nk M. ToikwAy was ?v<*A ?W?t V& I ggp^wjp^; Wm. Ray ofi'T?wu ,Ce?ool.. itf VJfcjMihh and children W4i Wty j'ijJionthB^r^It 'o*1- the' Vrin hom?:?p??r 1 to Orowjr?le >x?wuy ' wpra i pi jfciWnfc. feSS ?!Z tbp rs; Co?, Pakton irfotored.to /^Saturday, < * c. ? . ' ? ip,rt ttisa Mirth* -Brook* of AahtilW Wsitl^her sister Mrs; W. S. KSaEK&ftS M%U Hardin have re ? , ' '? ' "V W. Al.' Bryson who has been visi ng: her daughter Mrs. C.'F. Poole >?: som0 time left last Saturday it _ her home in South Carolina'. y& JBLvr. r ???' t?|' i '>%.! >. ??, V Dr. Virgil Osborne, of Stone fountain, Ga.( will arrive. Saturday f "*** ? ipend the Efister holidays. .Dr. arne Vill be the guest of hi-3 her, Mrs. Osborne, and sister .Bills. ? "litis? Norma Chapman- left Satur day of last week for- fcrsenville where she will take a , course at ' Draughoit's Business College. jjAyonts, to represont hoiiery mill*, yptdd proposition, ; average $40.00 pc^7 week to start, write Joseph ft. Kaufman, , District Supervisor Jen Hotel, Ashville, N. C. ' 2t a ?' r H , /? > ) bf6'd Bro**n Leg-horn hatching egffs. 15, *1.00. Our Cocks ,arc * ? from Ru 5 sells famous Leghorns. . Mr. and Mrs. .John Re'ed, Brevard, N. C. Route no. 2. t -V2tpd. ' DAHLIAS Be to $2.50 each. Col "'?HicMons of- surplus 75c per dozen t: without labels, or f l,05 tabled &?'" ' Win. J. C. MrwoII ? pd. .?'* ? ; ? : T. S. Wood has recently had his - - cows Tuberculin te?*ed r.nd delivers ' good milk night and morning in ;~tc*n or snfcnrb*. pd m -*? i* ' ?? rrr'f >? - ? ^ i A DELIGHTFUL ENTERTAIN ? (r ment vte-i V-Tr?1 HtyK,* ^ ? ?'/? ' On , Wedpesda^-April 9th. tin Brevard Wednesday club WW chlir mingly entertained at the home of Mr*. Silvers teen. The gr#cious hospitality at Sil Vermont is 4lw*ys delightful, and never more so > titan on -this occasion ; In the annals of the club, last Wednesday's meeting1' must be set down as a red letter dayj and this fofr two reasons, first, because on tiu^t day the club presented to ita members, und guests art unusually enjoyable program and second be cau8e that program ytka a really niftue achievement, so cleverly plan? ned and ' so succeesfully carried opt that we, who. were present,, are still chuckling from time to time, as * racy speech, -or bit of spicey -repar. tee comes back to mind. Not moving, pictures, but sound pictures (if that hem? W*de phrase may be used} entertained Buttle were presented . Preeented, nqt Jn' if. the Ordinary, everyday manner, but iu 4 new and original w?y' through the voice ?-/ Not ia'. member of the cast appear ed before tne Audience; not even the setting was visible. All the dialogue was behind a wall of scre ens. < So well was the ; whole scheme carried oOt, that the lady of com-. forUble middle Bge? and the spark ling, bewitching; girl, wer6 as plaln & ?een, in th? mind's eye, as was the .pompous knight (soon , to be) whose very waistcoat buttons, in ?J^^nenta^cture^xude^mug ttlav ? Like Oliver Twist, we long f H, Alexander. < of V Hog%ncV. Township has had in hir possession for twelve months tl)e following de scribed stray personal property: s Orie'.fe year old pale red Steer, marked in loft car with smootli crop, and under bit. right ear mar Iced "With smooth crop. Thc pbovc described steer will bo sold at public auction to thc highest bidder on Mav 10th; 192-1. anles3 thc owner will come nnd re deem the said personal property. This, the 10th day'of April. 1924 Roland Owen , Register of Deedi ICin PRESSING (!lub J.% WATERS, Prop. CLEANING PRESSING DYEING All wprk t\:r:' cl cut pr?ra;- J BREVARD ANP . MOSQUITOES There need not be any mosqui toei In ferevard. JThere were lust Hummer. . O^e evening In . August the writer*# household was drives indoow by -the little peste. An tni OS I h?ve seen the mosquito is here very email but bites nevertheless. .< Where does it come fromT , Thi bulletin of the Department of Agri culture I# responsible for the state ment that the common mosquito i? most! ingenious in its- modes of travel. wiU secret itaejf la clotty ing, in trunks, in anything that off ers * passage along twitfc its prey1. T&n conrpberate this for a fact, for some pighta after \ unpacked my trunk on my return from Florida last spring I he?rd the sing which had grows familiar during ? those last weeks of my sojourn in the land of flowers and I killed severe|. More than one or two of our citi zens spend the 'winter in Florida; h good .many of our summer .visitors come from that state j, hence tbfe mosquito. ( ? Once hejre it, will speedily estab UaH ind^xeproduce . itee^j in any Stagnant wat^r, the still pools of ?feMBW;;. pond#, ? barrels with wat^e> aiiy receptable that- will hold a for ?4,rops . iq utilised for the deposit 0? eggs which soon become larvae an-' thereafter speedily a grovyn up mos quito ready to lay eggs in its turn The life of the individual mos quito is short, but her power of productfion la enormous. Therefotto this nuisance must be combattod Its source. , j : .It is a. much easier task ?'tp get rid 6f the mosquito than the fly. If the town and the' private citizera co-operate, the. mosquito, is not dif ficult of extermination. ? I Nothing capable of holding. Wateir should be allowed to' be 'about the premises. Chifckens drinking parts and flower pot' saycefs should be emptied daily. ; Flower vases antl bedroom pitchers should be, emptied at leant fbnwj a week ^before being ,ned -should be -tested to a dose of kerosene every ten days so long of a single mosquito Wmains ^in the t?wn. ' Gutter?) aVid downspoutc should receive a liberal applicftt'on ;of . kerosene aftW*>'rain. \ ? If every householder will observe tho? simple . rules and r citizens report to our mayor', or one of the ald$rtpen,- the whereabouts of any pond which could be a breeding ,pl?'oe and see to it that a pmall quantity of kerosene is applied to it, -we CAS soon make good the state rs:;?*? are no mosquitoes .?? . H. M. NORWOOD J. R1 Hamlin > (continued from first page) ... ? ? ' ? In the 24 States and three t?11' tories (Ark.j ;Fla., and Mich.) there wet? in 1850 about 8,000 postoffices North Carolina in 64 couhties had 446 offices ^Buncombe had 17 Wake one of the oldest and the capitol county had 10; but that Wa.s in the ciay's wher Buncombe was called rtthe State of 'Bunconibc." Macon had one offce and Haywo.od 2; Hay^ ?wood .0. of broa Valley .acres noted for lagoons 'and' maple swamps. Somewhere in 1840, John 'Clay ton resigned ? and Claytonville office was removed to L. S. Gash's stor? (Blantyre) who became anfl so did Benj; Wilson 'and Jamc Himlir become P. M.. Some time after; a new office was establishes named Davidson River. Elisor Bat ton, P. M. .About. 1865 (I guess V t^jo State route from Ashvillc war extended to- Cherryfleld,'. Miss, Re becca Glazener, P. M. and but a few yeats before, the war the roate wr. ? extended to Hopback .Valley. ' i After, the coinpletibn of Jone? road, largely throng the influqn-c nf Capt. P. W Josnstone a weeVj' route from ArKvII'c .to Greenv'llr S. C. Dunn's Rock was established ofico with Pinckney Johnstone, Po?r Mnstert, wan on this ' line. Whc'r t'~ie War lj?twecn the States dirorpr nizod affairs, Johnstone rssiene: and Col. T-uther N'ail wa? tnno'n'f "T::-tor bv the Con'de-at -..vt.r... the co-ppprir' act tak'r.?r up ?o 35 yean of a" ?va* rn'f-r;! thn route f-em V vil's to TT^rback was disront'mf for lack o' -riders, leaving Dunr.V Ro<*k and Davidson River the only offices in the county. Man*y a fond mother 'n Jri<*id wir.teijor tor *rid rur.ur.er ir lontr distant h'kos fre quented these offices to hear fr.im her bov nt the front. The '?'irr>ex of mail distributim. J wa.? rrr '- ' ;v. col'nr r.? or ' h' ont'e :?rnrv wh> n all '-'.sil faorta floating in, but ' new* generally unfavorable and without known authority kept the Southern in ? state of i apprehension 'Ut^a dreadful ntatf of suspense. Fortu nately one of th# first' adJoiWMnts was the mails. J, M, Hamlitt ? \ ?$ Cows Tuberculin Te?t?d ' ? ? : ? t ? " ? ?' ? Medical authorities insist that 26 per cent of tuberculosis in children is: caused by drinking tubercular, in fected milk, We protct our customers .from this danger by having our herd tee ted yearly. We have just bad ,?u)r herd retesUd by a state vetornarjap who giv?s every animal in our herd a clean bill of health. We appreci ate the support^uf customers havje jiveri us in, the past and will cori 'inuo to' give good services in - the future. '4 C. K. Osborne and Sons, Phone 173 '.V'L ? ? - . - ? ?; * r , ?> ! " ' .. ^ ? j* ?? . .} *i FOR SALE: Ten room two story 'iouic on- Whitmiro etr^e', .ftldwtisv between Depot and Bi rvavd ;'n?tl lite. Electric- lights, *?>. two bathfe; one on each floo\ *1 . qoa crn conveniences. Abouc u:e acre lot, good Tardsr frn't trees, we)l drained, >?"???> l^m. Koiima are p" o ; 3?ohit*ef ' irapnablfe; price' iwf JS M-r. B. 5. 'i.xfti, "ti'Tj -an d6rn convenances T. H. GALLOWAY FOR REKT,-A Rood Burden, good ground.' See - Mrs, C. A. Shuford. r : ; ? ? FOR SALE < Hatching Eggs from S. .Comb w.hitet. Leghorns-, the fr.mouB Wyc koff S^tra'n, $1.50 per rotting of 15 Special T>nee-: for $1.00, Arthur Hefner, Box 58, Brovard, N. C. _ ? : r'i BIG VALVE FOR SALE Genuine New McCIella^ Army S?d dles, light Steel Stirrups. Most comfortable saddle -known. Sen.-? check or, money order for 54.50 and will send, you one of theso ' fine paddles by, Parcel Post all charges paid. West Point Wholesale Grocery Co., West' Pointy Ga., MORE FREE ANOVALUABLE AD VERTISING FOR BREVARD AND TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY A The American Journal of Cl'.nicai Medicine, one of the leading medic.V journals and ih many respects th? leading journal in the, United Statc-r taken and read by tetjs of thousand; of the best doctors, carries in its \pril number a beaut'ful picture of our X'onnanent to our soldiers of Transylvania County with the fol lowing description.: "The Monument, ert'-t^d ' by t^i? | r'tizer.s of Transylvania County, N. C; in memory of their soldiers of | the world war and to mark the East- j cm entrance of the (treat Pisgah i Forest and Game preserve. The ? monument is four miles from the beautiful town of Brevard JJ. C. and twenty miles from Mount Pisgah. Thi? picture was sent in by Di'. r>i3. W. Hr it, of Hrevard, North J Carolina. Daughter Si AJ ? ? "P?Nnn?l;?ir J? J. t 1 A ."Personality , depends largely on ybur person. A# unattractive face is a handicap, oftentirties top great to overcome, Vet it is a handicap. - that one can olten prevent:" i % Half of a woman V beauty lies in the proper care of the face, hands and hair. Care Preserves Beauty i Care not only preserves beauty but al' often creates it. For the prope.ir^S care, good creams, lotions, mani cure preparations, etc,, are essen tial. Naturally the iriost efficient,' Bgfc. help you can get will be froirvthcl well-known, I ? , ? ..... > ? , ivj - !i ? . , i?,; , . ? f v'*?' r riif^ropri?tor\ FOR TOILET & BATH TRANSYLVANIA PRODUCE STORE PHONE 86 . BREVARD, N. C.