ik. Ak fe ? Raleigh N. C. April, 21 -Not hlnce the memorable convention which nominated W. W. Kitchin for goV ?n?r over Locke Craig in Chariot to sixteen years ago has the atten dance approached the big crowd of who assembled here on y to write a platform, name e to the Democratic Nation invention' ah Wed., Thurs,, Hid Fri. Find the one nearest , you and attend. 'Yours for Christ, E. R. Welch, Pastor. ANOTHER LADY PROMOTED At a special meeting of the Di- , rectors of the Brevard Building and Loan Association held on Tuesday, , Apr.l, 22nd., Mrs. Hattie Perkins was unanimously elected by the Di rectors as Secretary and Treasurer of the Building and Loan Associa- , tion to succeed Glenn E. Lathrop, Deed., and the Association is to be congratulated in securing the ser vices of Mrs. Perkins. Mrs. .Perkins has been doing the work for the Building and Loan Association for several years under the supervision of Mr. Lathrop, and is thoroughly familiar with every detail in connection with same. A financial Committee was elected from the Board of DiWfctors to pass an all loans so as to assist Mrs. Per kins with the loans. The Brevard Building and Loan Association has assets of more than $120,000.00 and has a little more than doubled its assets in the last three years. Half of the homes built in Brevard in the past ten years have been built in this asso ciation and it has been very fortu nate in not having to make any foreclosures. AN ATTRACTIVE PLACE Pete's Lunch Room is one of our new business enterprises, located on Broad Street in the Aethlwold buil ding. It is a most attractive place, shi ning with cleanliness. The shoe shine stand has been e limirrated to make more room for ladies. ANOTHER VALUED CITIZEN FOR BREVARD i Paul Hartley, Electrical Contrac tor, of Southern Pin'es has located here. Mr. Hartley's office will be in the , building with the Transylvania Pro- ' c!uc~ Co. Besides doing expert wiring, he . will carry n full 1'ne of electrical , fixtures. We wclconr> Mr. Hartley to our midrt and wish h m success, I ? ijm iy.v? ?:m^w .. R. Welch M ? Rev. E. R. Welch, the Methodist pastor who will lead in the revival at his church beginning Mpril 27, to which all are invited. :*>/ A SPLENDID CITIZEN GONE V * ' / : - Brevard has suffered an irrepara ble loss in the paasing\of G. E.La throp. :: Mr. Lattkrop was boirh' In South Royalton, Vermont ihy 1863l/r,^ie made his home in several other sta tes before coming here in July 191E During our participation in the World War he was secretary of the local Exemption Board and treasur er of ? the Red Cross funds. The latter position he still held at the time of his death, and in this position and others he has been [ a tower of strength in charity work 1 in the community. Being an expert in banking and ? accounting, Mr. Lathrop as town ( clerk and treasurer has put the to wn affairs on a splendid business bas's. Since he has been Secretary treasurer of the Building and Loan Association, its business has more than doubled, due to the confidence of the people in. his ability and in tegrity. I He wagpalso Secretary treasurer of the Citizens Telephone Company and the Road Commissioners. | Mr. Lathrop was prominently i dentified with St. Philip's Episcopal Church, being Lay Reader, Junior Warden, assistant treasurer, and at times a member of the choir. Funeral services were conducted , Saturday afternoon at 2:30 at St.! Philips by Rev. J. C. Seagle assisted j by Rev. C. D. Chapman. The honary pall bearers were re presentatives from the various or ganizations with which Mr. Lathrop was connected. The active pall bearers wore: F. D. Clement^ P. N. Simons, O. L. Erwin, J. A Miller J. S. Silversteen, H. N. Carrier, Dr. E. S English, j. S. Bromfield.. The interment was at South Roy- , alton Vermont. The body was ac- ' companied on its long journey by F. D. clement and J. S. Silversteen acting as a guard of hornr from the town. The sympathy of the community goes out to the widow who is his only survivor. The memory of this splendid man will remain with us. The communi ty is better and stronger J>ecause he lived among us. SCHOOL TAX ELECTION CARRIED No finer exajnple of the strong determination to have good schools in Transylvania County could be found than the result of the elec tion held at Rosman on Tuesday to vote on a- special school tax Not a vote was cast against the levy. Our people realize taxc? are cos tly but ignorance is more co?Uy. We believe in educi-ti-n. DAUGHTERS OF AMERICAN REVOLUTION Waightstill Avery Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolu t'oj^.met with Mrs. C. n. Kienppel ber? atid Miss Florence Kern at the home of the latter on Gaston St. Several donations to educational institutions in the South were re ported. ' . Mrs. Silversteen made an inter esting report of the state conferen ce in Greensboro to '"which she was the delegate. I Mrs. T. E. Patton read an article , on tho lifp of Daniel Boone which wa3 very instructive and much en- 1 joyed by all present. | The medals which will be award- 1 ed pupils of the seventh grade for the best work in history were exam ined and admired. The regent's bar has also been received Copies of the Flag Code which will be distributed later to the schools were examined. A box of wools, crochet cotton, knitting and crochet needles will be sent to Ellis Island. , The next -meeting will be held at Davidson River Cemetery on mem orial Day to decorate the grave of a Revolutionary soldier, Lambert Clayton,. MRS. PATTON ENTERTAINS The Fortnightly club met with Mrs. H. H. Patton at her home on Main Street Monday afternoon. Miss Alma Trowbridge, Mrs M. M. King and Mrs. J. E. Waters had charge of the program. - Miss Trowbridge discussed the period immediately following the Civil War. She did this in a very intelligent way which is character istic of Miss Trowbridge. Mrs. King discussed very interesting ly tKe Invisible Empire and Mrs. Waters subject discussed the life of W. A. Graham, a statesman of the Old Regime, After the program the hostess nerved a delicious salad course, j The club will meet with Mrs. 7achary May 5th. The club mem bers met at Mrs. Pattons Tuesday afternoon and went from there to the Hospital to attend the linen shower. | Each member of the club gave a very beautiful and useful piece of linen. BETTERMENT MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Betterment will be held at the high school Monday, April 28, at 3:30. Twelve new members were add ed to the last meeting. Every woman in town should be a member of this organization. If you have no children join to holp somebody ?lie'# child -"1 the community. I GLAZENER KILLED IN ACCIDENT On the Rosman road, between the railroad crossing below Reuben Ballard's and the old mill, on Sun day evening occurred a deplorable automobile accident. A car in which Johnnie Glarener Raymond English, and Carlos Hays were riding drew to the side of the road to speak to Mr. Glazencr*s mother and sister who were walk ing along the road. The recent, heavy rains had, soft ened the earth so that the edge , of the bank gave way, the car slipped a ad turned over. ( English jumped out and escaped with bruises. The car caught Glaz ener and Ilays^ Glazener was dead when dragged from the car. The 1 car had to be broken to take Hays out, but he was only slightly in jured, being tble to go to work next day. Carlos Hays was driving the oar. The verdict of the coroner's jury was, "Death of Johnnie Glazener was caused by an unavoidable auto mobile accident." r MRS O. H. ORR HOSTESS Mrs. Oliver H. Orr was the char-' raing hostess of the Mathatasian club at its last meeting. The topic for discussion was Child Welfare. Mr?. H. L. Wilaofl, the leader, rend u paper on The Cofa j munlty's Responsibility. She sug ;je3'.ed a number cf committes which the club felt are needed in the com mur.ity. This wo;-'.: might bo under taken by the Betterment. Miss. Florence Kern Speaking on , the subject of Public Play Grounds stressed the importance of supei; I v'sion of play grounds. j Mrs. Julia Trowbridge had a , most instructive and interesting pa 1 per >pa .fiflhool Lunches; |. Children who are doll are often undernourished and when given warm, nourishing food at sclioo'j improve mentally as well as physi cally. 1 There wei-e a number of guests Who enjoyed Mrs. Orr's hospitality as well as the club members. C. Ji . Hosford v 1 Miss Carolyn Jh. Has fore j of Springfield, Mo s wh r will direct the muizc ar . otherwise assist irt the coming revival au the Methodist church " % A PRETTY HOME WEDDING j. j On Sunday, April 20, Miss Hes ' tcr H'milton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ManBOn Hamilton, was quietly married at the home of parents near Penrose to Mr. Harold Hart. Only members of the two families were present. The bride was becomingly gown ed in a traveling suit of blue with gray hat ard accessories, t A wedding dinner was served at the home of the groom's mother, Mrs. Ladd Hart. The happy pair are at home to ' their friends in the charming bunga low near Pisgah Forest which the t groom had built and furnished in readiness for his bride. We wish for them many years of wedded life. t named Georgt? Gibb?. The Coroners jury rendered a verdict of "Death from unavoidable ? r.ocnt,'' I .r GRAND JURY MAKES REPORT To Hon. T, B. Finley, Judge Pre siding: We, the Grand Jury acting at the present term of the Superior Court of Tranaly vaniu County make the following report. We wish to express our thanks to HU Honor, Judge T. B. Finley for his commendable charge to the Grand Jury and for his able con duct of the court. Further we wish to thank the solicitor, the clerk and< the sheriff for their assistance to us By committees we examined the court House, Jail, County Home, and Chaingang. As a whole, the chaingang is in good condition. The different de partments seemed to be in sanitary condition. The prisoners were apparently well fed, comfortably clothed, and provided with adequate quarters. The teams and all the equipment, were all found to be in good condi tion. The County Road Coinirtieeion ? ers are to be commended for the splendid results now being accomp lished by the chaingang. The County Home was found to be in excellent condition.. The Home is beautifully }oc?ted. 1* eeems to have all necessary equip ment for the comfort of the inmat es. The County Commissioners have recently installed a good w&teir system. The farm is partly opera ted. by the inmates and a good crop was grown last year. We foynd thtf jail, in first class order and the prisoners well cared for. ? We would recommend thaV the iron cages inside the jail be re painted in order to prevent rusting, and we would also recommend that the main chimney to the jail be built higher, so as to prevent thp smoke from coming into the Court house*. ? ?: We examined the various offices of the court house and find them in c:"rt't'on. We have acted upon all the bilk Bent ; before us by the Solicitor and attended to all other business assi gned to us. Respectfully submitted, _ , ' . " - G. O. Alexander, Foreman of Grand Jury.. BREVARD BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS In- the absence of the Pastor, who is to preach the Commencement sec mon at Fruitland Institute, Rev Jessie R. Owenj of Mars Hill, will preach at the Brevard Baptist Chur ch on Sunday Morning April 27th. The Baraca Claas is now holding its sessions irfv the Court house. There were present about 65 young men last Sunday. Coihe next Sun day if you are not attending Sunday School some where else. , AN ERROR IN, NAMES The name of the alternate dele gate to the National Republican Convention, who was named at the Bryson City Convention, should ha\> been T. H. Hampton and not A. H. as we announced last week. ' CARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED The Easter season has been as usual a season of marriages. The following marr'age l'ceses were is sued last week by Regiter of Deeds. Roland Owen : Joseph Tillman Owen, Toxaway and Connie Elizabeth Galloway, Wolf Mountain, Harold Hart, Pisgah Forest and Hester Himilton, Penrose. ,E. B. Blythe, Penrose, and Alma . Gibson, Penrose. 4 MEETING OF THE TRAILERS" ? . . The Trailers met on Friday, Apr. 18 and organized a baseball team. Edmond Orr is captain and Hayes Shipman manager. A coach has not been selected. The members are : J. A. Miller, Hayes Shipman, Aehe Macfie, Tom Patton, Wood Paxton, James Lyon,. Edmond .Orr, Frances Pummer, El mo Duckworth, Duncan McDongal, Tom Wood. Dwight Mofflt. Motto "We Help." SERIOUS ACCIDENT ON MAIN STREET Last Saturday afternoon on Main Street, near the corner of Caldwell occurred the first fatal automobile accident Brevard has experienced. * enr driven by F. E. Frady stm- $?' ck and killed an old colored