has best Record] ,RGER i ( s, ; ? STATI-? w i r, .??'? V-'j1 >;4 ? ' ' 34 TOWNS OH HONOR ROLL) r;' . ? , ?Inclpal, Cl*?? of Prppsrty Damaged] W; ?JtM m m Destroyed r *. i ?w% Inoludes )44 Dwelllngt. ' ' kiv,v.--'V; ? t Raleigh. ' , The, aggregate ot loss by 'fir* in North Carolina during February was * ??>864,251 , according to official report* -of each fire on file in the* State Insure ' ?'Hoe department, made public by. . ^oriuniBsiher, Stacy W. Wade. This {?hows, an ihcrpase ot about* $200,000 >V'er February last year./, For the Jnlted States and Cauda/. February m 4? .estimated at $31,447,600, aode base ot about $10,0(to,000 tram la?t bruury. lie marked feature of the State's to . the smart average loss ot the 'fires occurring as .compared -with ?.' aggregate of 47 flresinwhich the | /vlOsf was 16,000 and over, this totals .:$??, 676, an average of $S2)06^ ; per while tor thd remaining : toital of 76 ,for the olhe? 243 fires, the ; average loss .per , fire Was T>ut 405. The' heaviest single lo??es were: a film' exchange at Charlotte, $156,000; business building at "Wilmington, $56, .000; oil mill near Hendersofi, $106,000, llsh fertiliser plant at Shallotte, $60. ,000; a ptore i, at Mttieton, $30/100; ?dwolllhg at PJnehurst, $48,000. . L Charlote headB* the cities wlthl ioaa^s> having had 28 fires With ] %ii jth ilem with 37 flrea, loaa ? Baleigh .has the/ premier record -)pn4g,th? la# ger citiep, . with 8 fires, d loss "of $840. ' The major /fire 71 L *4 ?? rf ,y*T' smoking .and over carelessness, jHUieaporitaneous 'co'mbuBtiton ac-j t for 8 fires,' incendiary, short cbfld . wad matph '6. There ? ,* single electric iron fire, - was 3 due to explosion ot ' under. Incubators. .classes of; j property Wed ^Includes - Uf stores, V barns and 7 werhouses, four schools dormitories, 3 churches laundries and factories, and.,fouo hotels, movie eatree -and cafefe ' ' $he statistical table also shows at while oat \otthe 270 fires the yMdafWiy IftjK irfsi ?oaa ??r ,'of tulli ^divided,. I dings was 9390,695 and or Just about equal ""Hires in which the e contents loss ? lpss by nearly M . ? Vp/operty at risk >38,029, Insurance, v ? ' ' - 3r5f?v and counties I vi i Jfe* tour to 6nc 4 ? The total j la shownVJo^ ? The following .v nwq auu VUUUUW reporting Utf. fire, or no damage from lire during February, v are placed up ,on the department # hpnejTjrjll for the -month. . i'l ? Plymouth, Th'omaaville, Mt. OUts, | Concoril, Mt. Hplly, Fairmont, Badin, j '?). Fuqnay Springs, Spring fttfpe, Waynes ji Ttlle, Roxboro. Wake Forest, Jackson ville, ?.Stanley, Creedmoor, . Ttibor, | Rockingham, R&ndleman, Albemarle, Elkin.fcranlte Falls, Lumberton, Hunt erstllle, Marlon, Trytjp, . Blm ' City, ForSst City, Carthage, Hickory, Louls bnrg, Kings Mountain, Pilot Mountain, V ' Encampment Date* For Guard. '* Summer encampn^oats for the North Carolina National Guard will "Dominance this year on July 1, when ? tha Held Artillsry regiment will *o Into training at Fort Bragg and will clote on August SO, according to the April lssne of' the National Guard bulletin, which la Issued monthly by Major Gordan Smiths Assistant Ad bJataat General. According to the bul letin, there will be 8,000 guardsmen la camp, the largest number since lM8v The schedule of the training camps followat " Camp Glenn, N. C-, July 20; 120th Infantry, Staff Corps' Departments, . 30th Signal Company and 117th Mo- 1 tor Transport Company. * v Fort. Bragg, N. C., July 1-1B: ^05th Engineers. .Fort Bragg,' N. (V April 2-16: " 117 th Field Artillery. Camp McCellatn, Ala., August 4-18: 109th Calvary anf H8.60.aThe State Highway bulletin has figured out. 8 The bulletin has found that the gasoline consumption per car during 1(23 was 68 gallons less than 1922. j Automobiles have increased and good roads have been conducive of greater ase of them so that the estimate of ?aring la considered reasonably con- 1 Qovernor to Visit Charlotte. Highway Chairman Frank Pago Uaa brought Charlotte Into the Pan-Ameri can road sho^r, and that city will "he , host Sunday, June ' 8, to the South ' American highway engineers and, builders; ambassadors from South American countries, governor ot seven states, Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover and other dlstlngush: : *d officials and. citizens of two contin ents, mdklii# up a party that will spend a week' watching Tar Heel road builders at work. Receiving the news from Mr. Pago Commissioner W. C. Wilkinson, ol 'Charlotte, began devising 4 ways and means of extending the, visit at least another day. He will get the local folks behind him in plans for elabor ately entertaining the distinguished j guests.' And Mr. Page }ikely will be besought to give thp city at least tWp ' days ' so that, the visitors may have ample time to see the town and sur roundings. / ?' Approxlmatly 2,000 people are ex pected to. be included In the list of invited guests to tJhe road show, which has been desl?nate t ? Art 'Ehduree In the department .of esthetics, ?wherein critics mainly disport them .qelves. It Is almost Impossible to think of a so-called truth that shows any sign of being permanently . . . But the work of art, as opposed to the theory behlnd .lt, has a longer life, par ticularly It that theory be obscure and questionable, and so canuot be deter mined accurately. Hamlet, the Mona Lisa, Faust, Dixie, Parsifal, Mother Goose, Annabel Lee, Huckleberry Finn ? these things, so baffling to pedagogy, so contumacious to the. categories, so mysterious In purpose and utility ? those things live. And why? Because there Is in them the flavor of salient, novel ?and attractive personality . . . because they 'pulse and breathe and speak, 'because they are genuine works of art. ? H. L. Mencken. In "Prejudice*, Third Series." * Sounded the Same At a concept In Glasgow a famous soprano was singing a song In Italian. An old man in the front row of the pit suddenly burst Into tears and would not be comforted. On being asked why he4ad broken down he aal() : "She retnlnds me so of my daughter." "But surely." some one suggested, "your daughter couldn't Blng like that?" "No, but It was the same In a way," t?e old roan said. "You couldn't un derstand what she was singing about, either." Needed the Space While posing in evening clothes for ( a new photograph a movie hero was rery Insistent about having the photo graph show plenty of shirt front. And. as he was good for about a thousand I dollars' worth of work every year, the ! photographer was anxious to oblige. Bnt a photographer lias his bump of , curiosity the same as others. "Why so much shirt front?" asked I thhi one. ? "To write autographs 011," explained the (tar. i ? ? . Grjsat Irrigation Project N^ringy Completion This is the hugq Black ^canyon dam which has beep Hho subject of recent ? congreasidfrul appropriations ? control Versy. ' It IB ncfw rfipldly neurlng com pletWfi In Idaho, where It will add < millions of acres to {he Irrigated reglcM , ' of thd western State. It Is on the * Payette river between Nampa -and Mc Call. ' . w . : ? ' ? . ? - . ? ? -TTT ' ~ 7^ : : 7^ When the Italians Annexed the City of Fiume ' w fafr sv ? 'VV/v XSei : .. ? ./ j . General view of. the procession through the .mala street of Fiume during the ceremonies attending the annexa'tloa pi- Flame by Italy. <, ? . ? ' - ; . ? > ? 1 ' ? \ '? ?, i SKIRTS TOO TIGHT * Marie Hall, twenty-six, said to be the queen of the feminine bootlegging speed drivers of Ecorse, near Detroit, satd at the connty Jail that she would abandon tight skirts In the future when participating hi her vocation. Charged \^Jth "bootlegging, she led pro hibition agents a merry chase through Ecorse, but a traffic Jam, a tight skirt and a mud puddle lost her the race. She was held in $1,000 ball. CELL FOR HITTLER A