bor mer aald ;aaes op*. 1 a(3 f the : bis raudSj id he i was ittee. e ad I 'Seo upon, went plain on of fTXTTTTW**? ? ' AL JENNINGS' sensational story about Jake Hamon and the Re publican nomination of 1920 having been shot full of holes, the Teapot Dome committee did not find a great 'deal to do last week. J. E. Dyehe, who was a confidential man for Hamon. said Jennings' testimony was "bunk." He said Hamon was ? not In the habit of giving away his money but was a great "kldder" and might hare told the stories of huge expendi tures when talking to Democrats. Dyche's evidence, by the way, dlrl not shed much luster on the purity of Oklahoma politics. George wljlte, former chairman of the Democratic national committee, was on the stand Wednesday and Sen ator Spencer, Republican, Insisted on getting from him testimony concerning the Democratic campaign fund, though Senator Walsh contended It was Ir relevant. They bickered over this for a long time and then White was per mitted to say that Kdward Doheny's contribution was $34,900. and hot $75, 000, as Doheay himself had ^ald.' The committee adjourned for the week,, awaiting the presence of William Boyce Thompson, chairman of the Re publican finance committee In 1920. Harry Sinclair was Indicted by the grand Jury for contempt of the senate In refusing to te"tlfy. He pleaded not guilty and gave bond of $5,000. * SOME Democrats In the senate start ed a move to try to force .the resig nation of Secretary of the Treasury Mellon on the ground that he Is a stockholder In various concerns, hut I Senator Reed of Pennsylvania vigor- 1 ously defended the secretary and \ Senator Robinson and other Demo- | crats declined to support Senator Me tvellar. who led the attack, _so l? vlr- | tually collapsed. Senator" DDI of j Washington then came to bat with a resolution railing for the resignation of rol. Theodore Roosevelt, assistant secretary of the navy. This did not | seem a very popular move, even with Democrats, and at this writing no ac tion has been taken on It. TiriSrONSlNS Republican pii VV marie* were easily won by Sena tor LaFollette, whote vote was about , , ?? 7- - 0 twlctt^that Riven Mr. Coolldgo. The President, however, will get several delegates froin t&at state. In 'the Democratic primarlfes Gov. A1 Smith of New York defeated McAdoo. Smith says his Dame Wa's entered without hla consent cr knowledge. I ? ' ,? AS WAS expected, General Luden dorjT was found not guilty of treason In connection with the Munich "beer-cellar putsch*' of last Novem ber, by the Munich court. Hlttler, ' Krlebel and Weber were coAvicted and received sentences of Ave years In prison. Their actual time of service will be short. LudendortY protested .the sentences 'of hjs con^fadeav He was greeted with vociferous'cheers And will be elected tp the relchstag by the radical 'nationalists known as the Ger man People's Party, of Liberty. M ? p ) FRANCE, which persists in consider ing Germany the loser in the World war, and insists that Germany ahould carry out her pledges In the, treaty of Versailles,, was." not unnaturally peeved by. a note delivered to. her last week by the German government. It Was' In reply to the demands of the allied council of ambassadors that' the' allied military control mission' be per mitted resume, its activities in Ger many to 'check up on 'fh?e Ove dis armament promises by Germany": Pass Ifrtvs prohibiting the Import and -export of war material ? make re cruiting for the army conform to treaty provisions and suppress tile prewar general staff, demobilizing 9II excess officers. " / Surrender all documents relative to war material on hand and the produc tion of war factories at thp -time of the armistice. , * ? ? Deliver the balance of war material not authorized by the treaty, .especial ly equipment and uniform*. ' Transform factories manufacturing war materials Into plants making peace products. . ^ Reorganize the state police ' (the schupo) Into local police forces, with the policemen not receiving military instruction and, not living together In. barracks like soldiers. Berlin's answer -is a refusal to let the mission ascertain , whether these pledges have been cabled out, a state ment that .the allies and Germany should negotiate an accord covering that, and a proposal that the (League of Nations handle future questions concerning the disarmament of Ger many In its general dealings with world disarmament. The note con tains a direct challenge Jo France's right- to maintain a large army. ? .The committee of experts on Ger man resources In foreign, lands esti mates that 8,000,000,000 gold marks ($2,000,000,000), has be?ji hidden by Germany In other countries. The Dawes- .committee's report has. been given to .the reparations commission. Chancellor Marx of Germany has warned the world that It Is not certain Germany will accept this report and P.-emler Polncare has gone no further than to express the hope that the com mittee would be able to offer "ele ments of a solution." AFTER an all-night session the British houBe of commons reject ed the policy of n capital levy, which was the chief plank of the Labor party In the recent elections. John Robert Clynes, government leader In the housi, admitted the lahorltes could not hope for the passage of such a measure In the present parliament, bnt maintained the country would ulti mately be forced to It by Its crushing burden of debt. The government evad ed inevitable def#nt In connection with the recent hill by consenting to re vision of an eviction clause. Argentina begun on .\prii 1 a most extraordinary experiment In the form of a law by which evyrvone In the ^uintry. cltUen or foreigner, who has worked for 2S years, for him self or others. Is retired on n pension amounting to his present salary. Those with years yet to sorv,? rtiust pay S per rent 'f their ??l?rles Into a national pension fund, from which the rewards to the elder workers are palt). Knjployers must augment the general fund by confronting another 5 per rent of their pay rolls SalarlA of workers are to continue during sick ness oV other disability. Beware of Imitations! ? Unless yon see the "Bayer Cross" o? < (1 package or on tablets you are not get- . \j ting the genuine Bayer ASplrin proved V [< safe by millions bhd prescribed by -? physicians over twenty-three , year* tof ?/ Qolda ? Headache Toothache Lutnba?q ' ? Neuritis Rheumatism . .aJ$ Neuralgia Pain. Pah) Accept "Bayer Tabfets of Aspirin" - only. Eaph unbroken package contain*,-,^ proven dictions. Handy boxes <*! ^ twelve tablets 4ost few cents. Drug- . M gists also eeli bottjes of 24 an4 100. ^ Aspirin Is the trade mark of Ba Manufacture of Uonoacetlc&cldester of '/%} Salleyllcacld. KEEP YOUR SCALP Clean and Healthy WuHCUTICURA f TREATED ONE WEEK. FREE I aWla. "-- ?? ? - ? U rk ITCH I Helple m Most of as know when we hare said , enough, but few of us have sufficient self-control to put the lid on. : . ' /'? ;.?*!> Pine feathers may not make fine birds, but they show up on the bill all St. Joseph's LIVER REGULATOR /or BLOOD LIVER-KIDNEYS yve BIG CAN, C A ?aft and ioothmg ^rtmcdy for cuti, burns, or akin trou ble*. Protect*, re li*ve*andheal*.Take internally for coughs and aore throat*. Vaseline PETROLEUM JELLY Chetebroufh Mfg. Co., Cont'd. Scata Sc N?w York

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