re*> ? : * Sift Ic County Convention Delegates Selected For Raliegh ty.tfi,* /? ~'>T; ? > ?i . ' ' dySB . 1 Democratic County Conven v tlon met in the Court House, pur ? auant to call, on Saturday. ' A good crowd VU prwant and there was a fine spirit of harmony aild hopefulness. The meeting was called to ordar by W. E. Breege, chairman of the County Executive Committee, Mirt Martha Boewell wag secretary, atjig Mr. ^reese made a gpirited ad dress.. He outlined the orgini'pa tion of precinct and County cora _ mlttees and insisted upon , the neces slty for a thorough organisation especially in the prepinct*. Mr. Breese furthur stated that it ' was not necessary at this time to a dopt resolutions in answer to the - resolutions adopted at the recent' Republican Convention. The good done b ythe Democratic administra fion should speak for itself. How ever, the Republican contention ?will be answered in (iue time. The late Republican Board of Cotinty Commissioners is responsible he stated for the present high taxes but was afraid to assume responsi bility for the same, so they ; bor red money without making any pro vision for its payment, thereby jeopardizing the honor of the Coon ty. The Democrat# in order to Bave our good' name had to assume the.' indebtedness. The bopka of the County Com x . missioners ere \>pen to the public M<. Breese pointed out, and Dem ocrats and Republicans are urged to , -onsult the books and see how ,uch money was paid Mr. Scruggs ! ( Brevard as chairman of the late ' Republican Borird of Cpunty Com 'mlssloners and how much has bean paid George WdW ? of _ Bo?d__ traveling many times the distance: ito render the same service on 'the , jiHeent -Democratic board. . 'The 'public ia invited fo compare the bills rendered by these two gentlemeji for the same service and draw tJhe'rVown conclusion as to who is trying to save the public money. 1 In conclusion Mr. Breese stated - that while the -Republican we^e try , ; ing to hold the Democratic party responsible for the hard winter and bad roads the Republicans are re sponsible for the high taxes by the records of their own books. 5 Mr. Breese's speech was heartily applauded. ? ^ , * On m&tion of R. L. Gash it was ?' , voted that the chafrmap of the Conn t? Ejcpcutive Committee* be elected after the primary on the date fixed for the official canvass of, the ~ re turns and In* consultation' with the - candidates. ? Several pijecincts had not' orga-, nizled on account of inclement weather. These precincts havo thirty days in which tq organize and voters present at the conven tion from these precincts were urg . ed to g<> home and organize at once. The" following delegates ' were e lectrdto the State convention: Miss Martha Boswell, Mrs. Will Ray, W. A. Band, T. H. Shipman, W. E. IJreese, W. H. Duckworth, T. i, C. Henderson, R. L. Gash, Harro son Case, Mrs. T. J. Wiison, T. E. Patton, Mrs. Z. W. Nichols, Miss Florence Kern, Mrs. A. B. Riley, k L. Bell. G. L. Lyday, Eugene Alli son. Riley Wilson, Otto Alexander, J, J. Patton, Mns. O. L. Erwin, M. W. Galloway, Mrs. John Cantrell, Mrr. FreH Johnson, Mrs. John Max well, T. H. Galloway, Jordan Whit mire, Miss Minnie Gillespie, Mrs. L. fr"' Powell, Mrs. Marsh Holliday. Mrs. C ?Vjjjl K- Osborne, Mrs. J. M. Allison. On motion of J. L. Bell, deleg ates. to the State Convention were instruced to support Mr. Walter MooTe as delegate to the national Convention. Delegates were fur ther instructed to support Miss. May Jones for delegate at' large to the National Convention i I Mrs. C. C. Kilpatrick and Mrs. E. F. Gillespie are visiting in Green ville, S. C. J. A. 'Ridley of Oafney S. C. was a busin^Bs visitor in Sown th's week Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sitton an.i son Mack have rotuir-d f > Bro -r ' after spending the winter in W r> ? Florida nf Gr->'nsk->ro V. (' ?fr viritin- h s F~. f*-" ; Witn i^uvis-VfaUter Drug Co. <<*?1 ki" ' ? > HT' ROSMAN LOCALS ? ' Rev. Richardson preached an ex celfeht sermon Sunday at the M. E. church. Mrs. James Nelson and two little sona visited relatives at Pelier and Greenville, S. C. last week. : L. P.- Wilson is at home for a short while, from the hospital where he has Seen taking treatment. ' Mr. and Mffl- Hubert Edens are the hflKOy parents of twin baby bur^ corn April, 12th. _ , NorwtWH Bataon son of Alonzo flation who attended school here this, winter died Sunday morning with pneumonia. Was buried at Mt. Moriah cemetery Monday. Mr. A.-O. Kitchens and family ar? en joyiag their new Radio. Sheriff Shlpraan and wife were Rosman visitors Sunday.' AN EASTER MUSICAL TREAT ? On ?next Sunday, Easter, at five O'clock the choir of St. Phillips, as ?' cantata, the Story of the Resurrec a cantata, the story of the resurec tion. This' will be a treat to the music lovers of Btevard. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. *' The churph, as usual, will bo beautifully decorated. I Chamber Of Commerce Notei Action on street signs has been delayed by illness of Mayor and aldermen. However, look out f6r street -signs on street corners at an early date. , , The committee ia still looking for a! satisfactory available amuse men, 4 w. I Views, advertising matter, and1 reading matter are comin gin every week. The Manufacturers Record is always interesting. So1 are many of! the travel magazines. j Account of the road machinery exibition to be held near Greens boro and Winston is both interest ing 'and instructive. Already 34 j carloads of road building machinery | are on the way to , take p&rt inthiu exhibition. I Booklets , and reading matter as ! to Wishing and camping will inter- j est many. The "Road Majjs of the State arc' doing good service. A liberal sup ply on Jiand. ?* Golf is still being talked about. I ' May the date for the game to start ; 1 be' early. On April 22nd. the- Chamber of Commerce will give a banquet at | ; the Aethelwold Hotel. Each mem- 1 ; ber to bring one guest. For detai- ; ! led' information, consult the secre-! ? tary. Name of the guest you are ! j to take, report to Roscoe Nicholson j The new sign will be across i Main sy-eet in a few days. j The members, in increasing num- j . bers, are learning the a<lv&nta?;e3 of the Chamber of Commerce officc1 reading matter, maps, bulletin bo ard, etc. Copy for the new booklet must be finished in ? the next week. Those pot members, who wish to "climb on the band wagon", please I get busy. If yoif have information for tV.e secretary, phone 121. If you want information, phone 121. Entertainment At Little River There will be a scho<A entertain ment at the Little River school house" April, 25,' 1924, beginning 7 :30 p. m., everybody is cordially invitod to come. BREVARD NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSOC1A . fON The Brevard National Farm I-oim Association has just received notic. ?of another large allotment of money to be loaned to the farmers of Tran sylvania county. Farmers wishine to fund indebtedness or make im provement' should avail themselves of thi? opportunity of getting mm ? y i rate of interest for a long it nvx term if ro desire. 1. Ap "or - ilotmor.t mu't h'1 iercvi'1 by .'das l"t., IOC' T" > %]-' Ti-nt on i - * t , ! o or 'c C v. n,h?r;- . . ,'ri "? ,as. I Brevard. \. I. REMINISCENCES OF J, M.HAMLIN Mr. Editor: I hrve ftn old beok yellowed with time, who*e title page reads: "A ta ble of post office* In the United Sta tee as they were Oct. 1, 1&30' by direction of the Poet Mdster General The next pagt rea<}?; "Rates of posi tage established by Act of Congress ?if 8rd of March 1826 and the amen tory act of 2nd Of March 1827." "For any distance not exceeding SO miles, 0 1-4 cents; over 30 roiled and not exceeding 80 miles, 10 over 80 milea and not exceeding 160 miles, 12 1-2; over' 160 miles and not exceeding 400 miles 18 8*4' over 400 miles, .26 cents." These rates applied to a lettetr -of "one riece of paper," two pieces double three pieces, triple, four pieces or one ounce, quadruple. "A piece of paper" yaa about 8 by 12 .j*V ca"e<* "foolscap" f .Jf There were two of^cesin >yhat is now Transylvania: Cathey Creek (Selica) Berj. Wilson, p. m. and Claytonville (residence of E. B. Clayton) John Clayton, p. m. Th? first distance 'from Washington, 660 miles, from Raliegh, 296 miles; thA latter 640, 286 miles respectively. It was allowable to write on both Bides of the "piece of paper"', but the writer must be careful to pre serve blank .space in the right place for the address. Tht: letter being properly folded, end addressed it is ready for sealing. To say. today, "seal your letter" means lick the mucilage on the erveloce. and. pvesB together, but in 1830, it meant, dash for the broom draw a straw, light in the the fire arid touch it to candlewick, place in the flame a stem of sealing wax about the len'.h and size of A carpenter's pencil and drop one or two drops on the unclo sed space, pitess and the letter is ready for mailing. Mailing means, if you reside in Gloucester, Rosman East "Fork, Dunna Rock or B you step down, across or up to Sel. ca and drop it in and if you reside the louver part of the county1 you will do likewise i nreference to Cla ytonville. ' In soc'alvcorrespondence it wa3 optional with the writer at which end of the line the postage should be paid: Those who used the stern type introductior : "I seat myself to write youa a few lines to let you know we are all well, hoping when they come to hand they will fine you enjoying the same like blessing" Generally allowed their letters to be marked, "Postage due 6, 10, 12 18 or 25 cents," according to distance Nothing, however, was 3aved for 'the answer came back similarly marke; Thc postage on busirc'.j letters to. insure attatntion must be paid at the mailing office. Thomas Hem phill when he se~nt a copy of the en try covering thei old Poor-house place to the Secretary of State a' Raliegh to secure a State grant pa d three English six-pence coins,18 3-<l cents. When the mail delivered the grant he paid a like sum, so the pos tage to and from Raliegh was 37 1-2 certs.^ Two "picces of paper" would have been 45 cents,, 4 piecps $1.50. To Washington, being over 1 400 miles, the postage both ways would have been $2.00 for the 4 pieces. Wafers, little round di3ks about the size and thickness of the little I finger nail, was qute an improve ment on the sealing wax process; i they were moistened with 'the ton '^ue and inserted, | Not all our farmer pioneers cor I do a neat mechanical job. While they could weild axe, spade or mat [tock dexterously or drive the bu'i's eye with rifle, they wcrerot oft-. ! atlept in paper foldinc r.r.i: .er treason grotesque samples pn?v> ' | throuTh the ma^. They v. er-; j '-are- ef the fact and encouraged Ith'tr ''?.Tii'*vtrrs to practice the rr" I One of the pastimes fur the noo> J n ? with the gir!s '-vn [to f->'.d nieces of waste paner. Tea ux an ! belle* in the'r !?|er.n:nirli"~ iv . * ? ? t ~ \v nirl' . t-rr. th? !' !! h?nr into nrof '? r.v.-.M-i'H't ; hy tvinor fiildinT. Po t'.. technique was :mprov:ng up to the introduction of envelope* (call*4.! i ::vf '..ipments* l?17-*0;- The in troduction of en\ .-!ope.? and stamp* with r?'iluct:or ?f po*tai.-c requir.ntf prepayments was a jrrea* nrva-:v<' made ir. affair*. < * or.? ir.u^d on -'** 1 *?r R r nor ? t!** nr ?;? daurh ' ? r* " ."e v . ? n'.-' v bo'-o I FOR CONGRESS ? At the Republican Congressional i Convention held in- Bryson City ? last week, Lewis P, Hiqilin was J .chosen by acclamation as candi ?date for Congress. , I This is the second time in succes sion that the congressional candi date has been chosen from Brqvard. ; Alfred H. Hampton was named | alternate delegate to the national . convention. I M. L. SH1PMAN ANNOUNCES as Com J CBndidate re-election I ae Commissioner of Labor and Prin ting largely because of my desire to1 continue the program of ??????( the usefulness of the Department! and rendering it of more value tizenship of the State. Distinct forward steps to make the Depart ment of real value to the public have been taken during the period I have served as commissioner and its yefc greater possibilities for aer vice are boing developed f Thne du"es devolved by^ upon | the Department are of siich charac ter that my years of service as as sistant commissioner, followed by my tenure as commissioner, equip me I b?!:eve,' to discharge those duties more efficiently than could u tence" Wh? hM "0t had 8Uch exper' The work of the Department has doubled several times since my con nection with it, the direction of the cooperative Federal and State free employment service^ with local offi ces in Ashville, , Charlotte, Winston Sa'e?, , . Greensboro, Wilmington and Rale:gh, has been added to the duties of the .commissioners of the new bureau of the Department for the help of oUr deaf populat'on was created by act of the last leg islature and is functioning nicely, ( the gathering and compilation of l&cte and stattotiea relati^ to -farm ing and labor, mannufacturing ' mining, waterpowerss, etc. 'entail greater labor each year, increase in number and the widening sc^pe of governmental departments, com missions and agencies demand a greater volume of printing, involv-1 ing more end more labor in super- 1 vision. The industrial directory 'ssucd by the Department is recognized as a comprehensive exposition of the State's industrial growth and the principal medium through which a knowledge of the' wonderful prog ress of North Carolina is given to the outside world, demand for th's coming constantly from all parts of the world; thousands of dollar: (more than the operating ? cost of !;he Department) are saved annually to the State by' the extremely care ful supervision of the public print ing and the approved bus;ness ir.oMi ods that have been introduced in handling this important item o? gov ernment expense; t:hou ands of the unemployed, includipg hundreds of former service men, have found po s tionsj through ? the employment division; many of the deaf have lieen directed to situations which Havs enabled them to establish themselves in life since the develop ment of the bureau for the deaf under the supervision of the Depar tment; yet but a beginning hat been made. Auditn? experts employed to 'heck the records o fall State de nartments and introduce 'mproved methods failed to find any errors ? n the records and could sucrirest no ? improvement in the system in vo ruo in th s Department. The?e ox 's'at- -1 that the Depart-.ien; ->f Labor and Printing was easily r " "^cst effir'ent and vm-ft ^'conormcally administered of all he ?tn -o riopart.nients. ' , ^ -"?''lent !s conducted on -i" ' '? "ess nrincinles in the ? ??? ?-. .; ,,r i ;,e tpvmyrr^ ( " the State. . ' ' ~ " 1 (wh'ch is e>::iiv eT- tc n-. ? .'.j, ..,i "^"!ovi <i tn the ut ' i"i? h? P. ):irVri'n; a ?- -i-rry t-ron.l ' to r ir> country, ? N<"? por>o-.Tl i*r rr.lit'ral ela i* ? adv inn"! thi* announcriv.rrv s .,.!*?f?lutpjy upon rr.v re cord scrnnt. The p?. s!< '' nr " hi eh I prir.> verv * ? ? ?' holonc*1 to the ' '? ? 1 ar.v individual ' " v a ' 'he do-:- on of ? tr p State v hnr0 ,.:-J r... M. I.. SHII'MAN DEMOCRATS OF HOGBACK MEET The Democratic citizens of Hog back townstyp met today in precinct (neeting and elected T. C. Hender son temporary chairman. Elzie Cash elected secretary. The following were electedTmem bers ef the township executive com mittee: .W. B. Henderson, Henry McCall, E. A. Reid, Otto Alexander Mrs. W. W. Ray, Mrs. J, T. garri son, Messera M. 0. McCall, L. E. Cash and T. C. Hender&op. Delegates were appointed to the county convention at Brevard, Apr. 12th. as follows: Elzie Cash, E. A. Reid, Mrs. W. W. Ray, Mrs. H. Miller, D. H? Lee, Oscar Whitmire, and T. C. Henderson. On mot'on made and carried the delegates who attend , the county convention were authorized to ap point other .citizens who might be present at the conventio nas dele gates to fill the vacancies of" any of the appo'nted delegates who might fail to attend the meeting. The precivct meeting then ad journed. T. C. HENDERSON, Chairman Pro Tem., L. E. CASH, Secretary Pro Tern. / G. E. LATHROP Brevard mourn# the loss of G. E. Latb*-op who departed this life Vliursday morning, April 17, r.t nine o'clock. The fiir.orp>! sorvices will be held at St- Philips church Sat urday at two o'clock. The funeral party will leave on the afternoon train for the old home in Vermont where the interment will take place. BETTERMENT ENTERTAIN MENT POSTPONED .Owing- ta the approach of school commencement and several . other entertainments -which nave right of wayf the projected Betterment en tertainment which was announced for April 25^ has been indefinitely postponed. 4 Mia* Lucille Clark Hat Resigned Every precinct' in the county will be sorry to learn that continued ill, health has forced M!ss. Lucille Cla rk to resign her position as Home Demonstration Agent for Transyl vania county. ? / " f The prizes won by her club girls have been proof of her efficient work in that line, but she will be es pecially remembered on account of tl)e way she has sought out afflicted children and taught their parents how they might be made whole. Thinking not of self she has tra veled our country roads in all kinds of weather often alone in the dark hours of night to make the world a better, happier place by making be ter^ hojne. MisS. Clark's winning personal" made a friend of every person v whom she came in contact and a he is sadly missed. May she soon be fully' restored t$, health and usefulness. I SONS BORN Born to Mr. and Mrs. oy Due worth, a. son, April 12. Born to Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Mil ler, a son, April 15. NOTICE All parking on Main Street be tween England and Gaston will be on and after May 1, in the middle of the street T. M. Mitchell, Mayor HOSPITAL SHOW?R There will be a "linen" shower p vt.- f.,r -he Fvevard Hospital on Tuesday aft -rno.-n April 22, fron-1 3 t . ? (i (/clock. All are ur>:e ) to co-operate r. th >? worthy cause atvl carry or mt.-I to the Brevard Hospital on th< ? h'Av such nr,;c!<-? - ar? v.tit -b!c for Hospital use; nnntely. shee ts i quarter^ counterpanes (lieht weifrht) pillow cases and towels. Mrs. J. F. Znchary. Mr?. H. P.. Wal ker. Mrs. .T. M. Alli-f - Mr-. O. L., Con:, frort c lover's .*!ub. * TV- r-.t .--". a' r-cv.-.'.- are r-'-i > " ! ?? \j ,y. T >1 M t K)u r.'- i 0 THE PRAYER CORNER ' . V 1 . . "The TemptaUons Of The Devil" "The God.^f the world hath blind ded the mindg of them which believe not" 2 Cor, 4:4 "The temptation of. the Devil dif fers from those of the flesh and of the world, in as much as is the tem I ptation of a person or an intellect On this account it is the more dang erous. The temptations of theflesh and of the world are much the same' to every one-to please self, and to do as others do, but not so with the temptations of the devil, which va- _ ' ries according to the condition, and circumstances of each soul. The devil adapts himself to individual cases. Then the temptation of the devil change, as we change, while th!8 is true, nevertheless, all his temptations fall under one of two general heads, viz: the attempt to mislead souls, or when .that fails, to weary souls, of the first of these we will now think. Satan tries to mis lead by casting dust into the 'eyes of the soul and so impair its vision or by blindfolding the . soul and so depriving, it of light. The charac istic of blindness is that the sufferer is in perpetual darkness and hence . in constant danger Of losing the way or coming to harm. Persons who are blind live in -a . state of danger and uncertainty "He that walketh in darkness knoweth ; not whither he goeth." | "Satans method is startlingly sim pie by deceitful suggestions and fal se illusions he deprives the soul of light and then leaves it to itself. The blinded soul cannot lind its way to Heaven for it cannot see his craft in robbing the soul of light ? without telling the soul its loss" What a strange yet pwful Bight is that upon wh'ch the prince* of darkness looks with such fiendish exultaoin crowds of blind Souls mis taking shadows for realities,, group ip& about in the dark like the blind men of Sodom, wearying themselves x to find the doer an; riCTfir ?i:-.cling ? - ... - it, blind souls coming face to face with God, continually, yet never re cognizing him, face to face with E ternal truths, yet never knowing them as a blindman in the street passing his friends without being a ware of it. On and on they go towards the precipice not knowing wi ther their ? feet are carrying them. Let us go kgain to the greatEx smplar, that we may learn how to avoid the snare of satan. In the wiV derness the prince of darkness came < Ko our Lord striving to blind Him by- the glare o'f earthly glory, again the devil taketh Him up into an ex- - ? eeeding high mountain and shew eth Him all the kingdom of the world and the glory of, them and ssyetb 'unto Him, "all these things will I give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me" The earth ly glory was not what he sought, he did not cjme for that and so refus ing to fce dazzled or misled, he answot d "'Get thee hence Satan, ..." for it is written, thou shalt worship the I ord thy God and him only ? sha't thou serve" f o let. me follow him who is the Irijt of the world and let me take h m for- my guide who never led .-,ne astray. A PRAYER "Lord Jesus who canst save us be cause thou wert tempted is all po'n ts as we are, yet without 3in come to us, we dare not live without thee we nrfe trying to live without thee the spfcit of evil within us, -persu ades us ever away from thee, the law of sin and death holds ' sway over us but with what of our honrt we own, we cry to tljee, come, come pity our helplessness and come, be more swift, oh more swift than our temptations and come take th:s pra yer th'r frasment of will arul r:<rht eous desire and bless it and -increase it as thou didst hle.-s and magnify the bit of brehd" "O save us from the temptations of the evil one, who seeks' to mis lead our : ou!s by casting dirt into the eyes or blindfolding t.herr? nnd so depriving them of !:rht, show u? thyyvlf in thy controlling glory O I thoi, trrent evnnipler, '.vho, when the nv-.r.-e of djirknrss to t-hee, 1 ' striving to blind thee by the glare of earthly glory, answered him ^ with burrire words of richteous in dignation. "("><?? thee hence satan for it is wr.tten thou >halt worship i the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou ?ervo" ?o may we ever nrswer h n by thy h?!p nnd in thy r; ???>. !:? tV- r.nme Lot; wo a.-k it." amen. C. D. C

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